Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 ARRANGING THE TOUR YOURSELF (continue) Cancel anything you are not going to use • Your agency’s manager will not want to hear excuses; he or she will just want to know how you are going to pay – now. Have alternatives • To save time and to look professional, know the exact itinerary of your tour and have second choices ready. Remember visas and passports • Make sure you know what documents your tour members must bring, including visas for the countries you are traveling to. Use the right phone numbers • REMEMBER: Every agency has a huge book listing hotel phone numbers for just about every destination. SHOP AROUND • REMEMBER: Comparison shopping is A MUST. Always dress neatly • REMEMBER: Image counts. Always smile & thank everyone • REMEMBER: Charm, patience and a smile go a long way in this industry. PRICING YOUR TOUR What you should bear in mind PRICING YOUR TOUR DON’T FORGET TO: Confirm amount of payment Write everything down Cancel what you are not going to use Have alternatives Have visas and passports PRICING YOUR TOUR • Build up the perception of value by giving your customers something no one else has. MARKETING YOUR TOURS “Marketing is the key to staying in business” MARKETING IS NOT JUST ADVERTISING • REMEMBER: Marketing is the total effort you make to get clients to buy from you. Marketing thrives on imagination and optimism. YOUR BROCHURE • REMEMBER: Your brochure is one your most important marketing tools. • CONSIDER: The price and the impact YOUR BROCHURE •Legal fine print •Photos •Printing REMEMBER: Keep words to a minimum USE YOUR PERSONAL CONTACTS • Get a head start by drawing up a list of all the clubs and organizations you belong to. • Your business card should be with you wherever you go. THE ULTIMATE MARKETING TOOLS • Word of mouth • Know your competition • Free publicity WHAT’S NEXT • • • • Conducting informational seminars Selling through travel agents Direct mail Advertising as a small tour operator Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 USING THE INTERNET The information super highway is here and it has been a boon to tour guides, making research and communication easier and less expensive. USING THE INTERNET • Research • Booking airline seats, cars, and hotels • E-MAIL • Marketing using the WWW • Your brochure USING THE INTERNET • SPAM • Collecting money over the internet • Keeping in touch BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY “Your credibility and reputation will become the keys to repeat the business.” BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY THE BIG QUESTION: AM I READY TO GET BIGGER? BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY • Day-to-day life of a tour operator CONSIDER THIS POINT: The travel industry sells dreams and convenience, and it runs on paperwork. Your clients are about to give you a big amount of money in exchange for a piece of paper that promises a service of unknown quality to be delivered sometime in the future. BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY • - REWARDS self-fulfillment Good feedback Control Satisfaction Reasonable hours BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY • CONSIDER: Statistics about travel businesses • What are your goals? Ask yourself this question: What do you want to achieve? BUILDING A TOUR COMPANY ASSESING YOURSELF: Your personal qualities Your experience and education PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SUCCESS Tasks you should work through to evaluate whether the travel industry is for you. PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SUCCESS • Explore the industry • Develop your skills: - General skills Office management skills Financial skills Machine skills Computer skills Travel agent skills PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SUCCESS • Planning Plan everything on paper first. • Take on a knowledgeable partner • Educate yourself Being in business for yourself means being an expert in many areas. PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SUCCESS • Learn how to market your business • Prepare for failure, then concentrate on success REMEMBER: Thoughts of failure have a tendency to rob you off the optimism. MAKING YOUR BUSINESS LEGAL Tasks you should work through to make your business legal MAKING YOUR BUSINESS LEGAL SET UP YOUR BUSINESS LEGALLY: - Sole proprietorship - Partnership - Limited partnership - The corporation or limited company - Subchapter “S” MAKING YOUR BUSINESS LEGAL OTHER REGISTRATIONS - Workers’ compensation - Employee registration with the government - Goods and service tax - Provincial and state taxes - Municipal license - Better business bureau MAKING YOUR BUSINESS LEGAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING TRAVEL BUSINESSES Some states and provinces require some form of certification for travel businesses. Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 WHAT WILL MY BUSINESS LOOK LIKE? WHAT’S INSIDE WHAT WILL MY BUSINESS LOOK LIKE? 1. Selling retail products 2. Selling complementary tours 3. How to choose your products REMEMBER: Marketing several disparate products simultaneously may cause some confusion in the consumer’s mind about what you are really good at. WHAT WILL MY BUSINESS LOOK LIKE? 4. How to select suppliers If a supplier abandons you at a crucial moment or makes it difficult to remedy problems, do not deal with that company. LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! • The types 1. 2. 3. 4. Enclosed malls Retail street level and small strip malls Downtown VERSUS suburban Office buildings EQUIPPING YOUR OFFICE • A bare bones office is all you really need to get started. EQUIPPING YOUR OFFICE 1. Telephone systems Try not to tie up the same lines your sales come in on while you are organizing every detail of your tours. EQUIPPING YOUR OFFICE 2. Computer 3. Fax machine 4. Photocopier 5. Decorations 6. Computerized reservation systems FINANCING YOUR TOUR OPERATION SOURCES OF FUNDS SOURCES OF FUNDS AND FREE FINANCING • Banks • Government guaranteed loans • Venture capital • Family and friends SOURCES OF FUNDS AND FREE FINANCING • Personal lines of credit, personal loans, and credit cards • Other private investors HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU NEED? CONSIDER: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your market Geographic area Size of your telephone system Equipment HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU NEED? 5. Expenses associated with your location 6. Working capital 7. Other licensing fees FINANCING YOUR TOUR OPERATION • ADDING UP THE COST OF YOUR BUSINESS • RECOMMENDATIONS - Forget the frills - Trade time for money - Do not go into debt for the long term RECOMMENDATIONS - Hire people who care - Read carefully - Think small Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 REVENUES AND EXPENSES Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions • Ask for a higher commission When your volume with particular suppliers has grown substantially, discuss an increased commission rate. Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions • Override commissions BE CAREFUL not to fall into the common trap of selling tickets at cost in order to make your override quota. Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions • Use wholesalers and consolidators Wholesalers and consolidators may give you a higher commission rate than you can get yourself. Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions • Join a consortium When choosing a consortium, pick one with a lengthy track record, a long list of agreements with popular companies, and an easily understood manual that explains any special booking instructions for obtaining a higher commission. Several strategies you can try to get higher commissions •Join forces with another agency EXPENSES REMEMBER: Controlling expenses is a great way to earn money. EXPENSES REMEMBER: Carefully assess whether you are getting good value for the money you spend. PERSONNEL “A competent staff is essential to your success.” 1. INSIDE AGENTS • It is recommended for you to hire experienced sales staff to do the day-to-day sales. 2. MANAGERS • You would be best to start off with a manager who has experience running a tour operation or travel agency, has the background to solve both customer and supplier problems, and is willing and able to do sales as well. 3. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU NEED? • REMEMBER: Training full-time staff only to let them go when business slow is an expensive proposition. 4. EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF STAFF • REMEMBER: Formal training is a help but the attitude and experience of a potential employee are more important. 5. WHERE TO FIND EMPLOYEES • • • • Word of mouth Industry publications Newspaper advertising Employment agencies 6. THE INTERVIEW • When you are hiring, be sure to check every reference and each post job. 6. THE INTERVIEW (continue) Unexplained gaps in a resume will alert you to jobs the candidate may be reluctant to disclose. Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 PERSONNEL “A competent staff is essential to your success.” (continue) 7. SALARIES • The upshot is that there are no rules about salaries, depending on the timing and your locale, salary ranges can vary by up to 100 percent. 7. SALARIES (continue) • The commission component Keep current about wages or you could find yourself continually training new people to replace those who leave. 7. SALARIES (continue) • Benefit packages Expensive Require time to explain to your employees and to administer. 7. SALARIES (continue) • Reduced rate travel • Vacation time Most areas have laws on the minimum amount of paid vacation time a company must give its employees. 7. SALARIES (continue) • Free labor Every jurisdiction has a minimum wage. You need to know what it is. 7. SALARIES (continue) • Free labor By using a travel school, the nature of your obligation to the student is abundantly clear. STAFF MORALE • GET THE BEST FROM YOUR EMPLOYEES: - Communicate - Consult - Promotions - Rewards - Start an incentive system MARKETING THROUGH TRAVEL AGENTS REVISITED “Travel agents are a mixed blessing.” Points to be considered • Have a well-thought-out plan for dealing with travel agents and make sure you appear professional. Points to be considered • Make sure you approach agents with promotional material at least once or twice a month. Points to be considered • Try to target the agencies catering to the appropriate kind of client and market to them. Points to be considered • Market by fax/E-MAIL if you can. TRAVEL SHOWS • Code all brochures so you can track whether the show generated enough sales to make it worthwhile. WALK-IN TRAFIC – HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY WANT? •Walk-ins generally take up more times than someone who calls you. ATTRACTING WALK-IN TRAFFIC • If you decide that you do want walk-in traffic, you must plan how you will attract it to your office. Matakuliah Tahun : G0404/Tour Guiding : 2006/2007 ADVERTISING “Advertising is an expensive trial and error endeavor.” HOW TO RUN AN EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN YOU NEED TO: • Choose a product to advertise • Choose the most effective advertising medium • Create an eye- or ear-catching ad • Evaluate the return on your advertising budget ADS: THE MEDIA 1. RADIO AND TV 2. PRINT ADVERTISING Print advertising is low risk compared to radio and TV. ADS: THE MEDIA • PRINT ADVERTISING: (1) Newspapers (2) Magazines ADS: THE MEDIA ADS: THE MEDIA CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING Pick the product to advertise Create your ad Make sure your phone number large in your ads so that it’s easy for people to find. Choose the right vehicle Evaluate the response ADS: THE MEDIA CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING Helpful hints for print advertising Keeping careful records means you can budget your advertising dollars and avoid waste. ADS: THE MEDIA Helpful hints for print advertising Watch what other advertisers do time after time. Never run an add without confirming that it is properly placed and correct. Know what your competition is offering. Do not include your address in the ad. Seasonal considerations and timing may play a part in advertising for your area. ADS: THE MEDIA Helpful hints for print advertising REMEMBER: Finding your first consistently winning ad may take some time. Do not get discouraged. ADVERTISING “Advertising is an expensive trial and error endeavor.” CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • CO-OP ADVERTISING Many suppliers will share advertising costs with you if you are running an ad that advertises their product exclusively. CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • PIGGYBACK ON SOMEONE ELSE’S MARKETING Look for opportunities to share the costs of reaching your audience. CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • DIRECT MAIL If it is done correctly, a direct mail campaign pinpoints groups of people who are most interested in the products you sell. CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • ADVERTISING HOTLINES • ADVERTISING ON THE WWW Make good use of key words and search engines in your advertising on the internet. CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • NEWSLETTERS AND OTHER PERIODIC MAILINGS • PROMOTIONS –PREMIUM GIVEAWAYS AND CONTESTS CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • PROMOTIONS –CHARITABLE DONATIONS The amount you choose to donate is up to you and the association. CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • DIRECTORIES • DISCOUNT COUPONS CREATING EFFECTIVE PRINT ADVERTISING (continue) • REMEMBER: “No amount of advertising will overcome faulty pricing, a bad choice of products, or rotten service.”