Document 14789766

* Member States (MS) /Associated Countries(AC)
H2020 Financial Rules- Example of collaborative projects
e.g. Applicable to
Applicable to SME’s
e.g. Applicable to
Applicable to SME’s
A maximum TTG of 8 months
- 5 months for informing all applicants on scientific
- 3 months for signature of Grant Agreement (GA)
- ERC may take longer - interviews
•Through the Participant Portal
•Electronic-only submission of reports
•Of the Grant Agreement
•Of the Amendments
•Financial Statements and Technical reports
Annex 1: Description of the action
Annex 2: Estimated budget
Annex 3: Accession Forms, 3a & 3b
Annex 4: Financial statements
Annex 5: Certificate on the financial statements
Annex 6: Certificate on the methodology
Link to Annotated Model Grant Agreement:
•Personnel costs (incl. employer’s costs)
•Travel, equipment (Note: depreciation rules if applicable),
goods, works and services, Airport Taxes and City taxes
•Overhead (Flat rate 25%)
• VAT must be included on all Costings where applicable
• 1720 hours p.a / 215 Days p.a
(N.B! See following slides for sample timesheet record and
calculation of annual personnel costs)
Timesheet: template available in the AGA (version 19/12/2014)
Disclaimer: Information not legally binding
Personnel costs: hourly rate
A: General case
The hourly rate is to be calculated per financial year
If the financial year is not closed at the time of reporting, the beneficiary
must use the hourly rate of the last closed financial year available.
Reporting period (example)
Hourly rate of 2014
Hourly rate of 2015
Disclaimer: Information not legally binding
Hourly rate of 2015 also
for these months
Exercise: General calculation of personnel costs
Step 1.b
Calculate the hourly rate: annual productive hours
Out of the three options offered by the H2020 grant agreement:
Fixed hours
Individual annual productive hours
iii. Standard annual productive hours
The beneficiary applies option 1 for all its staff
Annual productive hours of Ms R. = 1720
What if Ms R. would be a part time employee?
Disclaimer: Information not legally binding
Exercise: General calculation of personnel costs
Step 2
Identify the hours worked for the action
Ms R. worked some hours in December 2015 (registered in a timesheet):
And in 2016 she signed a declaration of exclusive work in the action covering the period:
Hours worked for the action in 2016 = (1720 / 12 months) x 1,5 months = 215
Disclaimer: Information not legally binding
Exercise: General calculation of personnel costs
Step 3
Multiply the hours worked for the action by the hourly rate
As 2016 is on-going, the 2015 hourly rate will apply also for the 2016 months of the reporting period
215 x 22.67 = 4 874.05 EUR
Disclaimer: Information not legally binding
Costs pre formal start date as per Contract (except equipment as agreed with PO)
Costs not related to the project
Notional costs are not eligible
Any cost which does not meet the conditions of an eligible cost
Interest owed
Provisions for possible future losses or charges exchange losses
Costs declared, incurred or reimbursed in respect of another Community project
Cost of return on capital debt and debt service charges
Excessive or reckless expenditure
Any cost which does not meet the definition of eligible costs
Bank charges to receive EC grant funds
Indirect taxes and duties (central government taxes), unless allowed in Call.
Subcontracting of action tasks is allowed, if it is:
necessary for the action
justified & described in DoW (Description of work)
quantified in the estimated budget
may only cover part of the action
best value for money
Funding for non-project partners “affiliated Third Parties“
can only report their own actual costs
• Name/assignment of the “Third Party“ must be agreed
in the GA
• The “Third Party“ must be an associated enterprise
(parent company/subsidiary company/ affiliated company) of the participant or
• A legal link must exist with the project partner
Technical annex
Records of meetings
Periodic activity/progress reports
Financial reports and all associated back up to costs
ensuring procurement and financial rules followed and
adhered to
Management reports
Technical reports
Dissemination and implementation plans
Time sheets – for everybody involved (Academics,
Researchers, Students)
Only for direct costs funding ≥ 325.000 EUR
• Are to be submitted only once at the end of the
Shorter Time to Grant: 8 months
100% funded unless otherwise stated on Call
One single flat rate of 25% for Indirect Costs (Overhead)
If Direct Budget €325K or greater, one CFS (audit certification) required at end of grant.
Personnel: Standard Productive Hours - Default productive hours 1720p.a
VAT must be included in all costs
Move to Electronic submissions on EU Portal
Airport and City Taxes allowed under H2020. Central government taxes - not allowed.
H2020 reporting periods and prefinancing moving from 12 months periods to 18
months periods (Note - can be exceptional cases where reporting will occur in shorter
time period)
Change in 'language' - Good and Bad Synonyms: e.g. Marketing (bad) ; Dissemination
Research Accounts: