Math Replacement Update December 4, 2015

Math Replacement
December 4, 2015
Topics Covered
Students gather data and create
tally and bar charts. From the
charts, they calculate the minimum,
maximum, range, and mode for the
data. Use landmark data to describe
the data.
Students practice and use various
methods for subtraction of Whole
Numbers and Decimals.
Review Place Value of Whole
Numbers concepts using paper and
pencil or the calculator.
Topics Covered
Students describe the probability of
various chance events and record
these probabilities on the Probability
Meter Poster.
Students use rounding to estimate
the place value of products and
mark their estimates on a
magnitude bar.
Students review the partial-products
method for whole numbers. They
use magnitude estimates to solve
multiplication problems involving
whole numbers and decimals.
Students find products of decimals
and locate the decimal point in an
answer by estimating the product.
Students practice the lattice method
of multiplication, which has been
modified to find products of
decimals. They also discuss a
traditional method for locating the
decimal point in a product.
Students estimate quotients and
use the estimates to insert the
decimal point into quotients. They
rewrite whole-number division
problems to obtain quotients to a
specified number of decimal places.
Coming Up
Coming Up
Coming Up
- - - - Week of December 7 - - - -
- - - - Week of December 7 - - - -
- - - - Week of December 7 - - - -
Review Number Sense and
Organizing Data Unit
Begin Multiplication and Division;
Number Sentences and Algebra Unit
- - - - Week of December 14 - - - 
Students review the use of situation
diagrams; they write and solve open
number sentences that model
addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division number stories.
Topics Covered
Learn various strategies to practice
multiplication facts
Estimation and Computation Final
Unit Test
Begin Geometry Unit
- - - - Week of December 14 - - - -
- - - - Week of December 14 - - - 
Learn various strategies to practice
multiplication facts
CogAT Testing
Final Unit Test on Operations with
Whole Numbers and Decimals Unit
Learn various strategies to practice
multiplication facts
! Remind students to practice their multiplication facts !
NO SCHOLASTIC DYNAMATH / MATH MAGAZINE in December due to Winter Break