Health Final Review Mental/Emotional Health (Chapters 1, 3, 4)

Health Final Review
Mental/Emotional Health (Chapters 1, 3, 4)
Leading causes of death
Six components of health as defined by the World Health Organization
Influences on “Wellness”
Four ways society addresses health issues.
Passive communication
Aggressive communication
Assertive communication
Tone of voice
“I” messages
Characteristics of a mentally healthy person
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Define stress and stressors
Types of stressors
Fight or Flight Response
Eustress vs. Distress
Long term stress related problems
General Adaptation Syndrome – Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
Managing Stress
Nutrition/Weight Management (Chapters 7 & 8)
Define: Nutrition, Nutrients, Metabolism, Calorie
6 Essential Nutrients – Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein, Vitamin, Mineral, Water
How many calories per gram in each nutrient?
Simple carbohydrate vs complex carbohydrate
Saturated vs Unsaturated Fat
Fat-soluble vs water-soluble
Common minerals – Salt, Iron, Calcium
Common Vitamins – B12, C, D
Food Pyramid
What does FDA stand for and what do they do?
Food Labels – What is on them and how is it used?
Food Intolerance
Fad diet
BMR and factors that effect BMR
Lean mass
Health risks of obesity
Drugs & Alcohol (Chapters 9 & 10)
Prescription vs OTC
How drugs enter the body
Path of Addiction
Alcohol affect on the mind/body
Binge Drinking
Legal/social/personal effect of alcoholism/DUI
Tobacco (Chapter 11)
Types of tobacco – smoke, chew, herbal, etc
3 major chemicals causing trouble – carbon monoxide, tar, nicotine
Health related issues with smoking
Side stream/second hand smoke
Quitting – methods, withdrawal, benefits
Drugs of Abuse (Chapter 12)
Types of Drugs and their effects (i.e. stimulants stimulate the CNS)
Long term effects of various drugs (i.e. marijuana deposits THC in the brain, decreasing
memory function)
Withdrawal effects of various drugs
How drugs affect our family/society/etc.
Diseases (Chapters 13 – 21)
Describe the major categories of pathogens
How do pathogens reproduce?
How are infections spread?
How does your body respond to bacterial infections/viral infections?
Which STDs are bacterial/viral/parasitic?
Describe the relationship between HIV and AIDS
Which cells do HIV attack?
What diseases commonly make up the AIDS syndrome?
How can you prevent STDs including HIV at a 100% success rate
What is second best thing to the 100% method?
What is only about 70% effective in preventing STDs including HIV?