We believe these behaviors help children develop into positive and productive members of our school community.
Is respectful to self, others, and school property.
Follows class and school rules.
Cooperates with teachers and other students.
Demonstrates self-responsibility and independence in the classroom.
Works in an organized manner.
Transitions easily between class activities.
Completes assignments in a reasonable amount of time.
Puts forth best effort on classwork and homework.
Days Tardy/Days Absent
Understands and applies art concepts with creativity, curiosity, and purpose
Uses tools, materials, and techniques appropriately and effectively
Demonstrates knowledge of various artists, styles, and techniques
Listens, follows directions, and uses time effectively
Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation
Demonstrates use of motor/fitness skills
Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation
Understands and applies concepts
Listens, follows directions, and uses time effectively
Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation
Chooses appropriate literature
Returns books/materials on time
Participates appropriately in activities
Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation
Demonstrates proper vocal technique and performance technique on instruments.
Identifies different instruments and their sounds
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
Able to read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns
Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation
4 = Exceeds grade level expectations
3 = Consistent
2 = Developing
1 = Needs improvement
NC = Not currently demonstrating this behavior
Writing Attitudes
Is enthusiastic about writing and learning to write
Exhibits confidence at writing and willingly shares stories
Positively acknowledges suggestions by peers and teachers
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
Works productively and writes independently
Can sustain writing for a period of time
Writing Conventions
Uses growing repertoire of high frequency and spelling words
Employs strategies to spell words correctly
Writes complete sentences with correct punctuation
Uses appropriate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation) in their daily work
Writing Process
Works to employ learned crafts and techniques in writing
Generates topics independently
Edits drafts using checklists
Confers with peers productively
Leaves spaces between words
Uses proper letter formation
Reading Skills and Strategies
Reads orally with expression paying attention to basic punctuation and dialogue
Self-corrects appropriately
Understands what he/she has read
Can retell a story sequentially including plot, setting, and characters
Uses multiple strategies to decode text (Picture clues, context clues, word within word, etc.)
Uses multiple strategies to understand text (Predicting, Making
Connections, Summarizing, etc.)
Reads a variety of materials/genres
Chooses books at “just right” reading level
Reads independently for sustained periods of time
The shaded box indicates the stage most second grade students will reach by the end of the school year.
The dated line indicates the stage at which the student is performing most of the time at this point in the school year.
Relies on print and illustrations.
▫ Recognizes an increasing number of sight words.
▫ Reads books with patterns and predictability.
Strengthens and applies letter/sound connections.
▫ Maintains interest in selfselected books.
Relies on print more than illustrations.
▫ Independently reads and comprehends grade level books.
▫ Continues to develop a larger base of sight words.
▫ Retells beginning, middle, and end
Maintains interest in selfselected books for longer periods of time.
Reads fluently with expression.
▫ Independently reads and comprehends more challenging books in a variety of genre.
Retells story and includes major events and elements in order.
▫ Makes connections between reading, writing, and experiences.
Pays attention to basic punctuation and dialogue when reading aloud.
Reads medium level chapter books.
▫ Reads and finishes a variety of materials with guidance.
▫ Reads and understands most new words.
▫ Reads silently for extended periods of time.
Begins to express ideas about books more fully in writing.
Date: __________ Date: __________ Date: __________ Date: __________
Reads most young adult literature.
▫ Selects, reads, and completes a variety of materials.
▫ Understands literary elements and genres.
▫ Begins to interpret deeper meaning in young adult literature
▫ Participates in peer group literary discussions for extended periods.
▫ Expresses opinions, understandings, and questions independently in writing.
Date: __________
Unit of Study Concepts/Skills
Common Skills
Throughout the Year
Analyzes and solves problems using skills and strategies.
Can understand and identify appropriate strategy to solve word problems.
Able to respond orally or in writing to explain how problems are solved.
Works with accuracy.
Unit 1: Addition and
Subtraction Facts
Adds two and three numbers with sums through twenty.
Subtracts a number from 20 or less.
Writes fact families for sums to 20 and different names for the same number.
Unit 2: Numbers and
Patterns to 100
Counts by twos, threes, fives, and tens.
Identifies place value, rounds, and names numbers in different ways.
Compares and orders 2-digit numbers.
Unit 3: Data and
Compares and uses data in tables.
Interprets and makes a bar graph and pictographs.
Unit 4: Money 13.
Counts groups of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars and write total value.
Compares and show money amounts and make change.
Unit 5: Two Digit
Adds tens and estimate sums.
Adds two and three digit numbers including money.
Unit 6: Subtracting Two
Digit Numbers
Unit 7: Geometry,
Fractions, and Probability
Subtracts tens and estimates differences.
Subtracts two digit numbers and money with and without regrouping.
Identifies plane shapes, solid shapes, congruent shapes, and shapes with symmetry.
Identifies and compares fractions.
Unit 8: Multiplication and Division
Multiplies by two, five, and ten.
Shows properties of multiplication
Makes equal groups with and without remainders.
Unit 9: Measurement 24.
Measures lengths in customary and metric units.
Compares the weight (mass) of cup, pint, and quart – and capacities of containers to a liter.
Chooses the appropriate unit of measurement and tools.
Unit 10: Time and
Reads and writes time to five-minute intervals using an analog clock.
Determines elapsed time.
Identifies and compares periods of time using a calendar.
Unit 11: Numbers and
Patterns to 1000
Reads, counts, and writes numbers through 999 and names numbers in different ways.
Identifies and uses place value through hundreds, writes dollars and cents to five dollars ($5.00).
Orders and compares numbers.
Adds three digit numbers with and without regrouping. Unit 12: Adding and
Subtracting Three Digit
Subtracts three digit numbers with and without regrouping.
Estimates, adds, and subtracts whole numbers and money amounts.
Asks questions that can be investigated through observations combined with scientific information.
Uses scientific equipment and tools.
Uses evidence (observations, data) to develop reasonable explanations.
Communicates observations and results of scientific investigations (drawing, writing, content vocabulary, graphing).
Uses prior knowledge or scientific knowledge to predict.
Functions effectively in a group setting (talks, listens, participates, performs group tasks).
Understands the water cycle.
Understands different types of severe weather.
Can identify the tools used to measure weather conditions and use them appropriately.
Understands the relationship between weather and seasons.
Understands the effects of weather on everyday life.
Can read and understand a weather map.
Identifies the six simple machines and how they work.
Understands the relationship between force, motion, and work.
Understands the tradeoff of force when using different machines.
Understands the stages of an insect’s life cycle.
Identifies the characteristics of insects.
Can compare and contract butterflies and moths.
Can identify the body parts of larvae and adult butterflies and moths.
Recognizes the importance of making healthy decisions.
Implements strategies to keep oneself and others safe.
Demonstrates understanding of topics.
Interprets and correctly makes use of graphs, charts, maps, and timelines.
Understand the elements of a community and can identify these elements in
4 = Exceeds grade level expectations
3 = Consistent
2 = Developing
1 = Needs improvement
NC = Not currently demonstrating this behavior