25 Role of CT and MRI in Diagnosis and Research

Role of CT and MRI
Role of CT and MRI in Diagnosis and Research
Mario Savoiardo and Marina Grisoli
In degenerative disorders, computed tomography (CT) is usually requested only to avoid a misdiagnosis or to exclude an unlikely tumor or another unexpected pathology. It is true, however, that CT
can demonstrate atrophic changes that, in cases in which they are typically distributed, may contribute to the diagnosis.
In a few atypical parkinsonian disorders, such as progressive supranuclear palsy and
olivopontocerebellar degeneration, CT was used up to the mid-1980s to support the clinical diagnosis. At present, however, its role is very limited. In this group of disorders, demonstration of atrophy
or other structural changes of deep nuclei is not obtainable by CT and not even always by magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). There is no question, however, that, in atypical parkinsonian disorders,
MRI is a very useful and easily available diagnostic tool. We shall, therefore, focus on the MRI
findings that can be demonstrated in these diseases, and review what is now widely accepted and
consolidated, what is strongly diagnostic if not pathognomonic of a specific disorder, what is less
predictive or uncertain, and what should be studied in future investigations.
After a few comments on Parkinson’s disease (PD), we shall discuss multiple system atrophy
(MSA) of the parkinsonian type (MSA-P) and cerebellar type (MSA-C), progressive supranuclear
palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and, briefly, vascular parkinsonism and toxic and metabolic conditions causing parkinsonism.
A few papers have described that, on MRI, atrophy of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra
can be demonstrated in T2-weighted thin sections (1–3). Its isointense narrow band, delimited anteriorly by hypointensity of the medial part of the cerebral peduncle and the loss of signal intensity
owing to iron deposits in the pars reticulata and, posteriorly, in the red nucleus, becomes progressively thinner. However, the smudging of the hypointensity, which should indicate atrophy of the
pars compacta, can also be observed in an unknown proportion of cases in patients with atypical
parkinsonian disorders (4,5). Other sequences and quantification of brain iron have been proposed
(6,7). MRI observation of the substantia nigra is, therefore, not easy. It requires a dedicated examination that has not become a routine study in any center because of two other reasons. First, the neurologists do not need MRI to diagnose PD and, second, neuroradiologists and neurologists rely on other
observations to support a differential diagnosis between PD and atypical parkinsonian disorders.
Actually, in most of the papers dealing with MRI in PD and parkinsonisms, the substantia nigra is
From: Current Clinical Neurology: Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders
Edited by: I. Litvan © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Savoiardo and Grisoli
disregarded or ignored. The “normal” MRI features of patients with PD are used as a control for a
series of other abnormalities affecting specific nuclei, structures, or areas that point to a specific
parkinsonian disorder.
An important advancement in the MRI diagnosis of PD has been proposed by Hutchinson and
Raff (8,9). A ratio between the signals obtained with two different sequences suppressing the signal
from white matter and gray matter, respectively, exquisitely demonstrated the substantia nigra to the
point that serial studies could be expected to even predict the disease. So far, this technique has not
been commonly used (10), probably because of technical difficulties in obtaining the ratio.
The neuroradiological differential diagnosis of MSA, PSP, and CBD from PD, therefore relies
upon the demonstration of lesions in the nuclei or areas that pathology shows to be characteristically
affected in each specific disorder. In a few instances, the neuroradiologist has helped the pathologist
to pinpoint subtle abnormalities that turned out to be useful for the diagnosis.
MSA has been separated into MSA-P and MSA-C according to the predominant parkinsonian or
cerebellar features. The former corresponds to the old term striatonigral degeneration (SND), the
latter to sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA). The term Shy–Drager syndrome is no longer
been considered useful by the Consensus Conference on MSA (11), but a proposal to introduce the
term MSA-A (autonomic features–predominant MSA) was recently made by Horimoto et al. (12) to
indicate those MSA patients in whom autonomic dysfunction predominated over cerebellar or parkinsonian features.
For the purpose of identifying the MRI characteristic features or markers or pointers of the different atypical parkinsonian disorders, one should consider the pathology of the specific disorder (13).
There is no doubt that in MSA-P or SND the pathology is mostly in the putamen, whereas in MSA-C
the changes are in the brainstem and cerebellum. In MSA-A, most of the abnormalities are in the
spinal cord and may be, therefore, disregarded when considering MRI.
Multiple System Atrophy of the Parkinsonian Type
The MRI abnormalities observed in MSA-P have been described in several papers; they should be
considered separately according to whether they are obtained at low- or high-field intensity MRI
Low-field intensity MRI (up to 0.5T) demonstrates increased signal intensity in proton density
and T2-weighted images in the dorsolateral and posterior part of the putamen, where loss of neurons
and gliosis in a loose tissue have been described (20,21). These findings correspond to an increased
amount of water in the tissue (Fig. 1). Atrophy of the putamen has been commonly observed (22) but
only recently emphasized by Yekhlef et al. (23).
High-field intensity MRI (usually 1.5T) shows a different feature, i.e., putaminal hypointensity in
T2-weighted images that may completely or almost completely mask the hyperintensity described
above (16–19,24–26). The hypointensity is caused by a magnetic susceptibility effect mainly owing
to deposits of iron in the same putaminal areas (27); this effect is proportional to the square of the
magnetic field intensity and is, therefore, usually evident only at high-field MRI. A lateral rim of
hyperintensity, indicating a band devoid of iron right on the lateral margin of the posterior part of the
putamen, may be recognizable (25), particularly if we observe proton density and T2-weighted
images together. In fact, the magnetic susceptibility effect is much less evident in proton density
images. This “slit-like” lateral rim of hyperintensity has been briefly called the “putaminal slit” (12).
In conclusion, at 1.5 T MRI putaminal hypointensity in T2-weighted images more marked in the
posterior part of this nucleus and the associated thin lateral rim of hyperintensity are the features of
MSA-P (17,25,26,28,29) (Fig. 2).
Role of CT and MRI
Fig.1. MSA-P. 0.5 T, coronal T2-weighted image shows increased signal intensity in the right putamen in a
patient with parkinsonism prevalent on the left side.
A very thin line of milder hyperintensity along the entire lateral profile of the putamen, at the
interface with the external capsule, may be confused with the “lateral hyperintense rim” or
“putaminal slit.” This very subtle line has been occasionally observed in atypical parkinsonian disorders (30). In our experience, a very thin line that also borders the anterior part of the putamen,
often without associated hypointensity, may be a nonsignificant finding since we have observed it,
although rarely, mainly in normal subjects (Fig. 2B). As in the figure shown by Macia et al. (30), it
should be noted that the evidence of this line is mostly along the anterior part of the putamen,
whereas the abnormalities documented by pathology in MSA-P and shown by MRI typically affect
the posterior putamen (21,27).
All these details are important when one is investigating sensitivity and specificity of MRI abnormalities in MSA-P. Specificity, sensitivity, and positive predictive value of the putaminal abnormalities have been investigated in a limited number of studies (18,19,23). The specificity is high, but
sensitivity has been considered low, generally not higher than 50–60% (18,19). As most
neuroradiologists know, conventional spin-echo (CSE) images are more sensitive than fast spin-echo
(FSE) images to magnetic susceptibility effects owing to iron deposits in the tissue. In MSA-P,
Righini et al. (31) have elegantly demonstrated that, by using CSE thin sections (3 mm) and comparison of proton density and T2-weighted images vs FSE 5 mm T2-weighted images, the sensitivity is
increased from 45% to more than 83%.
Another trivial explanation of the difference in sensitivity between different series is the length of
the disease at time of MRI examination. Only very few investigations have dealt with the MRI demonstration of the progression of MSA (12,26). In the series reported by Watanabe et al. (26), frequency of putaminal abnormalities went up from 38.5% in patients with 2 yr or less from motor
impairment to 80% in patients with more than 4 yr from motor impairment.
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Role of CT and MRI
Of course, MRI abnormalities supporting the diagnosis of MSA-P have a greater importance if
they are recognizable in the early stages of the disease, when the clinical diagnosis is still uncertain,
rather than in its late stages. Detection of subtle abnormalities that may indicate the diagnosis of
MSA-P rather than PD on the first MRI examination, performed at the time of the first visit by a
neurologist, may occur, but such episodes are still anecdotical. How early the abnormalities appear is
an aspect that needs to be clarified.
A few proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) studies have demonstrated that N-acetylaspartate (NAA)
and choline (Cho) were reduced in the lentiform nucleus of MSA patients (32,33). The NAA/creatine
(Cr) ratio was particularly decreased in MSA-P patients, probably reflecting putaminal neuronal loss
(32). MRS, however, has not been widely used to help differentiate patients with MSA from patients
with PD.
The use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has been recently proposed to help differentiating
MSA-P from PD (34). The Innsbruck group demonstrated that the patients with MSA-P presented an
increased regional apparent diffusion coefficient (rADC) in the putamen compared with both patients
with PD and normal subjects (34). In another study, however, DWI failed to discriminate MSA-P and
PSP (35). The advantage of DWI is that one can obtain measurements and quantification. It is not
clear, however, whether DWI studies of the basal ganglia in MSA-P patients will prove to have a
greater sensitivity than the CSE sequences of MRI, as described by Righini et al. (31).
Multiple System Atrophy of the Cerebellar Type
In MSA-C there are two types of abnormalities, atrophy and signal changes, which do not depend
on magnetic field intensity (36). Atrophy has a very characteristic distribution; it mainly involves the
pons, middle cerebellar peduncles, and cerebellum. Therefore, the diagnosis can be suspected when
one simply observes, in the MRI sagittal midline section, the decreased bulging of the pons compared
to the midbrain and particularly the medulla oblongata. The flattening of the profile of the pons
begins, in fact, in its caudal part (Fig. 3A). In addition to atrophy, signal changes may be recognized
in proton density and T2-weighted images consisting of slight hyperintensity in the structures that
degenerate or become gliotic (36). They include: (a) the pontine nuclei and their fibers (the transverse
pontine fibers) that run mostly on the anterior and posterior aspect of the basis pontis, cross the
midline on the raphe, and reach the cerebellum through the middle cerebellar peduncles (Figs. 3B and
C); and (b) the whole cerebellum, because of loss of Purkinje cells and degeneration of their fibers
and consequent diffuse gliosis. To make the resulting MRI picture more characteristic, these signal
abnormalities are combined with the signal preservation of the structures that do not degenerate (17).
They are mainly the superior cerebellar peduncles and the corticospinal tracts. The axial sections of
the pons, therefore, present a typical aspect with a sort of cross recognized in the early papers (36),
later defined as the “hot cross bun sign” (18,26) or simply the “cross sign” (12) (Figs. 3B and C).
Coronal sections are particularly useful to demonstrate the cerebellar hyperintensity when it is very
slight, by allowing a comparison in the same image of the infratentorial and the supratentorial structures (17,36). They also beautifully demonstrate the atrophy of the middle cerebellar peduncles (36).
Fig. 2. (opposite page) MSA-P. 1.5 T, axial sections (A–E). First examination (A,B) performed when the
patient, with a 2-yr history of dysautonomia, developed mild right-sided parkinsonism. The proton density
image (A) is normal whereas the T2-weighted image (B) shows mildly decreased signal intensity in the posterior part of the left putamen (curved arrow), consistent with iron deposits. The very subtle bands of
hyperintensity along the anterior part of the putamina (arrowheads) probably are a nonsignificant finding. On
the follow-up examination performed 19 mo later, when the parkinsonian signs always prevalent on the right
side had progressed, hyperintensity in proton density image (C) in the left posterior putamen has developed
(arrowheads). In the T2-weighted sections (D and, adjacent cranial section, E), more marked hypointensity and
a lateral rim of hyperintensity are visible.
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Fig. 3. MSA-C. T1-weighted midline sagittal section in an early case (A) shows flattening of the inferior
part of the profile of the pons and cerebellar atrophy. In an advanced case, T2-weighted axial sections on the
lower (B) and upper pons (C) show atrophy of the pons, middle cerebellar peduncles, and cerebellum with
characteristic signal changes. The left corticospinal tract is indicated by an arrow; the margins of the
hyperintense middle cerebellar peduncles (open arrows) are poorly defined with respect to the CSF (B). (C)
Arrowheads point to the hyperintense anterior and posterior right transverse pontine fibers; an arrow indicates
the left superior cerebellar peduncle. On the midline, the raphe is hyperintense.
Role of CT and MRI
Both specificity and sensitivity of MRI pontine and cerebellar signs in MSA-C are very high
(13,18,19). In the series reviewed by Schrag et al. (19), 83% of MSA-C patients could be unequivocally classified based on the MRI findings. If the disease is advanced, sensitivity may be greater than
90% (26). Specificity may decrease if we do not exclude patients with hereditary ataxias (25). Patients
with spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), particularly SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3, may share the same features both at MRI and histology (37–39). A few of our cases of SCA2, which together with SCA1 is
the most common inherited spinocerebellar ataxia in Italy, had an MRI scan that was indistinguishable from that of a patient with MSA-C except for the presence of some degree of cerebral atrophy.
As with MSA-P, one problem in MSA-C is to know how early the MRI signs of atrophy and signal
changes develop in the course of the disease, i.e., how helpful can MRI be in the early stages of MSAC. According to Horimoto et al. (12), the initial changes of the “cross sign” were seen in all their
cases of MSA-C within the first 2 or 3 yr after onset of symptoms. As expected, patients with MSAC normally present pontine and cerebellar changes earlier, with greater severity and more rapid progression than other signs of MSA such as putaminal changes, which usually appear later and have a
slower progression. Reciprocally, patients with MSA-P have earlier and more severe putaminal
involvement, though posterior fossa changes in these patients may appear later and remain milder.
It is, therefore, somewhat misleading to consider indifferently the putaminal and the posterior fossa
abnormalities as indicators of MSA and to verify their specificity and sensitivity. In our opinion, one
must always consider the clinical presentation (MSA-P or MSA-C or perhaps MSA-A) and should
then investigate whether the appropriate MRI signs, i.e., those fitting with the diagnosis, are present
(13,17,19,23,26). Occasionally, however, the “inappropriate” MRI sign had an earlier progression
than the clinically appropriate one (12). Of course, both putaminal and brainstem-cerebellar signs
should be present in a “full-blown” MSA.
Large multicentric studies including hundreds of patients from different countries will probably
answer all the questions regarding specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive values, time of appearance, and progression of the MRI signs in MSA-P, MSA-C, and PSP (40).
In the attempt to find measurable data, Kanazawa et al. (41) investigated brainstem and cerebellar
involvement in patients with MSA-C using DWI. They found significant differences in the apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of the pons, middle cerebellar peduncles, cerebellar white matter,
and putamen between MSA-C patients and controls. The ADC values also correlated with the duration of the disease. ADC values of MSA-C patients in the pons, middle cerebellar peduncles, and
cerebellar white matter were also higher than those obtained in a few patients with SCA3 and SCA6.
Measurable data can also be obtained by MRS. Mascalchi et al. demonstrated decreased NAA/Cr
and Cho/Cr ratios in the pons and cerebellum of MSA-C patients vs controls (42). MRS, however, is
a complex and time-consuming examination that is performed in only a few specialized centers. To
obtain measurable data, it is easier to obtain DWI sequences that require a very short acquisition time
and calculate the ADC maps (35).
Measurable data are required when dealing with large number of patients in research studies. They
are also necessary in longitudinal studies to quantify the progression of the disease. They are hardly
needed in the everyday examinations of patients with atypical parkinsonian disorders in whom a
diagnosis or a support to a specific diagnosis is required by the clinician. Specificity and sensitivity
of MRI findings in these disorders are not yet fully established; much more time will be needed to
evaluate sensitivity and specificity in diffusion or spectroscopy studies.
With regard to MRI diagnosis of PSP, all the attention has been given to atrophy of the midbrain
where pathologic changes are known to occur (43). Signal changes in this region have also been
noted. Less attention has been paid to basal ganglia abnormalities and cerebral atrophy, which are
more variable and less useful for the diagnosis.
Savoiardo and Grisoli
MRI simply confirmed what pneumoencephalography first, and later CT (44,45) have shown:
demonstration of midbrain atrophy is the cardinal neuroradiologic feature of PSP diagnosis. This
demonstration can be achieved by observing the midbrain size either in axial sections or in the midline sagittal section (17,23,25). The latter has the advantage of showing a direct comparison between
the size of the midbrain and that of the pons, not only in the sagittal diameter, but also in “height,” or
vertical or caudo-cranial diameter. The midbrain size is, in fact, reduced in all the directions. The
upper profile of the normal midbrain in sagittal section is characterized by a slight superior convexity
with the highest point approximately midway between the aqueduct and the mamillary bodies. In
PSP, this profile flattens and may even become concave in its posterior part, because of atrophy and
reduced height of the midbrain tegmentum associated with enlargement of the third ventricle. Thinning of the tectum particularly in its superior part may also be observed in sagittal sections (25)
(Fig. 4A). Atrophy of the midbrain is found in 75–89% of the clinically diagnosed PSP patients
Simple linear measurements of the midbrain have been suggested in axial and sagittal sections
(47). No overlap was found between the measures obtained in PSP patients (range of midbrain diameter: 11–15 mm) vs PD patients and normal subjects (range 17–19 and 17–20 mm, respectively),
whereas some overlapping occurred between PSP and MSA-P patients (range 14–19 mm, mean 16.7).
As mentioned above, disproportionate dilatation of the third ventricle, compared to the lateral
ones, may be caused by diencephalic extension of atrophy. This finding was evident in about onefourth of our cases.
One absolutely marginal feature that is sometimes seen in PSP patients in sagittal MR images is
hyperextension of the head. This feature, however, may be a clue for the diagnosis. The hyperextended position may be assumed during the examination by patients who were correctly positioned
by the MRI technician at the beginning of the examination. The neuroradiologist who recognizes the
unusual hyperextension of the head should immediately observe the midbrain, looking for atrophy
and signal changes that may confirm the suspicion of PSP (17,25).
Signal changes in the midbrain are the second aspect that one should look for in suspected PSP
patients. When present, they consist of mild hyperintensity in proton density and T2-weighted images,
mainly in the tegmentum and periaqueductal region where gliosis and tau-positive lesions are found in
pathological sections (48,49) (Fig. 4B). These abnormalities may extend caudally to the pontine tegmentum (49). Signal changes in the midbrain are recognizable in about 60% of the PSP patients (46).
Mild to moderate cerebral atrophy may be observed in most of the patients, sometimes more
marked in the frontal and temporal lobes (19), but without the focal and asymmetric distribution
found in CBD (46) (see the following section).
Occasional abnormalities in the basal ganglia (atrophy of the lenticular nucleus with pallidal
hyperintensity) have sometimes been reported (19), but the typical combination of T2 putaminal
hypointensity with lateral hyperintense rim seen in 1.5 T studies of MSA-P patients are absent (25,28).
DWI has only rarely been used to study PSP. In one study, regional ADCs (rADCs) were increased
in the basal ganglia of PSP patients; the values allowed discrimination from patients with PD but did
not discriminate PSP and MSA-P (35). No results of the MRI observations were given so that it
remains undefined whether DWI performs better, equally, or worse than MRI in discriminating PSP,
MSA-P, and PD. In another study on only five PSP patients, ADCs in the prefrontal and precentral
white matter were higher than in controls (50).
MRS reports on PSP are also rare. NAA deficit in the lentiform nucleus, consistent with neuronal
loss, was found in PSP and in MSA patients, whereas patients with PD did not differ from controls
(33). Tedeschi et al. (51) examined patients with PD, PSP, and CBD. Compared with the control
subjects, PSP patients presented reduced NAA/Cr or NAA/Cho in the brainstem, centrum semiovale,
frontal and precentral cortex, and lentiform nucleus. These data demonstrate that, in addition to
brainstem and basal ganglia involvement, the frontal association and motor cortex are also affected;
abnormalities in the centrum semiovale suggest involvement of the axons connecting the basal gan-
Role of CT and MRI
Fig. 4. PSP. T1-weighted midline sagittal section (A) in a patient with 5-yr history of disease. The midbrain
is atrophic. The superior profile is concave (arrowhead); the tectum is thin in its cranial part; the antero-posterior diameter is 14 mm. Compare with the normal midbrain of Fig. 3A. The tectal and periaqueductal areas
show a mild or questionable hyperintensity (arrowhead) in the proton density image (B).
Savoiardo and Grisoli
glia to the cortex (51). In another PSP series, in which a decrease of NAA in the lentiform nucleus
was found, the authors reported that three of their nine PSP patients presented the “eye of the tiger”
sign in the pallida (52). A similar observation was made by other authors in a case of CBD (53),
suggesting that the “eye of the tiger” sign described by Sethi et al. (54) is not specific of Hallervorden–
Spatz disease (HSD). In 1.5 T T2-weighted images, the pallidum is normally hypointense in adults or
old patients because of normal accumulation of iron. Any hyperintense area within the pallidum,
because of lacunar infarct or dilatation of Virchow–Robin spaces or rarefaction of fibers and gliosis
that probably accompany calcium deposits, may justify the appearance of the “eye of the tiger.” In fact,
contrary to what we expected, we have observed some hyperintensity in T2-weighted images in a few
cases in which CT demonstrated calcifications in the pallidum, a nearly physiologic finding in old
age. What is striking in children or adolescents with HSD, is that the hypointensity owing to iron
deposits is extraordinarily marked for their age. Even if HSD may present in adulthood, the age of the
patient should be considered when one sees an anteromedial hyperintensity in a hypointense pallidum.
In other words, the hypointensity should be evaluated considering the patient’s age.
HSD was recently found to be related to mutations in the gene encoding pantothenate kinase 2
(PANK2), and the specific MRI pattern described (54,55) has been found to distinguish patients with
PANK2 mutations (56). The same MRI findings may be seen in HARP syndrome (hypoprebetalipoproteinemia, acanthocytosis, retinitis pigmentosa, and pallidal degeneration) which is, however,
part of the pantothenate kinase–associated neurodegeneration (57). It will, therefore, be very interesting to carefully rule out any possible misinterpretation (i.e., lacunar infarcts or dilated perivascular
spaces) and eventually obtain the appropriate genetic tests in the patients with PSP or other disorders
presenting the “eye of the tiger” sign or similar signal abnormalities.
MRI diagnosis of CBD has been examined in only a few papers (19,23,46,58–61). The essential
aspect that should be sought to support the clinical diagnosis of CBD is asymmetrical posterior frontal and parietal atrophy; atrophy occurs in the hemisphere contralateral to the side of the clinical
manifestations. The unilateral atrophy is manifested by dilatation of the ipsilateral cortical sulci and
lateral ventricle, with concomitant loss of bulk of the white matter (Fig. 5). The cortical atrophy may
be marked, with sometimes a “knife edge” thinning of the postcentral gyrus (Fig. 5F). Occasionally,
slightly increased signal intensity in proton density and T2-weighted images may be seen in the
atrophic cortex and subjacent white matter. Proton density or FLAIR images are more reliable than
T2-weighted images in showing the cortical hyperintensity (Figs. 5C,D,F); in T2-weighted images,
the hyperintensity of the cortex may be masked by the higher signal intensity of the adjacent cerebrospinal fluid.
One interesting aspect is that the asymmetric atrophy is usually not mentioned in MRI reports,
unless the neuroradiologist is aware of the possibility of a specific diagnosis based on the asymmetry.
We did not mention asymmetry in our first reports of CBD cases. When the neurologist called our
attention to this aspect, we easily recognized the site of predominant atrophy (always contralateral to
the side of prevalent clinical involvement, unknown to us) in all the six cases that had been studied.
Fig. 5. (opposite page) CBD. In a 66-yr-old male with clinical manifestations prevalent on the left side (A–
E), the T1-weighted sagittal sections on the left (A) and right (B) hemispheres show more marked right atrophy,
prevalent in the parietal area. FLAIR coronal sections on the anterior and posterior parietal areas (C and D)
confirm the asymmetry of atrophy. The right ventricle is slightly larger and minimal hyperintensity is present in
the white matter of the right parietal lobe. Marked hyperintensity around the occipital horns is present bilaterally (D). In the same patient, right parietal atrophy is also evident on CT scan (E). In a different patient, a 72-yrold woman with clinical manifestations on the left side, axial proton density image (F) shows hyperintense
cortex in the atrophic postcentral gyrus (arrowheads).
Role of CT and MRI
Savoiardo and Grisoli
Atrophy, of course, can be recognized in the axial sections of the brain on MRI, but coronal sections are particularly helpful to demonstrate the asymmetry, which is the cardinal feature for diagnosis of CBD. Coronal sections, however, are not routinely obtained in many institutions: this is perhaps
the reason for the relatively scarce sensitivity of a few reported MRI studies in diagnosing CBD (19).
Three-dimensional volume-rendered images may beautifully demonstrate the extent and distribution
of the cortical involvement (61) but a surface display of MR-generated images is not part of a standard examination of the brain and is very rarely performed.
In spite of the known pathologic involvement of the basal ganglia and substantia nigra, in these
areas signal abnormalities such as pallidal hyperintensity or putaminal hypointensity are rarely
observed on MRI (19,60). Putaminal hypointensity associated with the hyperintense posterolateral
rim was never observed in our 25 patients. However, Yekhlef et al. reported a constant presence of
putaminal atrophy in their series of 26 cases. They also reported midbrain atrophy in 75% of their
patients, whereas this feature was very rare (1 of 16 cases, or 6.3%) in our series (46), so that it could
be used for differentiation of CBD from PSP. Our last review (60) confirms the rarity of midbrain
atrophy in patients with CBD (2 of 25 cases, or 8%).
As we have seen, there are very marked discrepancies between the various series; further observations are needed to assess the value of MRI in the diagnosis of CBD. The basic bias is owing to the
fact that asymmetry is considered the hallmark of CBD, whereas from pathology we know that cases
with symmetric involvement are indeed present and also a few MRI series report cases with clinical
diagnosis of CBD without cortical asymmetries (46,58). Undoubtedly, if asymmetry is considered
crucial for the neuroradiological diagnosis, occurrence of CBD will be underestimated.
Regarding DWI, it has been suggested that patients with CBD may present white matter abnormalities more severe on the side with predominant cortical atrophy, even when no abnormalities are
detected by T2-weighted and FLAIR images (62). To our knowledge, however, no series with a
significant number of cases of CBD has been studied with DWI.
Nine CBD patients were studied with MRS by Tedeschi et al. (51). Reduced NAA/Cho or NAA/
Cr were found in the lentiform nucleus, parietal cortex, and centrum semiovale. Significant asymmetries were present in the parietal areas with more marked abnormalities in the parietal cortex contralateral to the clinically most affected side.
MRI studies on DLB are rather rare, probably because they do not show peculiar signal changes or
localized atrophy that may support the diagnosis. Except for a report by Hashimoto et al. (63), most
MRI studies have been published by the group of Barber et al. in Newcastle upon Tyne (64–67). The
few studies we performed in our patients with DLB concur with the published data.
The essential findings of a series of volumetric studies indicate that patients with dementia, either
vascular or owing to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or DLB, present brain atrophy compared with control
subjects. Atrophy in DLB is less marked than in patients with AD, with particular preservation of
mesial temporal structures including amigdala, hippocampus, subiculum, and parahippocampal and
dentate gyri. Preservation of these structures may, therefore, help to differentiate DLB from AD
(63,65). Total brain volume is not significantly different in patients with DLB and vascular dementia
(66), but white matter and basal ganglia hyperintensities in T2-weighted images are more frequent
and extensive in patients with vascular dementia than in patients with AD and DLB (64).
Occipital hypoperfusion has been demonstrated in DLB (68,69). Because the visual hallucinations
of DLB might also be related to structural changes in the occipital lobes, volumetric MRI measurements have been performed (70,71). The results are conflicting: in one series, occipital lobe volumes
in DLB were not significantly different from those of AD and control groups (70); in the other series
(71), occipital lobe atrophy was found in DLB but also in AD patients. Therefore, on the basis of
these volumetric studies, discrimination of these two types of dementia was not possible.
Role of CT and MRI
Although the concept of vascular parkinsonism, proposed by Critchley in 1929, was almost abandoned for many years, it has once more come to the fore. The prevalence and incidence of vascular
parkinsonism is variable in different series. Diagnosis of vascular parkinsonism is usually suggested
by acute onset or other signs of cerebrovascular disease, but needs to be confirmed by imaging studies (72). This is the form of parkinsonism that frequently can be diagnosed by CT, without requiring
MRI to demonstrate the lesions.
The lesions usually are lacunar or small infarcts in the basal ganglia, mostly in the putamina (Fig. 6).
A single lesion in one putamen may sometimes justify the contralateral parkinsonism. Parkinsonism
may also be associated with multiple infarcts or white matter lesions in the subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (72), which is more accurately shown by MRI. In this disease, precise clinicoradiological correlations are difficult to obtain. Parkinsonian symptoms and signs may be associated
with lesions in the basal ganglia or in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres probably because
of involvement of the striato-thalamic connections with the frontal cortex.
A long series of toxic and metabolic disorders, acquired or inherited, may cause parkinsonian
symptoms and signs (72). Many times the diagnosis is straightforward, known from the medical
history, but the support of imaging studies may be useful in defining at least the extent of damage.
This is the case of post-anoxic encephalopathy or carbon monoxide intoxication, in which the lesions
involve the white matter and the basal ganglia where they are prevalent in the pallida (73,74). The
same prevalent pallidal location is seen in cyanide intoxication (75). In other conditions, such as the
unusual parkinsonian presentation of Wilson’s disease, the correct diagnosis may be unsuspected and
MRI, by demonstrating putaminal and lateral thalamic abnormalities or more extensive basal ganglia
and brainstem involvement (25), may orient the diagnostic work-up to a rapid conclusion.
One condition in which MRI may suggest the correct diagnosis is manganese intoxication. This is
manifested by hyperintensity in T1-weighted images in the pallida, sometimes extending caudally to
the substantia nigra. Manganese accumulates in the pallida in many conditions, including liver cirrhosis with portacaval shunt and hepatic encephalopathy (76,77), long-term parenteral nutrition (78),
environmental exposure in miners or industrial workers (79), or in other less clear conditions (80).
Therefore, demonstration of pallidal hyperintensities in T1-weighted images should prompt investigations of blood manganese concentrations (Fig. 7).
In research on atypical parkinsonian disorders, MR investigations can be expanded in at least two
main directions.
One implies the collection of large series in multicentric studies, particularly regarding the less
common disorders such as CBD or DLB, so that the sensitivity and specificity of the MRI findings
can be reliably established. However, in order to make them widely and reliably applicable, the study
protocols should be carefully planned, taking into account the existing knowledge of the sensitivity
of different sequences and the total time required for an examination. Longitudinal studies are also
needed. Comparison of sensitivity and specificity of MRI findings in a certain disease observed in
different series may be meaningless if the series are not comparable because of different disease
duration. Up to now, longitudinal studies have only been performed very rarely and in very few
diseases. By observing the evolution of the various imaging findings, the neuroradiologist will be
able to recognize the earliest findings of a given disorder and thus anticipate the diagnosis.
The other direction of MR investigations regards the advanced MR techniques, such as MRS,
diffusion studies, and volumetric and functional studies. The latter are discussed in another chapter.
Savoiardo and Grisoli
Fig. 6. Vascular parkinsonism. In this 66-yr-old patient with pseudobulbar signs and progressive parkinsonism with shuffling gait, coronal T1- (A) and axial T2-weighted sections (B) show multiple lacunes or small
infarcts in the basal ganglia and thalami. Hyper- and hypointensity consistent with an old, small hemorrhagic
lesion is present in the right putamen (B).
Role of CT and MRI
Fig. 7. Parkinsonism in chronic manganese intoxication. Pallidal hyperintensity in T1-weighted axial section prompted investigations on possible manganese intoxication. Improvement following chelating treatment
was obtained (courtesy of Dr. M. C. Valentini, Turin).
As for MRS and diffusion imaging, we tried to give an overview of what is now available. The
number of studies dealing with these techniques, however, is rather limited. First of all, these techniques should be applied in a greater number of cases and the results should be compared with the
MRI results in the same patients in order to understand their relative diagnostic value and to establish
if they offer some advantage in terms of diagnosis. They can, of course, bring additional knowledge
and offer quantitative data; quantification is necessary when dealing with large series of patients and
in longitudinal studies.
In MRS, most studies have focused on changes in NAA, a neuronal marker that is expected to
decrease in degenerative disorders, and on choline and creatine, which are considered indicators of
cell membranes turnover and energy supply in the tissue, respectively. Since gliosis is often prominent in various degenerative disorders, short TE techniques (such as STEAM with TE = 34 ms)
should be used more widely in order to evaluate myoinositol, a putative marker of gliosis.
Diffusion-tensor MR imaging characterizes the diffusion of water molecules in the tissue and
makes measurements of the damage to the brain tissue at microscopic level possible. In a few atypical
parkinsonisms, regional ADC values in the appropriate areas have been examined. From the tensor, it
is possible to calculate the degree of anisotropy of the tissue. Fractional anisotropy, which is an index
that measures the anisotropy of the tissue, could also be applied in investigations on fiber tract damage in degenerative disorders such as MSA-C in which fiber tract abnormalities are a characteristic
MRI feature.
Correlating all these in vivo measurements with the corresponding pathologic findings will be
necessary to assess the value of these new techniques and gain further insights in the pathogenesis of
the disorders in which they are applied.
Table 1
Distribution of Characteristic MR Abnormalities in Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders
signal abnormalities
Pons, middle cerebellar
peduncles, cerebellum
Parieto-frontal regions, asymmetrical
1.5T: hypointensity
Hyperintensity in PD
in T2-w.i. in posterior lateral and T2-w.i. in transverse
putamen with lateral rim
pontine fibers (“cross sign”),
of hyperintensity
middle cerebellar peduncles,
0.5T: usually only hypercerebellum
intensity in PD and T2-w.i.
in posterior lateral putamen
Slight hyperintensity in PD
and T2-w.i. in periaqueductal
Rare, slight hyperintensity in PD and
T2-w.i. in atrophic cortex
and subcortical white matter
ADC in putamen
ADC in pons, middle
cerebellar peduncles,
ADC in basal ganglia and
frontal white matter
Asymmetrical white matter
abnormalities reported in atrophic
NAA and Cho in lentiform
NAA and Cho in pons
and cerebellum
NAA in brainstem,
lentiform nucleus,
frontal and motor cortex,
centrum semiovale
NAA in lentiform nucleus,
parietal cortex and
centrum semiovale
Savoiardo and Grisoli
Midbrain and diencephalon
Role of CT and MRI
MRI • large series in multicentric studies to evaluate its sensitivity and specificity in
different atypical parkinsonian disorders
• longitudinal studies to assess the course of the disease
MRS • for early detection and quantification of metabolic abnormalities
DWI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
• for early detection and quantification of changes of diffusivity in different brain areas
MRS, DWI, and DTI: are they better than MRI in early diagnosis?
We are indebted to Dr. Floriano Girotti for his helpful discussions and comments.
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