Pokok Bahasan Financial Matters :

: G1184 Travel Management
: 2005
Pertemuan ke-: 23-24
Chapter 8
(Power Point 23.1)
Pokok Bahasan: Financial
 Costing a Holiday
Learning Outcomes Chapter 8
(Power Point 23.2)
Pada akhir pertemuan ke-24, diharapkan
mahasiswa akan mampu :
• menjelaskan komponen-kompenen yang
menentukan harga suatu perjalanan (TIK 44)
(Power Point 23.3)
Tour operators need to cost
their holidays in such a way
that they will be cometitive
with the prices charged
by their rivals
but will still enable them
to make a profit
(Power Point 23.4)
Tour operators have to forecast
costs and sales for their program
and then check these
against actual costs and income as
bookings start to come in.
The forecast has to be done
up to 18 months in advance of departures,
while the checking on a monthly basis.
(Power Point 23.5)
Anticipated revenue from the sale
of holidays must be set
against the cost of salaries,
air conditioning, lighting,
communications, advertisements,
entertaining, contract payment
and etc.
(Power Point 23.6)
Tour operators have to add a mark-up to
cover other costs, the commission to the
travel agency and a profit.
The highest mark-ups will be loaded onto
peak period departures (Easter,
July/August, Christmas/New Year, school
holidays, bank holidays, factory closing
(Power Point 23.7)
It is better to sell a seat
at break-even cost
than to let the plane
take off with it empty.
(Power Point 23.8)
When making forecasts, economists need to consider:
whether the market is expanding or contracting
the size of program they want to produce
the size and cost of competitors’ program
whether demand is likely to exceed the supply of holidays
whether prices should rise, stay much as they were in the
previous season or be reduced
• whether enough aircraft will be available
• whether enough accommodation will be available
• whether it will be possible to consolidate bookings if sales
don’t go well, or whether a ‘no consolidation guarantee’ will
have to be offered
(Power Point 24.1)
When deciding whether prices should rise,
they need to take into account:
• the inflation rate
• the mortgage rate
• net disposable incomes of the travelling public
• the inflation rate in destination countries
• fuel costs
• whether exchange rates are stable or not
(Power Point 24.2)
Once the forecasters have done their stuff, a price grid
without actual prices can be produced, which will show:
the name of the hotel
the meal arrangements planned
the departure airports
the holiday durations
the departure day
the departure time
the first and last departures for 7 and 14 night holidays
the holiday reference number
the sequence of departure dates
(Power Point 24.3)
TM 17
1. What is ERM?
(group assignment, to be submitted on the25th session)
(Power Point 24.4)
TM 17
What is the aim of ERM II?
(group assignment, to be submitted on the25th session)
(Power Point 24.5)
TM 17
3. What are the 3 last countries
that join ERM II
on June 27th, 2004?
(group assignment, to be submitted on the25th session)
(Power Point 24.6)
TM 18
Yield Management
1. What is yield management?
(individual assignment, to be submitted on the 25th session)
(Power Point 24.7)
TM 18
Yield Management
How to calculate yield?
(individual assignment, to be submitted on the 25th session)
(Power Point 24.8)
TM 18
Yield Management
3. There are 2 revenues to increase strategies,
- Increase the number of visitors.
Give 15 examples!
- Increase the amount visitors spend.
Give 4 examples!
(individual assignment, to be submitted on the 25th session)