Document 14751751

Monthly Mustang
Architectural rendering of the new playground.
Punxsutawney Phil with the Groundhog Club President.
Will he or won’t he see his shadow? Groundhog Day is a wonderful holiday celebrated nationwide. At 7:45 A.M. ET on Tuesday, February 2, the world Einds out if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow. If so, according to the legend, there will be six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring. The Pennsylvania born groundhog is a minor celebrity. He comes out of his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob in front of thousands of faithful followers. Phil talks to the Groundhog Club President who makes the proclamation of the weather. He may be the most famous weather forecaster in the United States!
T h e c e l e b ra t i o n o f Groundhog Day began with P e n n s y l v a n i a ’ s e a r l y settlers. They had brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day. The saying goes, “If Candlemas be fair and bright, Winter has a n o t h e r F l i g h t . I f Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Winter will not come again.” Originally, the settlers used a hedgehog to predict the weather. Later, they replaced it with the more common American Groundhog. The ceremony is overseen by a group called the Inner Circle. Members of the Inner Circle wear top hats and tuxedos. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania held its Eirst Groundhog Day in the 1800s. The Eirst ofEicial celebration at Gobbler’s Knob was on February 2, 1887. Can we count on an early spring or will there be six more weeks of winter? No one will know until February 2nd. Houston Independent School District
3rd, 4th and 5th grade students are getting excited because the back playground will soon be upgraded. I asked Mrs. Martinez, the West U PTO President, about the project. Hania: When will the playground project start? Mrs. Martinez: It will start when school is out. H: When will the project end? M: We hope it will be done by July, before school starts. H: What will the upgrade add and subtract? M:We will add an obstacle course and a climbing structure and take out the mulch for the soft surface grounds. H: When was the back playground built? M: All I know is that it is older than the front playground. H: How much will the playground cost? M: It will cost $156,184. H: How will we pay for the playground?
M: $44,000 will come from funds set aside for the project by last year’s PTO and the remaining was raised this year. H: What do you like about the new playground? M: Adding more equipment and the obstacle course. H: How did you choose the company to build it? M: It is the same company that did the front playground. They are a very experienced company. H: Why did you decide to build the playground now? M: We had a lot of requests from parents and children. It was an expected project after the completion of the front playground. H: How did you select the items to be added on? M: The company recom-­‐
mended what would be good for 3rd-­‐5th graders. page 1
Albert Ma and Caillou La-Cortez canoeing.
Three days of outdoor adventures and education were only a few hours away. West University’s 5th graders were evenly divided among two camps; Camp Olympia and Camp Forest Glen. I was extremely excited to be assigned to Forest Glen! This was the trip I had been waiting of for all my elementary years. When I was in fourth grade, it still seemed so far away. I couldn’t wait to be a Eifth grader and experience this and here I was getting off the bus and getting ready for some of the best days in my life so far. When we Eirst arrived, the cabin counselors explained the Eive main rules: be positive, take responsibility, be safe, be appropriate and be engaged. Then came the time of excitement: getting sorted into cabins. I knew that I’d be with these girls to eat and sleep, but I’ll let you in on those details later. We soon left for our Eirst lunch together. After eating, we departed for our Eirst lesson. Our Eirst class was Pioneer Life. The Eirst activity was horseback riding. My horse’s name was Chunk. Our second activity was Frontier Explorers. We got to go inside a replica of a real pioneer home. Our third activity was candle making. We stuck a candle in wax (pioneers used animal fat) for a second then in cold water for three seconds. We repeated this until the wax formed a Cheetos-­‐sized mold. The fourth activity was Barn Investigation. We learned about animals and their adaptations. We fed the goats, the hogs, and the sheep. The last activity was Wood Chopping. We used a wedge and a hammer to chop off slates of wood that wood be a good size to put in Eire. After that, it was time for bed. Our cabin was called Luke’s Lodge. It was a large carpeted room with seven bunk beds running around the perimeter. A door-­‐less entryway led to the bathroom which had two stalls, two sinks, and two showers. At night we played games. My favorite game was Ah Soh Koh, a hilarious game played with several hand movements. Concerning my cabin mates, I knew all SHOW YOUR KINDNESS! BY DALIA KHERA
Do you know what Random Acts of Kindness Day is? It is the name of an unofficial holiday celebrated nationwide and around the world, in order to encourage an act of kindness. It is a day where the entire country is challenged to do something kind for a friend or stranger for no reason at all. This year, Random Acts of Kindness day falls on Feb. 17th. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. There are so many ways to be kind to others. Here are some ways to show kindness: 1. Hold the door open for someone. 2. Compliment a friend. 3. Smile at everyone you see. 4. Give up your seat for someone. 5. Write a note of encouragement to someone who inspires you. Houston Independent School District
of the people except for the three girls t h a t w e r e f r o m P i n e y P o i n t Elementary School. As I went to bed that night I couldn’t believe that just that morning my mom was waking me up saying-­‐ “Are you ready for camp?” The next day we had two classes; Native American Studies and Lake Studies. During Native American Studies we told stories with sign language, made Native American bracelets, did archery, canoed, and got to go inside replica homes of Native Americans. During Lake Studies we looked at the lake water (under a microscope) searching for plankton. We also looked at larger creatures like crabs and mosquito Eish under a magnifying glass. The next day, the last day, we packed our things and got ready for our Einal class, Geology. We explored the camp grounds searching for things like limestone. Interestingly enough, I found an old piece of faded ceramic tile wedged in the dirt. As a farewell, to my cabin I did something special: we made fancy paper rockets and shot them with a bicycle-­‐pump sort of thing. Preparing to leave Forest Glen, I was Eilled with melancholy. I had had such an amazing time! I didn’t want to leave, but of course I had to. In the end, camp exceeded my already lofty expectations. 6. Help someone carry groceries to their car. 7. Give someone a hug. 8. Cheer on a teammate. 9. Complain less. 10. Be grateful. 11.Help your teacher by working harder. 12. Thank your parents and teachers. Kindness begins with you. Try to do one act of kindness daily. It can be for someone you know, someone you don’t know, or it can even be for yourself. Be kind to people. Reach out and let them know that there is good in the world. Kindness is important to show, not just on February 17th, but everyday!
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Dear Maisie and Natalie, My annoying older brother is always mean and won’t stop pulling pranks on me. I try to be nice and not annoying but he is making it really hard. What do I do? Please Help, Little Bro Dear Little Bro, I think that you should tell your parents that he has been mean to you, and you would like help finding a solution. Good luck, Maisie and Nat Dear Maisie and Nat, All year I’ve tried to be a better friend and I thought I’d succeeded, but the other day all of my “friends” were gossiping about me behind my back. I hope it was an accident but I highly doubt it. From, Friendless Dear Friendless, We totally understand what you are feeling. If we were you we would be nice to them but try to find a new group of friends who are totally awesome like you. From, Maisie and Nat THE LEGEND OF CHINESE NEW YEAR
Do you like deafening, thunderous fireworks? Don’t you enjoy mouthwatering, appetizing, dumplings? Don’t you just love watching the enchanting dragon dance? Wouldn’t you like to get a red envelope full of money? If so, maybe you might be thinking about Chinese New Year! Celebrating Chinese New year is the biggest event of any Chinese. People travel back home and are reunited to spend the time with the family and pray for the good start of a new Lunar calendar year! BY ELAINE SEE TOH
The Reunion dinner is comparable to Thanksgiving dinner in US. In Northern China, it is customary to make dumplings after dinner to eat around midnight. Dumplings symbolize wealth because their shape resembles a Chinese sycee or old Chinese ingot made of silver or gold . By contrast, in the South, it is customary to make a glutinous new year cake ( niangao), which means “increasingly prosperous year in year out”. MONOPOLY TURNS 81! BY AMY HE
Do you ever hang out with your friends and family playing a fun and enjoyable board game? Is that game called Monopoly? Well, this year, 2016, is Monopoly’s 81st anniversary. February, 1935, Monopoly first went on the shelves of stores. The f i r s t ga m e o f M o n o p o ly wa s developed in 1933, by Charles Darrow who was from Philadelphia. Back then, all the pieces of the game were made in Charles Darrow’s home. You probably think that Monopoly, such a wonderful game, succeed automatically, but that’s not true. When Darrow tried to sell his game to The Parker Brothers, Monopoly was rejected because it had “52 fundamental errors.” After Charles Darrow succeeded selling Monopoly in the local department stores in Philadelphia, The Parker Brothers reconsidered their decision. How has Monopoly changed since the first time it came out? Well one big change is the price of the game. When Monopoly came out, it was only two dollars! Nowadays, Monopoly costs about twenty bucks. Another thing that has changed is the number of tokens. When Monopoly first went on sale, there were ten tokens. If you purchase the game of Monopoly today, it will include eight tokens. Over the years, more than 300 different licensed versions of Monopoly with themes like sports teams and movies have been adapted. Whether you own the Houston, Hollywood, or Las Vegas edition of Monopoly, thank Charles Darrow for the fun idea. VALENTINE'SDAY BY MATTHEW JEONG
Every February 14, people across U.S.A and around the world celebrate Valentine's Day. Who was St. Valentine and how did the holiday start? St.Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome when Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families. He banned marriage for young men. Valentine, disagreeing with the law, ignored the rule and continued to perform marriage for men in secret. When his actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Some stories say that Valentine Houston Independent School District
was killed for trying to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons. According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first "Valentine" greeting after he fell in love with a young girl, who visited him during his confinement. It is said that he wrote a letter signed "From Your Valentine," an expression still used today. Although the truth is still murky, the stories describe him as a heroic and romantic figure. By the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.
Valentine greetings were popular all the way back to the Middle Ages. The oldest Valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London by the English at the Battle of Agincourt. Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world. Whether you celebrate it or not ,you can always show love to your family and friends. Happy Valentine’s Day! page 3
Lego Dimensions is a game where you get to build and play in a Lego-­‐like world. Getting the starter kit requires you to build the 3 characters and the Lego portal. In the game, you fight many Lego characters like Lord Business from the Lego Movie. The main goal of the game is to defeat Lord Vortex. There is also free play. You need a character from that world LIBRARY NEWS BY ELIZABETH REED
Do you wonder what is new in the school library? Are you wondering what to read next ? There are a large number of books coming in the next couple of months. A book that will be on the shelf soon is The Bamboo Sword by Margi Preus. A few years ago, she came to our school to talk about her Newberry Honor Medal chapter book, Heart of Samurai. Also, two other new books are Firefly Hollow by Alison McGhee and Rules for Stealing Stars by Corey Ann Haydu. Tom Angleberger, the author of The Strange Case of Origami Yoda TALKIN' GUITAR
This picture book is a biography by Robbin Gourley. It is about a little boy who loves music. From early in the morning to late at night, Arthel Watson, the young boy who would grow up to be Doc Watson, was surrounded by sounds. He heard the whistle of the train as it passed through the hills near his home in North Carolina. He heard chickens to play in it. For example, if you wanted to play in the Lego Movie world you would need a character from the Lego Movie. The game has different worlds. Some you don’t usually see, like Doctor Who. You buy and build the characters and vehicles. The characters have different abilities. If you like Legos, this is the game for you. Lego Dimensions is without a doubt, the best game to get creative and have fun. If you get this fantastic game, you are a true Lego builder. has written a new picture book called McToad Mows Tiny Island, which will be on the shelves soon. No author visits are scheduled for this semester, but this may change. Both Name That Book Teams will be competing in the annual competition this year. April is National Poetry Month and at the end of the school year, Mrs. Russell will launch One Book, One Story for the second year. This is where everyone in our school reads the same book over the summer and does an activity that pairs with it. According to Mrs. Russell, the aim is to create community and unity among the grade levels and give the students something fun to share when they return in the next school year. Thanks to Mrs. Russell for supplying the information! clucking and cows mooing.He heard his papa playing banjo and voices raised in song.It was all music to Arthel, and he drank it in like cool water in the well. His parents see his love and a little talent. They are not very rich,but they make a sacriEice to buy an instrument. The instrument is a guitar. If you love music,!highly recommend this book for you. It has lots of color. If you are three through Eive, you'll love these picture. For all other kids, I'm not saying you won't love them too-­‐ I am simply saying these people have the largest chance of liking it best. BENNER’S BLUEBONNET BOOK REVIEWS
The Lost Planet: out of 5 stars
Grandfather Ghandi: out of 5 stars.
This action/adventure novel is about Chase, a strange boy who is living in the future. He befriends a spoiled boy named Parker. Parker’s home planet has been bombed and everyone thinks they know who did it, but the boys are not convinced. They embark on a quest to solve the mystery, and Chase ends up learning more about himself, too. I give it four stars because it is action packed and a real page turner, but I thought it should be a bit more descriptive. I will definitely read the next book in the series because this book ended on a total cliffhanger. Houston Independent School District
This picture book follows Mahatma Ghandhi’s grandson, Arun, an American visiting Ghandhi’s village. Like many of us, Arun’s visit with his relatives is full of frustration, bad meals, and self-­‐discovery. I really enjoyed this story! The pictures were very abstract, colorful, and magical. I gave it five stars, because I learned a lot about my own character and could really identify with Arun’s point of view. Please don’t forget to read the author’s note. It is very detailed and meaningful.
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Presidents' Day, celebrated on the third Monday of February,was established in 1885 in honor of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthday. GEORGE WASHINGTON
Our first president was born in Colonial Virginia to a wealthy family. Washington was made the highest-­‐ranking military officer in US history, he led the much smaller Continental Army to victory over the British Empire. He resigned as commander in chief rather than seize power. Admired for his leadership skills he was unanimously elected for president in the first two national elections. On the day of his death, Washington's last words were "Tis' well." He established many customs we still have today like the cabinet system of advisors, the inaugural address, the title Mr. President and the limit of two terms in office. In his honor, the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. was built and his face is on the dollar bill, quarter, U.S. postage stamps, and on Mt. Rushmore. Little known facts: Washington had reddish brown hair, but he powdered his hair white, the popular fashion at the time. He had teeth made from hippopotamus and elephant ivory and a set of real human teeth for replacements. He never lived in the White House. FEBRUARY 2016
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He was born on February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky. He was the second child of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln and he had an older sister and a brother who died in infancy. He married Mary Todd Lincoln and they had four children, Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas. Abraham Lincoln attended law school and practiced law. He was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives and served for 12 years. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1846. In 1860 he was elected President and served from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln is known for being the President during the Civil War. In 1862, he delivered the Emancipation Proclamation which declared all slaves free. In 1863, he delivered the Gettysburg Address, after one of the deadliest battles of the Civil War. It is his most famous speech. Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed at the Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC on April 15, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. Some little known and well known facts: Abraham Lincoln was our tallest president at 6’, 4” tall. He was known as a gifted story teller and liked to tell jokes. Abraham Lincoln was the first president who had a full beard and he was known as “honest Abe”. In his stove pipe hat, Abraham Lincoln often kept things like letters and documents. President Lincoln is one of the faces on Mount Rushmore and there is the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. RENEWABLE ENERGY BY JAY LOVE
We need to use more renewable energy sources because of a phenomenon called global warming. There are several options averrable today, like solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. Fossil fuels are an affordable and accessible energy source, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere contributing to global warming and oil will run out someday. Making a gradual transition to renewables over the next century offers a solution. But which renewables are the best? Geothermal energy is the rarest type of renewable energy. It comes from heat in the earth. The only country to really use it in a big way is Iceland.. The pros are its high energy yield and low cost but, you need to be located in a geothermally active area. Solar energy: The pros of solar energy are its ability to go anywhere there’s sun and that it can be scaled up and down easily. For example, there can be tiny solar panels on toy cars or massive solar panels that power whole cities. However, solar is not without its cons, such as its high price and difficulty storing it when it is dark. Hydroelectric power comes from the power of rivers. Dams such as the Hoover Dam between Nevada and Arizona drive huge turbines to make electricity. It has a low operating cost but high costs from building a hydroelectric station. Also droughts can drastically reduce their power. Wind energy: Wind is the fastest growing energy source in America. It has a low price compared to the other sources of renewable energy and has high output per turbine. The larger ones can power 600 US homes. None of these renewables are perfect, no energy source is, yet by diversifying our energy sources is best for the long term. It will benefit both the planet and us. Houston Independent School District
That means ten turbines could power all of West U. However, wind energy also has its cons. You need a wide open field to contain the turbines and they only work where there is a lot of wind.
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Tests, homework assignments and fast-­‐
paced class schedules are al l aspects of a demanding day at West U Elementary. School can be tiring for both students and teachers. Lunchtime and recess are one of the few periods of relief . Recently, some students of West U voiced their opinions about school break times and the results may be surprising. The overall response was that lunch time could use a few improvements. The enhancements included optional seating arrangements, more food variety and longer lunch periods to name a few. I took an informal survey of 4th grade students. 67% agreed they would like to see new cafeteria changes. For breakfast, students would prefer food choices to include fruit smoothies, fresh fruit bar and an assortment of breakfast options. For lunch , kids requested chicken nuggets, "Taco Tuesdays" and an ice cream bar. Dessert seemed to be a big topic. An option to purchase popsicles or ice cream bars during lunch was high on the list. Others said food delivery from Chick-­‐fil-­‐A or Raising Canes once a month would be an added bonus. As for seating arrangements, students would like the option to occasionally eat outside or with friends from other classes. Some have expressed for ergonomic improvements like comfortable chairs with arm and backrests or ones that do not swivel while sitting. Another interesting wish was for entertainment while eating. Kids asked for music in the background or for TVs that would air their favorite programs like Animal Planet, Teen Titans, Gum ball or the Discovery Channel. Others wanted vending machines with healthy choices for after-­‐school. The students’ requests are creative and thought provoking. Whether some of these changes will be made remain to be seen but it was fun to imagine. The International Festival was great! Did you go? Some of our favorite things were the performances, especially the Houston Shaolin Temple Kung Fu. The food was delicious! There were treats from around the world. In the cafeteria, you could buy pizza, shawarma, falafel wraps and Hagen-­‐Daz Ice Cream. There were some awesome prizes. Our favorite was the giant candies. If you missed this year be sure to go next year. You don't want to miss it. UNIQUE AND FLAVORFUL
Do you think to be good at something you have to start doing it as a kid? If so, Chef Chris Leung has proven you wrong! Chef Chris is co-­‐owner of Cloud 10 Creamery in Rice Village, an ice cream parlor with tasty and unique flavors. Chef Chris developed Abby with Chef Chris his passion for cooking at age 25, when he took a culinary class at Houston Community College. The idea for Cloud 10 Creamery came to him one day, when Chef Chris’s business partner, Christopher Balat, wanted a banana split, but couldn’t think of anywhere to get one. So Chef Chris made him one. It turned out really good. That made them both want to open an ice cream shop! Cloud 10 Creamery has been opened for two years. Chef Chris chooses his flavors by writing 40-­‐50 ideas every season, then he and his team narrow them down to ten. The last ten are their new flavors. The total number of flavors they have created since the store’s opening is about 200. Chef Chris’s personal favorite flavor is toasted rice, because it reminds him of a Rice Krispies Treats. He also enjoys Vanilla Bean, which is made with actual vanilla beans, no flavoring. Some of his most unique flavors are Balsamic Vinegar, Blue Cheese, and Goat Cheese. One of his most popular flavors is Nutella Marshmallow. Chef Chris’s mentor, one of his culinary teachers, opened his eyes to trying new things. His nine-­‐year-­‐old cousin came up with the name Cloud 10, meaning even better than Cloud 9. The next time you are in Rice Village, remember to go to Cloud 10 Creamery for a sweet surprise! MARDI GRAS BY SAMANTHA WEXLER
Mark your calendars for Mardi Gras on February 9th. Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday” in French. It was part of the spring festival in France where people paraded a fat ox down the street. Mardi Gras is the end of the Carnival season. Carnival begins on January 6th. Mardi Gras is celebrated on the last Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, Houston Independent School District
the beginning of Lent (six weeks before Easter when many Christians give up meat). One of my favorite things about Mardi Gras is King Cake. King Cake is like a giant doughnut covered with icing and sugar in the colors of Mardi Gras – green, purple, and gold. People will put a small baby or golden bean in the King Cake. Whoever finds the baby or bean is king or queen and has to buy the next King Cake.
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Q: Who has influenced you most? A: My uncle Chip Q: Who is your favorite teacher? A: Jenny Wood Q: Who is your hero? A: Derek Gay Q: Who would you like most to meet? A: Leonard Fournette Q: What is your favorite movie? A: The Empire Strikes Back Q: What is your favorite book? A: Ender’s Game Q: What is your favorite TV show? The legend has it that Ms. Betsy Ross was the p e r s o n w h o made the first American Flag. Betsy was born on January 1st, 1 7 5 2 i n P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pennsylvania. She was the 8th child out of 17. Like her many sisters she went to Quaker School where she learned sewing and other activities common in her day. After she finished school she met John Ross at the age of 17. They quickly fell in love and wanted to marry each other, but there was one problem. Betsy was a Quaker and was not allowed to marry people in another religion. Still, they married in 1772. Betsy was promptly expelled from her family and friends. In 1776, John was k i l l e d b y a g u n p o w d e r explosion. It was said, that right after he died she was A: The Simpsons Q: What is your favorite subject in school? A: The Science Fiction Class @ LSU Q: What is your favorite sport or hobby? A: Baseball + Soccer Q: What is your career choice? A: Teacher-­‐ (I was a news photographer for 15 years) Q: What is your pet peeve? A: Traffic and people who can’t make a left turn Q: When were you the happiest? A: When Mr. Threet hired me. Q: When were you the saddest? A: When Uncle Chip passed away Q: When is your birthday? A: August 18th A FEW FACTS ABOUT
Q. Do Muslims follow any food restrictions? A. According to the Islamic dietary law, Muslims are only allowed eat foods that are pure, clean and nourishing. They do not e a t p o r k o r d r i n k alcohol. Q. Do they wear special clothes?They wear a "hijab" that is a veil to cover their head. Q . W h a t h o l i d a y s d o M u s l i m s c e l e b ra te ? They celebrate Nowruz, the New Year. They do not eat between sunrise and sunset on Nowruz. Q. What do they believe in? A. Muslims believe in God and that God sent a number of prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law. The Arabic word for God is Allah Q. Do Muslim go to church? A. Muslims go to Mosques. M o s q u e s s e r ve t h e s a m e p u r p o s e a s Churches. It is a place to worship Allah. Houston Independent School District
asked to make the first American Flag for George Washington. After his death Betsy kept running their business by making flags for Philadelphia. Five years later she claimed his property and married for a second time to Joseph Ashburn, but he too died. His ship was captured and he died in prison. In 1783 she married for a third and final time. The man she married was John Claypoole and he was one of the people that was captured with her second husband. John died 34 years later because of a long disability in 1817. Nineteen years later she died on January 30th, 1836. Ms. Ross though was not totally forgotten because her heart still lies in the first American Flag ever made. However historians believe that she actually did not make the first flag nor was she asked to do so. I like the story anyways. Hope you do too. MY ONE OF A KIND ADVENTURE IN
Do you want to go to the Galapagos Islands? If not, here are some reasons why you should go. I was lucky enough to go the Galapagos Islands and think it’s one of the best places I’ve ever been. The Galapagos is a The author with his father and a giant
group of 18 volcanic islands tortoise.
located in Ecuador in South America. The scenery is pretty and rocky. There are a lot of unique animals such as blue-­‐footed boobies and nazca boobies (birds), Galapagos tortoises, penguins, and sea lions. There are a lot of fun activities to do there. Some outdoor activities include snorkeling, kayaking, and riding zodiac boats. One of my favorite activities was snorkeling. Continued on P. 8
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Valentine’s Word Search
by Jaina Jhunjhunwala
Can you find these words below?
Hey Will, It’s a
me to
Winter !
Let’s go
inside, Liam.
Galapagos Islands continued from P, 7 W h e n w e w e r e there, the water was ice cold so we had to wear wet suits to keep us warm but they were very tight. We snorkeled with a penguin sitting next to us on a rock and we gave him a pet name of Lonesome Larry. We also s n o r k e l e d w i t h s h a r k s , l o t s o f colorful fish, and a The author with his father and a sea lion.
family of sea lions playing chase below us. You must go on a boat to get to the Galapagos Islands, so be sure to bring medicine if you get sea sick. Ask your Mom and Dad if you can go to the Galapagos Islands.
Houston Independent School District
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