Course Outcomes List

Course Outcomes List
Biology 201: Princ of Biol 2 (Div and Ecol)
Provided with a sample organism, the student will be able to classify and characterize the
specimen based upon observable characteristics.
Students develop the ability to evaluate scientific information critically, using analytical
reasoning and quantitative skills. (Biology AS Degree SLO)
Students strengthen their skills in reading, writing, oral communication, and critical thinking.
(Biology AS Degree SLO)
Students demonstrate knowledge in three major sub-disciplines of biology: cellular and
molecular biology, organismal biology, and ecology and evolution. (Biology AS Degree SLO)
Students will understand and use scientific methodology. (Biology AS Degree SLO)
Apply the processes of scientific inquiry including experimental design.
Carry out an experiment to test a specific hypothesis using appropriate controls.
Evaluate the ecological relationships of organisms at the population, community, and ecosystem
Compare and contrast differences in animal development and life cycles.
Compare and contrast differences in plant development and life cycles.
For major taxa of protists, fungi, plants and animals, identify major groups and arrange them
within currently recognized taxa.
For major taxa of protists, fungi, plants and animals, describe structural
For major taxa of protists, fungi, plants and animals, identify and describe structures and relate
them to their functions.
For major taxa of protists, fungi, plants and animals, classify individual representative
specimens to phylum.
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