vii TABLE O F CO NTEN T C H A PTE R NO. 1 T IT L E PAGE D ECLA RA TIO N ii D ED ICA TIO N iii A C K N O W LED G EM EN T iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE O F C O NTEN T vii LIST O F TABLE xvii LIST O F FIG U R E xx LIST O F A PPEN D IC ES xxii IN TRO D U C TIO N 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Research Background 2 1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Research Aims 5 1.5 Research Objective 5 1.6 Research Question 5 1.7 Research Gap 6 1.8 Scope o f Study 9 1.9 Research Methodology 10 1.10 Underpinning Theory 11 1.11 Significance of Research 11 1.12 Structure of Thesis 12 1.13 Summary 13 viii 2 LITER A TU R E R EV IEW 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Learning Environment 15 2.3 Library 16 2.4 2.5 2.3.2 Definition o f library 17 2.3.3 Library Typologies 17 2.3.4 Faculties and services in library 17 2.3.5 Importance of Library 19 2.3.6 Library Design 19 Principle of Design 21 2.4.1 Color 22 2.4.2 Shape 23 2.4.3 Texture 24 2.4.4 Line 26 Visual Representation 27 2.5.1 Painting 28 2.5.2 Photography 29 2.5.3 Decoration 31 2.5.4 Word 32 2.6 Definition of nature 33 2.7 Effect o f Nature on H uman's Health 34 2.8 Place Attachment Definition 36 2.9 Place Attachment and Nature 38 2.10 Place Attachment in Learning Environment 39 2.11 Place Attachment and Familiarity 40 2.12 Sustainable Design and Place Attachment 40 2.13 Attention Restoration 41 2.13.1 Introduction 41 2.13.2 Attention Restoration Components 42 2.13.3 Effect of Natural Environment on Attention Restoration 43 2.14 Familiarity and Attention Restoration 44 2.15 Emotion 45 ix 3 2.16 Summary 45 R ESEA RC H M ETH O D O LO G Y 47 3.1 Introduction 47 3.2 Research Design and Method 48 3.3 Research Survey Design 50 3.4 Procedure of Research 50 3.5 Exploratory Survey 51 3.6 Questionnaire Design 55 3.7 Pilot Test 55 3.8 Final Questionnaire 56 3.9 Photo Representation 57 3.10 Stimulus Material 58 3.11 Stimulus Consideration 58 3.12 Instruments 59 3.13 Measurement Scale 60 3.13.1 Research variables 60 3.13.2 Measurement Scale of Research Variables 61 Nominal Scale 61 Ordinal Scale 62 Interval Scale 62 Ratio scale 63 3.14 Survey 63 3.14.1 Study Area 64 3.14.2 Sample Size 65 Probability Sampling 65 Non - Probability Sampling 66 3.14.3 Selection o f Respondents 67 3.14.4 Survey Procedure 68 3.15 Data processing and Analysis 3.15.1 Cramer's V 68 70 3.15.2 One-Way Analysis o f Variance (ANOVA) 71 x 4 3.16 Content Analysis 72 3.17 Summary 74 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 75 4.1 Introduction 75 4.2 Demographic Analysis 76 4.2.1 Gender o f Respondents 77 4.2.2 Age of Respondents 78 4.2.3 Academic Status of Respondents 78 4.2.4 Average Number of Visits the Library 4.3 per Month 78 4.2.5 Average Time Spent in library per Visit 78 4.2.6 Time length o f Familiarity with Library 79 4.2.7 The Reason for Using the Library 79 Visual Representation o f Nature (question 8 to 19) 4.4 79 4.3.1 Components o f Nature (question8) 81 4.3.2 Attributes o f Nature (question 9) 81 4.3.3 Visual Representation of Nature (question14) 81 4.3.4 Color (question10) 83 4.3.5 Shape (question11) 83 4.3.6 Texture (question 12) 83 4.3.7 Line (question 13) 83 4.3.8 Painting (question 15) 84 4.3.9 Photography (question16) 84 4.3.10 Decoration (question17) 84 4.3.11 Word (question18) 84 Emotion Caused by Visual Representation of Nature (question19) 4.5 85 Place Attachment and Attention Restoration (question 20 and 21) 85 4.5.1 Place Attachment 86 Place Dependence 86 xi Statement 1: (I feel I belong strongly to this library) 86 (Statement 2): I am very attached to this library 87 Overall Analysis 87 Affective Attachment 88 (Statement 1): I strongly enjoy studying in this library 88 (Statement 2): I strongly prefer to study in this library 88 Overall Analysis 89 Place Identity 89 (Statement 1): I have a very special connection to this library 89 (Statement 2): This library is very special to me 90 Overall Analysis 91 General Conclusion 91 Attention Restoration 92 Fascination 92 (Statement 1): I feel like I am in another place not in the library because looking at nature is peaceful 92 (Statement 2): I feel I am absorbed in these surroundings. 93 Overall Analysis 93 xii 4.5.2 2 Escape (Statement 1): I feel I Am in a Different Setting and Away From my Study 94 2 (Statement 2): It Takes me Away From the Library and Allows me to Clear my Head 94 3 Overall Analysis 95 4.5.2 3 Interaction 96 (Statement 1): It allows me to Relate with Other Students to Share Skills and Providing Guidance which is Helpful 96 2 (Statement 2): I feel to meet other students 96 3 Overall Analysis 97 4.5.2 4 General Conclusion 4.6 94 97 Correlation between Component of Nature and Variables Namely Attributes o f Nature, Visual Representation o f Nature and Respondent's Emotion (question 9 to 19) 4.6.1 99 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Attributes of Nature 4.6.2 Study o f Correlation between Components o f Nature and Color 4.6.3 100 Study o f Correlation between Components o f Nature and Shape 4.6.4 99 103 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Texture 103 xiii 4.6.5 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Line 4.6.6 104 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Visual Representation o f Nature 4.6.7 105 Study of Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Painting 4.6.8 105 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Photography 4.6.9 106 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Decoration 107 4.6.10 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Word 107 4.6.11 Study o f Correlation between Components of Nature and Type of Emotion 109 4.6.12 Summary o f the Questionnaire's Components o f Nature-Related Information Analysis 4.7 Correlation between Respondents' Gender and Question 8 To 19 4.7.1 109 Summary o f the Questionnaire's Gender-Related Information Analysis 4.8 109 110 Correlation between Respondents' Age and Question 8 to 19 4.8.1 110 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Components of Nature 110 xiv 4.8.2 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Attributes of Nature 4.8.3 Study of Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type o f Color 4.8.4 113 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type o f Line 4.8.7 112 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type o f Texture 4.8.6 112 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type o f Shape 4.8.5 111 114 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Visual Representation o f Nature 4.8.8 115 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type of Painting 4.8.9 117 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type of Photography 117 4.8.10 Study of Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type of Decoration 118 4.8.11 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type o f Word 118 4.8.12 Study o f Correlation between Respondents' Age and Type of Emotion 119 4.8.13 Summary o f the Questionnaire's AgeRelated Information Analysis 4.9 121 Correlation between Respondents' Academic Status and Question8 To 19 121 xv 4.9.1 Summary o f the Questionnaire's Academic Status -Related Information Analysis 121 4.10 Comparison o f Mean Place Attachment and Mean Familiarity (Number o f Visits, Time Spent per Visit, Time Length o f Familiarity with Library) 122 4.10.1 Comparison of Mean Place Attachment and M ean Number o f Visits per M onth 122 4.10.2 Comparison of Mean Place Attachment and M ean Time Spent per Visit 124 4.10.3 Comparison of Mean Place Attachment and M ean Time Length of Familiarity with Library 125 4.11 Comparison of Mean Attention Restoration and Mean Familiarity (Number of Visits, Time Spent per Visit, Time Length o f Familiarity with Library) 126 4.11.1 Comparison of Mean Attention Restoration and Mean Number of Visits 126 4.11.2 Comparison of Mean Attention Restoration and Mean Time Spent per Visit 126 4.11.3 Comparison of Mean Attention Restoration Mean Time Length of Familiarity with Library 127 4.12 Analysis o f Open Ended Questions 128 4.13 Discussion 129 4.13.1 Gender, Age, Academic status, Familiarity 129 4.13.2 Most Preferred Component o f Nature, Attribute of Nature and Visual Representation of Nature 130 xvi 4.13.3 The Effect o f Visual Representation o f Nature on Place Attachment 134 4.13.4 The Effect o f Visual Representation o f Nature on Attention Restoration 135 4.13.5 The Relationship o f Components of Nature with Attributes of Nature and Visual Representation o f Nature 136 4.13.6 Relationship between Components of Nature and Students ' Emotion 137 4.13.7 Significant Difference between Place Attachment and Varying Degrees of Familiarity 137 4.13.8 Significant Difference between Attention Restoration and Varying Degrees o f Familiarity 138 4.13.9 Relationship o f Individual Attributes (Gender, Age, Academic Status) with Variables Namely Components of Nature, Attributes of Nature, Visual Representation o f Nature and Student's Emotion. 5 References A PPENDIX 138 4.14 Conceptual Model 139 CO NCLUSIO N 145 5.1 Introduction 145 5.2 Limitation of Research 145 5.3 Conclusion 146 152 174-180 xvii LIST O F TABLE TABLE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Review o f previous researches on bringing plants into indoor places 7 Review of previous researches on interior design of library 8 1.3 Underpinning theories 11 3.1 Applied analysis corresponding to objective 1.2 each individual 70 4.1 Demographic information of respondents 77 4.2 Attributes of components of nature, attributes of nature and visual representations of nature 80 Frequencies o f o f components o f nature, attributes of nature and visual representations of nature 80 4.4 Frequencies of most preferred attributes of nature 82 4.5 Frequencies of most preferred Visual Representation' s variables 82 Summary o f the proposed impact o f visual representation of nature on respondents' place attachment and attention restoration 98 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and attributes of nature 99 Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between components of nature and attributes of nature 100 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f color 101 Descriptive specifications o f correlation analyze between components of nature and type of color 102 4.3 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 xviii 4.11 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f shape 103 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f texture 104 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f line 104 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and visual representation o f nature 105 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f painting 106 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f photography 106 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f decoration 107 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f word 108 Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between components o f nature and type o f word 108 Correlation analyze, relationship between components of nature and type o f emotion 109 Correlation between respondents' age and components of nature 111 Correlation between respondents' age and attributes of nature 111 4.23 Correlation between respondents' age and type o f color 112 4.24 Correlation between respondents' age and type o f shape 112 4.25 Correlation between respondents' age and type o f texture 113 4.26 Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between respondents' age and type o f texture 114 4.27 Correlation between respondents' age and type o f line 115 4.28 Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between respondents' age and type o f line 115 Correlation between respondents' representation o f nature 116 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.29 age and visual xix 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between respondents' age and visual representation o f nature 116 Correlation between respondents' painting age and type of 117 Correlation between respondents' photography age and type of Correlation between respondents' decoration age and type of 117 118 4.34 Correlation between respondents' age and type o f word 118 4.35 Correlation between respondents' emotion 119 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.45 4.46 4.47 age and type of Descriptive specifications of correlation analyze between respondents' age and type o f emotion 120 Comparison o f mean test (ANOVA) Attachment and Number o f Visits 122 for Place Descriptive statistics o f inter-group mean for Place Attachment and Number o f Visits 123 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) Attachment and Time Spent per Visit for 124 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) Attachment and Time Spent per Visit for Place Place 124 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) for Place Attachment and Time Lengthof Familiarity with Library 125 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) for Attention Restoration and Number o f Visits 126 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) for Attention Restoration and Time Spent per Visit 127 Comparison of mean test (ANOVA) for Attention Restoration and Time Length o f Familiarity with Library 127 Observed keywords respondent's emotion 128 in open ended question level o f familiarity o f students with the library for 130 xx LIST O F FIG U R E FIG U R E NO. T IT L E PAGE 1.1 Diagram o f Research methodology 10 2.1 Hue and secondary colors (Malcolm,1972) 22 2.2 Free-form shapes (Johnson, 1995) 23 2.3 Geometric shapes (Johnson, 1995) 23 2.4 Decorative texture (Wong, 1993) 25 2.5 Spontaneous texture (Wong, 1993) 26 2.6 Mechanical texture (Wong, 1993) 26 2.7 Vertical Line Horizontal Line Curved line 27 3.1 The number o f students o f UTM answered question 1 52 3.2 The number o f students o f UTM answered question2 53 3.3 The number o f students o f UTM answered question3 53 3.4 The number o f students o f UTM answered question4 54 3.5 The number o f students o f UTM answered question 5 54 4.1 Respondents emotion caused by visual representation o f nature 85 4.2 I feel I belong strongly to this library 86 4.3 I am very attached to this library 87 4.4 I strongly enjoy studying in this library 88 4.5 I strongly prefer to study in this library 89 xxi 4.6 I have a very special connection to this library 90 4.7 This library is very special to me 91 4.8 I feel like I am in another place not in the library because looking at nature is peaceful 92 4.9 I feel I am absorbed in these surroundings 93 4.10 I feel I am in a different setting and away from my study 94 4.11 It takes me away from the library and allows me to clear my head 95 It allows me to relate with other students to share skills and providing guidance which is helpful 96 4.13 I feel to meet other students 97 4.14 Visit the library per month 123 4.15 Time Spent per visit 125 4.16 (1)(2) 133 4.17 Conceptual model o f this study 141 4.18 Relationship o f components o f nature, attributes of nature and visual representations o f nature with students' personal attributes 4.12 144 xxii LIST O F A PPEN D ICES APPENDIX T ITLE PAGE A1 Questionnaire 174 A2 Statistic Tables 180