Schroder Investment Management Limited 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA

Schroder Investment Management Limited
31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA
Telephone +44 (0)20 7658 6000 Fax +44 (0)20 7658 6965
News Release
Schroders launches total return
commodity fund
27 April 2016
Today, Schroders has announced the launch of Schroder Alternative Solutions Commodity Total Return . The
new fund will offer commodities exposure with a flexible approach, allowing the team to take advantage of a wide
range of opportunities, as well as limit downside risk.
The fund will invest in energy, agriculture and metals sectors worldwide and will adopt a highly flexible strategy
which includes the ability to take short positions and the use of leverage.
The fund will be managed by Schroders’ commodities team, led by Geoff Blanning. Schroders has strengthened
its investment resources in commodities in the past two years with the hiring of a Metals Fund Manager, a
dedicated Commodity Quantitative Analyst and the inclusion of two highly experienced Global Energy Fund
Managers from the broader investment group.
Geoff Blanning, Head of Commodities at Schroders said:
“Schroder Alternative Solutions Commodity Total Return will provide a flexible and low risk option to those
investors who wish to re-establish their commodity market exposure following nearly 5 years of relentless price
declines, as well as to those investors looking to participate in commodity markets for the first time. The fund will
also appeal to those investors seeking liquid alternative investments run by an experienced and specialist
investment team.“
John Troiano, Global Head of Institutional, said:
“Commodities as an asset class has had a difficult few years; however, there are encouraging signs that the
fundamentals are now turning positive. The new fund is designed for investors who wish to participate in
commodity markets to protect against the risk of inflation and invest in a potentially high return strategy, but who
also wish to avoid the high downside risk inherent in a fully-invested approach.”
The fund was launched on the 20 April 2016
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Schroder Investment Management Limited
31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA
Telephone +44 (0)20 7658 6000 Fax +44 (0)20 7658 6965
Schroders has a strong reputation as an active commodity manager, with a 10 year track record in actively
managing a broad range of commodity funds for clients across the world.”
The fund is not yet registered for distribution in any jurisdictions. Subject to regulatory approval, Schroders plans
to make it available to professional investors in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Norway, Spain,
Sweden and the UK; for public distribution in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Hong Kong, Macau and
Singapore; and to qualified investors in Switzerland.
For further information, please contact:
Lucy Cotter
Tel: +44 (0)20 7658 3365/
Sarah Deutscher
Tel: +44 (0)20 7658 6139/
Notes to Editors
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Schroders plc
Schroders is a global asset management company with £313.5 billion (€425.4 billion/US$462.1 billion) under
management as at 31 December 2015. Our clients are major financial institutions including pension funds, banks
and insurance companies, local and public authorities, governments, charities, high net worth individuals and
retail investors.
With one of the largest networks of offices of any dedicated asset management company, we operate from 38
offices in 28 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Middle East and Africa. Schroders has developed
under stable ownership for over 200 years and long-term thinking governs our approach to investing, building
client relationships and growing our business.
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Reg. 3909886 England
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