RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Regular Meeting, March 15, 2006, 6:00 p.m. Rio Hondo College, Board Room 3600 Workman Mill Road Whittier, CA Members Present: Ms. Angela Acosta-Salazar (Presiding), Mr. Gary Mendez, Mr. Garry Couso-Vasquez, Ms. Maria Elena Martinez, Mr. André Quintero I. Members Absent: Ms. Denice Gunn (Student Trustee) Staff Members: Dr. Rose Marie Joyce, President, Dr. Voiza Arnold, VP, Academic Services, Ms. Teresa Dreyfuss, VP, Business and Finance, Mr. Henry Gee, VP Student and Community Services, Dr. Andy Howard, Ex. Director, Planning & Development Ms. Carolyn Russell (President, Academic Senate), Mr. Jim Newman (Representing, RHCFA) Ms. Sandra Rivera, (President, CSEA) Mr. Carlos Casillas (Representing ASB) Ms. Sandy Sandello (Recorder) CALL TO ORDER A. Call to Order Ms. Acosta Salazar called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Sandra Rivera led the pledge of allegiance. C. Roll Call Ms. Denice Gunn was reported absent but arrived at 6:20 p.m. D. Open Communication for Public Comment No public comments were made. E. Approval of Minutes – February 1; February 4, 2006; February 15, 2006 71. It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. CousoVasquez and carried unanimously, to amend the minutes of February 1, 2006 with the correction to Georgia Atkins’ name. 72. It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees accept the minutes of February 4 and 15, 2006 as presented. F. Commendations - RHC Women’s Basketball Team - RHC Tenured Faculty Ms. Acosta-Salazar recessed the meeting at 6:23 p.m. for a short reception. BREAK – 15 minute reception honoring tenured faculty Ms. Acosta-Salazar reconvened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. II. CONSENT AGENDA 73. It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Agenda as outlined below. A. FINANCE & BUSINESS 1. 2. Finance & Business Reports a. Purchase Order Report b. Payroll Warrant Report Out of State Travel & Conferences The Board of Trustees approved the following Board and Staff members to attend the following Educational Conferences: John Frala and Rodney Lineweber to attend the Clean Cities Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, May 7-10, 2006. Rhonda Simmons to attend the National Association for Community College Teacher Education Programs (NACCTEP) 4th Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, March 16-17, 2006. Beverly Reilly, Kenn Pierson, and Marie Eckstrom to attend the National Council of Teacher’s of English (NCTE) Conference on College Communication and Composition in Chicago, Illinois, John R. Bennett, International Association of Fire Chiefs Wildland Safety Conference, in Phoenix, Arizona, March 8-9, 2006. Steve Herbert to attend the Nike Championship Basketball Clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada, May 12-14, 2006. Larry Scher to attend the National Association of Broadcasters Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 24-27, 2006. Jeannette Williams to attend the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 25-29, 2006. Andy Howard to attend the Sharpe Group Seminar, - An Introduction to Planned Giving in Washington, D.C., March 18-21, 2006. Cynthia Pallini to attend the Counseling for Retention and Graduation Training Seminars in Boston, Massachusetts, April 24-26, 2006. Fabiola Munoz to attend the Association of Special Programs in Region 8 (ASPIRE) Training Institute in April 20-22, 2006. Rodney Lineweber to attend the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) – Train the Trainer Course in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 5-8, 2006. Dennyse Clark to attend the Training for Career Counselor’s – Level II Seminar at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Michelle Pilati to attend the League for Innovations 2006 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, March 18-22, 2006. 3. Revenue Agreements Use of Weapons Firing Range a. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Department of Homeland Security b. State of California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 4. Revenue Agreement – Nissan Diesel American, Inc. This is an agreement to conduct sixteen (16) Diesel Truck Training Sessions at Rio Hondo’s Automotive Technology Center. A session will consist of one to four days of training. The training will be conducted between April 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006. Nissan Diesel American, Inc. agrees to pay $2,400 upon invoice for he training. 5. Apprenticeship Instructor – 2005-06 The college has entered into a program with the Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund Committee for Southern California to provide instruction. The District will employ the instructor an the Committee with provide for the instructor’s salary and benefits. The college is recommending the employment of the following: Michael A. Gaunt 6. Lincoln Training Center Instructors – 2005-06 The College has entered into a program with the Lincoln Training Center and is recommending the employment of the following instructor for the program. The District will employ the instructors, and the Lincoln Training Center will provide for the instructor’s salary and benefits. Caron A. Nunez Magdalena Colobong B. PERSONNEL 1. Academic a. Employment Hourly as Needed, Spring 2006 FURR, Jack, Public Safety MATA, Moises, Comm. & Lang. NILO, Eduardo, Public Safety ROLDAN, Roger, Public Safety SCHIVLEY, Christopher, Public Safety Part Time, Spring 2006 MANAGAHAS, Ronaldo , Math MARTINEZ, Debra, Health Science MORALES, Linda, Health Sci. NGUYEN, Scott, Biology SWICK, Deane, Fine Arts THOMPSON, Sonya, Social Sci. Non Credit, Spring 2006 DE LOS RIOS, Alvaro, Comm. DREW, John, Contract Ed. GALLEGOS, Carlos, Comm. HOHRI, Jennifer, Comm. /Lang. ORTEGA, Sonia, Comm./Lang. SEGURA, Dianne, Comm. Ser. Spring 2006, Assignments (part-time) ABANES-DE MELLO, Angelica, Biology ABDELLATEEF, Marwa, Social Sci. ADESINA, Catherine, Social Sci. AGUILAR, Edgard, Comm./Lang. ALLEN, Janet Geare, Health Science ALVAREZ, Ricardo, Technology ANTLER, Abram, Comm./Lang. ABDEL-RAHMAN, Ahmad, Social Sci. ACOSTA-MATA, Aileen, Comm. AGOPIAN, Michael, Social Science ALLEN, Brian, Social Science ALPERN, Ronny, Mathematics ANDERSON, Kenneth, Comm./Lang. ARRONA-MURGUIA, Martha, Comm./Lang. Spring 2006, Assignments (part-time) continued ARTH, Leland, Physical Edu. ASSADIAN, Bizhan, Mathematics AVILA, Richard, Social Science BARRON, Sergio, Business BASKIN, Deborah, Public Safety BAUMHECKEL, Kenneth, Comm./Lang. BECK, Karen, Social Science BEESMER, Richard, Apprenticeship BELL, Sharon, Comm./Lang. BENN, Kenneth, Technology BHADHA, Bakhtawar, Social Sci. BLADH, Mickey, Health Science BLOOM, Douglas, Fine Arts BOGY-MOORE, Charity, Health Sci. BOTTI, Ralph, Physical Science BRAKEBILL, James, Public Safety BRENES, Orlando, Physical Edu. BROWN, Rick, Social Science BUTLER, Marc, Public Safety CAMPBELL, Douglas, Comm./Lang. CANDIDA, Celeste, Comm./Lang. CERVANTES, Misty, Fine Arts CHAO, Han-Hua, Comm./Lang. ASKREN, Mark, Comm./Lang. ATKINS, Johnnie, Business BAIAMONTE, Nicholas, Social Sci. BARTON, David, Apprenticeship BASKIN, Janice, Comm./Lang. BEAUCHEMIN, Robert, Technology BECKMAN, Richard, Public Safety BELIAKOFF, Andrew, Social Science BENITEZ, Ruth, Health Science BENSON, Boyd, Mathematics BLADH, Eric. Business BLISS, Jean, Fine Arts BLOUGH, Gwendolyn, Health Science BOOTH, Barbara, Social Science BOXX, Gayle, Biology BREITENBUCHER, Alba, Comm./Lang. BRICK, Larry, Mathematics BUTLER, Diane, Comm./Lang. CAMERON, John, Business CAMPBELL, Faye, Social Sci. CASCELLLA, Henry, Comm./Lang. CHAMBERS, Thomas, Social Sci. CHAVEZ, Patricia, Business Spring 2006, Assignments (part-time) continued CHERNG, Pein, Health Science COHRS, Luisa, Fine Arts CONTRERAS, Robert, Public Safety COSENTINO, Joleene, Com./Lang. COX, Bonnie, Comm./Lang. CUMMINS, Megan, Social Science CURTIS, Gary, Mathematics DAMMENA, Dimetros, Mathematics DEEN, Daniel, Social Science DIAZ, Martin, Physical Science. DITTMER, Ann, Business DOCHNAHL, Terril, Public Safety DOWLING, Lenore, Comm./Lang. DYE, Danna, Physical Edu. EASTMAN, Ron, Physical Edu. ELBAZ, Osama, Social Science ESKO, Teddi, Physical Science FARRIS, Michael, Social Science FERNANDEZ, Rafael, Comm./Lang. FERRELL, James, Business FITPATRICK, Daniel, Physical Edu. FORSYTHE, Nancy, Business FOSTER, Mari, Social Science FRANCEV, Peter, Comm./Lang. FRIED, Carmen, Comm./Lang. FRITZ, Carole, Mathematics GALLEGOS, Joshua, Comm./Lang. GARCIA, Alonso, Comm./Lang. GOODWYN, Michael, Comm./Lang. GRAHAM, Lynne, Mathematics GRESHAM, Ann, Fine Arts HADSELL, Clifford, Public Safety HAMILTON, Debbie, Health Science HATTABAUGH, Kyla, Comm./Lang. HECKEL, William, Public Safety HENG, Nay Sok, Comm./Lang. HENRY, Darryl, Social Science HILLBRUNER, Anthony, Social Sci. HO, Polly, Comm./Lang. HOLE, Michael, Social Science HORNSBY, William, Public Safety HRUBY, Christopher, Fine Arts HSU, Yen, Comm./Lang. HUINQUEZ, Jorge, Social Science ISAAC, Samuel, Comm./Lang. JAMIESON, Ronald, Business JUCHARTZ, Arline, Comm./Lang. KARMIRYAN, Ruzanna, Social Sci. KHATTAR, Fayez, Technology KHWAJA, Zia, Mathematics KNOWLTON, Kenneth, Technology KORTZ, Veronica, Comm./Lang. LA BLANC, Paul, Physical Ed. LAI, Wendy, Comm./Lang. LARSON, Eric, Fine Arts LAUGHLIN, Ellen, Social Science LEDBETTER, Greg, Business LESCSAK, Genevieve, Physical Ed. LEW, Sandra, Comm./Lang. LIM, Kenneth, Technology LITTLE, Rodger, Apprenticeship LOZANO, Andrea, Comm./Lang. LUNA, Hank, Social Science LUNA, Patricia, Health Science MAKSIMOW, Marc, Technology MALONE, Annie, Fine Arts CLAUSS, Lee, Social Science COMINI, Carolyn, Social Science COOK, Robert, Technology COSGROVE, Marilee, Social Science CUDDIHY, William, Social Science CURINGTON, William, Comm./Lang. DAILY, Dee, Technology DE NINO, Ronald, Comm./Lang. DEGENNARO, John, Comm./Lang. DIGHERA, Michael, Technology DIXON, Wendy, Biology DONEY, Richard, Public Safety DOWNS, James, Social Science EARLEY, Jerry, Environ. Technology ELAM, Christine, Business ELBIALI, Abdelmagead, Social Science FAGAN, Thomas, Social Science FELKNER, Jolene, Comm./Lang. FERREIRA, Maria, Social Science FITCH, Jill, Comm./Lang. FLORES, Armando, Technology FOSSETT, Charles, Social Science FRALA, Jeremy, Business FREEBORN, Paul, Comm./Lang. FRITSCH, Raymond, Physical Sci. GAGEN, Laurel, Physical Edu. GAMEROS, Loren, Apprenticeship GILL, Jack, Mathematics GOUDE, Nicole, Fine Arts GREGSON, Heather, Biology GUILLOW, Lawrence, Social Sci. HAEBERLEIN, Lee, Technology HAMILTON, Kieko, Comm./Lang. HEAD, Angela Veronica, Business HEMENWAY, Steven, Physical Edu. HENNIGAN, John, Physical Edu. HERNANDEZ, Catalina, Biology HIRAI, Frances, Mathematics HOEFNER, Elizabeth, Physical Edu. HOLLING, Melvin, Technology HOWING, Donna, Social Science HSU, Theodore, Mathematics HUGHES, Charles, Business HULSEY, Jed, Public Safety ISAACS, Brent, Comm./Lang. JO, Peter, Biology KAISER, Debra, Social Science KERMANE, Bruce, Comm./Lang. KHORRAMSHADI, Mahdi, Mathematics KIMBER, Sandra, Public Safety KOEHLER, Claire, Comm./Lang. KUNARAK, Sanya, Mathematics LA FLEUR, Virginia, Health Science LA ROSA, Catherine, Comm./Lang. LATSON, Jack, Social Science LEACH, Barbara, Health Science LEE, Thomas, Social Science LEVITT, Susanna, Fine Arts LIM, Joyce, Comm./Lang. LINDY, David, Technology LOW, Joyce, Mathematics LUKE, Thomas, Technology LUNA, Javier, Technology LY, Hoa, Mathematics MALAKAR, Subhash, Mathematics MANAHAN, Daniel, Technology Spring 2006, Assignments (part-time) continued MANGIAMELI, Joe, Technology MARTIN, David, Technology MAUK, Lewis, Fine Arts MEDINA, Cecilia, Social Sci. MENDEZ, Armando, Comm./Lang. MEYSENBURG, Maurice, Social Sci. MOCK, Jearold, Comm./Lang. MOTTA, Oscar, Technology MUELLER, Melvin, Public Safety MURPHY, William, Public Safety NEELEY, Judy, Social Science NEWCOMER, Owen, Social Sci. NGUYEN, Gia, Social Science NIELSON, Heather, Comm./Lang. NOBLE, William, Public Safety NUNEZ, Eleanor, Health Science ORTIZ, Paul, Technology OSTLING, Gerald, Comm./Lang. PAPPAS, Gus, Comm./Lang. PASCUAL, Ralph, Social Sci. PEREZ, Lydia, Health Science PHARES, D’Artagnan, Social Sci. PLANA, Jose A. “Tony”, Fine Arts PRIBNOW, Jack, Math RAMOS-BERNAL, Natasha, Soc. Sci. REEDER, Ronald, Fine Arts RENNIE, William, Disabled Students RIGBY, Jeffrey, Social Science RIVELIS, Yefim, Mathematics ROCKWELL, Priscilla Van Laer, Comm. RODRIGUEZ, Domingo, Social Sci. RODRIGUEZ, Victoria, Health Sci. ROMERO, Maria, Social Science ROSS, Cheryle, Social Science RUTTENBERG, Loretta, Social Sci. SAMAAN, Evette, Social Science SCALISE, Janet, Social Science SCHULZ, Karen, Public Safety SHADE, Stephen, Fine Arts SHAH, Ahmad, Business SHERIDAN-SOLIS, Ann, Business SHIBATA, Grace, Comm./Lang. SMITH, Judi, Social Science SMITH, Mark, Biology SMITH, William, Business SOMERS, David, Comm./Lang. SPINDOLA, Pamela, Comm./Lang. STEELE, Richard, Technology SUENG, Su-Chen, Social Science SWICK, Deane, Fine Arts SYMONS, Kathleen, Fine Arts TALLY, Susan, Comm./Lang. THRASHER, Thomas, Comm./Lang. TORRES, Ybonne, Social Sci. TOWHIDLOW, Mark, Math TRESS, Marguerite, Math VAN DOMMELEN, Louise, Phys. Ed. VASQUEZ, David, Technology VENTO, Paula, Health Science VILLALOBOS, Jason, Social Sci. WARNER, Lorin, Comm./Lang. WASHINGTON, Eddie, Social Sci. WICKMAN, Monica, Comm./Lang. WILSON, Bynell, Comm./Lang. WISKUS, Dennis, Public Safety WONG, Stephen, Business MANIFOR, John, Technology MARTINEZ, Jose, Mathematics MAXWELL, Elizabeth, Physical Ed. MELLAS, Anthony, Business MENDEZ, Eva, Social Science MISSAKIAN, Ilona, Comm./Lang. MORRIS, Clifton, Biology MOUAWAD, Ghada, Comm./Lang. MURPHY, Timothy, Public Safety NAVARRO, Carmen, Comm./Lang. NESTEGARD, Elizabeth, Social Science NEWKIRK, Mary, Physical Ed. NGUYEN, Scott, Biology NISHIMOTO, Masako, Mathematics NORTON, David, Comm./Lang. OLSEN, Kirk, Biology OSMAN, Daniel, Comm./Lang. PADUA, Sonia, Social Science PARIS, Jennifer, Social Science PEARCE, John, Public Safety PFEIFFER, Jill, Social Science PHELPS, Lori, Social Science POMERANTSEV, Ludmila, Math QUEZADA, Sara, Social Science RASMUSSEN, Joseph, Social Sci. REGALDO, Anna, Comm./Lang. RHI, Lisette, Comm./Lang. RIORDAN, Judith, Comm./Lang. RIZVI, Nahid, Comm./Lang. RODDICK, Daniel, Social Science RODRIGUEZ, Joshua, Comm./Lang. ROLDAN, Pablo, Comm./Lang. ROMO, Gustavo, Technology ROY, Ronald, Social Science SALAZAR, Ismael, Apprenticeship SAYED, Sana, Comm./Lang. SCHULTE, Francis, Social Science SEETHARAMAN, Gayathri, Math SHAFER, Kenneth, Social Sci. SHAW, Timothy, Social Sci. SHERWOOD, Dianna, Physical Edu. SIARA, Robin, Physical Edu. SMITH, Larry, Comm./Lang. SMITH, Richard, Public Safety SOKOL, Alexia, Business SOMMERS, Ira, Public Safety STANKEVITZ, Diane, Physical Ed. STROLL, Susan, Fine Arts SULE, Mick, Math SWIFT, Jack, Comm./Lang. TABATA, Flint, Technology THOMPSON, Sonya, Social Sci. TOMEO, Joseph, Technology TORRES-GIL, Mario, Business TRAM, James, Technology UNGER, Karen, Physical Edu. VANCE, Holly, Comm./Lang. VELARDE, Robert, Technology VICHENGRAD, Kirk, Fine Arts WALLS, Carl, Technology WARNER, Nathan, Comm./Lang. WASHINGTON, Warren, Social Sci. WILLIAMS, Ray, Biology WILSON, Richard, Social Science WOIRHAYE, Mahlon, Comm./Lang. WOUDENBERG, Mary Kay, Comm./Lang. Spring 2006, Assignments (part-time) continued WRIGHT, Curtis, Fine Arts WYATT, Gwendolyn, Fine Arts ZARE, Michael, Technology WRIGHT, Samuel, Physical Ed. ZAKI, Nabil, Technology ZEIGLER, Christina, Physical Science Spring 2006, Assignments (Hourly) BALL, Edna, Library CHAN, Yee Wah, Library ENRIGHT, William, Library HOVSEPIAN, Viken, Even./Week Coll. MATA, Moises, Comm. /Lang. PAIK, Ellen, Stud. Health. Ser. SHABELNIK, Tatiana, Library SLAVICH, Michael, Technology WELLS, Stephanie, Library YASHAR, Debby, Library b. BOURGAIZE, Karen, Library CLARK, Mary D., EOPS GROPPELL, Mary, Stud. Health Ser. ITATANI, Robert, Weekend College OLDHAM, Carolyn, Library SAKAMOTO, Rosario, Stud. Health Ser. SHACKLETT, Tod, Library TARBOX, Margaret, Library WU, Viraseni, Stud. Health Ser. Reduced Workload In accordance with E.C. 87483, Reduction in Workload and provisions of Article 6 of the Academic Contract, the following academic employee has requested a reduction in workload for the 2006-2007 school year: WILLIAMS, Jeannette 2. 79.02% Physical Education Classified a. Employment Regular Classified The following employee is hired in the designated capacity. Funding is available through September 30, 2006. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 45-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. PEREZ, Gerardo, Paraprofessional Tutor, Upward Bound, 25%, effective February 14, 2006 The following employee is hired in the designated capacity. Funding is available through June 30, 2006. If continued funding should not be available, appropriate 45-day notice shall be served prior to the end of funding. ULLOA, Gabriela, Clerk Typist III, Cal WORKS, 100%, effective March 1, 2006 Substitute, 2006 VENEGAS, Bobbi Jo, Sr. Instructional Asst. /Translator for Deaf, effective January 30, 2006 Short Term, 2006 CONRAD, Sherry, Clerk Typist III, Cal WORKS, ending date June 30, 2006 HAHERLE, Scott, FA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006 LAVEAGA, Victor, FA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006 RIVERA, Sonia, FA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006. ROLDAN, Roger, PA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006 SCHIVLEY, Christopher, PA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006 WOODS, Marcus, Sr. Instructional Assistant, Translator for Deaf, Disabled Students, ending date June 30, 2006 LAVEAGA, Victor, FA Training & Operations Specialist, Public Safety, ending date June 30, 2006 b. Increase in Assignment BLANCHARD, Ivette, Switchboard Operator/Mailroom Clerk I, Contract Management & Vendor Services, from 35% to 50%, effective February 6, 2006 C. Resignation GUTIERREZ, Jesus, Instructional Assistant, Math and Sciences, last day of employment was February 15, 2006 VO, Nguyet, Paraprofessional Tutor, Upward Bound/Student Support Services, last day of employment was February 27, 2006 d. Retirement BECKWITH, Mary Jo, Instructional Assistant, Communications and Languages, last day of employment is May 31, 2006 HA, Trung Van, Programmer Analyst, Information Technology Services, last day of employment is May 30, 2006 3. Unrepresented, CP 5155, 2006 a. Employment Hourly BOWMAN, Timothy, Coach Spec., PE SORIA, Mike, Coach. Spec, PE ROJO, Sonia, Coach Spec, PE Students BIELMONTER, Deborah, Transfer Ctr. FOOR, Laura, Career Ctr. GOMEZ, Kimberly, Parking Ser. KILLEEN, Cristy, Academic Ser. 4. CHAVEZ, Johana, Facilities GARCIA-PERAZA, Irene, EOPS GONZALES, Leticia, Stud. Act. LOGAN, Marcus, EOPS Order of Employment Per Education Code 87413, et. seq. following is the revised Order of Employment List. We have added those faculty members employed during the Fall Semester 2005 and Spring 2006 and deleted those who retired as of 2005. Order of Employment List (attached) III. ACTION ITEMS A. FINANCE & BUSINESS 1. 74. Resolution and Authorization to Enter into Settlement Agreement with Enron It was moved by Mr. Couso-Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the attached resolution and authorization to enter into settlement agreement with Enron. Settlement Agreement (attached) 12. 9-1-63 Pribnow, J. 84. 90. 9-1-67 Waugh, L. Hawkins, T 98, 99. 9-1-68 Howard, G. Huffman, H. 120. 189. 8-1-76 Sanchez, L. 191. 195. 9-1-76 Williams, L. Hawley, J. 202. 9-1-77 Highfill, R. 203. 10-24-77 Itatani, R. 9-1-70 Nelson, B. 206a 129. 9-1-71 Scher, L. 130. 7-1-72 Mitzen, K. 151. 9-1-74 Harvey, D. 209. 210. 211. 10-25-79 Sauceda, H. 9-8-80 Sites, P. Sunyogh, J. Koos, K. 157. 158. 165. 171. 173. 177. 179. 182. 9-1-75 Carreon, M Shield, P. Bewley, E. Sigala, C. Pacheco, M. Sciborski, R. 183. 10-21-75 Esquivel, R. 212. Francis, J. 213. 2-2-81 Kaller, D. 214a 7-13-81 Marks, J. 9-8-81 216. Ramstead, B.(Santana) 217. Griffith, L. 218. Sutow, C. 218a Huang, I. 223. McFarlin, C. 224. Teufel, J. 228. 185. 186. 1-15-76 Zaharek, J. 2-1-76 Russell, C. Whelen, K. 7-1-82 Eddington, L. 236. 9-10-84 Chandler, J. 237. 188. 7-1-76 Haskins, J. 184. 9-1-85 Baca, M. 241. 9-9-85 Balch, D. 243. 2-19-86 Fernandez, J. 245a 246. 9-8-86 Arnold, V. Dineen, B. 247. 11-17-86 Parra, Y. 249. 9-1-87 Maffris, N. 251. 254. 255. 9-9-87 Ratzke, M. Nyaggah, L. Chabran, G. 258. 8-11-88 O’Brien, K. 259. 260. 261. 9-1-88 Rivera, M. Torres-Gil, B. Alvarado, G. 262. 263. 265. 266. 9-7-88 Gaspar, G. Korf, W. Ayala, A. Slavich, M. 270. 10-1-88 Peters, S. 271. 2-6-89 McConnell, P. 9-11-80 9-16-74 2-1-75 Lazaro, N. Henderson, J. 239. 9-24-84 Martinez, B. 11 12 275. 276. 9-6-89 Wells, S. LaTurno, J. 9-6-95 320. de la Mora M.(Perez) 2-5-90 278a Keith, B. 279. 5-1-90 Barber-Garcia, Y. 282. 284. 287. 288. 289. 290. 293. 8-27-90 Acuna-Hansen, C. Enright, A. Williams, J. Mitchell, C. Newman, J. Hawley, L. Katnik, S. 295. 10-10-90 Dreyfuss, T. 297. 298. 11-1-90 Gallego, P. Rubalcava, D. 299. 301. 303. 305. 8-26-91 Marshall, J. Lynch, S. Curlee, K. Matthis, J. 306. 8-24-92 Page, C. 311. 3-1-95 Rodriguez, J. 312. 5-11-95 Coffman, D 313. 313a 314. 315. 316. 317. 8-21-95 Moshier, S. Sloniger, W. Biesemeyer,G. Perez (Wien), C. Salazar, B. Vazquez, D. 321. 324. 326. 1-17-96 Juarez, M. Llerena, L. Kimber, G. 328. 329. 330. 8-20-96 Bethel, R. Pudelko, K. Hinze, M. 331. 1-15-97 Feliciano, R. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 8-19-97 Martinez, M. Rickman, T. Pierson, K. Freije, T. Coe, J. Herzfeld, S. Spieler, G. 341. 342. 342a 343. J. 344. 348. 349. 351. 352. 353. C. 1-14-98 Forrest, M. Keller, T. 2-12-98 Olsen, T. 8-18-98 Sevilla-Marzona, Kamdibe, M. Reilly, B. Littrell, M. 1-13-99 Kepner, P. Rivera, Nilsa 1-19-99 Guerrero (Arrevillaga), 354. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 8-17-99 Bronkar, R. Kearns, L. Ibarra, E. Livingston, J. Mindes, A. Bowen, C. Pilati, M. Springer, J. Liu, S. Hughes, B. 366. 1-12-00 Duran, J. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 379. 380. 381. 382. 384. 385. 386. 387. 8-17-00 Daryoush, F. Duarte, J. Puga, G. Muniz, V. Roberts, W. De los Santos, B. Holcomb, R. Gonzales, H. Botello, R. Whitford, J. Salazar, M. Cummings, F. Leung, A. Padgett, V. Priest, V. Babou, R. Huang, J. Koelle, S. Wetsman, A. 389. 391. 393. 395. 396. 397. 398. 1-18-01 Tomory, S. Matthews, D. Fung, H. Mikalson, B. Clark, D. Vu, N. Reyes, D. 13 400. 401. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 417. 419. 420. 8-16-01 Boyd, P. Louie, K. Stein, R. Thomas, J. Velazquez, R. Hebert, S. English, C. Mason, D. Halvorsen, G. Eckstrom, M. Callinan, T. Issac, Lily Tang, S. Frala, John 1-10-02 Mosharraf, F. Wang, G. Hemenway, E. Bigos, A. 421. Wallace, G. 434. 435. 1-6-05 Brown, A. Forrest, A. 8-19-05 Green, R. Seiler, K. Blackmun, E. Accardo, F. Senk, J. Preston, T. Mares, J. Gonzalez, E. 1-27-06 Javanmard, M. Sfeir, L. Lewis, C. Valdivia, I. 422 423. 424. 425. 8-15-02 Koutroulis, M. Modyman, G. Moe, S Brown, L. 428. 8-14-03 Hannah, K. 429. 8-18-03 Duran-Katnik, S. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 430. 431. 432. 8-12-04 Medina, A. Garcia, D. Fleischaker, S. 444. 445. 446. 447. 14 RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ENRON This Resolution and Authorization to Enter Into Settlement Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into this _16th__ day of _March_ 2006, by the Governing Board of the _RIO HONDO_ Community College District (hereinafter the “District”) in favor of the Community College League of California (hereinafter the “League”) (the “District,” together with the League, the “Parties,” and each a “Party”), with respect to the global settlement of the claims and counter-claims set forth in the lawsuit brought by Enron Energy Marketing Corp. (“Enron”) against the District and certain other California community college districts in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (Adv. Action No. 05-01242-AJG) (the “Trading Claim Litigation”). RECITALS: In light of the competing claim amounts at issue between the District and Enron, the complexity of the legal and factual issues remaining to be resolved, the expense and uncertainty of further litigation, and for the reasons set forth in the memorandum from the League to the District entitled Information on Terms of Settlement Reached with Enron (“Settlement Memorandum”), the District believes it is in its best interests to fully and finally resolve the District’s disputes with Enron by consummating the settlement agreement negotiated by the League with Enron. Accordingly, the League and the District agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The District Resolves and Approves Participation in the Settlement Agreement: By this Resolution, the District hereby approves and agrees to (a) enter into and to be fully bound by the terms of the global settlement reached by and between the League and Enron (“Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release”, a copy of which is enclosed), which provides in part that, in exchange for the District’s complete waiver and release of claims against Enron, Enron will release the District from any and all liability in the Trading Claim Litigation; and (b) to fully participate in the “true up” process set forth in the Settlement Memorandum (enclosed). 2. The District has Taken the Required Actions to Approve the Settlement Agreement: The District certifies that it has received the Settlement Memorandum and the Settlement Agreement, that it is authorized to enter into the Settlement Agreement and that by adopting this Resolution it has taken any and all steps necessary to approve the Settlement Agreement and its participation in the “true up” process set forth in the Settlement Memorandum, including, but not limited to obtaining all necessary approvals of the District’s Governing Board. The Governing Board hereby delegates to its chief executive officer or designee the authority to sign this Resolution on its behalf. 15 3. The District Authorizes the League to Act on the District’s Behalf: The District expressly grants and delegates to the League, through Ray Giles, the Interim Vice President of Operations of the League, authority (and to the extent necessary, limited power of attorney) to execute the Settlement Agreement with Enron on the District’s behalf, to execute any other documents contemplated therein and to take any other actions to consummate the Settlement Agreement. The scope of the District’s authorization is limited to the consummation of the Settlement Agreement, and the District expressly waives any and all claims against the League and Ray Giles arising from or related to any act undertaken within the scope of this authorization. 4. The District Agrees to Perform According to the “True-Up” Procedures: In order to achieve fairness between those districts holding claims against Enron and those districts that owe Enron receivables, the District understands and acknowledges the requirements of the equitable “True-Up” process set forth in the Settlement Memorandum according to which the districts entering into the Settlement Agreement shall either pay into or receive from the League’s Settlement Escrow Account the amounts designated in the Bankruptcy Settlement True Up Schedule (enclosed) . For the benefit of all districts named in the Trading Claim Litigation, the District hereby expressly agrees to comply with the “True-Up” process and to pay any amounts due as indicated in the Bankruptcy Settlement True Up Schedule to the League’s Settlement Escrow Account within ten (10) business days of the District’s execution of this Agreement. 5. Participation in the “True-Up” Process is a Pre-Requisite to Entering into The Settlement Agreement: The District expressly acknowledges and agrees that it may not participate in nor receive the benefit of the Settlement Agreement and the dismissal of the Trading Claim Litigation unless it agrees to participate in the True-Up process and make the payments as set forth in the Bankruptcy Settlement True Up Schedule, if any. 6. Miscellaneous: (a) Entire Agreement: This Agreement, the Settlement Agreement, and the Settlement Memorandum set forth the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements. (b) Governing Law: This Agreement is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, except where superseded by federal bankruptcy law. (c) Execution: This Agreement may be executed by facsimile or electronic signature followed by delivery of the original executed Agreement. 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT By: ___________________________________ Teresa Dreyfuss Vice President, Finance & Business PLEASE RETURN TO: Ray Giles Vice President of Operations (Interim) Community College League of California 2017 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-444-8641 17 2. 75. Contract Agreement Godbe Research It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. CousoVasquez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with Godbe Research to conduct the Community Services Needs Assessment Survey which includes Categorizing and prioritizing opportunities for growth within the five Trustee areas in an amount not to exceed $45,420. The Terms for the contract will begin March 16, 2006 through June 30, 2006. 3. 76. Consultant Services It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried that the Board of Trustees approve the Consultant Services as outlined below and authorize the Superintendent/President or designee to sign the appropriate documents on behalf of the District. a. Karen Dixon – to present two 30-hour workshops to foster youth in the Independent Living Program-Youth. Dates of service are: Mondays/Wednesdays, January 9, 2006February 8, 2006-(Emergency replacement for Alan Brown – Board approved 12/13/05) and March 6, 2006-April 19, 2006. Payment is not to exceed $2,200.00 ($35/hour) from Independent Living Program (ILP-B) funds. B. PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 1. 77. Cultural Arts Community Advisory Committee – Board Appointments It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried, that the Board of Trustees accept the nominations to serve on the Cultural Arts Community Advisory Committee – nominees listed below; Trustee Area 1 Stephan Lawe Trustee Area 2 Pending Trustee Area 3 Veronica Martinez Trustee Area 4 John Lopez Trustee Area 5 Vikkie Galarza 18 2. 78. Revision of Board Policies 4000s (Academic Affairs Formerly 2000s) – Final Adoption It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the revision of Board Policies 4000s for final adoption. 3. 79. New Board Policies to the 2000 Section (Board of Trustees) (Final Adoption) It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Mendez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees approve the revision of Board Policies 4000’s for final adoption. 4. 80. Legislative Advocate – Federal Level It was moved by Mr. Quintero, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried, that the Board of Trustees Approve a new contract with Fabiani & Company and authorize the Superintendent/President to execute a contract on behalf of the District, not to exceed $130,000 for a 12-montyh period not to exceed $130,000 for a 12-month period, to be paid from the General Fund. Ms. Martinez abstained. 5. 81. California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board of Directors Election - 2006 It was moved by Mr. Mendez, seconded by Mr. Quintero and carried unanimously that the Board of Trustees nominate the following 8 candidates on the 2006 California Community College Trustees Election. Names and order taken directly from the official ballot. 1. 2. 4. 9. 14. 16. 17. 20. IV. Anita Grier, San Francisco CCD Rebecca J. Garcia, Cabrillo CCD Brian Conley, Rancho Santiago CCD Mary Anne Rooney, Ventura County CCD Paul Fong, Foothill-DeAnza CCD Isabel Barreras, State Center CCD Rosanne Bader, Mt. San Antonio CCD Ted Edmiston, Cerritos CCD INFORMATION ITEMS 1. 2. 3. 4. Presentation - Athletic Programs Concept for Pilot Program to Increase Bus Ridership Enrollment Management Report Board Goal Development 19 5. 6. Alternative Transportation Program Building Program • • Master Plan Update Landscape Master Plan V. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS VI. STAFF AND BOARD REPORTS VII. CLOSED SESSION Ms Acosta-Salazar recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 9:42 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 11:07 p.m. The following action was reported out of closed session. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session pursuant to Section 54956.8: • CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Property: o 10120 S. Painter Avenue, Whittier, California o 11515 South Colima Road, Whittier, California o 3888 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California No action taken on this item. • Conference With Legal Counsel--Existing Litigation (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) o File No. 1703-088 (Disclosure would jeopardize service of process or existing settlement negotiations) No action taken on this item. (Pursuant to Section 54957) • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE 82. It was moved by Ms. Martinez, seconded by Mr. Couso-Vasquez and carried unanimously, that the Board of Trustees terminate the employment of a part-time temporary Instructor effective March 15, 2006. • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT o Manager, Mechanical & Electrical Services o Anthropology Instructor o Math Instructor No action taken on this item. 20 • PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION O Superintendent/President No action taken on this item. (Pursuant to Section 54957.6) • CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency Negotiator: Rose Marie Joyce Employee Organizations: CSEA, RHCFA, Management/Confidential No action taken on this item. VIII. CLOSING ITEMS Ms. Acosta-Salazar adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. The next special meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2006; the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on April 19, 2006, Rio Hondo College, 3600 Workman Mill Road, Whittier. ____________________________ President ___________________________ Clerk