2015 For more than 100 years, 4-H has stood behind the idea that youth is the single strongest catalyst for change. What began as a way to give rural youth new agricultural skills, today has grown into a global organiza!on that teaches leadership, life skills development, and community advocacy. 4-H is principled in posi!ve youth development programming and helping youth step up to the challenges in a complex and changing world. 4-H is dedicated to helping cul!vate the next genera!on of leaders and tackling the na!on’s top challenges such as the shortage of skilled professionals, maintaining our global compe!veness, encouraging civic involvement, and becoming a healthier society. The Maryland 4-H Youth Development program, through University of Maryland Extension (UME), is organized under the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Maryland. Saturday, October 10 10:00-4:00 Wright’s Market 4-H Premium Book http://tiny.cc/Wico4-HFair 1 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all ci!zens and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orienta!on, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or na!onal origin, marital status, gene!c informa!on, or poli!cal affilia!on, or gender iden!ty and expression. If you need special assistance to par!cipate in this program, contact us at 410-7496141. 2 Wicomico County 4-H Fair Schedule Sept 21—Entry Deadline Entries Forms must be Submi7ed to Amy Rhodes at arhodes1@umd.edu or through the Extension Office. Thursday October 8 4:00-8:00 pm Entry Drop Off at Wright’s Market Friday October 9 9:00 am Judging Saturday October 10 8:00-9:30 am Tractor Show & Exhibitor/Vendor - Set Up 10:00 am Fair Opens, Tractor Show Starts 11:30 am 4-H Fashion Show 3:30 pm 4-H Fair Awards 4:00 pm Fair Closes / Pick Up Entries Ac%vi%es 4-H Youth Fashion Show, Pony Rides, Corn Maze, Chicken Scratch, Hayrides, Hay Maze, Rope Maze, PeCng Zoo, Face Pain!ng, Children Tricycle Track, Adult Tricycle Races, Corn Pit, Train Rides, Balloons, Straw Pit, Dime Table, Fire Truck Rides, Cornhole, Tractor Show More informa!on, entry forms and the premium book can be found at the Wicomico County 4-H Fair Website: h'p://%ny.cc/Wico4-HFair 3 4-H Rules & Regula%ons for the Wicomico 4-H Fair PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Exhibitors: Must be enrolled as a 4-H member in Dorchester, Somerset, Worcester, or Wicomico County and enrollment recorded in the 4-H office by September 1st of the current year. Exhibitors must be between the ages of 5 -18 as of January 1 of the current year. Clover Aged Exhibitors: Clover 4-H’ers (age 5-7 as of January 1) can enter in any division/class in a non-compe!!ve manner; green par!cipa!on ribbons will be handed out. Maryland 4-H Policies and Procedures: state clovers cannot par!cipate in any compe!!ve events at county/city or state 4-H fairs and shows. 4-H Age Divisions: Exhibitors may only exhibit in a class designated for their age division. Based on age as of January 1: Clover (age 5-7); Junior (age 8-10); Intermediate (age 11-13); Senior (ages14-18). How to Enter: Entry Forms must be submi7ed by Sept 21 to Amy Rhodes by email arhodes1@umd.edu or mailed to the Wicomico County Extension Office, PO Box 1836, Salisbury MD 21802. Entries may also be dropped off in person to the Extension office. Entry Drop Off: All entries must be placed between 4:00-8:00 pm on Thursday at Wright’s Market, 9300 Old Railroad Road, Mardela Springs, MD 21837. Entry Tags: Entry tags will be available for early pick up at the Extension Office by Friday October 3. We encourage you to pick up and tag your entries before bringing them. 4 Entries: Entries may be moved at the discre!on of the 4-H Fair and/or judges and placed in a more appropriate class if necessary. All entries displayed must have been grown or made by the exhibitor and not entered in any other previous Wicomico 4-H Fairs. Every effort will be made to protect all entries while in the custody of the Wicomico 4-H Fair and Wright’s Market, but the Fair disclaims any responsibility for loss or damage to property or person. Judging: Entries will be judged Friday. Exhibitors and family members of, are not permi7ed in the judging areas during this !me. En!ces will be judged by the numerical system of “1st Place”, “2nd Place”, or “3rd Place”. The placing shall depend upon the merit of the entry and will be leL to the sole discre!on of the judge. In the event, there is but only one entry in a class, the placing shall depend upon the merit of that entry and the award made at the discre!on of the judges. Entry Pick Up: All entries must be picked up at 4:00 pm on Saturday, unless other arrangements have been made with the fair. No exhibitor will be allowed to remove any ar!cle from the grounds un!l aLer the awards ceremony is over. Exhibitor Expecta%ons: Exhibitors and entries must comply with the “General 4-H Rules & Regula!ons”, these “Division Rules & Regula!ons” and the applicable “Sec!on Rules & Regula!ons”. The Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program expects all 4-H members to abide by the rules & guidelines presented in the documents “Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expecta!ons” and “Maryland 4-H Disciplinary Policy And Procedures”. All documents are available from a 4-H office or the State 4-H Office. Exhibitors who do not obey rules, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary ac!on as established in the Code of Conduct. 4-H members who are disciplined and removed from the fair forfeit all premiums. All Ques!ons can be directed to Amy Rhodes, arhodes1@umd.edu or Barbara Barga, bbarga@umd.edu or at 410-749-6141. Unclaimed Entries: Entries leL aLer the show closes will be transferred to the Wicomico County Extension Office, 28647 Old Quan!co Road. Those entries must be claimed by November 1st, or they become the property of the Wicomico 4-H Fair. All perishable entries leL will be considered trash. Awards: Premium money ribbons will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries in each class. Purple Ribbons will be awarded to the Junior, Intermediate and Senior in each Division if there are sufficient entries as determined by the Superintendent. 5 6 4-H An%que Tractor Show Calling all an!que tractor enthusiasts, join us for our annual 4-H Tractor Show, from 10-2 pm during the fair. Youth & adult par!cipants welcome. Tractors should arrive between 8:30-9:30 am to set up. To register your Tractor Call Amy at 410749-6141x108 or email arhodes1@umd.edu Special Thanks to the Wright Family and Wright’s Market For Showing the 4-H Program Such Amazing Support. www.wrightsmarket.com Thank You to the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board Mr. Dale Hough Mrs. Nancy Hendricks Mrs. Jo Ann Cashman Mrs. Diane Geary Mr. Hal Spielman Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald Mr. William Langlotz Mr. Michael Mohler Mr. Mar!n Hamilton Ms. Donna Hill Mrs. Anne Schnappinger 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION L - CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCE SECTION 1 - CHILD CARE SECTION 2 - CLOTHING SECTION 3 - HOME ENVIRONMENT M - FOODS SECTION 1 – FOOD PREPARATION SECTION 2 – EDIBLE ART SECTION 3 - CANDY SECTION 4 - FOOD PRESERVATION N - EXPRESSIVE ARTS SECTION 1 - 3D PHOTO AND ART SECTION 2 – FINE ARTS SECTION 3 - CRAFTS O - PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION 1 - COLOR SECTION 2 – BLACK AND WHITE / SEPIA P - MECHANICAL SCIENCES SECTION 1- WOODWORKING SECTION 2 - ELECTRIC Q – COLLECTIONS SECTION 1– NATURE COLLECTIONS R - FLOWERS & ARRANGEMENTS SECTION 1 - CUT FLOWERS SECTION 2 - ARRANGEMENTS & CORSAGES SECTION 3 - HOUSE PLANTS, DISH GARDENS & TERRARIUMS S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 1 - VEGETABLE VARIETIES SECTION 2 – GRAIN SECTION 3- HAY SECTION 4 - EGGS SECTION 5 - WOOL FLEECE T - 4-H PROMOTION SECTION 1 - 4-H BANNERS SECTION 2 - 4-H PROMOTIONAL POSTERS SECTION 3 - 4-H PROMOTIONAL GRAPHIC ART U - EDUCATIONAL POSTERS X - MISCELLANEOUS 8 4-H Pledge I Pledge my Head DIVISION L : CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCE SECTION 1 - CHILD CARE Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: • All entries must be the work of the Exhibitor and completed this year. • Judging Criteria: safety; age appropriateness; educa!onal value. Junior L1001 L1003 Inter. L2001 L2003 Senior L3001 L3003 my Heart to greater loyalty, L1004 L2004 L3004 my Hands to larger L1005 L1007 L1008 L2005 L2007 L2008 L3005 L3007 L3008 L1009 L1012 L2009 L2012 L3009 L3012 L1013 L2013 L3013 to clearer thinking, service, and my Health to better living, Class Descrip%on Toy– original design Game - must fit on 12” deep shelf, include instruc!ons for playing game Visual aids– create an item (book, puppet, etc.) To use when telling a child a story, include a summary on how it will be used. Storybook- original design, must tell a story Stuffed animal or doll - original design Childcare Kit - a bag of books, toys, etc. for a BabysiCng job (min. 10 items). Iden!fy item with age level & how it would be used. Basic First aid kit - include list of the contents. Child Care/BabysiCng Reference Book - a notebook that includes general and specific informa!on on child care and babysiCng; may include short ar!cles, ac!vi!es you conducted as part of project work or fact sheets. Miscellaneous Child Care Item for my club, my community, my country and my world. 9 10 DIVISION L : CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCE SECTION 2 - CLOTHING Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: • All entries must be the work of the Exhibitor and completed this year. All entries must be sewn unless specified by class. • All garments must be entered on wire hangers. Exhibitors must provide their own hangers. • Judging criteria: quality of workmanship; coordina!on of fabric, pa7ern, no!ons, intended use; cleanliness; personal crea!vity • Clothing pa7ern guide sheets are not required. Junior L1021 Inter. L2021 Senior L3021 L1022 L1023 L1024 L1028 L1029 L1032 L1036 L1039 L1040 L1041 L1042 L1043 L1044 L1045 L1046 L1050 L2022 L2023 L2024 L2028 L2029 L2032 L2036 L2039 L2040 L2041 L2042 L2043 L2044 L2045 L2046 L2050 L3022 L3023 L3024 L3028 L3029 L3032 L3036 L3039 L3040 L3041 L3042 L3043 L3044 L3045 L3046 L3050 L1051 L2051 L3051 L1054 L2054 L3054 L1055 L2055 L3055 Class Descrip%on Sewing kit- include at least 10 different no!ons a sewer needs in a “sewing basket” you have decorated Clothing accessory - tote bag, purse, apron Clothing accessory - belt, scarf, neck!e, hat Blouse or shirt - any style Vest Skirt - any style Shorts - pants or short - any style Pajamas, nightgown or other sleepwear Dress - One piece Kni7ed Clothing Kni7ed Clothing Accessory Felted Clothing Felted Clothing Accessory Any Kni7ed or Crocheted ar!cle Outerwear – simple jacket, poncho, sweatshirt Tailored jacket or coat – lined Costume - iden!fy ac!vity for which garment was created and worn; a7ach photo showing costume being worn Purchased garment decorated by exhibitor with sewn design, applique, needle work or other fabric trim Re-designed denim garment - fabric, screen painted, embellished with accessories Re-designed t-shirt garment - fabric, screen painted, embellished with accessories 11 L1056 L2056 L3056 L1057 L2057 L3057 L1060 L2060 L3060 L1061 L2061 L3061 Re-designed personal accessories – purse, scarf, !e, headband, etc. Re-designed or decorated ar!cle for the foot – flip-flops, sneakers, etc Two-piece ouVit - skirt, shorts, pants or dress with vest, etc. Miscellaneous Clothing Item DIVISION L : CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCE SECTION 3 – HOME ENVIRONMENT Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: • All entries must be the work of the Exhibitor and completed this year, except for Bedspread, Quilt or Comforter class. • Judging criteria: quality of workmanship; usefulness/func!onal home use items; color and design applica!on; personal crea!vity; cleanliness. • Framed pictures must be ready to hang on the wall or stand independently on a solid surface. Taped hangers are not acceptable. Junior L1071 L1071 Inter. L2071 L2072 Senior L3071 L3072 L1073 L2073 L3073 L1074 L2074 L3074 L1075 L2075 L3075 L1076 L2076 L3076 L1077 L1078 L2077 L2078 L3077 L3078 L1079 L2079 L3079 L1083 L2083 L3083 L1084 L2084 L3084 L1085 L1088 L2085 L2088 L3085 L3088 Class Descrip%on Decora!ve Trash Can Storage Item - fabric only, storage accessories (locker caddy, laundry bag, covered hanger) Table Coverings (table cloth, 4 napkins, 4 place mats, table runner) Desk accessories - 2 different items (blo7er, pencil holder, etc.) Kitchen Accessory - fabric only (toaster cover, pot holder, etc). Decora!ve Hand or Guest Towels - 2, needle work, appliqué or other fabric trimmed Decora!ve Pillowcase – needlework Framed Needlework Picture - counted cross s!tch s!tching por!on 5” x 7” or smaller Framed Needlework Picture - counted cross s!tch s!tching por!on larger than 5” x 7” Needlework Plas!c Canvas - flat-s!tching por!on 5” x 7” or smaller Needlework Plas!c Canvas - flat-s!tching por!on larger than 5”x 7” Needlework Plas!c Canvas - 3-D - novelty Framed Fabric Picture – may use paints, sequins, fabric trims (not needlework) 12 A wall hanging is a free flowing, flat fabric based on original or pa7ern crea!on. It is intended to be suspended by a rod or dowel. Usually layers of fabric are applied to develop the design. All wall hangings should have a rod pocket, extender tabs or rings for hanging. L1089 L2089 L3089 Wall Hanging - latch hook - no frame or hoopL1090 L2090 L3090 Wall Hanging – fabric-not needlework or latch hook, not frame or hoop L1091 L2091 L3091 Wall Hanging - pieced or appliquéd and quilted, no frame Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on L1092 L2092 L3092 Window Treatment - balloon shade, valance, curtain, drapery, etc. L1093 L2093 L3093 Decora!ve Pillow - patchwork design, machine pieced or hand-pieced, quilted L1094 L2094 L3094 Decora!ve Pillow - patchwork design, machine pieced or hand-pieced, not quilted L1095 L2095 L3095 Decora!ve Pillow - pre-printed fabric design, machine or hand quilted L1097 L2097 L3097 Decora!ve Pillow - fabric painted L1098 L2098 L3098 Decora!ve Pillow - counted cross s!tch L1101 L2101 L3101 Decora!ve Pillow - latch hook L1104 L2104 L3104 Pillow Sham or Pillowcase - not needleworkL1105 L2105 L3105 Afghan, kni7ed or crocheted L1106 L2106 L3106 Other accessory for home - kni7ed or crocheted L1107 L2107 L3107 Pillow Sham L1108 L2108 L3108 Bedspread, Quilt or Comforter L1111 L2111 L3111 Quilted Table Runner L1112 L2112 L3112 Quilted Home Accessory L1113 L2113 L3113 Quilted Other L1113 L2113 L3113 Miscellaneous – any item not fiCng into any other class DIVISION M : FOODS SECTION 1—FOOD PREPARATION Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: • Exhibitors must enter the exact number of items indicated in parentheses in the class descrip!ons, i.e. Cookies (4) means 4 individual cookies. Recipe cards are NOT needed, as in past years. • Commercial fros!ng and cake mixes are not allowed, except in the Decorated Cake Class. • Since refrigera!on is not available, cream cheese, yogurt, whipping cream, etc. may not be used in fillings or icings. Eggs used in recipes MUST be cooked. • The Fair is not responsible for personal containers. QUICK BREADS • Prepared box mixes are not allowed in these classes. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1001 M2001 M3001 Baking Powder Biscuits-rolled (4) M1002 M2002 M3002 Muffins-Corn, no liners (4) M1003 M2003 M3003 Muffins-Fruit, iden!fy fruit, no liners (4) M1004 M2004 M3004 Muffins-Vegetable, iden!fy , no liners (4) M1005 M2005 M3005 Corn Bread, 2” x 3” pieces (4) M1006 M2006 M3006 Coffee Cake-Cinnamon (½) M1007 M2007 M3007 Coffee Cake-Fruit, iden!fy type (½) M1008 M2008 M3008 Ginger Bread (½) M1009 M2009 M3009 Fruit/Fruit & Nut Bread-iden!fy type (½) M1010 M2010 M3010 Vegetable/Veg & Nut Bread-iden!fy (½) M1011 M2011 M3011 Cheese bread (½) M1012 M2012 M3012 Sweet Potato Biscuits (4) M1013 M2013 M3013 Miscellaneous, iden!fy type YEAST BREADS • Prepared box mixes are not allowed in these classes. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1015 M2015 M3015 Rolls-plain, white (4) M1016 M2016 M3016 Rolls-whole wheat (4) M1017 M2017 M3017 Rolls-other (4) M1018 M2018 M3018 Loaf-plain white (½) M1019 M2019 M3019 Loaf-whole wheat (½) M1020 M2020 M3020 Loaf-other, iden!fy (½) M1021 M2021 M3021 Coffee Ring-whole product M1022 M2022 M3022 Loaf-whole wheat, made with bread machine (whole loaf) 13 14 M1023 M2023 M3023 M1024 M1025 M1026 M1027 M2024 M2025 M2026 M2027 M3024 M3025 M3026 M3027 Loaf-other, iden!fy - made with bread machine (whole loaf) Loaf-Challah (½) Loaf-Oatmeal (½) Loaf-Sourdough (½) Miscellaneous, iden!fy type COOKIE (4 cookies) Prepared box mixes are not allowed in these classes. All cookies must be baked. No-baked cookies are not acceptable in any cookie class. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1030 M2030 M3030 Brownies with nuts M1033 M2033 M3033 Brownies without nuts M1034 M2034 M3034 Peanut Bu7er Cookies M1035 M2035 M3035 Refrigerator Cookies- sliced & baked M1036 M2036 M3036 Rolled Cookies – cut with cookie cu7er M1037 M2037 M3037 Snicker Doodles M1038 M2038 M3038 Bar Cookies-not brownies-2 x 2 square M1039 M2039 M3039 Molded/Shaped Cookies-by hand M1040 M2040 M3040 Fancy Cookies-filled, iced, etc. M1041 M2041 M3041 Pressed Cookies – thru a gun or mold M1042 M2042 M3042 Oatmeal Drop Cookies M1043 M2043 M3043 Chocolate Chip M1044 M2044 M3044 Sugar Cookies M1045 M2045 M3045 Miscellaneous, iden!fy type • • CAKE (1/4 cake) DECORATED CAKES • Commercial fros!ng /icings and cake mixes are allowed. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1057 M2057 M3057 Special Occasion - decorated for a special event such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, shower, etc. M1058 M2058 M3058 Novelty - decorated to carry out an idea, may be shaped/decorated to resemble an animal, person or idea (i.e., pizza, bunny, etc.) It is not a birthday, shower or other special occasion cake. M1059 M2059 M3059 Maryland 4-H Cake - Decorated to carry out the idea of “Maryland 4-H”. HEALTHY CHOICES Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. These are baked items where ingredients have been eliminated, reduced or subs!tuted so people with dietary restric!ons may enjoy a baked product. 2. Subs!tu!ons must be specific. Include an explana!on of changes made to the recipe and what needs will be met by these changes. 3. Judges will evaluate the item for its quality, taste, appearance and effec!veness in totally mee!ng a special dietary need. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1063 M2063 M3063 Quick Bread (1/2 loaf) M1064 M2064 M3064 Cake (4) M1065 M2065 M3065 Cookies (4) M1066 M2066 M3066 Miscellaneous • Commercial fros!ng /icings and cake mixes are not allowed, except in the Decorated Cake Class and “Create-a-cake” Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1046 M2046 M3046 Angel Food Cake-no icing (1/4) M1047 M2047 M3047 Sponge Cake-no icing (1/4) M1048 M2048 M3048 Pound Cake-no icing or layers (1/4) M1049 M2049 M3049 Spice Cake-icing, 2 layers (1/4) M1050 M2050 M3050 Yellow Cake-icing, 2 layers (1/4) M1051 M2051 M3051 Chocolate Cake-icing, 2 layers (1/4) M1052 M2052 M3052 White Cake-icing, 2 layers (1/4) M1053 M2053 M3053 Cup Cakes-yellow, no icing or liners (4) M1054 M2054 M3054 Cup Cakes-chocolate, no icing or liners (4) M1055 M2055 M3055 “Create-a-cake” - Boxed cake mix with addi!ons, include recipe (1/4) 15 16 DIVISION M : FOODS SECTION 4 - FOOD PRESERVATION DIVISION M : FOODS SECTION 2 – EDIBLE ART Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. All items entered must be edible. With excep!on to display plate/tray, 2. toothpicks may be used. NO GLUE. 3. More than one food item may be used as embellishments for each class. 4. Final size cannot exceed 12” in H or W Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1071 M2071 M3071 Small Fruit Carving – flowers, animals, etc M1072 M2072 M3072 Vegetable Carving – flowers, animals, etc M1073 M2073 M3073 Watermelon Carving – tradi!onal basket M1074 M2074 M3074 Small Watermelon Carving – skin carving art M1075 M2075 M3075 Holiday Center Piece M1076 M2076 M3076 Seed Art – any edible seed M1077 M2077 M3077 Miscellaneous– any piece of art out of a combi na!on of edible foods DIVISION M : FOODS SECTION 3- CANDY Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. There must be 6 pieces of candy in each entry. 2. The collec!on will be judged on varie!es, quality and a7rac!veness. 3. More than one food item may be used as embellishments for each class. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1160 M2160 M3160 Caramels M1161 M2161 M3161 Chocolate Fudge (nuts) M1162 M2162 M3162 Chocolate Fudge (plain) M1163 M2163 M3163 Uncooked Fudge M1164 M2164 M3164 Peanut Bu7er Fudge (no chocolate) M1165 M2165 M3165 Miscellaneous Fudge M1166 M2166 M3166 Peanut Bri7le M1167 M2167 M3167 Mints M1168 M2168 M3168 Miscellaneous (excluding fudge) Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Entries will consist of 1 jar, unless otherwise specified. Leave rims/rings on jars. Judges may open the jars and taste the exhibits. 2. Jar MUST be labeled with the following: · Title of the recipe · Processing method (Hot water bath/ pressure canning) · Processing !me · Tested recipe Source (reliable recipe books, websites, publishing etc. e.g. so easy to preserve book, USDA book on home canning, ball book, sure jell website and from the box recipes) · Expira!on date (e.g.: 01/2015- 01/2016. Canned goods should not be consumed aLer 9-12 months of preparing) 3. Fruits, tomatoes and pickled vegetables should be processed in a boiling water bath canner. Vegetables except some recipes of tomatoes (from trusted recipe sources) and pickles must be processed in a pressure canner. To process the low-acid food safely in a reasonable length of !me takes a temperature higher than boiling water. FRUIT CLASSES Junior Inter. M1080 M2080 M1081 M2081 M1082 M2082 M1083 M2083 M1084 M2084 M1085 M2085 M1086 M2086 M1087 M2087 M1088 M2088 M1089 M2089 M1090 M2090 M1091 M2091 M1092 M2092 Senior M3080 M3081 M3082 M3083 M3084 M3085 M3086 M3087 M3088 M3089 M3090 M3091 M3092 VEGETABLE CLASSES Junior Inter. Senior M1095 M2095 M3095 M1096 M2096 M3096 M1097 M2097 M3097 M1098 M2098 M3098 M1099 M2099 M3099 17 Class Descrip%on Apples Apple sauce Apple juice Blackberries Cherries - sour Cherries - sweet Grape - juice Peaches - halves Peaches - pieces Pears - halves Pears - pieces 3 jars of fruit (3 varie!es) Miscellaneous, iden!fy type Class Descrip%on Beans - green Beans - lima Beans - wax Beets - sliced (no vinegar) Beets - whole (no vinegar) 18 M1100 M1101 M1102 M1103 M1104 M2100 M2101 M2102 M2103 M2104 M3100 M3101 M3102 M3103 M3104 Peas Tomatoes - broken in juice Tomatoes - whole Tomato juice Miscellaneous, iden!fy type PICKLE CLASSES Junior Inter. M1107 M2107 M1108 M2108 M1109 M2109 M1110 M2110 M1111 M2111 M1112 M2112 M1113 M2113 M1114 M2114 Senior M3107 M3108 M3109 M3110 M3111 M3112 M3113 M3114 Class Descrip%on Pickled Beets - sliced Pickled Beets - whole Sliced Cucumbers - sweet Bread & Bu7er pickle Sour or Dill pickle Relish (mixed vegetable) Pickle, any other (iden!fy) Miscellaneous, iden!fy type JELLY CLASSES Jelly is made of fruit juice. Good jelly is clear, free from crystals or sediment, sparkling, has a tender texture and natural color and flavor of fresh fruit. When removed from the glass, it will hold its shape and when cut leaves a clean, clear, sharp cleavage. Jars should be ½ pint standard canning jelly jar. Do not use fancy/gourmet jars, no fabric covers. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1117 M2117 M3117 Apple Jelly M1118 M2118 M3118 Crab Apple Jelly M1119 M2119 M3119 Grape Jelly M1120 M2120 M3120 Strawberry Jelly M1121 M2121 M3121 Blackberry Jelly M1122 M2122 M3122 Miscellaneous, iden!fy type PRESERVES CLASSES Preserves are made of one or two fruits. The fruit, whole or large pieces, is cooked in a syrup un%l clear and transparent, tender, firm, crisp and well plumped. The shape of the fruit is retained and the juice is thick and syrupy. (Jars should be ½ pint standard canning jelly jar and may be opened for judging) Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1125 M2125 M3125 Blackberry Preserves M1126 M2126 M3126 Peach Preserves M1127 M2127 M3127 Pear Preserves M1128 M2128 M3128 Strawberry Preserves M1129 M2129 M3129 Blueberry Preserves JAM CLASSES Jams are usually made of one fruit crushed into a mass of an even, so* consistency thick enough to spread easily or be divided into por%ons. Juices are not separated from fruits and are of a jelly-like consistency. (Jars should be ½ pint standard canning jelly jars and may be opened for judging) Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1133 M2133 M3133 Blackberry Jam M1134 M2134 M3134 Raspberry Jam M1135 M2135 M3135 Strawberry Jam M1136 M2136 M3136 Blueberry Jam M1137 M2137 M3137 Peach Jam M1138 M2138 M3138 Miscellaneous, iden!fy type DRIED FOODS CLASSES Drying foods is a method of preserving. Moisture is removed from fruits/ vegetables to preserve them for later use. Food must be dried enough to inhibit all bacteria, molds and enzymes. Dried fruits and vegetables are clean, flavorful, have characteris%c color, and are bri.le (vegetables) or leathery (fruits). (Jars should be ½ pint standard clear canning jars and may be opened for judging) Label All Products With Product Name, Drying Methods & Length of Time of Drying. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on M1141 M2141 M3141 Fruit Leather M1142 M2142 M3142 Dried Fruit M1143 M2143 M3143 Dried Vegetables M1144 M2144 M3144 Jerky M1145 M2145 M3145 Herbs M1146 M2146 M3146 Miscellaneous, iden!fy type DIVISION N – EXPRESSIVE ARTS SECTION 1 - 3-DIMENSIONAL PHOTO & ART Junior Inter. Senior N1031 N2031 N3031 N1033 N2033 N3033 N1034 N2034 N3034 N1035 N2035 N3035 19 Class Descrip%on 3-D COLOR Photos – made using layers of mul!ple photos (Photos used must be ones you have taken yourself) 3-D Black/White Photo – made using layers of mul!ple photos (Photos used must be ones you have taken yourself) 3-D Photo – made using layers of mul!ple photos (image from a source, other than yourself) Miscellaneous, 3-D Art 20 DIVISION N – EXPRESSIVE ARTS SECTION 2 - FINE ARTS DIVISION N – EXPRESSIVE ARTS SECTION 3 - CRAFTS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Entries must be the Exhibitors works from the current year. 2. 3-dimensional art is not allowed. 3. Pictures painted by numbers are not allowed. Cartoon figures, such as Sponge Bob, Mickey Mouse, Snoopy and other copyrighted images may not be used. 4. All exhibits must be framed and/or ma7ed (except Scratch Art) and ready to hang prior to arrival at the fair. Hanging devices must be secure and sturdy enough to withstand the weight of the exhibit for the dura!on of the fair. Under no circumstances should glue, tape or safety pins be used in hanging. 5. All fine art mats and work, excluding oils, should be protected with acetate to prevent smudges. Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Exhibitors must have done all work on the exhibit. An original craL is an item that has been designed, created, and prepared by the exhibitor. 2. CraL entries will be evaluated in terms of the following defini!on of a quality craL: “A quality craL reflects the craLsman’s imagina!on and skill in crea!ng decora!ve and/or useful handmade items from appropriate designs and materials.” Junior N1121 N1122 N1123 Inter. N2121 N2122 N2123 Senior N3121 N3122 N3123 N1124 N2124 N3124 Junior N1101 N1102 N1103 N1104 N1105 N1106 N1107 N1108 N1109 N1110 Inter. N2101 N2102 N2103 N2104 N2105 N2106 N2107 N2108 N2109 N2110 Senior N3101 N3102 N3103 N3104 N3105 N3106 N3107 N3108 N3109 N3110 N1111 N1112 N1113 N1114 N2111 N2112 N2113 N2114 N3111 N3112 N3113 N3114 N115 N2115 N3115 Class Descrip%on Oil pain!ng Acrylic pain!ng Water color pain!ng Pastels pain!ng Charcoal drawing Black & White pencil-line drawing Black & white pencil drawing Color pencil drawing Crayon drawing Printmaking (Block prin!ng, must include block) Pen & Ink drawings Scratch Art Marker drawings Mixed Media-2 or more medias used in any Art Class listed here. Miscellaneous Fine Art Item 21 N1125 N1126 N1127 N1128 N1129 N1130 N1131 N1132 N1133 N1134 N1135 N1136 N1138 N1139 N1140 N2125 N2126 N2127 N2128 N2129 N2130 N2131 N2132 N2133 N2134 N2135 N2136 N2138 N2139 N2140 N3125 N3126 N3127 N3128 N3129 N3130 N3131 N3132 N3133 N3134 N3135 N3136 N3138 N3139 N3140 N1142 N1145 N1146 N1147 N1148 N1149 N1150 N1151 N1152 N2142 N2145 N2146 N2147 N2148 N2149 N2150 N2151 N2152 N3142 N3145 N3146 N3147 N3148 N3149 N3150 N3151 N3152 Class Descrip%on Heritage craLs-include history of craL Holiday craL (theme, i.e. 4th of July, etc) Holiday Tree Ornament (not a wreath-ready to hang on tree) Leather craL, tooled or stampedIndicate if from kit Weaving (loom weaving only) Weaving (hand weaving only) Ba!k Fabric pain!ng Mask Making Tie-Dying Collage - cloth or paper (framed-ready to hang) Decoupage item Paper Mache (not a mask) Recycled craL Jewelry - original*, not from kit Stained glass Sculpture - clay or plaster Sculpture - stone, metal, wire Sculpture - mixed media (a combina!on of 2 or more 3-D art materials) Mosaics-glass only-original* Decora!ve Pain!ng—3-D, Not Framable Candles, original* (sand candles, etc.) Candles, made from a mold Wreaths Wreaths - themed Wood Carving Rock or shell craL Basketry - reed only 22 N1153 N1154 N1155 N1156 N2153 N2154 N2155 N2156 N3153 N3154 N3155 N3156 N1157 N1158 N1159 N1160 N1161 N2157 N2158 N2159 N2160 N2161 N3157 N3158 N3159 N3160 N3161 N1162 N2162 N3162 N1163 N1164 N1165 N1166 N2163 N2164 N2165 N2166 N3163 N3164 N3165 N3166 Basketry - paper twist yarn, fiber or cloth Eggery Sand Art (not sand layered in a container) Nature CraL (cornhusk dolls, etc. - not a terrarium or wreath) Stamping Ceramics - original* - fired Ceramics - molded - stained Ceramics - molded - glazed Image Transfer - fabric, porcelain (NOT decoupage) Duck Tape Art - en!re piece must be made of duck tape Painted Gourd Quilling Felted CraL Miscellaneous CraL DIVISION O—PHOTOGRAPHY Division Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Exhibitors may enter one photograph for each class – no limit on number of classes you can enter. 2. Paperclip your Tag to the front of your mat. 3. All photos must be securely mounted on mat board. No Tape. Unmounted photos will not be accepted. Framed photos will not be accepted. 4. All photos must be 5” x 7” in size. 5. Mat size should correspond to photo size: Photo: 5” x 7” - Mat: 8” x 10” 6. Do NOT cover photos with ANY covering. 7. Judging is based on composi!on, storytelling ability, photo quality, cleanliness, and moun!ng. SECTION 1 - COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY Junior O1001 O1002 O1003 O1004 O1005 O1006 O1007 O1008 O1009 O1010 Inter. O2001 O2002 O2003 O2004 O2005 O2006 O2007 O2008 O2009 O2010 Senior O3001 O3002 O3003 O3004 O3005 O3006 O3007 O3008 O3009 O3010 O1011 O1012 O1013 O1014 O1015 O2011 O2012 O2013 O2014 O2015 O3011 O3012 O3013 O3014 O3015 Class Descrip%on Buildings, Architecture Landscape Flowers or Plants People - Individual People - Two or more Birds or Insects Animals Transporta!on - Auto, Plane, etc. Agriculture Themed Picture MD - photo that captures the spirit of the state Wildlife and Nature Weather Seascape Digitally altered image Miscellaneous SECTION 2 - BLACK & WHITE OR SEPIA PHOTOGRAPH Junior O1016 O1017 O1018 O1019 O1020 O1021 O1022 23 Inter. O2016 O2017 O2018 O2019 O2020 O2021 O2022 Senior O3016 O3017 O3018 O3019 O3020 O3021 O3022 Class Descrip%on Buildings, Architecture Landscape Flowers or Plants People - Individual People - Two or more Birds or Insects Animals 24 O1023 O2023 O3023 O1024 O2024 O3024 O1025 O2025 O3025 O1026 O1027 O1028 O1029 O1030 O2026 O2027 O2028 O2029 O2030 O3026 O3027 O3028 O3029 O3030 Transporta!on - Auto, Plane, etc. Agriculture Themed Picture MD - photo that captures the spirit of the state Wildlife and Nature Weather Seascape Digitally altered image Miscellaneous DIVISION P - MECHANICAL SCIENCES SECTION 1 - WOODWORKING Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. A plan, blueprint, or sketch used in construc!on, must accompany each exhibit, along with a statement of intended use. Enclose all documenta!on in an envelope printed with the Exhibitor’s name. A7ach envelope to exhibit with string or tape. 2. The maximum item size is 3’ x 6’ x 5’. Where indicated in class descrip!on, LD is “largest dimension” and SD is “smallest dimension”. 3. A “before” photograph along with a statement of intended use, must accompany each exhibit in the “refinishing” class. All restora!on entries must be entered in those respec!ve classes. 4. Kits are not accepted. All exhibits in the classes must be made of worked wood (cut, shaped, etc.). 5. Judging Criteria: Design and Plan; Workmanship; Choice of Wood; Suitability and Quality of Finish; Usefulness. Junior P1001 P1002 P1004 P1005 P1006 P1007 P1009 P1010 P1011 P1012 P1013 P1014 P1015 P1016 Inter. P2001 P2002 P2004 P2005 P2006 P2007 P2009 P2010 P2011 P2012 P2013 P2014 P2015 P2016 Senior P3001 P3002 P3004 P3005 P3006 P3007 P3009 P3010 P3011 P3012 P3013 P3014 P3015 P3016 Class Descrip%on Decora!ve Bird House Bird or other Wild Animal Feeder Small Outdoor Furniture (LD less than 22”) Large Outdoor Furniture (SD 22” or more) Small Indoor Furniture (LD less than 22”) Large Indoor Furniture (SD 22” or more) Small chest/storage box (LD less than 22”) Large chest or storage box (SD 22” or more) Wooden Toy Kitchen Ar!cle Wooden Ar!cle for farm or shop use, tool Small Refinished Ar!cle (LD less than 22”) Large Refinished Ar!cle (SD 22” or more) Wooden Flying Object, Plane, Glider 25 P1017 P1018 P1019 P1020 P1021 P1022 P2017 P2018 P2019 P2020 P2021 P2022 P3017 P3018 P3019 P3020 P3021 P3022 Planter Bookends, rack or key holder Wooden Floa!ng Object, Boat Table Wooden Jewelry Ar!cle Miscellaneous Wooden Item DIVISION P - MECHANICAL SCIENCES SECTION 2 - ELECTRIC Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. A wiring diagram and statement of intended use must accompany each exhibit. Enclose all documenta!on in an envelope printed with the Exhibitor’s name. A7ach envelope to exhibit with string or tape. 2. Exhibits not mee!ng safety requirements (i.e. improperly wired) will be disqualified. 3. Judging Criteria: Design; Workmanship; Approved Materials; Prac!cality; Originality; Safety (must meet Code); Performance Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on P1030 P2030 P3030 Prac!cal Electrical Appliances P1031 P2031 P3031 Table Lamp P1032 P2032 P3032 Floor Lamp P1033 P2033 P3033 Miscellaneous Electrical Item DIVISION Q – COLLECTIONS SECTION 1 – NATURE COLLECTIONS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Due to limited exhibit space, collec!ons are limited to one display case per class entered. Case dimensions may not exceed 11” x 14”. 2. Collec!ons should include items collected from nature and iden!fied as to common name, scien!fic name within display 3. Specimens should be securely mounted 4. Minimum of 10 samples for each collec!on 5. Collec!ons will be judged on accuracy in naming and grouping by order, variety of species, neatness in labeling and neatness in display. Junior Q1001 Q1002 Q1003 Q1004 Q1007 Q1008 Inter. Q2001 Q2002 Q2003 Q2004 Q2007 Q2008 Senior Q3001 Q3002 Q3003 Q3004 Q3007 Q3008 Class descrip%on Shell Collec%on Rock Collec%on Leaf Collec%on Insect Collec%on Fossil Collec%on Other Nature collec%on 26 DIVISION R - FLOWERS & ARRANGEMENTS SECTION 1 - CUT FLOWERS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Arrangements must be the work of the exhibitor. The containers for collec!ons and arrangements must accompany the entry. 2. Quan!ty of items/samples in exhibit to be entered is indicated in parentheses. 3. Flowers will be judged on uniformity and trueness to variety and color. When coun!ng blooms, they must be opened to be judged. 4. Leave long stems on flowers. Remove damaged leaves from specimens. 5. All specimens and po7ed plants must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least 60 days. 6. Classes with an asterisk (*) require exhibit to be labeled with the variety name(s). Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on R1001 R2001 R3001 Ageratum (5 stalks) R1002 R2002 R3002 Aster, China Double (3 blooms-same variety & color) R1003 R2003 R3003 Aster, Pom Pom (3 blooms-same variety & color) R1004 R2004 R3004 Black-eyed Susan (3 blooms-same variety) R1005 R2005 R3005 Chrysanthemum – (3 stems-same variety & color) R1006 R2006 R3006 Cockscomb (celosia), plume type (1 spike) R1007 R2007 R3007 Cockscomb (celosia), crested type (1 spike) R1008 R2008 R3008 Dahlia, Giant, large or med. 6” or more in diameter (1 bloom, must be disbranched) R1009 R2009 R3009 Dahlia, Med., 2”-6” in diameter (3 blooms, same variety & color - must be disbranched) R1010 R2010 R3010 Dahlia, Small, 2” in diameter (3 blooms, same variety & color) R1011 R2011 R3011 Gladiolus (1 spike with two or more stem leaves a7ached) R1012 R2012 R3012 Marigold, large orange varie!es (3 single stems, one bloom each, same variety) R1013 R2013 R3013 Marigold, large non-orange varie!es (3 single stems, one bloom each, same variety) R1014 R2014 R3014 Marigold, small flowering, single colored (3 blooms, same variety) R1015 R2015 R3015 Marigold, small flowering, mul! colored (3 blooms, same variety) 27 R1016 R1017 R1018 R1019 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R3016 R3017 R3018 R3019 R1020 R2020 R3020 R1021 R2021 R3021 R1022 R2022 R2022 Rose, any variety (1 stem) Strawflower (3 blooms) Sunflower, Ornamental (1 bloom) Zinnia -Pom Pom type (3 blooms, same variety & color) Zinnia, cactus type-spiked petals (3 blooms, same variety & color) Zinnia, any other miniature variety, 1 ½” or less in diameter (3 blooms, same variety & color) Zinnia, any other non-miniature variety, 1 ½” or more in diameter (3 blooms, same variety & color) DIVISION R - FLOWERS & ARRANGEMENTS SECTION 2 - ARRANGEMENTS & CORSAGES Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Arrangements must be the work of the exhibitor. The containers for arrangements must accompany the entry. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on R1030 R2030 R3030 Line arrangement, all fresh materials R1031 R2031 R3031 Line arrangement, all dried materials R1032 R2032 R3032 Line arrangement, all silk materials R1033 R2033 R3033 Mass arrangement, all fresh materials R1034 R2034 R3034 Mass arrangement, all dried materials R1035 R2035 R3035 Mass arrangement, all silk materials R1036 R2036 R3036 Bud vase arrangement, all fresh materials R1037 R2037 R3037 Bud vase arrangement, all dried materials R1038 R1039 R2038 R2039 R3038 R3039 R1040 R2040 R3040 R1041 R1042 R1043 R1044 R1045 R1046 R1047 R1048 R2041 R2042 R2043 R2044 R2045 R2046 R2047 R2048 R3041 R3042 R3043 R3044 R3045 R3046 R3047 R3048 Bud vase arrangement, all silk materials Nosegay bouquet, all fresh materials – 8” max. diameter Nosegay bouquet, all silk materials – 8” max diameter Corsage, spray type, all fresh materials Corsage, spray type, all silk materials Corsage, individual flower, all fresh materials Corsage, individual flower, all silk materials Holiday corsage, all fresh materials Holiday corsage, all silk materials Wall Arrangement, all silk materials Wall Arrangement, all dried materials 28 DIVISION R - FLOWERS & ARRANGEMENTS SECTION 3 - HOUSE PLANTS, DISH GARDENS & TERRARIUMS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Po7ed plants, except in hanging basket classes, must be in pots not to exceed 8” top diameter. 2. Dish garden containers may not exceed 20” maximum width. 3. Hanging baskets must be able to hang and sit flat on table. 4. Houseplants and terrariums should have been established in the pot or container at least one month. Junior R1052 R1053 R1054 R1055 R1056 R1057 Inter. R2052 R2053 R2054 R2055 R2056 R2057 Senior R3052 R3053 R3054 R3055 R3056 R3057 R1058 R1059 R1060 R1061 R1062 R1063 R1064 R1065 R2058 R2059 R2060 R2061 R2062 R2063 R2064 R2065 R3058 R3059 R3060 R3061 R3062 R3063 R3064 R3065 Class Descrip%on African Violets Begonia, flowering type Begonia, foliage type Philodendron, vine type Prayer Plant House Plant, foliage, any single variety not listed above House plant, cac! or succulent, single variety Dish Garden, at least 3 foliage house plants Dish Garden, at least 3 cac! or succulents Terrarium (with cover or lid) Hanging basket, indoor plants Hanging basket, outdoor flowering type Hanging basket, outdoor foliage type plant Pothos DIVISION S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 1- VEGETABLE VARIETIES Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. All exhibits must have been grown by the Exhibitor. 2. Classes with an (*) require exhibit to be labeled with variety name. Quan!ty of items is indicated in parentheses. 3. Herb bunches are 6 stalks placed in water in a container. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on S1001 S2001 S3001 Beets, topped (5) S1002 S2002 S3002 Beans, green snap (10) S1003 S2003 S3003 Beans, yellow snap (10) S1004 S2004 S3004 Beans, pole lima (10)* S1005 S2005 S3005 Beans, bush lima (10)* S1006 S2006 S3006 Broccoli (1 bunch) S1007 S2007 S3007 Brussel Sprouts (1 pint) 29 S1008 S1009 S1010 S1011 S1012 S1013 S1014 S1015 S2008 S2009 S2010 S2011 S2012 S2013 S2014 S2015 S3008 S3009 S3010 S3011 S3012 S3013 S3014 S3015 S1016 S1017 S2016 S2017 S3016 S3017 S1018 S2018 S3018 Cabbage, green (1 head) Cabbage, red (1 head) Carrots, topped (5) Cauliflower (1) Cucumber, pickling (5) Cucumber, pickling (5) Eggplant, round/oval varie!es (1) Eggplant, slender cylindrical varie!esOriental type (1) GiL Basket - vegetable Green leafy vegetables-collard, etc., except kale (1 bunch, same variety, in water cont.)* Gourds (3 same variety) Herb bunches are 6 stalks placed in water in a container. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on S1019 S2019 S3019 Herbs, Parsley, simple (1 bunch) S1020 S2020 S3020 Herbs, Parsley, curly (1 bunch) S1021 S2021 S3021 Herbs, Basil (1 bunch) S1022 S2022 S3022 Herbs, Mint (1 bunch) S1023 S2023 S3023 Herbs, Thyme (1 bunch) S1024 S2024 S3024 Herbs, Dill (1 bunch) S1025 S2025 S3025 Herbs, other (1 bunch)* S1026 S2026 S3026 Kale (1 bunch, in water cont.) S1027 S2027 S3027 Melon, cantaloupe type (2) S1028 S2028 S3028 Melon, honeydew (2) S1029 S2029 S3029 Okra (10 pods) S1030 S2030 S3030 Onions, white (5) S1031 S2031 S3031 Onions, yellow (5) S1032 S2032 S3032 Onions, red (5) S1033 S2033 S3033 Peppers, Banana type (5) S1034 S2034 S3034 Peppers, Bell type (5) S1035 S2035 S3035 Peppers, Cayenne type, large varie!es (5) S1036 S2036 S3036 Peppers, Small Cayenne Types (5) S1037 S2037 S3037 Peppers, Chili types (5) S1038 S2038 S3038 Peppers, Jalapeno type (5) S1039 S2039 S3039 Peppers-other type (5) * S1040 S2040 S3040 Pumpkin, Connec!cut Field type-ridged (1) S1041 S2041 S3041 Pumpkin, Cushaw (1) S1042 S2042 S3042 Pumpkin –Big Max type-stock type (1) S1043 S2043 S3043 Pumpkin, small sugar type (1) S1044 S2044 S3044 Pumpkin, miniature type (3) S1045 S2045 S3045 Potatoes, any red variety (5) 30 S1046 S1047 S1048 S1049 S1050 S1051 S1052 S1053 S1054 S1055 S1056 S1057 S1058 S1059 S1060 S1061 S2046 S2047 S2048 S2049 S2050 S2051 S2052 S2053 S2054 S2055 S2056 S2057 S2058 S2059 S2060 S2061 S3046 S3047 S3048 S3049 S3050 S3051 S3052 S3053 S3054 S3055 S3056 S3057 S3058 S3059 S3060 S3061 S1062 S2062 S3062 S1063 S2063 S3063 S1064 S1065 S1066 S1067 S1068 S2064 S2065 S2066 S2067 S2068 S3064 S3065 S3066 S3067 S3068 S1069 S1070 S2069 S2070 S3069 S3070 S1071 S1072 S1073 S1074 S1075 S1076 S1077 S1078 S2071 S2072 S2073 S2074 S2075 S2076 S2077 S2078 S3071 S3072 S3073 S3074 S3075 S3076 S3077 S3078 Potatoes, cobbler (5) Potatoes, Katahdin or Kennebec (5) Potatoes, Yukon Gold (5) Potatoes, Russe7 (5) Potatoes, any other variety (5)* Squash, acorn (3) Squash, bu7ernut (3) Squash, crookneck (3) Squash, Pa7y pan type (3) Squash, yellow straight neck (3) Squash, zucchini (3) Squash, hubbard (1) Squash, spagheC (1) Squash, any other winter variety (1)* Squash, any other summer variety (3)* Sunflower, non-oil type, not ornamental, mature seed head of 6” or more dia. (1 head) Sunflower, non-oil type, not ornamental, mature seed head of less than 6” dia.(1 head) Sunflower, oil type (black seeds), not ornamental, mature seed head (1 head) Sweet Corn, white (5) Sweet Corn, yellow (5) Sweet Potato, any variety (5) Tomatoes, mature green (5) Tomatoes, red globe type, min. diameter across top 3-inches (5)* Tomatoes, red globe type, max. diameter Tomatoes, yellow globe type (5) across top 3-inches (5)* Tomatoes, cherry type, min. dia. 1-inch (10) Tomatoes, cherry type, max. diameter 1-inch (10) Tomatoes, pear or plum type (5) Tomatoes-any other type (5)* Watermelon, oblong shape (1) Watermelon, round (not sugar baby) (1) Watermelon, sugar baby (1) Vegetable, any other not listed above. * 31 DIVISION S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 2 – GRAIN Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Exhibits shall consist of one quart of grain in a clear glass jar with a lid. Jars must be free of prin!ng, labels, except for a 3” x 5” card a7ached to the exhibit with string or tape. The following informa!on must be printed on the card: a) Variety (e.g. Potomac Wheat) b) Was the seed “cer!fied”? c) How much nitrogen was applied? On what date? d) What crop was grown on this land last year? e) Intended use (e.g. used on farm, saved for seed, sold, other – indicate what). Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on S1090 S2090 S3090 Barley - 1 qt. S1091 S2091 S3091 Oats - 1 qt. S1092 S2092 S3092 Rye - 1 qt. S1093 S2093 S3093 Wheat - 1 qt. S1094 S2094 S3094 Soybeans (black) - 1 qt. S1095 S2095 S3095 Soybeans (yellow) - 1qt. S1096 S2096 S3096 Corn - (shelled) - 1 qt. S1097 S2097 S3097 Corn (ten ears) S1098 S2098 S3098 Corn (best single ear) S1099 S2099 S3099 Popcorn (10 ears) S1100 S2100 S3100 Indian Corn (10 ears) DIVISION S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 3 - HAY Sec!on Rules & Regula!ons: 1. Hay must be cured below 20% moisture. Alfalfa, clover or lespedeza hay with more than 10% grass will be classified as mixed. Exhibits shall consist of a bundle approximately 18” x 18” x 6” in size. Bundle must be securely !ed 4 ways for hanging. A7ach a 3” x 5” card to the exhibit with string or tape. The following informa!on must be printed on the card: a) Variety and Species (e.g. WL323 Alfalfa, Benchmark Orchardgrass) – if mixed, indicate main composi!on. b) Was the seed “cer!fied”? c) Date of seeding (month/year). d) Which cuCng? (e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc.) e) What crop was grown on this land last year? f) Intended use (e.g. used on farm, saved for seed, sold, other – indicate what). 32 Junior S1104 S1105 S1106 S1107 S1108 S1109 S1110 S1111 S1112 S1113 S1114 Inter. S2104 S2105 S2106 S2107 S2108 S2109 S2110 S2111 S2112 S2113 S2114 Senior S3104 S3105 S3106 S3107 S3108 S3109 S3110 S2111 S3112 S3113 S3114 Class Descrip%on Alfalfa – 1st cuCng Alfalfa – later cuCngs Lespedeza Red Clover Timothy – 1st cuCng Alfalfa/Grass – 1st cuCng Alfalfa/Grass – later cuCngs Red Clover/Grass – 1st cuCng Red Clover/Grass – later cuCngs Other Grass – 1st cuCng Other Grass—later cuCngs DIVISION S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 4 – EGGS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. All eggs must be exhibited in egg cartons. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on S1118 S2118 S3118 One doz. – white, extra large, in carton S1119 S2119 S3119 One doz. – white, large, in carton S1120 S2120 S3120 One doz. – white, med., in carton S1121 S2121 S3121 One doz. – brown, extra large, in carton S1122 S2122 S3122 One doz. – brown – large – in carton S1123 S2123 S3123 One doz. - brown - med. - in carton 33 DIVISION S - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SECTION 5 - WOOL FLEECE Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Exhibitors may enter fleece from a sheep owned by exhibitor at !me of shearing. The fleece must have been shorn this year. Fleeces entered by breed should be shorn from a sheep clearly representa!ve of that breed. A commercial fleece may be from any sheep. A yearling fleece may have 16 months growth. 2. Fleece should be rolled properly - flesh side out and !ed with paper twine, in such a way as to allow adequate handling, yet not affect the character or a7rac!veness. Each fleece must be tagged with: wool breed, sex, number of months’ growth. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on S1127 S2127 S3127 Purebred – Fine Wool (62-80) Rambouillet, Merino S1128 S2128 S3128 Purebred - Med. wool (Group 1 – Cheviot, Corriedale, Dorset, Montadale) S1129 S2129 S3129 Purebred - Med. wool (Group 2 – Hampshire, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk) S1130 S2130 S3130 Purebred – Long Wool (36-48) Lincoln, Romney, Border, Liecester, Cotswold S1131 S2131 S3131 Commercial (white) - may include wool from long wool purebreds S1132 S2132 S3132 Colored - Med. wool (48-60) – may include fine wool fleeces S1133 S2133 S3133 Colored - Long wool (36-48) – may include coarse wool fleeces 34 DIVISION T - 4H PROMOTION Division Rules & Regula%ons: 1. 4-H and FFA Members may exhibit in Sec!ons I & II of this division. Only 4 -H Members may exhibit in Sec!on III. 2. Exhibitors and exhibits must comply with “General Fair Rules & Regula!ons”, “General 4-H Rules & Regula!ons”, these “Division Rules & Regula!ons” and the applicable “Sec!on Rules & Regula!ons”. 3. All exhibits must relate to and promote 4-H. Cartoon figures, such as Spongebob, Bart Simpson, etc., cannot be used since they are copyrighted. 4. Booths and banners must primarily be the work of club or chapter members. Parents, leaders and advisors may supervise and assist with the design but may not do a significant por!on of the construc!on. Posters must be the work of the Exhibitor. 5. Exhibits previously entered in the Fair are not allowed. Booth frames, banner rods, etc. may be reused. 6. Judging: Booths will be judged on their own merit and receive a ra!ng using the following criteria: Effec!ve Title (short, personal, an ac!ve verb) - 10 points; Conveys Message (accomplishes purpose) - 30 points; A7racts A7en!on (stopping power) - 20 points; Holds Interest (encourages study) - 10 points; General Appearance (simple, balance, color) - 10 points; Workmanship (neat, well- constructed) - 10 points; Suitable Subject (!mely, personal, informa!ve) - 10 points, Total - 100 points. DIVISION T - 4H PROMOTION SECTION 1 - 4-H BANNERS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons Size and Construc%on: 1. Banner dimensions must be 50” wide and 38” tall. Failure to comply with dimensions will cause the banner to be disqualified. 2. Banner must be constructed to hang on a pole. The opening for the pole should to be a minimum of 3”, and is included in the overall size of 38” long. You must bring your own pole. 3. Banners may be constructed of any type of durable material. Must be able to be folded or rolled. 4. Appliqué and embroidery are suggested applica!ons. The design must be on one side only. 5. Banner MUST Display: Banner Title and OFFICIAL 4-H Clover. Group T4001 SECTION 2 - 4-H PROMOTIONAL POSTERS Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons 1. Each 4-H Member may only enter one poster per class. 2. Posters must be exactly 14” x 22” and may be horizontal or ver!cal. 3. Posters must be drawn on or affixed to standard poster board and must be two-dimensional. 4. Exhibitors may use any med. including: marker, crayon, acrylic, oil, ink or collage. 5. Posters MUST Include: The OFFICIAL 4-H Clover emblem on the front side. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on T1005 T2005 T3005 Open Theme Poster (may feature any theme promo!ng 4-H) T1006 T2006 T3006 Open Club Poster (poster may feature promo!on of a specific club) T1007 T2007 T3007 Open Project Poster (poster may feature promo!on of a specific project) T1008 T2008 T3008 4-H Historical Moment(s) DIVISION T – 4H PROMOTION SECTION 4 - 4-H PROMOTIONAL GRAPHIC ART Sec%on Rules & Regula%ons 1. Each 4-H member may only enter 1 design per class. 2. Designs may not be larger than an 8” x 10” and may be horizontal or ver!cal. 3. Designs must be computer generated. Final file types can be: jpg, png, pdf, esp, or psd. 4. All artwork created must be original, do not use images or photos from the internet. 5. Suggested soLware to use could be Photoshop, MicrosoL Publisher, or related. 6. MUST include a minimum of one OFFICIAL 4-H Clover emblem. 7. Printed on 8.5” x 11” Heavy White Card Stock/Coated Papers or 8” x 10” photographic paper. Glossy and ma7e finishes are accepted. Class Descrip%on 4-H Banner 35 36 8. All Designs must be mounted on a firm mat weight board. Designs must use an 11” x 14” mat. Use pre-cut mats if needed. 9. Note: Files such as jpg can be printed at local 1 hour photo shops. 10. Be crea!ve with the design, use readable fonts, send a clear message. 11. The 4-Hers name must be printed on the back of the mat. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on T1010 T2010 T3010 County - create a design promo!ng your county 4-H program. T1011 T2011 T3011 Maryland – create a design promo!ng the Maryland 4-H program. T1012 2012 T3012 Open - create a design promo!ng any 4-H project area or 4-H in general. DIVISION X - MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous – Any item(s) that will not fit in any other division may be entered here. If division is found for the item the judges have the op!on to move it to the appropriate class. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on X1000 X2000 X3000 Individual X4000 Group DIVISION U - EDUCATIONAL POSTERS Division Rules & Regula%ons: 1. Each 4-H Member may only enter one poster per class. 2. Posters must be educa!onal and contain factual informa!on. 3. Posters must be exactly 14” x 22” and may be horizontal or ver!cal. 4. Posters must be drawn on or affixed to standard poster board and must be two-dimensional. 5. Exhibitors may use any med. including: marker, crayon, acrylic, oil, ink or collage from prints or photos. 6. Judging Criteria: Theme; Originality; Le7ering; Composi!on; Use of Color; Construc!on/Durability; Safety Informa!on Expressed. Junior Inter. Senior Class Descrip%on U1001 U2001 U3001 Nutri!on, Healthy Lifestyles & Fitness U1002 U2002 U3002 Hobby (Photography, Fishing, Sports) U1003 U2003 U3003 Food or Kitchen Safety U1004 U2004 U3004 Robo!cs U1005 U2005 U3005 Science Related U1006 U2006 U3006 Water Safety U1007 U2007 U3007 Shoo!ng Sports Safety U1009 U2009 U3009 Maryland or Wicomico County Historic Site U1011 U2011 U3011 Livestock U1012 U2012 U3012 Domes!cated Animals U1013 U2013 U3013 Wildlife U1014 U2014 U3014 Insects U1015 U2015 U3015 Agriculture or Hor!culture U1016 U2016 U3016 Chesapeake Bay U1017 U2017 U3017 Astronomy U1018 U2018 U3018 Recycling or Green Living U1019 U2019 U3019 Miscellaneous (must be educa!onal) 37 38 4-H is an informal youth educa%on program for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 18 (Clovers ages 5 to 7) sponsored by University of Maryland Extension with funding and support from the Colleges of Agriculture and Natural Resources of UMCP & UMES, County Government and USDA. There are a variety of ways for young people to engage in 4-H including community and project clubs, school enrichment, a*er school programs, special interest groups, independent study, summer camps and more. Community and project clubs provide the richest 4-H experience. Most clubs include about a dozen boys and girls who meet once a month with two or more carefully screened and trained teen and adult volunteers in a public place for about 90 minutes, usually on a week night. 4-H also provides a wide variety of op%onal ac%vi%es/events. Wicomico County 4-H Youth Development Program Help Wanted! If you are a caring teen or adult who desires to make a posi%ve difference in the life of a young person and is interested in helping form a new club, judging a contest, teaching a class, helping at camp, chaperoning an ou%ng or assis%ng with a variety of other tasks, call the 4-H Office nearest you and volunteer. 39 40