RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Pre-Meeting Mixer, June 8, 2005, 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting, June 8, 2005, 6:30 p.m. Andrews Elementary School 1010 S. Caraway Drive, Whittier, California Members Present: Mr. André Quintero (Presiding), Mr. Gary Mendez, Ms. Maria Elena Martinez, Mr. Leo Camalich, Ms. Denice Gunn (Student Trustee) Members Absent: Ms. Michelle Yanez Secretary to the Board: Rose Marie Joyce, Ph.D. Staff Members: I. Dr. Voiza Arnold, Mr. Henry Gee, Ms. Teresa Dreyfuss, Dr. Andy Howard, Ms. Carolyn Russell (President, Academic Senate), Ms. Sandra Rivera (President, CSEA), Ms. Sandy Sandello (Recorder) CALL TO ORDER A. Call to Order (6:30 p.m.) Mr. Quintero called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance (led by RHC Police & Fire Color Guard) The Rio Hondo College Color Guard led the pledge of allegiance. C. Roll Call Ms. Yanez was reported absent due to illness. D. Open Communication for Public Comment Mr. Ray Williams spoke on the oak tree located near Putnam Center. VIP’s were introduced. E. Swearing in of Student Trustee (Denice Gunn) Mr. Quintero administered the Oath of Office to new Student Trustee Denice Gunn. 2 F. Approval of Minutes – Special meeting - May 4, 2005; Special Meeting, May 11, 2005, 6:25 p.m.; Regular Meeting May 11, 2005, 6:30 p.m. 109. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accept the minutes of May 4, 2005 as presented. 110. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously that the Board of Trustees accept the minutes of May 11, 2005 – Special Meeting as presented. 111. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Ms. Gunn and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accept the Minutes of May 11, 2005 – Regular Meeting as presented. G. II. Commendations - Recipient of the Competitive Research Fellowship from Cal Tech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Oliver Montes - Rudy Chacon - Outstanding Parent – Andrews Elementary School - Ruben Hernandez - Neighborhood Watch, President - Marilyn Kamimora - Community Activist - Patricia Simental-Diaz – Principal, Andrews Elementary School CONSENT AGENDA 112. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Agenda with the exclusion of Item II.A.1.c. which was pulled. A. ACADEMIC SERVICES 1. Curriculum Items a. New Courses that are Part of Existing Programs The following courses have been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: ACCT 111: Financial Accounting Lab (Business) Degree Applicable; (1 Unit) ACCT 112: Managerial Accounting Lab (Business) Degree Applicable; (1 Unit) ACCT 113: Excel for Financial Accounting (Business) Degree Applicable; (1 Unit) ACCT 114: Excel for Managerial Accounting (Business) Degree Applicable; (1 Unit) 3 AJ 200: Introduction to Forensic Chemistry (Public Safety) Degree Applicable; (3 Units) AJ 201: Introduction to Forensic Biology (Public Safety) Degree Applicable; (3 Units) ECON 101H: Principles of Macroeconomics (Social Science) Degree Applicable; (3 Units) WFT 105: Wildland Fire Logistics, Finance and Planning (Public Safety) Degree Applicable; (3 units) b. New Program The following AS degree and certificate of achievement has been recommended for inclusion in our offerings and catalog: Wildland Fire Technology (Public Safety) (27 units) c. Deletion from Curriculum This agenda Item was pulled by the Board of Trustees for further study. The following course has been recommended for deletion from our curriculum because the course has never been offered. LIT 19: Literature of the Southwest B. PERSONNEL 1. Academic a. Employment Temporary Full Time Categorically Funded (E.C. 87470) Fall, 2005 SIMMONS, Rhonda, Coordinator, Project Teach Temporary Full Time Categorically Funded (E.C. 87470) 20052006 FLORES-OLSON, Raquel, Counselor/Coordinator, Vocational Education Part-Time, Summer 2005 BARBON, Eva, Comm. & Lang. BRO, Marie, Business CISNEROS, Mark, Comm. & Lang. MAKSIMOW, Marc, Auto Collision PEREZ, Lydia, Health Science WANGLER, Richard, Comm. & Lang. 4 Hourly As Needed, 2005-2006 BAKEY, Stan, Public Safety RAMIREZ, Ronald, Public Safety Summer Assignments, 2005, 1st Session ACUNA-HANSEN, Chris, Fine Arts ARREVILLAGA, Claudia, Comm. BACA, Manuel, Business BIESEMEYER, Gail, Health Sci. BOTELLO, Robert, Math. BOYD, Pam, Health Science BROWN, Linda, Fine Arts CARROLL, Alonzo, Soc. Science DE LOS SANTOS, Blanca, Comm. ESQUIVEL, Raymundo, Comm. ALVARADO, Guadalupe, Counseling AYALA, Armando, Physical Ed. BETHEL, Robert, Biology BIGOS, Gail, Health Science BOWEN, James C., Comm. BRONKAR, Ryan, Mathematics CALLINAN, Thomas, Comm. COFFMAN, Dan, Public Safety ENGLISH, Cameron, Mathematics FERNANDEZ, Jennifer, Counseling FLEISCHAKER, Stephanie, Phys. Ed. FLORES-OLSON, Troy, Counseling FORREST, Michael, Physical Sci. FRANCIS, John, Comm. FREIJE, Teresa, Comm. FUNG, Hank, Mathematics GALLEGO, Patricia, Social Sci. GARCIA, Daniel Technology GONZALEZ, Hector, Social Sci. HALVORSON, Gary, Technology HASKINS, Joanne, Health Sci. HEBERT, Steven, Physical Ed. HEMENWAY, Elaine, Math. HIGHFILL, Dwayne, Physical Sci. HINE, Michael, Physical Ed. HUFFMAN, Harold, Comm. ISAAC, Lily, Comm. JUAREZ, Melissa, Social Science KALLER, Doreen, Comm. KAMDIBE, Muata, Comm. KATNIK, Steve, Biology KEPNER, Patricia, Social Sci. KOELLE, Stephen, Comm. KORF, William, Fine Arts KOUTROULIS, Mathew, Physical Sci. LA TURNO, Jan, Mathematics LAZARO, Ned, Social Sci. LEUNG, Allen, Physical Sci. LITTRELL, Mark, Mathematics LIU, Shin, Business LIVINGSTON, Jannine, Fine Art LLERENA, Lydia, Comm. LOUGHRIN, Jay, Comm. LUNA, Pete, Social Sci. MAFFRIS, Nancy, Counseling MARTINEZ, Mercedes, Business MEDINA, Angela, Comm. MIKALSON, Barbara, Social Sci. MINDES, Aimee, Physical Sci. MOE, Sondra, Social Sci. MOSHIER, Steven, Fine Arts NELSON, Bruce, Physical Ed. NEWCOMER, Owen, Soc. Sci. NEWMAN, Jim, Public Safety NIELSON, Heather, Comm. PADGETT, Vernon, Soc. Sci. PARRA , Ysmael, Counseling PIERSON, Ken, Comm. PILATI, Michelle, Soc. Science PRIEST, Vann, Physical Sci. PUDELKO, Kathy, Physical Ed. PUGA, Gilbert, Comm. RATZKE, Martha, Business RICKMAN, Tracy, Public Safety RIVERA, Mary, Counseling ROBERTS, Warren, Technology RUSSELL, Carolyn, Comm. SALAZAR, Mike, Physical Ed. SANCHEZ, Leroy, Counseling SAUCEDA, Henry, Counseling SCHER, Larry, Social Science SCIBORSKI, Rodney, Comm. SHIELD, Patrick, Business SIGALA, Carol, Social Sci. SLONIGER, Wells, Comm. SPIELER-PERSAD, Gisela, Math. SPRINGER, JoAnn, Comm. SUNYOGH, Joseph, Tech. SUTOW, Christine, Social Sci. TEUFEL, Joan, Business TORRES-GIL, Belen, Couns. VAZQUEZ, Dana, Comm. VELAZQUEZ, Ralph, Comm. WALLACE, Gerald, Public Safety WANG, George, Mathematics WETSMAN, Adam, Soc. Science WHELAN, Kip, Fine Arts WHITFORD, Jon, Business WILLIAMS, Jeannette, Phs. Ed. WILLIAMS, Lem, Business Summer Assignments, 2005, (part-time), 1st Session ABANES-DE MELLO, Angelica, Bio. BARBON, Eva, Comm. BEAUCHEMIN, Robert, Tech. BLADH, Eric, Business BLAKELY, Kevin, Technology BOOTH, Barbara, Social Sci. BREITENBUCHER, Alba, Comm. ACOSTA-MATA, Aileen, Comm. BAUMHECKEL, Ken, Comm. BHADHA, Bakhtawar, Social Sci. BLADH, Mickey, Health Science BLISS, Fine Arts BRAKEBILL, James, Public Safety BRENES, Orlando, Physical Ed. 5 BROWN, Rick, Social Sci. BUTLER, Diane, Comm. CUMMINS, Megan, Social Sci. DITTMER, Ann, Business DYE, Danna, Physical Ed. ELIZALDE, Andres, Comm. FARRIS, Michael, Social Sci. FERNANDEZ, Rafael, Comm. FITCH, Jill, Comm. FLATEN, Eric, Mathematics FRIED, Carmen, Comm. GOUDE, Nicole, Fine Arts GUEVARA, Monica, Social Sci. HAGGERTY, Judith, Public Safety HENNIGAN, John, Physical Ed. ISAAC, Samuel, Communications ARMIRYAN, Ruzanna, Social Sci. KHORRAMSHADI, Mahdi, Math LAUGHLIN, Ellen, Social Science LEE, Thomas, Social Science LESCSAK, Genevieve, Physical Ed. LY, Hoa, Mathematics MALAKAR, Subhash, Math. NEELEY, Judy, Social Science OSTLING, Gerald, Comm. PASCUAL, Ralph, Social Sci. PEREZ, Jaime, Social Sci. PULOKAS, John, Public Safety REGALADO, Anna, Comm. RIVELIS, Yefim, Mathematics OLDAN, Pablo, Comm. SCHROEDER, Nathan, Math. SIARA, Robin, Physical Ed. SMITH, Larry, Comm. SPINDOLA, Pamela, Comm. SUENG, Su-Chen, Social Sci. TALLY, Susan, Comm. TOWHIDLOW, Mark, Math. UNGER, Karen, Physical Ed. VENTO, Paul, Health Science WILSON, Bynell, Comm. WRIGHT, Samuel, Physical Ed. BUSCAGLIA, Renatta, Comm. CLAUSS, Lee, Social Sci. DENNIS, Paul, Public Safety DOCHNAHL, Terril, Public Safety ELBAZ, Osama, Social Sci. EZZEDDINE, Youssef, Biology FELKNER, Jolene, Comm. FERREIRA, Maria, Social Sci. FITZPATRICK, Daniel, Physical Ed. FREEBORN, Paul, Comm. GAGEN, Laurel, Physical Ed. GRAHAM, Lynne, Mathematics GUILLOW, Lawrence, Social Sci. HAMILTON, Kieko, Comm. HERNANDEZ, Catalina, Biology JUCHARTZ, Arline, Communications KAUFMAN, Nina, Physical Ed. LAI, Wendy, Communications LEE, Justin, Social Science LEI, Wei-Lin, Communications LEW, Sandra, Communications MAFFRIS, Blair, Fine Arts MARTINEZ, Jose, Mathematics NESTEGARD, Elizabeth, Social Sci. PAPPAS, Gus, Comm. PEARCE, John, Public Safety PHELPS, Lori, Social Science. RAY, Chelsea, Communications RHI, Lisette, Communications RODRIGUEZ, Domingo, Social Sci. ROSS, Cheryle, Social Sci. SHAW, Timothy, Social Sci. SMITH, Judi, Social Sci. SMITH, Richard, Public Safety STANKEVITZ, Diane, Physical Ed. SWIFT, Jack, Communications THRASHFER, Thomas, Comm. TRESS, Marguerite, Math VANDOMMELEN, Louise, Physical Ed. WASHINGTON, Eddie, Social Sci. WRIGHT, Curtis, Fine Arts Hourly As Needed, Summer 2005 ALDRICH, Christine, Cal WORKS ANDERSON, Joy, Student Health Ser. AREVALO, Gloria, Tech Prep. BABOU, Robin, Library BALL, Edna, Library BANUELOS, Manuel, Counseling BRAMBILA, Nancy, Counseling CARREON, Martha, Vocational Ed. CHAN, Yee, Library CHANDLER, James, Comm. CLARK, Mary, EOP&S COE, Jan, Library DAZA, Igor, Counseling DELAMORA, Martha, Counseling DIAZ, Therese, Counseling DURAN-KATNIK, Sylvia, Counseling ENRIGHT, William, Library FLORES-OLSON, Raquel, Voc. Ed. FORREST, Alfred, Stud. Health GARCIA, Yvette, EOP&S GREGORY, Leslie, Counseling GROPPELL, Mary, Stud. Health Ser. HIGA, Traci Elaine, Counseling HOVSEPIAN, Viken, Evening College ITATANI, Robert, Stud. Health Ser. LAX, Cheryl, Counseling LIN-BUSH, Nunmin, Counseling MARTINEZ, Bernard, Counseling MARTINEZ, Mario, Counseling MCFARLIN, Charles, Counseling O’BRIEN, Katherine, EOP&S OLDHAM, Carolyn, Library PEREAU, Barry, Counseling PRECIADO, Susana, Counseling RAMIREZ-ATILANO, Rosanne, Cou. REYES, Dianna, EOP&S RIVERA, Nilsa, Counseling RODRIGUEZ, Jose, EOP&S RODRIGUEZ, Sandra, Counseling SAKAMOTO, Rosario, Stud. Health Ser. SANCHEZ, Leticia, Counseling SEVILLA-MARZONA, Judy, Library SHABELNIK, Tatiana, Library SHACKLETT, Tod, Library SHERWOOD, Joy, Stud. Health Ser. SMITH, Anza, Stud. Health Ser. SOBALVARRO, Dolores, Counseling TARBOX, Margaret, Library 6 THOMAS, Julius, Counseling WELLS, Stephanie, Library YASHAR, Debby, Library VEGA, Maria, Cal WORKS WU, Viraseni, Stud. Health Service Hourly As Needed, 2005-2006, Public Safety ABBOTT, John ADRID, Michael AGUILAR, Henry ALLOMONG, Michael AMADOR, Daniel ARBUTHNOT, Erik ARRIAGA, Nelson BARNETT, David BEACH, Randall BENNETT, Gary BENSCHOP, Tracy BERGMANN, Timothy BISCAILUZ, James BOCANEGRA, Robert BOUMAN, Walter BRADEN, Keith BRAKEBILL, James BROUWERS, Marie BUTLER, Marc CAMACHO, Mario CARLSON, Dave CASAS, Mario CASTANEDA, David CAVAZOS, Hector CERMAK, John CHIEN, Roger CHRIST, Douglas CID, Wilfredo COFFELT, Kevin CONNOLLY, Patrick CORRAL, Frederick CRISPO, Christopher CURRAN, Robert DAHLBERG, Leslie DAVIS, Mark De ANGELIS, Danny DEMEYER, Dan DIDIER, Ernest DOAN, John DOCHNAHL, Terril DOME, Bryan DONOVAN, Christopher DOXARAS, Roger DRAKE, John DURANT, Marc EGE, Alan EISENBREY, Jennifer EL-SAID, Sam ELY, Randall ESPARZA, Benjamin FARRELL, Ben FLACK, Charles FLORES, Ruben FLYNN, Bryan FOGG, Clark FRANCIS, Grace FRAZIER, Alan FULLER, Carlton GALVAN, Robert GIBBONEY, Mark GLERUM, Coralin GODFREY, Edward GONZALES, Peter ACKERMAN, Alex AGUILAR, Isaac ALINEDA, Alejandra ALLUM, Richard ANDERSON, Scott ARMENTA, Teresa BARKER, Deborah BASKIN, Deborah BECKMAN, Richard BENNETT, John BENUDIZ, Solomon BERNAL, Margaret BLOME, Brian BORETZ, Earl BOYD, Daryl BRAIWICK, Steven BREEN, Phillip BRYAN, John CACERES, Charles CAMPBELL, David CARRILLO, Patrick CASSIDY, Richard CASTRO, Diana CAYLOR, Ezequiel CHANG-COOPER, Julie CHOE, Nak CHUTE, Steven CLARK, Dennis COLLINS, Jennifer CONTRERAS, Robert COUNTEE, Yvette CROSBY, Clinton CYPRIEN, Susan DAVIS, Joel DAYNE, Geoffrey De LADURANTEY, Joseph DENNIS, Paul DISTELRATH, John DOBAN, Adam DOLLAR, Alan DONEY, Richard DOWNS, Marilyn DOYLE, Andrew DUFFY, Walter EGAN, Carrie EISELE, William ELLINGTON, Michael ELVERUM, Erik EMERTON, Richard FANNING, Charles FASMER, Kurt FLEMING, Samuel FLOWERS, Dennis FLYNN, William FOSTER, David FRASER, Donald FRELINGER, David FURAY, John GEE, Keith GIELISH, Troy GILLILAND, Richard GOLDSMITH, Daniel GONZALES, Guillermo 7 GOODER, Paul GOSSAGE, Gregory GRZYWA, Andrew HAGEN, Michael HALKER, Craig HALL, Kevin HAMILTON, Michelle HANNAH, Donald HARVEY, Craig HEHIR, Thomas HERNANDEZ, Louie HIGGINBOTHAM, David HINES, Charles HOKINSON, Thomas HONIG, Audrey HULSEY, Jed HUSOE, Oystein ISHIBASHI, David JEFFERSON, John JOHNSON, Martin JONES, Carl JURADO, Johnny KAPP, Matthew KELLY, Lesley KERR, David KIMBER, Sandra KIRKMAN, Kevin KLUGMAN, Marc KOWALTSCHUK, Richard LACHER, Donald LAMP, John LAPOINTE, Joyce LARSON, Kris LE, Andy LEO, William LOPEZ, Ricky LUNSFORD, Ronald MAHLUM, Doris MAHONEY, Michael MAR, Stanley MARSDEN, William MASCILAK, Dennis MAYER, Larry MCCOMBS, Richard MCDONALD, Jeffrey MCGROARTY, Michael MEAD, James MEE, Allison MENDOZA, Steven MERRITT, Derek MIHM, Ben MILLER, Ruth MITCHELL, Ron MOHLER, Christopher MOORE, Jaime MORGAN, Daniel MUELLER, Michael MUNOZ, Salvador MURPHY, William NARAMORE, Scott NAVARRO, Richard NOBLE, William OJEDA, Ernesto PAINTON, Todd PEREZ, Emilio PETROPULOS, Dan PIPPIN, Michael PRICE, Alan PUGH, Roy GOODWIN, Scott GRIFFIN, Renee HADWELL, Cliff HAGGERTY, Judith HALL, Chad HALL, RODNEY HANCOCK, Kevin HARRIS, Gary HECKEL, William HEINTZ, Jeffrey HERRERA, Cesar HIGGINS, Richard HISCHAR, Andrew HOLMES-HIGGINS, Troye HORNSBY, William HUNT, James INAGAKI, Steve JACKSON, Shelley JENKINS, Gary JONES, Robert JONES, Neal KABALA, John KEEN, William KELLY, Robert KILCOYNE, Kevin KIMES, Jason KLOPFENSTEIN, Stanley KONSTANTAKOS, Debra KRUEGER, Roger LAMA, Gilbert LANZA, Carmine LARA, Joseph LAURSEN, Ronald LEE, Robert LININGER, Darin LOWREY, Neal MACKEY, Richard MAHONEY, Thomas MANSFIELD, Raymond MARCHANT, William MARTIN, John MAY, Robert MCCLOUD, Rhonda MCCURDY, Mark MCGAVLEY, Thomas MCMILLEN, Christine MEDINA, John MEISTER, Joseph MENDOZA, Jose METOYER, Ricky MILLER, Elizabeth MIRANDA, Ysidro MITCHELL, James MONTGOMERY, Kevin MOORE, Charles MUELLER, Melvyn MUMFORD, Donald MURPHY, Timothy NAGOAKA, Michael NATHAN, Daniel NEWMAN, Chester NORWOOD, Kurt PACE, Danny PEARCE, John PERKINS, Tobi PIERSON, Scott POCK, Rudolph PROVENCHER, Henry PULOKAS, John 8 QUINTOS, Fernando RASMUSSEN, Sonja REDDICK, Albert RIOS, Jose ROBERTS, Katherine ROLLER, Kenneth ROSA, Michael RULON, Kenneth SABBATH, Katricia SALISBURY, Robert SALYER, James SATTERFIELD, Phillip SCHERER, Cathy SCHNABEL, Norbert SCHULTZ, Karen SEELY, Charles SEWELL, Kenneth SHAW, Robert SMITH, Kurtis SMITH, Terry SOTO, Edward SPRINGER, Brian STONE, David SZENCZI, Chris TAMAYO, Rufus TEMPLEMAR, Jeffrey THOMAS, Michael TORRANCE, Robert VALDEZ, Edward VAN ETTEN, Gary VIDOVICH, Anthony VOGE, Ramona WARDLE, Clark WELLAND, Neal WESTON, William WHITE, Joseph WILLETT, Glen WILLS, Jack WISKUS, Dennis WOLF, Marc ZAGURSKI, George 2. RASCH, Melinda REBBE, Robert REEB, Jeffrey RIPLEY, William RODRIGUEZ, Rafael ROSA, Barbara ROSS, David RUSS, Kathy SALEEBY, John SALOVESH, Charles SANDOVAL, Gilbert SAULS, Glenn SCHIFF, Adam SCHRAM, Gary SCINOCCA, Nicholas SEMENZA, Donald SHACKELFORD, Ray SIARA, Thaddeus SMITH, Richard SOMMERS, Ira SPOTHELFER, Darren STEDMAN, Bruce SUMMERS, Jodi TAKAHASHI, Bruce TAYLOR, Karla TERMATH, Robert TIDWELL, Robert TOVAR, Jose VALENCIA, Rudolph VAN HOLT, Mark VILLAGOMEZ, Marlena WARD, Jesse WATTS, Charles WENDT, Diana WHEELER, Mark WILKINS, Marc WILLIAMS, Daniel WILSON, Bryan WITT, James YEN, Ping-Li ZUMWALT, John Classified a. Employment Continued Employment, Regular Classified The following individuals will continue in the designated capacity with dedicated funding through June 30, 2005. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 45-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding ABAJIAN, Lauren, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. ACOSTA, Fabiola, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. ALLEN, Mina, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. ALVAREZ, Melissa, Research Data Technician, Vocational Ed. CAPWELL, Gerald, Senior Secretary, Vocational Ed. CHAVEZ, April, Sr. Instructional Assistant, Health Sci. (ADN Enrollment) CONRAD, Sherry, Clerk Typist III, (Cal WORKS) COSIO, Eunice, Financial Aid Assistant, (Financial Aid) CRUZ, Sonia, Food Services Worker, Child Development Ctr. FLORES, Dana, Child Development Teacher, Child Development Ctr. FRAGA, Maria, Senior Secretary, Vocational Education (Title V Co-op) FREDERICKSON, Suzanne, Instructional Lab Tech., Disabled Students GARCIA, Elvia, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. GONZALES, Carolyn, Clerk Typist III, Health Science (ADN Enrollment) 9 GRANILLO-TORRES, Dalma, Financial Aid Assistant, (Financial Aid) GUTIERREZ, Serina, Financial Aid Assistant, Financial Aid (Cal Grant) HASKINS, Mary, Grant Coordinator, (Vocational Ed.) HINOJOSA, Oscar, Paraprofessional Tutor, EOP&S HUYEN, Dung, Account Clerk II, Accounting (BFAP/District) KRIVAN, Isabel, Child Development Teacher, Child Development Ctr. LAM, Xuan, Account Clerk II, Accounting (BFAP/District) LARRAZABAL, Lidia, Clerk Typist III, Tech Prep/DEP Program (Voc. Ed.) LESSIN, Hannah, Student Services Assistant, Student Activities (ASB) LOMAS, Rebecca, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. LOPEZ, Darling, Financial Aid Assistant, (Financial Aid) MALAVE, Patricia, Student Services Assistant, (Financial Aid) MARINO, Rose, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. MASCARENAS, Cynthia, Student Services Assistant, College Outreach (BFAP) MOLINA, Hector, Paraprofessional Tutor, EOP&S O’BRIEN-LANE, Denise, Sr. Food Services Worker, Child Development Ctr. PEREZ, Monica, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. PEREZ, Teresa, Instructional Assistant, Public Safety (non-credit Matriculation) QUIROZ, Beatrice, Financial Aid Assistant, (Financial Aid) RASERO, Jessica, Student Services Assistant, (Cal WORKS) RAYAS, Rebecca, Clerk Typist III, Applied Technology (ATT) REYES-LUERA, Gloria, Account Clerk II, Accounting (Voc. Ed.) RICO, Vivian, Food Services Worker, Child Development Ctr. RIVAS, Rosemary, Account Clerk II, Accounting (Various categories) RIVERA-SERRANO, Yvette, Student Services Asst., College Outreach (BFAP) RUIZ, Joshua, Paraprofessional Tutor, EOP&S SAENZ, Marisela, Clerk Typist III, (Foster/Kinship Care) SANCHEZ, Elvira, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. SARTIN, Wanda, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. SERRANO, Mayra, Clerk Typist II, Careers in Child Care (Cal WORKS) SCIANNI, Lupe, Child Development Teacher, Child Development Ctr. SHECKELLS, Arline, Clerk Typist III, Child Development Center SHMAVONYAN, Anahit, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. SILVA, Adriana, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. SMITH, Dawn, Child Development Teacher, Child Development Ctr. SOSA-AGUILAR, Maria, Child Development Teacher, Child Development Ctr. TAPIA, Sonia, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Center TORRES, Irene, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. TRAN, Johnny, Account Clerk II, Accounting (Matriculation) VERDUGO, Laura, CARE Specialist, EOP&S VILLALOBOS, Olga, Children’s Center Aide, Child Development Ctr. VO, Nguyet M, Paraprofessional Tutor, Student Support Services Short-Term, 2005-2006 (ending date June 30, 2006) AGUIRRE, Sophia, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. ALLEN, Bernice, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. CHEN, Lisa, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. EVANS, Mallorie, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. GALAPIN, Norman, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. GLENN, Ana, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. HERNANDEZ, Michelle, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. HOWELL, Terri, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. JONES, Kevin, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. JONES, Onya, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. MONCADO, Rudy, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. NAVARETTE, Ginger, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. SAKATA, Diane, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. SENGUPTA, Regina, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. STOOKSBURY, Phillip, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. VELEZ, Leticia, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. WILLIS, Sandra, FA Training & Operation Specialist, Public Safety WOODS, Marcus, Sr. Instructional Asst. Interpreter/Deaf, Disabled Stud. 10 Short-Term, 2005-2006 – Public Safety (ending date June 30, 2006) ADAMS, Mark AMADOR, Daniel ANDRADE, Edward ARNOLD, Scott BENNETT, Carol BENSCHOP, Tracy BISCAILUZ, James BOGIN, Jeffrey BRADEN, Keith BREEN, Phillip CARNEY, Mitchell CARTER, Curtis CASTANEDA, David CERECEREZ, Ezequiel CHIEN, Roger CHUTE, Steven COFFELT, Kevin CONDIT, William CORONA, Andrew CROOK, Michael DAVIS, Mark DEMEYER, Dan DIDIER, Ernest DOPPMAN, Craig DUPLESSE, Richard EGAN, Thomas ESCONTRIAS, Sean ESTORGA, Omar FLACK, Charles GALLARDO, Mario GARDEA, Christopher GIBSON, Brett GLICK, Brian GONZALEZ, Monica GRZYWA, Andrew HALE, Dean HERRERA, Cesar HOLMES, Troye JEFFERSON, John JOHNSON, Martin JONES, Valerie KELLY, Lesley KEMP, John LAMA, Gilbert LARA, Armando LARDNER, John LAURO, John LE, Andy LEONARD, Dennis LININGER, Darin MACIAS, Guillermo MAR, Stanley MEISTER, Joseph MERRITT, Derek MILLER, James MORA, Robert MUELLER, Mike MUNIZ, Andrew NIELSEN, John ONG, Newton PADILLA, Sam POCK, Rudy RAMIREZ, Benito RIOS, Jose SATO, Kerwin SCHERER, Cathy AGUIRRE, Ernest ANDERSON, Scott ARMELLINI, Daniel BELK, Gregory BENNETT, John BERGMANN, Tim BOCANEGRA, Robert BOYD, Daryl BRAIWICK, Steven BRUNER, Timothy CARRILLO, Patrick CASAS, Mario CAYLOR, Toni CERMAK, John CHOE, Nak CLARK, Dennis COLEY, Gregory COOK, Richard COSEBOOM, Ramsey DAVIS, David DE ANGELIS, Danny DENNIS, Paul DOAN, John DOYLE, Andrew EGAN, Carrie EL-SAID, Sam ESPLEY, David FAIRCHILD, Jason FOWLKES, John GALVAN, Robert GATT, John GIELISH, Troy GONZALES, Guillermo GORMAN, Scott GUERRA, Paul HARTSHORN, Dean HIGGINS, Richard HUGHES, Robert JENKINS, Richard JONES, Carl KANG, David KELLY, Robert KRAUS, Nick LAMP, John LARA, Joseph LAUB, Glenn LAURSEN, Ronald LEE, Robert LEVIN, Corey LOWREY, Neal MANLEY, Michael MARTINEZ, Paul MELENDEZ, Paul MILES, Aaron MORA, Arnold MUELLER, Melvyn MUMFORD, Donald NELSON, Michael NOBLE, Bill ORNELAS, Ricardo PAINTON, Todd POWELL, Jeff REILLY, Patrick RUDIGER, Gregory SAUTER, Thomas SCHOENIG, Todd 11 SEABORN, Jon SILCOTT, Dean SIMPSON, Wesley SPOTHELFER, Darren SWINGLE, Jeffrey TAT, Adam TOLDEO, Marcues VALLEJO, Pedro VARGAS, John VILLAGOMEZ, Marlena WEBBER, Robert WHITWORTH, Mark YULE, Michael ZERO, Patrick b. SIEFKE, Evan SIMKINS, Matthew SOTO, Edward SPRINGER, Brian SZENCZI, Chris TERMATH, Robert TORRANCE, Robert VANDERWEIDE, Joyce VERVERA, Ismael WATTS, Charles WHEELER, Mark WILLS, Cheryl ZAVALETA, Henry Retirement Mc WHINNEY, Carol, Instructional Assistant, Fitness Center, last day of employment is July 29, 2005 c. Resignation ZAMBRANO, Julio, Paraprofessional Tutor, EOP&S, last day of employment, was May 17, 2005 d. Termination BUGARIN, Rosa, Registration Clerk, Admissions, last day of employment, was May 31, 2005 e. Layoff, Regular Classified The following individual has received her 45-day notice of layoff effective June 30, 2005 AGUILAR, Miriam, Business Coordinator, Small Business Devp. Center 3. Management and Confidential a. Employment Categorically Funded If continued employment should not be available, appropriate 45-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding FISHER, Zolita, Director, Upward Bound/Student Services Support, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 4. Unrepresented, 2005-2006 a. Board of Trustees It is resolved that Trustee Maria Elena Martinez had an excused absence on May 4, 2005 and May 11, 2005. 12 b. Wage Rates, Selected Personnel Our current and most recent College Procedure 5155, Wage Rates, Selected Personnel, was adopted in April 2000. The College Procedure establishes wage rates for both draped and undraped models. The wage rate is as follows: Model (Fine Arts, Draped) * Model (Fine Arts, Undraped)* Step 1 10.48 12.16 Step 2 11.03 12.77 Step 3 12.74 13.40 * Step placement will be based on experience and/or recruitment Difficulties. After experiencing difficulty in hiring qualified models, a compensation wages comparison with other local Districts was initiated. Based on the analysis, the following wage adjustment is being recommended for Board adaptation. Model (Fine Arts, Draped) * Model (Fine Arts, Undraped)* Step 1 11.52 14.68 Step 2 12.13 15.44 * Step placement will be based on experience and/or recruitment Difficulties c. Employment CP 5155 Assistant Training Specialists CARDENAS, Donald DEDMON, Lucas College Physician – Student Health Center VARGA, Alexander, M.D. Non-Credit GABBARD, Mark, Physical Education Foster Care ARCIENEGA, Isaac CALVARUSO, Olivia MEURER, Catherine MURILLO, Maria O’NEIL, Jeannie WALKER, Joseph ARVIZU, Maria GARNICA, Laura MUSHRUSH, Teri NUTT, Karen TERAN, Kimberly Disabled Students DE LEON, Olivia MARTIN, Mark RIOS-MIRANDA, Noemi LEON, Luciano MC COHN, Sharon Community Services COMINI, Carolyn Ga VOIAN, Charles KIEFER, Jill LIU, Paul SCHULZ, Larry WONG, Regan FERNANDEZ, Rafael JONES, Kent LEDBETTER, Greg MAXFIELD, Ken SUNDSTROM, Linda-Marie Step 3 12.74 16.18 13 Contract Education ARMENTA, Joann HOLLING, Dale Specialist (Community Services) AGABAO, Elena BARRAGAN, Uriahn CHAGOLLA, Matt COVINGTON, Vernon DHALIWAL, Anureet ENRIGUEZ, Yanet GONZALES, Lauren HERNANDEZ, Mike IBARRA, Valanie JINNA, Jabbir La BOMME, Jino MANUEL, Grant MOORE, Murshon RAMIREZ, Emily RAMIREZ, Kim RIVERA, Stephanie AGUILAR, Rosario CATANI, Ruby CORONADO, Greg CROWE, Travis EMAGUNA, John FIGUEROA, Desiree GOWING, Andrew HOYER, Dan JACKSON, La Toya KIMBLE, Anthony LANSTON, Tony MARTINEZ, Marlene PEEZ, Amelia RAUSTO, Crystal RIPLEY, Tagiilima SAENZ, Amanda TAYLOR, Ben WASHINGTON, Allen TSUCHIYAMA, Alyson Lecturers ADNEY, Curtis CHRISTENSEN, Carrie ANGON, Louis COOK, David Students ARREOLA, Leslie, Comm. & Lang. GAZOS, Mubarak, LAC MENDEZ, Juan, Comm. & Lang. PEREZ, Amelia, Physical Ed. RIPLEY, Tagiilima, Physical Ed. C. FINANCE & BUSINESS 1. 2. Finance & Business Reports a. Purchase Order Report b. Payroll Warrant Report c. District Budget Transfer Out-of-State Travel and Conferences The following Board and staff members were approved to attend the following educational conferences: Marie Eckstrom to travel to England and Scotland July 8-July 21, 2005. Ada Brown to present a lecture in Assisi, Italy and visit museums and galleries in London, Paris and Venice, June, 22August 4, 2005. 14 Kip Whelan to travel to Ireland, July 10-17, 2005. Sylvia Duran-Katnik and Arely De La Cruz to attend the Western Association of Veterans Educational Specialist (WAVES) 2005 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 17-21, 2005. Henry Gee to attend the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Leadership Academy planning Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, June 22-24, 2005. Steve Tomory to attend the North American Council of Automotive Teachers (NACAT) 2005 Conference in Spokane, Washington, July 18-22, 2005. Kathy Mitzen to attend the 6th National Conference on Nursing Skills Laboratories in San Antonio, Texas, June 22-26, 2005. 3. Appropriation Transfer at End of School Year 4. Grant Renewals A. B. C. D. E. 5. Revenue Agreements A. B. C. 6. VATEA IC Local Plan Regional Consortia Tech Prep Advanced Transportation Technology (ATT) Center Title V Cooperative: Project Teach California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (CSATF)/Corcoran Joaquin County Motor Pool Use of Weapons Firing Range Summary of District Annual and Long-Term Agreements, 2005-06 VENDOR TERM COST DESCRIPTION PROGRAM/ FUNDING EXPENSE AGREEMENTS 1 2 Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee Fund for Southern California Southern California Cement 7/1/05-6/30/06 70% of apportionment Inter Agency Apprenticeship 7/1/05-6/30/06 70% of apportionment Inter Agency Apprenticeship Masons Joint Apprenticeship 15 3 4 Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers Joint Apprenticeship Committee Operating Engineers 7/1/05-6/30/06 80% of apportionment Inter Agency Apprenticeship 7/1/05-6/30/06 15% of apportionment Inter Agency Apprenticeship 7/1/05-6/30/06 39% of apportionment Inter Agency Public Safety Training Trust 5 City of Santa Fe Springs Fire Department Training Courses REVENUE GENERATING AGREEMENTS 6 Evergreen Baptist 7/1/05-6/30/06 $14,000-16,000/monthly Facilities Lease- Church Facilities Campus Inn & classrooms 7. Apprenticeship Instructors – 2005-06 The Board of Trustees approved the following Apprenticeship Instructors: Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund Committee Robert Bell Perry Burcham Ismael Castillo, Jr. Pete Contreras Michael Contreras Jerrald Dostal James C. Fisher Greg Ginther Adolf Honegger Mark Johnson Nathan Johnson John Juarez Randy Leavenworth James Linehan IV Curtis Love Gonzalo Luna Jesse Milan Scott Payne Dennis Pugh Edward Ripley John Sartor,Jr. Craig Schene Wayne Seabury Bryan Taylor William B. Thompson Galo Toapanta Frank Ward Jeff Waters Dwayne Westmoreland Roger White Mary Whitmore Frank Zambrano Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers David Grisez Fernando Gutierrez Tom Gutierrez Cesar Ramirez Cement Masons Apprenticeship Committee Ed DeBrito III. ACTION ITEMS A. FINANCE & BUSINESS 1. 113. Reject all Bids #1075 Repair and Recondition Range Bullet Trap Backstops It was moved by Mr. Calamich, seconded by Ms. Gunn and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees reject all bids submitted for Bid #1075. 16 2. 114. Auxiliary Services Organization Board of Directors – 2005-06 It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the members of the Auxiliary Services Board of Directors for the 2005-2006 School Year as shown below. Feasibility Study for Partnership with Industry Hills Aquatic Club for Development of Aquatic Center 115. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Gunn and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve a feasibility study of a partnership with the Industry Hills Aquatic Club for the development of a joint aquatic complex. 3. 116. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the transfer of $1.3 million from the General Fund (01) to the Capital Projects Fund (41) for fiscal year end 2004-2005. 4. 117. Tentative Budget for 2005-06 It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the 2005-2006 Tentative Budget as presented for submission to the County Superintendent of Schools pursuant to Education Code §85023. 5. 118. Recommendation for Project Architect Assignments It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees authorize the Administration to negotiate contracts and initiate, if necessary, a Memorandum of Understanding with: 1) Leo A. Daly as project architect for the Administration of Justice Facility; 2) Flewelling & Moody as project architect for the Child Development Center; 3) LPA as project architect for Physical Education (Planning); 4) Martinez Architects as project architect for the Applied Technology Facility; and 5) Steven Ehrlich as project architect for the Student Services Center. B. PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 1. 119. Transfer of Funds – Fiscal Year End 2004-05 2005-06 Academic Calendar It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Gunn and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the move to the 16-week compressed calendar. 17 2. 120. Resolution in Support of Laird Bill (AB 982) – Student Health It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees adopt the resolution in support of AB 982 (Laird) (Student Health). 3. 121. Resolution Electing to Establish a Health Benefit Vesting Requirement for Future Retirees under the Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act - Academic It was moved by Mr. Camalich, seconded by Ms. Martinez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the resolution electing to establish a health benefit vesting requirement for future retirees under the Public Employee’s Medical and Hospital Care Act. 4. Board Policies – 7000s (pulled from April 13, 2005 meeting) This item was pulled by the Board of further study. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. 122. IV. California School Employees Association Chapter #477 Negotiations – Presentation of Joint Sunshine Statement for a Successor Contract It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Ms. Gunn and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the agenda item as presented. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Building Program Update 2. Board Goals Sub Committee Report (continuation). 3. Campaign for College Opportunity – Maricela Renteria V. STAFF AND BOARD REPORTS VI. CLOSED SESSION Mr. Quintero recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 8:00 p.m. The following action was taken in Closed Session and reported out: (Pursuant to Section 54957) • DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL RELEASE 18 • 123. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Camalich and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees employ the following faculty listed below: o Nursing Faculty Katherine Lopez as Nursing Instructor (Categorical position funded through Presbyterian InterCommunity Hospital). Kendra Seiler as Nursing Instructor. o Drafting Faculty Edward Gonzalez as Civil and Architectural Drafting and Design Instructor. o Electronics Faculty Juan Terrazas as Applied Electrical/Electronics Technology Instructor. o Dean II, Business & Applied Technology William (Ron) Christie as the Dean II, Business and Technology. o Interim Dean of the Arts Manuel Baca as the Interim Dean of the Arts. o Coordinator Fitness Center Jodi Senk as P.E. Instructor/Coordinator, Fitness Center & Fitness Specialist Certificate Program. o Interim Director, DSP&S No action taken on this position. (Pursuant to Section 54957.6) • CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Agency Negotiator: Rose Marie Joyce, Ph.D. Employee Organizations: CSEA, RHCFA VIII. CLOSING ITEMS A. Mr. Quintero adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 p.m., Rio Hondo College.