i INTEGRATING CONSTRUACTABILITY INTO THE DESIGN PROCESS WOON KAI SIONG A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Construction Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia November, 2006 iii To my beloved mother and father iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my project supervisor, Ir. Dr. Rosli Mohamad Zin of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for his generous advice, patience, guidance and encouragement during the years of my study. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the architect and civil engineers who generously spent their precious time to participate the interview of my project data collection and comment to my work. Their opinions and comments are useful indeed. My seniors and friends, who have provided assistance in arranging the interviews and at various occasions, also deserve my special thanks. Finally, I am most thankful to my parents and family for their support and encouragement given to me unconditionally in taking this project report. Without the contribution of all those mentioned above, this work would not have been possible. v ABSTRACT Constructability is an important element in building project’s design phase, where designers’ personnel play a prominent role to enhance it. Several researchers found that failure of design professional to consider constructability during the design phase can result design reworks, contract changes, delay, increase of cost, and even legal entanglement and claims. The focus of this study is establishment and integration of constructability principles into the current building’s design process. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to determine the local construction industry’s current design process, in order to propose an integration of design constructability review process to that existing design process model, and develop a building design constructability checklist. There are three distinct phases of this study: phase 1 involves literature review and preliminary interview; phase 2 consists of structured interviewing with design professional experts and design process models development; phase 3 comprises of constructability principles integration and the checklist development. The data flow diagram (DFD) is adopted in this study to model those design process flow. Finally, the outcomes of this study are establishment of general building design process model, constructability integrated building design process model and constructability checklist. This checklist acts as a tool, where it is integrated with constructability principles, used for constructability enhancement of the design. However, due to the limitation of time, only a foundation design constructability checklist is developed. vi ABSTRAK Kebolehbinaan merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting pada perinkat rekabentuk suatu projek bangunaan, di mana para pereka memainkan peranan yang penting untuk meningkatkan kebolehbinaan rekabentuk itu. Beberapa ahli penyelidikan mendapati bahawa kegagalan pereka mempertimbangkan kebolehbinaan pada fasa rekabentuk suatu projek boleh menyebabkan perulangan kerja, perubahan kontrak, penundaan, pengingkatan kos, kekusutan undang-undang dan penuntutan ganti rugi. Fokus kajian ini ialah menubuhkan dan mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip kebolehbinaan ke dalam proses rekabentuk banguanan. Maka, objectif kajian ini adalah pengenalpastian proses rekabentuk bangunan tempatan yang semasa ini, supaya ia dapat dicadangkan untuk diintegrasikan dengan proses penilaian kebolehbinaan rekabentuk dan membangunkan satu senarai semakan kebolehbinaan rekabentuk. Kajian ini dilaksanakan dengan melalui tiga fasa yang utama, iaitu: fasa 1 melibatkan kajian literatur dan temuramah awalan; fasa 2 merangkumi temuramah berstruktur dengan pakar profesional dan pembangunan model proses rekabentuk; fasa 3 terdiri daripada integrasi prinsip-prinsip kebolehbinaan dan pembangunan senarai semakan kebolehbinaan rekabentuk. Data flow diagram (DFD) dipakai dalam kajian ini untuk memodelkan aliran-aliran proses rekabentuk itu. Akhirnya, hasil keputusan bagi kajian ini ialah pembangunan satu model am bagi proses rekabentuk bangunan, model proses rekabentuk bangunan yang telah diintegrasikan dan senarai semakan kebolehbinaan rekabentuk. Senarai semakan ini bertindak sebagai satu alat untuk mempertingkatkan kebolehbinaan suatu rekabentuk. Oleh sebab kesuntukan masa, hanya satu senarai semakan kebolehbinaan rekabentuk dibangunkan dalam kajian ini. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE THESIS TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 The Objectives 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Research Methodology 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 6 viii 2.2 Constructability Definitions 7 2.3 Development of the Principles of Constructability 8 2.4 An Overview of Project Life Cycle 17 2.5 Constructability Review in Design 23 2.5.1 The Guidelines 24 2.5.2 Computer Based System 24 2.5.3 Non-computer Based System 26 2.6 Responsibilities of Designers in Constructability 27 Enhancement 2.7 Constructability Principles for the Design Phase 29 2.7.1 Carry Out Thorough Investigation of the Site 30 2.7.2 Design for Minimum Time Below Ground 30 2.7.3 Design for Simple Assembly 32 2.7.4 Encourage Standardisation/Repetition 33 2.7.5 Design for Pre-fabrication, Pre-assembly or 34 Modularisation 2.7.6 Analyse Accessibility of the Jobsite 36 2.7.7 Employ Any Visualisation Tools Such As 3D 39 CAD to Avoid Physical Interference 2.7.8 Investigate Any Unsuspected Unrealistic or 40 Incompatible Tolerances 2.7.9 Investigate the Practical Sequence of 41 Construction 2.7.10 Plan to Avoid Damage to Work by 42 Subsequent Operations 2.7.11 Consider Storage Requirement at the Jobsite 44 2.7.12 Investigate the Impact of Design on Safety 44 During Construction 2.7.13 Design to Avoid Return Visit by Trade 46 2.7.14 Design for the Skills Available 47 2.7.15 Consider Suitability of Designed materials 47 2.7.16 Provide Detail and Clear Design Information 48 2.7.17 Design for Early Enclosure 49 2.7.18 Consider Adverse Weather Effect in Selecting 49 ix Materials or Construction Method 2.8 3 Summary 50 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Phase 1 55 3.2.1 Determine the Objectives and Scope 55 3.2.2 Literature Review 55 3.2.3 Preliminary Interview 56 3.3 3.4 Phase 2 57 3.3.1 The Interview 57 3.3.2 Develop Current Design Process Model 59 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 59 Drawing A Data Flow Diagram 62 Phase 3 63 3.4.1 63 Integrating Constructability into Design Process 3.5 4 3.4.2 Constructability Design Review Checklist 64 3.4.3 Review by Experts 65 Summary 65 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 The Architect Firm #1 67 4.2.1 Model of Architect Firm #A1 69 4.2.2 Additional Information from Architect 72 Firm #A1 4.3 The Consultancy Firm 74 4.3.1 The Consultancy Firm #C1 74 Model of Consultancy Firm #C1 76 x Additional Information from 78 Consultancy Firm #C1 4.3.2 The Consultancy Firm #C2 79 Model of Consultancy Firm #C2 82 Additional Information from 85 Consultancy Firm #C2 4.3.3 The Consultancy Firm #C3 87 Model of Consultancy Firm #C3 89 Additional Information from 92 Consultancy Firm #C3 4.4 5 Summary 94 MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Introduction 96 5.2 The General Building Design Process Model 96 5.3 The Constructability Integrated Building 105 Design Process Model 5.4 6 Summary 110 CHECKLIST DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Introduction 112 6.2 The Development of Design Constructability 112 Checklist 7 6.3 The Discussion 114 6.4 Summary 114 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Introduction 116 xi 7.2 Conclusions 116 7.3 Recommendations for Future Research 118 REFERENCES APPENDICES A – C 120 125 - 139 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Basic selection criteria in determining the interviewees 58 3.2 Components of a data flow diagram for design 60 4.1 The summary of the interviewee #A1 and #C1’s responses 94 4.2 The summary of the interviewee #C2 and #C3’s responses 95 5.1a Inputs and outputs of process 1: preliminary design 102 5.1b Inputs and outputs of process 1: preliminary design 103 (continue) 5.2a Inputs and outputs of process 3: detailed design 103 5.2b Inputs and outputs of process 3: detailed design (continue) 104 5.3 Inputs and outputs of process 2: estimating costs 104 5.4 Inputs and outputs of process 2: review design 110 constructability process 6.1 Item no. 1 of the building design constructability checklist 113 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Schematic of research methodology 5, 54 2.1 The life cycle of a construction project 18 2.2 Constructability cost-influence curve 23 2.3 Building on land reclaimed from sea 31 2.4 Steel-framed system build project: ground-floor plan 38 2.5 Steel beam on block walls 40 2.6 Revised scheme for practical sequence of construction 42 2.7 Typical floor beam with service holes 43 2.8 Two alternative designs for capping of a coal mineshaft 45 2.9 Elevation showing proposed development within an historic 46 terrace 3.1 Schematic of constructability integration into design process 64 4.1a The current building design process model #A1: level 2, 70 preliminary design and detail design 4.1b The current building design process model #A1: level 1 71 4.1c The context diagram of current building design process 72 model #A1: level 0 4.2a The current building design process model #C1: level 2, 77 preliminary design and detail design 4.2b The current building design process model #C1: level 1 77 4.2c The context diagram of current building design process 78 model #C1: level 0 4.3a The current building design process model #C2: level 2, preliminary design and detail design 83 xiv 4.3b The current building design process model #C2: level 1 84 4.3c The context diagram of current building design process 84 model #C2: level 0 4.4a The current building design process model #C3: level 2, 90 preliminary design and detail design 4.4b The current building design process model #C3: level 1 91 4.4c The context diagram of current building design process 91 model #C3: level 0 5.1 The context diagram of general building design process 97 model: level 0 5.2 The general building design process model: level 1 98 5.3 The general building design process model: level 2, 99 preliminary design 5.4 The general building design process model: level 2, 101 detailed design 5.5 The context diagram of constructability integrated building 105 design process model: level 0 5.6 The constructability integrated building design process 106 model: level 2, preliminary design 5.7 The constructability integrated building design process 107 model: level 2, detailed design 5.8 The constructability integrated building design process model: level 1 109 xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A The Interview Questionnaire Form 125 B Building Design Constructability Checklist – 130 Assesment on Foundation C Design Phase’s Constructability Principles That Being Inserted 136 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction In the late of 1970s, the constructability concept emerged and evolved from studies into how improvement can be achieved to increase cost efficiency and quality in the construction industry. Nowadays, constructability concept has been extensively being developed and applied in the USA, UK and later in Australia, where their studies have demonstrated that improved constructability has lead to significant savings in both cost and time required for completing construction projects (Russel et al., 1992a; Jergeas and Van der Put, 2001). However, according to Nima et al. (2001), in Malaysia there are neither reliable documentation nor available sources that detail those constructability concepts and guide their application. Therefore, for those who has site experience certainly has heard the words “how is this going to fit” or “how am I suppose to build this thing”. Such of these on site frustration can often be traced back to design decisions that lacked of knowledge regarding on how the object would be built. It seems that the design process should include constructability input and critiques. However, there still a little or surprisingly no explicit constructability input is provided to the design phase that always leads to frustration mentioned above, slower and more costly construction period and changes. Hence, Malaysian engineers have a disadvantage by not knowing what, when and how they shall enhance the project 2 constructability in design stage, when compared with the engineers in more developed countries. 1.2 Problem Statement In the construction process of a traditional contracting system, it is the A/E’s responsibility to develop a design that able to produce a project that, when it is implemented by the contractor, meets the client’s needs and expectation. However, by the A/E’s very nature, A/Es are not exactly expert in construction means and methods. According to Glavinich (1995), most design drawings and specifications that produced by the design engineers are tend to be performance oriented, specifying an end result and materials, while leaves the means and methods for constructing the work to the contractor. As a result, the reality of construction is that most of the problems encountered in the field are often compounded by inherent design flaws that generated in the design phase. Therefore, it is important to emphasis constructability during the early stage of a design. Besides, many studies (Paulson, 1976; Glavinich, 1995; Mendelsohn, 1997; Nima et al., 1999; Nima et al., 2004) found that integrating constructability knowledge into design processes is the best time to influence project costs, decrease the likelihood of delays, contract change orders due to unforeseen site conditions and legal entanglement and claims. In Malaysia, a study about the implementation of constructability in the Malaysian construction industry has been carried out by Nima et al. (2001). In this study, it was found that there is an acceptance of the majority constructability concepts by the Malaysian engineers from the theoretical point of view. However, they generally did not apply these concepts in their practices, especially during the design phase. One of the reasons is due to current design practice which does not incorporate constructability as part of the design process. Therefore, it is needed to predetermine the current local design process of a building design, before proposing any further design process improvement that integrates constructability concepts. 3 Constructability concept can be implemented in design on several ways. Several researchers have developed develop tools that can be use and to enhance the constructability of project designs (Anderson et al., 2000; Arditi et al., 2002; Navon et al., 2000; Soibelman et al., 2003; Pulaski and Horman, 2005). However, the level of formality of those methods is varied. It is because some of them are very formal as they incorporated the constructability concepts, such as specifying constructability objectives, forming a constructability team and identifying means to obtain constructability input. While, several methods incorporate constructability only through standard design procedures. Nonetheless, constructability improvement tool in the form of checklist is considered to be comprehensive in term of the concepts covered (Rosli, 2004). Suitable constructability checklist for the local construction industry is currently unavailable, therefore, as initially, it is essential to develop a constructability checklist that able to check a design work. 1.3 The Objectives The following are the objectives of this study: a) To determine the local construction industry’s current building design process. b) To propose a model that integrates constructability to the general building design process. c) 1.4 To develop a building design constructability checklist. Scope of Study In this study, three case studies of building projects that are carried under the local traditional contracting system, where its design stage is significantly separated from the construction stage, will be the type of project investigated. 4 Although the constructability concepts can be implemented through the entire project life cycle: i.e. from conceptual planning until construction, however, the study will only focus on the constructability improvement at the design phase. In order to develop the building design constructability checklist, the design phase’s constructability principles identified by Rosli (2004) will be used. Therefore, those principles will not be formulated by the writer in this study. Besides, due to limitation of time, only a sample of building design constructability checklist for foundation assessment I developed fore reviewing and checking the design work. 1.5 Research Methodology Research methodology is a framework for the researcher on how a study is carried out, such as process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting observations. Therefore, Figure 1.1 outlined the research methodology of this study. It is divided into three phases: Phase 1 encompasses literature review and preliminary interview with experts in local construction industry; Phase 2 involves the case studies of current designs process and its constructability issue. After that, a current design process model is developed based on the case studies and lastly, Phase 3 consists of design process improvement by integrating constructability concepts and development of a design review checklist based on a selected work. 5 Determine Objective and Scope Phase 1 Preliminary Interview Literature Review Case Studies - Investigate local current design process - Constructability issue Phase 2 Develop Current Design Process Model Integrating Constructability into Design Process Develop Building Design Constructability Checklist No Review by Experts Yes Conclusion / Recommendation Figure 1.1 : Schematic of research methodology Phase 3 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Implementation of constructability in construction projects can boost an important bearing on the success of the project. Many of the design decisions and solutions made early in the project’s design process affect the construction of the project. Consequently, construction expertise is often required to be incorporated in the design process to improve the constructability of the design. Within last three decade ago, many researchers have utilized the construction knowledge and experience as the constructability input to improve the constructability throughout construction project life cycle. Hence, this chapter reviews some of the constructability definitions and development of constructability principles throughout the project life cycle. Besides, phases involve in the project life cycle are briefly discussed, particularly the design phase, in order to highlight the benefits of implementation of constructability in term of cost. Totally, there are eighteen constructability principles for design phase that derived by Rosli (2004) are discussed. These principles will be used for constructability integration into the current design process and development of a building design constructability checklist, which will be covered in following chapters. 7 2.2 Constructability Definitions Within these several decades, many researchers have defined the constructability term in their studies in a number of ways. However, all of these definitions stress the importance of overall project objectives. Below are some of the constructability definitions that referred from their studies: • In the United Kingdom , the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) was tentatively defined the buildability (constructability) as (CIRIA, 1983): … the extent to which the design of a building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building. • In the United States the constructability term as defined by the Construction Industry Institute (CII, 1986), is the optimum use if construction knowledge and experience in the conceptual planning, engineering, procurement, and field operation phases to achieve the overall project objectives. • Constructability is the optimum integration of construction knowledge and experience in planning, engineering, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives (O’Connor et al., 1987). • Constructability is the ability to construct a building efficiently, economically and tend to agreed quality levels from its constituent materials, components and sub-assemblies (Ferguson, 1989). • Constructability is a measure of the ease or expediency with which a facility can be constructed ( Hugo et al., 1990) 8 • Constructability is often portrayed as integrating construction knowledge, resources, technology and experience into the engineering and design of a project (Anderson et al., 1995). • Fisher and Tatum (1997) were looking for a working definition that directly addressed the design-construction interface. Therefore, they modified the U.K. definition as: Constructability is the extent to which the design of the building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the requirements of construction method (Fisher and Tatum, 1997). • Constructability is the integration of construction expertise into the planning and design of a project so that the construction forces have the maximum opportunity to deliver the project in conformity with cost, quality, schedule and safety objectives of the project’s stakeholders (Mendelsohn, 1997). 2.3 Development of the Principles of Constructability In the last two decade, the construction industry suffered from lack of constructability implementation. This is due to the construction designs were not providing value for money in term of efficiency with which the construction was being executed. Consequently, it has caused many problems such as increased cost and time required for constructing a project, reduced productivity of project personnel and equipment and low quality construction (Nima et al., 2004). Therefore, researchers in United Kingdom, United States and Australia realized the seriousness of this inherent shortcomings and limitation of the traditional owner-designercontractor interaction. Hence, they had conducted numbers of studies regarding to 9 the constructability and suggested the solution to resolve it during the conceptual planning, design, procurement or field operation stages. In the 1970s, research on constructability concepts was conducted in the UK by the CIRIA. The primary aim of the research was to identify those factors in the design of a construction project that have an impact on site construction techniques (Griffith, 1984). From that research, the CIRIA identified seven categories of “Buildability Guidelines” in year 1983, which are: • Carry out thorough investigation and design. • Plan for essential site production requirements. • Plan for a practical sequence of operations and early enclosure. • Plan for simplicity of assembly and logical trade sequence. • Detail for maximum repetition and standardisation. • Detail for achievable tolerances. • Specify robust ad suitable material. As the conclusion of the report, the CIRIA highlighted that three construction parties: the owners, designers and contractors will be benefited form major cost by implementing good constructability, and its achievement depends upon on both designers’ and contractors’ ability to figure out the whole construction process through each others’ eyes. Later, the CIRIA commissioned further research to above tentative “Buildability Principles” and those seven principles were expanded into sixteen more definite “design principles” for practical buildability, that presented by Adam (1989). Some practical examples are used to define and describe each design principle, and all of those practical design examples have been documented. Meanwhile, the sixteen design principles may be briefly state as below: • Investigate thoroughly. • Consider access at the design stage. 10 • Consider storage at the design stage. • Design for minimum time below ground. • Design for early enclosure. • Use suitable materials. • Design for skills available. • Design for simple assembly. • Plan for maximum repetition and/or standardisation. • Maximize the use of plant. • Allow for sensible tolerances. • Allow for a practical sequence of operations. • Avoid return visit by trades. • Plan to avoid change to work by subsequent operations. • Design for safe construction. • Communicate clearly. While, in the US, the Construction Industry Institutes (CII) was established in 1983 with a mission to improve the cost effectiveness, total quality management and international competitiveness of the construction industry. Therefore, the constructability has been a major aim of the CII, where during those periods, parallel with the UK but unrelated studies had been undertaken by several scholars in the United States. Based on the research of Tatum (1987), three principles that could improve constructability during conceptual planning stage have been identified, resulted form fifteen case studies in commercial, industrial and public infrastructure building. They are: • Development of the project plan. • Laying out of the site. • Selection of major construction methods. Besides, the effectiveness of utilization constructability knowledge during the engineering and procurement stage of a project had been examined by O’Connor et al. (1987). In this study, they had conducted some interviews with the project 11 personnel from different organizations. And, information which constructability concept could be derived was acquired by utilizing numbers of data collection method. At a result, it derived seven constructability principles, where constructability during the engineering and procurement phase is enhanced when: • Design and procurement schedules are construction-driven. • Designs are configured to enable efficient construction. • Design elements are standardized and repetition is taken advantage of. • Pre-assembly work is scoped o advance and module and/or pre-assembly design are prepared to facilitate fabrication, transport and installation. • Designs promote the accessibility of manpower, material and equipment. • Designs facilitate construction under adverse weather conditions when they exist. • Specifications are viewed in detail by owner, designer and construction personnel and serve to simplify the field construction process. Furthermore, O’Connor and Davis (1988) also had identified a single prime constructability concept for the construction improvement during the field operations. In the research, from the data that they had obtained through site interviews on fourteen projects, they concluded that: Constructability is enhanced when innovative construction methods are utilized (O’Connor and Davis, 1988). Besides, the study also identified and further discussed seven innovative construction methods that may involve, which is highlighted as below: • Innovative definitive sequencing of field tasks. • Innovative uses of temporary construction materials/system. • Innovative uses of hand tool. • Innovative uses of construction equipment. 12 • Constructor-optional pre-assembly. • Innovative temporary facilities directly supportive of field methods. • Post-bid constructor preferences related to the layout, design and selection of permanent materials. Consequently, the CII in Texas integrated and documented the three studies into the constructability concepts file. Therefore, within in the concepts file, six constructability principles defined for the conceptual planning stage, seven principles for the design and procurement stage and one principle during the field operations stage, which are detailed the whole project life cycle constructability improvement principles. Later, in 1992, CII added three new constructability principles on the previous fourteen principles. Two new principles for constructability improvement during conceptual planning are: • Project teams responsible for constructability are identified early on. • Advanced information technologies are applied throughout project. And, a new constructability principle for the design and procurement stage is: • Design and construction sequencing should facilitate system turn-over and start up. Meanwhile, the Australian CII (CIIA), which it collaborated with the CII in the United State, developed a constructability principles file that suitable for the their context (CIIA, 1993). Twelve principles have been developed and it encourages the project team to apply them where appropriate. Those principles are: • Constructability must be made an integral part of the project plan. • Project planning must actively involve construction knowledge and experience. 13 • The experience, skills and composition o the project team must be appropriate for the project. • Constructability is enhance when the project team gains an understanding of the client’s corporate and project objectives. • The technology pf the design solution must be matched with the skills and resources available. • External factors can affect the cost and/or program of the project. • The overall programme for the project must be realistic and construction sensitive, and have the commitment of the project team. • The project design must consider construction methodology. • Consider construction accessibility in the design and construction stages of the project. • Consider construction efficiency in specification development. • Utilization of innovative technique during construction stage. • Constructability can be enhanced on similar suture projects if a postconstruction analysis is undertaken by the project team. In Malaysia, a pioneer of constructability study in this country has been conducted by Nima (2001). Based on those the above literatures, Nima (2001) had formulated twenty-three constructability concepts that able to contribute improvement to the construction project process, which starting form conceptual planning until the end of the project start-up and construction. Significantly, the constructability concepts for design and procurement phases are also combined as a one stage, which it is similar as the CII. It is because the development of these concepts by Nima (2001) is referred to the CII’s constructability principles mentioned above. According to project stages, the enhancements of project constructability concepts are summarized as follows: 14 • During the conceptual planning phase comprises of Concepts C1 – C7: a) Concept C1: Discuss and document the project constructability program within the project execution plan, thorough the participation of all project team members. b) Concept C2: A project team that includes representatives of the owner, engineer and contractor should be formulated and maintained to take the constructability issue into consideration from the outset of the project and through all of its phases. c) Concept C3: Individuals with current construction knowledge and experience should achieve the early project planning so that interference between design and construction can be avoided. d) Concept C4: The construction methods should be taken into consideration when choosing the type and the number of contracts required for executing the project. e) Concept C5: The master project schedule and the construction completion date should be construction-sensitive and should be assigned as early as possible. f) Concept C6: In order to accomplish the field operations easily and efficiently, major construction methods should be discussed and analyzed in-depth as early as possible to direct the design according to these methods. g) Concept C7: Site layout should be studied carefully so that construction, operation and maintenance can be performed efficiently, and to avoid interference between the activities performed during these phases. 15 • During the design and procurement phases comprises of Concepts C8 – C15: a) Concept C8: Design and procurement schedules should be dictated by construction sequence. Thus, the construction schedule must be discussed and developed prior to the design development and procurement schedule. b) Concept C9: Advanced information technologies are important to any field including the construction industry. Therefore, the use of those technologies will overcome the problem of fragmentation into specialized roles in this field, and enhance constructability. c) Concept C10: Designs, through design simplification by designers and design review by qualified construction personnel, must be configured to enable efficient construction. d) Concept C11: Project elements should be standardized to an extent that will never affect the project cost negatively. e) Concept C12: The project technical specifications should be simplified and configured to achieve efficient construction without sacrificing the level or the efficiency of the project performance. f) Concept C13: The implementation of modularization and preassembly for project elements should be taken into consideration and studied carefully. Modularization and preassembly design should be prepared to facilitate fabrication, transportation and installation. g) Concept C14: Project design should take into consideration the accessibility of construction personnel, materials and equipment to the required position inside the site. h) Concept C15: Design should facilitate construction during adverse weather conditions. Efforts should be made to plan for the construction of the project under suitable weather conditions; 16 otherwise, the designer must increase the project elements that could be prefabricated in workshops. • During the field operations phase comprises of Concepts C16 – C23: a) Concept C16: Field tasks sequencing should be configured in order to minimize damages or rework of some project elements, minimize scaffolding needs, formwork used, or congestion of construction personnel, material and equipment. b) Concept C17: Innovation in temporary construction materials/systems, or implementing innovative ways of using available temporary construction materials/systems that have not been defined or limited by the design drawings and technical specifications. c) Concept C18: Incorporating innovation of new methods in using offthe-shelf hand tools, or modification of the available tools, or introduction of a new hand tools that reduce labour intensity, increase mobility, safety or accessibility. d) Concept C19: Introduction of innovative methods for using the available equipment or modification of the available equipment to increase their productivity. e) Concept C20: Encourage the constructor to use any optional preassembly, reduce the need for scaffolding, or improve the project constructability under adverse weather conditions, in order to increase the productivity. f) Concept C21: Encourage the constructor to carry out innovation of temporary facilities. g) Concept C22: Good contractors, based on quality and time, should be documented, so that contracts for future construction works would not be awarded based on low bids only, but by considering other project attributes, i.e. quality and time. 17 h) Concept C23: Evaluation, documentation and feedback of the issues of the constructability concepts should be maintained throughout the project to be used in later projects as lessons learned. Instead of the Nima’s (2001) constructability concepts, Rosli (2004) also has identified eighteen constructability principles for improvement of the design phase by collaborating of those principles found from those researchers. By the way, “constructability concepts” and “constructability principles” mean a similar thing, where O’Connor et al. (1987) defined it as significant, distinct, and executable objectives for enhancing constructability. Principles or concepts are not specific or unique with respect to project type or organization. They are abstract from the analysis idea. These eighteen constructability principles, which used during the project design phase, are more thorough with respect to ease of construction. Hence, this design phase’s constructability principles are used in this case study for proposing the improvement to existing design process and development of a constructability design review checklist, which they are further discussed in section 2.7. 2.4 An Overview of Project Life Cycle From concept to implementation, stages in the development of building construction project fall into broadly consistent pattern, but the differences is in timing and degree of emphasis each project takes on its own unique character. While in traditional building delivery system, the stages are normally occurred in sequentially. The life cycle of a design/bid/build project comprises of six basic phases, which contribute to developing project from an idea to reality. The phases are concept and feasibility studies, design, procurement, construction or also known as field operations, start-up and implementation, and operation or utilisation, which shown as in Figure 2.1 18 Figure 2.1 The life cycle of a construction project (Adapted from Barrie and Paulson, 1984) First of all, the conceptual planning and feasibility studies phase of a construction project is the recognition of a need for a new facility. Elements of this phase include conceptual analysis, determination of project’s objectives scope and time, technical and economic feasibility studies, traffic impact assessment, and environmental impact reports. Traditionally, this early stage is handled by the owner alone, or by the owner working with consultants knowledgeable of the most important affecting situation. Previously, constructability is not thought of at all at this conceptual stage, but nowadays, due to the competitive and complexity of the project, modern construction demands that constructability is urged to be considered at this early stage. Therefore, to some extent, architect or engineer consultants, design-constructor, or professional construction managers may be involved in this early phase. For example, the owner may request architects to provide early design advice, and construction professionals offer cost and constructability advice. Then, their advice helps an owner make a more informed decision about feasibility of a specific project (Gould and Joyce, 2000). After the concept and feasibility studies, the project will be bring forward to the design phase once the owner has decided to proceed. According to Barrie and Paulson (1984), the design phase consists of two main phases, which are preliminary engineering and design, and detailed engineering and design. Basically in the 19 building project, these phases are domain by architects and design-oriented engineers. However, in order to promote the consideration of constructability in this design phase, the owner’s operation and utilisation knowledge and the field constructor’s experience are need to be more strongly injected at this stage through both direct participation and stringent the design review procedures. Because of this study is focused on the improvement of design process by integrating constructability, therefore it is essential to further review those two phases’ activities involve in this design stage. a) Preliminary Design Preliminary design stresses the development of architectural concepts, evaluation of technological process alternatives, the project size and capacity decisions, and comparative economic studies. To a great extent, these steps evolve directly from the conceptual and feasibility stage, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to see where one leaves off and the other begins (Barrie and Paulson, 1984). Generally, the aim of preliminary design is to define the design criteria, gather all the necessary information, and create a first pass solution which comes as close as possible to fulfilling the requirements laid out in the design process. Hence, the owner may do the site investigation so that he/she can give the designer information about soil conditions and for determination the type of foundation and structure possible for that particular site. Besides, the architect develops preliminary floor plans to reflect the relationships of the various functional areas to one another, and sitting and location of the building, which they are determined as well as its visual form. Thus, the architect has the primary responsibility for preliminary design in building construction. An example illustrated by Barrie and Paulson (1984) that in a high rise building project the preliminary design determines the number and spacing of the stories, the general layout of the service an occupied floor spaces, general functional allocations, as like office space, parking, retail and etc, and the overall design approach. Several design alternatives will 20 need to be decided in this stage too, such as the choice between bolted structural-steel frame or a reinforced-concrete structure. Further refinements determine whether the structure will be cast in-situ concrete or precast. Hence, any decision take by the designers in this stage, give significant influence and impact to the project constructability, cost and its following project life cycle phases. Once this preliminary engineering and design are complete, there is generally an extensive review process before the commencement of detailed work. b) Detailed Design Detailed design involve the process of successively breaking down, analyzing, and designing the structure and its elements so that it complies with recognized standards of safety and performance while rendering the design in the form of a set of explicit drawings and specifications that will tell the constructors exactly how to build the structure in the field (Barrie and Paulson, 1984). During this detailed phase, the architects, interior designers, landscape architects, the professional construction consultant, and other engineering disciplines such as chemical, electrical, mechanical and other engineers, finalize the design of the major building system and structure. In addition to designing the structure itself, the design professional often conduct some detailed field studies to get better engineering information on foundation conditions, slope stability, and structural properties of natural materials, where it also require further input from experts in other disciplines, likes geologists, economists, and environment scientist. Besides, the success of a building project is highly correlated with the quality and depth of the plans prepared during this phase. A detailed design review of each plan and drawing, and each aspect of the project is 21 therefore conducted prior to approval. In addition, construction cost estimates are refigured with the availability of sufficient information so that to generate the final cost of the project, which concerned most by the owner. Again, it is essential for field construction method and cost knowledge to be injected into the detailed engineering and design process, in order to enhance the constructability of the design to ease of construction. After the project designs are completed, the project will be ready for tendering process in procurement phase. According to Gould and Joyce (2000), procurement is defined as the overall process of finding and purchasing the materials called for in the contract and hiring the best subcontractor to build the project. From that definition, procurement stage involves two main activities. One is contracting and subcontracting for services of general and specialty contractors. While the other is obtaining materials and equipment required to construct the project. In the traditional project delivery system, procuring process takes place soon after the detailed engineering and design phase has produced a comprehensive set of plans and specifications. If the constructability has been considered adequately throughout the foregoing stages, then now it is a case of detailing the requirements for constructability within the project tender. The requirements for constructability should forms an integral aspect of the tendering process, and prospective contractors are allow for considerations of constructability in their submitted tenders and assume the responsibility for the implementation aspects during the construction itself. Subsequently, construction is the process whereby designer’s plan and specification are converted into physical structures and facilities. It involves the organization and coordination of all the resources for the project by the constructors. In the traditional form of contract, the main contractor handles all subcontracting works. Therefore, the contractor should ensure that the general constructability principles are also carried out by the subcontractors and other providers of specialist input to the process. Besides, there is also considerable input for work inspections and interpretation from the architect and engineer. Hence, contractor needs to liaise 22 and work with the design team, and to provide constructability feedback on the construction phase for future analysis. After the construction phase, the next stage is start-up and implementation. Most structures and facilities of any significance involve a start-up and implementation phase, where the testing of components is done while the project is underway. The start-up and implementation is important because it needs to ensure that all components installed are function well as a total system. Due to all the works have been executed, building accessories have been installed and project nears to completion, any changes of works in this stage for achieving the constructability will be very difficult and costly. While in operation and utilisation phase, the building project is whole completed and hand over to the owner and/or tenant of the building for operation and utilisation, and usually this stage does not involve the designer teams. Therefore, it is impossible to promote constructability in this the end of the project life cycle. As a conclusion, each phase throughout the project life cycle involves different kind of activities and they require different degree of involvement from the owner, consultants, professional constructors, and expertises from other disciplines, to contribute their efforts for the success of the project. According to Mendelsohn (1997), the reality of construction is that probably 75% of the problems encountered in the field are generated in the design phase. In addition, Fischer and Tatum (1997) claimed that the designers play an important role in achieving superior constructability. Therefore, it is better for the designers to consider the constructability of the construction project during the early phase, particularly during the design phase, so that it able to contribute significant influence to the project cost, which illustrated in Figure 2.2. Thus, the following section will discuss the constructability principles for the design phase, which the designers can employ it to improve the project constructability during the design stage. 23 Figure 2.2 : Constructability cost-influence curve (Adapted from CII, 1986) 2.5 Constructability Review in Design Numbers of research organizations (CII, CIRIA, and CIIA) and independent studies (Ireland, 1985; ASCE 1991; Russell et al., 1993) confirmed that integrating construction knowledge onto design process greatly improves the chances of achieving a better quality project, completed a safer manner, on schedule, for the least cost (Arditi, 2002). As a result, numerous constructability review and improvement methods have been developed for the construction industry. Among those methods used for constructability reviews in design phase are categorized as the guidelines, computer based system, and non-computer based system. 24 2.5.1 The Guidelines Guidelines are one of the most general constructability review methods can be found in construction industry. Such guidelines that commonly being used for constructability reviews in design phase are based on the constructability principles developed by CIRIA, CII and CIIA, which they had been mentioned in section 2.3. Generally, the guidelines provided by those research organizations are aimed at providing designers with further details of main constructability principles that need to be considered during the design process (Rosli, 2004). ). Despite of the constructability guidelines are comprehensive in term of coverage, however, the applications of these constructability principles are too general and may difficult to apply in a building project’s design phase. Therefore, it is difficult to provide significant mean to evaluate constructability improvement of project design and make the designers difficult to judge whether the project design has met the desired level of constructability. 2.5.2 Computer Based System The computer based system enables constructability to be applied easily by designers particularly for those who are limited in constructability knowledge. Among the computer based system that deal with the organization and utilization of constructability knowledge for design are the design relevant constructability knowledge and Conceptual Product/Process Matrix Model (CPPMM) that introduced by Fisher and Tatum (1997) and Pulaski and Horman (2005) respectively. The design relevant constructability knowledge is an expert system that enables the designers to make use of constructability knowledge at the right time during design development, in order to improve their design constructability. In this system, Fisher and Tatum (1997) classified the knowledge by construction methods and structure elements to ensure appropriate and specific constructability input. Besides, they also divided the constructability knowledge into five groups, there are: 25 application heuristics, layout knowledge, dimensioning knowledge, detailing knowledge, and exogenous knowledge. The Conceptual Product/Process Matrix Model (CPPMM) introduced by Pulaski and Horman (2005) is more advanced than the design relevant constructability knowledge system. It is because CPPMM’s purpose is not only to organize constructability information for design that allow the right information to be made available to the designers, besides, it also allow the right information is available to designers at an appropriate level of detail and at the proper phase of design. This model consists of two existing models: Product model Architecture (PMA) and Integrated Building Process Model (IBPM). In addition, they also introduced the constructability metric which it is a method to measure how effective of the design teams are at addressing constructability issues in timely manner. The advantage of the CPPMM is that it links constructability rules to different stages of building design in a step-by-step format. Besides, this model can be used to expose specific information requirements necessary to progress design, and thus be used to improve the quality of information flow across the design stage. On the other hand, Navon et al. (2000) also have developed an automated rebar constructability diagnosis which this computerised system model is intended to be used during the rebar detailing stage within the design phase. This model consists of two modules: diagnosis module and correction module. The diagnosis module is used to automatically diagnose potential rebar-related constructability problems, such as high congestion of reinforcement bars, collision between bars, and collision between bars and building system. Then, constructability report will be generated with regarding to those three constructability checking and reports them to the designer. For the correction module, it functions as offering solutions to the detected problems and implementing them. However, only the prototype of the diagnosis module has been developed and it was limited to dealing with rectangular beams. The main advantages of this system are reduction of time in constructability review, a true 3D diagnosis tool that enable designers to visualize to those three constructability problems and even inexperience designers can produce much better beam designs. Nevertheless, this computer based model does not considered other 26 design phase’s constructability principles, where it just evaluate the principles of designing for simple assembly and employing visualization tool to avoid physical interferences. 2.5.3 Non-computer Based System The non-computer based system is a manual method for constructability improvement by using formula and scale in theirs system. Among this method that are buildable design appraisal system (BDAS, 200) developed by Construction Industry Development Board of Singapore and “hierarchy of difficulty” of assembly studied by Ferguson (1989). Singapore is a small island country and limited of land, hence the Singapore local authority has mandatory all the submission of designs should include the assessment of constructability prior to the approval of the designs. So, they have introduced the buildable design appraisal system, which its objectives is to promote more constructable designs to the industry through assessing contribution to site efficiency and productivity. While, the constructability principles that considered by this system are design for simple assembly, encourage standardization, and design for pre-assembly and/or modularization. In this system, points are awarded based on the types of structural system and architectural system, such as internal and external walls, windows and doors components. More points will be awarded to more constructable system, where the maximum point that can be achieve is 100. Besides, Ferguson (1989) has introduced the “hierarchy of difficulty” of assembly for the element and building components. He defined the hierarchy into five scales, which are assembly impossible, assembly only possible with extremely difficulty, assembly possible but difficult, assembly straightforward but perverse, and assembly easy. Generally, it provides an approach to designers for identifying the degree of ease of assembly for any components or sub-assemblies from the designs. Obviously, this “hierarchy of difficultly” approach only considered the “design for 27 simple assembly” principle in order to ease of construction. However, there are still inadequate to promote a throughout constructability enhancement of a project design, where other aspect of constructability could not be assessed by this system. 2.6 Responsibilities of Designers in Constructability Enhancement Architects and engineers are the principle designers of construction projects. On most building and residential sector projects, the architect is the lead designer, laying out the concept on paper with the owner (Gould, 2000). On the other hand, the engineer is usually brought in after the basic concept is worked out but before the details are developed. Generally, the designers are responsible for producing design alternatives, design computations, drawings, and specification that meet the needs of the owner. In addition, it is the duty of the designers to produce a project design that meets all federal, state, and local codes, such as design standards; environmental and safety regulations (Oberlender, 2000). Despite of their primary function is to design, but this also includes the undertaking of necessary research work, the calculation of estimated costs, and the appraisal of the estimated output of the works and their economic value for the owner. They must know and be able to give assurances that the work that they propose is practicable, constructable, and fulfilling its intended functions as well as its cost. Hence, Nima et al. (1999) cited that the designers’ personnel play a prominent role in enhancing the constructability of facilities design, construction and assessment. And yet, the designers have the following responsibilities to enhance constructability in a building project (Nima et al., 1999): • Encourage the owner to implement a constructability program through the project execution plan and let the owner understand the important and benefits of constructability program. Moreover, the designers can make use of the available documentation on constructability programs. 28 • The designers should be restricted to the startup and construction sequence when establishing procurement and engineering sequences, and the master project schedule • In order to prepare a proper facility design, the designers should analyze the major construction methods in-depth as early as possible. • In order to enhance constructability, the designers should keep an eye on the concept site layouts by taking the project site layout into consideration when they prepare project designs. • Designers should exploit the capabilities and benefits of advanced information technology, such as online engineering database computer support mechanism. • Designers should simplify the designs, and should configure them in simple and clear drawings in which the design enables efficient construction. • Standardizing the design elements as much as possible where the designers should analyze designs and identify elements with standardisation potential. • The designers should give extra effort for tailoring of technical specifications to achieve efficient construction. • Increasing the use of the module/preassembly designs to facilitate fabrication, transportation and installation. • Preparing designs that has been considered and promote accessibility of manpower, material and equipment. 29 • Preparing designs that facilitate construction under adverse weather conditions. In order to promote and enhance the implementation of constructability during the design phase, following section discussed the constructability principles that can be adopted to assist the designers to carry out their responsibilities as mentioned above. 2.7 Constructability Principles for the Design Phase Griffith and Sidwell (1995) defined design constructability as the detailed consideration of design elements to meet the technical and financial requirements of the project, with consideration, where feasible, to the design-construction relationship in order to improve design effectiveness and in so doing assist the construction process on site. However, the constructability principles for design phases that identified by Rosli (2004) are more thorough with respect to ease of construction. These principles are more focused and specified for the constructability improvement of design phase rather than those principles developed by CII and CIRIA, which the applications are too general and difficult to apply in a building project’s design phase. Therefore, in this section, total of eighteen design phase’s constructability principles that derived by Rosli (2004) are discussed in detail. Those concepts are: 30 2.7.1 Carry Out Thorough Investigation of the Site Constructability can be enhanced if the information gathered form site investigation is thorough, complete and presented clearly before the construction commencement. According to the context of CIRIA in Buildability : An Assessment (1983), among the information that need to be gathered are the site conditions, underground hazards and other circumstances that are likely to affect the course of the project and construction, in order to avoid the risk of subsequent expensive delay and alteration after the construction has commenced. For example in the work of drilled shaft construction that highlighted by Turner (1992), which the site investigation has the greatest potential to influence the cost of drilled shafts. It is because the drilled shaft construction, performance and cost are sensitive to some of the ground conditions that may not be determined adequately by a conventional boring program. Therefore, a more thorough and careful site characterization is required for the drilled shafts than for other foundation systems, such as determination of reliable soil and rock properties for the design and description of “geological detail that influence drilled shafts construction and performance. 2.7.2 Design for Minimum Time Below Ground Project constructability enhancement can be achieved if the design includes the consideration of the minimum work below ground level. During the design stage, this principle is important particularly for projects that need to be carried on the ground where it is hazardous, poor and wet. It is because design for minimum time below ground level able to influence and facilitate the speed and flow of the project, and as a result, it minimise the amount of time required by work below the ground and improve the construction productivity. However, the design engineer shall identify the conditions likely to be met with below ground level and not creating problems for the contractor in term of the required amount of work below ground. 31 An example mentioned by Adam (1989), that a site was on a coastal plain, with hills behind providing a low cost source of limestone as shown in Figure 2.3a, which all substantial buildings of the flat area had been piled. Because of that, normal falls on drains were difficult to achieve due to the flatness of the land. Besides, the ground water table observed in October was high (Figure 2.3b) and it would be anticipated high throughout of the year. In spite of using raft foundation with likely to be had high settlement, a mat of stone was designed and built (Figure 2.3c), which it allowed almost all working to be done in the dry at a time of year and avoided the troublesome of work below ground. Compared with the raft foundation that has very low bearing stress, the mat of stone able to give a dispersion of load on to the subsoil, and then it allowed higher bearing pressure to be used immediately below the raft, shown in Figure 2.3d. In addition, the extra height achieved in this way also allowed the maximum available fall to be provided to the drains. The another advantage of this technique is the general contractor has the control by avoiding the need for a specialist piling subcontractor, where extra time will be needed in this construction. Figure 2.3(a, b, c, d) Adams, 1989) Building on land reclaimed from sea (Adapted from 32 2.7.3 Design for Simple Assembly Simplicity is a desirable element of any constructable design, where it shall be progressive rather than reactionary. It is also refers to the use of uncomplicated building construction system and installation details, such as the flat plate system that can eases formwork construction as well as reinforcement considerably (Building and Construction Authority, 2000). In addition, by referring to Adam (1989), the designer should attempt to produce the details as simple as possible which compatible with the overall requirements for the building, particular element, or a group of elements. As a result, the design will be able to become more efficient, defect-free work that will satisfactorily perform its end function. Meanwhile, O’Connor et al. (1987) has illustrated some principles for simplifying the designs, they are: a) Using a minimum number of components, elements or parts for assembly. b) Using readily available materials in common sizes and configurations. c) Using simple, easy to execute connections with minimum requirements for highly skilled labour and special environmental controls. d) Employing designs which allow for field capability for dimensional adjustment. e) Employing designs which minimize construction task interdependencies. However, sometimes the project objectives may supersede the constructability requirements, such as the aesthetics, operability, maintainability and/or safety override the design simplification. In Nima et al. (2004) study stated that the aesthetics value is one of the main project objectives of the Kuala Selangor cable-stayed bridge, which it had override the design for simple assembly principle. For this reason, implementation of this principle was preserved for the approaches only and constituted a high percentage of the total cost of the project. Such actions applied were: 33 a) Using the prefabricated post-tensioned I-Beams for the decks reduced the usage of scaffolding, b) Decreasing the number of elements, and c) Using the prefabricated girders to reduce construction task interdependencies. For example, work on the cast-in-elements could proceed while fabricating the girders off-site is in progress 2.7.4 Encourage Standardisation/Repetition To improve the constructability during the design phase, the design of building elements and detail should encourage appropriate standardisation or repetition in order to reduce learning time and speed of construction. It is practically for the enhancement of standardisation by using standard, readily-available materials or items, so as to reduce the costs and the increased risks of error involved in the construction. Besides, according to O’Connor (1987), standardisation of components is based on recognition that savings can be realized when the number of variation of components is kept to a minimum. For example, the material types, construction details, building system, dimension and elevations can all be standardized in order to improve the field operation efficiency. Nonetheless, standardisation may require an addition step in the design process. The designer would require to analyze the design and identify the elements that have the potential to be standardised. While, the standardised elements also may required additional design effort to accommodate all uses or vendor standard may be employed with the selection of off-the-shelf materials. Some applications of this principle were suggested by O’Connor et al. (1987) in their study, briefly as: 34 a) Maximize the use of manufacturer’s standard in the selection of piping system components, thus minimising the number of variations used in such items as valves and pipes support. b) Unique connections in the design of steel structure should be avoided in attempts to save a slight amount of structural steel. Normally, beam and bolt sizes are well suited to standardisation. c) Standardise the electrical or instrumentation accessory items and their details, such as hangers/supports and instrument stands. d) Location standardisation, such as consistent elevation heights or use of designated zones. e) Minimise the number of different foundation sizes, so that it permits the maximum reuse of formwork. The number of types and lengths of anchor bolts should also be minimised. f) The detailed design of pipe hangers often introduces more problem with coordination than it saves in material. Thus, the design should specify standard rod hangers and filed personnel should adjust the length to fit the existing conditions. 2.7.5 Design for Pre-fabrication, Pre-assembly or Modularisation Constructability can be enhanced if the pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation of design are considered during the early design stage. Tatum et al. (1985) defined pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation as: • Prefabrication is a manufacturing process, generally taking place a specialised facility, in which various material are joined to form a 35 component part of a final installation. Pre-fabricated component often involve the work of a single craft. • Pre-assembly is a process by which various material pre-fabricated components and/or equipment are joined together at a remote location for subsequent installation as a unit. Pre-assembly often involves decoupling sequential activities into parallel activities and often require work by multiple crafts. • While, a module is a product resulting form a series of remote assembly operation; it is usually the largest transportable unit or component of a facility. Modules may contain pre-fabricated components or preassemblies and are usually constructed away from the job site. The benefit of pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation typically include improve construction task productivity, parallel sequencing of activities, increase the safety on site and reduced the need for scaffolding during the construction. Nonetheless, the designation of pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation also have its disadvantages, such as additional management challenges, the need for support facilities, and an increased likelihood for misalignment or damages. In addition, O’Connor et al. (1987) stated that the pre-fabrication, preassembly or modularisation work scoping is the identification of project components that may be beneficially constructed or fabricated away from the final workface. These scoping studies involve an analysis of cost and benefits. Besides, once prefabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation efforts have been scoped, the design support also should be provided by the designers, so that the designs were configured to facilitate their fabrication, transportation and installation. In this study, O’Connor also highlighted five important factors that might need to be concerned by the designer while using this principle, they are: 36 a) Temporary structural support; b) Dimensional accuracy; c) Minimisation of scaffolding needs; d) Sequence of operations; and e) Design standardisation wherever possible. In the West Port Highway project studied by Nima et al. (2002), it had been recognized that this project had the potential of having its detailed design for the modules and preassemblies prepared so as to facilitate their fabrication, transportation, and installation. It is because the major part of the project consisted of an elevated highway structure. In order to apply this constructability principle, the consultant used prestressed M-beams and U-beams for the spans that made up the elevated highway and post-tensioned I-beams for the intersections with the town roads and railway tracks. However, as O’Connor et al. (1987) warned, the lifting limitations and delivery route restrictions should be studied when planning to implement this principle. Besides, the design should facilitate lifting, jacking and rolling needs. Transportation accelerations should be accommodated with an additional structural bracing, and method should be devised for minimizing the potential for damage. Otherwise, the contractor will encounter many difficulties or problems to construct it. 2.7.6 Analyse Accessibility of the Jobsite Constructability is enhanced when the detailed designs promote the accessibility needs of manpower, construction materials and equipment. This is often a crucial consideration when a construction needs to be carried out within or pass through the congested city area. Sometimes, the effects of poor accessibility can be quite serious, as like delays in work progress, slowed construction productivity and increased damage to completed works. 37 According O’Connor et al. (1987), jobsite accessibility can be a problem for: • Projects located on tight sites or where road capacity is limited. • Additions or modifications to existing plants, where material is threaded into congested areas or work is restricted due to operations. • Work at high elevation. • Late placement of major equipment. • Jobsites with steep grade changes. • Jobsites located adjoining to other projects under construction. • Jobsites with extreme environment conditions, such as weather, soils or vegetation. • Above-ground work when nearby underground work remains incomplete. • Restricted jobsites where heavy lifts are underway or are planned. • Projects involving multiple main contractors. Besides, Griffith and Sidwell (1995) cited that efficient access for both materials and personnel is essential, as is efficient existing from the site. Normally, the jobsite accessibility is affected by the need for traffic control in two ways: a) To bring onto the site labour, plant and materials, to off-load handle and store materials and equipment, and to deliver materials, components and plant to the workplace as work proceeds. b) To remove surplus excavated materials and debris, and to move plant and equipment of site when finished with. Generally, Griffith and Sidwell (1995) highlighted the main points to be considered for jobsite accessibility are how items will be brought onto and removed off the sit, and how the design solution, construction method and sequences affecting the first aforementioned criteria. 38 As refer to Figure 2.4, it is a project example of proposing an academic facility building by using steel framed system, explained by Griffith and Sidwell (1995). The accessibility to the site was carefully considered to avoid hindrance to the existing main road and access roads around the development. The consultant has utilised one access point throughout the site. Free access around the building was consciously determined, and to this end the location of site hutting, permanent plant and storage of materials was not permitted directly around the perimeter of the building. Besides, the consultant planned to leave an unoccupied site space between the proposed development and the existing building (left-hand-side) to allow open construction access. Figure 2.4 Steel-framed system build project: ground-floor plan (Adapted from Griffith and Sidwell, 1995) 39 2.7.7 Employ Any Visualisation Tools Such As 3D CAD to Avoid Physical Interference Constructability is improved when the designers employ visualisation tools to visualise any possibility of physical interference during the field operation. One of the most common visualisation tools preferably being utilized in construction industry is the computer-aided-design (CAD). There are many benefits to using CAD, particularly 3D CAD to automate existing technical construction services such as preparing estimates and schedules and building simulation models. These include increased timeliness and accuracy of drawings, improved communication of technical information, and increased field productivity (Mahoney and Tatum, 1994). In the architecture, engineering and construction industries, computer visualization usage can cover the whole lifecycle of a product from presentation of initial concepts to the final stages of production and can also extend to maintenance issues (Bouchlaghem et al., 2005). Generally, three dimensional walkthroughs can be created from hand drawn sketches at the very early stages of the design process. Then, three dimensional models can be used by design teams to communicate design intent to client and users and to compare and evaluate design options. During more advanced stages of design, three dimensional representations can be used to check the buildability of the design, such as check for the integrity of services coordination, accessibility and maintainability. Therefore, utilisation of visualise tool during the design stage can bridge the gap between designers and site teams in facilitating the exchange of information for constructability problems. In addition, Ganah et al. (2000) highlighted that computer visualization allows investigation to iron out difficulties that may occur before construction commences on site. The spatial relationships between elements in design can be observed and judged by eye. While the common constructability problems that can be solved by employing visualization tools are interfaces between component and difficult assembly. 40 2.7.8 Investigate Any Unsuspected Unrealistic or Incompatible Tolerances Constructability is enhanced when the designers investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerances from the design they produced prior the commencement of the construction. Adams (1989) claimed that the design of the building assembly should recognised the sensible tolerances which are normally attainable in site construction, by making allowance for the differences between fine factory tolerances and to those of normal site construction. Particular attention should be given to the problems of fit during the project design stage, which the incompatible tolerances occur at the interfaces between different products, methods of construction, materials and method of manufacture, and suitable jointing methods that should be adopted. An example described by Adams (1989), about the design bearings for steel beams on block walls. Figure 2.5a shows a standard detail for an in-situ concrete padstone with ragbolts, which designed to receive a steel beam and spread its load into a weak insulating block skin. The original design detail provided by the designer allows no tolerance if the wall being built slightly out of position. If necessary, an alternative detailing can be proposed, which slotted holes in the beam flange (Figure 2.5b) will at least allow easy location of the beam over the ragbolts, even if the wall is out of position. Figure 2.5 : Steel beam on block walls (Adapted from Adams, 1989) 41 2.7.9 Investigate the Practical Sequence of Construction Constructability is enhanced if the designers give an adequate consideration of practical sequence of construction during the design stage. The designers should bear in mind that the method of a construction project should encourage the most effective sequence of building operations. The effective sequences which mean the simple sequences that enable each operation to be completed independently and without interruption. Besides, the sequence should assist the co-ordination of trades and minimise any delay to the works. According to Oberlender (2000), sequencing of installation is as much a design consideration as it is a procurement and construction consideration. Many times designs have evolved that unnecessarily restrict installation sequences during the construction stage. Hence, the designs should carefully consider the layout and spacing of facilities, so that more than one construction operation can occur at a time. From that, it will able to improve the constructability and reduce the construction time. In another example, Adams (1987) showed that under the initial proposal the erection of the infill walling was a prerequisite for sealing the roof, as in Figure 2.6a. Although non-loadbearing, the walls would delay progress on the installation of gutters, fascias, services, and even the ground slab. Therefore, by initially complete the steel structure’s support frame, the walling can became a non-critical element which could follow later in the sequence of operations, without hindrance to the rooflevel services (Figure 2.6b). Besides, the walling itself can have a smoother operation when its turn in the sequence came due to the extra protection provided by the rooflevel services. 42 Figure 2.6 Revised scheme for practical sequence of construction (Adapted from Adams, 1989) 2.7.10 Plan to Avoid Damage to Work by Subsequent Operations Early consideration and plan to avoid damage to work by subsequent operations during the design stage can enhance the constructability. This principle advocates the design should enable work to be carried out in a workmanlike manner without risk of damage to adjacent finished elements and with minimum requirements for special protection. 43 Adam (1989) given an example of the application of this principle where the steelwork for the frame building had to be designed and fabrication drawings had to be finalised as soon as the architect’s drawing were complete. The ceiling finishes were at the level of the bottom of the beam flange in order to minimise floor depths. Therefore, holes would be required in the beams to accommodate services, however there were no detailed service drawings available at this stage. The work would become costly if the services holes were ignored at the design stage and allow them to be cut on site after all the service drawings were available and the structure engineer had checked the effects of such holes. As a result, extra strengthening and paint protection works for such holes would be required to overcome the weakness in the structure caused by the holes. Therefore, Figure 2.7 shows an alternative solution, where the designer should discuss with architect and M&E engineers about the problems, predict the service runs, design for the holes, and included them on fabrication drawings. Figure 2.7 : Typical floor beam with service holes (Adapted from Adams, 1989) According to Rosli (2004), the application of this constructability principle requires the designer to be imaginative of the impact of the selected design on damage to other operation. Hence, some heuristic knowledge is essential for the designer during the evaluation of the design solution with respect to this principle. 44 2.7.11 Consider Storage Requirement at the Jobsite It is frequently said that a ‘neat and tidy site is an efficient and well-run site’. Unfortunately, the practicality of daily construction means that many sites are generally untidy (Griffith and Sidwell, 1995). Thus, consideration should be given at the design stage to the location of material storage and unloading facilities, in order to improve the project constructability. Particularly, it is frequently necessary on congested site to phase the construction works so as to facilitate the use of part of the site or building for storage purpose. Whilst, the things that normal occupied the site space are building materials, building accessories, plants, scaffolding, shoring, formwork and maintenance tools. Four essential aspects of materials storage that related with constructability are (Griffith and Sidwell, 1995): a) Reduction of multiple handling of materials. b) Protection of materials from damage by weather. c) Prevention of damage either to material or to finished work by nearby production and/or through general carelessness. d) Prevention of damages and loss that result from handling and stacking materials during delivery, storage and movement around the site. 2.7.12 Investigate the Impact of Design on Safety During Construction Constructability is enhanced when the designer properly consider and investigate the impact of design on safety during construction. The design should be arranged so as to promote safe working environment, especially for the earth works, foundation construction, works that worksite are on below ground level and high elevation works. In addition, the design should consider the impact of design on safety when materials and components are being handled, and wherever traversing 45 for access is necessary. While in renovation project, the designer also should consider the risk of accidents that arose from existing elements An example described by Adams (1989) that the safety of temporary works not only is the contractor’s responsibility, but also the designer too. It is because, sometimes, the designer has the option of choosing a specification which is inherently safer than the other alternatives. Figure 2.8a and Figure 2.8b illustrated that there were two alternative designs could be choose by the designer in a capping construction of a coal mineshaft. Figure 2.8a shows the first alternative that the cap can be constructed by using cast insitu concrete, while another alternative is use steel grillage cap (Figure 2.8b). In order to give consideration to safety of the worker and construction, the second alternative design could be adopted. It is because it is safer rather than allowing the steelfixers and carpenters enter to the shaft, which required extra support for the excavation. Figure 2.8(a, b) Two alternative designs for capping of a coal mineshaft (Adapted from Adams, 1989) 46 2.7.13 Design to Avoid Return Visit by Trade Constructability is enhanced when the design considered the arrangement of work sequence in such a way that a trade or specialism can complete all its work at a work place with as few return visits as possible. An example of development within an historic terrace described by Adams (1989), where the exposed walls of the historic terrace house would be in need to support once a building structure beside it was demolished. Traditionally, the old structure would be open up enough to allow shore to be placed. Then the demolition could be carry out; construct the new structure frame; remove the shores; and lastly complete the floor bays left out to accommodate the shores. Significantly, there were return visits for the provision and removal of the raking shores. Alternatively, with considering the design to avoid return visit by trade principle, the first bay of the replace structure could be designed as a rigid frame, so that it able to provide both temporary and permanent support as depicted in Figure 2.9. Thus, it eliminated two visits by a complete trade (specialist scaffolding) and this design is more practical and cost effective for the particular layout of the existing structure than the traditional design mentioned above. Figure 2.9 Elevation showing proposed development within an historic terrace (Adapted from Adams, 1989) 47 2.7.14 Design for the Skills Available Technology and skills availability are often not considered early enough in a project life cycle. The availability of technology, labour and the skill level of the workers and the contracting organization should be fully explored. Therefore, the designer should design for the skills available in order to improve constructability of the project. It is because the absence of either skill levels or availability of the work force can have a costly impact on a project and require consideration during the design phase (Oberlender, 2000). Griffith and Sidwell (1995) stated that the designer must not design for the explicit skills of a particular workforce, because that would be an ideal case, but in general he/she must anticipate the levels of skill likely to be available within a modern contracting organization’s workforce, and should design it within their capabilities. Meanwhile, according to Adams (1989), any design is only as good as the skills available to execute it, either off-site or on-site. Hence, the design must comprise a realistic assessment of the levels of skill likely to be available form appropriately chosen contractors and specialists. 2.7.15 Consider Suitability of Designed materials Constructability is enhanced when the designer carefully selected the products, material and its specification. It is recommended that the designers should select products and materials that have been proven suitable to be used. Besides, the products and materials should be selected which they utilise normal site assembly methods and sequences, with subsequent operations and wear and tear in mind. Care also should be taken to ensure that manufacturer’s recommendations on handling, storage, application, assembly and protection can be complied with. 48 According to O’Connor et al. (1987), design basis or job specification should communicate preferred design details, but not overly constraining design configuration, or the equipment or materials selection. Besides, constructor input should be sought in the identification of preferred materials. For instance, if the constructor preferences vary, specifications should allow for and cost-effectiveness alternatives. O’Connor et al. (1987) also cited that the usage of material which is difficult to obtain should be avoided. In addition, misapplication of material specifications is another problem to constructability. The use of improper standards or code-excessive specifications can be costly and discourages cost-effectiveness when perceived as gold-plating, likes requiring machine-like tolerance where unnecessary and designing the service conditions which do not exist such as high temperature or high pressure. Hence, improper consideration of material selection and applications would impact the project constructability, and resulting in costly modification if the construction is commenced. However, these impacts can be lessened and eliminated when the designer addressed during the design phase by implementing this constructability principle. 2.7.16 Provide Detail and Clear Design Information Designer provide detail and clear design information, such clear detailed drawings, product and materials specification and dimension, prior the commencement of construction will able to improve the constructability of the project. However, preparation of detail and clear design information required sufficient time and resources, and these requirements must be allowed from the design budget (Adams, 1989). Besides, complete project information should be planned and coordinated to suit the construction process and to facilitate the best possible communication and understanding on site. 49 2.7.17 Design for Early Enclosure Constructability is enhanced when the design facilitate enclosure of the building as early as possible. Early enclosure of the building (either early completion the roof or building shell) is desired so that the following operations can then commence early in the work programme and they can be carried out without hindrance from the weather. Normally, ground-floor slab concreting, floor and wall cladding, building accessories installations and painting are required the early completion of roof, in order to received the protection and ensure smoothness of the works under unfavourable weather conditions. Alternatively, the designer can make use more pre-fabricated, pre-assembly and/or modularisation components in the building design so that the structural construction can be speed up and achieve the early enclosure of the building. As refer back to Figure 2.6a, it shows the initial plan of the gutter and fascia detail, where the gutter relied for its support on a small steel angle fixed to the face of the brick work. It is significantly showed that the gutter could not be formed until the non-loadbearing brick walls were built up to the roof level. Thus, the design prevented early sealing of the roof and therefore would delay the early enclosure of the building. Hence, alternative solution was proposed under this principle in stead of the constructability principle mentioned in section 2.7.9. New design solution in Figure 2.6b shows that complete sealing of roof including the gutter could be achieved immediately after the steel frame was erected. 2.7.18 Consider Adverse Weather Effect in Selecting Materials or Construction Method Constructability is enhanced when the designers consider the adverse weather effect in selecting materials and/or construction method during project design stage. Commonly, the designer and constructor would face a greater challenge when the construction project located at the adverse weather environment. O’Connor et al. 50 (1987) claimed that designers should investigate ways in which the exposure to temperature extremes and the effect of rain may be minimised. Under this constructability principle, O’Connor et al. (1987) suggested some specific applications: • Incorporate designs that enable early enclosure to permit construction works can be proceed when the weather becomes harsh. • Designs for allowing large enclosed spaces to double as fabricating shops and equipment storage during construction. • Promote early paving of the site to eliminate muddy operations. • Specify concrete admixtures and curing techniques to overcome the effects of extreme heat, cold or high wind. • Maximize the offsite work, by promoting utilisation prefinished materials. Within the West Port Highway construction in Malaysia that studied by Nima et al. (2002), this principle was practiced through using the precast units for the girders and drainage systems for roadsides and manholes. It was because the precast elements were not damaged by rain when compared with the cast-in situ type of construction. Moreover, the designer designed the drainage systems by using the precast elements did helped in discharging rainwater during rainy weather. 2.8 Summary From the literature review of the constructability principles in construction building project, it can be concluded that various organization and individuals have defined the constructability term and developed the principles of constructability in their researches. In overall, those constructability definitions stress the important of overall project objectives, while some directly addressed the design-construction interface. 51 In addition, the developments of constructability principles among those researchers are varied, in term of implementation the constructability in different project life cycle stages, and the local environment of their national construction industry context. Therefore, those principles are not universal and any adoption of those principles should depend and fit to project requirement and local environment. Although the CIRIA and CII constructability principles cover all project lifetime, but their applications are too general and difficult to apply and evaluate the constructability improvement in a building project’s design phase. Thus, the design phase’s constructability principles that used in this study are adopted from Rosli (2004), where these principles are more thorough with respect to ease of construction. These design phase constructability principles are resulted from a collaboration of the design phase’s constructability principles found by various researches mentioned above. These eighteen design phase’s constructability principles, named from P1 to P18, are highlighted as following: • Principle P1: Carry out thorough investigation of the site; • Principle P2: Design for minimum time below ground; • Principle P3: Design for simple assembly • Principle P4: Encourage standardisation/repetition; • Principle P5: Design for pre-fabrication, pre-assembly or modularisation; • Principle P6: Analyse accessibility of the jobsite; • Principle P7: Employ any visualisation tools such as 3D CAD to avoid physical interference; • Principle P8: Investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerance; • Principle P9: Investigate the practical sequence of construction; • Principle P10: Plan to avoid damage of work by subsequent operations; • Principle P11: Consider storage requirement at the jobsite; 52 • Principle P12: Investigate the impact of design on safety during construction; • Principle P13: Design to avoid return visit by trade; • Principle P14: Design for skills available; • Principle P15: Consider suitability of designed materials; • Principle P16: Provide detail and clear design information; • Principle P17: Design for early enclosure; and • Principle P18: Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction methods. 53 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter discuss the research methodology adopted in this study in order to achieve the objectives discussed in Chapter 1. As illustrated in Chapter 1 (Figure 1.1), this research methodology consists of three distinct phases, which are phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 respectively. Generally, phase 1 involves determination of the objectives and scope of this study, literature review and preliminary interview. Phase 2 involves information collection and investigation of the local current design process, and design phase’s constructability issue, in order to develop a current design process model of building construction by adopting the data flow diagram (DFD) technique. While in phase 3, it involves a proposal of design process improvement by integrating with design phase’s constructability principles, and constructability design review checklist. Besides, the improved design process and checklist will be review by the experts so that an appropriate design process improvement and constructability review checklist are produced. Nonetheless, detail description of research methodology and process involved in each phase of this study are further discussed in following section. 54 Determine Objective and Scope Phase 1 Preliminary Interview Literature Review Case Studies - Investigate local current design process - Constructability issue Phase 2 Develop Current Design Process Model Integrating Constructability into Design Process Develop Building Design Constructability Checklist No Review by Experts Yes Conclusion / Recommendation Figure 1.1 : Schematic of research methodology Phase 3 55 3.2 Phase 1 3.2.1 Determine the Objectives and Scope Prior to the determination of this study’s objectives and scope, early readings on those topics and discussions related to constructability in construction industry are essential. It is because it able to give a general concept and understanding to the basics of the work that desire to be carried out. Almost all of the readings are obtained by using the facilities provided from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s main library (Perpustakaan Sulatanah Zanariah – PSZ). After several readings have been carried out, the topic, objectives and scope of this study are discussed and set with the guidance from author’s supervisor, Dr. Ir. Rosli Mohamad Zin. After that, the study is continued with the literature review. 3.2.2 Literature Review In this stage, the main aim of carrying out the literature review is to review and obtain information and knowledge of this topic from previous studies and researches, such as articles, journals, paperwork, reports, thesis and also some relevant books. Basically, it covers various definition of constructability term, development of constructability principles and concepts throughout project life time, constructability review and designer responsibility during the design stage, and process involve during the design phase. Most of the reading materials were obtained the PSZ, while some were given by Dr. Ir. Rosli Mohamad Zin. 56 3.2.3 Preliminary Interview According to Fellows and Liu (1997), there are three types of interview techniques: • Unstructured interview; • Semi-structured interview; and • Structured interview. In an unstructured interview, the interviewer introduces the topic briefly and the respondent will answer the theme proposed by the interviewer. Meanwhile, the interviewer records the replies of the respondent. The advantages of unstructured interview are it able to uncover the important concepts that can eventually guide future enquiries and insight into general problem. Then, in a structured interview, the interviewer needs to administer a questionnaire, probably by asking question and recording the responses by using the note taking and/or tape recorder method. The advantages of structure interview are the attention is focused on a given issue and detailed information is gained on issue discussed. While for the semi-structure interview, it fills the spectrum between the structured and unstructured interview. Semi-structured interviews is suitable to be carried out in a situation where broad issues may be understood, but the range of respondents' reactions to these issues is not known or suspected to be incomplete. This type of interview is mostly applicable in situations where both qualitative and quantitative responds are required. In this stage, the unstructured preliminary interviews are adopted to obtain the opinion of the designers and contractors with regard to constructability and design-related problem. During this preliminary interview stage, the engineers from consultancy firms who have minimum of four years experience in project design and contractors that have minimum of four years experience in project construction are interviewed. From those responses, the author will able to be more understand on these issues and therefore helps the author to scope out and design the interview questions which will be carried out in next phase. 57 3.3 Phase 2 According to Fischer and Tatum (1997), interviews proved preferable to questionnaires as the knowledge acquisition method because they allowed direct interaction between the expert and the interviewer. Besides, a personal interview process was the best data collection technique for the type of detailed information required (O’Connor and Miller, 1993). Therefore, information about the current practice of the design process in building construction is collected by interviewing the experts. In this section, details of the interview questions are described. In addition, the data flow diagram technique adopted to develop current design process model based on and combined with those information collected is also explained. 3.3.1 The Interview As mentioned above, there are three types of interview techniques can be adopted for information collection of a research or case study. This stage involves the actual and detailed information collection on the local construction industry’s current design process, therefore structure interview is adopted. Basically, three consultant engineers and one architect who have at least eight years of experience in design process, and currently working and practicing their expertise, respectively in a civil and structure consultancy firm and architect firm have been interviewed. These four designers are interviewed with the objective of investigating and identifying typical information related in the design process, which based on traditional procurement system building project that they had been carried out. Those fours interviewees are regarded as the experts in this study. Besides, in order to gather more detailed information of design-related constructability problems in construction, one contractor (has minimum five years experience in building construction), and one clients are interviewed for the opinion and suggestion.. Table 3.1 summarized the basic selection criteria in determining the interviewees. 58 Table 3.1 : Basic selection criteria in determining the interviewees The experts Other interviewees Civil engineer Architect Contractor Developer/Owner 3 1 1 1 8 years 8 years 5 years Not specified C&S Architect Building Not specified consultant firm contractor No. of person need to be interviewed Minimum experience Types of firm Generally, the scope and topic of the interview questions that will be covered during interviewing the experts are: • The common number of stages or sub-phases that involve in a design phase. • The actual flow of design processes that currently being practice in a building project among those stages. • The design-related problems • The suitability and series of review design constructability process at various milestones should be conducted in the design phase, e.g. 60% or 90% of design completion. • Features should be reviewed or checked in the review design constructability process to enhance the project constructability. According to Kvale (1996), the methods of recording interviews for documentation and later analysis include audiotape recording, videotape recording note taking, and remembering. The usual way of recording interviews is with a tape recorder, where it lets the interviewer concentrate on the topic and the dynamics of the interview. A videotape recording will encompass the visual aspects of the interview, particularly for analyzing the interpersonal interaction in an interview. 59 While for remembering, there are obvious limitations to a reliance on memory for interview analysis, such as the rapid forgetting of details and the influence of a selective memory. Therefore, in this study, both the note taking and electronic sound recording method are adopted during the interviews due to its simplicity and reliability. 3.3.2 Develop Current Design Process Model After the interview stage, the information, opinions and suggestions obtained from the experts are used to develop current design process data flow diagram. Each model is developed with regards to each case study. In this study, the author named those models as “current building design process model”, in order to avoid confusion. Then, those four current building design process models are compared, combined and generalized to develop a general current design process model, which named as “general building design process model” in this study, prior proposing of any constructability integration. Series of reviewing and refining were conducted through discussion with the pre-appointed experts, in order to ensure the correctness of the models. Hence, the modelling technique used in this case study is data flow diagram (DFD) and its methodology is discussed in details at the following section. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Data flow diagram (DFD) is used in this case study to model the current design processes and information exchange between them. According to Ramli and Mesir (2004), data flow diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data sources/destination. The DFD methodology was selected because of its simplicity of use and the fact that the components can be translated to the relevant elements in the design process. The components of DFD and their interpretation in the design context are shown in Table 3.2. The processes represent 60 design tasks, the data flow arrows indicate the flow or exchange of information and the data stores standards, specifications or design files. Data sources or sinks are used to represent external entities or organizations such as the architect, the client, the contractors or local authorities. Table 3.2 Components of a data flow diagram for design (Adapted from Baldwin et al., 1999) Element Data or info. flow Software development Design process description modelling description A connection between Design information flow processes, etc., representing an input and/or an output Process Individual functions that a Individual design task, system carries out. They e.g. calculation, drawing, transform an input into an specifying output Data store A collection of information that Drawings, sketches, must be remembered for a calculation files, reports, period of time documents, specifications, computer files, etc. Source/sink External entities with which the Any external data source, system communicates e.g. client, local authority In the study of a data flow model of the building design process conducted by Baldwin and Austin (1996), they claimed that the DFD technique has three characteristics that make it an appropriate tool to model a system consisting of processes or tasks linked by interfaces, particularly the building design process. 61 a) DFDs view systems from a data or information point of view: They map the journey of information through a system, recording its transformations and its coordinations. DFDs do not impose or record any managerial control on the timing of the flow of information and subsequently do not dictate an order in which the tasks should be performed. This allows tasks that form part of an iterative cycle to be modelled and understood. This is essential as design is an iterative process and can rarely, if ever, be performed as a series of sequential processes, especially in a multi-disciplinary project. DFDs allow us to look at a system of coupled tasks (tasks that require solving iteratively) and gain a clearer understanding of the information transfer mechanisms without any preconceived ideas of order. b) DFDs do not require processes to be modelled: Each design task can be treated as a ‘black box’, with only the information input and output being studied. This allows analysis of information flows and transformations without having to model the individual design tasks. c) DFDs can be layered or ‘partitioned’ by breaking each task down into subtasks, where each DFD is restricted to an A4 page, producing a compact, multidimensional DFD model. The data flow diagrams are drawn in a hierarchical form. The top level of the model, known as ‘context diagram’ represents the design process in the most general of terms. Then, the context diagram is subdivided and the processes further decomposed until the decomposition identified the tasks that produced specific information requirements. Hence, this allows the higher regions of the model to be read to obtain an overview of the system, and, if more detail is required, the lower levels can be studied as and where necessary. DFDs can be constructed top down (subdivision of tasks) or bottom up (aggregation of tasks). 62 Drawing A Data Flow Diagram Ramli and Mesir (2004) had suggested several steps to construct a successful data flow diagram, which it will be adopted in this study for developing the those current design process model. These steps are highlighted as following: a) Start with the context diagram showing all outputs and inputs of a system. b) List all the events that affect the system (perhaps showing these events on the context diagram). Each event will generate some input that the system must handle or required the system to generate some output. c) Normally, a large system will have a large number of bubbles (processes) at the context diagram. Therefore, the bubbles should be grouped by subsystems that show the overall skeleton of the system. d) Then, further level the DFD. Some of the partitioned process might be too simple to be levelled further; while other might need one or two more levels of details. Hence, it can be done by working from the input to the output or from output to the input to identify the activities involved in each process. e) Be precise in identifying new data flow and data store by giving them precise name and stick to two words if possible. f) Make sure that the diagrams are agreed by the experts before further into details. g) Show data rejects and errors as small stubs (a cut off) rather than a data flow, so that it can simplify the DFD. h) Try not to flowchart the data flow. i) Problems of initialisation (opening files) and of termination (closing files) are ignored. These are considered as terminators and will be considered at the design stage. j) Several trials may be required before achieving the final diagram. Therefore, several reviewing from predetermined experts to those completed design process DFDs are required during the development of final diagram. 63 3.4 Phase 3 After the “general building design process model” is developed, the following steps are needed to be performed in order to achieve the study objectives. • Proposing a review design constructability process in that “general building design process model” by inserting constructability inputs and review process at the appropriate stage suggested by the four experts. • Developing a building design constructability checklist for assessment on building foundation designs which it is a tool that can be used as constructability inputs and for reviewing the design constructability. • Reviewing of that constructability integrated building design process model and constructability review checklist by the four experts who have been determined previously. 3.4.1 Integrating Constructability into Design Process Figure 3.1 illustrated the schematic of constructability integration into design process. Before proposing any integration of constructability into the design process, it is necessary to identify the existing and absentee of constructability review process in that “general building design process model”. Besides, based on the information, opinion and suggestion given by the experts in phase two, an integration of review design constructability is proposed into the “general building design process model” at the appropriate stage of the design processes. Then, a new current design process model that presented in DFD form, which the author named it as “constructability integrated building design process model” is developed. Lastly, the “constructability integrated building design process model” is reviewed and checked by the four experts for its appropriateness. Several trials had been done in order to obtain an appropriate “constructability integrated building design process model”. 64 Start Identify existing and absentee of constructability review process in “general building design process model” Identify the appropriate time for inserting constructability inputs and reviewing design constructability Propose a review design constructability process into the “general building design process model” No Check for appropriateness OK Finish Figure 3.1 : Schematic of constructability integration into design process 3.4.2 Constructability Design Review Checklist Due the limit of time, only a building design constructability checklist for assessment on foundation design is developed. This checklist acts as a tool for designers to know what features need to be considered before beginning their design works, and check and assess the design work before its completion. Hence, items or 65 features to be checked are listed out in that building design constructability checklist form, where the design constructability principles that applicable to foundation design are already been inserted in it. So, when the designers study through and check those features, they are automatically considered and reviewed for design constructability. Besides, the Ok and not Ok columns, and remarks columns also were constructed in the checklist. 3.4.3 Review by Experts Finally, together with the “constructability integrated building design process model”, the building foundation design constructability checklist are checked by the four pre-appointed experts (3 engineers and 1 architect), in order to check for its mistake and to ensure for its appropriateness. Inevitable, several trials and correction have been tried for developing a suitable building foundation design constructability checklist. 3.5 Summary This chapter describes the research methodology in those three phases that will be used in this study, where it comprises literature reviews, interview, development of design process models, constructability improvement and checklist development. Based on the discussions that have been presented at above, the summaries of this chapter are: a) Unstructured interview is adopted during the preliminary interview, in order to obtain the opinion from the designers and contractors with regard to general constructability and design-related problem, where the designers and contractors are not necessary an expert person. 66 b) During phase two, the structured interview is used to investigate and collect information about the local current design process. It is conducted by interviewing the experts and other interviewees. c) The modelling technique used to model the collected information is data flow diagram (DFD). d) All building design process models, constructability integrated building design process model, and foundation design constructability checklist were reviewed by the predetermined experts in order to check for its mistake and to ensure for its appropriateness. 67 CHAPTER 4 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the interviewees’ responses that gathered through the structured interview, the analysis of the four case studies, development of the general current design process model until the integration of constructability into the design process, and development of checklist for foundation design. Basically, architects and the structural engineers are the major parties who execute the project design work. By according to the sequence of the design work flow, the author presents the architectural building design process first before demonstrating the engineering building design process. Therefore, there are a total of four case studies which named as the architect firm #A1, the civil and structural consultancy firm #C1, #C2, and #C3 are presented in the following sections. 4.2 The Architect Firm #1 A medium size of architect firm in Johor Bahru had been chosen for the data collection exercise, which is denoted as #A1 in this study. The interviewee who the author met, have had minimum of eight years of experience in architectural building design. According to the interviewee, the preliminary design process begins when 68 architect meets the client, where client will express the project cost plan, his/her requirements, such as the building concept design, material that wanted to be used and etc to his/her architect. From that, architect will carry out some site surveys to gather more relevant and useful site information before produce the first architectural sketches. Meanwhile, architect may get some architectural design ideas by referring to some architectural references. During the architectural sketching stage, architect also will retrieve some materials details that will be used in the building, where aesthetical, suitability, availability and cost of the material will be determined. After that, those sketches will be presented to the client, and therefore several redrawing may be required before achieving the final preliminary drawings that approved by the client. After the architectural preliminary drawing had been developed, the design will proceed to produce the architectural schematic design. Generally, architectural schematic design presents the layout plan, elevation and perspective view of the building. Besides, the entire dimension and some relevant standard specification that shows in these schematic drawings should fulfill the authorities’ requirements. Because of some building structure may need to be built by non-conventional method, therefore, the architect are required to save those architectural schematic drawings in a data base which can be retrieved by the consultant engineers who work behalf on client. From that, the consultant engineers will produce their preliminary engineering plan, where they will bring it to the next meeting with the client, architect and other engineers. During the discussion, client, architect and engineers will discuss about the building design, types of the structural system that need to be adopted, building cost, consideration of project construction duration and etc. Consequently, architect and/or engineers may be required to resubmit their drawings if they received feedbacks from the next discussion. If the client agreed upon to the architecture drawings and engineering preliminary plan, quantity surveyor will estimate the overall cost of the building based on those drawings and market prices. Commonly, client will comment on those drawings again if the cost feedback shows the cost of building is over the budgeted cost. 69 The design will be proceed to the detail design stage after the completion of cost estimating by quantity surveyor and client approved the architectural schematic design and engineering preliminary plan. In this stage, the architect will produce other detail architectural drawings to detail out all the standard and quality of the building elements. After that, these drawings will be stored into the database and sent to the consultant engineers, so that the engineers can retrieve it when they need those detail information. Finally, the consultant engineers will produce the building structural layout plan and submit to the architect for checking and drawing coordination. Then, either the architect will give comments or approval, which is depends on the correctness of the structural position and dimension to the architectural drawing. Sometimes, client may change his/her mind, where he/she may requests to change some of the building design. Hence, the design may need to rework either from the produce architectural schematic drawings process or from the engineering design process. After the engineer had produced all their engineering drawings, quantity surveyor will work out the whole building cost again, based on the architectural and engineering drawings. If the cost of building is more than the budgeted cost, therefore the design may need to be redesign again, where the design process may start from either produce the architectural schematic drawings process or the engineering design process. If the estimated cost is within the budgeted cost, the client may request the engineer to produce their construction drawings for procurement stage. 4.2.1 Model of Architect Firm #A1 Based on the above information given by the interviewee from the architect firm #A1, the current design process model is shown in Figure 4.1a, 4.1b and 4.1c. Generally, the preliminary design process of this case study consists of producing the architectural sketches, producing the architectural schematic design, and discussion. While, the detailed design process consists of producing the detail architectural 70 drawing, and producing construction drawing. On the other hand, the estimating cost process is treating as another process (Figure 4.1b) rather than being included into the preliminary design and detail design. Both of the materials and architectural references serve as the storage database for the produce architectural sketches process. Meanwhile, the drawing serves as the storage database for both preliminary and detailed design processes in this case study. By referring to Figure 4.1b and Figure 4.1c, the entities of this case study are the client, architect, engineer, topographical info, authorities, and constructability. Preliminary Design Process Site Information Authorities Requirements Cost Plan Materials Arch. Schematic Drwg. Client Requirements Materials 1.2 1.1 Produce Arch. Sketches App. Arch. Produce Arch. Schematic Design Preliminary Drwg. Refer Idea Sketches Architectural References Eng. Drawings Arch. Drwg. Detail Arch. Drwg. 3.2 1.3 Arch. Schematic Drwg. 3.1 Produce Construction Drwg. Notification Eng. Preliminary Plan Feedbacks Drawings Arch. + Eng. Drawings Construction Drawings Arch. Schematic Drwg. Comments Arch. Schematic Drwg. Produce Detail Arch. Drwg. Discussion App. Preliminary Design Comments Feedback Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Cost Feedback Structural Layout Plan Comments & Approval Detailed Design Process Figure 4.1a The current building design process model #A1: level 2, preliminary design and detail design 71 Client Budget Estimated Cost Cost Feedback Topographical Info Prices Request Prices 2 Estimating Costs Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Arch. + Eng. Drawings Eng. Drawings Architect Site Information Authorities Authorities Requirements Arch. Schematic Drwg. Engineers Drawings Arch. Schematic Drwg. Arch. Drwg. Arch. Schematic Drwg. Detail Arch. Drwg. Comments & Approval 3 1 App. Preliminary Preliminary Design Eng. Preliminary Plan Structural Layout Plan Detailed Design Design Structural Layout Plan Comments Feedback Comments & Approval Cost Client Plan Requirements Construction Drawings Sketches Client 71 Figure 4.1b : The current building design process model #A1: level 1 72 Topographical Info Site Information Authorities Structural Layout Plan Authorities Requirements 0 Current Building Design Process #A1 Arch. Schematic Drwg. Comments & Approval Construction Drawings Comments & Approval Structural Layout Plan Budget Comments Sketches Cost Plan Client Requirements Feedback Cost Feedback Eng. Preliminary Plan Estimated Cost Engineers Architect Client Figure 4.1c The context diagram of current building design process model #A1: level 0 4.2.2 Additional Information from Architect Firm #A1 This section describes the opinions and recommendations of the interviewee of the architect firm #A1 to the questions number 3 to 6. According to the interviewee of architect firm #1, consideration of constructability and its input should be considered when the architect starts sketching the concept of the architectural design, during the architectural preliminary design stage. Besides, if the design constructability review process is needed to be inserted in the design process, it is recommended that it should be reviewed before meeting the client and consultants. In other words, it should be reviewed as early a possible, where the review and/or design changes have not yet given significant impact to the cost and time of the project, particularly before the building design or sketches are presented to the client and/or consultants. 73 Regarding to the question number 5, the interviewee responded that as a professional, the architect has the responsibility to ensure his design fulfills the client and authorities requirements, can be easily constructable and free of error or omission. Alternatively, it will be a serious omission if the architect did not consider those appropriate and relevant circumstances in his design. Nonetheless, the senior architect will guide and check the inexperience architect’s design work during the design. The interviewee of the architect firm #A1 selected four constructability principals that suitable to be used and can be reviewed in architectural design works, they are: • Principle P1: Carry out through investigation of the site • Principle P15: Consider suitability of design materials • Principle P16: provide detail and clear design information • Principle P18: Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction method According to the interviewee of the architect firm #A1, carry out through investigation of site is very crucial, where the architect is needed to determine the environment and surrounding area of the future building. For example, area of the site, trees that need to be preserved, and types and characteristic of the soil. Besides, when the architect is trying to fulfill the client requirement, the selection of materials in terms of aesthetic value, suitability and economic will also be considered by the architect during his/her is sketching and designing the building architectural. In addition, the architect needs to ensure their design is given with clear dimension and level, avoid any weird dimensions that need extra works during the construction and be concise to the specification, such as the structural element’s dimension and detailing is subjected to engineering design. 74 4.3 The Consultancy Firm Three local consultancy firms had been selected for the data collection exercises in this study, which are denoted as #C1, #C2 and #C3. These three consultancy firms are located around the Johor Bahru, Malaysia, where they are well-established medium size company and specializing in civil and structural works. The interviewees, who the author met, have had minimum of eight years of experience in building design work that procured under the traditional contracting system. Sections 4.3.1 until 4.3.3 describe the interviewees’ responses towards the interview question, respectively. 4.3.1 The Consultancy Firm #C1 First of all, it is a must for the employee in the consultancy firm #C1 to check for the completeness of the architecture drawings, so that the architect is immediately informed for any missing drawings and will replace it as soon as possible. It is because such minor carelessness could not be tolerated as the cause of late starts of the engineering design work. Prior the beginning of the engineering design, civil engineer is required to study the architecture drawings thoroughly. From that, he/she needs to identify topography of the building layout, existing infrastructure and facilities, the structure of that building, types of structural system, and any structure that require specific or special dealing. Soil investigation report is an important tool to determine the type of the building foundation and its design. Therefore, civil engineer must ensure that the client conducted appropriate soil investigation and the report had been received before the structural design started. Sometimes, site visit might be required when there is unclear information from the drawings or the SI report. In addition, civil engineer also needs to know and understand the client requirement, and overall cost and material quantities that commonly used to build such a building. 75 After studying the architecture drawing, the civil engineer will sketch the prelayout plan of the building by showing the location of the beams, columns, walls, footing and other necessary facilities that need to be constructed. In this stage, the engineer’s design experience and knowledge play a prominent role, where they help engineer to plan and determine the most suitable and appropriate location and dimension of the building structural components. From that, the planned location of the beam, column and footings should be easy and convenient to be constructed by the contractor. In order to ensure the location of structural component is designed according to the architecture drawings, AutoCAD is employed to draw the pre-layout by superimposing it from the architecture drawings. Meanwhile, the dimension of the structural components will be determined, particularly the component’s depth. Then, the engineer will calculate all the loading that may imposed to the floor by referring to the standard code of practice. Besides, he/she also needs to visualize how the loading and forces will be transferred to the structural component, so that the structural components are supported in most economic and appropriate way. After all the loadings have been calculated and checked, all the relevant data will be inputted into the design software, such as the beam and column layout, loading, dimension, material grade, soil bearing capacity and etc. After that, engineer will check for any error before the calculation is started. On the other hand, some structural component that cannot be designed by using the computer software may need to be designed manually and according to the design clauses. In order to achieve better, acceptable and adequate design, several trials may be required, especially the depth and allowable maximum dimension of the beam and slab. Besides, during this detail design stage, the engineer must ensure that the reinforcement bar should be easily fabricated, installed and cast. After the calculation yields the final result, design process will be further to the next step, which also known as preparation of building key plan. Due to the design analysis may yield various dimension and detailing, hence some structural components may need to be standardized. This improves the constructability of the design and therefore eases of construction. Sequentially, the building key plans will be submitted back to the client and architect for checking, costing and agree by them. 76 At this stage, changes may happen very often due to changes in client requirements and initial plan. As a result, rework on certain part of the design will be inevitable. If the client and architect had agreed to the building key plan, the building design process will proceed to the preparation of detail drawings and its specification. According to the interviewee of consultancy firm #C1, some of the detailing and specification can be retrieved from the previous design drawings, in order to shorten the drawing preparation time. At this stage, it is civil engineer responsibility to ensure the dimensions and detailing of all structural components are correct, being standardized, realistic in term of tolerance among the reinforcement bar and connection, and detail and clear design information and specification. Then, the professional engineer will be the last person to check all the designs prior to stamp and put down his signature. Eventually, those detailed drawings and specification will be submitted to the client for procurement stage. The interviewee in consultancy firm #C1 suggested that the preliminary design stage in engineering design work begins immediately after receiving the architecture drawings until the pre-layout plans of the building structure are sketched. While the detailed design starts from calculating all the loading and forces for design analysis until the completion of detailed drawings and specification. Model of Consultancy Firm #C1 Based on the above information provided by the interviewee from the consultancy firm #C1, the current design process model of consultancy firm #C1 is shown in Figure 4.2a, 4.2b and 4.2c. Generally, the preliminary design process of this case study consists of drawing study and calculation of forces and loading. Meanwhile, the detailed design process of this consultancy firm #C1 consists of structural design analysis, key plan preparation and produce detail drawings and specification. Besides, Figure 4.2b and Figure 4.2c illustrated the entities of consultancy firm #C1 model are the client, architect and British Standard code. 77 Preliminary Design Process 1.1 Drawing Study Clauses Standard Loading SI Report Architectural Drawings Pre-layout Plan 1.2 Forces & Loading Calculation Pre-layout Plan with Loads 2.1 Design Analysis Client Requirements Engineering Design Result 2.2 Detailing & Specs Standard Details & Specification 2.3 Order Produce Detail Drwg & Specs Retrieve Approved Key Plan Engineering Drwgs & Spec Key Plan Preparation Key Plan Approved Key Plan Comments & Approval Drawings Detailed Design Process Figure 4.2a The current building design process mode l#C1: level 2, preliminary design and detail design Architectural Drawings Architect Comments & Approval Key Plan British Standard Standard Loading 2 1 Preliminary Design Pre-layout Plan with Loads Detailed Design Clauses British Standard Key Plan SI Report Comments & Approval Client Requirements Engineering Drwgs & Spec Client Figure 4.2b : The current building design process model #C1: level 1 78 Architect Architectural Drawings Standard Loading Key Plan Comments & Approval 0 Current Building Design Process #C1 British Standard Clauses Client Requirements SI Report Key Plan Comments & Approval Engineering Drwgs & Spec Client Figure 4.2c The context diagram of current building design process model #C1: level 0 Additional Information from Consultancy Firm #C1 This section describes the opinions and suggestions of the interviewee of the consultancy firm #C1 to the questions number 3 to 6. According to the interviewee of consultancy firm #C1, consideration of constructability and its input should be injected in the beginning of the engineering design work, such as during the drawing study. It is because it is the best for engineer to know and understand what features that need to be given more attention during the design. From that, the chances of producing unsuitable design or not ideal decision making is minimize, and therefore rework of the design will able be minimized too. In other words, the time of injection of the constructability inputs should promote and enhance design correctly in first time. In addition, the appropriate time to review the design constructability suggested to be before the design or its framework is going to be finalized and agreed by the client. Regarding to the question number 5, the interviewee responded that if the engineers do not have enough experience in certain kind of design, they need to be guided and their works need to be checked by the more experience engineer. However, the engineer who produces the designs, should always ensure and check its 79 correctness, considered all the design consequences and ensure the designs can be constructed on site, before their designs are checked by the professional engineer. The interviewee of the consultancy firm #C1 chose nine constructability principals that can be used and reviewed in foundation design works. They are: • Principle P1: Carry out through investigation of the site • Principle P2: Design for minimum time below ground • Principle P4: Encourage standardisation/repetition • Principle P8: Investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerance • Principle P12: Investigate the impact of design on safety during construction • Principle P14: Design for skills available • Principle P15: Consider suitability of design materials • Principle P16: provide detail and clear design information • Principle P18: Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction method 4.3.2 The Consultancy Firm #C2 From the information gained from consultancy firm #C2, site survey and authorities requirements are the inputs for architect to produce the architecture’s schematic plan. Normally, the schematic plan presented the client-desire architectural building, types of building, layout and size, which according to its purpose and function of the building. Based on the schematic plan prepared by the architect, architect, civil engineers and M&E engineers will involved in several discussions. During the discussion, structural engineers will determine types of the structural system that need to be adopted, such as composite structural system, prefabricated component in certain area instead of cast in-situ and types of footing, in terms of cost-effectiveness, early completion, safety, buildability and etc. Hence, the soil 80 investigation report is inserted at here. As a result, architecture drawings will be developed from the discussion and it lets the client know whether his/her requirements are fulfilled or whether the designers understood what the client exactly desired. Then, quantity surveyor will cost out the overall budget of the building based on that architecture drawings. Several changes may be carried out too in order to suit the client requirement. If the initial costing is under the client budget and client agreed on that preliminary plan, the design process will proceed to engineer for detail engineering design. Sometimes, the civil engineer who participated to the discussion mentioned above may not directly do the building design work. They may assign it to his/her subordinators, such as the junior engineer. Therefore, it is a common practice that the civil engineer requires to study those architecture drawings plan prior commence of the following design work. In addition, civil engineer also needs to bear in mind that his/her design are not only comfort to the architecture drawings, but also client requirement too, particularly the cost and material quantities. Besides, civil engineer also needs to identify any structure, which requires specific or special dealing and design, such as connection between the prefabricated component and the cast in-situ concrete. Then, civil engineer will determine and sketch out the location of beam, column, wall and footings by superimposing them from the architectural drawings. During this stage, civil engineer needs to make sure the structural building is not “over-putting” with beam, column, trusses and footing, where they quantities have a significant affect over the cost of construction and constructor’s work load. Hence, proper supervision is required, particularly to the junior engineer and the engineer who is in first time to design such building. From that, the potentially of producing poor design can be controlled and early correction can be undertaken before it gives a deep impact on cost and time of rework at the mid of the design. Subsequently, by referring to the standard code of practice, civil engineer will calculate all loading and forces that impose to the building. Besides, he/she also needs to visualize how the loading and forces will be transferred to the structural component, so that the structural components are designed and supported in most economic and appropriate 81 way. Based on the loading calculated and his/her experience, engineer will predetermine the dimensions of the structural component, except the architect fixes them. After all the loadings have been calculated and their dimension have been determined, all the data will be inputted into the design software, such as the beam and column layout, loading, dimension, material grade, soil bearing capacity and etc. It is encouraged that civil engineer to check for any error before the design analysis is start. On the other hand, some structural component that can not be designed by using the computer software is required to be designed manually and according to the design clauses. In order to achieve better, acceptable and adequate design, several trials may be required, especially the depth and allowable maximum dimension of the beam and slab. Besides, during this detail design stage, the engineer also must ensure that the reinforcement bar should be easily fabricated, installed and cast, instead of congested and complex. After several tries of design analysis had yielded the final outcome, the key plans of the building will be prepared. These building key plans are need to be checked by the architect and agreed by client. Sometimes, changes to the building design may occur due to the client decision. As a result, rework on certain part of the design will be inevitable. Because of the design analysis always yield various dimension and detailing, hence some structural components may need to be standardized and renumbered, subject to its necessary. Therefore, the designs are considered its constructability in the means of standardization. According to the interviewee of consultancy firm #C2, detail drawings and its specification only will be prepared after the architect and client had agreed to the key plan, in order to avoid unnecessary of wastage caused by client if changes occur. As like other consultancy firms, some of the detailing and specification will be retrieved from the previous design drawing, and therefore it will shorten the drawing preparation time. At this stage, all structural components are required to be check for being standardized, realistic in terms of tolerance among the reinforcement bar and connection, and detail and clear design information and specification, particularly for 82 the steel structure. Then, as usual, professional engineer will be the last person to check all the designs prior to stamp and put down his signature. Eventually, those detailed drawings and specification will be submitted to the client for procurement stage. In this case study, the interviewee in consultancy firm #C2 categorized that the preliminary design stage should immediately begin from the architects prepare their preliminary plan until the architecture’s schematic drawings are developed from that several discussion among the architect and engineers. On the other hand, the detailed design starts from the design calculation until the completion and printing out of detailed drawings and specification. Model of Consultancy Firm #C2 Based on the above information provided by the interviewee from the consultancy firm #C2, the current design process model for consultancy firm #C2 is shown in Figure 4.3a, 4.3b and 4.3c. Generally, the preliminary design process of this case study consists of produce schematic plan, discussion, estimating costs, drawing study and calculation of forces and loading. Meanwhile, the detailed design process of this consultancy firm #C2 consists of structural design analysis, key plan preparation and produce detail drawings and specification. The standard details and specification serve as the storage database for the produce detail drawing and specification process. While, the drawing serves as the storage database for both preliminary and detailed design processes. Therefore, Figure 4.3b and Figure 4.3c illustrated the entities of consultancy firm #C2 model are the authorities, topographical information, client, architect and code of standard. 83 Preliminary Design Process Authorities Requirements Site Survey SI Report 1.1 Plan Arch. Discussion Comments & Feedback Drawings Arch. Drwgs Retrieve Arch. Drwgs Estimating Costs Drwgs Arch. Drwgs Client Requirements Estimated Cost 1.3 1.2 Schematic Produce Schematic Plan Arch. Drwgs Preliminary Plan Notification Clauses 1.5 1.4 Drawing Study SI Report Pre-layout Plan Forces & Loading Calculation Pre-layout Plan with Loads Standard Loading 2.2 Detailing & Specs Standard Details & Specification 2.3 Approved Produce Detail Drwg & Specs Key Plan Engineering Drwgs & Spec Figure 4.3a Design Analysis Engineering Design Result Key Plan Preparation Key Plan Retrieve Detailed Design Process 2.1 Comments & Approval Drawings The current building design process model #C2: level 2, preliminary design and detail design 84 Topographical Info Architect Site Survey SI Report Authorities Authorities Requirements Engineering Drwgs & Spec Drawings Arch. Drwgs Retrieve Arch. Drwgs 1 Comments & Approval 2 Pre-layout Preliminary Design Key Plan Detailed Design Plan with Loads Standard Loading Estimated Cost Schematic Plan Code of Standard Comments & Feedback Clauses Code of Standard Key Plan Comments & Approval Client Requirements Client Engineering Drwgs & Spec Figure 4.3b : The current building design process model #C2: level 1 Topographical Info SI Report Site Survey Authorities Authorities Requirements Client Requirements Figure 4.3c level 0 Architect Comments & Approval 0 Current Building Design Process #C2 Schematic Estimated Cost Comments & Plan Feedback Key Plan Key Plan Standard Loading Clauses Comments & Approval Code of Standard Engineering Drwgs & Spec Client The context diagram of current building design process model #C2: 85 Additional Information from Consultancy Firm #C2 According to the interviewee of consultancy firm #C2, consideration of constructability and its input should be injected in the beginning of the engineering design and its detail design stage. It is because it is the appropriate time where engineers are starting to consider all the circumstances that may affect the decision making and design result. Referring to the question number four in Appendix A, the interviewee responded that it is not encourage to has the constructability review process in the design, due to the simplicity of small and medium size project. It s because the interviewee commented those small building’s design works are very straightforward and common sense to design a building in first time correct. However, unless the project is very complex, huge and long construction duration, the design constructability review process should be carried out during the early stage of the design. Regarding to the question number 5, the interviewee of consultancy firm #C2 responded that it is the engineer duty and responsibility to do, consider all requirement and circumstances, and check it works correctly before present those design or drawings to the senior engineer. However, an in-house checking, where the engineers works will be guided and checked by the professional or experience engineers. Hence, a good consultancy firm is normally being in charged by at least one senior engineer who had gained many years of experience in design and indeed knowledgeable in engineering design. The interviewee of the consultancy firm #C2 also chose nine constructability principals that can be used and reviewed in the foundation design works. They are: • Principle P1: Carry out through investigation of the site • Principle P2: Design for minimum time below ground • Principle P4: Encourage standardisation/repetition • Principle P8: Investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerance 86 • Principle P11: Consider storage requirement at the jobsite • Principle P12: Investigate the impact of design on safety during construction • Principle P15: Consider suitability of design materials • Principle P16: provide detail and clear design information • Principle P18: Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction method Based on the experience of the interviewee, he had shared several examples about some important features that need to be considered and determined before and during the building foundation design. They are: a) Adequacy of site information, such as conduct a site visit, availability of clear and adequate information in topographical map and survey plan. b) Adequacy of soil investigation, particularly the location and numbers of Mackintosh Probe Test and Borehole should be appropriate and adequate, where they must truly reflected the soil condition, characteristic, and sub-soil strata. c) Determine the existence of any underground services, where it can affect the location of the building foundation and column. d) For any building project that surrounded by other adjacent building or the area is need to maintain its tranquillity, the engineers needs to select suitable foundation and appropriate construction method in order to comply the environment, health, safety and other authorities requirements. e) Minimal variation or standardization of foundation and stump size and depth. Besides, avoid any odd dimension that can cause extra workload during the construction. 87 4.3.3 The Consultancy Firm #C3 From the interview with consultancy firm #C3, preliminary design process of a building project is starts when architect produces the architectural preliminary drawing which based on the some important information, such as the client requirements, the building cost plan, and topography of the site and its environment. Normally, client will comment the first architectural preliminary drawing. Those comments will be feedback to the architect and produce another architectural preliminary drawing, until the client is satisfied. Then, architect will work out the architectural schematic drawing based on the architectural preliminary drawing that had been agreed by the client. These architectural schematic drawings present a more detail of building and space dimension, elevation, location of each facilities and etc. Besides, they should be fulfilled with local authorities’ requirements. From those drawings, civil engineer will work out the engineering preliminary plan which according to the client requirements, site condition and soil investigation report. Based on the purpose and function of the building, an experience engineer can estimate the dimension of the structural components. Therefore, several alternatives of engineering design will be proposed, if the designs can not economically be constructed by conventional method or according to what the client wanted. Hence, discussion among the architect, civil engineers, M&E engineer and client is essential, where all the project team members can discuss types of the structural system that need to be adopt, building cost and constructability issue. From the discussion, several of feedbacks may send to the architect or engineers to produce another drawing that fulfilled with the client or architect requirements for next discussion. Then, quantity surveyor will cost out the overall budget of the building based on that architecture drawings and engineering preliminary plan. Commonly, client will comment on those drawings again if the cost feedback shows the cost of building is over the budgeted cost. After all the architectural schematic drawings and engineering preliminary plan had been agreed and approved by the client, the design process will proceed to the detail design stage. The architect will complete all his/her drawing by producing the detail architectural drawing. All the detail architecture information and 88 specification, such as the material and specifications for each component, location and dimension of each utilities, finishes’ quality and etc, will be presented in that drawing. Meanwhile, the civil engineer will begin his/her engineering design and analysis. Sometimes, the civil engineer who participated to the discussion mentioned above may not directly do the building design work. They also may assign it to his/her subordinators, such as the junior engineer. Therefore, a thorough of drawing study is essential prior commence of the following design process. Within the detail engineering design and analysis process, civil engineer will calculate all the loading and forces again, and then design it according to standard code of practice by using computer software or manually. After several tries of design and the analysis had yielded the final outcome, civil engineer or draftsman will produce the building structural layout plans. These structural layout plans indicated the exact dimension and cross section of each structural component. Meanwhile, some structural components are required to be standardized and renumbered, subject to its necessary, due to the design analysis always yield various dimension and detailing. After that, the structural layout will be checked by the architect and agreed by client. Sometimes, minor changes to the building design may occur due to the client request. As a result, rework on certain part of the design will be inevitable. After the client had approved the structural layout, the design work will be finalized by producing a complete set of detail drawings and its specification. As like other consultancy firms too, some of the detailing and specification are retrieved or modified from the previous design drawing in order to reduce the workload and shorten the preparation time. Last but not less, senior engineer or professional engineer will check all the drawing thoroughly before the endorsement and submission to the client. 89 Model of Consultancy Firm #C3 Based on the above information provided by the interviewee from the consultancy firm #C3, the current design process model for consultancy firm #C3 is shown in Figure 4.4a, 4.4b and 4.4c. The preliminary design process of this case study consists of several processes, which they are produce architectural preliminary drawing process, produce architectural schematic drawing process, produce preliminary plan process, discussion process, and estimating cost process. Besides, the detailed design process consists of produce detail architectural drawing, detail engineering design process produce structural layout process and produce detail engineering drawing process. The prices and standard details and specification served as the storage database for the estimating costs process and produce detail engineering drawing process, respectively. While, the drawing serves as the storage database for both preliminary and detailed design processes. Therefore, Figure 4.4b and Figure 4.4c illustrated the entities of consultancy firm #C3 model are the authorities, topographical information, client, architect and code of standard. 90 Preliminary Design Process Prices 1.5 Prices Estimating Costs Request Client Requirements Authorities Requirements Site Survey 1.1 Arch. Preliminary Design Cost Plan Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Arch. Schematic Drwg. 1.2 Arch. Preliminary Arch. Schematic Design Drwg. 1.4 Comments & Feedback Discussion Feedbacks Arch. Schematic Drwg. Arch. Preliminary Drwg. Cost Feedback Eng. Preliminary plan Feedbacks Client Requirements Standard Loading Comments 1.3 Retrieve Drawings Arch. Schematic Drwg. Produce Eng. Preliminary Plan App. Preliminary Design Doc. Site Survey SI Report 2.1 Detail Arch. Drwg. Engineering Drwgs & Spec Detail Arch Design Arch. Drwg. Notification 2.3 2.4 Produce Detail Eng. Drwg. Retrieve Approved Structural Layout Produce Structural Layout Detailing & Specs Comments & Approval Standard Details & Specification Figure 4.4a 2.2 Engineering Design Result Detail Eng. Design Clauses Structural Layout Detailed Design Process The current building design process model #C3: level 2, preliminary design and detail design 91 Topographical Info Site Survey SI Report Authorities Engineering Drwgs & Spec Drawings Detail Arch. Drwg. Arch. Schematic Drwg. Architect Structural Layout Arch. Drwg. Retrieve Authorities Requirements 1 App. Preliminary Preliminary Design Standard Loading Detailed Design Design Doc. Standard Code of Practice Comments & Approval 2 Standard Code of Practice Clauses Comments & Feedback Cost Feedback Comments Structural Layout Arch. Preliminary Drwg. Cost Plan Comments & Approval Client Requirements Engineering Drwgs & Spec Client Figure 4.4b : The current building design process model #C3: level 1 Topographical Info Site Survey Architect Structural Layout SI Report Authorities Comments & Approval Authorities Requirements Cost Plan Client Requirements 0 Clauses Current Building Design Process #C3 Standard Loading Comments Cost Feedback Comments & Feedback Standard Code of Practice Structural Layout Comments & Approval Client Engineering Drwgs & Spec Figure 4.4c level 0 The context diagram of current building design process model #C3: 92 Additional Information from Consultancy Firm #C3 According to the interviewee of consultancy firm #C3, consideration of constructability and its input should be injected as early as possible of the design, particularly before produce any design drawings for discussion among the client and designers. It is because wastage of resources will happen if any features, which must be considered at the beginning of the design, are overlooked and yet only be discovered at the end of the design. Hence, a consultancy firm which also a profit based company, needs to avoid such circumstance. The interviewee responded the question number four in Appendix A that if constructability is needed to be proposed in the design process, the review should be conducted in the early stage of the design. It is because any reviews and changes are should be settled down in the early stage of the design, where the design decision has not been finalized and agreed by the client. However, review of the design constructability also can be carried out for certain features during the detail design stage, where the reviewed result will not change the fixed design framework and therefore does not increase project cost. Regarding to the question number 5, the interviewee of consultancy firm #C3 also responded that engineers who also as the employee of a business based company are responsible to do his duty, consider all requirement and circumstances, design and check his works are correct, particularly before present any design or drawings to the senior engineer and client. Nonetheless, the senior engineer will given adequate guidance to the young and inexperience engineer, where their works are checked by the professional or experience engineers. The interviewee of the consultancy firm #C3 selected ten constructability principals that suitable to be used for inputting and reviewing the foundation design. They are: • Principle P1: Carry out through investigation of the site • Principle P2: Design for minimum time below ground • Principle P4: Encourage standardisation/repetition 93 • Principle P8: Investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerance • Principle P11: Consider storage requirement at the jobsite • Principle P12: Investigate the impact of design on safety during Construction • Principle P14: Design for skills available • Principle P15: Consider suitability of design materials • Principle P16: provide detail and clear design information • Principle P18: Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction method Based on the experience of the interviewee, several features that need to be considered and checked for the building foundation design were shared at the end of the interview session. Among them are: a) Adequacies of site survey and soil investigation information are the most important features that need to be carried out before proposing any foundation system. For example, type of ground formation in terms of cut and fill involved, conducting the inspection of adjoining areas and site exploration when it is required, using appropriate soil investigation method, and site accessibility. b) Suitability of the selected foundation system with site constraints and accessibility of necessary equipments. c) Method of construction that comply with the environmental, health, safety and other statutory requirements. d) Odd dimensions of the footing and standardize it according to the company standard details are avoided. e) The designs comply with standard code of practice. f) All dimensions, detailing information, notes and specification are clear, concise and complete. 94 4.4 Summary Based on the responses of the interviewees to the interview questions, the summaries of this chapter are shown in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2. Table 4.1 : The summary of the interviewee #A1 and #C1’s responses Architect Firm #A1 Consultancy Firm #C1 Preliminary design process includes: - produce architectural sketches - produce architectural schematic Q1 design - discussion Preliminary design process includes: - drawing study - forces and loading calculation Detail design process consists of: - produce detail architectural design Q2 - produce construction drawing by consultant Detail design process consists of: - design analysis - key plan preparation - produce detail drawings and specifications When architect starts sketching the When the engineer starts his/her design during the design work, such as during the Q3 concept architectural preliminary design. drawing study. Recommended to be reviewed for its Should not wait until the design or Q4 constructability before meeting the its framework is going to be client and consultants. finalized and agreed by the client. Other than just fulfilling the client requirements, the architect himself should ensure the design is Q5 construct-able and free of omission. However, senior architect will guide and check the fresh architect’s design work. Q6 P1, P15, P16, P18 If the engineers do not have enough experience in it, they will be guided and their works will be checked by the more experience engineer. P1, P2, P4, P8, P12, P14, P15, P16, P18. 95 Table 4.2 : The summary of the interviewee #C2 and #C3’s responses Q1 Consultancy Firm #C2 Consultancy Firm #C3 Preliminary design process includes: Preliminary design process includes: - produce schematic plan - architectural preliminary design - discussion - architectural schematic design - estimating costs - engineering preliminary plan - drawing study - discussion - forces and loading calculation - estimating costs Detail design process consists of: Q2 Detail design process consists of: - design analysis - detail architectural design - key plan preparation - detail engineering design - produce detail drawings and - produce structural layout specifications - detail engineering drawing In the beginning of the project design It should be injected as early as Q3 and its detail design stage. possible in the design, particularly before the discussion. Due to the simplicity of small and Should be conducted in the early medium size project, it is not stage of the design, where the design encouraged to conduct the construct- decision has not been finalized and ability review process (CRP) in that agreed by the client. Certain features Q4 design, because it is very straight can be reviewed during the detail forward for engineer to design it design stage, where the reviewed correctly in the first time. Unless, the features will not change the fixed project is very complex, CRP should design framework and therefore does be carried out during the early stage not increase project cost. of the design. It is the engineer duty and responsibility to do, consider all requirements and Q5 circumstances that may affect his/her design, and check it correctly. However, their work also will be guided and checked by the professional engineer. Q6 P1, P2, P4, P8, P11, P12, P15, P16, P1, P2, P4, P8, P11, P12, P14, P15, P18 P16, P18 96 CHAPTER 5 MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Introduction This chapter presents the development and discussion of the general design process model which based on the four case studies’ model, and constructability integrated building design process, that integrated with a review design constructability process and constructability checklists as an entity. However, the development of constructability checklist is discussed in chapter 6. 5.2 The General Building Design Process Model After series of reviewing and refining with the pre-appointed experts through discussions, a general building design process was developed by comparing, combining and generalizing among the four current building design process models in Chapter 4. Figure 5.1 shows the context diagram for the general building process consists of five entities: topographical information, authorities, client, architect, and standard code of practice. Figure 5.2 is the top-downed view to the general building process, where it consists of preliminary design process, estimating costs process and detailed design process. A data store named drawings function as a storage place for all architectural 97 and engineering drawings that can be retrieved by architect, quantity surveyor and engineers. While, the prices is a data store, where quantity surveyor can retrieve the market prices for estimating building cost. Topographical Info Authorities Site Information Authorities Requirements Standard Loading Standard Code of Practice Clauses Cost Plan Comments Sketches Structural Layout 0 General Building Design Process Structural Layout SI Report Comments & Approval Budget Comments & Approval Client Requirements Architect Estimated Cost Cost Feedback Construction Drawings Client Figure 5.1 : The context diagram of general building design process model: level 0 98 Client Budget Estimated Cost Cost Feedback Topographical Info Prices 2 Estimating Costs Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Arch. + Eng. Drawings SI Report Site Information Prices Request Drawings Authorities Authorities Requirements Standard Code of Practice Arch. Schematic Drwg. Detail Arch. Drwg. Comments & Approval 3 1 App. Preliminary Preliminary Design Standard Loading Architect Structural Layout Arch. Drwg. Retrieve Arch. Schematic Drwg. Eng. Drawings & Spec. Detailed Design Design Doc. Clauses Structural Layout Comments Standard Code of Practice Comments & Approval Cost Client Plan Requirements Construction Drawings Sketches Client 98 Figure 5.2 : The general building design process model: level 1 99 Figure 5.3 is the level 2 for preliminary design process, where it consists of 4 sub-processes; they are produce architectural preliminary design process, produce architectural schematic design process, produce engineering preliminary plan process, and discussion process. Generally, client meets the architect and describes in detail about his/her requirements and cost plan of the building. Then, the architect will gather site information by conducting site survey. Based on the client requirements, cost plan and site information, the architect works out his first building sketches during the produce of architectural preliminary design stage. Meanwhile, the architect will refer the materials information and retrieve some idea form the architectural references, in order to sketch out a better building architectural design asked by the client. After than, those sketches will be reviewed and comments by the clients. Site Information Cost Plan Authorities Requirements Client Requirements Materials Arch. Schematic Drwg. Materials 1.1 Produce Arch. Preliminary Design App. Arch. Preliminary Drwg. 1.2 Produce Arch. Schematic Design Refer Idea Arch. Schematic Drwg. Comments Sketches Architectural References Feedbacks Client Requirements 1.3 Standard Loading Eng. Preliminary Plan Produce Eng. Preliminary Plan Site Information Retrieve Discussion Feedbacks App. Preliminary Design Doc. SI Report Arch. Schematic Drwg. 1.4 Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Comments Cost Feedback Figure 5.3 : The general building design process model: level 2, preliminary design 100 After receiving the approved architectural preliminary plan, the architect will produce their architectural schematic design. The architectural schematic drawings will be sent to the consultant engineers for producing their engineering preliminary plans that are needed for the following discussion stage. Hence, the required inputs to produce those plans are the client requirements, site information and soil investigation report that contribute by the topographical information entities, standard loading from standard code of practice, and the architectural schematic drawings retrieved from the drawings data store. Then, based on the architectural schematic drawings and engineering preliminary plans, discussion will be conducted among the client and all designers. The purpose of the discussion is to determine and select the design, such as types of the structural system that need to be adopted, materials grade and its quality, alternative design and etc. Besides, client will let the quantity surveyor to estimate the rough construction cost, based on the architectural drawings and engineering preliminary plans that purposed by the architect and engineers. Hence, client may give several comments and cost feedback. Design changes may happen if the client is not satisfied with the design or costing result. Therefore, the architect and engineers will amend their design according to the feedbacks. As a result, several discussions are required before the preliminary design process proceed to the detail design process stage. Figure 5.4 illustrated the detailed design process, where it comprises of 4 subprocesses, such as produce detail architectural drawing process, detail engineering design process, produce structural layout process, and produce detail engineering drawing process. After the general design framework has been determined and selected during the discussion, the architect will produce their detail architectural drawings. The inputs of this process are approved preliminary design document and architectural schematic drawings that can be retrieved from the drawings data store. After that, the architect sends a notification to the engineers. 101 App. Preliminary Design Doc. Arch. Schematic Drwg. App. Preliminary Design Doc. 3.1 Detail Arch. Drwg. Arch. Drwg. 3.2 Produce Detail Arch Drwg. Notification Engineering Drwgs & Spec Engineering Design Result 3.3 3.4 Construction Drawings Clauses Detail Eng. Design Produce Detail Eng. Drwg. Retrieve Detailing & Spec. Approved Produce Structural Layout Structural Layout Comments & Approval Structural Layout Standard Details & Specification Figure 5.4 : The general building design process model: level 2, detailed design Meanwhile, the engineers may begin their detail engineering design, such as study the architectural drawings, calculate the actual loading and forces, and run the design analysis. Hence, the inputs for the detail engineering design process are approved preliminary design document, all architectural drawings that retrieved form the drawings data store, and clauses from the standard code of practice. The outcome of the detail engineering design is engineering design result. From that, the engineers or their draftsmen will sort up the results and produce a standard structural layout. Then, the structural layouts are needed to be checked by the architect for drawing coordination, and submitted to the client for comments and approval. Hence, the engineers are required to produce good design in order to fulfil the client requirements, i.e. can be constructed within the budget, and therefore minimize the design reworks. After the structural layout have been commented and approved by the client and architect, engineers will produce detail engineering drawings, where all specification will be described in detail and concise. Normally, the engineers will 102 retrieve the standard detailing and specification from their company’s standard details and specification data store. In contrast, they need to produce those detailing and specification if it can not be found from the data store. After that, those drawings will be saved and client will request the quantity surveyor for detail costing. If the estimated cost is more than the budgeted cost or the client made a sudden change to the design, his/her requirements or budget, then the design may either needs to be redesigned either from the discussion process or detail engineering design, which it depends on the degree of the changes. Finally, the construction drawings will be produced if there are no further changes to the design and accepted by the client. Table 5.1a , Table 5.1b, Table 5.2a, Table 5.2b and Table 5.3 summarized all the inputs and outputs of the processes that involved in the general building design process model. Table 5.1a : Inputs and outputs of process 1: preliminary design Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Client Requirements (Client) Cost Plan (Client) Process 1.1: Produce Architectural Preliminary Design Refer (Architectural References) Site Information (Topographical Information) Materials (Materials) Idea (Architectural References) App. Arch. Preliminary Drwg. (Process 1.2) Comments (Client) Process 1.2: Produce Architectural Schematic Design App. Arch. Preliminary Drwg. (Process 1.1) Authorities Requirements (Authorities) Feedbacks (Discussion) Comments (Client) Arch. Schematic Drwg. (Drawings & Discussion) 103 Table 5.1b : Inputs and outputs of process 1: preliminary design (continue) Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Client Requirements (Client) Standard Loading (Standard Code of Practice) Process 1.3: Produce Preliminary Engineering Plan Retrieve (Drawings) Site Information (Topographical Information) SI Report (Topographical Information) Arch. Schematic Drwg. (Drawings) Eng. Preliminary Plan (Process 1.4) Feedbacks (Process 1.4) Process 1.4: Discussion Arch. Schematic Drwg. (Process 1.2) Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan (Process 2) Eng. Preliminary Plan (Process 1.3) Feedbacks (Process 1.2 & 1.3) Cost Feedback (Client) Comments (Client) App. Preliminary Design Doc. (Process 3.1 & 3.2) Table 5.2a : Inputs and outputs of process 3: detailed design Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Process 3.1: Produce detail architectural drawing App. Preliminary Design Doc. (Process 1.4) Detail Arch. Drwg. (Drawings) Arch. Schematic Drwg. (Drawings) Notification (Process 3.2) App. Preliminary Design Doc. (Process 1.4) Process 3.2: Detail engineering design Notification (Process 3.1) Arch. Drwg. (Drawings) Clauses (Standard Code of Practice) Engineering Design Result (Process 3.3) 104 Table 5.2b : Inputs and outputs of process 3: detailed design (continue) Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Process 3.3: Produce structural layout Engineering Design Result (Process 3.2) Structural Layout (Client & Architect) Comments & Approval (Client & Architect) Approved Structural Layout (Process 3.4) Approved Structural Layout (Process 3.3) Retrieve (Standard Details & Specification) Process 3.4: Produce detail engineering drawing Detailing & Spec. (Standard Details & Specification) Engineering Drwgs. & Spec. (Drawings) Construction Drawings (Client) Table 5.3 : Inputs and outputs of process 2: estimating costs Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Budget (Client) Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Process 2: Request (Prices) Preliminary Plan (Process 1.4) Estimating Costs Prices (Prices) Arch. + Eng. Drawings (Drawings) Estimated Cost (Client) 105 5.3 The Constructability Integrated Building Design Process Model Based on the suggestion of the interviewees in Chapter 4 and general building design process model discussed above, a constructability integrated building design process model was developed. After series of reviewing and refining from the preappointed experts through discussions, an entity, named constructability checklists, are proposed in this model, where it contributes the constructability inputs and checklists to the design processes. Figure 5.5 illustrated the context diagram of constructability integrated building design process model of this study. Constructability Checklists Constructability Inputs SI Report Authorities Site Information Authorities Requirements Clauses Cost Plan Amended Structural Layout 0 Standard Loading Standard Code of Practice Topographical Info Checklists Constructability Integrated Building Design Process Amended Comments Structural Sketches Layout Architect Comments & Approval Budget Comments & Approval Client Requirements Estimated Cost Cost Feedback Construction Drawings Client Figure 5.5 The context diagram of constructability integrated building design process model: level 0 The beginning of the architect’s design work is producing the architectural preliminary design. While, the engineers’ design work only will starts after the architect had produced their architectural schematic design. Therefore, it is proposed 106 that the constructability elements be viewed and considered during the early stage of both processes, as in Figure 5.6. It is because early understanding of the constructability elements that need to be considered during both processes can give a great and significant influence of producing better design. It is rather already late to know what the constructability features need to be considered after the building is designed. It is also proposed that designers make use the constructability checklists as the constructability inputs, where they can study thoroughly the checklists. From that, it lets them know what constructability features that need to be considered during the design. Hence, constructability is proposed to be integrated into the general building design process model by inserting the constructability inputs to the produce architectural preliminary design process and produce engineering preliminary plan, in the preliminary design process. Site Information Cost Plan Authorities Requirements Client Requirements Materials Arch. Schematic Drwg. Materials 1.1 Constructability Inputs Produce Arch. Preliminary Design App. Arch. Preliminary Drwg. 1.2 Reviewed Design Constructability List Produce Arch. Schematic Design Refer Idea Sketches Architectural References Client Requirements Standard Loading 1.3 Produce Eng. Preliminary Plan Site Information Feedbacks Constructability Inputs SI Report Amended Eng. Preliminary Plan Arch. Schematic Drwg. Eng. Preliminary Plan 1.4 Discussion Feedbacks App. Preliminary Design Doc. Retrieve Figure 5.6 Amended Arch. Schematic Drwg. Comments Reviewed Design Constructability List Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Plan Comments Cost Feedback The constructability integrated building design process model: level 2, preliminary design 107 In detail design stage, constructability input also is proposed to be injected in the detail engineering design process, as in Figure 5.7. It is because the person who involved in the detail engineering design may not be the same person who involved in the engineering preliminary plan, due to the company’s working culture. Besides, the period of conducting the produce engineering preliminary plan process and detail engineering design process is long. Therefore, the injection of constructability input by referring back to the constructability checklist can enhance the constructability of the following detail engineering design. In addition, the features that need to be given attention for its design constructability during the preliminary design process and detail design process are different. It is because the design constructability features that need to be considered and reviewed in the detail design process will not change the major design framework that had been agreed in the preliminary design stage. Hence, constructability inputs is proposed to be injected in the beginning of the detail engineering design, as showed in Figure 5.7, in order to enhance the design constructability. App. Preliminary Design Doc. Detail Arch. Drwg. Arch. Schematic Drwg. App. Preliminary Design Doc. 4.1 Comments & Approval 4.3 Approved Produce Detail Eng. Drwg. Reviewed Design Constructability List Structural Layout Retrieve Detailing & Spec. Standard Details & Specification Figure 5.7 Engineering Design Result 4.4 Engineering Drwgs & Spec. Clauses Detail Eng. Design Amended Detail Arch. Drwg. Construction Drawings Amended Engineering Drwgs & Spec. Arch. Drwg. 4.2 Notification Produce Detail Arch Drwg. Reviewed Design Constructability List Constructability Inputs Produce Structural Layout Structural Layout Amended Structural Layout Reviewed Design Constructability List The constructability integrated building design process model: level 2, detailed design 108 In level 1 of the general building design process model, a review design constructability process is also proposed to review and check the design constructability. In this process, the designers or his/her supervisor can review, evaluate and analyze the design constructability by using the building design constructability checklist. Hence, they either will approve or put some remarks in the checklist according to the features listed in the checklist. Then, a list of reviewed design constructability will be given to the designers, so that they will amend their design and drawings if the design is not ok or been given remarks. As showed in the Figure 5.6, a process of review design constructability is proposed to be carried out after the produce architectural schematic drawing process and engineering preliminary plan process. After reviewed its design constructability, the reviewed design constructability list will be feedback to those processes for further amendment or proceed to the following stage. In detail design process, the review design constructability process is proposed to be carried out after produce the detail architectural drawing process, structural layout and detail engineering drawing, but before sending any drawings to the drawings data store, client for comments and approval, and quantity surveyor for cost estimating, as illustrated in Figure 5.7. As similar in the preliminary design process, the reviewed design constructability list will be feedback to those processes for further amendment or proceed to the following stage after it has been review for its design constructability. Figure 5.8 is the level 1 of the constructability integrated building design process model, where the integration of constructability into the design process is proposed to be carried out by having the constructability checklist as a entity that contribute the constructability inputs and checklists, and a review design constructability process which denoted as process number 2. As a result, the level 1 of the constructability integrated building design process consists of preliminary design process, review design constructability process, estimating costs process and detailed design process. While, the entities and data stores are still remained as in general building design process model, except the constructability checklists is added in it. Table 5.4 summarized al the inputs and outputs of the review design constructability process. 109 Budget 3 Client Topographical Info Site Information Estimated Cost Arch. Drwg. + Eng. Preliminary Cost Plan Feedback SI Report Authorities Request Estimating Costs Prices Prices Arch. + Eng. Drawings Amended Eng. Drawings & Spec. Amended Structural Layout Drawings Arch. Drwg. Authorities Requirements Arch. Schematic Drwg. Retrieve Standard Code of Practice Standard Loading 1 Constructability Checklists Arch. Schematic Drwg. Reviewed Design Constructability List 2 Review Design Constructability Checklists Client Requirements Cost Plan 4 Sketches Comments Clauses Detailed Design Design Doc. Eng. Preliminary Plan Comments & Approval Amended Detail Arch. Drwg. App. Preliminary Preliminary Design Constructability Inputs Architect Standard Code of Practice Constructability Inputs Detail Arch. Drwg. Constructability Checklists Structural Layout Eng. Drawings & Spec. Amended Structural Layout Comments & Approval Construction Drawings Client 109 Figure 5.8 : The constructability integrated building design process model: level 1 110 Table 5.4 : Inputs and outputs of process 2: review design constructability process Processes Inputs (from) Outputs (to) Arch. Schematic Drwg. (Process 1.2) Eng. Preliminary Plan (Process 1.3) Process 2: Review Design Constructability Reviewed Design Detail Arch. Drwg. Constructability List (Process 4.1) (Process 1.2, 1.3, 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4) Structural Layout (Process 4.3) Eng. Drawings & Spec. (Process 4.4) 5.4 Summary After series of reviewing and refining with the pre-appointed experts through discussions with them, a general building design process model is developed by comparing, combining and generalizing among the four case studies’ model. As a result, the level 1 of general building design process consists of five entities: client, topographical information, authorities, standard code of practice, and architect; three processes: preliminary design (process 1), estimating costs (process 2), and detailed design (process 3); and two data stores: drawings, and prices. Besides, the level 2 of its preliminary design (process 1) consists of four processes: produce architectural preliminary design (process 1.1), produce architectural schematic design (process 1.2), produce preliminary plan (process 1.3), and discussion (process 1.4); and two data stores: materials, and architectural references. Whilst, the level 2 of its detailed design (process 3) consists of four processes: produce detail architectural drawing (process 3.1), detail engineering 111 design (process 3.2), produce structural layout (process 3.3), and produce detail engineering drawing (process 3.4); one data store named as standard details and specification. Based on the general building design process model and the suggestion from the interviewees, a entity of constructability checklist and a review constructability process are proposed in the model in order to promote the design constructability by injecting its inputs, and review and check for its design constructability in the certain times of the design works. Hence, the numbering of the processes in level 1 of this new model, named as constructability integrated building design process model, are rearranged according to the logical of the design workflow. As a result, preliminary design process is still remained as process 1, review design constructability process is denoted as process 2, estimating costs process and detailed design process are renumbered as process 3 and process 4, respectively. 112 CHAPTER 6 CHECKLIST DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, a constructability integrated building design process model has been developed whereby design constructability is integrated and enhanced by having a review design constructability process and constructability checklist. In this chapter, a building design constructability checklist is developed after it had been undergo series of reviewing and refining with the pre-appointed experts through discussions. However, the developed checklist is used for building foundation assessment, due to limitation of time. Design phase’s constructability principles that being integrated in the features to be checked are also presented. 6.2 The Development of Design Constructability Checklist Based on the responses from all interviewees, a design constructability checklist for building foundation assessment is developed. Totally, there are 13 main features that needs to be checked for its design constructability, are constructed. They are: a) General characteristic of the surrounding; b) Types of ground formation; 113 c) Adequacy of oil investigation information; d) Adequacy of Borehole numbers that depends on site condition; e) Site exploration, such as geological formation and subsoil strata; f) Consideration of site clearance; g) Site suitability of selected foundation system; h) Consideration of construction and/or testing equipments and tools for the selected foundation system; i) Requirement to the environmental, health, safety and other statutory compliance for the construction; j) Minimize the complexity of foundation design; k) Construction material to the selected type of foundation; l) Detail design and construction drawings; and m) Clear marking and positioning. Besides, each of the main features are detailed with other sub-features to be checked, so that it can assist the users to know what things are needed to be considered before the start of design work and reviewed the design constructability before completion of the design. Three columns, respectively named as ok, not ok and remarks, are prepared in the checklist form for assessment purpose. Table 5.1 showed one of the sections in building design constructability checklist, where the complete checklists are demonstrated in Appendix B. 1. General characteristic of the surrounding • Topographical map or landscape • Existing planting or trees • Existing or previous building • Others infrastructure, e.g.: road, water, electricity, drains and etc • Survey plan Not OK Features to be checked OK Items Table 6.1 : Item no. 1 of the building design constructability checklist Remarks 114 6.3 The Discussion The purpose of having this design constructability checklist is to use it as a tool for promoting, implementing and enhancing the foundation design constructability. It is because those features stated in the checklist are integrated with constructability principles that have been discussed in Chapter 2. In other words, the designers will be able to consider the construability principles that appropriate to be applied for foundation design, when they read through the checklist at the beginning of the design work. In addition, the designers also reviewed the foundation design constructability, when they are using the checklist to assess their design work. So, constructability inputs are injected and the design constructability is reviewed by utilizing this kind of checklist that developed in this study. Appendix C listed out the design phase’s constructability principles that being inserted in those features to be checked. However, other features to be checked that not yet being listed in that checklist, also can be added up in the future, if the designers, client or contractor feel that features need to be checked in order to promote or enhance the design constructability. 6.4 Summary Based on the development of building design constructability checklist for assessment on building foundation design discussed in this chapter, the following summaries can be made: a) Totally, there are 13 main features had been listed in the building design constructability checklist. All main features are further described by sub-features in order to let the users know what things are needs to be considered and reviewed for enhancement of design constructability. 115 b) Design phase’s constructability principles that being integrated in the features to be checked are discovered and listed. Hence, when the designers study through the checklist at the beginning of their design and used it for design assessment purpose, the constructability of the design will be inputted in the design consideration and reviewed during the assessment. 116 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Introduction In traditional contracting system, a building design is separated from its construction stage and the involvement of construction experts will only be commenced after the project design stage is complete. Hence, this traditional design process do not focused on the production of the contractor, where it is the contractor’s responsibility to plan and match the design needs. As a result, many design-related problems arise during the project design stage, such as the buildings could not be built efficiently or constructed as designed. This study was carried out to integrate constructability into the building design process that conducted within the traditional contracting system. The findings from this study are concluded and several recommendations for related future research are briefly explained in this chapter. 7.2 Conclusions The objectives of this study that stated in Chapter 1 have been reached from the three phases of research exercises described in the research methodology. They are: 117 a) To determine the local construction industry’s current building design process. b) To propose a model that integrates constructability to the general building design process. c) To develop a building design constructability checklist. Hence, the conclusions of this study are: a) The local construction industry’s current building design process flow has been determined by conducting several structured interview with the predetermined interviewees described in Chapter 3. Based on the information collected from the each expert, three current building design process models have been developed and presented in DFD form. Then, a general building design process model is developed by comparing, combining and generalizing those four current building design process models. In briefly, the building design process consists of 3 major processes, they are preliminary design, detailed design and estimating costs. The sub-processes consist within the preliminary design process are produce architectural preliminary design, produce architectural schematic design, produce engineering preliminary plan, and discussion. Meanwhile, the sub-processes consist within the detailed design are produce detail architectural drawing, detail engineering design, produce structural layout, and produce detail engineering drawing. b) Based on the opinions from the four experts, an integration of constructability principles into the general building design process model is proposed by having a constructability checklist as the entity and a review design constructability process in that model. The constructability checklist, where the features to be checked promote the design constructability, contributes constructability inputs into determined points of the sub-processes and acts as a checklist itself to the review design constructability process. Besides, the review design 118 constructability process is functioned to check and assess the design constructability at the predetermined points of the design process by using the constructability checklist. c) A building design constructability checklist for assessment on foundation is developed. It is a tool that integrated with constructability principles in the features to be checked, use for integrating constructability in the design. Totally, there are 13 main features to be checked, have been listed into the checklist. The subfeatures further describe all main features in order to let the users know what things are need to be considered and reviewed for enhancement of design constructability. 7.3 Recommendations for Future Research The following suggestions are recommended for related future research. a) The constructability assessment framework proposed in this study is limited to building project procured under the traditional contracting system. Hence, it is recommended that similar framework should be developed for other types of project, or the building project is procured in other types of procurement system. b) The constructability checklist developed in this study is only limited to enhance and assess the building foundation design. Further study should be carried out to develop other building design constructability checklists that can be used for assessment on other structural elements, such as beam, column, slab and roof. 119 c) It is not specified that those features and sub-features listed in the foundation constructability checklist are the only features that need to be considered and checked. 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Consequently, many design-related problems arise during the project construction stage, where the buildings could not be constructed efficiently, or some could not be built as planned or designed. These design-related problems can often be traced back to design decisions that lacked of knowledge regarding on how the object would be built. Hence, proper implementation of constructability review within the design process it seems to be able to minimize or solve those design-related problems. Constructability, or buildability in other word, means the extent to which the design of a building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building (CIRIA, 1983). It emphasis the designers to incorporate constructability inputs and critiques as part of their design practice. Such constructability inputs that had been identified in this study are: • Carry out thorough investigation of the site; • Design for minimum time below ground; • Design for simple assembly; • Encourage standardisation/repetition; • Design for pre-fabrication, pre-assembly or modularisation; • Analyse accessibility of the jobsite; • Employ any visualisation tools such as 3D CAD to avoid physical interference; 127 • Investigate any unsuspected unrealistic of incompatible tolerance; • Investigate the practical sequence of construction; • Plan to avoid damage of work by subsequent operations; • Consider storage requirement at the jobsite; • Investigate the impact of design on safety during construction; • Design to avoid return visit by trade; • Design for skills available; • Consider suitability of designed materials; • Provide detail and clear design information; • Design for early enclosure; and • Consider adverse weather effect in selecting materials or construction methods. Aims The aims of this interview are: i) To determine the current design process flow of building project, which procured under Design/Bid/Build contracting system. ii) To determine any constructability consideration or implementation within the current design process flow. iii) To determine the best time of implementation for constructability review process. All information and responses you provided will be treated in confidential manner and anonymously. 128 The Interview Questions: 1. Generally, a building design process can be categorized into 2 major subphases, which are the preliminary design and detail design. Based on your experience, can you explain in detail about when, how and what the activities and workflows are normally being involved in preliminary design of a building project (excluded civil or infrastructure works)? 2. After the preliminary design, the building design will be proceed to detail design, in order to produce a complete set of detailed drawings and specification for procurement stage. Based on your experience too, can you explain in detail about how and what the activities and workflows are normally being involved in detail design of a building project (excluded civil or infrastructure works)? 3. Consideration of constructability during the design stage is one of the alternative ways to minimize or solve various design-related problems. Based on your experience and in your point of view, when is the building project, within the design stage, should be injected with constructability input? 4. Either the building design had injected with constructability input during the design phase or they had been neglected, review of its constructability which based on any one or more from the eighteen constructability principles mentioned above, can discovered up the design’s constructability problem. For example, constructability reviews can be carried out within the preliminary design stage and/or detail design stage, after a certain work had been done. In your opinion, when is the appropriate time to conduct this constructability review process? 5. Normally, it is encouraged that the review or checking system shall be carried out by other persons who are not directly involved in the design. What is your opinion if a design is designed by the engineer or architect, and the design’s constructability is checked by the same person who did the 129 design? In other words, shall the constructability review be carry out by other competent person, professional engineer for example, so that the review system is carried out without any personal mistake? 6. In this study, a constructability review checklist for building foundation’s design is need to be developed for that reviewing system mentioned above. Based on the eighteen constructability principles as printed on first two pages, can you tick out which principles should be considered and reviewed during the building foundation’s design stage? Based on your experience, what features shall be checked for that foundation design, by regarding to each constructability principle that you have selected just now? 130 APPENDIX B 131 BUILDING DESIGN CONSTRUCTABILITY CHECKLIST Assessment on : FOUNDATION Project’s name : _________________________________________________ 1. General characteristic of the surrounding • Topographical map or landscape • Existing planting or trees • Existing or previous building • Others infrastructure, e.g.: road, water, electricity, drains and etc • Survey plan 2. Type of ground formation • Cut and fill involved and slopes 3. Adequacy of soil investigation information • Geological survey maps • Inspection of adjoining areas and site exploration • Availability of Borehole or Mackintosh Probe Test records for adjacent area or significant areas 4. Adequacy of Borehole numbers (depends on site condition) • Numbers of boreholes • Soil variability: - uniform or variable - frequency and type of sampling • Any complexity of founding strata or bedrock? Not OK Features to be checked OK Items _________________________________________________ Remarks Continue… 5. Site exploration, such as geological formation and subsoil strata • Its nature, thickness, dip and variability • Physical properties of strata • Ground water level, peculiar ground water movement, variation and chemical composition • Subsoil and bedrock profiling • Adequacy of sampling and testing 6. Consideration of site clearance: • Underground services, such as power lines and cables, telecommunication cables and conduits, main and distribution of water supply, sewer lines, tensioning steels of RE wall. • Overground items, such as protected or gazette trees, structures and monuments • Maintained adequate clearance between those services and items. 7. Site suitability of the selected foundation system • Its spatial requirement and constraint • Individual space requirement • Provision of convenience and services • Consideration of accessibility (ingress, egress and circulation) • Consideration of adverse weather effect to selected construction method Not OK Features to be checked OK Items 132 Remarks Continue… 8. Consideration of construction and/or testing equipments and tools for the selected foundation system. • Accessibility of those equipments and tools to the site (ingress, egress and circulation) • Versatile and ease to be fitted or parked in the site constraints • Availability of resources and skill for installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling • Is the selected system well established in the local market? 9. Requirement to the environmental, health, safety and others statutory compliance for the construction • Noise pollution • Dust and suspended air particles • Vibration control • Temporary or permanent works and protection to the neighbors • Debris or spoils disposal and dumping site Not OK Features to be checked OK Items 133 Remarks Continue… 10. Minimize the complexity of foundation design • The system to construct is available in the local market • Required method of construction is simple • Consideration of repetitive construction sequence • Adequate allowance for construction tolerances • The design can be construct within minimal time and depth of work below ground • The design supports modifications and enhancement, such as ease of remedy for remedial design and compensating works 11. Construction materials to the selected type of foundation • Ease of availability of: - type, size, grade, and quality of the materials - additives • Skills availability and its workability in: - handling and placement - fabrication and assembly techniques - safety during the foundation construction • Suitability of the designed materials to soil condition and adverse weather Not OK Features to be checked OK Items 134 Remarks Continue… 12. Detail design and construction drawings • If possible, design the foundation with zero eccentricities between pile groups, stumps and column. • Standardization of the foundation and stump size and depth; avoid odd dimension that required addition works in preparing the formwork • Minimal variation or standardize the standard detailing in: - yield strength of reinforcement bars - concrete grade - pile’s types and sizes - single pile, double pile or three pile… - pilecap details - stump • Adequate and practical tolerance of reinforcement bars and adjacent footings • Anchorage bars are clearly shown • Cross section of the foundation design with other structural elements are clearly shown • All detailing information, notes and specifications are clear, concise, complete and understandable 13. Clear markings and positioning • Gridlines and boundaries are properly identified and consistent with architectural layout • Footing base levels • Top of footing or pilecap levels Not OK Features to be checked OK Items 135 Remarks 136 APPENDIX C Items Design Phase’s Constructability Principles That Being Inserted 1. Features to be checked Integrated principles General characteristic of the surrounding • Topographical map or landscape • Existing planting or trees • Existing or previous building Principle P1 • Others infrastructure, e.g.: road, water, electricity, drains and etc • Survey plan 2. Type of ground formation • Cut and fill involved and slopes 3. Principle P1 Adequacy of soil investigation information • Geological survey maps • Inspection of adjoining areas and site exploration Principle P1 • Availability of Borehole or Mackintosh Probe Test records for adjacent area or significant areas 4. Adequacy of Borehole numbers (depends on site condition) • Numbers of boreholes • Soil variability: Principle P1 - uniform or variable - frequency and type of sampling • Any complexity of founding strata or bedrock? 5. Site exploration, such as geological formation and subsoil strata • Its nature, thickness, dip and variability • Physical properties of strata • Ground water level, peculiar ground water movement, variation and chemical composition • Subsoil and bedrock profiling • Adequacy of sampling and testing Principle P1 137 6. Consideration of site clearance to: • Underground services, such as power lines and cables, telecommunication cables and conduits, main and distribution of water supply, sewer lines, tensioning steels of RE wall. • Overground items, such as protected or gazette trees, Principle P1 and P8 structures and monuments • Maintained adequate clearance between those services and items. 7. Site suitability of the selected foundation system • Its spatial requirement and constraint • Individual space requirement • Provision of convenience and services • Consideration of accessibility (ingress, egress and Principle P2, P6 and P18 circulation) • Consideration of adverse weather effect to selected construction method 8. Consideration of construction and/or testing equipments and tools for the selected foundation system. • Accessibility of those equipments and tools to the site (ingress, egress and circulation) • Versatile and ease to be fitted or parked in the site constraints Principle P6, P11 and P14 • Availability of resources and skill for installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling • Is the selected system well established in the local market? 9. Requirement to the environmental, health, safety and others statutory compliance for the construction • Noise pollution • Dust and suspended air particles • Vibration control • Temporary or permanent works and protection to the neighbors • Debris or spoils disposal and dumping site Principle P12 138 10 . Minimize the complexity of foundation design • The system to construct is available in the local market • Required method of construction is simple • Consideration of repetitive construction sequence • Adequate allowance for construction tolerances • The design can be construct within minimal time and depth Principle P2, P3, P4 and P14 of work below ground • The design supports modifications and enhancement, such as ease of remedy for remedial design and compensating works 11 . Construction materials to the selected type of foundation • Ease of availability of: - type, size, grade, and quality of the materials - additives • Skills availability and its workability in: - handling and placement - fabrication and assembly techniques Principle P15 and P18 - safety during the foundation construction • Suitability of the designed materials to soil condition and adverse weather 12. Detail design and construction drawings • If possible, design the foundation with zero eccentricities between pile groups, stumps and column. • Standardization of the foundation and stump size and depth; avoid odd dimension that required addition works in preparing the formwork • Minimal variation or standardize the standard detailing in: - yield strength of reinforcement bars - concrete grade - pile’s types and sizes - single pile, double pile or three pile… - pilecap details - stump Principal P3, P4, P8 and P16 139 (continue from item 12) • Adequate and practical tolerance of reinforcement bars and adjacent footings • Anchorage bars are clearly shown • Cross section of the foundation design with other structural elements are clearly shown • All detailing information, notes and specifications are clear, concise, complete and understandable 13. Clear markings and positioning • Gridlines and boundaries are properly identified and consistent with architectural layout • Footing base levels • Top of footing or pilecap levels Principal P16