vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION OF THESIS DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR 1 THESIS TITTLE i DECLARATION BY RESEARCHER ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xviii LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 Preface 1 1.1.1 Malaysia Development in General 3 1.1.2 City Development in Malaysia 4 1.1.3 Safe City Concept and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Malaysia 7 1.1.4 The Role of Local Authorities in Safe City Program and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Implementation 9 Problem Statement 10 1.2.1 Kuala Lumpur Crime Index Increase 11 1.2.2 CPTED Implementation in Kuala Lumpur by Kuala Lumpur City Hall 12 viii 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 Research Agenda 12 1.3.1 Research Aims 12 1.3.2 Research Assumption 12 1.3.3 Research Questions 13 1.3.4 Research Objectives 13 Research Methodology 13 1.4.1 Stage 1 : Preliminary Study 14 1.4.2 Stage 2 : Literature Review 14 1.4.3 Stage 3 : Data Collection 14 1.4.4 Stage 4 : Method of Analysis 15 1.4.5 Stage 5 : Findings and Summary 17 Research Significance 17 1.5.1 Benefit to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall 17 1.5.2 Benefit to the Public People in Kuala Lumpur 17 1.6 Case Study of Kuala Lumpur City Hall 18 1.7 Research Scope 18 1.8 Thesis Structure 19 1.9 Summary 20 LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT OF 2.0 Introduction 21 2.1 The City Planning 21 2.1.1 City Growth and Urbanization 22 2.1.2 The City’s Function and Living in a City 24 2.1.3 Urbanization and Population Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur 2.2 Growth in 25 2.1.4 Local Agenda 21 27 2.1.5 Sustainable Development, Safety and Crime 28 2.1.6 Sustainable Development in Malaysia 30 Urban Crime Concept 31 2.2.1 Definition of Crime 32 2.2.2 Urban Crime 33 2.2.3 The Crime Pattern 34 2.2.4 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 34 ix 2.3 2.4 2.2.5 Crime Scenario Worldwide 35 2.2.6 Crime Scenario in Malaysia 36 Safe City Concept 38 2.3.1 Home Zone Concept 39 2.3.2 40 Environmental Safety Concept 2.3.3 Defensible Space Concept 40 2.3.4 The Utopia Concept 41 2.3.5 Global Peace Index (GPI) 42 2.3.6 Global Peace Indicator 43 2.3.7 The Implementation of Safe City Program 45 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) 47 2.4.1 Build Environmental and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Principles 48 2.4.2 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Implementation Worldwide 51 2.4.3 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Implementation in Malaysia 52 2.5 Policy Implementation and Successful Implementation 53 2.6 Importance of Implementers 55 2.7 Models of Policy Implementation 57 2.7.1 Van Meter and Van Horn’s Implementation Process (1974) Policy 58 2.7.2 Mazmanian and Sabatier’s Statutory Approach 1989 59 2.7.3 Winter’s Systematic Limited Framework 1990 60 2.7.4 Hasenfeld and Brock’s Political Economy Model 1991 61 2.8 Previous Studies on Policy Implementation 62 2.9 Important of Implementer Factors 65 2.10 The Selection of Analytical Factors 67 2.10.1 Organization Factors 69 2.10.2 Implementers Factors 71 2.11 Proposed Theoretical Frameworks 74 2.12 Conclusion 75 x 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 76 3.2 Research Process 76 3.3 Research Scope 77 3.4 Research Phases 78 3.5 Research Design 79 3.6 Research Method of the Study 83 3.6.1 Quantitative Approach 84 3.7 Questionnaire Survey Design 85 3.8 Pilot Survey 88 3.8.1 Quantitative Analysis 90 3.8.2 Data Analysis Method 90 3.9 Descriptive Analysis 91 Index Construction 91 Chi Square Test for Relatedness 92 Correlation Cramer V 93 Correlation Spearman R 93 Multiple Respond Technique 94 Qualitative Approach 95 3.9.1 In Depth Interview 95 3.9.2 96 Research Respondents in the In Depth Interview In Depth Interview Instruments 97 3.9.3 Documents or Content Analysis 98 3.9.4 Qualitative Analysis 100 3.10 Validity and Reliability of Data 101 3.10.1 Validity and Reliability of Quantitative Data 101 3.10.2 Validity and Reliability of Qualitative Data 102 3.11 Sampling Frame 103 3.12 Sampling Procedure 103 3.13 Sample Size 107 3.14 Conclusion 108 xi 4 INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY: KUALA LUMPUR CITY HALL 4.1 Introduction 110 4.2 Introduction of Kuala Lumpur 110 4.2.1 111 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 Development and Population of Kuala Lumpur The Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH) 113 4.3.1 Organizational and Departments in Kuala Lumpur City Hall 113 Development Plans by Kuala Lumpur City Hall 115 4.4.1 Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 116 4.4.2 Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 117 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Policies in Kuala Lumpur 4.5.1 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Policies by The Federal Department of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia The Implementation of Safety Design Aspect by Kuala Lumpur City Hall 118 Conclusion 121 119 121 FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN BY KUALA LUMPUR CITY HALL AND THE LEVEL OF AWARENESS 5.1 Introduction 122 5.2 Approach to Analysis 122 5.3 Profile of Respondents 125 5.4 Factors that Contribute to the Effectiveness and Hinder the Successfulness of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Implementation by Kuala Lumpur City Hall 128 5.4.1 Awareness 128 5.4.2 Knowledge and Understanding 135 5.4.3 Commitment 140 5.4.4 Communication 142 5.4.5 Capability and Capability 145 5.4.6 Cooperation 148 5.4.7 Resources 150 xii 5.5 6 7 5.4.8 Monitoring System 153 5.4.9 Ability and Skills 155 5.4.10 Attitude 156 Conclusion 158 LEVEL OF CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION BY KUALA LUMPUR CITY HALL 6.1 Introduction 161 6.2 Approach to Analysis 161 6.3 Level of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Implementation in Kuala Lumpur 161 6.3.1 Physical Planning and Design Aspect 163 6.3.2 System and Safety Equipment 168 6.3.3 Management and Maintenance 169 6.4 Discussion 170 6.5 Conclusion 172 CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction 173 7.2 Research Limitation 173 7.3 Summary of Research Findings 174 7.3.1 Factors Influence the Successful Implementation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design by Kuala Lumpur City Hall Implementers 175 Lack of Communication Organization Implementers 176 Lack of Organization Implementer’s Awareness and 176 Lack of Knowledge and Understanding of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Concept and Implementation 177 Lack of Ability and Skill Implementers in Crime Prevention Through 178 Effective between the and the xiii Environmental Implementation 7.4 7.5 Design Lack of Cooperation Between Agencies 178 Lack of Effective Monitoring system 179 7.3.2 Factors That Hinder the Successful Implementation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 179 7.3.3 Level of Awareness of Implementers in Kuala Lumpur City Hall 180 7.3.4 Level of Implementation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design by Implementers in Kuala Lumpur City Hall 180 Recommendations 181 7.4.1 Effective Communication 181 7.4.2 Organization and Implementer’s Awareness 182 7.4.3 182 7.4.4 Knowledge And Understanding on CPTED Concept Ability and Skill in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Implementation 7.4.5 Cooperation between Agencies 184 7.4.6 Effective Monitoring System 184 183 Research Contribution 185 7.5.1 Contribution to Theory 185 7.5.2 Contribution to Practice 186 7.6 Recommendation for Further Research 187 7.7 Conclusion 188 REFERENCES 189 Appendices A - E 205 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLES NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Crime Case in Malaysia from 1970 to 2006 2 1.2 Total population and urban population of Malaysia 2000 – 2010 6 2.1 Pattern of Crime 34 2.2 Matrix of Literature Review Study on Factor of Successful Policy Implementation 68 2.3 The Successful Factors Likely to Influence CPTED Implementation in Kuala Lumpur from Literature Review 74 3.1 Case Study on Research Method by Previous Scholars 83 3.2 List of Respondents in Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya 89 3.3 Improvements Made After the Pilot Survey 89 3.5 Correlation Cramer V Measurement 93 3.6 Correlation Spearmen R Measurement 94 3.7 Document of Research Instrument on Development 100 3.8 List of Population Departments 105 3.9 List of Respondent in Kuala Lumpur City Hall 106 3.10 Sample Size for ±3%, ±5%, ±7% and ±10% Precision Levels Where Confidence Level is 98% and P=.5 108 3.11 Table for Determining Sample Size from a Given Population 108 from Selected Technical xv 4.1 Kuala Lumpur Population Growth by Year 2020 111 5.1 Research Objectives 123 5.2 List of Factors Measurement 124 5.3 List of Implementers’ Background Factors 125 5.4 Summative Index on Awareness Factor 129 5.5 An Index on Awareness Factor 130 5.6 Awareness Crosstabulation With Implementers’ Post 131 5.7 Relationship between the Implementers’ Post and Awareness Factor 131 5.8 Measurement on the Degree of the Relationship Between the Implementers’ Post and Awareness Factor 131 5.9 Implementers’ Awareness On Year Of CPTED Implementation in Kuala Lumpur 132 5.10 Percentage of Implementers’ (Officer Level) Awareness on Year of CPTED Implementation In Kuala Lumpur 133 5.11 Summative Index on Knowledge and Understanding Factor 136 5.12 An Index on Knowledge And Understanding Factor 137 5.13 Relationship Between the Implementers’ Grade and Knowledge and Understanding on CPTED Principle 139 5.14 Measurement on the Strength of the Relationship for Implementers’ Grade and Knowledge and Understanding on CPTED Principle 139 5.15 Relationship between the Implementers’ Grade and CPTED Knowledge and Understanding on Natural Surveillance 139 5.16 Measurement on the Strength of the Relationship for Implementers’ Grade and CPTED Knowledge and Understanding on Natural Surveillance 139 5.17 Summative Index on Communication Factor 143 xvi 5.18 Significant Relationship between the Implementers’ Post and Communication 143 5.19 Measurement on the strength of the implementers’ post and communication 143 5.20 Correlation on the Establishment of CPTED Unit and Development Plan Scope of Work 146 5.21 Measurement on the Strength of the Establishment of CPTED Unit and Development Plan scope of work 146 5.22 Correlation on the Financial Resources and Evaluation of Development Plan in Implementers’ Scope Of Work Factor 152 5.23 Measurement on the Strength of the Financial Resources and Evaluation of Development Plan in Implementers’ Scope of Work Factor 152 5.24 Correlation of the Attitude Factor with Implementers’ Scope of Work on Development Plan Evaluation 157 5.25 Measurement on the Strength of the Relationship between Attitude and Development Plan Scope of Work 157 6.1 Implementation of CPTED by KLCH 162 6.2 Total Number Implementation 7.1 Research Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Respondents on CPTED 171 185 xvii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Crime Index per 100 000 In Malaysia from 1980 – 2010 1 1.2 Article on Safe City Program 7 1.3 Research Issues Development 11 1.4 Crime Index In Kuala Lumpur from 2004 – 2012 11 1.5 Research Structure 20 2.1 City Planning Components 22 2.2 Numbers of Town Centers from 1911 to 2000 in Peninsular Malaysia 26 2.3 Collaboration of sectors in Local Agenda 21 28 2.4 Sustainability Development Concept 28 2.5 Nested Sustainability 29 2.6 Selected Quality of Life Indicator 1990-2004 31 2.7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 35 2.8 Urban Population, Growth Rate and Urbanization Percentage 36 2.9 Crime Lab Representatives in October 2009 37 2.10 Overall Index Crime in Recent Years 38 2.11 The Safest Country in the World by Global Peace Index 2010 42 2.12 Global Peace Indicator 2010 43 2.13 Safe City Aims 44 xviii 2.14 Separation of Pedestrian Walkway at Jalan Ampang 45 2.15 Safe City Initiatives to Promote Crime Prevention 46 2.16 Major Factors of Successful CPTED implementation 67 2.17 The Arch of Successful Policy Implementation 73 2.18 Theoretical Framework on Factors That May Influence the Successful Implementation of CPTED by KLCH 75 3.1 Research Process 77 3.2 Diagrammatic Representation of the Research Design 79 3.3 Awareness on CPTED Implementation by Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya 90 3.4 Organizational Chart of Kuala Lumpur City Hall 104 3.5 Formula to Calculate the Sample Size 107 4.1 Population Employment of Kuala Lumpur by Year 2020 111 4.2 Projected Population and Crime Rate in Malaysia 1980 – 2004 112 4.3 Kuala Lumpur City Hall Organization Chart Year 2012 114 4.4 Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 116 4.5 Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 117 4.6 CPTED Policy in DKLCP 2020 119 4.7 CPTED Implementation Guide by FDTCP 120 5.1 Percentage of Implementers’ Position in KLCH 126 5.2 Percentage on Implementers’ Grade in KLCH 126 5.3 Implementers’ Education Level in KLCH 126 5.4 Implementers’ Working Period in KLCH 127 5.5 Implementers’ Gender in KLCH 127 5.6 Implementers’ Scope of Work in KLCH 127 5.7 Percentage on Implementers’ Awareness on CPTED Implementation for Question Asked in Questionnaire 129 xix 5.8 Implementers’ Awareness Level on CPTED Implementation 130 5.9 Percentage on Implementers’ Awareness on Year of CPTED Implementation in Kuala Lumpur 132 5.10 Knowledge and Understanding on CPTED 136 5.11 Implementers’ Knowledge And Understanding Level of CPTED Principle 137 5.12 Value of CPTED Concept Answered by the KLCH Implementers 138 5.13 Implementation of CPTED by the Individual 140 5.14 Year of CPTED Implementation by Implementers in KLCH 141 5.15 Sources of CPTED Information Received by the Implementers 142 5.16 The Important of Promoting CPTED Policy by the Implementers 144 5.17 The Important of Establishment on CPTED Special Unit by the Implementers 145 5.18 The Important Development in 147 5.19 The Important of Having Cooperation with other Agencies 149 5.20 Importance of Financial Resources 151 5.21 Legal Documents Used by the Implementers 153 5.22 The Important of Monitoring System in Development Stages According to the Implementers 154 5.23 Important Having Courses for Ability and Skill Development 155 5.24 Important Having Development Workshop for Ability and Skill 155 5.25 Implementers’ Respond on Willing to Implement CPTED in Scope of Work 157 6.1 Likert Scale Score Value 162 Imposing CPTED Condition xx 6.2 Implementation during Planning Layout 163 6.3 Implementation during Building Design 165 6.4 Implementation on Accessibility and Pedestrian Network 166 6.5 Implementation on Landscape and Urban Design Elements 167 6.6 Implementation of Car Park Area 168 6.7 Implementation of Lighting 168 6.8 Implementation of Safety Equipment 169 6.9 Implementation of Management and Maintenance 170 7.1 Factors Influencing CPTED by KLCH Successful Implementation of 175 xxi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CPTED Crime Prevention through Environmental Design DBKL Kuala Lumpur City Hall FDTCP Federal Department of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia RMP Royal Malaysian Police CPPS Centre For Public Policy Studies DEB New Economic Policy DPN National Development Policy EPU Economic Planning Unit NKRA National Key Results Area MCPF Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation NGO Non-Government Organization GTP Government Transformation Program LA21 Local Agenda 21 MHLG Ministry of Housing and Local Government EPU Economic Planning Unit MQLI Malaysia Quality of Life GPI Global Peace Indicator KLSP 2020 Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 DKLCP 2020 Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 CCTV Closed-Circuit Television PMD Prime Minister’s Department xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A Pilot Survey Questionnaire B Questionnaire C In Depth Question D Analysis Check List R.Q 1 And R.Q 2 E Analysis Check List R.Q 4