Design Report Team 17 Jonathan Gingrich Lauren Grimley Cassandra Miceli Kerala Smith Senior Design Project: Engineering 339/340 5/9/16 Copyright © 2015, Calvin College, Jonathan Gingrich, Lauren Grimley, Cassandra Miceli, Kerala Smith EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary The objective of this project is design an odor-control system for the Wyoming Clean Water Plant (CWP) that will reduce nuisance odors from the air. The proposed technology is a biofiltration unit that will treat air emitted from the primary clarifiers and an uncovered splitter box (which splits the effluent wastewater stream from the primary clarifiers into three aeration basins). The primary cause of nuisance odors at the CWP is hydrogen sulfide, which is the contaminant targeted for removal by the proposed odor-control system. The CWP is currently using carbon adsorbers and chemical scrubbers for odor-control at various locations throughout the plant, however these systems have proven difficult and costly to maintain. As a result, the client is more inclined towards alternate odor control systems and has specifically requested a biofiltration unit be designed for odor control at these sites. The team researched multiple odor-reducing technologies to determine whether biofiltration is the best option for the CWP, specifically comparing operating costs and maintenance needs. The feasibility of biofiltration was confirmed with research, discussions with engineers and specialists, and successful case studies of local wastewater treatment facilities. During the fall of 2015, the team’s primary focus was on detailing biofiltration operation and design. Pertinent information was obtained through extensive literary research, discussions with engineers and specialists, and visits to operating biofilters in the area. During spring 2016, the team finalized all design decisions and constructed design plans for the facility, including plan drawings and an operation maintenance schedule. Page 2 of 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Executive Summary ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Table of Contents _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Table of Figures ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Table of Tables ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Table of Abbreviations __________________________________________________________________________________10 1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________________________________11 1.1 1.2 2 Calvin College Engineering Department__________________________________________________ 11 Senior Design _______________________________________________________________________________ 11 Team 17 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Project Background ________________________________________________________________________ 13 Project Management _______________________________________________________________________________15 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Senior Design Background ______________________________________________________________________ 11 Team Organization ______________________________________________________________________________ 15 Schedule __________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Method of Approach _____________________________________________________________________________ 16 Research Techniques_______________________________________________________________________ 16 Team Communication______________________________________________________________________ 16 Project Overview ___________________________________________________________________________________17 3.1 Project Description ______________________________________________________________________________ 17 3.3 Scope & Objectives ______________________________________________________________________________ 18 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 Client _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Design Constraints ______________________________________________________________________________ 19 Design Criteria ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Design Norms ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Transparency _______________________________________________________________________________ 20 Stewardship ________________________________________________________________________________ 20 4 Caring _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20 Odor-Control Background _________________________________________________________________________21 4.1 Overview _________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Page 3 of 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS Wastewater Treatment Facility Odor-Control ___________________________________________ 21 Public Concern _____________________________________________________________________________ 21 4.2 4.3 Government Regulations __________________________________________________________________ 21 Odor Source ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Overview ____________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Hydrogen Sulfide ___________________________________________________________________________ 23 Odor Treatment Alternatives ___________________________________________________________________ 24 Wet Air Scrubbing __________________________________________________________________________ 24 Carbon Adsorption _________________________________________________________________________ 25 5 Biofiltration _________________________________________________________________________________ 25 4.4 Odor-control Descision Matrix _________________________________________________________________ 25 5.1 Background ______________________________________________________________________________________ 27 Wyoming Clean Water Plant ______________________________________________________________________27 5.2 5.3 Plant Operations ___________________________________________________________________________ 27 Odor-Control _______________________________________________________________________________ 27 Exisiting Plant Operations ______________________________________________________________________ 27 Odor-control _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Headworks __________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Primary Clarifiers __________________________________________________________________________ 29 Biosolids Storage Tanks ___________________________________________________________________ 30 6 Splitter Box _________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Biofiltration Technology ___________________________________________________________________________34 6.1 6.2 Overall Process Description and Terminology ________________________________________________ 34 Mechanisms of Operations ______________________________________________________________________ 34 Biokinetics __________________________________________________________________________________ 35 Mass Loading Rate _________________________________________________________________________ 35 Biofilm Kinetics ____________________________________________________________________________ 35 Biodegradation _____________________________________________________________________________ 36 6.3 Microbiology________________________________________________________________________________ 37 Characterizing Biofilter Performance __________________________________________________________ 38 Removal Efficiency _________________________________________________________________________ 38 Page 4 of 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.4 Elimination Capacity _______________________________________________________________________ 38 Factors Affecting Biofilter Performance _______________________________________________________ 39 Packing Media ______________________________________________________________________________ 39 Moisture Content ___________________________________________________________________________ 40 Nutrient Control ____________________________________________________________________________ 40 Temperature ________________________________________________________________________________ 40 pH Value ____________________________________________________________________________________ 40 Empty Bed Residence Time _______________________________________________________________ 41 Oxygen Content ____________________________________________________________________________ 41 Bed Depth ___________________________________________________________________________________ 41 Medium Diameter and Surface Area ______________________________________________________ 42 7 Pressure Drop ______________________________________________________________________________ 42 Alternative Design Considerations _______________________________________________________________43 7.1 Packing Media ___________________________________________________________________________________ 43 Natural vs. Synthetic Media _______________________________________________________________ 43 Layered Media ______________________________________________________________________________ 44 Inorganic Layer _____________________________________________________________________________ 44 7.2 Organic Layer _______________________________________________________________________________ 44 Moisture Control_________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Humidification Chamber __________________________________________________________________ 45 Irrigation ____________________________________________________________________________________ 45 7.3 Control Options ____________________________________________________________________________ 45 Air Distribution __________________________________________________________________________________ 46 Overview ____________________________________________________________________________________ 46 Air Flow _____________________________________________________________________________________ 47 Loading Rate ________________________________________________________________________________ 47 Pressure Loss _______________________________________________________________________________ 48 Channeling and Clogging __________________________________________________________________ 49 7.4 Effects of Configuration on Air Flow ______________________________________________________ 50 Ductwork & Equipment _________________________________________________________________________ 52 System Design ______________________________________________________________________________ 52 Page 5 of 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sizing the Blower _____________________________________________________________________________________ 53 7.5 Configuration ____________________________________________________________________________________ 55 Flow Direction ______________________________________________________________________________ 55 Compartments______________________________________________________________________________ 56 Materials ____________________________________________________________________________________ 56 Cover and Insulation _______________________________________________________________________ 56 8 Condensation _______________________________________________________________________________ 57 Alternative Design Calculations & Results _______________________________________________________58 8.1 Media Selection __________________________________________________________________________________ 58 Media Selection Criteria ___________________________________________________________________ 58 Inorganic Layer Decision __________________________________________________________________ 59 8.2 Organic Layer Decision ____________________________________________________________________ 60 Sizing the Biofilter _______________________________________________________________________________ 61 Media Depth ________________________________________________________________________________ 61 Case Studies ________________________________________________________________________________ 61 8.3 Media Volume ______________________________________________________________________________ 62 System Recommendations ______________________________________________________________________ 62 Configuration _______________________________________________________________________________ 62 Empty Bed Residence Time _______________________________________________________________ 63 Media Particle Size _________________________________________________________________________ 63 9 Pressure Drop across Bed _________________________________________________________________ 64 8.4 Air Distribution System _________________________________________________________________________ 66 9.1 Scope of Design __________________________________________________________________________________ 69 Proposed Design Decisions _______________________________________________________________________69 9.2 Internal Design __________________________________________________________________________________ 70 Concrete Work______________________________________________________________________________ 70 Cover and End Plates ______________________________________________________________________ 70 Moisture Control ___________________________________________________________________________ 70 Media________________________________________________________________________________________ 71 9.3 Nutrient Addition __________________________________________________________________________ 71 External Design __________________________________________________________________________________ 72 Page 6 of 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ductwork ___________________________________________________________________________________ 72 Blower Specifications ______________________________________________________________________ 73 9.4 Insulation ___________________________________________________________________________________ 74 Operation and Maintenance Requirements ___________________________________________________ 74 Start-Up _____________________________________________________________________________________ 74 Performance Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________ 74 Regular Maintenance Requirements______________________________________________________ 76 Long-Term Maintenance Requirements __________________________________________________ 76 10 Economic Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________77 12 References _______________________________________________________________________________________82 11 13 Acknowledgements _____________________________________________________________________________81 Appendices ______________________________________________________________________________________91 Page 7 of 91 TABLE OF FIGURES Table of Figures Figure 1. CWP Process Flow Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 2. Location of the CWP .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 3. CWP Facility Layout ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4. Schematic view of a general scrubber system [15] .............................................................................. 24 Figure 5. Locations of Current and Proposed Odor-Control Units (Google Maps) ..................................... 28 Figure 6. Solids buildup on media of chemical scrubbers (Lauren Grimley)................................................ 31 Figure 7. Splitter Box at the Wyoming Clean Water Plant (Lauren Grimley) ................................................ 32 Figure 8. Splitter Box (Lauren Grimley) ....................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 9. Biofiltration Process Flow Diagram [18] .................................................................................................. 34 Figure 10. Schematic representation of the mechanisms in a biofiltration unit: (a) mass transport by gas-phase and liquid-phase advection, and (b) mass transport by diffusion and biological reaction in the biofilm [21]. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 11. Overview of Biodegradation Process for Biofiltration [19]............................................................ 37 Figure 12. Model-simulated sulfide elimination as a function of sulfide loading for various influent H2S concentrations (straight line represents 100% elimination) [25]. .......................................................... 39 Figure 13.Removal Efficiency as a function of Sulfur Loading Rates [25] ...................................................... 48 Figure 14. Schematic of biofilm accumulation and Flow Channelization [45] ............................................. 50 Figure 15. Biofilter Inlet and Outlet Locations .......................................................................................................... 51 Figure 16. Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration as a function of the Distance from the Inlet [25] ............. 51 Figure 17. Hartzell Performance Curve for Backward Centrifugal Fan [50] ................................................. 54 Figure 18. Air Flow Profile in 100% Effective Duct Length [52] ........................................................................ 55 Figure 19. Required EBRT to Remove Various Concentrations of H2S [25] ................................................... 63 Figure 20. The Removal Capabilities of various Diameters of Lava Rock [25] ............................................. 64 Figure 21. Predicted Pressure Loss across the Lava Rock and Woodchip Layers ....................................... 65 Figure 22. Existing Hartzell Centrifugal Fan............................................................................................................... 66 Figure 23. Percent Contribution to Total Cost. .......................................................................................................... 79 Figure 24. Cost Comparison of Odor-Control Technology [62] .......................................................................... 80 Page 8 of 91 TABLE OF TABLES Table of Tables Table 1. Existing Odor-Control Systems at CWP _________________________________________________________ 14 Table 2. Odor-Control Technology Decision Matrix ______________________________________________________ 26 Table 3. Decision Matrix for the Inorganic Media Layer. ________________________________________________ 59 Table 4. Decision Matrix for the Organic Media Layer ___________________________________________________ 60 Table 5. Calculated Biofilter Volumes Using Various Models ____________________________________________ 61 Table 6. Parameters for a Biofilter Built in Jefferson County, Alabama by Biorem Technologies [5] _ 62 Table 7. Summary of the Biofilter Media Dimensions ___________________________________________________ 62 Table 8. Pressure Drop and Superficial Gas Velocity in a Biofilter [42] ________________________________ 64 Table 9. Recommended Parameters for Various Phases of the Biofilter Operation ___________________ 66 Table 10. Pressure Loss in the Air Distribution System _________________________________________________ 67 Table 11. Static Pressure of Blower _______________________________________________________________________ 67 Table 12. Blower Parameters during Phases of Operation ______________________________________________ 68 Table 13. Design Criteria for Proposed Biofiltration System ____________________________________________ 69 Table 14. Proposed Ductwork System ____________________________________________________________________ 73 Table 15. Blower Specifications ___________________________________________________________________________ 73 Table 16. Recommended Monitoring Operation [34, 61, 19] ___________________________________________ 75 Table 17. Biofilter Components Cost ______________________________________________________________________ 77 Table 18. Media Cost _______________________________________________________________________________________ 77 Table 19. Humidification and Irrigation Costs ___________________________________________________________ 77 Table 20. Splitter Box Covering Costs _____________________________________________________________________ 77 Table 21. Air Piping Costs __________________________________________________________________________________ 78 Table 22. Miscellaneous Costs _____________________________________________________________________________ 78 Table 23. Total Preliminary Cost for Biofilter ____________________________________________________________ 78 Page 9 of 91 TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Table of Abbreviations BioP BOD CL CFM CWP DO EAOC EBRT EC EPA FRP gph Gpm H2S HP In. wg ITSL Ks L MDEQ M-E mgd N/P/K NS O&M OSHA Ps Pt Pv PAI PBR PLC ppmv ppbv psi PTI PVC Q RE RH RPM SCADA SP SRB TAC T-BACT TDR V VFA µ biological phosphorous removal biological oxygen demand substrate concentration cubic feet per minute (air flow) Wyoming Clean Water Plant dissolved oxygen estimated annual operating costs empty bed residence time elimination capacity Environmental Protection Agency Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic gallons per hour gallons per minute hydrogen sulfide gas horsepower Inches water gauge initial threshold screening level saturation constant volumetric loading Michigan Department of Environmental Quality modified-Ergun equation million gallons wastewater per day nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium nutrient mixture Navier-Stokes operation and maintenance Occupational Safety and Health Administration static pressure total pressure velocity pressure predicted maximum ambient impact packed bed reactor programmable logic controllers part per million by volume parts per billion by volume pounds per square inch Permit to Install polyvinyl chloride gas flow rate removal efficiency relative humidity rotations per minute Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition static pressure sulfate-reducing bacteria Toxic Air Contaminant Best Available Control Technology for Toxics time domain reflectometry volumetric loading volatile fatty acids cell growth rate Page 10 of 91 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1.1 SENIOR DESIGN BACKGROUND Calvin College Engineering Department Calvin College’s engineering program is an ABET accredited program that seeks to train engineering students to apply their Christian faith in engineering. Provided with a liberal arts background, Calvin engineering students are equipped to serve as well-rounded professionals in the engineering industry. Senior Design Calvin College’s Engineering Department requires senior engineering students to take an integrative course that emphasizes design team formation, project identification, and production of a feasibility study as an undergraduate capstone. The engineering students focus on developing task specifications using design norms and basic analysis skills. Senior design teams develop and complete a project that meets the needs of a client while working under the guidance of professors and industrial consultants. 1.2 TEAM 17 The members of Team Bi0der (Senior Design Team 17) are civil/environmental and chemical engineering seniors at Calvin College. This team was formed on the basis of a common interest for environmental engineering shared among all four members. Working with local professionals and Calvin College professors, Bi0dor has been given the opportunity to investigate the feasibility and implementation of a biofiltration odor-control system for the Wyoming Clean Water Plant in Wyoming, MI. JONATHAN GINGRICH CHEMICAL Jonathan Gingrich is a Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry double major from Columbus, Ohio. He has had an interest in water purification for developing communities for some time now, which has led to a research position at Calvin under Professor David Wunder where he studied Bagasse Charcoal as a potential method of water purification. He has also travelled abroad to Kenya to study water systems and serve a local community in the region of Samburu. After graduation, Jonathan will begin pursuit of a doctorate degree in environmental engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Page 11 of 91 INTRODUCTION LAUREN GRIMLEY CIVIL/ENVRIONMENTAL CASSANDRA MICELI CHEMICAL KERALA SMITH CIVIL/ENVIRONMENTAL Lauren Grimley is a civil/environmental engineering senior from Houston, Texas. Lauren is interested pursuing a career in the scientific assessment of water-related challenges and the development of innovative, sustainable solutions. This fall Lauren will pursue a master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Iowa while working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering Research Center. Cassandra Miceli is a Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry double major from Montgomery, NY. She had the opportunity to travel to Peru to learn about water purification. This opportunity has confirmed her interest in water purification in developing countries. She is interested in pursuing a career in environmental engineering. Kerala Smith was born and raised in southern Minnesota and has since moved to the Grand Rapids areas for undergraduate studies. She is majoring in civil/environmental engineering and has developed a specific interest in water and wastewater treatment. Internship and research experience has confirmed her interest in this industry, and she is excited to be working in the Grand Rapids area after graduation. She is grateful for her education at Calvin College which has equipped her to enter into the professional world. Page 12 of 91 INTRODUCTION Project Background The purpose of this project is to determine the feasibility of designing an odor-reducing system using biofiltration for the Wyoming Clean Water Plant 1 (CWP). This facility has a design capacity of 24 million gallons wastewater per day (mgd). The wastewater flows from the head works to the primary clarifiers. The clarified water proceeds through the aeration basins and is sent to the secondary clarifiers, while the solids are processed in the biosolids storage tanks located at the north end of the facility. The treated wastewater is ultimately discharged to the Grand River. An overall process flow diagram of the CWP is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. CWP Process Flow Diagram 1 2350 Ivanrest SW, Wyoming, Michigan Page 13 of 91 INTRODUCTION The treatment facility uses chemical scrubbers and carbon adsorption to control odors at different locations throughout the plant, however the effectiveness and operating costs of these systems have been unfavorable for the CWP. For this reason, the client has requested a study into the feasibility of biofiltration as an alternative odor-control technology. The existing odor-control systems at the CWP are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Existing Odor-Control Systems at CWP Odor Source Odor-Control System Headworks Primary Clarifiers Biosolids Storage Tanks Splitter Box Chemical Scrubbers Carbon Adsorber Average H2S Concentration (π©π©π¦π― ) 0 6.3 Uncontrolled 2.4 Chemical Scrubbers 12.3 Maximum H2S Concentration (π©π©π¦π― ) 0 22 21.7 88 The CWP wishes to install an odor-control unit for odorous air emitted from the primary clarifiers and the splitter box located just downstream. The target pollutant to be removed from the waste air streams is hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and the contaminant removal goal for the design is to be below detectable and nuisance levels; less than 2 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). This project includes research into the feasibility of installing a biofiltration unit, design plans for the system, and suggested operational specifications. Page 14 of 91 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 Project Management 2.1 TEAM ORGANIZATION The proposed design incorporates elements of both civil/environmental as well as chemical engineering. The educational background of each member contributes well to the team dynamic. The civil/environmental engineering students on Team Bi0dor contributed greatly to the operational processes and layout of the biofiltration system, using their familiarity with the biological wastewater treatment processes. With a background knowledge in reactor modeling, the chemical engineering students focused primarily on the chemical and biological processes internal to the biofilter. All team members were heavily involved in the research phase of the project, with each member focusing on their area of education. The team was advised by professor and professional civil engineer, Professor Robert Masselink, and a chemical engineering professor, Professor Jeremy VanAntwerp. The team’s industrial consultant for the project was Ben Whitehead, a civil engineer at Black and Veatch. Based on experiences and specialty knowledge, each of these advisors has provided valuable insights and resources as the project progressed. 2.2 SCHEDULE The primary objectives for this project were divided between the fall and spring semesters. The main goals for the fall semester included: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Clear and detailed communication with the client to fully understand the scope of the project and the current operation of the CWP Complete all preliminary research needed for biofilter design (media types, design parameters and sizing, necessary components for operation, microbial activity, etc.) Develop design criteria for optimal media selection and determine alternatives (including organic and synthetic alternatives) Visit wastewater treatment plant(s) in the area with operating biofilters Connect with an odor-control design engineers and specialists Complete base calculations of a biofilter sizing The spring semester goals included: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Select and optimize media using a decision matrix Perform all necessary design calculations Select and optimize media using a decision matrix Size the biofilter using a reactor model and kinetic analyses Optimize operational components (irrigation, humidification, air distribution, etc.) Page 15 of 91 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ο· Produce final report and a suggested operational schedule with design drawings included The team met regularly twice a week to discuss research, progress, and design decisions. At each meetings, a plan of action was made and tasks for the week were distributed to each member. Meetings with the faculty advisors occurred weekly on a rotating basis to address questions and discuss progress. 2.3 METHOD OF APPROACH The Method of Approach describes how the design process will be executed using research techniques, team communication, and design methodology. Research Techniques To gain a background knowledge of biofiltration, the team conducted extensive research using scholarly articles, research databases, informational websites, and industry professionals. Each team member was given an area of research to focus on during each week. Team Communication The team used email corresponding and in-person conversations as a means for communication on the project. Meeting regularly provided an opportunity for the team to discuss progress or potential issues for the project. Page 16 of 91 PROJECT OVERVIEW 3 Project Overview 3.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The client for this project, Myron Erickson (Deputy Director of Public Works for the City of Wyoming), requested the design of a biofiltration odor-control unit for nuisance odors emitted from the facility. The primary objective of this project was to assess the feasibility of treating the odor emitted at the splitter box and the primary clarifiers using biofiltration and to develop design and operational plans for the system. 3.2 CLIENT The city of Wyoming is located in Kent County, Michigan and is the second largest city in West Michigan. The city is nearly 25 square miles with a population of 72,125 (according to the 2010 Census) [1]. Figure 2 shows the location of the wastewater treatment facility for Wyoming, named the Wyoming Clean Water Plant (CWP). The facility treats wastewater from four nearby communities and accommodates approximately 140,000 people [2]. The facility discharges its treated water to the Grand River. To expand plant capacity to 24 million gallons of water per day, the CWP concluded a $35 million expansion in 2006, which included the installment of new odor-control systems. Project Location Figure 2. Location of the CWP Page 17 of 91 N PROJECT OVERVIEW 3.3 SCOPE & OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this project is to provide preliminary design plans for implementing biofiltration technology at the CWP. The proposed system is designed to remove hydrogen sulfide from the air emitted from the primary clarifiers and the splitter box located just downstream. This project accomplishes the following objectives: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Provide research concerning possible design alternatives Optimization design decisions and calculations o Biofilter sizing o Blower selection and air flow rate o Moisture control system o Media type o Material selection Preliminary design plans Recommended operation and maintenance schedule Preliminary cost estimate The CWP currently has empty aeration basins onsite that are not in use. The client requested these basins be retrofitted to house the proposed biofilter. This project investigated the feasibility of this alternative and designed the biofilter based on the current infrastructure. Refer to Figure 3 for a visual of the facility layout. Figure 3. CWP Facility Layout Page 18 of 91 PROJECT OVERVIEW 3.4 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS There are a number of aspects of the design process that constrained how the final product was developed. Establishing the location for the biofilter constrained the design to the existing infrastructure of the empty aeration basins. Existing drainage and piping leading from the nearby pipe gallery (located underground near the aeration basins) was used in the design. In addition to incorporating the existing infrastructure into the design, the structural components of the biofilter needed to accommodate maintenance needs, allowing for easy accessibility to the internal filter. The location of the waste air streams dictated the amount of ductwork necessary to transport the air to the biofilter site. Furthermore, the CWP is using a 12,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) fan for the existing carbon adsorber currently being used to treat odor from the primary clarifiers and requested this fan be used for the biofiltration unit. This airflow rate set the basis for design and constrained associated pressure drop and sizing calculations for the filter. Finally, safety was incorporated into the design of the biofilter in accordance with regulatory standards and to ensure facility operators are not put at risk. Maintaining the safety of the design also implies the biofilter is not to produce any pollutant byproducts. 3.5 DESIGN CRITERIA The design criteria for the biofilter included the following: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· The biofilter must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 59°F (15°C) The unit must maintain an even water distribution in the filter with a moisture content of approximately 60% An even air distribution throughout the filter must be maintained The pressure drop across the filter must be limited such that the desired removal efficiency is maintained Operation must be accomplished with the use of the 12,000cfm fan The biofilter must maintain efficient operation for a range of H2S concentrations (up to 20 ppmv) The selected media must minimize the need for maintenance and replacements The structural design must be accommodating for maintenance repairs The design is to have low energy requirements 3.6 DESIGN NORMS Transparency, stewardship, and care were three design norms that helped to shape the motivation and implementation of this project, with special consideration for the client and the environment. The CWP currently uses chemical scrubbing and carbon adsorption at different locations throughout the facility to reduce odorous air, however neither of these system are performing as they should and have been very difficult and costly to maintain. The proposed biofiltration system has been designed Page 19 of 91 PROJECT OVERVIEW specifically to avoid similar issues by limiting operating costs and maintenance needs as much as possible. Transparency To accomplish this goal, transparent communication between the team and the client was an important component to the project. Transparency was maintained by communicating all design alternatives, as well as disclosing any uncertainties the team has had with the design. Often a choice needed to be made between cost and maintenance needs, thus discussing alternatives with the client was an important part of the design process. Stewardship The second design norm of stewardship often helped with difficult design decisions. As an example, one key component of the design was selecting the media. Synthetic media typically requires less maintenance than does natural media, however natural media is the more economic and environmentally-friendly alternative. Through discussions with the client and in light of our dedication to environmental stewardship, natural media was selected. Furthermore, out of consideration for the client and environmental conscientiousness, equipment currently on-site has been repurposed and incorporated into the final design, thus lowering the initial cost of the project and limiting the resources necessary for design. The biofilter is designed in empty aeration basins on-site and the blower currently used for the carbon adsorber has been implemented into the design. Caring One of the most attractive aspects of a biofiltration system in comparison to alternative odor-control technology is its relatively low maintenance needs. The operation of the system does not have the safety concerns associated with systems that rely on chemicals for odor-reduction. This was an important consideration in the design as the team sought to care for operators at the facility, especially in light of the operational complications the plant is currently experiencing with their odor-control systems. Page 20 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND 4 Odor-Control Background 4.1 OVERVIEW Wastewater Treatment Facility Odor-Control Odor-control technology can vary significantly and are selected depending on the unique characteristics of the air. Common odor-control alternatives include chemical scrubbers, carbon adsorbers, and various biological treatment options. At any location where wastewater is collected or conveyed, there exists the potential to generate and release nuisance odors, usually resulting from anaerobic conditions [3]. The microbes in the wastewater (a sulfate-reducing bacteria) have no dissolved oxygen for respiration under these conditions. Instead, the microbes use the abundant sulfate ion for respiration, producing the byproduct of hydrogen sulfide (refer to Sections 4.2.2 and 7.2.5 for the chemical reactions of this metabolism). Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is the most common pollutant detected in the air at wastewater facilities, and can be problematic due to its characteristic rotten-egg odor and corrosive nature. Hydrogen sulfide has a low solubility in water, resulting in a high likelihood it is released into the atmosphere, which is a particular concern in wet wells, headworks, primary clarifiers, and biosolids storage tanks of wastewater treatment facilities. Public Concern As residential and commercial developments expand around wastewater treatment plants there is an increasing need to reduce nuisance odors. Slow water movement through wastewater treatment plants is required for the settling processes to effectively remove the solids and toxic materials in the wastewater. Odor usually stems from stagnant water or water that has little to no oxygen transfer. While in an enclosed space, these odorous chemicals can become health hazards, however in the open air the purpose for odor control is primarily for nuisance reduction [3]. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), hydrogen sulfide begins to produce its characteristic rotten egg smell at a concentration of 0.1 to 1.5 ppmv and induces health risks at concentrations ranging from of 2 to 5 ppmv, with fatal consequences at levels greater than ppmv [4]. Government Regulations On the federal level, the United States government has directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to complete studies involving composting, biosolids, agricultural wastes, septic solids, and sewage sludge; however, the enforcement of nuisance odor-control is left to the States, local courts, and referent executive agencies [5]. Regulation of odor proves to be challenging due to the subjectivity of its measurements. No systematic “odor scale” exists due to the variability of the compounds and individual reactions [5]. Odor-control in the state of Michigan is regulated by the emission of air pollutants, the parameters of which are defined by Part 9 of the Air Pollution Control Rules. Odor at wastewater facilities is not regulated according to quantitative standards [6]; however, the production of hydrogen sulfide typically requires odor prevention due to nuisance odors. The production of any nuisance odor Page 21 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND includes “any gas, vapor, fume, or mist, or combination thereof, from a well or its associated surface facilities” [6], must be in compliance with R336.1901 from the Michigan Air Quality Division. The rule is stated as follows. “Notwithstanding the provisions of any other department rule, a person shall not cause or permit the emission of an air contaminant or water vapor in quantities that cause, alone or in reaction with other air contaminants, either of the following: (a) Injurious effects to human health or safety, animal life, plant life of significant economic value, or property. (b) Unreasonable interference with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property.” [7] Typically, odor-control is required due to consideration for the surrounding community, but is not monitored unless produced at toxic levels. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) regulates acceptable technology and corresponding emission standards on a case-to-case basis. Hydrogen sulfide is included on the list of non-hazardous Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs) regulated by the MDEQ, however emission standards vary based on the situation [8]. Michigan regulations for air are defined by Rules 224 - 232. The MDEQ defines Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) as “Any air contaminant for which there is no national ambient air quality standard and which is or may become harmful to public health or the environment when present in the outdoor atmosphere in sufficient quantities and duration.” Any odor-control unit must be granted a Permit to Install (PTI) according the Michigan Rule 201. Furthermore, any PTI involving TAC emissions must satisfy analysis of the Best Available Control Technology for Toxics (T-BACT), which is defined by Michigan Rules 224, 225, and 226. According to the MDEQ Michigan Rule 224, the T-BACT must be used for emission control [9]. This requires the applicant to complete an evaluation of alternatives for the T-BACT review, the extent of which depends on the magnitude of emissions under consideration. The selected technology must reduce TAC emissions to an achievable maximum amount as determined by the MDEQ. Michigan Rule 225 requires any TAC to comply with health-based screening levels [10]. The predicted maximum ambient impact (PAI) is not to exceed the initial threshold screening level (ITSL) for TAC emissions. Compliance with these standards are demonstrated using the Allowable Emission Rate Methodology of Rule 227(1) (a). Michigan Rule 226 provides an exemption from the health-based screening level requirements [6]. This exemption applies if emissions do not violate Rule 901, which prohibits the emission of contaminants that induce physical harm to life or property. Rule 226 is determined case by case. Page 22 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND 4.2 ODOR SOURCE Overview Many chemical compounds can be detected in the air as odors and their intensity varies with concentration. The concentration at which an individual can first perceive an odor from a particular substance is called the odor threshold, which is often used to establish regulatory standards. Inherent difficulties exist with the regulation of odors because the perception of specific concentrations varies based on the individual. Regulating odors involves monitoring the compounds that are being released into the air as well as ensuring the effectiveness of odor-control units. Laws and regulations may control the release of odors that are hazardous to the exposed parties by a technology called “off-side receptor” controls, however a certain level of subjectivity is involved with these regulations. Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a colorless gas produced by wastewater solutions with multiple disruptive side effects. Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally through anaerobic decay of organic matter and produces a distinct rotten egg odor. The concentrations of hydrogen sulfide found in wastewater treatment facilities varies depending on the type of process involved and the characteristics of the wastewater. The production of hydrogen sulfide is stimulated with increasing levels of sulfate in the wastewater influent, large organic loading rates, slow-moving water, and warm temperatures [11]. In wastewater, sulfide exists in three forms: hydrogen sulfide gas, non-volatile ionic species hydrogen sulfide, and sulfide. The abundance of these different forms is highly dependent on the pH of the wastewater [12]. Although hydrogen sulfide is present in the wastewater solution as either H2S aqueous (aq) or HS− (depending on pH), only hydrogen sulfide as H2S has the ability to transfer between water and air and contributes to the emission of H2S gas [13]. The breakdown of these two molecules into their ionic forms are as follows [14]: H2 S(aq) ↔ H + + HS − , HS − ↔ H + + S 2− , pK a1 ≈ 7.04 pK a2 ≈ 11.96 The main mechanism that results in the formation of sulfide is the microbial reduction of the sulfate ion present in the wastewater. The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the wastewater is significantly reduced when the biological oxygen demand (BOD) is high, which causes sulfatereducing bacteria (SRB’s) to convert the sulfate ion to sulfide, as shown in the following reaction [12]. Anaerobic Microorganisms SO2− 4 + Organic Matter → H2 S + CO2 The rate of sulfide production depends on the concentrations of sulfate ions, dissolved oxygen, and organic matter present in the water. Hydrogen sulfide is controlled by preventing the sulfide formation or by removing sulfide after it has formed. Page 23 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND 4.3 ODOR TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Vapor-phase treatments use ventilation systems and are designed to maintain a negative pressure at point sources of odor problems. The path of the odorous air is limited to a single discharge point where the air is treated before it is released into the atmosphere. The intent is to reduce leaks of the nuisance air at vents, hatches, or other open areas. Vapor-phase treatment technologies include liquid redox technology, solids scavengers, wet air scrubbing, carbon adsorption, and biofiltration [3]. The CWP currently uses wet air scrubbing and carbon adsorption for odor control, as described in the following. Wet Air Scrubbing Wet chemical scrubbing is a proven and reliable odor-control treatment technology and can be used for most water-soluble contaminants. In the wet air scrubber, the contaminants are solubilized from the vapor phase into an aqueous chemical solution. These scrubbers use specific chemicals to strip the pollutants from the air with a reactive chemical mechanism [3]. This is a common odor treatment technology for removing hydrogen sulfide and most systems involve two chemicals to treat this compound. Sodium hydroxide is used to dissolve hydrogen sulfide into the solution, then sodium hypochlorite is employed to target the odor compounds for removal which is shown below. H2 S + 4NaOCl + 2NaOH → Na2 SO4 + 4NaCl + 2H2 O In wet air scrubbing units, a fan pushes the contaminated air through the media bed while spray nozzles disperse the chemical over the incoming air and absorb the contaminants. After passing through the system, the chemicals are often circulated through for reuse or are discarded. The treated air is blown out of the system. A schematic of a general scrubber system is show in Figure 4. Figure 4. Schematic view of a general scrubber system [15] Page 24 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND Carbon Adsorption Carbon adsorption passes the air stream over a bed of activated carbon and the contaminants adhere to the surface of the carbon, thus removing them from the air stream. This is a relatively simple form of odor-control and the primary operating cost comes from purchasing new activated carbon after the carbon media has been exhausted, however the disposal and replacement costs associated with carbon adsorption are high compared to alternative technologies. Moisture is a large limiting factor for carbon adsorption. It is imperative that the carbon be kept dry, lest the adsorptive capacity is greatly reduced. Activated carbon removes hydrogen sulfide and other odor-producing compounds by catalyzing the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, resulting in elemental sulfur and water according to the following reaction. 1 2H2 S (g) + O2 (g) → S8 (s) + 2H2 O(g) 4 Most of the water produced from this process is lost to the air stream as it passes through the system, while the sulfur is adsorbed into the porous surface of the activated carbon. The adsorption continues until the pores can no longer take in sulfur. As the pores reach their capacity for sulfur uptake, the odor compounds begin to break through the media, meaning noticeable odors are released from the unit indicating the media needs to be replaced. Biofiltration Biofiltration odor-reducing technologies use microbial organisms to consume problematic odorproducing chemical compounds from waste air streams. The biological organisms are a constituent of the biofilm attached to either organic or inorganic packing material. The microbial species used are engineered for the specific target contaminant(s) found in the waste air stream. As the untreated air is blown through the media bed, the microorganisms bio-chemically react with the contaminants and act to break apart the compounds and release stabilized, treated air. 4.4 ODOR-CONTROL DESCISION MATRIX A decision matrix consisting of six criteria was used to decide which odor-control technology to select for this project. The criteria includes installation cost, maintenance and operations cost, popularity of use for odor-control, projected life of the technology, satisfaction from users, and client preference. Each criteria was ranked on a scale of 3 to 10. A high score indicated the importance of the criteria. ο· ο· Client preference was highly ranked because our clients’ needs are of considerable importance. The client is very interested in biofiltration technology making it a priority for the team to investigate its feasibility. Client preference was ranked 10. Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs includes the intensity and amount of labor involved in maintaining the system as well as any chemical dosing requirements for the system. O&M was ranked 8. Page 25 of 91 ODOR-CONTROL BACKGROUND ο· ο· ο· ο· Capital cost is an important consideration to avoid high upfront cost. However, capital cost was ranked lower than O&M costs because it would contribute less to the overall cost during the life of the project, assuming a robust design. Capital cost was ranked 7. User satisfaction is important to from the stance of facility operators. Information concerning various technologies used in the West Michigan area was gathered for this ranking. User satisfaction was ranked 6. The life of the system was considered to ensure a robust and sustainable design. Long lasting systems received higher scores than technology with a shorter operating life. The life of the filter was ranked 5. Widely-used technology accounts for the history of the technology and whether time has proven the practicality and effectiveness of its use. The extensive use of certain odor-control technologies also validates the treatment’s existing customer support, manufacturing options, and operator familiarity with the product. Widely-used technology was ranked 3. Each odor-control technology was ranked according to the chosen criteria. Each was given a score ranging from 1 to 6 based on how it performed in the given criteria. Multiply the score by the weight of the criteria, the overall scores were tabulated for each technology. The decision matrix is shown in Table 2. The odor-control technology that will be evaluated for installation at the CWP is biofiltration. Table 2. Odor-Control Technology Decision Matrix Criteria % Client Preference O&M Capital Cost User Satisfaction Filter Life Widely-used Score 10 8 7 6 5 3 Chemical Scrubbing Liquid Redox Biofiltration Solid Scavengers Carbon Adsorption 1 3 3 4 5 6 122 1 4 1 3 6 2 103 6 6 3 6 3 3 189 1 2 6 4 5 2 123 1 5 3 4 2 6 123 Page 26 of 91 Liquid Phase Treatment 1 2 6 3 5 2 117 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT 5 Wyoming Clean Water Plant 5.1 BACKGROUND Plant Operations The team obtained data concerning annual trends for influent wastewater flow rates, temperatures, average BOD, and average DO concentrations from the CWP operators. This information helped to provide a basis for determining trends of H2S production. A flow diagram of the wastewater through the CWP is shown in Appendix A. Odor-Control The CWP currently uses odor-control systems at three locations throughout the plant. The odorcontrol systems remove a range of H2S levels, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere causing a nuisance odor. Other odor-producing compounds may be removed during the process of H2S removal; however the plant does not monitor any other compounds because their effects are low or insignificant. The facility has records of influent and effluent H 2S concentrations for each odorcontrol unit beginning in 2013. Operation personnel reported the production of H2S does not depend on seasonal variations, which is supported by the data showing no recognizable pattern among annual H2S readings. Rather, the influent wastewater composition and the amount of sludge present in the system is directly responsible for the production of this compound. The headworks building uses a chemical scrubber for odor-control; however, data from the past few years has shown influent H2S concentrations remains at zero. The carbon adsorber has seen H2S concentrations ranging from 0 to 22 ppmv and the chemicals scrubbers used for the biosolids tanks obtain levels as high as 88 ppmv. Characterization of air effluent from each source at this facility are in compliance with MDEQ regulations. OSHA reports that prolonged exposure to H2S concentrations of greater than 2ppmv can induce health hazards [16]. Because the H2S produced at the CWP would quickly become diluted into the atmosphere if released, the facility treats H2S as merely a nuisance rather than a regulated health hazard. Production of H2S contained within a building, such as at the headworks building, must be treated due to health hazard concerns. 5.2 EXISITING PLANT OPERATIONS The odor produced at each of the four sites under consideration varies slightly in composition. Generally speaking, the odor is due to non-hazardous levels H2S compounds found in the air, which produces a distinct “rotten egg” smell. The exact concentration of H2S in the air depends on the composition of the wastewater at a specific site, which varies with conditions such as temperature, humidity, flow rate, and upstream treatment. The temperature of the influent wastewater varies with season, ranging from low 50’s in the spring to the low 70’s mid-summer (Fahrenheit). Average flow rates in recent years was approximately 15.5 mgd, with approximately 11 to 12% supplied from Page 27 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT industrial load. The average BOD per year is about 330 mg/L with maximum day load occasionally exceeding 500 mg/L per year. Figure 5 shows locations of current odor-control systems at the CWP. In the plant, one carbon adsorption unit is used to control odor from the primary clarifiers, and wet chemical scrubbers are used for odor at the headworks building and the biosolids storage tank. The splitter box currently has no form of odor-control. 5.3 ODOR-CONTROL Chemical Scrubbers Carbon Adsorbers Splitter Box Chemical Scrubbers Figure 5. Locations of Current and Proposed Odor-Control Units (Google Maps) Headworks A chemical scrubber was installed in 2000 in the headworks building to treat effluent air containing hydrogen sulfide from the influent. The scrubber is comprised of two stages containing plastic media through which contaminated air is processed. The air passes through the first chamber where it is treated with a sodium hydroxide solution, followed by sodium hypochlorite treatment in the second chamber. Page 28 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT The components of the headworks process are enclosed within the building, so the air treatment system is installed in the case of potentially hazardous H2S levels. Measurements taken within the past year consistently show an influent H2S concentration of zero (Appendix B). Primary Clarifiers Carbon Media Specifications The effluent air from the primary clarifiers and the head storage tanks is contained and directed to a carbon adsorption odor-control unit. The system has dual flow operation, meaning incoming air enters the middle of the chamber and is directed upward and downward to carbon beds. The top and bottom beds are identical, each containing 1ft (or a volume of 266ft3) of high capacity activated carbon and 2ft (a volume of 425ft3) of virgin activated carbon. Since its installment in 2007, the carbon media has been replaced twice (three rounds of media including the originally installed media). The carbon adsorption media is designed to be replaced when the pressure difference across the top of carbon bed layer reaches a maximum of 5 to 6 psi. The manufacturer claims this is to occur approximately once every 4 years. However, this maximum pressure difference has not been reached since the installment of the unit and instead the plant uses H2S emission as a basis for carbon media replacements. Under normal conditions, no H2S is released from the carbon absorber so the media is replaced when the emitted H2S reading is greater than zero, which is the reason the carbon media has been replaced more frequently than the manufacturer’s recommendations. Air samples are taken at six location in the filter (three at the top and three on bottom). One reading is at the influent, one at mid-filter, and one at the exit for both the top and bottom layers. As the air passes through these filter beds, the H2S concentration is depleted such that the effluent H2S concentration is typically zero. ππ π Readings The greatest influent H2S concentration to the carbon adsorber within the past two years was 22ppmv, with an average concentration of 6 ppmv. The unit began emitting a H2S concentration of 3 ppmv in August, 2014 and the carbon was replaced shortly thereafter. Refer to Appendix C for H2S concentration measurements from the previous two years. Alteration to the Primary Clarifiers The primary clarifiers were covered in 2009, which created a more anaerobic environment and slightly altered settling characteristics of the sludge. Additionally, the fermentation process in the primary clarifiers was recently altered. Fermentation applies to the sludge at the bottom of the clarifier tanks, which was previously being pumped out of the tank at a rate of 4,000 to 5,000 gallons per hour. Page 29 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT In the summer of 2012, the plant experienced complications concerning biological phosphorous removal (BioP) in the aeration basins. In order to solve the problem, it was determined more volatile fatty acids (VFA) must be fed to aid the BioP process. To accomplish this, the fermentation time of the primary sludge in the primary clarifiers (just upstream of the aeration basins) was extended. The pump rate was slowed gradually over time and sampling for VFA occurred multiple times a week until data showed that an adequate VFA concentration was produced. As of fall 2014, the plant discharges 1,000 to 2,000 gallons per hour of primary sludge. The rate is not adjusted unless septic conditions occur in the clarifiers. In other words, the pump rate is slowed if sampling shows the VFA concentration is too low. Resulting Nuisance Odor The carbon adsorption unit successfully treats the odor produced by hydrogen sulfide, but produces a characteristic “fish tank” smell as a byproduct for unknown reasons. This effect has occurred since the installation of the carbon adsorber and is seemingly unrelated to the primary clarifier alterations. As a result, the unit requires media replacements far more frequently than what was recommended. The CWP operators decided to replace the media the first time due to the extensive production of the malodorous byproduct, which incurs within 2 months of replacement. Biosolids Storage Tanks Retired Carbon Adsorber The odor-control building for the effluent air from the biosolids storage tank houses a retired carbon adsorption unit. The system was installed in 2011, but was used for odor-control approximately 6 months before plant operators decided discontinue its use due to high costs. The air was rerouted to the existing chemical scrubbers, which is the current configuration. During its use, however, the system successfully removed H2S from the air completely, even when operating at a pressure difference of 6 psi across the top of the carbon bed. The unit was manufactured by Siemens Water Technologies and installed in 2007. The filter stack contains 2120 lbs. of Midas OCM Carbon Media and is designed for an average H2S concentration of 10 ppmv with a peak concentration of 25 ppmv and a maximum media saturation density of 0.73 g H2S /g carbon. Chemical Scrubbers Three wet chemical scrubbing units are used for odor originating from the biosolids storage tanks. Refer to Figure 5 for their location. The chemical scrubbers at the biosolids storage tanks were installed during plant improvements completed in 2005. The chemical scrubbers treat the contaminated air stream using a two-stage system. Both stages use a plastic media of polypropylene balls approximately 1.5 inches in diameter with a surface area of 48 square inches. The influent air is passed through the media bed while the chemicals are sprayed from above. The contaminants in the air are dissolved by the chemicals and removed with the liquid solution. The first stage uses sulfuric acid at a concentration of 93% to remove ammonia from the air. This step is not of great concern to plant operation and has no history of complications. The second step, Page 30 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT however, is much more critical to the air treatment process. In this stage, a combination of sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite (bleach) at a concentration of 12% is used to target H2S for removal. As the air passes through this process, chemicals are extracted and deposited into the liquid stream. Based on a liquid sample test taken in 2015, the composition of the liquid solution effluent from the scrubber included 597 mg/kg Ca, 1010 mg/kg Na, and less than 230 mg/kg Si. Solids Buildup A white solid has been forming on the media of the chemical scrubber for unknown reasons (Figure 6). This has reduced the effectiveness of the chemical scrubber and increased operation and maintenance costs due to frequent cleaning. The problem seemed to correlate with the alteration of primary clarifiers (refer to Section 5.3.2 Alteration of Primary Clarifiers for further information) however, it is unclear whether or not this is a direct cause of the solids buildup. The solid buildup was tested and found to be a calcium-based compound. Attempts to solve this problem by installing a water softener have proved unsuccessful. The only solution that has worked thus far is to halt the filtration process to remove and replace the media; a solution that has proved costly in both time and money. Figure 6. Solids buildup on media of chemical scrubbers (Lauren Grimley) Page 31 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT ππ π Readings The highest documented influent H2S concentration the chemical scrubbers have seen in recent year is 88 ppmv, which resulted in a H2S concentration at the outlet of 18 ppmv. The average influent H2S concentration is 22 ppmv and typically there is a complete removal (refer to Appendix D). Splitter Box The splitter box at the CWP disperses a single effluent stream from the primary clarifiers into three aeration basins (refer to Appendix E for a schematic diagram of the splitter box). Currently there is no odor control for this site and the air is emitted into the atmosphere, as shown in Figures 7 and 8. Beginning in November and ending in December of 2015, the hydrogen sulfide concentration and temperature of the air have been recorded using an OdaLog gas data logger (refer to Appendix F). The data shows that the H2S concentration fluctuates between zero and about 22ppm. Figure 7. Splitter Box at the Wyoming Clean Water Plant (Lauren Grimley) Page 32 of 91 WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT Figure 8. Splitter Box (Lauren Grimley) Page 33 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY 6 Biofiltration Technology 6.1 OVERALL PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND TERMINOLOGY Within the past two decades, biotechnology has become a popular method for odor-control and VOC reduction. Contaminated gases emitted from wastewater plants are often corrosive to infrastructure or equipment and can have negative effects on human health and comfort. Biofiltration is an attractive technology to treat the contaminated air because it requires no chemical addition and has a low operational cost. In general, these systems require less maintenance and fewer media replacements than competing odor-reducing technologies, which greatly relieves costs associated with upkeep. Biofiltration functions effectively due to immobilized microorganisms found in the biofilm layer on porous media. The contaminated vapor stream is passed through the media bed where the contaminants are transferred from the vapor phase and deposited into the biological bilayer, where they are then removed by metabolic processes [17]. The general process flow diagram of a typical biofiltration system used for wastewater odor-control is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Biofiltration Process Flow Diagram [18] 6.2 MECHANISMS OF OPERATIONS Modeling a biofilter will include a mass balance of the contaminants, oxygen, pollutant degradation byproducts, and biomass generation in all phases. Depending on the model, the resulting differential equation is a combination of terms that describe the reactions and movements of pollutants in the biofilter. These terms describe the following biofilter properties [19]: ο· ο· ο· ο· Accumulation of reactive products Dispersion effects in air Mass transfer between the air and biofilm Diffusional mass transfer in the biofilm Page 34 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY ο· ο· ο· ο· Consumption due to biological oxidation Adsorption onto solid media Biomass growth Physiological state of the biomass Assumptions that can be made to simplify the model include: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Biofilm and air interface is in a state of equilibrium Ideal mixing in the liquid phase Plug flow for the air phase Constant biofilm thickness and biomass density (negligible biomass growth) Steady-state conditions Excess oxygen is available Use of simple kinetics for biological oxidation Biokinetics The biofilter is modeled as a packed bed reactor (PBR) in order to size the biofilter according to the desired removal efficiency of odorous components. A PBR is a reactor consisting of a long tube that is filled with a porous media. The size of the biofilter chamber can be determined after the biofilter media volume is calculated based on the residence time of the contaminant in the media. Usually the incoming hydrogen sulfide reacts with the media and results in a chemical product (usually as SO2− 4 ). To accurately determine the volume needed for the specified air flow, a rate law must be determined. Multiple rate laws have been used to model the removal of hydrogen sulfide from air including: ο· ο· Ottengraf and Ven Den Oover o Assumes plug flow for the gas phase and a flat geometry for the biofilter o Zero-order Diffusion or Reaction Limited Michaelis-Menten o Used to determine the rate of an enzymatic reaction o Simplified depending on the concentration of the substrate Mass Loading Rate The mass loading rate is the mass of the contaminant entering the biofilter per unit area of volume of filter per unit time. For hydrogen sulfide in particular, the mass loading rate is defined as the amount of hydrogen sulfide that is introduced to the system per unit time/per unit volume of the packing material (g H2 S⁄ft 3 hr) [20]. Modeling a biofilter can be done by defining boundary conditions and developing a mass balance equation across the biofilm that is grown on the packing media. Biofilm Kinetics A key process in biofiltration is the transfer of pollutants from the air to the water phase via adsorption into the moisturized packing media. Adsorption refers to the process in which pollutants in the air interact with a solid surface of an adsorbent and bond via weak intermolecular forces [15]. Page 35 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY After the contaminant has been adsorbed, biodegradation of the contaminants occurs within the biofilm. Figure 10 shows the mass transport and kinetic mechanisms considered in a three-phase model. This model incorporates advective flow mass transport in both the gas and liquid, mass transfer at the gas-liquid and liquid-biofilm interfaces, internal diffusion in the biofilm, and active biomass growth and decay reactions in the biofilm. Figure 10. Schematic representation of the mechanisms in a biofiltration unit: (a) mass transport by gas-phase and liquid-phase advection, and (b) mass transport by diffusion and biological reaction in the biofilm [21]. Alternatively, a two-phase model considers only the mass transfer in the two phases; the gas and the biofilm. The mechanisms are the same as a three-phase model except liquid advective flow is not included and only mass transport at the gas-biofilm interface is modeled, rather than mass transport at both the gas-liquid and liquid-biofilm interfaces. Biodegradation The microorganisms in the biofilm carry out the metabolic activities that will transform the pollutants into harmless products. The end products from complete bio-oxidation of the air contaminants are CO2, water, mineral salts, and microbial biomass. Biofilms contain complex association of bacteria and microbial communities making it challenging to maintain control of the biodegradation processes occurring in air biofilters [19]. Refer to Figure 11 for a diagram depicting the process of biodegradation. Page 36 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY Figure 11. Overview of Biodegradation Process for Biofiltration [19] In order for biodegradation of the air pollutants to occur, the contaminants must be biologically available to the degrading cells. The biodegradation rate of a contaminant depends on the rate of uptake and the mass transfer by the microorganisms. Typically during operation, a contaminant introduced into a bioreactor will shift the microbial populations towards a specific culture that will appropriately metabolize the target pollutant [19]. Microbiology Biological removal of hydrogen sulfide requires a bacteria that can accomplish the required redox reaction. As a starting point for selecting a bacteria, the design must consider sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, which catalyze the biological oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. Thiobacillus species are used almost exclusively in biofiltration for hydrogen sulfide treatment because they most effectively accomplish the above criteria [22, 23, 24]. Thiobacillus metabolize hydrogen sulfide using oxygen. The following equation shows the most common form of removal. H2 S + 2O2 → H2 SO4 Page 37 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY The growth rates of the microbial species depends on the substrate concentration, environmental conditions, pH, water activity, and available nutrients. The growth rate and substrate concentration can be described by the Monod model shown directly below [19]. μ= μmax CL Ks +CL In the case of a biofilter, the pollutant concentration is the substrate concentration (CL). When the pollutant concentration is high, CL is far larger than the saturation constant (Ks) and a higher cell growth (µ) is obtained. Pollutant degradation rate is more important than the growth rate because an air treatment system is considered effective if it is able to maintain a high elimination capacity (EC). 6.3 CHARACTERIZING BIOFILTER PERFORMANCE Removal Efficiency The percent removal of the pollutant, removal efficiency (RE), is often used to characterize biofiltration performance. The equation to calculate RE is RE(%) = [H2 S]in −[H2 S]out [H2 S]in 100%. The influent hydrogen sulfide concentration determines the removal efficiency of the biofilter. Elimination Capacity A common method of characterizing a biofilter performance is to calculate the elimination capacity (EC) as a function of the pollutant loading. Loading can be based on either bed volume or bed surface area, but more commonly volumetric loading (L) is used [25]. These can be calculated using the following equations. L = [H2 S]in (Q⁄V) EC = ([H2 S]in − [H2 S]out ) (Q⁄V) Influent and effluent hydrogen sulfide concentration ([H2 S]in and [H2 S]out ) have units of mass/volume, the volumetric gas flow rate (Q) has units of volume/time, and the volume (V) is the volume of the empty biofilter bed. The EC can only be less than or equal to the volumetric loading. As shown in Figure 12, a plot of EC as a function of the volumetric loading that yields a straight line through the origin with a slope of one would represent 100% contaminant elimination. Page 38 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY Figure 12. Model-simulated sulfide elimination as a function of sulfide loading for various influent H 2S concentrations (straight line represents 100% elimination) [25]. At high loading, the EC approaches a maximum EC that is typically 0.28 to 8.5 g⁄ft 3 hr (10 to 300 g⁄m3 hr) for biofilters treating common pollutants such as VOCs and hydrogen sulfide. The maximum critical loading of the pollutant is a function of the packing material and operating conditions. The elimination capacity increases directly with an increase in loading, which may be a result of a high biomass concentration in the biofilm under these conditions. 6.4 FACTORS AFFECTING BIOFILTER PERFORMANCE Packing Media Biofiltration relies on the microorganisms present in the packing material which degrade the contaminants of concern. The microorganisms capable of degrading hydrogen sulfide are ubiquitous such that the nature of the packing material is variable. Successful filter media typically consider the following factors [26]: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Fine media or media with a high specific surface area can achieve higher levels of treatment efficiency than larger media particles with a lower specific surface area Media porosity, which impacts flow dynamics and mass transfer characteristics, affects biofilter operation and performance Organic matter in the media can affect the efficacy of the system A greater absorptivity of the media can minimize effects of transient loading Layering media types can help to distribute the gas flow evenly across the filter Page 39 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY The packing media must be regenerated after a length of time in order to maintain removal efficiency. The need and frequency for regeneration depends on the media type, the moisture content of the filter, and contaminants in the air stream. Moisture Content The microorganisms used in biofiltration require moisture to grow and sustain metabolic activities at an optimum biodegradation rate. In a biofilter, moisture levels are often maintained by humidifying the inlet airstream if the waste air does not already have a sufficient moisture content. In addition, an inadequate water content can cause the media bed to dry out, causing cracks and channels to form in the media bed. The required moisture content of the biofilter varies depending on water retention characteristics of the media’s surface. In general, an optimal moisture content typically falls between 40 and 60% [19]. Conversely, excess water beyond this optimal range can inhibit oxygen transfer between the biofilm and the contaminants in the air phase and can increase the pressure difference across the media layer, rendering the biofilter ineffective. Nutrient Control Microorganisms consume pollutants for energy in order to maintain biological activity and growth [19], but for biodegradation to be successful, the microorganisms must have access to additional nutrients. Organic media beds may naturally contain sufficient nutrient levels, depending on the media type, but nutrients must be added to synthetic packing media and some natural media mixtures. However, the supply of nutrients must be limited in order to avoid clogging of the media as a result of excessive biomass formation. This issue is more common when an inert packing media is used because the nutrient supply must be closely monitored and adjusted accordingly. Temperature An important factor to consider with biological odor-control technology, compared to other physical and chemical treatment alternatives, is operating at a specified temperature. Temperature control is critical in these systems in order to prevent the risk of bacterial death due to thermal shock. Temperatures of contaminated air originating from wastewater streams are relatively warm due to the nature of the wastewater and typically range between 50 and 70 α΅F (about 10 to 20 α΅C). Most biological activity operates under conditions of the mesophilic range 59 and 104 α΅F (15 to 40 α΅C), which sets the recommended temperature range for biofiltration operation [19]. Heating or cooling systems must be incorporated into the design of the biofilter to maintain this temperature range. pH Value An appropriate pH level must be maintained during biofilter operation. The oxidation of sulfur compounds can lead to the formation of acid intermediates which lower the bed pH, subsequently reducing the removal efficiency of the media [20]. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly soluble gas with a Henry’s constant of 2582 mL gas⁄L H2 O • atm at 68α΅F (20α΅C). The extent of odor caused by hydrogen sulfide depends on the pH of the wastewater. If the pH is less than 5, sulfide is present predominantly in the form of Page 40 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY H2 S and is in a physical equilibrium with the gas phase. At a pH of 10, sulfide is dissolved as HS − . As the pH approaches 7, both H2 S and HS − are present in the solution with approximately 50% of each [15]. Microorganisms operate and grow in a specific pH range. Bacteria thrives in an environment that has a pH of 5 to 9. Depending on the composition of the bed, the microorganisms will perform optimally within a certain pH range and fluctuations of more than 2 to 3 pH units can cause harm to the microorganisms. This can lead to the destruction of the microbial population [19]. Empty Bed Residence Time An important parameter in biofiltration design is the Empty Bed Residence Time (EBRT). This term refers to the ratio of medium volume to the volumetric air flow through the reactor bed. The EBRT is used to determine the efficiency of the odor or VOC contaminant removal as well as the bioreactor volume. The EBRT is based on statistically data, lab or pilot scale experiments, and predictive modeling. Low EBRT implies the required velocity and power consumption are high and there is a large pressure drop across media. A high EBRT implies a large footprint and media volume as well as a high capital cost. The following equation calculates EBRT where Vf is the filter bed volume (ft 3 ) and Q is the airflow rate (ft 3 ⁄s) [25]. EBRT = Vf Q Oxygen Content Microorganisms involved in treating odorous air are predominantly aerobic, meaning they require oxygen to perform metabolic functions. Biofilters typically operate between 5 to 15% oxygen [19]. It is important to monitor oxygen in cases where there is a high contaminant-loading rate or a high moisture content. Bed Depth The removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide is also dependent on media bed depth. In order to effectively remove H2S, a specific residence time is required for adequate contact between the contaminant and the media. The required bed depth depends on residence time and determines the required volume of the chamber. Most of the H2S is removed in the portion of the bed nearest to the influent air flow. The bed depth must also be optimized to provide adequate gas flow and rinse water distribution throughout the bed. A deeper bed requires less space because it provides a larger bed volume per unit area ratio. However, if the bed is too deep, the weight of the packing media causes structural issues and poses a challenge for maintenance and media replacements. Common biofilter packing depths range from 3 to 5 feet (0.9 to 1.5m) [25]. Page 41 of 91 BIOFILTRATION TECHNOLOGY Medium Diameter and Surface Area The efficiency of hydrogen sulfide removal is dependent on the size of the media. Packing material with a relatively small diameter can improve the performance of a biofilter with an insufficient residence time. Smaller particles provide a greater total surface area, which increases the transfer rate of the contaminant from the gas-phase to the biofilm, and thus improves removal efficiency [25]. However, the smaller the particle diameter, the larger the pressure drop, which results in a tradeoff between removal efficiency and energy to push air through the filter. Pressure Drop The pressure drop increases linearly with packing height. The pressure drop across the biofilter bed is often an issue when the packing material has a relatively small surface area. Larger media particles reduce the pressure drop across the biofilter bed. Additionally, as air velocity through the filter is increased, larger particles help to minimize the increase in pressure drop. Page 42 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 7 Alternative Design Considerations 7.1 PACKING MEDIA The size and overall cost of the biofilter largely depend on the characteristics of the packing media. The media provides a suitable environment for microorganisms to grow and biodegrade pollutants in the air stream. The proposed media recommendations was selected based on its ability to lower operating costs and reduce required maintenance while successfully removing pollutants from the air. The effectiveness of packing media is based on size distribution, active surface area, porosity, adsorption properties, and degree of compaction, water retention capabilities, and the physical properties of the media under low pH conditions. Refer to Appendix G for research concerning a range of media types. The performance of a media type largely depends on the following three parameters [27]: 1. 2. 3. Specifications of the media material (i.e. temperature, void fraction, particle diameter, water content, microbial characterization, and nutrients) Characteristics of air flow through the media (i.e. superficial velocity, gas distribution, and pressure at the inlet) Substrate load conditions (i.e. solubility, microbial degradability, and applied loading rate) Natural vs. Synthetic Media Organic media naturally contains bacteria within the structure itself and additional bacteria can thrive on the surface after the formation of a biofilm. Both contribute to the overall bioactivity in the system [19]. Natural media has a high overall removal efficiency at the beginning of the filtration process which is likely due to a high sorptive surface area, however a large pressure drop can limit the overall efficiency of the system. Natural media types include peat, compost, woodchips, lava rock, and activated carbon. Mixtures of organic material can help to optimize several aspects of the biofilter design to improve the overall contaminant removal efficiency. An advantage of using synthetic media in biofiltration is that it can be engineered to have optimal structural and surface area characteristics. Synthetic media types include polyurethane foam or biosorbens. Synthetics do not experience compaction or degradation to the same extent that certain types of natural media do, therefore they tend to have a longer media life [28]. Additionally, synthetic media can reduce bed clogging caused by excessive biomass growth [29]. However, because it does not contain a natural component, synthetic media must be inoculated with active bacteria. Furthermore, synthetic media tends to be an expensive alternative to natural media and its eventual disposal can cause environmental concern. Page 43 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Layered Media Based on research, conversations with experts in biofiltration, and recent trends, a layered biofilter bed is common for biofiltration. The biofilter bed often is layered with an inorganic media that is covered by an organic polisher. With a single organic layer configuration, it is difficult and expensive to control the pH of the media and media degradation occurs more rapidly. In contrast, an inert inorganic base layer is more resistant to degradation and can extend the overall life of the media [30]. Inorganic Layer Inorganic media used for biofiltration consists of some porous rock or mineral material. The more porous the media is, the greater surface area is has and a greater removal efficiency it can achieve. The inorganic media layer provides a strong and inert base that supports the organic layer and helps to resist degradation resulting from acidic metabolic processes [30]. Due to its high removal efficiency and resistance to degradation, the biofilter is designed such that the majority of the hydrogen sulfide is removed in this layer. The main disadvantage of inorganic layer is its high costs in comparison to synthetic or organic media. Additionally, the inorganic layer requires additional maintenance at startup because nutrients must be added to allow for microbial activity. Organic Layer The organic layer acts as a polisher, removing any additional odorous species that may be in the air. Its organic nature and carbon content allows for a microbial activity and wider range of contaminant removal. However, organic material is subject to degradation due to low pH. This degradation causes compaction, resulting in high pressure drops and eventual clogging of the biofilter. When this happens, the media needs to be completely replaced. If the air is initially treated through an inorganic layer, any acid produced will not cause acidic degradation in the organic layer above, rather the acid will be washed out to the bottom of the biofilter [30]. 7.2 MOISTURE CONTROL Moisture control is a critical component of biofiltration design and dictates the effectiveness of pollutant removal. An insufficient moisture level limits or halts microbial growth and the rate of decomposition. Excessive moisture, on the other hand, reduces the potential for mass transfer, increases media pore clogging, increases pressure drop, reduces the space available for pollutant transfer, and induces damage to the structure of the media bed. The required moisture content fluctuates with the temperature of the influent air, the contaminant load in the air, and the surrounding environmental conditions. Moisture is controlled using humidification of air prior to entry, additional irrigation in and above the filter, periodically tilling the bed, and limiting the bed height. The optimal moisture content is determined by the physical properties of both the media and the pollutant targeted for removal. Media that is more compact reduces the potential for moisture retention in comparison to more porous media. Woodchips have the porosity necessary for proper drainage, thus reducing the risk of overwatering and excessive saturation [31]. Page 44 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The distribution of air must be considered in conjunction with the moisture content. Biofilters must be designed to optimize even moisture distribution with adequate free air space. Methods must be employed to avoid the “spiral effect”; air flows easier through drier areas, causing some areas of the filter to become excessively dry while others become oversaturated [32]. Channeling of the media bed occurs when pathways of high air flow develop through the media and reduce the moisture content along the path. This is of particular concern at the inlet of the filter where the air stream enters the filter, however these effects can be avoided with proper irrigation and air humidification. The moisture content of the media must be evenly distributed, which requires periodic monitoring at specific points throughout the media bed. Although essential, the moisture content can fluctuate from the optimal amount as much as 30 L water/m3 media without any substantial harm to performance [31]. Humidification Chamber Humidifying the influent air is essential for biofiltration operation. The humidification process acts to regulate temperature in the filter, to stabilize the unsteady influent air stream, remove particulates, and prevent excessive drying of the media [33]. The humidification chamber must raise the moisture content of the air to greater than 95%. Humidification can be accomplished with a variety of methods including steam injection, spray chambers, venuri scrubbers, and packed bed towers. Of these methods, packed bed towers are particularly good for large biofilters with an airflow rate of greater than 5000cfm [34], however a simple and inexpensive spray chamber can sufficiently saturate the incoming air [32, 33]. Irrigation In addition to saturating the incoming air, an irrigation system is required to maintain an adequate moisture content throughout the media bed. Overhead sprinkler systems are commonly used for irrigation. The recommended water droplet size should be less than 0.04 in (1mm) and the hydraulic loading rate lower than 1in/hr to reduce the risk of structural damage to the media [35, 36, 37]. A high pressured misting system can be used to encourage even water distribution. In general, the water application should be anywhere from 5 to 10 gallons per 100,000 cubic feet of off-gas [38]. The sprinkler system can be designed as multiple zones that can be individually controlled so that irrigation is applied to various parts of the filter as needed. Additional drip irrigation installed at multiple levels and/or between layers of media can be used to accommodate greater media bed depths. Irrigation hoses should be well perforated to encourage even water distribution. Control Options To ensure adequate moisture content, it is advised that analysis of moisture content be performed weekly [37]. Monitoring can be done with manual sampling or with an automated system. Page 45 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Manual control requires sampling throughout the bed at a recommended distance of every 7000ft3 (200m3) of media [31] and at least 1 foot below the bed surface [37]. The moisture content should be approximately 60% (by weight). Manual is recommended when the off-gas does not rapidly dry out the media and when additional water is not needed for extended periods of time. Fully automated monitoring can be accomplished using electric conductivity or capacity measuring devices. This approach performs spot measurements throughout the media bed or uses load cells to measure the moisture content by weighing all or portions of the media [31]. The weight will fluctuate with water evaporation or irrigation application, thus the automated system is programmed to turn on or turn off the irrigation system as needed. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) are commonly installed in biofilter units to measure the moisture content, as well as a variety of other parameters. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) devices can also be used in automated irrigation systems. The TDR device measures the propagation speed of an electromagnetic pulse sent through the media bed to determine the volumetric water content in the filter. TDR technology is advantageous because it can read the distribution of water throughout the media bed, thus indicating the location where water is needed most [33]. Automated sensor systems for moisture control run the risk of malfunction and misreading or recalibration, therefore manual operator monitoring is typically advised to confirm moisture requirements are being met. Consequently, semi-automated moisture control systems are commonly used in biofiltration operation. The irrigation system in this form of control operates based on a timer determined by the design. Manual or automatic moisture monitoring is performed periodically to determine whether adjustments need to be made to the timer. If multiple irrigation zones are used in the overhead sprinkler system, each zone can be set for a specific number of minutes and time of day as needed. As the filter media is installed into the biofilter structure, the material is recommended to be thoroughly saturated so that the moisture content is adequate at startup and to ensure that fine particles adhere to larger and more coarse particles [37]. Woodchip have a water holding capacity of about 60 to 70% and the moisture content of the media bed should not fall below 60%. 7.3 AIR DISTRIBUTION Overview Proper air distribution throughout the system is important so that the entire media bed is used evenly to remove contaminants. The distribution of air throughout the media can impact the biokinetics and biofilm at different sections of the media bed. With different areas of the media bed providing different levels of treatment, the system can become operationally difficult to maintain depending on the varying requirements of nutrient or moisture of the various locations in the media bed. Improved mixing and distribution of gaseous contaminants in biofilters can be achieved using a packing media with a wide range of particles sizes and a high surface roughness rather than a smooth Page 46 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS material with uniform particle diameter. The inactive volume in the biofilter decreases with increased gas flow velocity. This means that the most effective utilization of the biofilter volume is achieved with higher gas flows. However, using a media with a wider particle size distribution along with a high gas flow rate can increase the pressure drop across the bed and the operation costs. Optimal operation conditions will hinge on the relationship between the pressure drop, particle size distribution, and gas flow in the biofilter [39]. Air Flow Modeling air distribution through the medium assumes it is homogenous, meaning it does not include a horizontal component to the flow. Flow through porous media moves because of the pressure difference across the media and is governed by Darcy’s law [40]. In biofilter operation, there is a single Darcy region that is bound by two Navier-Stokes (NS) regions where the air flow is a result of the pressure gradient, viscous forces, and inertial forces. Most of the air flow through the bed is strictly caused by the pressure gradient and inertial forces are negligible [41]. Gas transport takes place in the mobile pore space of the media which is a function of total gas-filled porosity, media pore size distribution, pore connectivity, and water content. Knowing the mobile pore space is important to assess the fraction of the media that is participating in removing compounds from the gas stream passing through the filter. Gas advective flow involves the transfer of gases between mobile and immobile gas-filled pores via molecular gas diffusion. As the gas flow rate increases, the gas is forced to flow also through the smaller pores thereby increasing the mobile gasfilled porosity [39]. Gas dispersivity increases as the particle size range increases. Greater dispersion results in increased air distribution and increased mass transfer from the gas phase to the particles surface. This happens because mass transport is directly proportional to the dispersion coefficient and the stagnant gas boundary layer near the particle surfaces are thinner at higher mixing rates [39]. Loading Rate Biofilter performance expressed as removal efficiency is evaluated as a function of sulfur loading rates or residence times, as shown in Figure 13. The gas-loading rate is based on the mass of the influent H2 S per volume of bed. At low influent H2 S concentrations of 20 ppmv, the removal efficiency drops significantly more when the loading rate is increased [25]. Page 47 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Figure 13.Removal Efficiency as a function of Sulfur Loading Rates [25] Air loading rates can be specified in many ways including ft 3 ⁄hr⁄ft 2 biofilter surface as well as ft 3 air⁄hr⁄ft 2 biofilter. The EBRT requirements for a biofilter system generally fall within the following categories: [25] ο· ο· ο· High Rate, Organic-based biofilter o Design detention time is 15-45 seconds o Surface loading rates typically 5-15 cfm⁄ft 2 o Requires detailed air distribution and moisture control Lower Rate, Organic-based biofilter o Design detention time is 45-60 seconds o Surface loading rates typically 3-5 cfm⁄ft 2 o Usually open vessel designs Soil-based media systems o Design detention time is 60-120 seconds o Surface loading rate of 1-3 cfm⁄ft 2 Pressure Loss Energy consumption of a biofilter comes primarily from the electricity requirements needed to operate the blower. The pressure drop across the bed is influenced by the superficial gas velocity, packing medium, bed moisture content, and biomass growth. Controlling the pressure drop over the biofilter bed will determine the filtration efficiency because the fluid flows through the system due to a pressure differential across the bed. Additionally, the pressure drop across the media is a function of airflow characteristics (flow rate, air density and viscosity) and the properties of the packing medium (particle size, fractional void volume and porosity) [42]. Page 48 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Many models have been developed to characterize the relationship between pressure drop and airflow velocity in a fixed packed column. At low velocities the viscous forces account for the pressure drop, but kinetic effects become more important with higher velocities [40]. The constraints in applying a theoretical flow model include the characterization of the geometry of the pore network, the irregularity of the pore walls that creates fluid converging and diverging, and the interconnected pore system being designated as a bundle of cylindrical tubes. Assumptions related to the shape and geometry of the pore system is necessary to obtain analytical and numerical solutions. The Ergun Equation relates pressure drop to gas flow in packed bed reactor. The equation shows that there is a ratio of pressure drop to superficial velocity as a linear function of mass flow rate [43]. It assumes that the total energy losses in a fixed bed are the sum of the viscous and kinetic energy losses. The Modified-Ergun (M-E) equation was used to model the flow through the proposed biofilter where the constants A and B are 150 and 1.75, respectively, as shown in the equation below. [44] βP = AμL (1 − ε)2 BρL 1 − ε 2 υπ + υ 2 3 ε Dp ε 3 π Dp π πΏ π·π π π υπ Fluid viscosity Depth of Bed Particle diameter Void Space of the bed Density of the fluid Superficial Velocity Channeling and Clogging Optimization of biofilter design requires an understanding of the mechanisms of biofilter clogging. Biofilters are successful because the microorganisms use the contaminants in the air stream as a substrate. Though warm temperatures and high moisture content is desired for biomass growth, it must be controlled for each biofilter design. This is because rapid biomass formation can result in clogging and channelization of flow through the media bed. Channelization is when the air passes through the media bed without adequate contact time with the biofilm. Excess biomass can be removed from the media surface by washing, chemical dissolution, or mechanical removal, but these processes require additional operation and maintenance costs. Typically, the media is manually removed and replaced. Initially, biofilters operate as plug flow reactors, meaning the concentration of the contaminant declines as the air continues to pass through the biofilter. Long-term operation of a biofilter results in a limited network of smaller pores as biofilm continues to grow on the media’s inner surfaces. As small pores are filled with biomass they isolate other connecting pores in the media from air flow so that neither of the pores can contribute to air distribution or treatment. The remaining open pores have a reduced surface area causing the pollutant removal efficiency to decrease while flow resistance and pressure drop increase. Modeling the biomass growth is important to estimate the overall head loss across the bed over time while predicting the effects of the changing surface area and biofilm Page 49 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS thickness on the biofilter treatment efficiency [45]. Biofilm thickness is determined as a function of time from growth equations and clogging is determined as a function of biofilm thickness. The changes in biomass growth and the resulting clogging can be determined with a pilot scale biofilter. Clogging is most likely to occur first at the inlet of the biofilter where higher biomass densities are formed. When the pore space of the media that allows for gas dispersion is limited, channelization can occur through the media as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14. Schematic of biofilm accumulation and Flow Channelization [45] Additionally, anaerobic areas can form which will themselves produce foul odors. As channels in the biofilter bed narrow as clogged regions expand, velocities through the open pores increase. The higher velocities in these areas suppresses biofilm growth. After the air flows past the plugged portions of the media, the air slowly spreads and connects the channels re-creating a plug flow regime. The concentrations of biomass are highest in the surface layers of the biofilm and lower in deeper layers. The amount of clogging occurring on the top layer is important because it causes head loss. Biofilter models often assume that each layer in the biofilter will clog uniformly and that the upper layer will clog simultaneously throughout. In reality, portions of the top layer will clog immediately and channels will remain open and cause a gradual increase in headloss [45]. Effects of Configuration on Air Flow In an actual system there is always a finite amount of variation in pressure in the x-direction and its significance depends on the permeability of the medium. With higher permeable media, heterogeneous flow (involving a horizontal component) is more likely to occur. Additional design parameters must be considered to minimize this flow pattern with the most important being the location of the inlet and outlet. There are a variety of locations for the inlet and outlet of a biofilter as listed below and shown in Figure 15 [41]. β β β β β Design 1 - the air enters the at the top left and exits the reactor at the bottom center Design 2 - air enters the top center and exits at the bottom center Design 3 - the air enters the top center and exits on the side wall below the medium Design 4 - the air enters through the side wall above the medium and exits on the opposite wall below the medium Design 5 - air enters and exits on the same side wall Page 50 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Figure 15. Biofilter Inlet and Outlet Locations Most H2 S removal occurs in the part of the bed that is nearest the influent. At the Cedar Rapids Water Pollution Control Facilities (WPCF), nearly 85% of H2 S is removed within the first 12 in (30cm) of the bed nearest the influent and over 97% removal occurs within the first 18 in (46cm) of media depth. Figure 16 shows the H2 S concentration profile through the depth of the lava rock bed at Cedar Rapids WPCF. Figure 16. Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration as a function of the Distance from the Inlet [25] The location of the inlet to the biofilter impacts the areas of the bed that have high contaminant removals as indicated by the graph above. The optimum biofilter design depends on the permeability of the medium, the operational flow rate, and the design configuration of the air supply and air discharging piping. With high velocities, the ideal system would include diffusers at the inlet and outlet to evenly distribute the air and reduce the effects of flow heterogeneity. Multiple inlets and outlets may also help to reduce the effects of flow heterogeneity [41]. Page 51 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 7.4 DUCTWORK & EQUIPMENT To overcome the back pressure caused by the filter bed, radial blowers are typical in a biofiltration design. Vents for the off-gas are also commonly used to direct the air to the bottom of the filter bed using distribution canals and air nozzles. Common accessories included in a biofilter system are listed below [15]: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Pressure relief vacuum at the reactor cover Foam separator tank to eliminate solid particles in the biogas Sediment or water trap to eliminate high moisture content of biogas Biogas flow metering device Automated or manual back pressure regulator System Design Certain design parameters must be considered when sizing the ductwork for the biofilter. The biogas flow rate is of primary concern when sizing the pipes and must be considered for minimum, average, and maximum flow conditions. The necessary velocity of the gas must also be considered, which will affect the configuration of pipe bends and the maximum allowable length of the pipe. Important information that is needed to analyze a duct system for flow, pressures, and pipe sizes includes: [15] ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Supply/Extract air quantities Routing of the ductwork from fan to terminal Sizing method and velocity limits Ductwork dimensional criteria Static and total pressure limit of the fan The static pressure (Ps ) of a system is either positive or negative depending on whether or not the pressure exerted by the air on the system is greater or less than the ambient atmospheric pressure. The velocity pressure (Pv ) acts in the same direction as the air flow and is a measure of the kinetic energy in the system. The total pressure (Pt ) in the system is the sum of the static pressure and the velocity pressure. The pressure loss includes the duct frictional loss and the dynamic losses caused by flow restrictions due to equipment in the system. The friction loss due to frictional drag of the air moving along the surface of the duct can be calculated using the Darcy-Weisbach equation and the friction factor. The dynamic losses due to fittings such as junctions, transitions, or elbows can be calculated as an equivalent length of pipe for the system. This can be calculated by multiplying the velocity head by friction loss coefficient for each piece of equipment [46]. The head loss calculated in the system is used to properly size the fan. Condensate drainage must be provided in the duct system because any excess water can cause mechanical issues with the operation of the biofilter. Usually the excess condensate is discharge through an indirect drain line path. Condensate drains can be incorporate throughout the piping along with overflow drains. Additionally, fans are designed to have a drain pan that has a trap that Page 52 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS collects the condensate but prevents air from passing the indirect piping. The trap is sized based on the negative or positive pressure of the fan. Typically, the trap is sized at 1.5 times the inlet or outlet pressure of the fan, whichever is greater [47]. Sizing the Blower Gas-moving machinery includes mechanical equipment that compresses and moves gas. Fans are used for low pressures, blowers for intermediate pressures, and compressors for high pressures. Fans are best for moving small volumes of gas at low pressures with discharge heads of about 3.9 to 59 inches of H2O (0.1 to 1.5 m H2O). In a centrifugal fan, a centrifugal force produced by the rotor causes a compression of the gas which is called the static pressure head. Additionally, a velocity head is produced because the velocity of the gas is increased. The increase in static pressure head and velocity head are incorporated in the efficiency and power of the centrifugal fan which usually ranges between 40-70%. When calculating the power of a fan, the gas is assumed to be incompressible. The operating pressure or ‘duty point’ of the fan is the sum of the velocity head and static pressure of the gas leaving the fan and is usually given in inches of water gage [48]. Fan selection requires knowledge of both design airflow rate and the pressure drop in the system. The fan is required to have the ability to draw air from the sources and push it through the media bed. Using the manufacturers supplied information, the fan can be selected [49]. The CWP uses a Backward Curve Centrifugal Fan manufactured by Hartzell Air Movement for the odor control unit at the primary clarifiers which will be recycled and used for the biofilter in order to reduce cost of equipment. Using the Hartzell-Flow calculator [50], the fan performance curves were generated providing data of flow rate, static pressure, and power as shown in Figure 17. Page 53 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Figure 17. Hartzell Performance Curve for Backward Centrifugal Fan [50] The static pressure curve provides the basis for all flow and pressure calculations and can be used to determine the fan’s pressure capability at any volume. The “duty point” or point of operation is the intersection of the curves. The performance for the CWP’s fan is 12,000 CFM and 7.5” SP at 18.5 HP. A fan must operate somewhere along its SP curve and if the fan speed is changed, the point of operation must move up or down the system curve and SP curve. To obtain the performance of the fan at lower speeds, the following fan laws can be used [51]: 1. CFM varies as RPM 2. SP varies as (RPM)2 3. HP varies as (RPM)3 An accurate HP rating is necessary to properly size the motor or to determine the operating efficiency of the fan. If the system does not operate properly upon start-up, measurements can be taken and compared against the available performance curve. In order for a fan to achieve its rated performance, the airflow at the inlet must be fully developed, symmetrical and free from swirl. The ducting on the outlet needs to be designed such that the asymmetrical flow profile from the fan is allows to diffuse and approach fully developed flow as shown in Figure 18. The effect on the fan performance when these conditions are not met is called the System Effect [52]. Page 54 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Figure 18. Air Flow Profile in 100% Effective Duct Length [52] The efficiency of the system is a combination of the efficiency of the components (fan, transmission, motor, control system, system effect, and catalog fan efficiency). Overall fan efficiency is the primary efficiency to consider when evaluating energy consumption rather than any single component. It is critical to consider the effect of the system on the fan when attempting to reduce fan energy consumption. If a safety factor is included in the fan selection, it means that the fan will not operate at its best efficiency point, but instead will operate at a point below. Operating below the efficiency point can generate more noise and can be unstable. This could potentially be a problem for the CWP as the biofilter does not require the fan to operate at its duty point [52]. If more than one fan is required to supply air to a biofilter, fan shutters may be needed to prevent back drafting through the fans that are not running. Another option is to use only one fan to supply each isolate biofilter unit. Dust accumulation on fans, guards, and shutters can significantly reduce the fan performance. Therefore, duct design must provide access for fan maintenance and inspection. Additionally, fans and motors should be able to operate in a corrosive environment [49]. 7.5 CONFIGURATION Space availability is a determining factor for the configuration of the biofilter. The bed can be open with a single-bed, enclosed with multiple beds, a roof-top installation, etc. The filter volume is designed around the removal efficiency, which depends on the rate and concentration of air contaminant loading as well as the degradation rate of the media. It is important for designs regarding cold weather environments to have a lid to shield from temperature changes as well as sunlight. Flow Direction Air may be directed through the biofilter either by up-flow or down-flow. In most enclosed biofilters, down-flow is more advantageous because it improves moisture control in the bed. Because the entrance point for the air experiences the greatest amount of drying in the filter, some suggest downward airflow may be advantageous because irrigation can easily be applied at the top of the filter. Additionally, concurrent air and water flow assists drainage [33, 53]. However, for contaminated air containing acidifying compounds (such as reduced sulfur) it is recommended that upward airflow Page 55 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS is used so that the acidic products can be separated and flushed out from the effluent air using proper drainage [31]. Compartments Although biofilters can be designed with one bed chamber, it is beneficial to design two beds in order to provide redundancy and operational flexibility [25]. The biofilters can be used in parallel which allows for a bed to be isolated for maintenance without interrupting flow through the other bed. Having an additional biofilter also provides the opportunity for expansion. Alternatively, the biofilters can be constructed in series to treat different target pollutants in a single airstream, known as a twostage biofilter. This method is successful when more than one contaminant is being targeted for removal (i.e. hydrogen sulfide and additional VOCs). Biofilters may also be designed with cycle switching capabilities using two beds. This configuration designs two beds in series with the ability to switch flow direction. This cycle switching operation allows for a greater biomass concentration throughout the entire bed depth in both of the biofilters and helps to prevent clogging from excessive biomass growth at the location of the influent stream. Additionally, this configuration continually feeds a high contaminant concentration into both biofilters, which helps to prevent loading shock to the microbial population [25]. Materials The external design of the biofilter typically involves a steel or concrete structure designed to accommodate environmental changes in the particular area. This involves insulation of the floor, walls, and lid. The external structure must also be designed so the interior of the biofilter is easily accessible [54]. The corrosive nature of hydrogen sulfide must be considered when selecting materials for the interior of the biofilter. The storage space containing the packing media can be constructed or lined with a non-corrosive material such as canvas, polyester cloth, or PVC-coated fabric [54]. Ideally, these materials would be flexible and airtight as well. The material selected for the internal structure must be based on characteristics of the unpurified gas. Cover and Insulation Biofilters can be constructed as open or covered bed systems. An open, single-bed system would be constructed by excavating a hole approximately one meter deep that would be filled with sand or compost that the contaminated air would filter through. [19] Today, biofilters are typically designed as closed systems because they allow for more precision in controlling the biofilter operation and provide a set footprint area for loading of the contaminant. Closed systems are easily engineered to remain in compliance with odor regulations and can be more easily monitored than in-ground systems. The biofilter cover, air feed ducts, and rinse water feed pipes should be well insulated in cooler climates [25]. The bed portion of the biofilter can be insulated by constructing it underground, by adding an earth embankment, or by designing the walls with highly insulated material. The biofilter’s Page 56 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS performance is largely dependent on the temperature of the bed. In order to maintain the design temperature in the biofilter the cover, air feed ducts, and rinse water feed pipes should all be insulated. The bed portion of the biofilter will be located below ground and insulation can be added to reduce heat loss in the system. Increasing the bed temperature can also be achieved by heating the feed air or the rinse water. Condensation Condensation may occur as a result of adjusting the gas stream pressure while maintaining a constant temperature. Gas stream pressure is typically adjusted in order to treat effluent streams consisting of a condensable pollutant vapor and a non-condensable gas. Two types of condensers typically used involve either surface or direct contact. Surface condensers can be shell and tube heat exchangers where the coolant flows inside the tubes while the gas stream containing the pollutants flows around the exterior of the tubes. Contact condensers operate by spraying a liquid directly into a gas stream, which cools and condenses the pollutants [15]. Page 57 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS 8 Alternative Design Calculations & Results 8.1 MEDIA SELECTION Based on client preference, natural media was selected for the proposed design largely due to the addition cost and uncertainty of manufacturer availability associated with synthetic media. The team performed due diligence and considered synthetic media in comparison to natural media (refer to Appendix G). A decision matrix based on research was used for the selection of the natural media type, both for the organic and inorganic layer (refer to Table 3 and Table 4). The parameters considered in the decision matrices were porosity, surface area, moisture content, retention time, and pH resistance. All categories were weighted equally. The availability of the media was factored into the selection of the media types used in the matrix, limiting the candidates to relatively common and easily-accessible materials. Media Selection Criteria Media characteristics considered when evaluating suitable packing materials include porosity and void fraction, media surface area, optimal moisture content, retention time, and pH and buffering capacity. Porosity and Void Fraction The porosity and void fraction affects the development of microorganisms, gas flow distribution, and clogging of the bed. A high porosity minimizes the pressure drop across the biofilter, reduces the head loss, and increases the distribution of incoming waste gas. Additionally, a void volume between 40% and 80% is desired because it keeps the operating pressure drop low and ensures easy gas flow. Active Surface Area Smaller particles provide a greater total surface area, which increases the external transfer rate of pollutants, nutrients, and oxygen, and thus improves removal efficiency. The accumulation of microorganisms is optimal in the presence of pores with sizes ranging between 1 to 10 micrometers. Water Retention Capabilities The media’s water-retention capabilities affects the water content of the media bed as a whole and the microorganisms’ ability to carry out normal metabolic activities. Optimal water levels vary with different filter media and are dependent on the media’s porosity, void fraction, and active surface area. Low water content can cause the bed to dry with the development of fissures which result in channeling and “short circuiting” of the media bed. Depriving the microorganisms of water can cause a reduction in biodegradation. High water-holding capacity limits drainage from the bed and can cause acid metabolites to accumulate on the packing material. Too much water inhibits the transfer of oxygen to the biofilm creating anaerobic zones limiting the reaction rate. High water-holding Page 58 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS capacity is an advantage for the bacterial growth but often leads to void fraction reduction and bed settlement. This results in an increased pressure drop across the bed, an increased residence time, and preferential flow paths. The media’s water retention capabilities must be known because the moisture control and monitoring is a critical aspect of the design and O&M. pH-Level and Buffering Capacity Microorganisms used in biofiltration are sensitive to pH changes, therefore the buffering capacity of a media is important to neutralize the acidic byproducts of H2S oxidation and to help reduce the risk of corrosion inside the filter chamber. Bacterial growth typically thrives at a neutral pH (a value around 7). To increase the buffering capacity of a media and maintain a neutral pH, most suppliers of biofilters add alkaline buffers, usually calcium carbonate or lime, to the filter material. A low pH can cause acidic degradation of the media, specifically the organic layer, which decreases the lifetime of the bed. Compaction Resistance With organic media, degradation and the subsequent compaction is a large issue and result in large pressure drops over time as the media settles. This results in higher energy costs and the eventual need to replace the filter as the biofilter becomes clogged. Therefore, compaction resistance was considered when choosing the media for the organic layer. Inorganic Layer Decision Two commonly used and effective inorganic media types are lava rock and schist (a medium-grade metamorphic rick), which were considered for the base layer in the biofilter bed. The media types were ranked 1 and 2 for the inorganic layer, with 2 being advantageous. The results are shown in the decision matrix below. Table 3. Decision Matrix for the Inorganic Media Layer. Media: Base Layer Porosity Surface Area Schist 1 1 Volcanic Rock 2 2 Optimal Moisture Content 2 2 Retention time pH resistance Total 1 1 6 2 2 10 As shown in Table 3, lava rock proved superior and is recommended for the proposed design. Lava rock is porous with a high surface-area that will be effective in supporting biofilm growth and allowing air flow, while providing structural support in the bed [30]. Lava rock was ranked higher than schist in every category except moisture content. However, much of the moisture requirements can be satisfied by the organic layer thus both inorganic media types received an equal score. Page 59 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS Research indicated that lava rock was an effective inorganic media which is supported by the success of lava rock-based biofilters in operation in the West Michigan region (refer to Appendix H). Organic Layer Decision The organic media types evaluated for the CWP biofilter included mulch, woodchips, peat, soil and compost. The ranking varied between 1 and 5, with higher values being advantageous. The decision matrix is shown below in Table 4. Table 4. Decision Matrix for the Organic Media Layer Media: Base Layer Porosity Surface Area Mulch Woodchips Peat Soil Compost 4 5 3 1 2 2 1 3 5 4 Optimal Moisture Content 4 5 3 1 2 Retention time pH resistance Compaction Resistance Total 5 2 5 3 1 2 4 5 1 3 4 5 3 1 2 21 22 22 12 14 Soil and compost had the lowest ranking and therefore are not recommended for use in the prosed design. It is difficult to maintain a desired moisture content in soil and its capacity to remove odorous contaminants drops quickly after becoming saturated [55]. Both soil and compost have a very low porosity and resistance to compaction, resulting in more frequent replacements. Compost decays over time more rapidly than its alternatives, which causes compaction, clogging, and head loss across the bed, greatly limiting its lifespan [30]. Although compost is nutrient-rich, low-cost, and very effective at contaminant adsorption, its overall ranking was much lower than competing alternatives [30]. Woodchips, peat, and mulch have relatively large surface areas and are more resistant to compaction, indicating these materials can effectively remove contaminants while retaining the media’s structural integrity for a longer period of time. Mulch tends to have low porosity which causes higher airflow resistance [56]. Peat and woodchips ranked equally because both have a good porosity, adsorption capacity, and ability to support biofilm formation [55]. Although woodchips have a low surface area, this characteristic provides a higher resistance to compaction and a longer lifetime. Additionally, woodchips are more commonly used in industry, thus performance data is more widely available. The availability of data was important for the proposed design so that sizing and pressure drop calculations could be performed. Based on the matrix criteria, woodchips were selected as the organic layer for the proposed system. It is recommended the woodchips be supplied from manufacturer whose product is engineered to have optimal properties with impurities and fine particles removed. Page 60 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS 8.2 SIZING THE BIOFILTER Optimizing the size of the biofilter includes changing the bed height to meet contact surface area requirements, which are dependent on the selected media. The size of the biofilter depends on achieving an adequate EBRT that ensures contaminant removal. As the bed height increases, the pressure drop across the media will increase as well, resulting in higher electrical costs and a greater potential for gas channeling through the media. Other designed components of the biofilter are contingent on the size of the system. The volume and dimensions of the biofilter determine the pressure drop, the size of the humidification, and the amount of irrigation required. There are multiple ways to determine the size of a biofilter, but several methods were screened from further consideration due to constraints in literature availability and limitations in the ability to perform experimental research. The methods selected for comparison were the rate law determination, EBRT optimization, elimination capacity, removal efficiency, and mass transfer. Calculations for each model can be found in Appendix I and the final results are presented in Table 5. Table 5. Calculated Biofilter Volumes Using Various Models Model Volume Calculated (ft3) EBRT Optimization 24,000 Elimination Capacity 750 Removal Efficiency 707 Mass Transfer 0.031 Media Depth The height of the biofilter can be determined based on the estimated pressure drop. It was advised by Marc Deshusses, a professor at Duke University, that the biofilter height should not exceed 5 feet (1.5 meters). Wanting to conserve space in the aeration basin, it was decided that the pressure drop calculations (section 8.3.4) were appropriate with the bed depth at a maximum height of 5 feet. Case Studies Based on calculations using various methodologies (calculations are presented in Appendix I), it was determined that the size of the biofilter can range between 700 and 24,000 ft3. This is a large range of volumes and does not provide much guidance as to choosing a sufficient size for complete removal of hydrogen sulfide. As a result, to obtain a benchmark for the size of our biofilter, the proposed design was compared to a biofilter case with a similar inlet concentration. The biofilter used for comparison is located in Jefferson County, Alabama, and was installed by Biorem Technologies in 2002. The information for the Biorem biofilter is shown below in Table 6. Page 61 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS Table 6. Parameters for a Biofilter Built in Jefferson County, Alabama by Biorem Technologies [5] Flow rate capacity 51,000 cfm Maximum hydrogen sulfide composition 25 ppmv Average hydrogen sulfide composition 5 ppmv Number of biofilters 6 each Media volume 1,519 ft3 EBRT 20 sec Height 8 ft Length 39 ft Width 8 ft Media Depth 5 ft The similarities in hydrogen sulfide concentration and the amount of air the Jefferson County Biofilters treat indicates that the proposed biofilter for this project should be designed to be about half of the size of the Jefferson County biofilters, thus the proposed system has a volume of 900 ft3. Using an air flow rate of 2,000 cfm, the empty bed residence time is 46 seconds and the superficial air velocity is 10 ft/s. Both are in the range of the desired operation for an industrial biofilter. However, in keeping with the design of the biofilter cases that have been studied, the medium volume was doubled in order to have two biofilters operating in parallel. The proposed configuration will both lengthen the life of the media by reducing the load on a single biofilter, as well as allow for sufficient operation in case maintenance needs to be performed on one of the biofilters. This volume will be divided into 40% lava rock and 60% woodchips, according to our calculations in Appendix I. Media Volume A summary of the biofilter media dimensions are shown in Table 7. These characteristics can be confirmed through pilot testing. Table 7. Summary of the Biofilter Media Dimensions Number of biofilters 2 each Media Length per biofilter 14 ft Media Width 12.7 ft Media Height 5 ft Media Area 178.5 Ft2 Media Volume 900 ft3 Volume lava rock needed 710 ft3 Volume woodchips needed 1,075 ft3 Total Media Volume required 1,800 ft3 8.3 SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS Configuration The proposed CWP biofilter will be located in the corner of an on-site empty aeration basin. The benefit to retrofitting the aeration basin include a reduction in material and construction needs along Page 62 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS with the access to the existing pipe gallery and drainage. The biofilter will consist of two units (each 14’ x 12’-8” x 15’) that will operate in parallel with an up-flow air direction. The preliminary design of the irrigation and humidification chamber for each unit is specified in Section 9.2 of this report and design site plans (Appendix J). Empty Bed Residence Time The Cedar Rapids WPCFs recorded that the minimum residence time required to achieve a treatment objective of 0.5 ppmv depends on the influent concentration. The effect is dramatic at an influent concentration below 100 ppmv and at lower temperatures. This plot indicates that a facility with an existing biofilter can accept higher influent concentrations (which would require a higher minimum residence time) or an increase in flow rate which results in a decreased residence time [57]. Figure 19. Required EBRT to Remove Various Concentrations of H2S [25] Because the maximum concentration of H2S emitted from either the splitter box or clarifiers is less than 25 ppmv, the EBRT will be at a minimum of approximately 6 seconds. If additional waste air streams are treated through the biofilter, additional hydrogen sulfide concentrations can be removed with an increased EBRT. Media Particle Size Given the air properties and biofilter dimensions, the pressure drop across the bed and media layers were calculated. The recommended size of lava rock for the CWP is 1 in (24mm) in order to provide uniform airflow throughout the bed with adequate treatment. As shown in Figure 20, smaller packing material achieves better H2S removal at low residence times. Page 63 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS Figure 20. The Removal Capabilities of various Diameters of Lava Rock [25] Smaller particles increase the surface area available for gas-phase transfer to the biofilm therefore increasing the removal of H2S. Though smaller lava rocks cause a larger pressure drop across the biofilter bed, the pressure gradient over the layer is not prone to compression and helps to provide a more uniform flow distribution throughout the bed over its life. The recommended size of woodchip is one with a diameter no greater than 4 inches. The pressure drop across lava rocks and woodchips with various diameters is shown in Appendix K. Pressure Drop across Bed When determining the gas flow rate, the pressure drop over the bed must be considered. Typical pressure drops and superficial gas velocities in a biofilter are listed in Table 7 [42]. Table 8. Pressure Drop and Superficial Gas Velocity in a Biofilter [42] Parameter Average Maximum Pressure Drop (in of H20) 0.08 to 0.4 4 Superficial Gas Velocities (ππ⁄π¬) 0.273 0.456 Using the Ergun Equation, the pressure drop across the biofilter bed was calculated using the clean bed porosity. The lava rock modeled was 1 inch in diameter with a porosity of 0.50, and the woodchip was 4 inches in diameter with a porosity of 0.52. In a single biofilter unit, the lava rock layer is 2 feet deep and the woodchip layer is 3 feet deep. In order to predict the pressure drop over time as the pores are filled with water or excess biomass growth, the porosity of the bed was decreased as depicted in Figure 21. Page 64 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS 0.35 0.30 Clean Bed Porosity 50% of Pores Filled 0.25 Pressure Drop [inH20] 75% of Pores Filled 0.20 0.15 Range of Operation 0.10 6,000 – 12,000 CFM 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Superficial Velocity [ft/s] 0.5 0.6 Figure 21. Predicted Pressure Loss across the Lava Rock and Woodchip Layers Studies have shown that the Ergun Equation produces a correlation that is a reasonable fit for experimental data. Deviations from the trend line can occur with decreasing or increasing flow rate which can be explained by the effect of the initial unsteady state flow where viscous forces dominate [40]. The Cedar Rapids WPCF installed a lava rock biofilter (6 feet media depth) in 1998. By 2005, the lava rock media had not been replaced and the pressure drop across the bed was only 0.2 to 0.5 in. H20 [58]. Our model indicates a similar pressure drop across the proposed bed with a clean bed porosity and as the pores are filled over time. A table of the recommended system parameters during different phases of operation for a single biofilter unit are shown in Table 9. These will require adjustment during operation since each biofilter runs differently. Page 65 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS Table 9. Recommended Parameters for Various Phases of the Biofilter Operation Parameter Avg. Bed Porosity (%) Avg. EBRT (sec) Bed Volume (ft3) Flow Rate (cfm) Loading Rate (ft/s) Pressure Drop (in H20) 8.4 AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Startup Average Operation Operation (<1yr) (1-5yrs) 51 18 1800 6000 0.278 0.001 26 14 1800 8000 0.370 0.016 Maximum Operation (>5yrs) 13 9 1800 12000 0.556 0.156 The biofilter system will be fed by a low velocity duct system where the air velocities are in the range of 1200 to 2000 feet per minute (fpm). A low-velocity ductwork design requires larger duct sizes which reduces friction losses and noise and vibration. Though these systems do occupy more space and have a higher initial cost, they provide significant energy savings. The proposed system ductwork was included reinstalling the existing centrifugal fan at the primary clarifiers odor control unit (shown in Figure 22). Figure 22. Existing Hartzell Centrifugal Fan Page 66 of 91 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS The static pressure is used to evaluate the amount of impact various ventilation system components have on the airflow path. The fans create positive static pressure to move air through the system while the components before the inlet contribute negative static pressure. The static pressure of one inch of water is the suction needed to draw water up a straw one inch. For comparison, 1 psi is equal to 27.7 inches of static water pressure. The proposed design requires the blower to pull air from the sources and push the stream the remaining distance to the biofilter as shown in the Site Plan. The frictional losses from the ductwork and the dynamic losses from the fittings were measure in inches of water gauge (in. wg) as shown in Table 10 (calculations in Appendix L). Table 10. Pressure Loss in the Air Distribution System Pipe Diameter (in) Flow Rate (cfm) Length (ft) Velocity (fpm) Frictional Losses (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Primary Clarifiers to Tee 18 3250 375 1783 0.52 1.21 0.20 1.73 Splitter Box to Tee 30 8750 250 1839 0.54 1.19 0.21 1.73 Tee to Fan Fan to Biofilter Biofilter Internal Biofilter Outlet 36 12000 10 1698 0.01 0.21 0.18 0.22 36 12000 115 1698 0.09 0.30 0.18 0.39 30 12000 35 1222 0.22 0.34 0.19 0.56 42 12000 5 1247 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 The PVC pipe pressure ratings are approximately 120 psi which is significantly greater than the pressure imposed on the proposed system. Cavitation of the pipe due to negative pressure will not occur [59]. The required static pressure of the fan is the total pressure loss in the system added to the velocity pressure at the outlet which is subtracted from the velocity pressure at the fan discharge point. The performance for the CWP’s fan is 12,000 CFM and 7.5 inches of water SP at 18.5 HP (see performance curve in Appendix M or Section 8.4.2). For the proposed ductwork, the required static pressure of fan to provide a flow rate of 12,000 cfm to the biofilter is 4.8 inches of water. The Hartzell blower proposed for the system is a suitable option for the distribution system as shown in Table 11. Table 11. Static Pressure of Blower Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Velocity Pressure at Fan Discharge (in. wg) Velocity Pressure at Outlet (in.wg) Static Pressure Required (in. wg) Hartzell Blower Static Pressure (in. wg) Page 67 of 91 4.72 0.18 0.10 4.80 7.5 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS & RESULTS Using the fan laws, the static pressure, speed in revolutions per minute (RPM), and horse power (HP) of the blower during different phases of operation can be calculated (see Appendix M). The recommended blower operations are shown in Table 12. Table 12. Blower Parameters during Phases of Operation Parameter Start-Up Average Maximum CFM 6000 8000 12000 RPM 878 1170 1755 SP 1.9 3.3 7.5 HP 2.5 5.9 20 As the pressure across the media bed increases, the controls and monitoring equipment will recognize the pressure differential will increase the fan speed. This will be done using a variable frequency drive motor. Page 68 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS 9 Proposed Design Decisions 9.1 SCOPE OF DESIGN A complete built-in-place odor control system is recommended for the CWP to remove hydrogen sulfide from air emitted from the primary clarifiers and the splitter box. The proposed design uses biofiltration technology to treat the contaminated air and is to be constructed in retired aeration basins located on site. Based on facility data, the hydrogen sulfide concentration in the contaminated air averages at 6 ppmv and reaches a maximum of 25 ppmv. A full chemical characterization is recommended to determine the exact composition of the contaminated air. The proposed biofiltration system includes the following components: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Media compartments Unit cover Humidification chambers Irrigation system Nutrient addition tank Internal and external ductwork Performance monitoring The system is designed to allow for continuous operation (24 hrs/day for 365 days/yr). Two identical biofilters each designed at full capacity are proposed to ensure continual operation when maintenance is required. Table 13 shows the criteria the proposed system was designed according to. Table 13. Design Criteria for Proposed Biofiltration System Parameter Design Air Flow Capacity Number of Biofilter Beds Media Volume Per Bed Woodchips Lava Rock Media Depth Woodchips Lava Rock H2S Loading Rate Average Maximum Removal Efficiency Empty Bed Retention Time (range) Design Inlet Air Relative Humidity (min) Recorded Inlet Air Temperature (range) Page 69 of 91 Value 12000 2 Units scfm each 3 2 ft ft 535 355 6 25 99 9 to 35 10 50 to 70 ft 3 ft 3 ppmv ppmv % sec % °F PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS 9.2 INTERNAL DESIGN Concrete Work The proposed biofiltration system uses existing structures as a basis for design. Two walls of the filter are retrofitted into the existing aeration basin. Construction includes two additional walls as well as a concrete humidification chamber, which are to be cast-in-place concrete with reinforcing rebar (as used in the existing structure). All exposed concrete must be installed with a protective epoxy coating. The humidification chamber will be constructed as sloped grout. An air distribution plenum is provided beneath the biofilter structure to provide an even distribution of air entering the biofilter media. The plenum will be cast-in-place with a grout base poured with a slope of 0.042% (.5 inches per horizontal foot). A preliminary design and layout of the system is provided, however detailed construction plans are required prior to installation. Cover and End Plates The proposed biofilter is to be enclosed beneath a 4-foot fiberglass, weather-resistant cover. The cover is domed shaped to ensure structural stability and for easy removal when maintenance is required. The humidification chamber as well as the splitter box are to be enclosed with flat fiberglass covers with hatch door access. Moisture Control Humidification Chamber The humidification chamber was designed based on a worst case scenario with an inlet air temperature of 95 degrees F and a relative humidity (RH) of 10%. The system was designed for an effluent RH of 100%, which will require 0.787 gpm (178.74 kg/hr) of water (refer to Appendix N for calculations and suggested model types). The system will use two fine spray (hydraulic atomizing) stainless steel spray nozzles operating at 300 psi. The humidification system will be operated at a flow rate of 47 gallons per hour (gph), although the nozzles have a flow rate capacity of 49 gph allowing for adjustable operation. Water lines must be installed to the humidification chamber and any exposed water lines must be heat traced and insulated. All drainage water lines will be installed underground. Irrigation System The irrigation system consists of an overhead sprinkler system. Based on the general rule of biofiltration design of 5 to 10 gallons of irrigation water for every 100,000 cubic feet of air, the irrigation system must provide 0.6 to 1.2 gpm of water. To avoid structural damage of the media bed, the recommended hydraulic loading rate of woodchips is not to exceed 1 inch per hour, which allows for a maximum flow rate of 1.84 gpm (to each bed) in the proposed system. The proposed overhead sprinkler system consists of 32 stainless steel cone spray nozzles (16 for each bed) each with a flow rate of 0.11 gpm located at a height of 3 feet above the media bed. The maximum flow rate capacity of each nozzle is 0.14 gpm, allowing for adjustable irrigation if needed. The spray angle of each nozzle Page 70 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS is 58β, with a flow pressure of 20 psi. Each run of irrigation piping is equipped with an isolation valve for operation and maintenance purposes (refer to proposed design plans, Appendix J). System Design The proposed biofilter is designed for upward airflow and downward irrigation so that acidic products will be flushed from media bed. The water source for both the humidification chamber and the irrigation system will be the facility’s effluent water, which is available in the pipe gallery located near the proposed biofilter site. The existing empty aeration basin structure has drainage installed that is directed to the influent wet well of the plant, which will be used for water drainage of the biofilter. Both the irrigation and humidification systems will be run continuously. Both lines will include flow meters and isolation valves located in the pipe gallery for adjustable flow operation. The humidification chamber is enclosed under a hatch cover for easy access and the irrigation system can be accessed for maintenance by removing the dome cover of the biofilter. Media Installation The lava rock media is to be installed as the base of the media bed. The wood chips should be added in 1-foot layers on top of the lava rock layer, with each layer being raked and watered. Based on a desired moisture content of 60%, about 5000 gallons of water must be applied to filter media during installation to ensure adequate saturation. After media has been laid, biofilter operation should begin within a 24 hour timeframe to avoid causing anaerobic conditions [34]. Media Compartments The media is supported by a stainless steel grate located beneath the lava rock layer. The air flow will be directed up through the grating and irrigation water will flow counter to air. The system consists of complete pre-engineered enclosed concrete biofilters configured to eliminate short-circuiting of the air stream and increase the contact between the media and the air. The compartments are designed to have dual media layers of lava rock and wood chips. The flow from the media compartment plenums will direct the air upward through the biofilter bed and exit the biofilter cover through an exhaust stack. Nutrient Addition Biological Requirements Thiobacillus bacteria is most commonly used in biofiltration systems to remove hydrogen sulfide. The bacteria gains energy by degrading the H2S compound and produces sulfate or sulfuric acid as a result. Thiobacillus is optimal for H2S removal because it requires a smaller amount of nutrients to oxidize sulfide in comparison to other bacteria. Page 71 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS The bacteria obtains energy from the degradation process and requires nutrients and carbon found in organic material. The proposed design includes wood chips which will serve as a source of carbon and mineral nutrients necessary for successful performance. However, over time nutrients deplete from the media during operation and must be manually added to the system. Nutrients are most commonly added through the irrigation system of the biofilter. Nutrients are typically stored in tanks outside of the filter and pumped in using diaphragm pumps. Nutrient Source It is recommended that a generic commercial fertilizer mixtures such as 10/10/10 or 12/9/11 (N/P/K) be applied as needed to enhance biological growth. Because the biological life cycle in the filter and biomass digestion internally recycle nutrients, however, nutrient levels are not strict and can be lower than stoichiometric requirements without compromising biofilter performance [60]. The proposed design stores nutrients in a 55 gallon drum located in the pipe gallery. The tank will feed directly into the irrigation line and will be operated as needed using a manual valve. Because nutrient addition is not exact, it may be possible to use reclaimed wastewater as a nutrient and moisture source. Although wastewater may not have a conventional or optimized composition, it has been shown to successfully support nutrient levels. More investigation is needed to determine whether this is a feasible alternative for the CWP. 9.3 EXTERNAL DESIGN Ductwork The splitter box air stream and clarifier air stream will be delivered to the biofilters through piping located above ground. Placing the ducting system underground is possible but not feasible at the CWP due to existing underground structures and utilities. All air distribution piping and ducts shall be constructed of schedule 40 PVC pipe because of its low cost, durability, and resistance to corrosion. The pressure loss calculations of the combined biofilter system and ductwork include a safety factor such that the blow capabilities are not exceeded. Pipe insulation is proposed in order to reduce heat loss from the air. Duct fittings and components should be installed according to the site plan. The proposed system includes the ductwork from the splitter box and primary clarifiers to fan located near the sources in order to primarily use the fan to push the air into the biofilter. The proposed layout is shown in Appendix J and the site plan. The proposed quantities for the air distribution system are shown in Table 14. Page 72 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS Table 14. Proposed Ductwork System Component Isolation Valve/ Ball Valve Damper Valve 18” PVC 30” PVC 36” PVC 42” PVC Qty 4 2 280 ft 370 ft 120 ft 5 ft Blower Specifications The proposed odor control system is a single positive pressure system. Collection equipment will be installed at the splitter box that will capture the air and direct it towards the biofilter. The existing collection equipment at the primary clarifiers will be retrofitted such that the captured air is redirected towards the biofilter. Recommendations for air handling equipment and controls are provided. The CWP operates a backward curve centrifugal fan at the primary clarifiers that will be reused for the biofilter system. All components are to be compatible with the conditions and chemicals to which they will be subjected to during normal operation (i.e. hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid). All surface exposed to the contaminated air emissions are to be constructed of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP), stainless steel, or Epoxy-coated concrete. The blower specifications are given in Table 15 and the manufacturer’s performance curve and fan configuration are shown in Appendix M or Section 8.4.2. Table 15. Blower Specifications Manufacturer Model No. Fan Type Material Fan Size Enclosure Frame Horsepower (HP) Fan Speed (RPM) Cycle/Phase Voltage Blade/Wheel Service Factor Flow Rate (CFM) Static Pressure (SP) Hartzell Air Movement A41P0-272FA100FG-P3 Backward Curve Centrifugal Fan, Single Width Fiberglass 27” TEFC 256T 20 1755 60/3 230/460 FA 48.8 1.25 12000 7.5” The blower is designed with an inlet and outlet pipe with a 36” diameter so there is no system effect. Condensate drainage must be provided in the duct system because any excess water can cause Page 73 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS mechanical issues with the operation of the biofilter. The trap seal is sized based on the negative or positive pressure of the fan. Typically, the trap is sized at 1.5 times the inlet or outlet pressure of the fan, whichever is greater. Additionally, plastic ducting condensation traps can be installed along the piping layout with an overflow drain. Insulation The average temperature of the filter bed should remain above approximately 60 β, which can typically be maintained as a result of biological activity in the filter if the incoming air is not too cool. The temperature of the air emitted from the splitter box and primaries has an average value of 55β, which remains relatively constant throughout the year (refer to Appendix O for temperature data from the facility). To maintain this air temperature as it travels to the filter, all air ducts are to be insulated with 4 inches of foamed, weather-resistant insulation (thermal conductivity of 0.03 W/mK). Although insulation has a high capital cost, it is environmentally and economically sustainable in comparison to energy-consuming alternatives (i.e. heat tracing or installation of a heating unit). Refer to Appendix P for heat loss calculations. If the air temperature entering the filter is found to be below 45β during winter operation, a steam generator can be installed in the humidification chamber to increase the temperature as well as humidify the incoming air. 9.4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Start-Up Inorganic media requires inoculation of the bacteria, and startup time can be reduced if organic media is also inoculated. Activated sludge without excessive levels of pathogens can be used to inoculate the media. Startup time for acclimation to occur can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, and the timing will depend largely on the conditions of the surrounding environment with colder conditions resulting in longer startup times. For this reason it is recommended the biofilter be installed during warm months. To avoid causing exposure shock of the bacteria due to the loading of the contaminant, the biofilter should not immediately be operated at full capacity and time is needed to allow a thick biofilm layer to form on the media. Air flow should operate at 25 to 50% of the design capacity for a timeframe of anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks [34]. Because recorded H2S concentrations are relatively low for the proposed system, exposure shock is not expected to be a primary concern. It is recommended that 4 weeks are allowed for gradual acclimation to occur. During this time, the blower fan speed is to be increased linearly from 6,000 cfm until average capacity is reached at 8,000 cfm. The biofilter will need to be monitored during startup to ensure successful operation and parameters to be monitored include airflow rate, relative humidity, and temperature of the raw air at the inlet, as well as the H2S concentration at the inlet and outlet of the biofilter. Performance Evaluation The frequency of cleaning depends on conditions of the biofilter, therefore several monitoring devices are recommended for efficient operation. Parameters to be monitored include air flow rate, moisture Page 74 of 91 PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS content or relative humidity, temperature, pressure drop, and inlet/outlet contaminant concentrations. All monitoring needs can be controlled by programmable logic controllers (PLC) designed to communicate with the facility’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Table 16 shows a recommended monitoring schedule with possible measurement instrumentation. Recommended instrumentation devices for the proposed design are highlighted. Refer to the proposed Process Flow Diagram (Appendix J) for suggested placement of monitoring devices. Table 16. Recommended Monitoring Operation [34, 61, 19] Operational Parameter Monitoring Schedule (recommended) Reason for Monitoring Problematic System Response Recommended Measurement Device -Input/output pressure gages on blower -Flow meters -Difference manometer -U-tube manometer to measure static pressure head -Orifice plate (differential pressure. Place downstream of blower and before tank) -Pitot tube to spot check air flow rate at inlet -RH sensor -Wet and dry thermometer Pressure Drop Weekly Determine pressure drop across bed Increase in media compaction or clogging Air Flow Weekly Decline in blower system speed Increase in media compaction or clogging Moisture Content Monthly (unless prone to drying) Determine effectiveness of humidification chamber Determine amount of irrigation needed (gal/h/ft2) Determine temperature to help with heat balance and moisture control Determine acidification in biofilter Determine salt content of biofilter Determine removal efficiency Relative Humidity of air drops (input and output %) Temperature Continual Chemical Composition 1 to 6 month sampling Emissions As needed Media bed drying or over saturation Changes in input/output temperature or temperature profile (β) Problematic chemical composition Salt accumulation Loss of removal efficiency Page 75 of 91 -Moisture probes -Load cells (Adjust flow rate and duration) -Thermometers -Temperature probes at multiple locations -Thermocouples -pH probe -pH meter -pH paper -Conductivity probe -OdaLogger at inlet and outlet PROPOSED DESIGN DECISIONS Regular Maintenance Requirements Regular maintenance needs includes monitoring the pH, moisture, temperature, and pressure drop of the system. These measurements can be taken manually or using a using control and servicing instruments. Additional nutrients will also be required and can be implemented at a set dosage through the overhead irrigation system. Long-Term Maintenance Requirements Media will need to be replaced due to degradation and/or compaction, which is estimated to occur once every 5 to 10 years. The replacement schedule will depend on the temperature and relative humidity of the waste gas, the moisture content of the media bed, the stability of the media particles, and the temperature, pH, and back pressure of the filter bed. Media replacement will be needed when media crusting, salt accumulation, or a loss of porosity causes ineffective treatment. High pressure drop (head loss) across the filter bed will typically be the primary indication that maintenance is required. The operation speed of the blower will indicate the pressure drop across the bed. However, a complete media replacement may not be necessary when the pressure drop increases. Instead, periodically tiling the media can alleviate excessive back pressure due to compaction. This may be needed at time intervals ranging anywhere from 6 months to 5 years. A till or rotary can be used for this purpose and should be applied at least 15.75 in (400 mm) into the media bed. The pH may need to be periodically adjusted as well (as a low pH will cause a decline in microbial activity), which can be done by adding a caustic solution, such as oyster shells or dolomite to the system, or by using rotary hoeing to add hydrated lime to the bed surface. [34] Page 76 of 91 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 10 Economic Analysis The following preliminary cost estimate includes each component of the proposed design (Figures 17-23). The final cost incorporates contingency, engineering and surveying and general conditions (Contractor’s overhead costs and miscellaneous expenses). Table 17. Biofilter Components Cost Concrete and Rebar Grout Fiberglass Cover 42” PVC Exhaust Pipe 8’x4’ Metal Grate Concrete Coating Appurtenances Subtotal $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 $1,250 $1,380 $13,740 $7,640 $84,020 Table 18. Media Cost 4 inch Woodchips 1 inch Lava Rock Installation Subtotal $800 $10,400 $5,000 $16,193 Table 19. Humidification and Irrigation Costs 3/4-inch Copper Piping 3/4-inch valves Spray Nozzles Drainage Equipment Appurtenances Subtotal $1,120 $9,000 $8,500 $2,000 $2,060 $22,680 Table 20. Splitter Box Covering Costs Concrete Building Concrete Coating Appurtenances Subtotal Page 77 of 91 $13,000 $15,000 $2,800 $30,800 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Table 21. Air Piping Costs 18" PVC Pipe 27" PVC pipe 30" PVC Pipe 36" PVC Pipe Reducer Coupling Expander Reducing Tee Isolation Valve Damper Valve 36" Elbow 24" Elbow Insulation Appurtenances Subtotal $15,960 $1,050 $44,400 $18,000 $750 $750 $3,400 $10,000 $6,000 $3,800 $1,870 $15,000 $21,200 $142,180 Table 22. Miscellaneous Costs Monitoring and Controls (12% of investment) 55 gallon Barrel for Nutrient Storage Maintenance Access Gas Detectors Pressure Gages Mobilization Subtotal $38,500 $1,000 $10,000 $2,000 $1,500 $10,000 $63,000 Table 23. Total Preliminary Cost for Biofilter Total Biofilter Cost Contingency Engineering and Surveying General Conditions Total Estimated Construction Cost $359,000 $107,700 $70,100 $18,000 $556,000 The resulting economic analysis for the proposed system is comparable to other case studies of biofilters across the nation at similar sizes and media types [5]. A visual representation of the distribution of costs is shown in Figure 23. Page 78 of 91 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 13% 15% 3% 19% 11% 6% 26% Biofilter Components Media Contingency Engineering and Surveying Splitter Box 4% Air Piping Humidification and Irrigation system Miscellaneous Items Figure 23. Percent Contribution to Total Cost. Operations Cost Annual costs include the following, estimated to total to about $30,000 per year. ο· ο· ο· Electricity Demands Nutrient Feed Supply Maintenance Needs Competing Technology In comparison to competing odor-control technology, biofiltration is an economically sustainable alternative (refer to Figure 24). While the capital cost is marginally higher for biofiltration technology, the annual operating costs are significantly lower than competing alternatives. Page 79 of 91 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Costs Comparsion of Odor-Control Technology $3,500,000 $3,000,000 Biofilter Cost $2,500,000 Chemical Scrubber Cost Cost $2,000,000 $1,500,000 Carbon Adsorption $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 0 2 4 Year 6 8 10 Figure 24. Cost Comparison of Odor-Control Technology [62] Conclusion In conclusion, based on the preliminary design plan and costs analysis presented here, it is feasible for the Wyoming Clean Water Plant to install the proposed biofiltration system. The proposed design offers advantages in regard to operation and maintenance needs and is more environmentally sustainable relative to alternative odor-control technology. The implementation of this system is economically advantageous for the CWP as it would eliminate the use of the carbon adsorber and its associated costs. Additionally, the repurposed infrastructure and equipment incorporated into the proposed design make this solution particularly economically favorable. Page 80 of 91 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11 Acknowledgements The Bi0der team would like to formally thank the following individuals for graciously offering their time and knowledge to the success of this project: Wyoming Clean Water Plant ο· ο· ο· Myron Erickson, City of Wyoming, for meeting with and advising the team. Tom Wilson, Wyoming Clean Water Plant, for meeting with the team and providing information, resources, and contacts throughout the design process. Jon Burke, Wyoming Clean Water Plant, for giving the team a tour and providing operational information about the plant. Industrial Consultants ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Ben Whitehead, Black & Veatch, for meeting with and advising the team as an industrial consultant; providing resources and engineering design advice. Chuck Kronk, Waterworks Systems and Equipment, Inc., for providing design information. Mark Smith, Brown and Caldwell, for providing valuable biofilter design information. Mark Prein, Prein and Newhoff, for example of biofilter designs Marc Deshusses, Duke University, for providing information on biofilter volume sizing Calvin Faculty ο· ο· ο· Dr. Jeremy Van Antwerp, Calvin College Chemical Advisor, for offering his insight and advice. Bob Masselink, Calvin College Civil Advisor, for offering his insight and advice. Dr. David Wunder, Calvin College, for offering his insight and advice. Facility Operators ο· ο· ο· Larry Campbell, North Kent Sewer Authority, for information on the biofilter at PARCC Side Clean Water Plant. Scott Schoolcraft, PARCC Side Clean Water Plant, for information on the biofilters and for giving us a tour of the plant. Doug Humbert, Three Rivers Wastewater Treatment Plant, for providing information on the biofilter at Three Rivers Wastewater Treatment Plant. Page 81 of 91 REFERENCES 12 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] "City of Wyoming Web "Utilities Department," City of Wyoming Page," Web [Online]. Page, [Online]. Available: Available: V. Harshman and T. Barnette, "Wastewater Odor Control: An Evaluation of Technologies," Water and Waste Digest. W&WD, vol. 147, no. 5, pp. 34-36, 2000. H. Duan, L. Choon Chiaw Koe and R. 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[Accessed 5 May 2016]. ] Page 90 of 91 APPENDICES 13 Appendices Appendix A – Wyoming CWP Flow Diagram Appendix B – Headworks Hydrogen Sulfide Readings Appendix C – Primary Clarifiers Hydrogen Sulfide Readings Appendix D – Biosolids Storage Tanks Hydrogen Sulfide Readings Appendix E – Splitter Box Diagram Appendix F – Splitter Box Hydrogen Sulfide Readings Appendix G – Media Type Research Appendix H – Biofilter Case Studies Appendix I – Biofilter Media Volume Calculations Appendix J – Proposed System Design and Plans Appendix K – Pressure Drop through Biofilter Appendix L – Ductwork Friction Losses Appendix M – Blower Performance Curve Appendix N – Moisture Control Calculations Appendix O – Wastewater Temperature Readings Appendix P – Calculations for Heat Loss along Pipe Page 91 of 91 Appendix A – CWP Flow Diagram (provided by Jon Burke) Appendix B – Headworks H2S Readings Headworks Building Date 12/19/2014 1/28/2014 3/5/2014 5/15/2014 7/14/2014 8/4/2014 9/3/2014 10/30/2014 12/3/2014 1/15/2015 2/24/2015 3/24/2015 5/6/2015 6/16/2015 7/23/2015 8/24/2015 Air Inlet (H2S ppm) Air Outlet (H2S ppm) System Pressure (psi) 0 0 4.7 0 0 4.8 0 0 4.8 0 0 4.6 0 0 4.9 0 0 4.9 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5.1 0 0 5.2 0 0 5.2 Gas Detector out of service 0 0 4.8 0 0 4.6 0 0 4.6 0 0 4.6 Mist Eliminator Pressure (psi) Stage 1 Pump Pressure (psi) Stage 2/3 Pump Pressure (psi) Make Up Water (gpm) 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.18 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.08 0 --0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 17 16 17 15 15 17 15 15 15 17 17 --14 13.5 14 14 14 14.5 15 9 9.5 10 10 10.2 11.5 10.5 11 --10 10 11 11 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4 1.5 1.5 --1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Appendix C – Primary Clarifiers H2S Readings Upper Stack UP Upper Carbon Layer UM UL Influent Air from Primary Clarifiers Lower Carbon Layer LL LM LU Lower Stack Carbon Adsorber Schematic Carbon Filter (Jb-2) Date 2/5/13 2/27/13 4/1/13 4/29/13 6/3/13 7/10/13 7/24/13 9/12/813 10/3/13 11/27/13 12/16/13 1/7/14 3/5/14 8/5/14 9/3/14 10/30/14 12/10/14 1/15/15 2/26/15 3/24/15 5/6/15 6/16/15 7/23/15 8/25/15 H2S Air Inlet (ppm) 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 14 9 14 11 2 2 22 4 5 3 18 9 --3 7 3 9 H2S (ppm) Reading Location UL UM UU Upper Stack Release H2S (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 9 7 12 7 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 ------------0 0 0 --0 ----2 0 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 Pressure Diff. Across Layer (psi) 2.1 1.6 --2.5 2.8 2.8 2.8 3 3.4 2.2 2.5 --3.5 3.3 1.8 2.2 ------2.7 3 3.4 3.4 Mist Eliminator ------------------0 ------2 2.3 2 0.6 ------0.2 1.8 1.7 1.4 Appendix D – Biosolids Storage Tanks H2S Readings Wet Well Chemical Scrubber Layout Zb-26 Zb-27 B Storage Tank Not Used Zb-28 West Storage Tank East Storage Tank Biosolids Storage Tanks Layout Chemical Scrubbers for Bio Solids Storage (Z) Date Scrubber 12/19/2013 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 1/16/2014 3/5/2014 8/5/2014 9/3/2014 10/30/2014 12/10/2014 1/15/2015 West Tank H2S (ppm) 2 0 East tank H2S (ppm) 25 7 46 88 37 0 Inlet Air Flow (CFM) 0 System Pressure for Scrubber (psi) Mist eliminator: pressure up to stack Make Up Water Stage 1 (gpm? Or gph?) Make Up Water Stage 2 0 5 0.07 2 1 2 6 0 2 1 2 5.2 0.07 2 1 34 5.8 0.8 2 2 5.8 0.7 2 1 Outlet H2S Reading (ppm) Outlet LEL Reading (ppm) 17 18 0 0 0 7 35 O Tanks H2S (ppm) 0 0 18 7 5.7 5.6 0.05 0.5 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 5.9 10.6 0.04 0 2 2 2 2 0 15 3500 2/24/2015 3/24/2015 5/6/2015 6/16/2015 7/23/2015 8/25/2015 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 Zb-26 Zb-27 Zb-28 0 0 9 9 5 5 0 0 21 21 9 9 4 4 35 35 35 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 0 12500 12000 0 10.4 0 2 2 0 0 10.6 6.5 0.1 0.35 2 2 4 5 0 0 0 6.2 8 7.8 6.4 0.27 0.27 0.35 0.25 2 2 2 2 5 5 6 5 0 0 6.4 8.4 0.25 0.25 2 2 1 1 Appendix E - Splitter Box Drawings Appendix E - Splitter Box Drawings Appendix F – Logger Data at Splitter Box The following data was recorded using an OdaLog1 gas data logger which measured the effluent hydrogen sulfide concentration form the air originating from the splitter box. The data was recorded for a week beginning Nov. 24 and ending Dec. 30, 2015. 1 The following photograph shows the location of the logger in the splitter box. (photo credit: Kerala Smith) Appendix G – Media Research INTRODUCTION Selecting the proper media is critical for biofiltration operations because it sets the basis for nearly all other design parameters. Each media type is characterized by a specific residence time which impacts the flow capacity, the necessary volume of the reactor, and the rate at which microorganisms consume contaminants. The media aids in contaminant removal by adsorbing the targeted pollutants as well as housing bacteria that degrade the contaminants [43]. If properly selected, the media can accomplish approximately 60% of the H2S removal without the presence of sulfur-reducing bacteria, meaning less than half of the removal efficiency is due to biological metabolism [34]. Natural or synthetic materials can be used in this application. 1.1 NATURAL MEDIA Natural media is often easily-accessible and inexpensive in comparison to synthetic alternatives. Natural media can be engineered to have specific desirable characteristics, such as a high sportive surface area or enhance material strength. Natural media used for biofiltration is typically removed of impurities or small particles prior to installation. Furthermore, natural media with organic content contains nutrients needed for microbial growth bacteria, contributing to the overall bioactivity in the system [29]. • Peat (organic) • Aids in oxidization of hydrogen sulfide at a neutral pH level • Easily compacted, increasing the need for media replacements [53] • • • • Highly porous and allows for adequate biofilm growth. Regeneration of media is difficult after the deposition of fine sulfur particles are removed with rinsing water [38] Compost/Woodchips (organic) • • • • Large surface area supports microbial growth in a naturally acidic environment • Compost can vary in degree of porosity, pH, water content, and chemical composition which impacts the H2S loading capacity [17]. Particularly nutrient-rich material, aiding in microbial growth [50] Relatively inexpensive [53] Surface area and gas retention time decrease as a result of media compaction, drying, or channeling, which prevents contaminated air from adequate contact with the media [27] Activated Carbon (AC) • • • • Acclimation can occur quickly in AC, reducing the start-up time [51] Highly porous, providing a good environment for microbial growth [53] Expensive material relative to alternative media types [53] Experiences compaction over time, increasing clogging in the filter [51] [53] • Lava Rock • • • • Primarily composed of hematite, titanohematite, and olivine Typically inoculated with microorganisms prior to operation [52] Highly porous material, providing a good environment for microbial growth [52] [53] High resistance to bed compaction and has a low pressure drop across the layer [52] 1.2 SYNTHETIC MEDIA An advantage of using synthetic media in biofiltration is that it can be engineered to have optimal structural and surface area characteristics. Synthetics do not experience compaction or degradation to the same extent that certain types of natural media do, therefore they tend to have a longer media life [54]. Additionally, synthetic media is gaining popularity because it reduces bed clogging caused by excessive biomass growth [55]. Because they do not contain a natural component, however, synthetics must be inoculated with active bacteria. Furthermore, synthetic media tends to be an expensive alternative and its eventual disposal raises some environmental concerns. • • Polyurethane Foam (PU) • • One of the best synthetic packing media for minimizing compaction and maximizing air flow due to its low density and large porosity [55] Relatively low commercial cost [55] BiosorbensTM (manufactured by Biorem®) • • • First engineered, permanent biofilter media available on the market [56] High specific surface area (40.9 m3/g of media), resulting in efficient adsorption and increases rate of biological oxidation Easily retains moisture while avoiding decomposition, degradation, and compaction (even in strongly acidic environments) Appendix H- Full Scale Case Studies 1.1 THREE RIVERS CLEAN WATER PLANT (TRCWP) The Three Rivers Clean Water Plant is located on 409 Wolf Rd in Three Rivers. The facility currently operates a biofilter to treat odorous air coming off of an Autothermal Thermopilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) unit. The ATAD treats thickened material to produce a high-quality, pathogen-free product [39]. Their first biofilter was designed and built by Thermal Process Systems in 2002. Due to the plugging of the biofilter bed, the odor was not effectively removed from the influent air. This led to complaints from surrounding community members. The biofilter was replaced and improved between 2010 and 2013 because the original biofilter was not large enough to treat the inlet air. The new biofilter and fan were designed to be three times their original design size. The TRCWP supervisor, Doug Humbert, explained that the biofilter now only needs to be run between 20-25% of its design capacity. Additionally, the first biofilter was rated at 2,300 CFM, while the new biofilter is rated at 4,700 CFM with total system capacity of 7,000 CFM [40]. Figure 1. Completed Biofilter at Three Rivers Wastewater Treatment Plant [41] The biofilter is installed in a concrete tank with a plenum to distribute air. The biofilter contains a perforated fiber glass floor structure with a lava rock and a root stock media. There is a geo-textile layer between each of these consecutive layers (Figure 2). The major odorous compound treated by the biofilter is ammonia. The lack of hydrogen sulfide in the treated air is due to the ATAD aeration system providing sufficient oxygen during the digestion cycle. Figure 2. Installation of Porous Floor of Biofilter [41] The biofilter is cleaned every 3-4 years, which is done when the media is changed. In order to avoid the build-up of salts and organics, the biofilter can be flushed with water at the interface of the media, which is done relatively often. To function properly, the temperature inside the biofilter needs to remain between 65-95°F. The temperature is controlled by varying the amount of water in the air humidifier. Humbert explained that insulation is not needed, since the temperature can be controlled in this way. Additionally, the differing seasonal temperatures present in Michigan do not affect the functional ability of the biofilter. Overall, the TRCWP is very happy with the biofilter. Humbert mentioned that he would rather have another biofilter instead of the activated carbon unit that they currently have to treat air at a different location in the plant. 1.2 NORTH KENT SEWER AUTHORITY PARCC Side Clean Water Plant North Kent Sewer Authority (NKSA) was founded to improve and repair the sanitary sewer collection and transportation system for the City of Rockford, Plainfield Charter Township, and the Townships of Alpine, Cannon, and Courtland. The PARCC Side Clean Water Plant (CWP) is located on 4775 Coit Ave NE in Grand Rapids, MI. It was brought online in November of 2008. Designed by Prein & Newhof, the plant’s design capacity is 6.6 million gallons per day (mgd), but it operates at an average daily flow of 3.6 mgd. The main components of the plant are shown in Figure 3. Biofilters Biosolids Headworks Figure 3. PARCC Side CWP [63] The influent plant water is primarily residential. The average water temperature throughout the plant is approximately 50β. The coldest the water gets is 40β during April and it is the warmest at 70β during August and September. The plant’s odor sources are treated using a lava-rock and cypress bark biofilter that was incorporated with the plant’s design and construction. The biofilter is treating hydrogen sulfide from air conveyed from the headworks building and the solids storage tanks. Biofiltration System The biofiltration configuration of the PARCC Side CWP includes two buried biofilters that operate in parallel. Each biofilter is layered with lava-rock and cypress bark. Each has a packed bed depth between 11-13 feet. The media sits in a fiberglass container which is encased in concrete as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. PARCC Side CWP Biofilters (Lauren Grimley) Air enters a humidifying chamber before it is forced through a foot deep opening at the bottom of the biofilter. Once the air passes through this opening, it is forced up through a grate that holds up the packing media. The headspace in the biofilter is approximately 4-5 feet and the ventilation pipe is approximately 2 feet in diameter. The headworks building is heated and has two variable frequency drive (VFD) blowers that operate in parallel. These blowers move about 11,300 cfm of air directly off of the lift station, which is piped to the biofilter underground. The average operation of the blowers is approximately 36.9 hertz and the plant knows that the biofilter media needs to be replaced if the blowers reach 60 hertz. This indicates that the media is clogged and the fans are working at maximum operation to push the air through the biofilter bed. The two blowers alternate every 24 hours. At the solids handling unit, the VFD blowers are sized at 2,600 cfm and send the air towards the biofilter through underground piping. Biofilters Configuration [42] The plant uses three systems to ensure that the nutrient and moisture content of the biofilter is adequate for bacterial growth. First, the plant continuously runs eight sprinklers in the humidification chamber before the air enters the biofilter as shown in Figure 5. Humidification Sprinklers Humidification Chamber Figure 5. PARCC Side CWP Biofilter Configuration (Lauren Grimley) The plant also installed 16 sprinkler heads in the headspace of the biofilter that operate for 160 seconds every 20 minutes. Lastly, the plant uses a soaker hose (standard gardening hose) that is located β of the media depth and it operates 140 seconds for every 20 minutes. The sprinklers and hose use effluent water with liquid fertilizer 10-10-10 [43] added as a nutrient to the microorganism growing in the biofilter media. This practice was recommended by the manufacturer. Prior to the water being sprayed over the biofilter, it is put through a small filter that must be replaced when the flow is less than 3 gpm. The optimum flow through the piping to the sprinklers is 11-12 gpm. The filter is replaced approximately 3 times per year. The average temperature is approximately 50β. The past three month’s temperature and pH level of the air is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Monthly PARCC Side CWP Temperature and pH Readings for Air Entering Biofilter Date September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 Temperature (β) pH Value 72 57 55 7.38 7.65 7.59 The desirable pH level is 7, but the biofilter is expected to have operational problems if the pH level is ever less than 2. The plant staff conducts quarterly inspections of the biofilter, recording temperature, pH, and H2S levels in order to ensure the biofilter is operating properly. The annual biofilter cost for is less than $5,000 in equipment (liquid fertilizer, sprinkler heads, filters, hose, etc.). The plant purchases two 55 gallon drums of liquid fertilizer for approximately $1,000. The estimated labor required for the biofilter maintenance and operation is 100 hours per year. The plant is pleased with the little maintenance and effective performance of the biofilters. The biofilters were sized to treat a higher loading rate of hydrogen sulfide that would occur when the plant is operating at full capacity. The biofilters have responded well during irregular weather conditions such as the flood of April 2013 when flow through the plant was operating over the metered limit of 10 mgd. The plant does not backwash the packing media and the manufacturer rated the media life at 10-years, but the due to the low flow rate of the VFD blowers, plant expects the packing media to remain efficient much longer. Appendix I – Biofilter Media Volume Calculations 1.1 RATE LAW AND KINETICS USE If kinetic data is found, one can use the rate law and the flow rates or concentrations of the hydrogen sulfide to be removed in order to determine the volume of the biofilter needed in order to remove the hydrogen sulfide. The method for determining the volume size using two different models (the Ottengraf and ven den Ooever model and Michaelis-Menten kinetics, along with the Monod equation) are explained in Section 6.2.1). This was our initial choice for determining the biofilter volume, as it provided the ability to consider the pressure drop across the biofilter, as well as to visualize the removal of hydrogen sulfide across the entire length of the biofilter. However, as we started to solve this model for the volume, we discovered that the experimental method of determining the rate law would be too far out of our scope for this project. Taking experimental data requires a lot of time and resources, both of which were highly limited for us. Also, working with gas and air is very hard to control in the laboratory, so it was needed to look for data in the literature. This literature search proved unsuccessful, as there was very limited data for the media types we had chosen for our biofilter. After communicating with various biofilter experts, it was determined that this was not the common way that a biofilter was sized, so other options were considered for the biofilter size. 1.2 EBRT OPTIMIZATION According to Mark Smith, a biofilter designer for Brown and Caldwell, the rule of thumb for most biofilter volume design was to assume that a square foot of a biofilter can remove the hydrogen sulfide in 3 cfm of air. This was to be combined with an EBRT of 45-60 seconds. With this design, and assuming a worst case scenario of 12000 cfm air coming in (the size of our blower), and an assumption of 6 feet of media depth, the size of the biofilter would be 24000 ft3. This seems incredibly large given our previous case studies at PARCC side. When using this rule of thumb at the PARCC side plant, a treatment system that has been operating satisfactorily for almost 10 years now, would have a volume of 28000 ft3, which is almost four times the volume of the actual system. This shows that the model is very conservative in its estimate, as the volume is about 7000 ft3 and has worked fine well past its perceived replacement time. So it is unlikely that this “rule of thumb” volume will be the actual volume for our biofilter. 1.3 ELIMINATION CAPACITY Another way to determine the volume of the biofilter is to use elimination capacity data. Elimination capacity is the ability of a media to remove and process contaminants in the air. The values for media volume are calculated by dividing the flow rate of hydrogen sulfide by the elimination capacity of the media. In this case, the elimination capacity can be found from a literature search. It was found from Ramirez-Saenz et al. that the elimination capacity of lava rock was 142 g/m3 h and the elimination capacity of the wood chips was 130 g/m3 hr. The incoming air was assumed to have a concentration of 25 ppm. 20 ppm was assumed to be removed from the air using the lava rock and the remaining 5 ppm was removed from the air using wood chips. Using equation 1, EC = (Cin − Cout ) ∗Q V (Eq. 1) Where EC is the elimination capacity, Cin is the inlet concentration, Cout is the concentration out of the biofilter media layer, V is the volume of the media layer, and Q is the flow rate of air. With these two sets of data and parameters and equation XXX, it was found that the total volume of the biofilter should be about 750 ft2 (calculations shown in Appendix XXX). However, this resulted in an empty bed residence time of 3 seconds. The target range for EBRT is 20 to 60 seconds, so having a small EBRT is not ideal. If the flow rate is decreased though, then the EBRT increased. If we decrease the flow rate to 2000 cfm, then the EBRT ended up being about 20 seconds, which is reasonable. 1.4 REMOVAL EFFICIENCY The removal efficiency is another method in order to model the volume of the biofilter. In this method, the data for removal efficiency was found from the literature as it depended on EBRT. Two different academic journals reported Removal efficiency data against the Empty Bed Residence Time for the media that we chose. These data are presented below. According to Marc Deshusses, Professor of Civil Engineering at Duke University, this data could then be used in the form of Removal = 1 − exp(−EBRT ∗ K) (Eq. 2) where removal is the percent of hydrogen sulfide removed, EBRT is the empty bed residence time, and K is a constant. This equation was then linearized to form the new equation − ln(1 − Removal) = EBRT ∗ K (Eq. 3) This linearized data is shown below in figure 2. The desired percent removal can then be used to calculate the resulting EBRT which can then be used with a known volumetric flow rate of air to determine the volume of the biofilter required using the equation, EBRT = V Q Where V is the volume of the biofilter and Q is the volumetric flow rate. (Eq. 4) The data for the removal efficiencies was found in academic journals. This data is presented below in Figure 1. % removal against EBRT lava rock 1 y = 0.009029ln(x) + 0.980479 R² = 0.918740 0.999 % Removal 0.998 0.997 0.996 0.995 0.994 0.993 0.992 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 EBRT (s) Figure 1. Percent Removal Against EBRT for Lava Rock [25] As was stated before, this data was linearized to the form of equation 3 above. ln(1-%removal) against EBRT for lava rock 0 ln( 1- % removal) -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -2 -3 -4 y = -0.5119x - 2.7729 R² = 0.9829 -5 -6 -7 -8 EBRT (s) Figure 2. Linearized data of Figure Removal Efficiency for Lava Rock For our case, the air treated was assumed to have a concentration of 25 ppm H2S. The Removal efficiency for both Lava Rock and Woodchips was 99.5% which meant that the concentration entering the woodchips layer was 0.125 ppm and the concentration leaving the biofilter was .625 ppb, which is the limit of detection. Using the data presented below, and the equations presented above, the resulting volumes were 164 ft3 for lava rock, and 542 ft3 for woodchips for a total volume of 707 ft3. There are some problems with this method. First, the EBRT is too short for an industrial sized biofilter. The biofilters and media tested in the data taken from the academic journals were bench scale or small pilot scale. This meant the EBRT may not be scalable to a full size biofilter, thus skewing the resulting volume. Another problem is that percent removal data for woodchips is hard to find, and the data that is available is poor [65]. Because of this, the model gives a result that is not as reliable as the lava rock data. Because of this, the %RE model is considered lightly, but only because it resulted in a volume similar to the elimination capacity model. 120 y = 2.1921x + 80.194 R² = 0.1956 100 %RE 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 EBRT (s) Figure 3. Woodchip Removal Efficiency against EBRT 0 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ln(1-%removal) -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 y = -0.228x - 1.5879 R² = 0.2307 -3.5 -4 -4.5 EBRT (s) Figure 4. Linearized version of Woodchip Removal Efficiency The volume calculated using percent removal efficiency is still similar to the volume calculated using the elimination capacity. However the ratio between the lava rock and woodchip media layers changed dramatically. In the elimination capacity model, it was calculated that the ratio between the lava rock and the woodchip layers would be about 1: 1.1. The ratio for the removal efficiency model is however 1:3 in favor of woodchips. This is most likely due to the lower removal efficiencies and elimination capacities, so more woodchips are needed to remove a similar amount of hydrogen sulfide from the entering air. In both cases, more woodchips are needed than lava rock, an aspect that should be seen in the final design of the biofilter. 1.5 MASS TRANSFER CALCULATIONS For the degradation of hydrogen sulfide to H2SO4, as in all reactions, seven steps must take place. These steps are shown in Figure 34. Figure 5. Process of a reaction [66] The seven steps are 1. Diffusion from the surrounding fluid (in our case, from the air into the water) 2. Diffusion into the catalyst (cell/bacteria) 3. Adsorption onto surface of the catalyst 4. Reaction (metabolic process) 5. Desorption 6. Diffusion out of cell 7. Diffusion out of fluid In any case, one step could be slower than the rest of the steps, thus it is termed the limiting step. In the other cases that we considered for the design of our biofilter, we assumed that the reaction was the limiting step, and therefore could be used to size the biofilter. However, we also needed to consider the mass transfer of the hydrogen sulfide (steps 1 and 7) to the cell in order to ensure that the biofilter is designed to properly remove the hydrogen sulfide from the air. If the mass transfer is the limiting step, then it will have a larger impact on the volume of the biofilter, which will result in a biofilter volume that is greater than the one calculated by the rate limiting models. If the mass transfer rate is faster than the rate of reaction, then the biofilter is sized properly. Using literature data, it was found that the mass transfer coefficient for the transfer of hydrogen sulfide into water from the air is 9.567 x 10-4 m/s [48] . Using this and assuming an initial concentration of 25 ppm and an interface concentration of 0 ppm, we can then put this into equation 5 below, NA = kc ∗ (cA − cAi ) (1 − yA )lm (Eq. 5) where NA is the flux of the hydrogen sulfide through the water interface, (1-yA)lm is the log mean average of the mole fraction of hydrogen sulfide in the air, cA is the concentration in the bulk solution of hydrogen sulfide and cAi is the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at the interface. Using the data given, a flux was calculated to be .024 g/m2 s. In order to determine the volume of the biofilter needed, the ratio of the surface area to the volume of the biofilter was calculated. This was done by using equation 6 a= 6 ∗ (1 − Ο΅) ∅ ∗ Dp (Eq. 6) Where ∅ is the sphericity, DP is the particle diameter, and Ο΅ is the void fraction. Using the data in table XXX for woodchips, the value for the ratio a, was determined to be 312.6 m -1. With a flow rate of hydrogen sulfide assumed to be 0.006579 g/s, and the flux calculated above, it was determined that the volume needed for the biofilter woodchips would be 0.031 ft3. This is incredibly small compared to the rate of reaction calculation, meaning that the reaction rate calculations from before are the limiting reactions. Therefore, it was decided that mass transfer was not needed to be considered for our volume calculations as the rate calculations showed that the rate has more effect over the volume than does the mass transfer. Sphericity [67] Void Fraction Particle Diameter (m) 0.2 0.479 0.05 Appendix J Proposed System Design and Site Plans CALVIN COLLEGE ENGINEERING TEAM BI0DOR GRAND RAPIDS, MI WYOMING CLEAN WATER PLANT ODOR CONTROL 05/06/2016 Kent County Project Location SHEET INDEX Sheet No. Description ONE-CALL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM CALL BEFORE YOU DIG!!! 800-482-7171 Title Title 1 General Site Plan 2 Process Flow Diagram CODE USED : 2003 MICHIGAN BUILDING CODE 3 Existing Aeration Basin Plan Sections GENERAL LIMITATIONS USE GROUP = U (UTILITY AND MISCELLANEOUS) OCCUPANCY = 26,955 MAIN FLOOR + 19,750 UPPER LEVEL © 500 SF PER PERSON (SIMILAR TO WAREHOUSE) = 94 PERSONS 4 Proposed System Plan Views 5 Proposed Biofilter Cross Sections 6 Existing Fan Shop Drawings CODE INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION TYPE 3B - NOT SPRINKLED GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTE ALL UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS DERIVED FROM ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS AND AVAILABLE RECORDS. THEY SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED TO BE THE EXACT LOCATION NOR SHOULD IT BE ASSUMED THAT THEY ARE THE ONLY UTILITIES IN THIS AREA. All elevations labeled according to Wyoming Clean Water Plant Datum Enlarged Plan (NTS) Notes: 1. The splitter box will be enclosed by a concrete structure designed for easy maintenance access. 2. All proposed concrete will be cast-in-place with reinforcing rebar. 3. All exposed concrete will be installed with a protective epoxy coating to prevent corrosion. 4. Ductwork will be installed a minimum of 15' above ground for vehicle traffic. 5. Ductwork will be supported by structural columns where necessary. All other ductwork can be supported by the roof of existing buildings or installed along the side of the buildings. General Site Plan (Not To Scale) Wyoming Clean Water Plant Odor Control Preliminary Biofilter Design Reference Plans: Black & Veatch Clean Water Plant Stage 2 Improvements General Site Plan Project No. 69722 Plans Not For Construction Date: 05/06/2016 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Sheet No. 1 of 6 Process Flow Diagram Wyoming Clean Water Plant Odor Control Preliminary Biofilter Design Plans Not For Construction Date: 05/06/2016 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Sheet No. 2 of 6 Concrete Walkway 1E 3 Concrete Walkway Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" Concrete Walkway Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" 2E 3 Column Aeration Basin Pipe Gallery Existing Aeration Basin (Proposed Biofilter) El. 587' - 6" A EXISTING PLAN EL. 608' - 0" 1E EXISTING SECTION (refer to Plan View A, this sheet) SCALE: 1:100 El. 587' - 6" 2E EXISTING SECTION (refer to Plan View A, this sheet) SCALE: 1:100 SCALE: 1:100 Existing Aeration Basin Plan Sections Wyoming Clean Water Plant Odor Control Preliminary Biofilter Design Plans Not For Construction Date: 05/06/2016 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Sheet No. 3 of 6 Irrigation Line: Connect to Effluent Water Source in Pipe Gallery Concrete Walkway Nutrient Supply Pipe Gallery Humidification Line: Connect to Effluent Water Source in Pipe Gallery Connect to Existing 16"Basin Drain Connect to Existing 16"Basin Drain Pipe Gallery Note: Concrete Walkway Extension not shown for clarity 6" Condensation Drainage Reducing T-Connection 30" Air Flow Duct Empty Aeration Basin 36" Air Flow Duct 30" Air Flow Duct Empty Aeration Basin Empty Aeration Basin BIOFILTER No. 1 BIOFILTER No. 2 1 5 2 5 4 5 A 3 5 PLAN EL. 611' - 6" SCALE: 1:100 Humidification Chamber Hatch Cover B PLAN EL. 603' - 7" SCALE: 1:100 Note: Biofilter Cover not shown for clarity C PLAN EL. 595' - 4" SCALE: 1:100 Proposed System Plan Views Wyoming Clean Water Plant Odor Control Preliminary Biofilter Design Plans Not For Construction Date: 05/06/2016 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Sheet No. 4 of 6 Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" Pipe Gallery El. 600' - 1" Irrigation Line: Connect to Effluent Water Source in Pipe Gallery Stainless Steel Grate Spray Nozzles 3' above media bed El. 595' - 4" Woodchip Media Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" Concrete Walkway 4" Insulation El. 611' - 6" El. 609' - 8" 36" Air Duct Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" Existing Column Lava Rock Media Stainless Steel Grate Air Distribution Plenum El. 587' - 6" 42" Air Duct El. 603' - 7" 2 SECTION (See Sheet 4) SCALE: 1:100 El. 601' - 4" El. 611' - 6" El. 600' - 1" Stainless Steel Grate El. 609' - 8" Finished Ground El. 608' - 0" El. 603' - 7" Humidification Line: Connect to Effluent Water Source in Pipe Gallery 30" Air Duct Spray Nozzles 3' above media bed Pipe Gallery El. 595' - 4" 3' - 0" Woodchip Media 2' - 0" Lava Rock Media 6" Condensation Drainage Connect to Existing 16"Basin Drain Stainless Steel Grate Air Distribution Plenum Slight slope downward to allow for drainage 3 SECTION (See Sheet 4) SCALE: 1:100 Finished Grade El. 608' - 0" Elbow 1" above ground to allow for drainage El. 588' - 3" Grout Slope 12" per foot 42" Air Duct Outlet Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Cover 1 El. 600' - 1" 6" Condensation Drainage Connect to Existing 16"Basin Drain SECTION (See Sheet 4) SCALE: 1:50 Pipe Gallery Proposed Biofilter Cross Sections Fiberglass Access to Air Distribution Plenum Wyoming Clean Water Plant Odor Control Preliminary Biofilter Design El. 587' - 6" Plans Not For Construction 4 Date: 05/06/2016 SECTION (See Sheet 4) SCALE: 1:100 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Sheet No. 5 of 6 8 6 7 5 4 24" 25 15/16" 1 DRAWING NOTES: 28" D 2 3 21" (INSIDE) 29" (INSIDE) 29 7/16" D 36" 28 1/2" (OUTSIDE) 43" 28 1/2" C C 33 13/16" ACCESSORY LIST (DISPLAYABLE) 14 5/16" DESCRIPTION 28" 26 3/8" 2" ACCESSORY LIST (NOT DISPLAYABLE) SEE ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR DETAILS QTY. ACCESS DOOR N/A GUARD(S) IN AIRSTREAM N/A DAMPER N/A HEIGHT ADJUSTING SUB BASE N/A DAMPER ACCESSORIES N/A INLET FLANGE N/A DRAIN WEATHER COVER N/A FRP COATING N/A FRP CONSTRUCTION N/A SPECIAL SHAFT SEAL 1 SPECIAL HARDWARE 1 B 14 13/16" 11/16" x 1 1/2" SLOT (QTY. 8) 29 5/8" QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 SPECIAL SHAFT N/A STARTERS & DISCONNECTS N/A VIBRATION ISOLATORS N/A B 14 13/16" MODEL NUMBER: A41P0-272FA100FGFCP3 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: 13 1/16" DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES 25 3/8" TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL 1/8" ANGLES 1 A PROPS & WHEELS ARE NOT DRAWN AS BUILT AND ARE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. THE FAN MODELS AND ACCESSORIES ARE DIMENSIONALLY ACCURATE, BUT ARE NOT VISUALLY ACCURATE AS BUILT. 26 3/8" 34 3/8" DRAWING SCALE: BOTTOM VIEW 8 7 SCALED 6 5 4 FAN DESCRIPTION: Series 41P - Fiberglass Backward Curved Centrifugal Fan, Packaged, Type FA Hartzell Air Movement Piqua, Ohio 45356 1-800-336-3267 FAN TAG NUMBER: PROPOSAL NUMBER: Config-94617 00 HARTZELL SALES ORDER NUMBER: MODEL REV: 01 3 A REV PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF HARTZELL AIR MOVEMENT AND ARE PROVIDED FOR INTERFACE DIMENSIONS ONLY. DRAWINGS AND PERFORMANCE DATA SHALL NOT BE COPIED OR RELEASED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF HARTZELL AIR MOVEMENT AND SHALL BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. PAPER SIZE: DATE: 4/21/2016 2 B SHEET 1 OF 1 1 Appendix K Ergun Equations Ergun Equation The Ergun Equation relates pressure drop to gas flow in packed bed reactor. The Modified-Ergun (M-E) equation was used to model the flow through the proposed biofilter where the constants A and B are 150 and 1.75, respectively, as shown in the equation below. [36] βP = AµL (1 − ε)2 BρL 1 − ε 2 υπ π + υ 2 3 ε Dp ε3 π π Dp ππ πΏπΏ π·π·ππ ππ ππ υπ π Fluid viscosity Depth of Bed Particle diameter Void Space of the bed Density of the fluid Superficial Velocity The density of the fluid was an average of the inlet air density and the outlet air density. The inlet and outlet density were calculated using the ideal gas law (PV=nRT). The pressure at the inlet to the bed was calculated using the following equation: P1 = Patm − Plosses P1 = pressure at the bottom of the bed Plosses = friction and dynamic losses in ductwork and biofilter after fan outlet = 0.94 in. wg = 0.034320926atm Patm = 14.6960 atm Inlet Air Properties Dynamic Viscosity (lbf-s/ft^2) Air Temperature (F) Air Density (lbm/ft^3) 3.750E-07 60 0.07614 Outlet Air Properties PV=nRT Assume ΔP (PSI) Atm Pressure (PSI) P1 (PSI) P2 (PSI) Temp (Rankine) R (ft-lbf/lbm-R) Density Oulet (lbm/ft^3) Solve for n/V 0.020 14.6960 14.6616 14.6417 519.7 53.4 0.07604 Used in Pressure Calculations Average Air Density (lbm/ft^3) 0.0761 Media Properties LAVA ROCK Selected Properties Lava Rock Woodchip Porosity 0.5 0.52 Diameter (in) 0.945 3.937 Lava Rock Diameter 48 1 mm 2 24 mm 3 12 mm 4 4.7 mm 55 mm 6 3.4 mm Cedar Rapids WWTP Biofilter 7 Radius (cm) 1.2 Sphericity 0.5 Porosity 0.4 Hydrogen Sulfide Removal with Lava Rock 8 Particle Density 1.13 g/mL Material Density 1.41 g/mL Porosity 0.2 NA Pore Size 5 mm WOODCHIP Type 2-in Oak 9 Natural medium 10 Porosity 0.559 --- Size 5 4750 1 Unit cm micro-m Martin,Ronald W.,,Jr, James R. Mihelcic, and John C. Crittenden. "Design and Performance Characterization Strategy using Modeling for Biofiltration Control of Odorous Hydrogen Sulfide." Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 54.7 (2004): 834-44. ProQuest. Web. 25 Oct. 2015. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 Percolation Models and Channeling in Biofilter Clogging, Journal of the Air & Waste Hydrogen Sulfide Removal with Lava Rock 6 Iowa Plant Case Study 5 7 8 Ibid. Hydrogen Sulfide Removal with Lava Rock 9 Evaluation of Wood Chip-Based Biofilters to Reduce Odor 10 Sulfur Toxicity and Media Capacity for H2S Removal in Biofilters Particle diameter Porosity Density Specific Surface Area Pore Diameter 117.7 0.479 218 mm NA kg/m^3 5.37 7.86 m^2/g micro-m Void Fraction 0.565 11 0.67 12 0.05 13 0.441 14 Design Criteria 15 Source Martin, Mihelcic, and Crittenden Chitwood and Devinny Yang and Allen Media Type Particle Size (in) Pressure Drop (in H20/ft) Superficial Velocities (ft/s) Lava Rock Lava Rock Lava Rock Compost 0.047 0.472 0.315 0.315 0.024 42.828 0.040 2.447 0.066 0.262 2.165 0.919 Design Average Loading Rate Design Max Loading Rate 300 m/h 500 m/h 0.083 m/s 0.139 m/s 0.273 ft/s 0.456 ft/s 11;context=abe_eng_pubs 13 14 Ibid. 15 Martin,Ronald W.,,Jr, James R. Mihelcic, and John C. Crittenden. "Design and Performance Characterization Strategy using Modeling for Biofiltration Control of Odorous Hydrogen Sulfide." Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 54.7 (2004): 834-44. ProQuest. Web. 25 Oct. 2015. 12 Biofilter Unit Pressure Drop across Bed in a Biofilter Unit 900 40% 60% 360 540 14 13 5 2 180 Conversions 1 lbf to lbm-ft/s^2 1 in H20 to PSI 0.60 Void Fraction Clean Bed Porosity (0 %) 50% Filled 75% Filled Lava Rock 0.50 0.25 0.13 Woodchip 0.52 0.26 0.13 Bed Depth (ft) Ratio, a Specific Surface Area (ft^-1) Particle Diameter (ft) Particle Diameter (in) Lava Rock 2 36.0 72.0 0.083 1 Woodchip 3 8.6 18.0 0.33 4 50% of Pores Filled 0.40 75% of Pores Filled 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Superficial Velocity [ft/s] Clean Bed Porosity Air Flow Rate (cfm) Superficial Velocity (ft/s) Lava RockPressure Drop (inH20) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 0.00000 0.04630 0.09259 0.13889 0.18519 0.23148 0.27778 0.32407 0.37037 0.41667 0.46296 0.50926 0.55556 0.60185 0.64815 0.69444 0.74074 0.78704 0.83333 0.87963 0.92593 0.97222 1.01852 1.06481 1.11111 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.00E+00 1.90E-05 5.37E-05 1.04E-04 1.70E-04 2.51E-04 3.48E-04 4.61E-04 5.89E-04 7.33E-04 8.93E-04 1.07E-03 1.26E-03 1.47E-03 1.69E-03 1.92E-03 2.18E-03 2.45E-03 2.73E-03 3.03E-03 3.35E-03 3.68E-03 4.03E-03 4.39E-03 4.77E-03 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.029 0.032 0.035 0.038 0.042 0.045 Wood Chip Pressure Drop (inH20)3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 Inlet Air Properties Dynamic Viscosity (lbf-s/ft^2) Air Temperature (F) Air Density (lbm/ft^3) 3.750E-07 60 0.07614 Outlet Air Properties PV=nRT Assume ΔP (PSI) Atm Pressure (PSI) P1 (PSI) P2 (PSI) Temp (Rankine) R (ft-lbf/lbm-R) Density Oulet (lbm/ft^3) Solve for n/V 0.020 14.6960 14.6616 14.6417 519.7 53.4 0.07604 Use in Calculations Average Air Density (lbm/ft^3) 50% of Pores Filled Wood Chip Pressure Drop Total Pressure Drop Lava RockPressure Drop (inH20) (inH20) (inH20)2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 32.174 0.0361 Clean Bed Porosity 0.50 Pressure Drop [inH20] Volume of Bed (ft^3) Percent of Lava Rock Percent of Woodchip V Lava Rock (ft^3) V Wood Chip (ft^3) Length (ft) Width (ft) Depth (ft) Biofilter Units (EA) Bed Area (ft^2) 0.0761 75% of Pores Filled Total Pressure Drop Lava RockPressure Drop Wood Chip Pressure Drop (inH20)6 (inH20)4 (inH20)5 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.014 0.016 0.019 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.031 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.046 0.050 0.055 0.05919 0.000 0.003 0.007 0.012 0.019 0.027 0.036 0.047 0.059 0.072 0.087 0.103 0.120 0.138 0.158 0.180 0.202 0.226 0.251 0.278 0.306 0.335 0.365 0.397 0.431 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.019 0.024 0.028 0.034 0.039 0.045 0.052 0.059 0.066 0.074 0.082 0.091 0.100 0.110 0.120 0.130 Total Pressure Drop (inH20)7 0.000 0.003 0.008 0.015 0.023 0.033 0.045 0.059 0.074 0.091 0.110 0.131 0.154 0.178 0.204 0.232 0.261 0.292 0.326 0.360 0.397 0.435 0.475 0.517 0.5610 Pressure Drop of Lava Rocks with Various Particle Diameters 1.6E-02 8mm Pressure Drop (in H20) 1.4E-02 12mm 1.2E-02 24mm 1.0E-02 48mm 8.0E-03 6.0E-03 4.0E-03 2.0E-03 0.0E+00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Superficial Velocity (ft/s) 0.8 1.0 Pressure Drop (in H20) Pressure Drop of Woodchips with Various Particle Diameters 7.0E-03 6.0E-03 2cm 5.0E-03 10cm 5cm 15cm 4.0E-03 3.0E-03 2.0E-03 1.0E-03 0.0E+00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Superficial Velocity (ft/s) 0.8 1.0 Predicted Pressure Drop of 1-in Lava Rocks with Various Porosities 0.12 0.50 Pressure Drop [inH20] 0.10 0.40 0.30 0.08 0.20 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.0 0.030 0.2 0.8 1.0 Predicted Pressure Drop of 4-in Woodchips with Various Porosities 0.52 0.42 0.32 0.22 0.025 Pressure Drop [inH20] 0.4 0.6 Air Flow [cfm] 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.0 0.2 0.4 Air Flow [cfm] 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pressure Drop across the Bed of a Single Biofilter Unit with Various Media Diameters Lava Rock Bed Area (ft^2) Air Density (lb/ft^3) Dynamic Viscosity (lb-s/ft^2) Air Temperature (F) 180 7.65E-02 3.75E-07 60 Air Flow Rate (cfm) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 % Pore Space Available Void Fraction Bed Depth (ft) Ratio, a Specific Surface Area (ft^-1) Particle Diameter (ft) Particle Diameter (in) 100% 0.50 2.00 114.3 228.6 0.03 0.3 Superficial Velocity (ft/s) 0.00000 0.04630 0.09259 0.13889 0.18519 0.23148 0.27778 0.32407 0.37037 0.41667 0.46296 0.50926 0.55556 0.60185 0.64815 0.69444 0.74074 0.78704 0.83333 0.87963 0.92593 0.97222 1.01852 1.06481 1.11111 8mm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.013 100% 0.50 2.0 114.3 228.6 0.04 0.5 100% 0.50 2.0 114.3 228.6 0.08 0.9 Lava Rock Particle Diameters 12mm 24mm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.008 0.004 0.008 0.004 100% 0.50 2.0 114.3 228.6 0.16 2 100% 0.52 3.00 43.9 91.4 0.07 0.8 48mm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 2cm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.006 100% 0.52 3.00 43.9 91.4 0.16 2.0 Woodchip 100% 0.52 3.00 43.9 91.4 0.33 4 Woodchip Particle Diameters 5cm 10cm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 100% 0.52 3.00 43.9 91.4 0.49 5.9 15cm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Pressure Drop across the Bed of a Single Biofilter Unit with Various Media Porosities Bed Area (ft^2) Air Density (lb/ft^3) Dynamic Viscosity (lb-s/ft^2) Air Temperature (F) 180 7.65E-02 3.75E-07 60 Air Flow Rate (cfm) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 Void Fraction Bed Depth (ft) Ratio, a Specific Surface Area (ft^-1) Particle Diameter (ft) Particle Diameter (in) 0.50 2.00 36.0 72.0 0.0833 1 Lava Rock 0.40 0.30 2.0 2.0 43.2 50.4 72.0 72.0 0.0833 0.0833 1 1 0.20 2.0 57.6 72.0 0.0833 1 0.52 3.00 8.6 18.0 0.333 4 0.42 3.00 8.6 18.0 0.333 4 Woodchip 0.32 3.00 8.6 18.0 0.333 4 Superficial Velocity (ft/s) 0.00000 0.04630 0.09259 0.13889 0.18519 0.23148 0.27778 0.32407 0.37037 0.41667 0.46296 0.50926 0.55556 0.60185 0.64815 0.69444 0.74074 0.78704 0.83333 0.87963 0.92593 0.97222 1.01852 1.06481 1.11111 0.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 Lava Rock Void Fraction 0.40 0.30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.007 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.009 0.004 0.010 0.004 0.011 0.005 0.013 0.005 0.014 0.006 0.016 0.006 0.017 0.007 0.019 0.007 0.021 0.008 0.023 0.009 0.024 0.20 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.019 0.023 0.026 0.031 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.056 0.062 0.068 0.074 0.081 0.088 0.096 0.52 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Woodchip Void Fraction 0.42 0.32 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.006 0.003 0.007 0.22 3.00 8.6 18.0 0.333 4 0.22 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.022 0.024 Appendix L Ductwork Friction Losses Ductwork Pressure Loss Splitter Box to Tee Component Isolation Valve Damper 90 Deg Elbow Flow Meter: Orifice Plate Qty 1 1 4 1 K factor 0.04 0.3 0.45 3.5 Total 0.04 0.3 1.8 3.5 Qty 1 1 1 5 K factor 3.5 0.04 0.3 0.45 Total 3.5 0.04 0.3 2.25 Qty 1 1 K factor 1 0.19 Total 1 0.193 Qty 1 2 1 1 K factor 1 0.04 0.45 0.12 Total 1 0.08 0.45 0.12 Component 90 Deg Elbow Expansion Expansion Contraction Contraction Contraction Expansion Location 1 NA 30" Pipe Top of Media Bed Humidication Plenum Headspace 42" Exhaust Pipe Location 2 NA Humid Chamber Headspace Plenum Bottom of Bed 42" Exhaust Pipe Atm Qty 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 Component Velocity (fpm) Velocity Loss (in. wg) Dynamic Loss (in. wg) 90 Deg Elbow Expansion Expansion Contraction Contraction Contraction Expansion 1222 1222 33 167 167 33 1247 9.31E-02 9.31E-02 6.93E-05 1.73E-03 1.73E-03 6.93E-05 9.69E-02 1.68E-01 1.68E-01 6.93E-05 7.62E-04 9.52E-04 2.49E-05 9.69E-02 Primary Clarifiers to Tee Component Flow Meter: Orifice Plate Isolation Valve Damper 90 Deg Elbow Tee to Fan Inlet Component Tee Reducer (36" to 29") Fan Outlet to Biofilter Component Tee Isolation Valve 90 Deg Elbow Expander (29" to 36") Biofilter Sources Kopolis K factor 0.45 0.9 1.0 0.44 0.55 0.36 1 Total 1.8 1.8 1 0.44 0.55 0 1 Friction Losses in Expansion, Contration, and Pipe Fittings Splitter Box to Tee Frictional Losses (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) 1. Sudden Enlargement Losses 0.22 0.54 1.19 0.21 1.73 = 1 − 2. Sudden Contraction Losses Primary Clarifiers to Tee Frictional Losses (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) 0.14 0.52 1.21 0.20 1.73 = 0.55 1 − Tee to Fan Inlet Frictional Losses 36" PVC (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses 36" PVC (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Location 1 30" PVC Pipe Humidifcation Bottom Top of Bed Headspace 36" Line Fan Outlet 29" Expan Cont Cont Expan Cont Cont Expan 0.08 0.008 0.21 0.18 0.22 Location 2 Humidification Plenum Bed Headspace Atmosphere Fan Inlet 29" 36" A_1 (ft^2) 5 183 177 1 28 7 5 A_2 (ft^2) 183 36 1 177 10 5 7 Fan Outlet to Biofilter Frictional Losses 36" PVC (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses 36" PVC (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) 0.08 0.088 0.30 0.18 0.39 = !"#$ 2 %&'( = )*+%% + -%.%)/+0)*) − -12%3'45 67#8 = velocitypressureatthefandischarge 6##$ ! = #K## ##$ ! = dynamic, component, andfrictionalpressurethroughtheairsystem = !## Biofilter Frictional Losses 30" (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses 30" PVC (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Pressure Drop Across Bed (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Pressure Calculations 1. Write down or calculate all known variables 2. Write down or calculate all pressure losses in the section List the component Losses/Gains Occur through elbows, transitions, tees, or any other type of fitting. Use the ASHRAE Fitting Diagrams to find Dynamic Loss Coefficients for fittings. 0.06 0.021 0.34 0.19 0.20 0.56 Outlet Frictional Losses 42" (in. wg/ 100ft) Frictional Losses 42" PVC(in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Velocity Pressure at Fan Discharge (in. wg) Velocity Pressure at Outlet (in.wg) Static Pressure Required (in. wg) Hartzell Blower SP (in. wg) Diameter (in) Flow Rate (cfm) Length (ft) Velocity (fpm) Frictional Losses (in. wg) Dynamic Losses (in. wg) Velocity Losses (in. wg) Total Pressure Loss (in. wg) Calculate the Dynamic Losses/Gains ∗ O 0.04 0.002 0.10 0.10 0.0990 O = 6!K## = Calculate the Frictional Losses/Gains 3. Sum up the component, dynamic, and fritional pressure for the section 4. Sum up the pressure losses for all of the sections Correction for density is not need for tempeartures between 40-100 deg F. Corretion for moisture is not needed for air temperature <100 deg F. 4.72 0.18 0.10 4.80 7.5 Primary Clarifier 18 3250 375 1783 0.52 1.21 0.20 1.73 4005 _of_System Splitter Box 30 8750 250 1839 0.54 1.19 0.21 1.73 Tee to Fan 36 12000 10 1698 0.01 0.21 0.18 0.22 Fan to Biofilter 36 12000 115 1698 0.09 0.30 0.18 0.39 Biofilter Internal 30 12000 35 1222 0.22 0.34 0.19 0.56 Biofilter Outlet 42 12000 5 1247 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 K 0.95 0.44 0.55 0.99 0.36 0.19 0.12 Point P (PSI) Q (cfm) D (in) A (sf) L (ft) V (fpm) Air Flow Characteristics at Various Locations in the System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14.7 14.7 12.973 12.751 14.7 14.31 13.76 3250 8750 36 36 12000 6000 12000 18 30 10 10 36 30 --1.77 4.91 7.07 7.07 7.07 4.91 72.00 250 375 12000 6000 110 35 --1839 1783 1698 849 1698 1222 167 8 13.66 12000 42 9.62 5 1247 Primary Clarifiers 2 3 5 4 6 Biofilter Unit 1 8 Fan Biofilter Unit 2 7 1 Splitter Box The friction loss per unit length of pipe was calculated using both the Darcy-Weisbach equation and the Friction Chart (ASHRAE, 1997) as shown to the right. The more conservative of pressure losses was given using the Friction Chart and they were used to size the fan. Appendix M Fan Performance Curve FAN LAWS CFM RPM SP HP NEW 8000 1170 3.3 5.9 NEW 6000 878 1.9 2.5 OLD 12000 1755 7.5 20 100% Effective Duct Length Duct Diameter (in) Effective Duct Length (ft) Outlet Area Blast Area Ratio No System Effect 36 7.5 4.59 4.45 1.0 0 On the fan’s inlet side, AMCA Publication 201 recommends that the elbows near the fan’s inlet be located at least three duct diameters upstream of the fan. On the fan’s outlet side, AMCA Publication 201 recommends that the effective duct length is 2.5 diameters when duct velocities are 2,500 fpm or less, with one duct diameter added for each additional 1000 fpm. Additionally, a centrifugal fan needs 100% of an effective duct length on its outlet to avoid System Effect. Stevens, M. Fan Performance. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.. Appendix N – Moisture Control Calculations Irrigation Note: all calculations are for 1 biofilter bed Volume of Water in Wood Chip Layer Wood Chips Size of Bed 15.1 Density of Dry Wood Chip 380000 Moisture Content Calculated Amount of Water Density of Water Calculated Volume of Water 0.6 8586.8 1000.0 8.6 Calculated Volume of Water 2268.4 Lava Rock Size of Bed 10.0 Density of Dry Wood Chip 520000 m3 g/ m3 g water/ g water+media kg water kg/ m3 m3 gallons m3 g/ m3 Moisture Content Calculated Amount of Water Density of Water Calculated Volume of Water 0.155 958.0 1000.0 1.0 g water/ g water+media kg water kg/ m3 m3 Total Volume of Water Needed 2521.5 gallons Calculated Volume of Water 253.1 Irrigation Flow Rate Required Hydraulic Loading Rate Approach Length of Biofilter Width of Biofilter 14.00 12.67 ft ft 0.246 1.84 ft3/min gpm Hydraulic loading rate 0.001389 General Rule Approach Air Flow Rate 12000 Flow Rate Flow Rate gal. water per 100,000 cu. ft air 5 6 7 8 9 10 gallons Water Apply Rate 0.6 0.72 0.84 0.96 1.08 1.2 ft/min cfm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm Notes *woodchips only *derived from MC equation *in wood chip layer at any given time *lava rock only *from research RamirexSaenz et al., 2009 *from research Chitwood, et al. 1999 AND Ramirex-Saenz et al., 2009 *derived from MC equation *in lava rock layer at any given time *from research Williams and Miller (1992) *HLR = flow rate / (L*W of bed) *maximum per biofilter *5 to 10 gallons water per 100,000 cubic feet off gas *from research Williams and Miller (1992) Humidification Mollier Diagram Approach Notes Worst Case Scenario Temperature of Incoming Air 35 Relative Humidity of Incoming Air 10% Relative Humidity of Exiting Air 100% Specific Humidity 1 (x_1) 0.0036 Specific Humidity 2 (x_2) 0.01125 Air Flow Rate (v) 5.6634 Density of Incoming Air (rho) 1.146 Water Flow Rate Required Mollier Diagram: *assumed worst case = 95 α΅F kg/kg *from Mollier Diagram kg/kg m3/s kg/ m3 m_w = v * rho (x_2 - x_1) Mass Flow Rate of Water (m_w) Volumetric Flow Rate of Water Volumetric Flow Rate of Water α΅C 0.049650193 0.787 gpm 4.96502E-05 kg/s m3/s *assumed worst case *design for complete saturation *from Mollier Diagram *using a 12000cfm fan *at incoming air temperautre steam-humidifying-air-d_697.html Selecting Nozzle Type and Number Irrigation Manufacturer: Spraying Systems Co. Notes: Spray diamter must be less than 1mm (0.04in) Cumulative flow rate must be less than 1.85gpm Minimuze flow pressure Maximize spray radius Need to cover an area of 12.667*14 = Calculated Irrigation Flow Rate 177.3334 1.84 ft2 gpm Nozzle Properties (based on selection criteria) Manufacturer Category Possible Nozzle Types Capacity Size Orifice Dia. Nom Max Free Passage Dia Pressure Flow Rate Capacity Spray Angle Notes Standard Angle Spray G, GG, HH, GD, GGD 1 0.031 0.025 in in 20 psi 58 degrees 0.14 gpm *size of foreign particle that is allows to pass *entire angle of cone Approach 1 Number of Nozzles Needed Calculated Height of Nozzles 13.16 3.3 nozzles ft Approach 2 Choose Height of Nozzles Calculated Coverage of Each Nozzle Number of Nozzles Needed to Cover Total Area Suggested Number of nozzles Flow Rate of Each Nozzle 3 11.06 16.03 16 0.115 ft ft2 nozzles gpm * based on flow rate capacity and flow rate needed Selecting Nozzle Type and Number Humidification Total Cross Sectional Area Calculated Humidification Flow Rate Manufacturer: Spraying Systems Co. 40.83 47.22 ft2 gph Nozzle Properties (based on selection criteria) Fine Spray Nozzle - Hydraulic Manufacturer Category Atomizing Nozzles Possible Nozzle Types Capacity Size Orifice Dia Nom Pressure Flow Rate Capacity Spray Angle (small drops without compressed air) LN, LNN, LND, LNND, N, NN, M 18 0.076 300 49 86 in psi gph degrees *entire angle of cone nozzles * based on flow rate capacity and flow rate needed Approach 1 Number of Nozzles Needed Calculated Height of Nozzles 0.549 4.624 ft Approach 2 Choose Height of Nozzles Calculated Coverage of Each Nozzle Number of Nozzles Needed to Cover Total Area Suggested Number of nozzles Flow Rate of Each Nozzle 10 347.83 0.12 1 47.2184 ft ft2 nozzles gph Appendix O – CWP Wastewater Temperature Table 1. Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations Location Splitter Box Carbon Adsorber Hydrogen Sulfide (ppmv) Average 2.72 6.26 Maximum 21.7 22 Table 2.Water Temperature 2013-2015 Avg. Temp (F) 60 Max. Temp (F) 70 Min. Temp (F) 50 Table 3. Inlet Air Temp at Carbon Adsorber (11/19/15-1/4/16) Avg. Temp (F) 48.0 Max. Temp (F) 59.7 Min. Temp (F) 26.9 Frequency Histogram Water Temperature 2013-2015 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Water Temperature (F) Figure 1. Hydrogen Sulfide Readings 12/21/15-12/30/15 Appendix P – Ductwork Heat Loss Calculations Using Longest Pipe Stretch Notes Calculate Surface Area of Pipe Inner Pipe Diameter (Di) Inner Perimeter of Pipe Length of Pipe (longest distance) Surface Area of Pipe 0.762 m 124.72 m 2.39 298.57 m m2 Calculate Mass Flow Rate of Air Air Flow Rate (v) Density of Incoming Air (rho_air) Mass Flow Rate of Air (m_dot_air) 5.66 m3/s 6.99 kg/s 1.2348 kg/m3 *using a 12000cfm fan, use flow rate at exit *at incoming air temperature, assume atmospheric pressure Process of Calculating Heat Loss: Calculate the Log Mean Temperature based on an assumed outlet temperature Calculate Heat Loss based on convective heat transfer and the calculated Log Mean Temperature Calculate Heat Loss based on the heat capacity of air using the assumed outlet temperature Iterative Process - change the assume outlet temperature until the two values for Heat Loss match Calculate Heat Loss based on Convective Heat Transfer * convective heat transfer Initial Air Temperautre (T_air_in) 285.93 K Surface Area of Pipe (A) 298.57 m2 Ambient Air Temperature (T_amb) Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Air (h) Guess Outlet Temperautre (Inlet to Biofilter) (T_air_out) Calculated Log Mean Temperature (T_LM) Calculated Convective Heat Loss (Q) Calculate Heat Loss based on Heat Capacity of Air Specifict Heat Capacity of Air (C_p_air) Mass Flow Rate of Air (m_dot_air) Initial Air Temperautre (T_air_in) Guess Outlet Temperautre (Inlet to Biofilter) (T_air_out) Calculated Heat Loss based on Heat Capacity of Air (Q) 249.82 100 250.335 8.385917 250375.3 1005 6.993129 285.928 250.335 250151 K W/( m2-K) K K W J/(kg-K) kg/s K K W * 55 deg F * -10 deg F * forced convection, moderate speed flow of air over surface * Q = m_dot_air * C_p_air * (T_air_in T_air_out) * T_LM = ((T_in_air - T_amb) - (T_air_out T_amb)) / (ln((T_air_in - T_amb)/(T_air_out T_amb))) * Q = h * A * T_LM *at incoming air temperautre, assume atmospheric pressure * 55 deg F * Q = m_dot_air * C_p_air *(T_air_in T_air_out) Thickness of Insulation Needed Thermal Conductivity of Insulation (k) Initial Air Temperautre (T_air_in) Ambient Air Temperature (T_amb) Surface Area of Pipe (A) Specifict Heat Capacity of Air (C_p_air) 0.03 285.928 249.817 298.5664 1005 Mass Flow Rate of Air (m_dot_air) Acceptable Outlet Temperature (T_acceptable_out) 6.993129 Thickness of Insulation Needed (t) 0.082773 Acceptable Heat Loss (Q_acceptable) 285.372 3907.62 3.258786 W/(m-K) K K m2 J/(kg-K) kg/s K W m inches * plastics, foamed insulation materials * 55 deg F * -10 deg F *at incoming air temperautre, assume atmospheric pressure * 54 deg F * Q = m_dot_air * C_p_air *(T_air_in T_air_out)