Student: Teacher: KINDERGARTEN LITERACY REPORT Writing Attitudes Is enthusiastic about writing and learning to write Shares writing with others Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Writing Conventions Leaves spaces between words Uses capitals and lower case where appropriate Uses end punctuation Uses high frequency words Makes use of developmental/transitional spelling in writing Writing Process Can read back what she/he has written Draws pictures that support their writing Writes a complete thought Penmanship Uses proper letter formation Uses an appropriate pencil grip Reading Skills and Strategies Identifies capital letters Identifies lower case letters Identifies letter sounds Recognizes rhyming words Can read high frequency words Can retell a story in Beginning-Middle-End sequence Uses reading strategies to read unfamiliar text (picture clues, beginning sounds, meaning) Literacy Development Stages The shaded box indicates the stage most kindergarten students will reach by the end of the school year. The dated line indicates the stage at which the student is performing most of the time at this point in the school year. PREEMERGENT EMERGENT ▫ Listens and responds to literature. ▫ Uses oral language to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas. ▫ Identifies some letters of the alphabet. ▫ Distinguishes among letters, words, and numerals. ▫ Chooses books and has favorites. ▫ Relies on memory to “read” familiar and predictable books. ▫ Relies on pictures to construct meaning. ▫ Identifies most letters of the alphabet and their sounds. ▫ Recognizes some words in context. DEVELOPING ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Relies on print and illustrations. Recognizes an increasing number of sight words. Reads books with patterns and predictability. Strengthens and applies letter/sound connections. Maintains interest in self-selected books. 4 = Exceeds grade level expectations 3 = Consistent 2 = Developing BEGINNING ▫ Relies on print more than illustrations. ▫ Independently reads and comprehends grade level books. ▫ Continues to develop a larger base of sight words. ▫ Retells beginning, middle, and end ▫ Maintains interest in self-selected books for longer periods of time. Assessment Key EXPANDING ▫ Reads fluently with expression. ▫ Independently reads and comprehends more challenging books in a variety of genre. ▫ Retells story and includes major events and elements in order. ▫ Makes connections between reading, writing, and experiences. ▫ Pays attention to basic punctuation and dialogue when reading aloud. BRIDGING ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Reads medium level chapter books. Reads and finishes a variety of materials with guidance. Reads and understands most new words. Reads silently for extended periods of time. Begins to express ideas about books more fully in writing. 1 = Needs improvement NC = Not currently demonstrating this behavior KINDERGARTEN MATH Unit of Study Unit 1: Sorting and Classifying Unit 2: Patterns Unit 3: Numbers 0-5 Unit 4: Numbers 6-12 Unit 5: Calendars and Clocks Unit 6: Measurement and Money Unit 7: Addition Unit 8: Subtraction Unit 9: Geometry and Fractions Unit 10: Greater Numbers Student: Concepts/Skills Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter 1. Uses positional words to show where objects are. 2. Sorts objects by one of the three attributes: color, size, and shape. 3. Uses a bar graph for information. 4. Demonstrates understanding of different types of patterns (sound, motion, objects). 5. Can identify AB, ABC, and AAB patterns. 6. Continues a pattern that has been begun. 7. Understands equal sets. 8. Counts and writes 0-5. 9. Knows ordinal numbers. 10. Counts, writes and orders numbers 0 – 12. 11. Understands the concept of estimation. 12. Can name the seven days of the week. 13. Can name the twelve months of the year. 14. Knows the time to the hour. 15. Can compare length, weight, and capacity. 16. Identifies coins and their values (penny, nickel, and dime). 17. Adds two numbers to the sum of 10. 18. Can write a number sentence. 19. Can subtract numbers through 10. 20. Can write a number sentence. 21. Can determine when addition or subtraction is the appropriate process. 22. Recognizes the basic plane shapes. 23. Recognized three-dimensional shapes. 24. Understands the concept of ½. 25. Identifies and writes numbers 0 – 30. 26. Is able to demonstrate “counting on”. KINDERGARTEN SOCIAL STUDIES REPORT Concepts/Skills Demonstrates understanding of topics. Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Demonstrates an understanding of different family structures. Recognizes national symbols and holidays. Assessment Key 4 = Exceeds grade level expectations 3 = Consistent 2 = Developing 1 = Needs improvement NC = Not currently demonstrating this behavior KINDERGARTEN SCIENCE Student: Scientific Process Demonstrates curiosity about concepts and asks simple questions. . Uses scientific equipment and tools. Uses evidence (observations, data) to develop reasonable explanations. Communicates observations and results of scientific investigations (drawing, writing, content vocabulary, graphing). Uses prior knowledge or scientific knowledge to predict. Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Functions effectively in a team or group setting (talks, listens, participates, performs group tasks). Scientific Content: Investigating Water Identifies the properties of water. Describes the three states of water. Scientific Content: From Seed to Plant Identifies the life cycle of a plant. Identifies the parts of a plant and describe each part’s function. Identifies what plants need to thrive. SOCIAL SKILLS AND WORK HABITS These are the behaviors we believe help children develop into positive and productive members of our school community. Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Is respectful to self, others, and school property. Follows class and school rules. Cooperates with teachers and other students. Demonstrates self-responsibility and independence in the classroom. Works in an organized manner. Transitions easily between class activities. Completes assignments in a reasonable amount of time. Puts forth best effort on classwork and homework. Days Tardy/Days Absent KINDERGARTEN RELATED ARTS CLASSES Art Listens, follows directions, and uses time effectively Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation Physical Education Demonstrates use of motor/fitness skills Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation Media Center Returns books/materials on time Music Demonstrates use of music skills while listening to or performing music. Exhibits positive attitude, behavior, and cooperation Teacher’s General Comments: First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter