RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Tour of Administration of Justice Facility, 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 6:30 p.m. Rio Hondo College, Board Room, Administration Building 3600 Workman Mill Road Whittier, California I. Members Present: Ms. Michelle Yanez (Presiding), Mr. Leo Camalich, Mr. André Quintero, Ms. Maria Elena Martinez, Mr. Gary Mendez Members Absent: None. Secretary to the Board: Rose Marie Joyce, Ph.D. Staff Members: Ms. Teresa Dreyfuss, Mr. Ron Cataraha, Mr. Jim Rogers, Ms. Beverly Reilly (President, Academic Senate), Ms. Mary Ann Pacheco (President, RHCFA) Ms. Sandra Rivera, (President, CSEA), Mr. Fernando Centeno (President, ASB) Ms. Reneé Gallegos (Recorder) CALL TO ORDER A. Tour of Administration of Justice Facility B. Call to Order (6:30 p.m.) Ms. Yanez called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. C. Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Leo Solis led the pledge of allegiance. D. Roll Call All members were present. E. Open Communication for Public Comment Ms. Hannah Lessin spoke regarding this year’s Commencement. F. Approval of Minutes: May 14, 2003 May 19, 2003 99. It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted the Minutes of May 14, 2003 as presented. 100. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted the Minutes of May 19, 2003 as presented. G. Commendations • • H. Wild Land Fire Crew Classified Retirees • Carol Anthony • Yvonne Calderon • James Dufficy • Donna Fresquez • Mary Gomez • Maria Moreno Presentations • ESL (Gail Chabran/Robert Holcomb) Ms. Yanez recessed the meeting at 7:20 p.m. BREAK – 15 minutes – Reception for Retirees Ms. Yanez reconvened the meeting at 7:36 p.m. III. ACTION ITEMS A. COLLEGE SERVICES 3. Authorization to join the Protected Insurance Program for School Joint Powers Authority This item was moved out of order. A presentation was given by Johnathan Lord from Keenan & Associates. 101. II. 102. It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously that the Board of Trustees adopt the Resolution authorizing the District’s Membership in the Protected Insurance Program for School Joint Powers Authority. CONSENT ITEMS It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously that the Board of Trustees approved the following Consent Agenda: A. ACADEMIC SERVICES 1. Curriculum Items a. New Courses that are Part of an Existing Program The following courses have been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: MUSIC 155: Music for Dance Degree applicable; Transfers to CSU; (3 Units) ENGL 105: Tutoring Skills in English as a Second Language Degree applicable; Transfers to CSU; (0.5 Units) b. New Certificate Program (Under 18 Units) The following certificate program has been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: Bosch Automotive Electrical Fuel and Safety System (17 Units) c. New Certificate Program (Over 18 Units) The following certificate program has been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: Fitness Specialist Certificate Program (22 Units) B. PERSONNEL 1. Academic a. Employment Temporary Full-time Categorically Funded (E.C. 87470) AREVALO, Gloria, Tech Prep Coordinator Hourly as Needed, Spring 2003 ROMO, Gustavo, Technology Hourly, Summer 2003 LA POINTE, Joyce, Public Safety MERRITT, Derek, Public Safety Summer Assignments 1st Session 2003 ACUNA-Hansen, Chris, Arts & Cult. ALVARADO, Guadalupe, Counseling ARREVILLAGA, Claudia, Comm. BABOU, Robin, Library BACA, Jose, Business BETHEL, Robert, Biology BIESEMEYER, Gail, Health Science BIGOS, Alan, Mathematics BOTELLO, Robert, Mathematics BOWEN, James C., Comm. BRONKHAR, Ryan, Mathematics CALLINAN, Thomas, Comm. CUMMINGS, Frances, Biology DARYOUSH, Firouzeh, Math. DE LA MORA, Martha, Counseling DE LOS SANTOS, Blanca, Comm. DUARTE, Jeanette, Comm. ENGLISH, Cameron, Math. ESQUIVEL, Raymundo, Comm. FERNANDEZ, Jennifer, Counseling FLORES-OLSON, Troy, Counseling FORREST, Michael, Phys. Science FRALA, John, Technology FRANCIS, John, Comm. FREIJE, Theresa, Comm. FUNG, Hank. Math. GALLEGO, Patricia, Soc. Science GONZALEZ, Hector, Soc. Science HARVEY, Dale, Arts & Cultural HASKINS, Joanne, Health Science Hebert, Steven, Physical Educ. HEMENWAY, Elaine, Math. HIGHFILL, Dewayne, Phys. Science HINZE, Michael, Physical Science HUANG, Irene, Physical Science HUANGA, Julie, Business HUFFMAN, Harold T., Comm. ISAAC, Lily, Comm. JUAREZ, Melissa, Social Science KAMDIBE, Muata, Comm. KATNIK, Stephen, Biology KEPNER, Patricia, Social Science KOELLE, Stephen, Comm. KOOS, Karen, Biology KORF, William, Fine Arts KOUTROULIS, Mathew, Phys. Sci. LA TURNO, Jan, Math. LAZARO, Ned, Soc. Science LITTRELL, Mark, Mathematics LIVINGSTON, Jannine, Arts & Cult. LLERENA, Lydia, Comm. LOUGHRIN, Jay, Comm. LUJAN, George, Soc. Science LUNA, Pete, soc. Science LYNCH, Sheila, Arts & Cult. MARSHALL, John, Comm. MARTINEZ, Bernard, Counseling MARTINEZ, Mercedes, Business MATTHIS, James Comm. MOE, Sondra, Soc. Science MOSHIER, Steven, Arts & Cult.. NELSON, Bruce, Physical Edu. NEWCOMER, Owen, Soc. Science PADGETT, Vernon, Soc. Science PARRA, John, Counseling PIERSON, Kenneth, Comm. PILATI, Michelle, Soc. Science PRIEST, Vann, Physical Sci. PUDELKO, Kathy, Physical Edu. PUGA, Gilbert, Comm. RATZKE, Martha, Business REILLY, Beverly, Comm. RIVERA, Mary, Counseling ROBERTS, Warren, Technology RUSSELL, Carolyn, Comm. SALAZAR, Michael, Physical Edu. SANCHEZ, Leroy, Counseling SAUCEDA, Henry, Counseling SHIELD, Patrick, Business SIGALA, Carol, Soc. Science SLAVICH, Michael, Technology SLONIGER, Wells, Comm. SPIELER-PERSAD, Gisela, Math. SPRINGER, Jo Ann, Comm. STEIN, Richard, Technology SUNYOGH, Joseph, Technology SUTOW, Christine, Soc. Science TEUFEL, Joan, Business TORRES-GIL, Belen, Counseling VAZQUEZ, Dana, Comm. VELAZQUEZ, Ralph, Comm. WANG, George, Math. WETSMAN, Adam, Soc. Science WHELAN, Kip, Arts & Cult. WHITFORD, Jon, Business WILLIAMS, Jeannette, Physical Ed. WILLIAMS, Lemuel, Business WILLIAMS, Ray, Biology Summer Assignments, 2003 (part-time) ACOSTA-MATA, Aileen, Comm. ASKREN, Mark, Comm. BARBONE, Robert, Physical Ed. BAUMHECKEL, Kenneth, Comm. BEAUCHEMIN, Robert, Technology KOEHLERA, Claire, Comm. KRAUS, William, Social Sci. LEI, Wei-Lin, Comm. LESCSAK, Genevieve, Physical Ed. LEVITT, Susanna, Comm. BENSON, Boyd, Mathematics BETTNER, Timothy, Social Sci. BLADH, Mickey, Health Science BLANCO, Erika, Physical Ed. BLISS, Jean, Arts & Cult. BOOTH, Barbara, Social Sci. BRENES, Orlando, Physical Ed. BRETZ, Kimberly, Physical Ed. BUSCAGLIA, Renatta, Comm. BUTLER, Diane, Comm. CAMPBELL, Faye, Social Sci. CARRILLO, Alberto, Social Sci. CHIU, Edwin, Mathematics CHRYSTAL, Perry, Social Sci. DYE, Danna, Physical Ed. ELBAZ, Osama, Social Sci. ELIBIALI, Abdelmagead, Soc. Sci. ESTERMANN, Barbara, Comm. FARRIS, Michael, Social Sci. FERNANDEZ, Rafael, Comm. FITCH, Jill, Comm. FLATEN, Eric, Math. FORSYTHE, Nancy, Business FREEBORN, Paul, Comm. GAGEN, Laurel, Physical Ed. GALLEGOS, Joshua, Comm. GILL, Jack, Math. GITNES, Kristie, Comm. GOUDE, Nicole, Arts & Cult. GUEVARA, Monica, Social Sci. GUILLOW, Lawrence, Social Sci. HAMILTON, Kieko Hoshi, Comm. HATTAR, Helen, Math. HEMENWAY, Steven, Physical Ed. HENNIGAN, John, Physical Ed. HILL, Dennis, Mathematics HIRAI, Frances, Mathematics HOEFNER, Elizabeth, Physical Ed. HSU, Theodore, Mathematics ISAAC, Samuel, Comm. JONES, Ronald, Social Sci. KAUFMAN, Nina, Physical Ed. LIM, Todd, Physical Ed. MARTINEZ, Jose, Math. MC RAVEN, Lisa, Comm. MECINA, Cevilia, Social Sci. MENZING, Todd, Social Sci. MEYSENBURG, Maurice, Social Sci. MICK, Jearold, Comm. NESTEGARD, Elizabeth, Social Sci. NORTON, David, Comm. PAPPAS, Gus, Comm. PASCUAL, Ralph, Social Sci. PHELPS, Lori, Social Sci. POMERANTSEV, Ludmila, Math. PRECIADO, Susana, Counseling REGALADO, Anna, Comm. RODDICK, Daniel, Social Sci. RODRIGUEZ, Domingo, Social Sci. RODRIGUEZ, Victoria, Health Sci. ROLDAN, Pablo, Comm. ROMANO, Mark, Social Sci. ROSS, Cheryle, Social Sci. SCHROEDER, Nathan, Math. SCHULTE, Francis, Social Sci. SIARA, Robin, Physical Ed. SMITH, Judi, Social Sci. SMITH, Larry, Comm. SOBALVARRO, Dolores, Counseling SPINDOLA, Pamela, Comm. STANKEVITZ, Diane, Physical Ed. SUENG, Su-Chen, Social Sci. SWIFT, Jack, Comm. TALLY, Susan, Comm. TEEPLE, Cynthia, Social Sci. THRASHER, Thomas, Comm. TOWHIDLOW, Mark, Math. UNGER, Karen, Physical Ed. VAN DOMMENLEN, Louise, Physical Ed VILLALOBOS, Jason, Social Sci. WICKMAN, Monica, Comm. WILSON, Bynell, Comm. WILSON, Jason, Math. WRIGHT, Curtis, Arts & Cult. Hourly as Needed, Summer 2003 AHN, Inhae, Cal Works ALDRICH, Christine, Counseling AREVALO, Gloria, Tech Prep. BALL, Edna, Library BOURGAIZE, Karen, Library BOYD, Pam, Health Science BREWSTER, Steven, Library CARREON, Martha, Voc. Ed. CHAN, Yee Wah, Library CHANDLER, James, Comm. CLARK, Mary, EOP&S COE, Jan, Library O’BRIEN, Katherine, EOP&S OLDHAM, Carolyn, Library PETTICOFFER, Dennis, Library PORTER, Rod, Physical Ed. REYES, Dianna, EOP&S RIVERA, Nilsa, Counseling RODRIGUEZ, Jose, EOP&S SANCHEZ, Leticia, Counseling SEVILLA-MARZONA, Judy, Library SMITH, Anza, Student Health Ser. THOMAS, Julius, Counseling TOMORY, Steve., Technology FLORES-OLSON, Raquel, Voc. Ed. FLORES-SALCIDO, Dahlia, UB/SSS GARCIA, Yvette, EOP&S GROPPELL, Mary, Student Health HOVSEPIAN, Viken, Evening Coll, MAFFRIS, Nancy, Counseling MC FARLIN, Charles, Counseling VINCENT, Dominique, Comm./Lang. WALBY, Alan, Comm. WALTERS, George, Technology WARD, Sherry, Teacher Prep. WU, Viraseni, Student Health Ser. XU, Ying. Library YASHAR, Debby, library Special Assignment LAZARO, Ned, President’s Office 2. Classified a. Employment Regular Classified CABRERA, Gary, Senior Custodian, effective June 2, 2003 The following individual is hired in the designated capacity with dedicated funding through June 30, 2004. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 30-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. TRAN, Kyle, Internet Web Designer, effective May 12, 2003 Continued Employment, Regular Classified The following individuals will continue in the designated capacity with dedicated funding through June 30, 2004. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 30-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. ABAJIAN, Lauren, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center ACOSTA, Fabiola, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center AGUS, Ruben, Instructional Asst./CAD/Cam, Technology ALLEN, Mina, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center ALVAREZ, Melissa, Research Data Technician, Vocational Ed. CARPIO, Elda, Clerk Typist I, Upward Bound/Student Support Services CONRAD, Sherry, Clerk Typist II, Cal Works CRUZ, Sonia, Food Service Worker, Children’s Center ERICKSEN, Phyllis, Senior Secretary, Vocational Ed, FLORES, Dana, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Center FRANCIS, Monica, Clerk Typist III, Technology GARCIA, Elvia, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center GONZALEZ, Ana, Clerk Typist III, Counseling Services GORDON, Randall, Clerk Typist III, Teacher Preparation GRANILLO, Dalma, Financial Aid Asst., Financial Aid GUTIERREZ, Serina, Financial Aid Asst., Financial Aid HASKINS, Mary, Grant Coordinator, Vocational Ed. HUYEN, Dung, Account Clerk II, Accounting KIM-SHEPARD, Ae Young, Clerk typist III, Vocational Ed. KRIVAN, Isabel, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Center LAM, Xuan, Account Clerk II, Accounting LANE, Denise, Senior Food Service Worker, Children’s Center LARRAZABAL, Lidia, Clerk typist III, Upward Bound LEE, Jennifer, Clerk Typist II, Corporate & Community Development LOMAS, Rebecca, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center MARINO, Rose, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center MARQUEZ, Adrianna, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center MARTINEZ, Mike, Web Master, Virtual College ORTIZ, Fabiola, Clerk Typist II, Foster Care/Teacher Prep PEREZ, Monica, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center PEREZ, Teresa, Instructional Assistant, Public Safety QUIROZ, Beatriz, Financial Aid Assistant, Financial Aid RASSMY, Mohamed, Accountant, Accounting REYES, Gloria, Account Clerk II, Accounting/Vocational Ed. RICO, Vivian, Food Service Worker, Child Development Center RIVAS, Rosemary, Account Clerk II, Accounting RUIZ, Cathy, Program Assistant, Corporate & Comm. Development SANCHEZ, Elvira, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center SANDOVAL, Johnny, Clerk Typist III, Technology SARTIN, Wanda, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center SCIANNI, Lupe, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Center SCURTO, Ruth, Clerk Typist III, Student Learning & Support SHMAVONYAN, Anahit, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center SHECKELLS, Arline, Clerk Typist III, Children’s Center SMITH, Dawn, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Center SOSA-AGUILAR, Maria, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Ctr. TAMAYO, Aracely, Clerk Typist II, Flex Office TAPIA, Sonia, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center TORRES, Irene, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center TRAN, Kyle, Internet Web Designer, Virtual College VILLALOBOS, Fabiola, Child Development Center Teacher, Children’s Ctr. VILLALOBOS, Olga, Children’s Center Aide, Children’s Center Short Term, 2003 AGUIRRE, Sophia, DSP&S, Sr. Instruct. Asst.-Translator for the Deaf, ending date June 30, 2003 CONTRERAS, Damien, EOP&S, Paraprofessional Tutor, ending date June 30, 2003 FLACK, Charles, Public Safety, FA Training & Operation Specialist, ending date June 30, 2003 HERNANDEZ, Michelle, DSP&S, Sr. Instruct. Asst.-Translator for the Deaf, ending date June 30, 2003 La POINTE, Joyce, Public Safety, PA Training & Operation Specialist, ending date June 30, 2003 MOLINA, Hector, EOP&S, Paraprofessional Tutor, ending date June 30, 2003 MONCADA, Rudy, DSP&S, Sr. Instruct. Asst.-Translator for the Deaf, ending date June 30, 2003 SAKATA, Diana, DSP&S, Sr. Instruct. Asst.-Translator for the Deaf, ending date June 30, 2003 VELEZ, Leticia, DSP&S, Sr. Instruct. Asst.-Translator for the Deaf, ending date June 30, 2003 Short Term, 2003-2004- (ending date 6/30/2004) ADAMS, Timothy, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. AGUIRRE, Sophia, Sr. Instruc. Asst./Deaf ANDERSON, Scott, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ARMELLINI, Daniel, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BALCH, David, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BECKER, Charles, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BELK, Gregory, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BENSCHOP, Tracy, PA Trn. & Op. AGUIRRE, Ernest, PA Trn. & Op Spec. AMADOR, Daniel, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ANDRADE, Edward, PA Trn. & Op. Spec ARNOLD, Scott, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BARBA, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BECKER, Lena, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BENNETT, Carol, PA trn. & Op. Spec. BERGMANN, tim, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BISCAILUZ, James, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BOGIN, Jeffrey, PA. Trn. & Op. Spec. BOWIE, Steve, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BOYD, Daryl, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BRUNER, Timothy, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CAPWELL, Gerald, Student Devp. Asst. CARNEY, Mitchell, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CARTER, Curtis, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CASE, Bradley, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CAYLOR, Toni, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CERMAK, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CHUTE, Steven, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. COFFELT, Kevin, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CONDIT, William, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CORONA, Andrew, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CROOK, Michael, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DEANGELIS, Danny, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DENNIS, Paul, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DOAN, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DOYLE, Andrew, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DURANT, Marc, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. EGAN, Carrie, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ESCONTRIAS, Sean, PA Trn. & Op Spec. FAIRCHILD, Jason, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. FLACK, Charles, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GALAPIN, Norman, Sr. Instruc.Asst./Deaf GALVAN, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GATT, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GLENN, Ana, Sr. Instruc. Asst./Deaf GONZALEZ, Monica, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GUERRA, Paul, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HARTSHORN, Dean, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HERNANDEZ, Michelle, Sr. Inst. Asst/Deaf HOLMES, Troye, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HUFFMAN, Edward, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BOCANEGRA, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. BOWE, Tracy, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BOWIE, Tanya, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BRADEN, Keith, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. BUCKHANNON, Michael, Trn. Spec. CARRILLO, Patrick, PA Trn. & Op. Sp. CASAS, Mario, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CASTANEDA, David, PA Trn. Spec. CERECEREZ, Ezequiel, PA Trn. Spc. CHOE, Nak, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CLARK, Dennis, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. COLEY, Gregory, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. COOK, Richard, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. CORTINA, Elaine, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DAVIS, Mark, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DEMEYER, Dan, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DIDIER, Ernest, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. DOUGHTY, Cathleen, Sr.Instruc./ Deaf DUPLESSE, Richard, PA Trn. Spec. DYE, Jeffrey, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ELVERUM, Erick, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ESPLEY, David, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. FERRIN, Kenton, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. FOWLKES, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GALLARDO, Mario, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GARDEA, Christopher, PA Trn. Spec. GIBSON, Brett, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. GONZALES, Guillermo, PA Trn. Spec. GRZYWA, Andrew, PA Trn. & Op Spec. HALE, Dean, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HEATON, Curtiss, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HERRERA, Cesar, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HOLODY, Patricia, Sr. Instruc. Asst. HOWELL, Judy, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HUGHES, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. HULLAR, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JAEGGI, Scott, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JENKINS, Richard, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JONES, Carl, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JONES, Valerie, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. KELLY, Lesley, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. KEMP, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LAMA, Gilbert, PA Trn & Op. Spec. LARA, Armando, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LARDNER, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LAURO, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LE, Andy, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LININGER, Darin, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MANLEY, Michael, PA zTrn. & Op. Spec. MARCHANT, William, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MCGROARTY, Michael, PA. Trn. Spec. MELENDEZ, Paul, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MILES, Aaron, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MONCADO, Rudy, Sr. Instru. Asst./Deaf MORENO, Maria, Payroll Systems Coord. MUELLER, Mike, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MUNIZ, Andrew, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. NIELSEN, Hohn, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ORNELAS, Ricardo, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. PAINTON, Todd, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. PATTON, Patrick, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. PEREZ, Margaret, Instructional Asst./Math POWELL, Jeff, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. REILLY, Patrick, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. RODGERS, Margie, Sr. Instr. Asst./Deaf RAMIREZ, Robert, Registration Clerk II SAKATA, Diane, Sr. Instr. Asst./Deaf SATO, Kerwin, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. SCHOENIG, Todd, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. SIMPSON, Wesley, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JACKSON, Ron, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JEFFERSON, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JOHNSON, Martin, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. JONES, Kevin, Sr. Instr. Asst./Deaf KANG, David, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. KELLY, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. KRAUS, Nick, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LAMP, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LARA, Joseph, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LA POINTE, Joyce, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LAUB, Glenn, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LAURSEN, Ronald, PA Trn. & Op Spec. LEONARD, Dennis, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. LOWREY, Neal, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MAR, Stanley, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MARTINEZ, Paul, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MEISTER, Joseph, PA. Trn. & Op. Spec. MERRITT, Derek, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MILLER, Craig, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MORA, Arnold, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MUELLER, Melvyn, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. MUMFORD, Donald, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. NEWTON, Patricia, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. NOBLE, Bill, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. PADILLA, Sam, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. PEDERSEN, Kirk, PA Trn. & Op. Spec, POCK, Rudy, PA Trn. & Op. Spe QUESADA, Richard, Registration Clerk II RAMIREZ, Benito, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. REYNA, Victoria, Clerk Typist III ROBLES, Yvette, Registration Clerk II RODRIGUEZ, Ralph, PA Trn. & Op. Spec RODRIGUEZ, Sharae, Clerk Typist III SANVICTORES, Alan, PA Trn. Spec. SAUTER, Thomas, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. SPRINGER, Brian, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. SWINGLE, Jeffrey, PA Trn & Op. Spec. TAT, Adam, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. TIRRE, Matthew, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. TRAN, Johnny, Account Clerk II VALLEJO, Pedro, PA Trn & Op. Spec. VANDERWEIDE, Joyce, PA Trn. & Op. Sp. VARGAS, John, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. VERVERA, Ismael, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WATTS, Charles, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WEINRICH, Paul, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WHITWORTH, Mark, PA Trn & Op. Spec. WILLS, Jack, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WONG, Daren, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ZABURSKI, George, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ZERO, Patrick, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. Spec. SILCOTT, Dean, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. SPOTHELFER, Darren, PA Trn. Spec. STOOKSBURY, Phillip, Sr. Instr. Asst/deaf SZENCZI, Chris, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. TERMATH, Robert, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. TOWNLEY, Robin, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. VALDEZ, Margarito, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. VANN, Roberta, Instructional Asst./Math VELEZ, Leticia, Sr. Instruc. Asst./Deaf VILLEGAS, Brandon, PA Trn. & Op Spec. WEBER, Lane, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WHEELER, Mark, PA Trn & Op. Spec. WILLS, Cheryl, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. WISE, William, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. YULE, Michael, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. ZAVALETA, Henry, PA Trn. & Op. Spec. Substitute, 2003-2004 BENITEZ, Margie, Custodian, Facilities Services CALDERON, Zulma, Instructional Asst. /Virtual College CASTRO, Fidel, Custodian, Facilities Services GREGORIO, Camilo, Custodian, Facilities Services LEPE, Julia, Payroll Technician, Accounting OBESO, Reynaldo, Custodian Facilities Services TANIUS, Alex, Custodian, Facilities Services VANCINI, Rodolpho, Custodian, Facilities Services VILLANEDA, Luis, Custodian, Facilities Services ZUNIGA, Valesca, Custodian, Facilities Services Resignation MACIAS, Frank, Grounds Maintenance Worker, who’s last day employment was June 5, 2003 of . 3. Management and Confidential Employment BECERRIL, Mary, Interim Registrar, Admissions & Records, effective June 12, 2003 Categorically Funded The following individual is hired in the designated capacity with dedicated funding through June 30, 2004. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 30-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. GEORGE, Susan, Supervisor, Foster Care Program The following individual is hired in the designated capacity with dedicated funding through September 30, 2003. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 30-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. COBB, Melvin, Director, Online Education, California Virtual College 4. Unrepresented, 2003-2004 Community Services Instructors EARLEY, Jerry, Environmental Technology PADILLA, Susan, MS Computer classes SOKOL, Alexia, MS Computer classes Lecturers ANTONIAN, Anna, Beginning Piano BABLOT-GARCIA, Gail, College/Youth BALLESTEROS, Deanna, SAT prep. BYSTRY, Phil, Alternative Financing & College for Youth DE LEON, Hernando, MS Computer JASPERSEN, Damon, English Proun. JONES, Diori, Math to H.S. students LEE, Dorothy, MS Computer OKI, Diana, Adult Piano PAGLIOTTO, Dennis, MS Computer SEKI, Junko, Beginning Piano VILLANUEVA, Charles, MS Computer Guest Lecturers ASTLE, Scott, Entrepreneurial Import/Export Certificate Program CAMPBELL, Georgia, Prepaid Tours REED, Debra, Effective Supervision Certificate Program Guest Experts BAILEY, Paul, Real Estate Investment BROWN, Lindee, Self-Help workshops CHRISTENSEN, Carrie, Notary Public DEXTER, Stephen, Real Estate DeGEORGE, Mary, Quickbook classes FISH, Robert, Build you Own Computer GAVOIAN, Charles, Singing workshops HINES, Rose Anna, Massage/Crochet KASCA, Karl, Math Classes for Youth KRUSEMARK, Lee, Home-Based Bus. RAMIREZ, Rudy, Salsa classes REDDICK, Marshall, Real Estate SANCHEZA, Jayson, Profes. Makeup SHARP, Robert, Career Goals TORRES, Henry, Real EstateSpanish YEE, Seewing, Financial Planning Industrial Trainers Communications/Business Writing BABLOT-GARCIA, Gail DANIEL, Jacque FORSYTHE, Nancy MOORE, Ronnie Computer Technology COSTELLO, Dalia DE LEON, Hernando DICKEN, Sally UEVARA, Jesse HARWELL, Holmes KASCA, Karl KOWALSKI, Francis PADILLA, Susan VILLANUEVA, Charles Environmental Technology CALDERON, Ricardo EARLEY, Jerry ESL BYSTRY, Phil, LOEB, Emily Management/Supervision/Teambuilding ANDREWS, Barry DOUGLAS, Jerry JEWELL, Ernest REISWIG, Reginald Physicians OVERMAN, William E. SMITH, Lemuel b. Foster Care ARVIZU, Maria AYORA, Maria BOWMAN, Brandii BURTON, Katie DURAN, Linda ESTILL, Linda GARNICA, Laura HERNANDEZ, Iris JIMINEZ, Gustavo JONES, James KRIESEL, Duane MEURER, Catherine c. VARGA, Alexander MONTES, Rosie MORALES, Anna MURILLO, Maria MUSHRUSH, Turid O’NEAL, Jeannie REED, Theresa SAILOR, Chalaun SAMPSON, Mary Jane SLAWSON, Lydia SOUTER, Rebecca STEIN, Antonia WALKER, Joseph ZUBIA, Robert Students CRUZ, Claudia, Upward Bound FLORES, Elizabeth, Transfer Ctr. GARCIA, Sandi, Upward Bound LOY, Helen, Physical Education MURATALLA, Maria, Math & Sci. RIEBELING, Ruby, Career in HARRIS, Antoinette, Adm.Recds. KILONZO, Gloria, LAC RODRIGUEZ, Carlos, Student Spt. Ser. SANCHEZ, Maribel, LAC Cld.Care Student Stipends, $50 each CLUCK, Omar MARTINEZ, Vincent HILL, Daney LEON, Amanda d. MONTOYA, Gabriel Volunteers SHIMA, Boston, Physical Education C. COLLEGE SERVICES 1. College Services Reports a. Purchase Order Report b. The Board approved the Purchase Order Report reviewing purchases for the preceding 60 days. Payroll Warrant Report The Board reviewed the Payroll Warrant Report for the month of May 2003. c. District Budget Transfer The Board reviewed the District Budget Transfers through May 31, 2003. d. Quarterly Financial Status Reports The Board reviewed the Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2003. 2. Authorization for Out-of-State Travel and Conferences The Board approved the following staff and Board Members to attend the following educational conferences/meetings: Michelle Pilati to attend the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Testing (MERLOT) MidTerm Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, June 20-21, 2003. Michelle Pilati to attend the CTA/NEAZ Representative Assembly Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana June 29July 7, 2003. Michelle Pilati to attend the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Testing (MERLOT) International Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 3-8, 2003. Gloria Arevalo to attend the National Tech Prep Conference in Nashville, TN, October 8-11, 2003. Jim Rogers to attend the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Annual International Conference and Expo in Miami Beach, Florida, July 16 – 25, 2003. 3. Apprenticeship Instructors – 2003-04 Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund Committee* *The Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund Committee notified Rio Hondo College that they wished to move their program to Los Angeles Trade Tech beginning April 1, 2003. That transfer has not yet happened. The delay is an internal matter with the Carpenters Trust. In the meantime, we are still providing services on a month-to-month basis. The revenues continue to come to the college. Robert Bell Ismael Castillo, Jr. Pete Contreras Michael Contreras Jerrald Dostal James C. Fisher Bob Galaviz Adolf Honegger Mark Johnson Nathan Johnson Dennis Pugh John Sartor, Jr. Wayne Seabury Bryan Taylor William B. Thompson Galo Toapanta Jeff Waters D. Westmoreland Mary Whitmore Frank Zambrano Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers David Grisez Fernando Gutierrez Tom Gutierrez Caesar Ramirez Cement Masons Apprenticeship Committee Ed DeBrito III. ACTION ITEMS A. COLLEGE SERVICES 1. 103. It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the summary of annual and long-term agreements and authorized the Administration to process accordingly. 2. 104. Summary of District Annual and Long-Term Agreements, 2003-04 Appropriation Transfer at End of School Year It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees authorized the County Superintendent of Schools to make fund transfers. 3. Authorization to join the Protected Insurance Program for School Joint Powers Authority (P.I.P.S.) This item was moved out of order, see action prior to Consent Items. 4. 105. It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the members of the Auxiliary Services Board of Directors for the 2003-2004 school year. 5. 106. Consultant Services It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried that the Board of Trustees approve the Consultant Services as outlined below. Ms. Martinez voted no. 6. 107. Auxiliary Services Organization Board of Directors – 2003-04 a) VMA Communications (Valerie Martinez) – to conduct research and to produce marketing materials, newsletters, and press releases; To provide public affairs as directed by the District and to facilitate outreach activities such as the Town Hall meetings; 6/1/03-12/31/03; not to exceed $5,000/month (Unrestricted General Funds funding) b) Southwest Management Consultants (Leon Garcia) to provide local political consulting; and to facilitate the development of partnerships with local governments and the private sector. 6/1/03-12/31/03; not to exceed $5,000/month (Unrestricted General Funds funding) c) Will & Co. (Anna Quirino) – to present theatrical workshops for two groups of Upward Bound summer students (approximately 25 students/group); on July 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 28, 30 and August 4, 6, 7, 2003; not to exceed $1,540 (Upward Bound funding) Acceptance as Complete: Bid #1029 Miscellaneous Public Projects in Support of Irrigation System Upgrade It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accepted as complete the work performed under 7. 108. It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the lease agreements with Williams Scotsman and authorized the Administration to execute contracts on behalf of the District. 8. 109. Emergency Resolution – Utility Installation for Classroom and Restroom Facilities It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees declared an emergency authorizing payment for utility installation in support of portable Department of Housing (DOH) certified classroom and restroom/shower buildings authorizing payment and executing the Los Angeles County Office of Education Emergency Resolution form to acquire the approval of the County Superintendent of Schools. 9. 110. Agreement and Resolution – Delinquent Tax Receivables It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees Approve the resolution approving assignment of delinquent tax receivables to the California Statewide Delinquent Tax Finance Authority. B. PERSONNEL 1. 111. Facilities Services Division Reorganization It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the reorganization of the Facilities Services Division and the reclassification of two management positions to be effective August 1, 2003. 2. 112. Bid #1029, and authorized the Administration to execute contracts on behalf of the District. Approval of Lease Agreements Approval of Job Description for the Position of Vice-President, Student Services It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved the job description for the Vice President, Student Services. C. PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 1. 113. It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approved Board Policy 7120 for a first reading with the following revision: The participatory process will continue to reflect AB 1725 Section 87360 that provides for a joint agreement by representatives of the Board and the Academic Senate on hiring criteria, policies, and procedures for new faculty. 2. 114. IV. Approval of New Board Policy 7120 – Employment Policy (First Reading) Board Evaluation It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees appoint a committee to determine the instrument or process to be used in Board self-evaluation. Mr. Camalich and Ms. Martinez were appointed to this Board subcommittee. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Facilities Master Plan Update Dr. Howard gave an update on the Facilities Master Plan. 2. Legislative Update This item was moved out of order. Mr. Patrick Mc Callum gave a Legislative Update. V. BOARD AND STAFF REPORTS VI. CLOSED SESSION Ms. Yanez recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 9:45 p.m. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session Pursuant to 54956.9 • CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTIICPATED LITIGATION – Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Section 54956.9 (b) 1 Case With respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session Pursuant to 54957: • PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE • PUBLIC EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - Superintendent/President - Executive Vice President, Academic Services With respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session Pursuant to 54957.6: • CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency Negotiator: Rose Marie Joyce, Ph. D. Employee Organizations: RHCFA, CSEA Unrepresented Employees: Management/Confidential Ms. Yanez reconvened the meeting at 10:35 p.m. VII. CLOSING ITEMS A. Adjournment The next Special Board meeting is scheduled, Tuesday, June 24, 2003, 6:00 p.m., Administration Building, Rio Hondo College, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California B. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is July 9, 2003, 6:30 p.m., Administration Building, Rio Hondo College, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California. C. Adjournment REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY Any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting of the Rio Hondo Community College District, may request assistance by contacting the President’s Office, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier California; telephone, (562) 908-3403; fax, (562) 908-3463.