Elementary Programs

Elementary Programs
Ourselves - Focuses on the individual and the roles
individuals play in the economy as workers,
consumers and family members. This five-part series
develops personal economic concepts through the
reading of storybook characters presented by the
volunteer. Hands on activities related to the stories
demonstrate helping, working, earning, and saving.
1st Grade
Our Families - Based on the concept of family, volunteers focus on a large poster picturing a
neighborhood. Activities include completing a family picture book, needs and want flashcards,
and studying tools used for certain jobs.
2nd Grade
Our Community - Exploration of a typical community focuses on the people, businesses, careers and
organizations. Activities, which all relate to a large poster of a typical community, include a job
hunt, paper donut production line, and a government worker/taxation exercise.
3rd Grade
Our City - A great introduction to the many businesses and careers found in a typical city. Activities
include constructing three dimensional buildings, writing newspaper articles, city planning, and
opening a restaurant.
4th Grade
Our Region - Provides students with an understanding of the differences between natural, human, and
capital resources found in different regions and explores regional businesses that produce goods
and services for consumers.
5th Grade
Our Nation - An excellent general overview of business operations in the United States. Through writing
a business plan, students learn about different types of business organization, practice hiring and
interviewing, and conduct production and advertising activities.