CCC CASE STUDY GASCO IGD Habshan-5 Project 15/12/2011 1 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Ongoing Project Narratives 3. Ongoing Project Status A. HSE Status B. Project S-Curve C. Project Photos 4. 3D History & Background 5. C3D Implementation A. Vision & Principle B. U/G Piping C. Structural Steel D. Equipment E. A/G Piping F. C3D Implementation on Planning G. Other 2 1- Introduction Speaker Introduction 3 2. Ongoing Project Narratives Background of the Project Economic Growth, Population Increase in Gulf Countries Electricity Demand Increase (2 to 3 times more in 2020 in UAE) => Natural Gas, Nuclear Plant are attractive energy resources. UAE is the 5th reserve of Gas in world. 40% of remaining Gas is Sour Gas Sour Gas??? Contain H2S. High Corrosive and Toxic. Not developed due to technical/commercial reasons. 4 2. Ongoing Project Narratives Integrated Gas Development (IGD) Habshan 5 Process Plant Project Increase capacity of Gas Treatment, Sulfur and NGL Recovery 5 2. Ongoing Project Narratives Client : Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd (GASCO) Establish 1978 Shared by Operating Company for Processing Natural Gas and Associated Gas from On Shore Oil Operation 6 2. Ongoing Project Narratives A)Contract Award : B)Contract Amount : 29-July-2009 Lump-sum Portion 4,681 MMU$ (JGC 50% vs TCM 50%) C)Contract type : EPC+Lump-sum(upto Performance Test) D)Contractor : JGC-TCM Joint Venture (50/50 Profit AND Loss Share) E)Duration : (1st Phase) : M/C: 42 months (Jan 2013) Performance Test 46 months : (2nd Phase): M/C: 46 months (May 2013) Performance Test 50 Months 7 2. Ongoing Project Narratives >> Click Here 8 2. Ongoing Project Narratives 9 2. Ongoing Project Narratives 10 2. Ongoing Project Narratives BQ Unit Concrete 160,000 M3 Burj Khalifa 220,000 120,000 Steel 70,000 Ton Eiffel Tower 10 Towers 18,000 Equipment 80,000 Ton QE2 (Ship) One whole ship 30,000 3,200,000 (2,000) M (Mile) Tokyo - Manilla 1879 mile 1,100,000 Elec/Inst Cables Reference Dolphin PJ 11 2. Ongoing Project Narratives Characteristics Large Area : 2 km x 2 km (High Structures, 45m) Steel Volume : Pipe rack/Equipment Str with full steel Tall Vessels : Demethanizer > 100 m Large Bore and Heavy Pipes: Average Size = 8.3 inch (Dolphin = 7.1 inch) Average Thick = 16.4 mm (Dolphin = 7.07 mm) PWHT = 417,000 ID ( 32% of Weld-ID) RT = 577,000 sheet (% OF Weld ID) All Cables are Underground in addition to huge networks of Fire Water, Rain Water and Oily Drainage Lines 12 2. Ongoing Project Narratives Challenges JGC / TCM Joint Venture (JGC Leader) Mega PJ and Bulky (Bulky, Heavy, Booming, Cold, S/S rich, etc...) Very Tight Overall Schedule 1,300 t/d×4 Train SRU (Biggest Class) Gas Treatment = Total 2,150 MMSCFD Higher Class Material due to Sour Service Alloy 825 HIC (Hydrogen Induced Cracking) Heavy Thickness Booming Market in UAE 13 2. Ongoing Project Narratives 120,000 100,000 80,000 UAE CNPP Chemaweyaat Others Chemaweyaat Ethylene Borouge 3 Eth. GASCO IGD Ruwais Fertiliser Expansion Borouge 2 (PE) / (PP) Umm Shaif Gas Injection Other PJ Bab Thamama 'G'++ ADCO/SAS Project (Phase 1) Shah Gas Development Takreer Ruwais Expansion Jul2008 Data Nov2007 Data Mar2007 Data Feb2009 Data Feb 2009, Data Chemaweyaat Eth. CNPP GASCO IGD Jul 2008, Data Chemaweyaat Other 60,000 Nov 2007, Data Bab Thamama Borouge 2 40,000 Shah Gas Umm Shaif 20,000 OTHER PJs Takreer Exp. ADCO/SAS 0 Mar2007, Data 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 14 2. Ongoing Project Narratives 15 3. Ongoing Project Status A. HSE HSE KPI Estimate 93% SAFETY KPI SAFE MANHOURS = 15.6 Million MH without LTI As of 23-Nov-2011 KPIs - Fatality = 0 Illnesses / infectious Diseases = 0 LTI Frequency Rate = 0 Severity Rate = 0 Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) = 0.14 16 3. Ongoing Project Status B. Project S- Curve 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Actual Cumulative Early Cumulative Late Cumulative 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Overall Plan : 59.33% Actual: 57.89% 0 17 3. Ongoing Project Status C. Project Photos 18 3. Ongoing Project Status C. Project Photos 19 3. Ongoing Project Status C. Project Photos 20 3. Ongoing Project Status C. Project Photos 21 4. 3D History & Background 3D history in mechanical projects • Up to early 90’s, 3D models were not commonly utilized in this part of the world. Project models were delivered towards the end of the project in a non metallic maquette, displayed at a specified location of the project. Only structures, large bore A/G piping and equipments were shown in these early trials. • U/G activities were completely absent. • By mid 90’s, 3D models were introduced to the construction industry but still showing major structures, large bore A/G piping and equipment. This resolved many A/G clashes, facilitated A/G construction but still showing structure steel as a block and U/G was completely absent. 22 4. 3D History & Background 3D history in mechanical projects • By 2005, some engineering companies started modeling U/G civil objects, electrical and piping networks, in addition to detailed steel structure elements and small bore A/G piping. • Over and above, 3D modeling completion started to show on baseline plans of projects where 90% model completion became a contractual milestone for EPC projects. • CCC, as explained earlier has utilized its C3D Program to link the model elements to real life data, again, the time element has been introduced and our model became live and up to date. 23 5. C3D Implementation A) Vision & Principles Circumstances Cons Bulky projects Fast track, thus overlap between Engineering, Procurement and Construction Phases Extremely tight budget for office staff especially drawings mark ups Shortage of qualified manpower. Pros Well organized 3D model. Design substantially complete. No material delivery issues due to early model downloads 24 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Vision for U/G Construction Literally execute the job in the following sequence : Bottom to top. South to north. No loose ends. 25 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Strategy Bottom to top 26 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Multi Disciplines interface 27 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Interface and Elevations Complexity Bottom UP 28 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping U/G Activities as Represented in the Baseline 29 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Tools for U/G Geometrical reasoning substitute using C3D. Front end loading. Multiple discipline simulation. Object operation tracking (Talisman). 30 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Independent Operation Sequence 31 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Combined Operation 32 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Building The Relation Foundation Most Shallow Trenches Duct Bank Pressure Pipes Atmos Pipes Man-Hole Deepest 33 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Rules Every object is identified by its type in the model and assigned corresponding class in C3D. The elevation of object is known from the 3D model. The relation between object is established based on their presence in the volume covering the area. Status of every object is available in the progress. Monitoring system and linked one to one with the 3D object via C3D. 34 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Object Relationship 35 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Operation Relation 36 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Inputs for Simulation The following are input to the simulator: All objects within the area to be analyzed. Geometrical inter-discipline operation relationship. Progress templates for each type of object. Crews productivity. Available resource and equipment with bench marked productivity Plan requirements. 37 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Outputs 3 weeks look ahead output, per sub-area leader or supervisor. Optimal crew composition. Current crew productivity control and optimal utilization. Greater chances to achieve progress. If not achievable, constraints causing short falls are well identified. 38 5. C3D Implementation B) U/G Piping Actual Tangible Result At Site Sub-areas U/G fully completed allowing paving early in the project. Smooth access for other disciplines. Minimal interference between A/G and U/G activities. Cost saving. Location C200 C100 C300 Tot Budget 259 162 100 521 Actual 353 75 40 468 39 5. C3D Implementation C) Steel Structure 40 5. C3D Implementation C) Steel Structure Steel Structure and Elevations Ability to load specific packages in each sub area. Packages assigned a green color if released for piping, otherwise red. Target spools based on their levels in the case of: Different crews are responsible for different pipe rack levels. Scaffolding is not yet present at particular elevations. 41 5. C3D Implementation D) Equipment 42 5. C3D Implementation D) Equipment C3D shows the equipments with their current statuses along with the spools connected to them. Once the equipment is released for piping activities a report is issued containing all the erectable spools connected to that particular equipment. 43 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping 44 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping A/G Definitions 1. Piping Isometrics: Each pipe line is detailed by at least one isometric which 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. shows all material, size, weld, and fitting information. The isometric includes all necessary data identifying the pipe location and where to be installed. Piping Spool: Piping isometrics are divided into portions to be fabricated on the ground, then assembled together in its location on site. Piping FWR: Piping field runs are simply any straight piping whose length is more than 12 m. SRV / SIV: Store Receiving Vouchers,Store Issuing Vouchers indicates and gathers all data of project components (piping, structures, equipment…etc) including vendor data and material expected / arrival dates. RFF / RFP : Request for fabrication / painting is a form which gives permission to start these activities. These reports are one of multi reports used for tracing material through the different construction phases. NDT: Non destructive testing is any test on the material where the goal is only to verify the acceptance of the material to its design purposes. 45 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Piping Isometric Weld Number Material Specs and QTY Spool Number 46 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Talisman Software Talisman is an in-house software which simply gathers all the data for piping. According to the project needs, IT can generate different reports to show the different statuses for the life cycle of the spool. Test Erected Painted Fabricated Release to Fabrication Detailed Engineering Done ISO Received Scope Status 00 Status 01 Status 02 Status 03 Status 04 Status 05 Status 06 Status 07 47 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping 3D model linked to live data of the project. Components (spools, equip etc) represented with different colors according to their ‘status’. Benefits of 3D model: Track progress of the project. Extract data of specific components (spools, field material etc..) Plan the work front of various disciplines taking advantage of the components relationship in the model. 48 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Hab5 Color Legend 49 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping The Erectability Study Determines perfectly the spools which can undergo erection and more importantly fitup. The role of the erectability study does not stop here. It also selects the spools that other departments need to expedite in order to proceed with line continuity. But mainly it targets particular spools that once erected they give the green light for their succeeding spools, waiting in the site lay down area, to be erected. 50 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Flow Chart: Algorithm of Erectability Study 51 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping 1. Site The timeline built on C3D checks for all erected spools and examines the next ‘n’ spools. If the spool is erectable, it’s added into the work order and the algorithm keeps checking for the next n-1. If the spool is not erectable the algorithm stops. 52 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Site-2 More than one erectable spools selected on the same line sequence 53 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Complementary Erectability Study Selects spools and FR’s in lay down area which do not have any erected spool for their line continuity, however their preceding or succeeding spool are also available in the lay down area or in the final stage of painting. 54 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping 2. Painting To increase the work front for site, the ES is applied to other departments in order to target the spools which will be most likely available for erection on the week after. 55 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping 3. Fabshop The main purpose is to target those spools whose fabrication will lead to proceeding with line continuity and expanding the work front for site engineers. 56 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Spools Material Received by Month To ensure that the material received for spools of one isometric is not experiencing big delays, the following timeline assigns a different color for each spool depending on its material received date. In this manner, piping department can monitor the sequence and position (material spools per level tracking) of the material received spools. 57 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Spools Material Received by Month : Example 58 5. C3D Implementation E) A/G Piping Work Orders Results of the ES are issued every week. The work orders Comments provided as a punch list. Improve coordination between departments. 59 5. C3D Implementation F) C3D Implementation on Planning Since P3 is loaded with resources in all the schedule activities, we can easily reload QTY on these activities 60 5. C3D Implementation F) C3D Implementation on Planning Engineering can easily identify all information related to material reserved for fabrication, erection & painting yard. Planning can easily identify QTY required on weekly basis through resources and QTY distribution. C3D already identified open fronts unit / area wise for Fab shop, site and painting. Then we can compare what was planned VS what is achieved on weekly basis, taking into consideration the C3D study. 61 5. C3D Implementation F) Output of the ES 62 5. C3D Implementation G) Other 63 Simulating Results 64 End 65