Challenges for Wood Energy Incentive Programs December 18, 2014 Jonathan Kays Nat. Res. Extension Specialist University of Maryland Extension Considerations for Wood Stove Incentive Programs: Why is the use of wood & pellet stoves increasing? What are the environmental issues? Key educational issues? Wood is Fastest Growing Residential Heat Fuel • 2.1% of families use wood or pellets as primary heat • About 10% use it as secondary heat • In Maryland, wood heat grew 33% from 2000 to 2010; today 1.2% use it as primary heat. Wood & Pellet Stoves Are Leaders in Reducing Fossil Fuels in US Space Heating consumes 1/3 of energy use in a home Fossil Fuel Reduction of a $2,000 Wood/Pellet Stove = Fossil Fuel Reduction of a $20,000 Solar PV Both systems can displace equal amounts of carbon from fossil fuel: 3 tons. The Difference: Most families can afford a wood/pellet stove! Environmentally Goal to Incentivize Low Emission Stoves Go From this… …to this! Problem - Most Wood Heating Equipment is Outdated and Polluting 60% 50% 40% 30% 70 % in Use 60 50 Emissions Average (grams per hour) 40 30 20% 20 10% 0% Pellet Boiler w/Storage Masonry Heater EPA Wood Boiler Traditional Boiler Pellet Stove EPA Certified Wood Stove Old Wood Stove 10 0 EPA Wood Burner Certification Started in 1988 Emissions less than 7.5 g/hr. Washington State- stoves under 4.5 g/hr In 2015, EPA will likely mandate lower emissions. Lower emissions = higher efficiency = savings for consumer Effect of Wood Stove Efficiency on Fuel Cost Fireplace 10% efficient $59 per million Btu’s Non EPA Woodstove 40% efficient $14.7 per million Btu’s EPA Wood Stove 70% efficient $8.5 per million Btu’s Whether you buy wood or cut it yourself, there are large efficiency savings and health savings from reduced smoke. Cost of a Wood/Pellet Stove Item Estimated Cost Wood stove $1,500-3,000 * With serviceable chimney $300-$900 for labor and materials (permit extra) * Build a chimney $2,000 for metal chimney Pellet stove *Chimney to outside wall $2,000 - $3,500 $300-$400 for pipe - $300 labor Wood & pellet stove require an upfront investment – but can have 3-5 year payback Fuel Cost for Heating Season Based on prices- December 2014 Type of Fuel Fuel Cost per unit Efficiency (%) Fuel Cost $/mBtu Fuel Cost Heating Season 80 mBtu Firewood stove $200 cord 63% $12.99 $1039 Natural Gas furnace $1.00 therm 82% $12.22 $977 Pellet stove $250 ton 75% $20.20 $1616 Oil furnace $3.00 gallon 80% $29.29 $2343 Propane furnace $2.67 gallon 85% $34.39 $2751 Electric heat 100% $35.13 $2810 $0.12kwh Fuel calculator - Sustainable Produced Firewood? Misguided Question Most wood from tree service companies. Other from forest harvests. No meaningful designation for sustainable for firewood Wood & Pellet Production Keeps Dollars in Local Economies Maine study – for every $1 spent on fuel oil for heating, Wood can reduce electricity consumption only energy $0.15 remains in the local economy. Not so with woodysecurity) biomass. Wood is a local fuel (energy Thermal biomass strengthens the local economy Each link in the wood supply chain retains and creates local green jobs Major Educational Challenge to Consider for Incentive Programs What is seasoned wood? Misunderstood by users, retailers, and firewood suppliers. It has the major impact on emissions. • 20% moisture throughout How to purchase seasoned wood – quality pellets Safety – Chimneys & proper installation Seasoning Firewood Hardwood requires 6-9 months after split and covered. 20% moisture desired before burning Wetter wood provides fewer Btu’s and burns poorly- high emission The more wood surface exposed to air, the faster it dries. Roofs better than tarps. Freshly cut oak I year later. Firewood Study Effect of splitting on drying time Cut & Split Cut – Not Split Hickory trees - After one year split samples were at 20% moisture, unsplit rounds were still 30-35% moisture Partners in Incentive Program Maryland Energy Administration • • State incentive program • Link to educational resources University of Maryland Extension • • Education pubs, workshops, & webinars • Woodland owner resources Alliance for Green Heat • • Policy education • Improving the technology • Wood Publication Series Fact Sheet Series Heating With Wood (FS-926) Buying a Clean Burning Wood Stove (FS-939) Considerations for your Wood or Pellet Stove Installation (FS-940) The Wood Stove Checklist (FS-936) Buying and Storing Firewood & Pellets (FS-937) Buying a Second Hand Wood Stove (FS-938) Best Management Practices for Outdoor Wood Boilers (FS- XXX) Hearth Dealer Directory (2013-A) Directory of Maryland Firewood Dealers (#2013-A) Jonathan Kays Natural Resources Extension Specialist University of MD Extension (301) 432-2767 x323