Business Information Management First Semester Examination for Acceleration/Credit by Exam Study Guide This EA/CBE Study Guide can help you prepare for the exam by giving you an idea of what you need to study, review, and learn. For those questions that refer to Office Suite Applications, this exam will test your knowledge and ability to use any one of the following versions of Microsoft Office (versions XP, 03, 07 and 2010). To succeed, you should be thoroughly familiar with the subject matter before you attempt to take the exam. Every question that appears on the EA/CBE is grounded in the knowledge and skills statements and student expectations within the state-mandated standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). It should be noted that the exam will not test every student expectation. However, it is important that you study and know the entire scope of the TEKS so that you can develop a complete understanding of the content. The EA/CBEs are global exams grounded in the TEKS and are not designed to be a final exam for the University of Texas High School courses. You can view the TEKS for this exam online at Under Subchapter D, click to open “Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.” When open, scroll down to §130.114. Business Information Management I (One to Two Credits). Since questions are not taken from any one source, you can prepare by reviewing any of the state-adopted materials. About the Exam You will be allowed 3 hours to take the exam. The EA/CBE consists of 50 multiple choice test items. Concepts and Objectives The bulleted lists and sample questions below are provided to give you guidelines to follow when preparing for the First Semester Business Information Management, EA/CBE. Although the lists provide a fairly complete guide for studying, additional material might be found on the test. Ultimately, you should use the TEKS to guide your exam preparation. All test questions and prompts are designed to assess your understanding of the TEKS. Using Computers • Identify the major components of a computer system. • Explain issues involved in designing and developing systems for different environments. • Recognize the importance of using Networks and Servers for information storage and access. o Consider the strategic role of information systems. o Understand information communication technology within an organization. o Explore the development of a strategic role for information systems and communication technology. • Define the importance of maintaining your computer and protecting its software. o Determine equipment and supplies needed. o Establish equipment and supplies maintenance systems. o Schedule equipment maintenance. o Use equipment and supplies maintenance procedures. BIM A EA/CBE Study Guide • Demonstrate using information through open access. o Develop your knowledge of information systems planning with business planning. o Understand management information requirements and business needs of an organization. o Explain the need for securely using the Internet and protecting your identity. Word Processors • Understand the basics of a word processor. • Create, open, save, rename, and delete a document in Microsoft (MS) Word. • View documents in multiple ways. • Indent, insert tabs, change margins, and align paragraphs; preview and print documents. • Format MS Word documents using text attributes and symbols. • Edit text using the Find/Replace, Insert/Delete, Cut/Paste, and Spelling and Grammar features. • Create bulleted and numbered lists. • Use the envelope feature in MS Word. Presentation Software • Create a presentation in MS PowerPoint. • Edit and format a presentation in MS PowerPoint. • Run presentations in a variety of ways. • View presentations in different layouts and understand the need and proper use of each. • Print presentations in multiple formats. • Incorporate Clip Art, WordArt, Autoshapes, and Images into slides. • Use and manipulate objects in presentations. • Be able to use the draw tools in MS PowerPoint. • Create charts from entered data in MS PowerPoint. • Add transitions and sound effects to presentations. • Incorporate animation effects into presentations. • Create master slides with headers and footers. • Use the Outline View, Notes Pages, and Slide Sorter features. Sample Questions These sample questions will give you a better idea of the format and types of questions you can expect on the EA/CBE. They are not the actual exam. In order to be successful on the exam, you must study the TEKS and all of the concepts previously listed. 1. The Transylvania Music Company is adding a song to their music catalog with a word processor. The song has four verses and the chorus is repeated after each verse. What would be the most efficient way to enter the song, making sure the chorus is repeated after each verse? A. Type the chorus four times. B. Type the chorus into AutoText. C. Use the Copy and Paste commands. D. Use the Cut and Paste commands. The University of Texas at Austin, Continuing and Innovative Education K-16 Education Center 2 BIM A EA/CBE Study Guide 2. Maria inserted a graphic into a document, but the graphic is too large. How can she correct this? A. Resize the graphic. B. Cut the graphic. C. Rotate the graphic. D. Crop the graphic. 3. When typing a business letter, David needs to emphasize several selling points of a new energy efficient refrigerator. What is the best way to accomplish this task? A. Use color. B. Change the font size. C. Use a bulleted list. D. Use a table. The University of Texas at Austin, Continuing and Innovative Education K-16 Education Center 3