Fighting Fraud and Validating Control Under Sarbanes -

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Fighting Fraud and
Validating Control Under
Sarbanes-Oxley Using
Audit Software
General Audit Management Conference
Presented by: Richard B. Lanza, CPA, CFE PMP
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ƒ A complete list of fraud computer reports to attack
every occupational fraud identified to date
ƒ An understanding of how software can improve
each step in the audit process
ƒ New usage of audit software to help comply with
Sarbanes-Oxley and current auditing standards
ƒ Free tools to help “jump start” the use of audit
software in their departments
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Who am I?
Richard B. Lanza, CPA, PMP
… Have saved millions of dollars for
clients/organizations using CAATS
… Wrote the first book on how to practically apply a
data extraction/analysis software….and three more
… Recently awarded the Outstanding Achievement in
Commerce award by the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners
… Developed the first community focused around
audit software
… Currently works as an Internal Audit manager for a
Fortune 200 retailer, establishing continuous
monitoring systems
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Fraud and the CAAT Auditor
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Benefits of Reducing Fraud
ƒ Save 2% to 3% of revenues normally lost to
ƒ Enhance market value
ƒ Reduce federal penalties
ƒ Reduce audit fees
ƒ Prevent civil lawsuits
ƒ Recover more of the loss
ƒ Maintain a positive brand image
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Proactively Detecting Fraud
Document Purpose
ƒ The purpose of this document is to assist auditors,
fraud examiners, and management in implementing
data analysis routines for improved fraud
prevention and detection. To that end, the
document provides:
– General guidance in the implementation of audit
– A comprehensive checklist of data analysis reports that
are associated with each occupational fraud category per
the Association of Certified Fraud Examiner’s
classification system.
– A report description and data file(s) needed to effectuate
each identified report.
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Need for the Document
ƒ The need for this document arises from the fact that
there are many publications that discuss auditing
for fraud using a computer but there was no
comprehensive resource for the types of audit
reports that needed to be run for each individual
fraud type ….until now.
ƒ It is hoped that through the dissemination of this
new information that more consideration and
analysis will be done using audit software to
prevent and proactively detect organizational fraud.
Slide 9
Fraud Categories Aligned to
Conflicts of Interest
Bribery / Illegal Gratuities / Extortion
Fictitious Revenues / Timing Differences
Understated Liabilities and Expenses
Overstated Assets/Valuation
Improper Disclosures
Non-Financial Fraudulent Statements
Cash Larceny
Inventory Misuse / Larceny
Billing Schemes
Payroll Schemes
Expenses Reimbursement Schemes
Check Tampering
Register Disbursements
Slide 10
Types of Analyticals
ƒ Trend Analysis
ƒ Stratifications/Agings
ƒ Regression
ƒ Benford’s Law
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Benefits of Analytical Tools
ƒ To assist the auditor in planning the nature, timing, and extent of
audit procedures
ƒ To reduce risk in testing account balances
ƒ To provide overall reasonableness at the end of the audit
ƒ To assist in proposing financial statement adjustments based on
analytical calculations
ƒ To help direct auditors attention to the existence of management
fraud. For example, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
listed the use of analytical procedures as one of four means towards
a proactive fraud policy.
ƒ To identify areas of focus that are not on the income statement or
balance sheet as analytical procedures help auditors look beyond
what is being currently reported to what they expect to be reported
based on business and industry trends.
ƒ To help an auditor better understand the relationships existing within
the financial information of the business entity.
Slide 12
The “in”
ƒ Analytical tools provide “shockers” to
clients leading to the question, “How did
you find that?”
ƒ Audit Intelligence provides a “wow”
factor of graphs and OLAP tools
ƒ Departments using these tools are
placed above the rest for their techsaviness
Slide 13
Continuous Digital Analysis
is the Answer
Quarterly law
Slide 14
Fraud Views
ƒ Comprehensive tool based on over 30
ƒ Provides only those indicators you need to
assess the given fraud in question
ƒ Instant views and Excel matrix for
guidance…just tick off which ones apply
Slide 15
Available Fraud Views
ƒ Overstated Revenue
Fictitious Revenues
Timing Differences
One Time Gains
ƒ Understated Revenue
– Timing Differences
ƒ Overstated Assets
– Improper Costing
– Improper Valuation
ƒ Understated Assets
– Improper Costing
– Improper Valuation
ƒ Understated Liabilities/Expenses
– Unrecognized and Timing
– Improper Estimations
ƒ Overstated Liabilities/Expenses
– Cookie Jar Reserves
– Write Offs
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Audit Intelligence – Balance Sheet
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Audit Intelligence – Trend
Slide 18
Identify trends when none exist
If VENDOR is 012737
AP_AMOUNT is -107,155.74 ... 614.68 (average =
-190.09 )
Rule's probability: 0.999
The rule exists in 9560 records.
Significance Level: Error probability is almost 0
Deviations (records' serial numbers):
21524, 21777, 22119, 22411, 22703, 30110,
30166, 30182, 30184, 30186,
30227, 30109
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Control Environment Surveys
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Improving the Audit Process
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Group Exercise
Why will I (and why will I not)
use audit software?
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Why I Won’t Do This…..
ƒ Every audit I do is different so why build software
when I need to frequently change it?
ƒ Getting data takes time
ƒ I might actually find something wrong
ƒ My ERP system does this already
ƒ Management doesn’t want me to do such
services….management should manage
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What’s In It For Me?
….Why Do This For Me?
ƒ Learn a “not-so-new” skill
ƒ Learn about technology
ƒ Have more free time to focus on
understanding the business
ƒ Have more free time
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Statement On Auditing
Standards #80 & #94
“It may be difficult or impossible for
the auditor to access certain
information for inspection, inquiry,
or confirmation without using
information technology.
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What’s In It For Me?
….Why Do This For The
ƒ Maintain Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
ƒ Reduce fraud
ƒ Build automated intelligence
ƒ Quick ROI (112% per recent CDC study)
ƒ Increase efficiency/quality
Slide 26
End-Goal of Business
Intelligence Software
The optimal BI solution is deployed across the entire
enterprise, equipping hundreds or thousands of
employees with analytic information. From line
managers to the executive suite it gets widely
deployed and used. Users can access real-time
data,manipulate it,drill down to find root
causes,analyze trends,and provide a check and
Workers at every level get the information they need
to make the right decisions,at the right time,resulting
in a more effective,responsive,and profitable
company. (Informatica)
Slide 27
A Strong Information &
Communication Channel (COSO)
ƒ Obtaining external and internal information,
and providing management with necessary
reports on the entity’s performance relative to
established objectives
ƒ Providing information to the right people in
sufficient detail and on time to enable them
to carry out their responsibilities efficiently
and effectively
ƒ Development or revision of information
systems based on a strategic plan
ƒ Management’s support for the development
of necessary information systems
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What’s the Difference?
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The Audit Software Process
Slide 30
The Audit Process
Without Audit Software
“Working around the
ƒ Planning - Questionnaires, some analyticals,
and review prior year workpapers
ƒ Internal Control - Complete process memo,
select samples and vouch to support
ƒ Substantive Procedures – Scan reports,
select manual samples, complete manual
recalculations, vouch to support, perform
physical inspection, inquire and observe with
the client
Slide 31
The Audit Process
With Audit Software
“Working through the system”
ƒ Planning - Stratifications, stronger
analyticals, and exception reporting on key
indicators (using 100% of the data)
ƒ Internal Control - Verify data and
applications, identify “dirty” data, select
samples, review exception reports on controls
ƒ Substantive Procedures – Research
exception reports, perform minimal sampling
and use the 12 tools of audit software
Slide 32
Continuously Monitor/
Build Automated Intelligence
ƒ Select top exception reports
ƒ Identify key analyticals
ƒ Build automated routines to execute on a
timed schedule
ƒ Iterate the reports based on findings over
Slide 33
Prototype and Bridge
Provided by
MIS on
Analyzed in
an Ad-Hoc
Fashion by
ACL and
Selected Reports Are
Developed Using An
ACL Batch and
Reported in
Slide 34
How Is Rich Doing It?
ƒ ACL, Access, and Excel are used as
ad-hoc reporting tools
ƒ ACL is used for batch applications
ƒ Access and Excel are used for end user
report delivery and querying
Using the best tools for their requisite strengths
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Automated Routines
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Considering Production-Grade
System Reports
Full-service toolset (i.e., Cognos) implemented
by MIS
ƒ Real-time updates
ƒ Centralized data mart for past versions
ƒ Professional-grade data import tools
ƒ Automatic notification (Email, Pager)
ƒ Personalized Web dashboard
ƒ Audit trails of all processing/reviews
ƒ Unified security
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Comply With SarbOx
Slide 38
SarbOx Key Requirements
For Audit Software
ƒ Section 302 - CEO and CFO certifications of
quarterly and annual reports
ƒ Section 409 - Disclose to public on a "rapid
and current basis" material changes to
financial condition or results of operations.
ƒ Section 404 - Requiring annual
assessments of the effectiveness of internal
controls over financial reporting, including an
attestation from an external auditor.
Slide 39
Documentation Tools
ƒ Documents risks, controls, issues, processes,
assertions, accounts, test plans, and test results
ƒ Allows for easy collection of self assessment
ƒ Provides a model of control
ƒ Presents reports to all levels of the organization
ƒ IIA research study/article expected early next year
Slide 40
How Are You Tracking ROI?
ƒ What?
– Hard Benefits
– Intangible Benefits
– Lessons Learned
ƒ How?
– Finger In The Air
– Informal Status
– Database
– Proactive Survey
Slide 41
While You May Have a Project
ƒ What is your critical path? / How are you
speeding the plan?
ƒ How are you managing the scope?
ƒ What are your estimates based on?
ƒ What are your key dependencies?
Slide 42
Earned Value
ƒ Quantifies the “gut feel”
ƒ Single control system providing consistent, reliable,
and timely data to management at all levels
ƒ Integrates technical scope of work with time
commitments and authorize resources
ƒ Over 700 DOD contracts have applied the
technique and have demonstrated a pattern of
predictable project performance used to predict the
Slide 43
Changes in Testing Controls
ƒ CFOs to dig much deeper into how their companies
control their financial reporting, and how they
disclose material changes in their operations. For
COSO ERM, they will need to improve their event
identification procedures.
ƒ Documentation will identify holes for validation
ƒ Time will need to be afforded to dig deeper….more
reports to review = more work
ƒ This is a continual process….it’s not over on
Slide 44
The Birth Of The
Bionic Auditor
Slide 45
How Do We Define Bionics?
ƒ Having anatomical structures or
physiological processes that are
replaced or enhanced by electronic
or mechanical components.
Î Having
extraordinary strength,
powers, or capabilities; superhuman.
Slide 46
Bionic Auditors Are Born!
Slide 47
Examples of Automated Risk
Management Savings
ƒ Dell
– New monitor sent with $100 adjustment
automatically posted
Î Cemex
– Ready-mix load about to expire is auctioned to
the highest bidder in the immediate area
To be named
– Unmitigated risk identified through control self
– Calculation of current impact assessed
– Appropriate parties using a skills database are
– Calendar system finds next available time for
meeting to discuss
Slide 48
Why Automate Risk Management?
Manage Risk Better
ƒ Allows analysis that goes beyond our brains
ƒ Integrates risk data from various sources
ƒ Frees up time for higher-end thinking
ƒ Focuses efforts on the most fruitful
React Quicker
ƒ Automates your rote tasks
ƒ Keeps tabs on thousands of risks, and only
alerts you of key issues
ƒ Maintains information in one central locale for
easy retreival
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Slide 50
A Few Random Quotes
“In 25 years, you’ll
probably be able to get the
sum total of all human
knowledge on a personal
device.” - Greg Blonder,
VC [was Chief Technical
Adviser for Corporate
Strategy @ AT&T]
“A bureaucrat is an
expensive microchip.”
Dan Sullivan, consultant
and executive coach
Slide 51
We Can Rebuild Him…..
ƒ All of this technology exists today
ƒ It is easier than ever to loosely couple the
modular components with software going
to more object orientated programming, .Net,
ƒ To be effective, we need to think of all
aspects of the risk management deployment
design….not just one or two pieces.
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But Won’t The Computer Replace Me?
Î It
will replace rote functions
Î It
will free us up to do more value-added
ƒ We can become architects of risk
management software solutions
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Not Bad To Be The Architect
If it works for Bill, it works for me……