Environmental Factors Special Topics – Mepiquat Chloride (PIX) K. Raja Reddy Krreddy@pss.msstate.edu Environmental and Cultural Factors Limiting Potential Yields ¾Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide ¾Temperature (Extremes) ¾Solar Radiation ¾Water ¾Wind ¾Nutrients (N and K) ¾Growth Regulators (PIX) Developing and Validating a Model for a Plant Growth Regulator Developing and Validating a Model for a Plant Growth Regulator We will explore: • Why do we need models? • Demand for crop models • Timeline for information flow • Developing and validating a plant growth regulator model: ¾ Background information on MC. ¾ Exploring primary effects of MC on cotton ¾ Designing the critical experiment to quantify the responses ¾ Developing a model ¾Validating or testing the model in the real world situations Why do we need models? ¾ Provide quantitative description and understanding of biological problems. ¾ Help pinpoint where knowledge is lacking. ¾ Design critical experiments. ¾ Synthesize knowledge about different components of a system. ¾ Summarize data. ¾ Transfer research results to users. Demand for Crop Models ¾ Farm management (e.g. irrigation, fertilization and harvest scheduling). ¾ Resource management (e.g. several Govt. agencies and private comp. use) ¾ Policy analysis (e.g. the USDA funds for soil and conservation activities based on estimates of the USLE, A = R*K*LS*C*P), where A = average annual soil loss, R = rainfall and runoff factor, K = soil erodibility factor, LS = slope and steepness factor, C = cropping-management factor, and P = erosion control management factor. ¾ Production forecasts (e.g. global, regional and local forecasts). ¾ Research and development (e.g. research priorities and guide fund allocations) ¾ Turning information into knowledge (e.g. recently, information overflow is there virtually in every area including agricultural research). Timeline for Information Flow Identify knowledge void Months Conceptualize the experiment Months/Years Implementation Months Analyze data Years Scientists Publication Crop model/DSS Months Months/Years Industry Reps Technology transfer Consultants Months/Years Farm decisions Ext. Personnel Farmers Timeline for Information Flow Results Researcher DSS Ext. Personnel Box: 1 Box: 1 Box: 1 Reports Specify conditions Reports Box: 1 Industry Reps. Box: 1 Box: 1 User Generalize, Enhance Specify, Refine, Distort Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background Control of vegetative growth is a goal of many cotton growers, particularly in irrigated and well-fertilized production systems. Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background Growth control through stressing the crop (water or nutrients) has been shown to limit yield potential. Photosynthesis, Vegetative Growth - Environment Response to Drought Photosynthesis, Vegetative Growth - Environment Response to Fertilization - Nitrogen 120 Photosynthesis 100 80 60 60 40 40 Stem Elongation 20 0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 Midday Leaf Water Potential, MPa 20 0 -1.0 100 Percent of Maximum 80 Photosynthesis Percent of Maximum Percent of Maximum 100 80 60 40 20 0 1.00 Leaf Growth 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Leaf Nitrogen, g m-2 2.25 2.50 Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background ¾ Pix or Mepiquat chloride provides the cotton producer a tool to achieve proper balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth without without limiting yield potential. ¾ Mepiquat chloride or PIX contains the active ingredient 1, 1 dimethylepiperidium chloride. + N H3C CH3 Cl- Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background ¾ MC is included in the group of chemicals of inhibitors of the biosynthesis of gibberlic acid. ¾ The chemical is taken up mainly by the green parts of the plant. ¾ It is systemic in nature, and is translocated both upwards and downwards through both xylem and phloem. ¾ It is very stable in the plant tissue, and is lost only due to, or along with, abscission of plant parts. Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background ¾Many studies were conducted for the last two to three decades on MC and its effects on cotton growth and development. Pix was applied at match-head square. ¾These studies have shown that MC suppresses vegetative growth by shortening the internodes and thus affecting plant height, and reducing the number of nodes and leaf area and photosynthesis. Pictures and plant height were taken 4 weeks after treatment. ¾ Yield responses to MC however, were inconsistent; from increases to no effect to decreases. No PIX All treatments were well-watered and well-fertilized. Height, 56 in 16 oz PIX/a 33 in Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture Introduction and Background ¾ These erratic yield responses to MC are probably due to many reasons. ¾ Amounts and timing of application of the chemical depend on plant size, growth rate, and changing growing conditions caused by unpredictable weather after the chemical application. Developing a Model for Plant Growth Regulator Requirements: 1. Quantitative information on the effects of MC on cotton. 2. A simulation model that can provide cotton responses to environmental and management practices. Designing that Critical Experiment ¾ We need an experiment where other environmental factors that limit the responses of crop growth should be eliminated or controlled. ¾ All treatments should be well-watered and well-fertilized. Also, the radiation and temperatures should be ideal for cotton growth. ¾ We also need to conduct the experiment where we should also minimize the competition from within the plant processes such as supply and demand. ¾ In other words, the experiment should be conducted when the crop growth is linear and when the sink demand is minimal. Designing that Critical Experiment ¾ We need to apply several concentrations of MC to cover a wide range that can account for even the multiple applications of MC in the field situations ¾ We need to collect whole plant dry weights regularly to calculate MC concentration on a tissue dry weight basis. ¾ We also need to collect the primary cotton responses to MC more frequently to generate rate parameters as functions of MC in the tissue. Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Temporal Trends in Plant Height 100 Plant Height, cm 80 60 MC Application Rate, g a.i. ha-1 0 7.65 15.3 30.6 61.2 40 20 0 15 20 25 30 35 Days After Emergence 40 45 Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Plant Height - Stem Extension Rate Stem Elongation Rate, cm d-1 4 y = 3.05 - 58.0 * X2 R2 = 0.87; n = 41 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Mepiquat Chloride, mg g-1 dry weight Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Leaf Area Expansion Rate, cm2 d-1 Leaf Area Development 140 y = 106.47 - 848.58 * X ; R2 = 0.95 120 100 80 60 40 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Mepiquat Chloride, mg g-1 dry weight Photosynthesis, µmol m-2 s-1 Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Photosynthetic Rate 45 y = 33.10 - 833.07 * X + 19539.31494 * X2 R2 = 0.86 n = 19 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Mepiquat Chloride, mg g-1 dry weight Model Development We assumed that MC: ¾ enters the plant through leaves. ¾ systemic in nature and moves freely throughout the plant (O’Neal., 1988) ¾ will be lost only due to abscission of plant parts or root death. ¾ no interaction between water deficits and MC, and cultivars respond similarly to MC (Reddy et al., 1992, Fernandez et al., 1992, Schott and Schroeder, 1979). Calculation of MC in the Plant • When MC is applied, the simulation model, GOSSYM, calculates the amount of the chemical intercepted by the plant canopy based on the method of application. • If the chemical is applied as broadcast method, the amount of the chemical intercepted by the canopy is calculated based on the light interception algorithms developed by Baker et al. (1978). • If the MC is applied as a banded application on the top of the row, then the intercepted chemical is assumed to be 90% of the applied chemical. • If MC is applied on the crop previously treated with MC, then the amount of the chemical is added to any of the existing concentration and the number of applications are updated and summed. Calculation of MC in the Plant The simulation model, GOSSYM, is used to calculate plant dry weight and weight loss due to abscission of plant parts and root sloughing on a daily basis. MCLOS = DEADWT * MCCON MCPLT = MCPLT – MCLOS IF [DAYNUN.EQ.MCDAY(IMC)] THEN IF BANDED THEN MCPLT = MCPLT + (19068 * MCPPA(IMC) * 0.90/POPPLT ELSE MCPLT = MCPLT + (19068*MCPPA(IMC) * INT/POPPLT ENDIF IMC = IMC + 1 MCCON = MCPLT /PLTWT Calculation of MC in the Plant The simulation model, GOSSYM, is used to calculate plant dry weight and weight loss due to abscission of plant parts and root sloughing on a daily basis. MCLOS = The amount of MC lost due to abscission of plant parts. DEADWT = The amount of plant material lost on a daily basis. DAYNUM = The day of simulation MCDAY = The date of MC application IMC = The number of applications of MC during the growing season. MCPPA = The amount of MC applied in pints per acre. INT = The fraction of MC intercepted by the crop. POPPLT = The number of plats per acre. MCPLT = The amount of MC in the plant tissue. PLTWT = The plant dry weight MCCON = The concentration of MC in mg per gram dry weight. 19068 = The factor that converts pints per acre of 4.2%-strength MC into mg per acre of active ingredient. Calculation of Reduction Factors The next step in the model is to calculate MC reduction factors Based on the literature and from the experiments specifically designed to generate a quantitative database, the primary effects of MC are on: ¾ Stem elongation ¾ Leaf area expansion ¾ Photosynthesis Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Plant Height - Stem Extension Rate Stem Elongation Rate, cm d-1 4 y = 3.05 - 58.0 * X R2 = 0.87; n = 41 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Mepiquat Chloride, mg g-1 dry weight Mepiquat Chloride - Cotton Growth Calculating reduction factor for stem extension rate Reduction Factor 1.2 y = 1 - 18.619 * MCCON 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 -1 Mepiquat Chloride, mg of MC (a.i.) g dry weight Calculation of Reduction Factors Based on our database, we now can calculate MC reduction factors assuming that potential stem elongation rate, leaf expansion rate and photosynthesis rate are equal to one: MCDZ = 1- 18.618 * MCCON MCDA = 1- 7.774 * MCCON MCDPN = 1- 25.167 * MCCON + 590.286 * MCCON2 MCDZ = The reduction factor for the rate of stem elongation. MCDA = The reduction factor for the rate of leaf area expansion. MCDPN = The reduction factor for the rate of photosynthesis. These reduction factors are used to decrease those parameters in various subroutines in the simulation model. Validating the MC Model 9 We have incorporated these algorithms into the cotton simulation model, GOSSYM. 9 The simulation model is mechanistic in nature and does a fairly good job in predicting cotton performance across a wide range of environmental (soil and weather) and management practices (nitrogen, water, PGR’s and crop termination chemicals). 9 The data sets used to compare comprised of a wide range of environmental conditions, a variety of cultural practices and diverse genetic resources. 9 The data sets include a total of 50 cropping systems from 1989 to 1991. GOSSYM DATES CLYMAT TMPSOL SOIL FERT RAIN PIX FRTLIZ RUNOFF GRAFLO ET CHEM PREP UPTAKE CAPFLO PNET NITRIF GROWTH ABSCISE PLTMAP PMAP COTPLT FREQ OUTPUT RUTGRO NITRO MATAL RIMPED Carbohydrate Stress Light Interception Turgor Solar Radiation Photosynthesis C Supply C Stress Temperature Age Turgor Growth Potential of Roots, Stems, Leaves Squares and Bolls C Demand Nitrogen Stress Root Density Temperature Soil N and Water N Uptake Plus Plant N Reserves N Supply N Stress Temperature Age Turgor Growth Potential of Roots, Stems, Leaves Squares and Bolls N Demand Nutritional Stress Delay Morphogenesis Nitrogen Stress Nutritional Stress Carbohydrate Stress Determine Actual Organ Growth Fruit and Leaf Abscission Model Validation GOSSYM Model Predictions - Plant Height Simulated vs. Observed Simulated Plant Height, cm 175 2 n = 162, Slope = 0.98; r = 0.97 150 1:1 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 Observed Plant Height, cm 150 175 Simulated Mainstem Nodes, no. plant-1 GOSSYM Model Predictions - Mainstem Nodes Simulated vs. Observed 25 n = 162, Slope = 1.007; r2 = 0.99 1:1 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Observed Mainstem Nodes, no plant-1 25 GOSSYM Model Predictions - Lint Yields Simulated vs. Observed Simulated Yield, t ha-1 2.5 2.0 n = 37, Slope = 1.006; r2 = 0.96 1:1 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Observed Yield, t ha-1 2.0 2.5 Management Questions ??? Planting Fertilization Pix Irrigation Pesticide Application Growth Stage Determination Crop Termination Management Answer . . . Simulation Models