Mechanics of 21st Century - ICTAM04 Proceedings XXI ICTAM, 15–21 August 2004, Warsaw, Poland COMPUTATIONAL HOMOGENISATION OF MICROHETEROGENEOUS MATERIALS INCLUDING DECOHESION AT FINITE STRAINS ∗ Stefan Loehnert∗ , Peter Wriggers∗ IBNM, University of Hanover, Appelstr. 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany Summary In this paper we present some aspects of computational homogenisation procedures of microheterogeneous materials which can show decohesion in a cohesive zone around the particles. Applications to this are e.g. polymer coatings stiffened with sand. Due to the decohesion we get £nite deformations and £nite strains within the RVE. The geometrical and material nonlinearities cause the main dif£culties. The homogenisation procedure leads to an effective stress strain curve for the RVE. Here we set a special focus on the adaptive numerical model, the statistical testing procedure and the different boundary conditions (pure traction, pure displacement and natural boundary conditions) applied on the RVE. HOMOGENISATION AT FINITE STRAINS The effective material data of a representative volume element (RVE) is obtained from the relation between the effective strains ε and the effective stresses σ. The effective material tensor E∗ maps the volume average of the strains on the volume average of the stresses hσiΩ = E∗ : hεiΩ (1) R 1 with h·iΩ = |Ω| Ω · dΩ. Ω is the domain of the regarded RVE. Equation (1) also holds in the nonlinear range where E∗ depends on the deformation and maybe on the deformation path itself. A requirement for the strain measure in (1) is linearity in the displacements, also for the geometrically nonlinear theory. The average strain theorem states that for a perfectly bonded RVE under uniform displacement boundary conditions the volume average of the deformation is the same as the given deformation on the boundary. Given a constant deformation gradient on the boundary F it can be shown that Z 1 [[u]] ⊗ n0 d∂Ω1,2 , (2) hF iΩ0 = F + 0 |Ω0 | ∂Ω10 ∩∂Ω20 where [[u]] is the jump within the displacement £eld in case of a not perfectly bonded microstructure, n 0 is the unit normal vector, and Ω10 and Ω20 are the domains of the different materials in the RVE respectively. In case of a perfectly bonded microstructure the displacement jumps vanish. Then hF iΩ0 = F , and similarly hḞ iΩ0 = Ḟ . The average stress theorem states that in the absence of body forces and under a uniform load on the boundary the volume average stress is the same as the given stress on the boundary. For £nite deformations one has to distinguish between different con£gurations. Here we restrict ourselves to the mixed con£guration. We assume a constant £rst PiolaKirchhoff stress tensor P on the boundary. Using Cauchy’s theorem and applying the equations of motion one can show that Z 1 hP T iΩ0 = P T + X ⊗ f 0 dΩ0 (3) |Ω0 | Ω0 which for zero body forces yields hP iΩ0 = P. A commonly accepted criterion for the choice of the size of the RVE is Hill’s condition which states that for a perfectly bonded microstructure and no body forces the microenergy is equal to the macroenergy of the RVE. This leads to the fact that the RVE has to be small enough such that from the macroscopic point of view the strain and the stress of the macroscopic body can be assumed to be approximately constant at the location of the RVE. Due to that the RVE can be regarded as one point of the macroscopic structure. On the other hand the RVE has to be large enough such that the boundary £eld ¤uctuations are relatively small. For £nite deformations one can show that in case of Dirichlet boundary conditions and a perfectly bonded microstructure as well as for pure Neumann boundary conditions and no body forces we have . (4) hP : Ḟ iΩ0 = hP iΩ0 : hḞ iΩ0 MATERIAL MODEL The microstructure consists of randomly distributed spherical particles embedded in a binding matrix. The delamination process is restricted to a domain around the particles. This zone is also called “cohesive zone”. Further details about the cohesive zone approach can be found for example in [6]. The material law chosen for the binding matrix and the inclusions is a simple compressible Neo-Hooke material with the Lamé parameters µ(m) , λ(m) and µ(p) , λ(p) respectively. The material model for the cohesive zone is a simple damage model following the suggestion of Zohdi [7]. The undamaged (cz) (cz) material is also a compressible Neo-Hooke material with the material parameters µ 0 and λ0 . The local degradation Mechanics of 21st Century - ICTAM04 Proceedings is represented by a variable α with 0 < α ≤ 1 which “weakens” the stiffness of the material. That means, the material constants become (cz) (cz) µ(cz) = αµ0 and λ(cz) = αλ0 . (5) The local constraint condition from which α can be computed is Ψ(α) = M(α) − K(α) ≤ 0 where M(α) is a scalar valued term representing the stress state of the material point µ ¶ q tr(σ deg ) tr(σ deg ) M(α) = g(σ deg (α)) : g(σ deg (α)) with g(σ deg (α)) = η1 1 + η2 σ deg − 1 (6) 3 3 and η1 and η2 are parameters scaling the isochoric and deviatoric parts of g(σ deg (α)). K(α) is a threshold value which depends on the damage variable α itself. K(α) = Φlim + (Φcrit − Φlim ) αP (7) Φcrit is the initial threshold value, and Φlim is the threshold value in the limiting case when the material point has degraded completely (α = 0). Finally P is an exponent which controls the rate of degradation. NUMERICAL MODEL AND COMPUTATIONAL TESTING The RVE is chosen to be a cube with a random distribution of inclusions. In three dimensions it is not easy to generate a mesh of only nicely shaped hexahedra elements for complex geometries. This motivates a different way of discretisation where we use only linear cube shaped elements which approximate the particle boundaries only roughly. In order to increase the accuracy of the discretisation we apply non-conforming elements close to the interfaces between the particles and the cohesive zone and the cohesive zone and the matrix material. An illustration of this discretisation can be seen in £gure 1. To get a representative material response one has to do statistical tests with different random distributions of inclusions. Of special interest is the number of particles needed for each test, the re£nement of the mesh, the number of tests performed and of course the different boundary conditions. The tests done are performed with pure displacement boundary conditions, pure traction boundary conditions and natural boundary conditions. The necessary re£nement of the mesh has been tested in a one particle test. The resulting strain energy as a function of the number of degrees of freedom is shown in £gure 2. 6.16 6.14 cohesive zone 6.12 strain energy matrix 6.1 6.08 6.06 particle 6.04 6.02 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 number of degrees of freedom Figure 1: Discretisation with non-conforming cubic elements Figure 2: Convergence: overall energy To £gure out the required number of inclusions we look at the standard deviation of the stress response for multiple tests with the same number of inclusions. This value does not decrease with the number of tests performed. Only the number of inclusions in each test has an in¤uence on it. However, to get a statistical representative response it is necessary to compute the same test many times with a different random distribution of the inclusions. In £gure 3 one can see that a relatively low number of inclusions is suf£cient. At last the number of tests which have to be computed to get a statistically representative result is important. It is not possible to increase the accuracy of the effective response by computing more tests. But at a higher number of tests performed, the collection of the effective results of each test form a more Gaussian distribution of the effective results. This is shown in the histograms in £gure 4 for 200 tests performed. 0.0014 45 0.0012 40 35 stdev(hσi) 0.001 30 normal stresses 0.0008 25 0.0006 20 0.0004 15 shear stresses 10 0.0002 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.521 0.5215 0.522 0.5225 0.523 0.5235 0.524 0.5245 number of inclusions Figure 3: Standard deviation of the effective stresses Figure 4: Histogram for effective Cauchy stress component hσ11 i Mechanics of 21st Century - ICTAM04 Proceedings References [1] Bishop, J.F.W. and Hill, R.: A Theory of the Plastic Distortion of a Polycrystalline Aggregate under Combined Stresses. Phil. Mag., 42, (1951a), 414-427. [2] Bishop, J.F.W. and Hill, R.: A Theoretical Derivation of the Plastic Properties of a Polycrystalline Face-Centred Metal. Phil. Mag., 42, (1951b), 1298-1307. [3] Hill, R.: The Elastic Behaviour of a Crystalline Aggregate. In: Proc. Phys. Soc. (Lond.), A65, pages 349-354 (1952). 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