EVALUATION OF LABORATORY COMPACTIVE EFFORT ON ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXES NUR SABAHIAH BINTI ABDUL SUKOR UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS* JUDUL : EVALUATION OF LABORATORY COMPACTIVE EFFORT ON ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXES SESI PENGAJIAN : 2004/2005 Saya NUR SABAHIAH BINTI ABDUL SUKOR mengaku membenarkan tesis Sarjana ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. Sila tandakan () SULIT TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentu kan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan di jalankan). TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat Tetap: Ptd 3372,Km 5, Parit Raja, Jalan Temenggung Ahmad, 84000,Muar,, Johor.. Tarikh : 18 Mac 2005 (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) DR MOHD ROSLI BIN HAININ Nama Penyelia Tarikh : 18 Mac 2005 CATATAN: * Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and q uality for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil-Highway and Transportation)” Signature : Name of Supervisor : Dr. Mohd. Rosli B in Hainin Date : 18 March 2005 EAVALUATION OF LABORATORYCOMPACTIVE EFFORT ON ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MIXES NUR SABAHIAH BINTI ABDUL SUKOR A thesis is submitted in fulfillment of the req uirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil- Highway and Transportation) Faculty of Civil Engineering University Technology of Malaysia MARCH, 2005 ii “I declare that this thesis entitled Evaluation of Laboratory Compactive Effort on Asphaltic Concrete Mixes is the result of my own research ex cept as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.” Signature : Name : Nur Sabahiah B inti Abdul Sukor Date : 18 March 2005 iii This is tough, But, The quitter never wins, And, The winner never quits. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of ALLAH, the B ountiful and the Merciful. Praise be upon Him, with His grace ex tends my ex istence to pen down my gratitude to whom I am going to mention in these following paragraphs. First and foremost, I wish to thank my caring and guiding supervisor Dr.Mohd Rosli Bin Hainin to support me in many ways. B esides, to all staffs of Highway and Transportation Laboratory, UTM: En. Abdul Rahman, En.Suhaimi, En.Azman and En. Ahmad Adin, for helping me in many tasks along my way to finish this dissertation. Not forget to En. Che’Ros Bin Ismail with all his advices. My gratitude also goes to all staffs of Highway and Transportation Laboratory, KUiTTHO for always supporting me and guiding my works. Especially to my kindhearted colleague Nizam who was always available to help me. For mom and dad, who are always being my inspiration, I love both of you most. My fellow friends at Level 4 K13 and my ‘soul mate’ Nana, thank you for cherishing my life. I would like to take the opportunity to ask forgiveness on any ill manner. Shortcomings and mistakes are inevitable of us as human being. Only ALLAH may repay the help given to me by all of you. Wassalam. vi ABSTRAK Kaedah pemadatan yang betul merupakan faktor utama di dalam kerja-kerja penurapan jalan di makmal atau di tapak. Mampatan yang tinggi menghasilkan turapan jalan yang lebih padat. Rekabentuk Campuran Marshall menggariskan 75 hentakan sebagai nilai pemadatan yang digunakan di dalam kerja makmal. Masalah timbul apabila pemadatan yang terlalu tinggi ini menyebabkan pengurangan terhadap ketahanan turapan jalan tersebut. Tujuan kajian ini lebih menjurus kepada mengenal pasti kebolehan 50 hentakan berbanding dengan 75 hentakan yang biasa digunakan di dalam Rekabentuk Campuran Marshall. Kajian ini melibatkan ujikaji terhadap dua jenis camapuran asphalt iaitu ACW 20 dan ACW 14. Kedua-dua campuran dibahagikan kepada 2 jenis hentakan iaitu 50 dan 75 hentakan. Campuran ACW 20 diuji dengan menggunakan prosedur AASHTO T283-89 manakala campuran ACW 14 diuji berdasarkan prosedur ASTM D4123. Hasil ujikaji bagi ACW 20 menunjukkan bahawa 50 hentakan memberikan nilai kekuatan tegangan yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan 75 hentakan. Ujikaji bagi ACW 14 pula menunjukkan bahawa 75 hentakan memberikan nilai modulus kekenyalan yang lebih tinggi berbanding 50 hentakan. Akan tetapi, modulus kekenyalan bagi campuran yang menggunakan 50 hentakan masih memenuhi piawaian. Secara keseluruhannya, campuran yang menggunakan 50 hentakan mempunyai kebolehtahanan yang sama dengan campuran yang menggunakan 75 hentakan sebagai daya pemadatan. v ABSTRACT Good compaction is the most important factor to consider when constructing asphalt mix ture either in the laboratory or in the field. The higher compactive effort presents the higher density to the pavement. The 75 blows as compactive effort in designing laboratory Marshall mix es sampleis usually selected. Too high compaction could affect the pavement durability. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of 50 blows comparing to 75 blows of compactive effort in Marshall Mix Design. The ex periment included tw o types of mix es, ACW14 and ACW20 where 50 and 75 blows were used for each mix . ACW20 samples were tested according to AASHTO T283-89 “Resistance of Compacted B ituminous Mix ture to Moisture Induced Damage” and ACW14 sample s were tested using Universal Testing Machine according to ASTM D4123 “Standard Test Method for Indirect Tension Test for Resilient Modulus of B ituminous Mix tures.” 50 blows compactive effort for ACW20 showed the higher tensile strength ra tio when tested for moisture induced damage. For ACW14, the 50 blows compactiv e effort indicated lower Resilient Modulus than the 75 blows but still above the estimated performance. In general, mix es with 50 blows compactive effort indicated the same performance with the 75 blows samples. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TOPIC PAGE TOPIC i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv AB STRACT v AB STRAK vi TAB LE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TAB LES ix LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF APPENDICES x iii 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem statement 2 1.2 Objectives 4 1.3 Scope of study 4 1.4 Purpose of study 4 1.5 Marshall Mix Design Method 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Effect of Compaction 9 2.3 Asphalt Film Thickness 19. 2.4 Relient Modulus 23 2.5 Field Performance 25 viii 3 METHODOLOGY 26 3.1 Introduction 26 3.2 Laboratory Test Procedure 28 3.3 Aggregate preparation 29 3.4 Marshall Mix Design 30 3.4.1 31 3.5 Mix Design preparation Marshall Tests 3.5.1 36 B ulk Specific Gravity of Compacted B ituminuos Mix tures Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens (AASTHO T16 6 -88) 3.5.2 36 Resistance to Plastic Flow of B ituminuos Mix tures Using Marshall Apparatus (AASTHO T245-90) 3.5.3 38 Resistance of Compacted B ituminous Mix ture to Moisture Induced Damage (AASHTO T283). 3.5.4 40 Standard Test Method for Indirect Tension Test for Resilient Modulus of B ituminous Mix ture (ASTM D 4123) by using Universal Testing Machine 4 5 44 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS DATA 47 4.1 Introduction 47 4.2 Optimum B itumen Content 47 4.3 Moisture Induced Damage 51 4.4 Repeated Load Indirect Tensile 52 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 54 5.1 Conclusions 54 5.2 Recommendations 56 REFERENCES 58 APPENDICES 60 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE.NO 2.1 TOPIC Causes and effects of low pavement stability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.2 11 Typical design for dense-graded mix es designed by the Marshall Method for 50 blows compactive effort 2.9 8 Typical design for dense-graded mix es designed by the Marshall Method for 75 blows compactive effort 2.8 8 Causes and effects of poor skid resistance (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.7 8 Causes and effects of poor fatigue resistance (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.6 7 Causes and effects of workability problems (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.5 7 Causes and effects of permeability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.4 7 Causes and effects of lack of durability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series 22) 2.3 PAGE 11 The comparison of air voids between 4 inch and 6 inch cores 18 2.10 The Lottman Test results 21 2.11 Recommendation of air voids according to the traffic conditions. 2.12 22 Compacted HMA Properties after Short and Long Term Aging 23 3.1 Gradation Limit for Asphaltic Concrete (ACW 14) 27 3.2 Gradation Limit for Asphlatic Concrete (ACW 20) 27 x 3.3 Design B itumen Content 3.4 Test and Analysis Parameter for Asphaltic Concrete (JKR/SPJ/1988) 4.1 49 Analysis Parameter for ACW 20 with 75 blows compaction at OB C 4.6 5% 4.5 49 Analysis Parameter for ACW 20 with 50 blows compaction at OB C 4.6 % 4.4 48 Analysis Parameter for ACW 14 with 75 blows compaction at OB C 5.25% 4.3 28 Analysis Parameter for ACW 14 with 50 blows compaction at OB C 6 .1% 4.2 28 49 Tensile Strength for ACW 20 with different number of blows 51 4.6 Resilient Modulus calculation results 53 4.7 Resilient Modulus parameter results 53 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE.NO TOPIC PAGE 1.1 Dry density and water content relationship 2.1 Design flow chart 10 2.2 Typical Marshall testing results 12 2.3 Compaction of Asphaltic Concrete by traffic 13 2.4 Hardening of bitumen by ox idation 14 2.5 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Oakland-Sutherlin project 2.6 15 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Castle Rock-Cedar Creek project 2.7 2 15 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Castle Rock-Cedar Creek project 16 2.8 Stiffness versus number of compaction blows 17 2.9 Illustration of Asphaltic Film Thickness 19 2.10 Illustration of VMA 20 2.11 Volume/mass relationships for a typical bituminous concrete 2.12 Asphalt Film Thickness vs. Resilient Modulus after Short Term Aging 2.13 21 24 Asphalt Film Thickness vs. Resilient Modulus after Long Term Aging 24 3.1 Laboratory Test Flow 29 3.2 Sieves from 75µm to 37.5mm 30 3.3 Procedure of Marshall Sample Preparation 35 3.4 Steps of B ulk Specific Gravity Test 38 3.5 Compression Testing Machine 38 x ii 3.6 Specimen in a vacuum container 3.7 Specimens placed in the freezer with temperature 42 -18±30C 42 3.8 The specimens submerged in the water bath 43 3.9 The steps of Universal Testing Machine test 46 x iii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE PAGE Aggregates Gradation and Asphalt Content Percentage for Design. 60 B Results of ACW 14 with 50 blows compactive effort 64 C Results of ACW 14 with 75 blows compactive effort 69 D Results of ACW 20 with 50 blows compactive effort 74 E Results of ACW 20 with 75 blows compactive effort 79 F Aggregates Gradation after OB C 84 G Results and calculations for AASTHO T283 87 H Results and calculations for ASTM D4123 92 I Software results for ASTM D4123 95 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Compaction is one of the most essential factors in designing and constructing the pavement. B esides, it is already known that the aim of compaction during the construction is to increase the pavement strength especially to the subgrade. This is because the whole strength of pavement is depending on the strength of the base soils. The importances of the compaction of soils are listed below. 1. To increase the shear strength and therefore being capacity, 2. To increase stiffness and therefore reduce the future settlement, 3. To decrease voids ratio and the permeability. The Figure 1.1 below shows the effect of compaction to the soil density. If there is increasing number on compactive efforts, the optimum water content will decrease. The situation occurs because of the lowering air volume in the soils content. 2 Figure 1.1 Dry density and water content relationship The similar concept can be applied in the hot mix asphalt design. In the hot mix asphalt design the consideration is focusing on the optimum bitumen content in the laboratory compaction due to the optimum water content during construction work. The ex planation on the concept is also similar in order to decrease the air void level to get the better result on pavement density. The previous studies by B ell at al (1984) had shown that too high compaction could reduce the pavement durability and cause the fatigue condition. However, to get the actual causes of this condition, it is necessary to consider many factors and one of them is asphalt content. The amount of asphalt is dependent upon the amount of compactive effort. In this project, this situation was observed according to laboratory studies on hot mix asphalt (HMA) design. The effect of the compactive efforts on HMA performance was analyzed and recommendations were made. 1.1 Problem statement In Malaysia, Standard Specification for Road Works,JKR/SPJ/1988, is used as a guideline to pavement construction according to Marshall laboratory design procedure. B esides, considering increasing the pavement thickness due to the traffic loads , the step made to ex tend the pavement life is by using high blows compactive effort in mix design. 3 Currently, 75 blows is used as the compactive effort in order to get the higher density of pavement. The density and asphalt pavement film thickness are both important. The concept of increasing the compaction is actually to reduce the air voids but the problem occurs when the asphalt thickness is also being reduce. Prowell (2000) stated that Virginia Department of Transportation had modified their specifications on pavement design in 1990 to increase the compactive effort to 75 blows as response to rutting and flushing problem. Anyhow in year 2000, the Virgina’s Asphalt Cooperative found that the 75 blows mix tures with lower asphalt content would not be durable. The effect of the compactive effort was also stated by Pell (1987) as the max imum asphalt content increase the durability because the thick asphalt film do not age and harden as rapid as thin ones do. The lack of asphalt thickness causing the cracking distress to the pavement. It is because the durability of the pavement is decreasing due to repetation loads and the fatigue condition start to occurs. Cracking could be more worse with the penetration of water during the rain and this will lead to pavemant failure. The situation ia also indicated by Chadbourn et al (2000) that the thin asphalt film that coating is one of primary causes that leading the premature aging of asphalt binder. The lack of the film thickness is also allowing the air ox idizing the asphalt and the pavement will begin to brittle. 4 1.2 Objectives The main objectives of this study are: 1. To evaluate the performance of asphaltic concrete mix es with 50 blows and 75 blows compactive effort. 2. To determine, the feasibility of using 50blows compactive effort in the heavy traffic loading pavement as compared to the current 75 blows compactive effort. 1.3 Scope of study This study focused on asphalt concrete mix es that more on hot mix asphalt design by using Marshall Mix Design Method. The scope of study involved the laboratory tests according to specified guidelines. The effect of using 50 blows and 75 blows as compactive efforts in the mix designs were chosen to be the main criteria to analyze. Performance of two types of mix es, ACW14 and ACW20 was observed according to the serial tests. The test procedures were ex plained in Chapter 3. 1.4 Purpose of study This study was used to evaluate the compactive efforts between 50 blows and 75 blows in the laboratory design as to give the ex planation according to the pavement densification that might occur because of over compaction. This study can be a reference to evaluate other studies according to the compactive effort performance in the pavement design. 5 1.5 Marshall Mix Design Method The Marshall Method was developed by B ruce Marshall, bituminous engineer of Mississippi State Highway Department. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had improved and used the method as common mix -design criteria after added some features to test procedure. The main objective of the Marshall Method is to determine the optimum bitumen content and the properties of laboratory mix design to meet the construction req uirement especially according to the optimum density and the air voids content. The important features to study in the Marshall Method mix design are the density-voids analysis and the stability flow test of the compacted specimens. Chapter 2 discussed more about the previous study according to the mix designs. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Compaction is one of the important factor that has been considered for designing the asphalt pavement and constructing the road. Many studies had been conducted to measure the performances of the asphalt pavement compactive effort but it always led to some q uestion that need to be addressed. This chapter will carry out the previous studies according to the influences of compactive effort to the pavement performance. B esides, the causes and effects that influence the properties of pavement need to be recognized. The better q uality of pavement could be increase by knowing the causes that decreasing the pavement performance and the understanding of the distress effects. Tables below show the causes of pavement distress and the effects on performance. 7 Table 2.1 Causes and effects of low pavement stability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Effects Ex cess asphalt in mix Washboarding, rutting and flushing or bleeding. Ex cess medium size sand in mix ture Tenderness during rolling and for period after construction, difficulty in compacting. Rounded aggregate, little or no crushed Rutting and channeling. surfaces Table 2.2 Causes and effects of lack of durability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Effects Low asphalt content Dryness or raveling High void content through design or lack Early hardening of asphalt followed by of compaction cracking or disintegration Water susceptible (hydrophilic) aggregate Films of asphalt strip from aggregate in mix tures leaving an abraded, raveled, or mushy pavement Table 2.3 Causes and effects of permeability (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Low asphalt content Effects Thin asphalt film will cause early aging and raveling High voids content in design mix Water and air can easily enter pavement causing ox idation and disintegration Inadeq uate compaction Will result in high voids in pavement leading to water infiltration and low strength. 8 Table 2.4 Causes and effects of workability problems (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Effects Large max imum-sized particle Rough surface, difficult to place Ex cessive coarse aggregate May be hard to compact Too low a mix temperature Uncoated aggregate, not durable, rough surface, hard to compact Too much medium-sized sand Mix shoves under roller, remains tender Low mineral filler content Tender mix , highly permeable High mineral filler content Mix may be dry or gummy, hard to handle, not durable Table 2.5 Causes and effects of poor fatigue resistance (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Effects Low asphalt content Fatigue cracking High density voids Early aging of asphalt followed by fatigue cracking Lack of compaction Early aging of asphalt followed by fatigue cracking Inadeq uate pavement thickness Ex cessive bending followed by fatigue cracking Table 2.6 Causes and effects of poor skid resistance (Asphalt Institute Manual Series No 22) Causes Effects Ex cess asphalt B leeding, low skid resistance Poorly tex tured or graded aggregate Smooth pavement, potential for hydroplaning. Polishing aggregate in mix ture Low skid resistance 9 The causes and effects that stated above are only the brief information according to the condition of pavement. However, there are still lots of studies to carry out to find the prevention and the rehabilitation of the pavement distress. 2.2 Effect of Compaction Dickinson (1984), gave a description according to build a reliable asphalt pavement that can be use by the engineers to plan, design and construct the pavement in his book titled B ituminous Road in Australia. He stated that the laboratory design is the first process and modified according to traffic loading req uirement. However, it also considered the factors that could influence the pavement performances such as temperatures, materials, traffic loading and the pavement design itself. Figure 2.1 shows the flow chart that had been chose as a design method. It is shows that the 50 hammer blows was chose as a compactive effort for rural road while 75 hammer blows used to heavy vehicles road with high tire pressure such as airfield pavement. Table 2.7 and 2.8 show the specification of Marshall Mix design that are used by National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA) while Figure 2.2 shows the ex ample result that usually get from Marshall Test. The result stated that if the degree of compaction is not attained, the asphalt layer will become hardened and causing the premature cracking. Figure 2.3 shows the compaction condition across a wearing course after three years of traffic. The dual- carriageway was carrying 13,000 vehicle/day with 7% of heavy vehicles and the Marshall design is 10mm nominal size for the mix .Average thickness for each carriageway is 25mm. 10 Figure 2.1 Design flow chart. (Dickinson,1984) 11 Table 2.7 Typical design criteria for dense-graded mix es designed by the Marshall Method for 75 blows compactive effort. (Dickinson,1984) Table 2.8 Typical design criteria for dense-graded mix es designed by the Marshall Method for 50 blows compactive effort. (Dickinson,1984) 12 Figure 2.2 Typical Marshall testing results. (Dickinson,1984) 13 Figure 2.3 Compaction of Asphaltic Concrete by traffic. (Dickinson,1984) According to Figure 2.3, slow lane had been compacted to only 1% of air voids above the design value. However, for the fast lane it had been compacted just to 8.5% air voids level from design value. This shows that at the edge of the carriageway, the traffic compact was less. The long-term distress is usually caused by the wear aggregates that have been affected by the hardening of asphalt binder. There are various factors could form the situation such as the loss of oils by evaporation, chemical attack by atmospheric ox ygen and steric hardening. The binder hardening that caused by the ox idation is the main factor in decreasing the pavement durability. The binder harden situation has connection with the air voids design as shown in Figure 2.4 below. 14 Figure 2.4 Hardening of bitumen by ox idation. (Dickinson,1984) B ell et al (1984), carried out the study for estimating the modulus and fatigue life of asphalt mix tures. The study reported that the increasing of air void produces the decrease in modulus fatigue life and resistance to permanent deformation. The study held in three project areas which are North Oakland-Sutherlin (NO-S), Castle RockCedar Creek (CR-CC) and Warren-Scappoose (W-S) to estimate the modulus criteria and fatigue life of the asphalt pavement. Even though the test used Hveem stabilometer procedure, the effect of the compactive effort that being used in this test is the point about to consider. For the permanent deformation test results, it shows that the lower density mix tures are easier to deform. This is because, the high-density mix tures develop much lower permanent strains for giving number of load repetitions. Figure 2.5 to 2.7 representing as-compacted specimens for this study. 15 Figure 2.5 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Oakland-Sutherlin project. (B ell et al , 1984) Figure 2.6 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Castle Rock-Cedar Creek project. (B ell et al , 1984) 16 Figure 2.7 Effects of compaction on permanent deformation for as compacted specimens, Warren-Scappose project. (B ell et al , 1984) According to the Figure 2.5,2.6 and 2.7, it can be seen that the NO-S project shows the greatest resistance to deformation; even it has higher void contents at each compactive effort than the other two projects. This phenomenon showed the other effects such as aggregate interlock and asphalt consistency are also gives the influenced factors. B issada (1984) indicated that there was an optimum value for max imum resistance. That depends on too little asphalt results in low cohesion and too much asphalt in thick binder films in mix . Herein, the importance of the compaction plays the role in the mix ture design. It also states that poor durability of asphalt pavement according to poor design will suffer stripping problems such as raveling. His study was carried out in Kuwait to evaluate the compaction characteristics of asphalt concrete mix tures in terms of a coefficient of compactibility or resistance to 17 compaction. The test conducted by using two different asphalt concrete mix tures. The first mix used a conventional asphalt cement 6 0/70 penetration (Mix A) and the other mix (Mix B ) used sulfur asphalt concrete with 40/6 0 sulfur to asphalt (S/A) ratio by weight. The tests consisted of different filler content, different binder content and different compaction level. The level of compactive effort used in the Marshall Mix design method was ex amined. The objective of the study is to contribute the useful information that might be used to select better asphalt mix designs according to environmental and traffic conditions. Figure 2.8 Stiffness versus number of compaction blows. (B issada , 1984) 18 Figure 2.8 shows the effect of compaction blows to the pavement stiffness. Each type of mix with different binder had divided to different filler content which Mix I (5% filler), Mix II (9% filler) and Mix III (14% filler).Mix III for both different binders show a drop for the stiffness values after 50 blows of compaction. The situation occurs because the critical end value of voids content achieved at the stage of densification. Mallick (1990) performed a series of test which including the indirect tensile test, the resilient modulus test and the confined dynamic test. His objective was to evaluate the laboratory compactors and binder aging method for HMA. He stated that the compaction and the compactive effort did influence the density. He ex amined the 4 inch and 6 inch cores to find out any significant different in terms of air voids between them. Table 2.9 below shows his data and results of analysis. Table 2.9: Comparison of air voids between 4 inch and 6 inch cores. (Mallick , 1990) 19 The result of this test indicted that the greater amount of air voids produces less dense mix ture. Table 2.9 above presents, after several years, the percentage of air voids are decreasing because of the accumulated of traffic loads. B esides, he stated that the data from in-place mix es showed the decreasing of tensile strength with the reduction of air voids. In the conclusions, he suggested that the tyre or level of compactive effort, did not influenced the tensile strain but instead influenced the indirect tensile strength and resilient modulus. 2.3 Asphalt film thickness The interaction of compaction and asphalt film thickness is commonly being studied to enhance q uality of pavement. According to Chadbourn et al (2000), the thin asphalt thickness could cause the aging of pavement. Figure 2.9 Illustration of Asphalt Film Thickness (Chadbourn et al , 2000) Figure 2.9 shows the illustration of asphalt film thickness that measured in unit microns and the film is tend to strip if the asphalt coating the hydrophilic aggregates. He and his friends also stated that the asphalt film thickness could be determined by 20 establishing the Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA), during the mix design and at the site. Figure 2.10 Illustration of VMA. (Chadbourn et al , 2000) Actually, general component of Hot Mix Asphalt mix ture contains aggregates, absorbed asphalt, effective asphalt and air as shown in Figure 2.10 above. The author performed moisture sensitivity test to determine if the low asphalt film thickness has a connection with the reduction of tensile strength ratio (TSR) value. The results indicated that the decrease of asphalt film thickness has the potential to produce low TSR value. Table 2.10 below shows that he found that B emidji I and II had the lowest dry tensile strength and decreased in asphalt film thickness. However, the TSR still performs greater than 70% and the B emidji is used as low volume roadways. The Willmar I and Metro show that the mix es with slightly low average in asphalt film also had the decreased in asphalt film thickness. 21 Table 2.10: The Lottman Test results(Chadbourn et al , 2000) Dickson (1984) also gave an information according to the VMA as shown in Figure 2.11 below .The volume/mass relationship for typical compacted asphalt cement is important to assure that VMA are not fully contain with bitumen because it will cause bleeding to the pavement. Figure 2.11 Volume/mass relationships for a typical bituminous concrete (Dickson,1984) 22 Another research about the importance of asphalt film thickness had studied by the Chicago Testing Laboratory Incorporation. Dick Root in Centerline (2001), suggested that their research showed that the situation of loss service life of pavement appears in the traffic that have less compaction such as parking lots, secondary city streets and lighter volume country roads. Effective solution that had been implemented in Mississippi and Wisconsin is by decreasing the compactive efforts in the lab design. The target of the research is to increase the binder content instead to get better results for the pavement that facing the light traffic, thick pavements or ex treme weather conditions. Table 2.11 below shows their recommendation of in-place air voids according to the traffic applications. Table 2.11 Recommendation of air voids according to traffic conditions(Centerline,2001) 23 2.4 Resilient Modulus Another important test that always being studied to assure that the pavement is reliable enough is by determining the resilient modulus. The increase of resilient modulus has connection with the reducing of asphalt film thickness. Previous study by Khandal P.S and Chakraboty.S (1996 ) reported that the aging condition occurs between 9 to 10 microns asphalt film thickness. Table 2.12 Compacted HMA Properties after Short and Long Term Aging (Khandal P.S and Chakraboty, 1996 ) Table 2.12 above shows the results of the resilient modulus at 250C according to various film thickness. B oth short and long term aging specimen tests present decreasing value resilient modulus with the increasing asphalt film thickness. 24 Figure 2.12 Asphalt Film Thickness vs. Resilient Modulus after Short Term Aging (Khandal P.S and Chakraboty, 1996 ) Figure 2.13 Asphalt Film Thickness vs. Resilient Modulus after Long Term Aging (Khandal P.S and Chakraboty, 1996 ) 25 Figure 2.12 and 2.13 above show the curves of the resilient modulus versus the asphalt film thickness for short and long term aging. B oth figures show that at low film thickness which less than 9mm, there was a significant drop in resilient modulus values. The curves start to level off at film thickness of 90mm.This study had concluded that the thinker asphalt film could minimize the aging of HMA during construction as well as during pavement service life. 2.5 Field Performance The Marshall laboratory test is always used as a guide in-field pavement design. The void content that had been chose in the laboratory test must be approached in several years in term of traffics loading. Occasionally, the in field design void content is chose slightly higher than the laboratory void content to prevent the pavement distress. Roberts et al (1996 ) stated that Marshall test stability result is used as a surrogate measure for field stability. The field stability is hard to interpret as it is influences by numerous of affect such as temperature, tire contact pressure, traffics loading and many more properties. The significance of density is not really important in the laboratory but it shows the affect of pavement performance after several years of traffic. The increasing of compactive effort increase the pavement shear resistance and prevent the permanent deformation from occurs. However, after the density reaches a peak, it is attend to decrease because of the present of additional asphalt cement that pushing the aggregates particle further apart. Thicker asphalt film coats the aggregates causing the reducing of pavement density. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction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ȝP ȝP ȝP 7DEOH*UDGDWLRQ/LPLWIRU$VSKDOWLF&RQFUHWH$&: 0L[7\SH :HDULQJ&RXUVH %66LHYH6L]H 3DVVLQJ%\:HLJKW PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP ȝP ȝP ȝP 7KHGHVLJQELWXPHQFRQWHQWVWKDWVXJJHVWHGEHLQJXVHLQWKHPL[GHVLJQVDUHLQ WKHDSSURSULDWHUDQJHDVJLYHQLQ7DEOHEHORZ%HVLGHVWKHWHVWUHVXOWVDQGDQDO\VHV LQWKLVSURMHFWZLOOEHFRPSDUHGWRWKH-.563-UHTXLUHPHQWVDVJLYHQLQ7DEOH 7DEOH'HVLJQ%LWXPHQ&RQWHQW $&: $&: 7DEOH7HVWDQG$QDO\VHV3DUDPHWHUIRU$VSKDOWLF&RQFUHWH-.563- 3DUDPHWHU :HDULQJ&RXUVH %LQGHU&RXUVH 6WDELOLW\6 !NJ !NJ )ORZ) !PP !PP 6WLIIQHVV6) !NJ !NJ $LUYRLGVLQPL[ 9RLGVLQDJJUHJDWHVILOOHG ZLWKELWXPHQ 3.2 Laboratory Test Procedure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ggregate preparation 7KHDJJUHJDWHVDUHSUHSDUHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHGHVLJQWKDWKDGEHHQFKRVHE\ IROORZLQJWKHJUDGDWLRQOLPLW7KHSHUFHQWDJHVRIWKHDJJUHJDWHVFDQEHHVHHQDW $SSHQGL[$7KHDSSDUDWXVWKDWXVHGIRUWKHDJJUHJDWHVSUHSDUDWLRQDUHEDODQFHVLHYHV DQGRYHQ6HH)LJXUH )LJXUH6LHYHVIURPȝPWRPP 3.4 Marshall Mix Design 7KHPDLQSXUSRVHRIGHVLJQLVWRHOLPLQDWHWKHRSWLPXPELWXPHQFRQWHQW2%& RIHDFKPL[HV)RUWKLVODERUDWRU\WHVWVHDFKPL[HVZLOOGLYLGHGWRWZRFRPSDFWLYH HIIRUWVZKLFKDUHEORZVDQGEORZVDQGWKHWRWDORIWKHVSHFLPHQVWKDWXVHGLQWKLV WHVWDUHVSHFLPHQV6HH$SSHQGL[%WRILQGWKHGHVLJQSDUWRIWKHPL[HV 3.4.1 Mix design preparation D7KHDSSDUDWXVWKDWXVHGLQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIPL[GHVLJQVDUH L 6SHFLPHQ0ROG$VVHPEO\ LL &RPSDFWLRQ+DPPHU LLL &RPSDFWLRQ3HGHVWDO LY 6SHFLPHQ0ROG+ROGHU Y %UHDNLQJ+HDG YL 2YHQ YLL 0L[LQJ$SSDUDWXV YLLL 7KHUPRPHWHUDQG L[ 0L[LQJ7RROV E7HVWVSHFLPHQVDUH L W\SHVRIDJJUHJDWHVPL[GHVLJQDWLRQWKDWKDGEHHQGULHGDW&WR &DQG LL +HDWHGDVSKDOWFHPHQW F3UHSDUDWLRQRI0L[WXUHV L $JJUHJDWHVDUHZHLJKWHGDFFRUGLQJWKHDPRXQWRIHDFKVL]HIUDFWLRQ WKDWUHTXLUHGEHLQJFRPSDFW LL 7KHQSXWWKHSDQRQWKHKRWSODWHDQGEHLQJKHDWHGWR& LLL &KDUJHWKHSDQZLWKWKHKHDWHGDJJUHJDWHVDQGGU\PL[WKRURXJKO\ LY 3UHKHDWHGELWXPLQRXVPDWHULDOVWKDWUHTXLUHGWRWKHPL[WXUHDUH ZHLJKWHG Y 3UHYHQWLRQRIORVLQJWKHPL[GXULQJWKHPL[LQJPXVWEHWDNHQZLWK VXEVHTXHQWKDQGOLQJ7KHWHPSHUDWXUHVKDOOQRWWREHPRUHWKDQWKH OLPLWV YL $IWHUZDUGWKHDJJUHJDWHVDQGWKHELWXPLQRXVDUHUDSLGO\PL[HGXQWLO WKRURXJKO\FRDWHG YLL /DVWO\WKHPL[WXUHLVUHPRYHGIURPWKHSDQDQGUHDG\IRUFRPSDFWLRQ SURFHVV G&RPSDFWLRQRIVSHFLPHQV 7KHSURFHGXUHEHJLQVZLWKUHFRUGWKHPL[WXUHWHPSHUDWXUHDQGREVHUYHXQWLO LWUHDFKWKHGHVLUDEOHFRPSDFWLRQWHPSHUDWXUH7KHSURFHVVZLOOIROORZDVOLVWHG EHORZ L 7KHPROGDVVHPEO\DQGWKHIDFHRIFRPSDFWLRQKDPPHUDUHFOHDQHG DQGEHLQJKHDWHGLQWKHERLOLQJZDWHURUKRWSODWRURYHQDW&WR & LL )LOWHUSDSHUWKDWLVFXWLQWRSLHFHVLVSODFHGLQWKHERWWRPRIWKHPROG EHIRUHWKHPL[WXUHLVLQWURGXFHG LLL 7KHPL[WXUHWKDWKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGWKHQSODFHGLQWKHPROGDQG EHLQJVWLUUHGE\WKHVSDWXODRUWURZHOIRUWLPHVDURXQGWKH SHULPHWHUDQGWLPHVRYHUWKHLQWHULRU LY 7KHFROODULVUHPRYHGDQGWKHVXUIDFHZLOOEHVPRRWKHGZLWKWKH WURZHOWRVOLJKWO\URXQGHGVKDSH Y 1H[WWKHFRPSDFWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHLVUHFRUGHGRQFHDJDLQ YL 7KHFROODUWKHQZLOOEHDVVHPEOHGWRWKHFRPSDFWLRQSHGHVWDOLQWKH PROGKROGHU YLL 7KHEORZVRUEORZVRIFRPSDFWLRQKDPPHUDUHDSSOLHGZLWKD IUHHIDOOLQPPIURPWKHPROGEDVHDQGWKHFRPSDFWLRQKDPPHU LVDVVXUHGWREHSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHEDVHRIWKHPROGDVVHPEO\ YLLL $IWHUFRPSDFWLRQWKHEDVHSODWHLVUHPRYHGDQGWKHVDPHEORZVDUH FRPSDFWHGWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHVDPSOHWKDWKDVEHHQWXUQHGDURXQG L[ $IWHUWKDWWKHFROODULVOLIWHGIURPWKHVSHFLPHQFDUHIXOO\ [ 1H[WWUDQVIHUWKHVSHFLPHQWRVPRRWKVXUIDFHDWURRPWHPSHUDWXUHIRU RYHUQLJKW [L /DVWO\UHFRUGWKHZHLJKWDQGH[DPLQHWKHVSHFLPHQ 7KHSURFHGXUHRIWKHPL[LQJDQGFRPSDFWLRQDUHVKRZQLQ)LJXUH D7KHDJJUHJDWHVDUHKHDWHGLQWKHRYHQ E7KHWHPSHUDWXUHLVUHDGDQGEHLQJFRQWUROOHG F7KHDJJUHJDWHVDQGWKHELWXPLQRXVDUHPL[HGDQGFRDWHG G7KHPL[LVSXWWHGLQWRWKHPROGWKHWHPSHUDWXUHLVFRQWUROOHG H7KHVSHFLPHQLVFRPSDFWHGDFFRUGLQJWRGHVLUHEORZV I7KHVSHFLPHQVWKDWKDGEHHQSUHSDUHGE\0DUVKDOO0L['HVLJQ )LJXUH3URFHGXUHRI0DUVKDOO6DPSOH3UHSDUDWLRQ 3.5 Marshall Tests 3.5.1 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminuos Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens (AASTHO T166-88) 7KLVWHVWFRYHUVWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIEXONVSHFLILFJUDYLW\RIWKHVDPSOHV7KLV PHWKRGLVRQO\FDQEHXVHGWRWKHVSHFLPHQVWKDWDEVRUEQRWPRUHWKDQRIZDWHU E\YROXPH7KHUHVXOWRIEXONVSHFLILFJUDYLW\PD\EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHXQLW ZHLJKWRIPL[WXUH D $SSDUDWXVWKDWXVHGLQWKLVWHVWDUHOLVWHGEHORZ L %DODQFHDQG LL :DWHUEDWK E 3URFHGXUH L )LUVWWKHVSHFLPHQLVGULHGWRFRQVWDQWPDVV LL 7KHURRPWHPSHUDWXUHLVPDLQWDLQHGDW& LLL 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)XUWKHUPRUHWKHWRWDOWLPHIRUWKHRYHUDOOWHVWVKDOOQRWH[FHHGV 3.5.3 Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture Induced Damage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and to determine the feasibility of 50 blows compactive effort to be used instead of the 75 blows in the design of heavy traffic loading pavement. This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of this ex periment. 5.1 Conclusions Several tests that had been conducted produce a series of results that need to be concluded. This section concludes the findings and analysis from the previous chapter. The first stage of the laboratory test is to find the optimum bitumen content (OB C) of each mix design. Findings show that the higher compactive effort gives lower percentage of optimum bitumen content and vise versa. Marshall tests determine the OB C of ACW14 with 75 blows compactive effort was 5.25% while OB C for 50 blows 55 compactive effort was 6 .1%. ACW20 shows a slightly different where the OB C for 75 blows was 4.6 0% and 50 blows is 4.6 5%. For ACW20 the stability of mix design with 50 blows of compactive effort gives higher stability. This maybe due to the crushing in the aggregates particles during the compaction. However, Roberts F.L et al (1996 ) stated in Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mix ture Design and Construction, that the increasing of asphalt cement will increase the stability. This statement is supported by the previous studies as cited in the Chapter 2 and suggested that the 50 blows compactive effort could gives better stability in case of increasing the asphalt cement content. ACW20 shows a better performance than ACW14 for the 50 blows because of using the bigger size of aggregate gradation. The bigger size of aggregate provides the higher stability than the finer aggregates. For moisture induced damage test (AASHTO T283) for ACW20, the specimens needed to be modified to 7±1% air voids. 50 blows specimens are modified to 25 blows to reach 8% air voids while the 75 blows are modified to 25 blows to reach 7% air voids. This situation gives an effect to the asphalt film thickness and the tensile strength. The finding shows TSR value for 50 blows is higher than 75 blows. The 50 blows also shows better result of tensile strength in wet conditioned. This is because after samples had been conditioned, the tensile strength of the samples reduced. The test caused the ox idation and water penetration to the samples. The 75 blows samples which had thin asphalt film thickness were easier to break than 50 blows. Robert et al (1996 ) had discussed that the samples with thinner asphalt film are 56 more easily to damage than the sample with thicker asphalt film. This test proves that the high asphalt film thickness increased the durability of the pavement. For repeated load indirect tensile test (ASTM D4132) for ACW14, the 75 blows shows higher value of total resilient modulus of elasticity. The 75blows also gives the higher values of recovered horizontal strain, peak load and recovered horizontal deformation as compared to 50 blows samples. This is ex pected because increasing the compactive effort will normally increase the strength. As a conclusion, in terms of resistance to moisture damage, mix tures with 50 blows design is more preferable due to more asphalt content. Even though the 75 blows mix tures had higher stability, the 50 blows samples still met the specification req uirements. 5.2 Recommendations B ased on the conclusions above, several recommendations for future research are present in this chapter. i. It is only laboratory tests. It is suggested to have-field test to better understand the performance of the mix tures. ii. The high density of pavement produces the fatigue condition that leads to the pavement to crack. It is suggested to carry out this study to the nex t step of ex periment which focusing on the beam fatigue test. 57 iii. It is also suggested to test other mix designs performance such as ACB 20 and ACB 28 for this research. This is because this two mix es are commonly used in JKR standard specification for road works. iv. The aggregates gradation gives influences to the stability of both performance of compactive effort. It is suggested to test the performance of 50 blows with other percentages of aggregates gradation. v. The study also can be furthered ex amined by using other laboratory compactive effort such as Gyratory Compactor as this is another laboratory method that commonly used. vi. For repeated load indirect tensile test (ASTM D4123) by using the Universal Testing Machine, it is suggested to change the parameters such as temperature and estimated resilient modulus in the further study to indicate the effect of 50 blows compactive effort. REFERENCES American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1990). Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Method of Sampling and Testing. 5th edition. Washington D.C: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. American Society for Testing and Materials (1989). 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Lanham Maryland: NAPA Education Foundation. 60 APPENDIX A Aggregates Gradation and Asphalt Content Percentage for Design ACW 14 Aggregates Gradation sieve size % design 5.0% 5.5.% 6.0% 6.5% 7.0% 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 pan 9 9 16 16 15 14 11 4 6 102.7 102.7 182.7 182.7 171.2 159.8 125.6 45.7 68.5 102.6 102.6 182.4 182.4 171.0 159.6 125.4 45.6 68.4 101.6 101.6 180.7 180.7 169.4 158.1 124.2 45.4 67.8 101.1 101.1 179.7 179.7 168.4 157.2 123.5 44.9 67.4 100.5 100.5 178.6 178.6 167.5 156.3 122.8 44.7 67.0 22.8 26.4 22.8 26.3 22.6 25.9 22.5 25.6 22.3 25.4 Pan percentages 2% OPC *4% filler *after deduction with 19.3 g dust content % Passing vs S ieve S ize (mm) 120 S ieve S ize (mm) 28.000 0 20.000 Mix design 14.000 20 10.000 Upper limit 5.000 40 3.350 Lower limit 1.180 60 0.425 Median 0.150 80 0.075 % Passing 100 ACW 20 Aggregates Gradation. sieve size 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 pan % design 2 12 12 19 13 18 7 7 4 6 Pan Percentages 2% OPC *4% filler 4.5% 22.9 137.5 137.5 217.7 149.0 206.3 80.2 80.2 45.8 68.8 5.0% 22.8 136.8 136.8 216.6 148.2 205.2 79.8 79.8 45.6 68.4 5.5% 22.7 136.1 136.1 215.5 147.4 204.1 79.4 79.4 45.4 68.0 6.0% 22.6 135.4 135.4 214.3 146.6 203.0 79.0 79.0 45.1 67.7 6.5% 22.4 134.6 134.6 213.2 145.9 202.0 78.5 78.5 44.9 67.3 22.9 26.5 22.8 26.3 22.7 26.1 22.6 25.8 22.4 25.6 *after deduction with 19.3 g dust content % Passing vs S ieve S ize (mm) 120 Legend: 100 Lower limit Upper limit 60 Median 40 Mix design S ieve S ize (mm) 28.000 20.000 14.000 10.000 5.000 3.350 1.180 0.425 0 0.150 20 0.075 % Passing 80 4.5% 54.0 1146.0 ACW20 Dust content (g) = 19.3 Weight of aggregates(g) = 1128 - 19.3 = Weight of aggregates + bitumen (g) = Bitumen content(%) Weight of bitumen (g) Weight of aggregates (g) 1108.7 1200 5.0% 58.4 1141.7 1108.7 1200 Bitumen content(%) Weight of bitumen (g) Weight of aggregates (g) ACW14 Dust content (g) = 19.3 Weight of aggregates(g) = 1128 - 19.3 = Weight of aggregates + bitumen (g) = 0.05 = Wasp/(Wasp +1108.7) Wasp = 58.35 g Example % AC = Wasp/(Wasp+Wagg) Asphalt Content Percentage For Design 5.0% 60.0 1140.0 5.5% 60.0 1140.0 5.5% 66.0 1134.0 6.0% 70.8 1129.2 6.0% 72.0 1128.0 6.5% 77.1 1122.9 6.5% 78.0 1122.0 7.0% 83.5 1116.6 64 APPENDIX B Results of ACW 14 with 50 blows compactive effort ACW14 with 50blows compactive effort Density vs% bitumen content R2 = 0,8817 2,325 2,32 density(kg/mm3) 2,315 2,31 2,305 2,3 2,295 2,29 2,285 5 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 5,8 5,9 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7 6,8 6,9 7 7,1 7 7,1 % bitumen content Stability vs % bitumen content R2 = 0,4311 1700 1600 stability(kg) 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 5 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 5,8 5,9 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7 6,8 6,9 % bitumen content Flow vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9226 7 6 flow(mm) 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 % bitumen content VFB vs % bitumen cintent R2 = 0.9804 85 80 %VFB 75 70 65 60 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 % bitumen content 7 7.1 VTM vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9457 6 5 %VTM 4 3 2 1 0 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 % bitumen content Stiffness vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.7964 700 650 600 stiffness(kg) 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 bitumen content 7 7.1 % B it by wt. of MIX 5.00 % B it by wt. of Agg. AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 b a AVERAGE % B IT SPEC NO. 1.01 % B IT SPEC NO. SG. B IT: SG. AGG. B LEND: TYPE OF MIX: 1178.6 0 1159.30 1180.00 116 4.50 1158.10 1177.50 1182.40 1153.40 116 5.40 116 9.80 1155.80 1182.80 1042.20 1053.50 116 2.00 c 1175.80 1157.70 1177.20 116 2.70 1154.6 0 1175.50 1181.40 1152.50 116 3.10 116 9.50 1155.20 1182.10 1040.70 1052.30 116 1.10 d WEIGHT - gm Saturated IN surface dry AIR 2.645 6 6 2.20 6 6 0.70 6 6 3.80 6 6 2.90 6 55.90 6 6 3.6 0 6 75.30 6 57.80 6 53.20 6 6 7.40 6 57.90 6 73.50 588.90 599.40 6 6 3.90 e IN WATER 516 .40 498.6 0 516 .20 501.6 0 502.20 513.90 507.10 495.6 0 512.20 502.40 497.90 509.30 453.30 454.10 498.10 c-e f B ULK VOL cc. 2.296 2.317 2.331 2.315 2.328 2.320 2.321 2.323 2.330 2.325 2.271 2.309 2.318 2.299 2.287 2.301 2.277 2.322 2.281 2.293 d f g 2.38 2.39 2.41 2.43 2.45 h SPEC GRAV MAX B ULK THEOR. ACW14 with 50blows compactive effort 15.89 14.81 13.71 12.65 11.46 bx g SGbit i B IT 80.63 81.36 82.05 83.00 83.14 (100-b)g SGag j AGG. 3.48 3.83 4.24 4.35 5.40 100-i-j k VOIDS VOLUME - % TOTAL MARSHALL TEST RESULT 19.37 18.64 17.95 17.00 16.86 100-j l AGG. 82.04 79.45 76.39 74.39 67.96 100(i/l) m n TOTAL MIX 3.48 3.83 4.24 4.35 5.40 100-(100g/h) VOIDS - % FILLED (B IT) 1.04 1.04 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.04 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.00 1.04 1.00 1.04 1.04 1.00 CORR FACTOR o 1321.17 116 9.98 1311.86 814.1 96 7.6 2 953.6 6 1432.82 1537.49 953.6 6 1442.12 16 6 3.09 16 70.07 1456 .88 1321.12 146 3.05 p MEAS 1515 1374 146 3 1451 1442 1730 16 70 1614 1490 16 6 0 992 1381 977 116 1 992 1043 1374 1217 1312 1301 px o q CORR STAB ILITY - kg 4.25 2.46 2.59 3.10 2.52 3.98 1.01 2.50 4.6 9 1.55 3.29 3.18 1.56 6 .10 2.06 3.24 5.04 5.21 7.28 5.84 r mm FLOW 223 322 435 645 468 q r s STIFFNESS 69 APPENDIX C Results of ACW 14 with 75 blows compactive effort % B it by wt. of MIX 5.00 % B it by wt. of Agg. AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 b a AVERAGE % B IT SPEC NO. 1.01 % B IT SPEC NO. SG. B IT: SG. AGG. B LEND: TYPE OF MIX: 1054.6 0 1037.00 1047.10 1026 .10 1058.20 106 7.50 1051.90 106 1.50 106 3.40 1049.30 1022.00 1054.40 1057.10 1045.40 1034.20 c 1054.30 1036 .80 1046 .6 0 1025.90 1057.70 106 6 .90 1051.20 106 1.10 106 3.10 1048.80 1021.30 1054.40 1056 .50 1045.00 1033.40 d WEIGHT - gm Saturated IN surface dry AIR 2.645 6 04.30 592.6 0 6 00.40 587.30 6 07.30 6 11.80 6 06 .10 6 05.80 6 13.10 6 04.6 0 588.20 6 07.6 0 6 10.50 6 03.20 574.00 e IN WATER 450.30 444.40 446 .70 438.80 450.90 455.70 445.80 455.70 450.30 444.70 433.80 446 .80 446 .6 0 442.20 46 0.20 c-e f B ULK VOL cc. ACW14 with 75blows compactive effort 2.36 6 2.36 3 2.246 2.325 2.358 2.354 2.36 0 2.358 2.358 2.329 2.36 1 2.349 2.338 2.346 2.341 2.342 2.341 2.333 2.343 2.339 d f g 2.38 2.39 2.41 2.43 2.45 h SPEC GRAV MAX B ULK THEOR. 16.21 15.07 13.96 12.84 11.51 bx g SGbit i B IT 82.24 82.78 83.49 84.23 83.50 (100-b)g SGag j AGG. 1.54 2.15 2.56 2.93 4.99 100-i-j k VOIDS VOLUME - % TOTAL MARSHALL TEST RESULT 17.76 17.22 16.51 15.77 16.50 100-j l AGG. 91.31 87.50 84.50 81.41 69.75 100(i/l) m VOIDS - % FILLED (B IT) 1.54 2.15 2.56 2.93 4.99 100-(100g/h) n TOTAL MIX 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.20 1.16 1.24 1.24 CORR FACTOR o 733 1186 937 702 802 954 833 786 1372 1175 1326 1158 1089 1205 937 p MEAS 126 3 1494 116 2 1306 1410 16 44 1390 1481 1000 943 16 46 1196 870 96 2 1145 993 880 1042 998 973 px o q CORR STAB ILITY - kg 2.13 1.8 2.35 2.09 1.83 2.73 1.58 2.05 2.33 2.07 2.42 2.27 2.78 2.77 2.55 2.70 2.36 3.9 4.15 3.47 r mm FLOW 280 368 526 724 624 q r s STIFFNESS 74 APPENDIX D Results of ACW 20 with 50 blows compactive effort ACW20 with 50blows compactive effort Density vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.6849 2.38 2.375 density (kg/mm3) 2.37 2.365 2.36 2.355 2.35 2.345 2.34 2.335 2.33 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content Stability vs % bitumen content 2000 1900 1800 stability(kg) 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content Flow vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9784 6.50 6.00 flow(mm) 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content VFB vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9528 90 %VFB 85 80 75 70 65 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 % bitumen content 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 VTM vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9057 5 4.5 4 %VTM 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content Stiffness vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.9618 500 stiffness(kg) 400 300 200 100 0 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 % bitumen content 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % B it by wt. of MIX 4.50 % B it by wt. of Agg. AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 b a AVERAGE % B IT SPEC NO. 1.01 % B IT SPEC NO. SG. B IT: SG. AGG. B LEND: TYPE OF MIX: 116 0.40 1158.20 116 0.30 1178.40 1176 .80 1178.80 1172.40 1187.80 116 4.10 116 7.6 0 1179.50 116 5.00 1095.00 1174.30 1202.70 c 1158.70 1157.20 1157.70 1176 .50 1174.50 1176 .50 1171.00 1186 .50 116 3.20 116 6 .90 1179.10 116 4.20 1093.90 1173.80 1202.00 d WEIGHT - gm Saturated IN surface dry AIR 2.645 6 6 3.50 6 6 5.20 6 6 4.40 6 78.00 6 75.50 6 77.6 0 6 74.40 6 86 .40 6 70.80 6 74.30 6 82.80 6 76 .40 6 28.50 6 75.80 6 94.10 e IN WATER 496 .90 493.00 495.90 500.40 501.30 501.20 498.00 501.40 493.30 493.30 496 .70 488.6 0 46 6 .50 498.50 508.6 0 c-e f B ULK VOL cc. 2.345 2.355 2.36 3 2.354 2.36 5 2.374 2.383 2.374 2.351 2.36 6 2.358 2.359 2.351 2.343 2.347 2.347 2.332 2.347 2.335 2.338 d f g 2.39 2.41 2.43 2.45 2.47 h SPEC GRAV MAX B ULK THEOR. ACW20 with 50blows compactive effort 15.05 13.94 12.84 11.75 10.49 bx g SGbit i B IT 82.64 83.41 84.27 85.27 85.00 (100-b)g SGag j AGG. 2.31 2.64 2.89 2.98 4.51 100-i-j k VOIDS VOLUME - % TOTAL MARSHALL TEST RESULT 17.36 16.59 15.73 14.73 15.00 100-j l AGG. 86.69 84.07 81.64 79.77 69.95 100(i/l) m n TOTAL MIX 2.31 2.64 2.89 2.98 4.51 100-(100g/h) VOIDS - % FILLED (B IT) 1.16 1.04 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.00 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.04 CORR FACTOR o 1144.39 1246 .74 1286 .28 136 0.71 1277.91 1249.06 1490.97 186 0.80 16 91.00 1751.48 1800.32 1925.93 1458.4 2139.92 1791.02 p MEAS 1517 2311 186 3 1897 1822 1800 2080 1901 1551 1935 1826 1771 1470 1329 1349 1383 1327 1297 1338 1321 px o q CORR STAB ILITY - kg 4.55 4.6 7 4.78 4.67 4.99 5.01 4.76 4.92 6 .82 5.22 4.6 4 5.56 4.51 6 .97 5.94 5.81 5.6 8 4.55 8.16 6.13 r mm FLOW 215 238 318 386 406 q r s STIFFNESS 79 APPENDIX E Results of ACW 20 with 75 blows compactive effort ACW20 with 75blows compactive effort Density vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.8051 2.38 2.37 density(kg/mm3) 2.36 2.35 2.34 2.33 2.32 2.31 2.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content Stability vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.4692 1600 1550 stability(kg) 1500 1450 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 % bitumen content 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Flow vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.4857 5.5 5 flow(mm) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % bitumen content VFB vs % bitumen content R 2 = 0.8192 85 %VFB 80 75 70 65 60 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 % bitumen content 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 VTM vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.5771 5 4.5 4 %VTM 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 %bitumen content Stiffness vs % bitumen content R2 = 0.5903 600 550 stiffness(kg) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 % bitumen content 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 % B it by wt. of MIX 4.50 % B it by wt. of Agg. AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 b a AVERAGE % B IT SPEC NO. 1.01 % B IT SPEC NO. SG. B IT: SG. AGG. B LEND: TYPE OF MIX: 1174.50 1154.70 1172.80 116 8.50 1179.50 116 7.30 1183.80 1155.6 0 1173.10 1154.70 1153.30 1158.00 1174.20 1154.6 0 116 2.50 c 1155.50 116 5.30 116 6 .80 1181.70 1153.50 1172.10 116 6 .40 1177.80 116 3.40 1144.30 1145.30 1147.50 1172.90 1153.90 116 1.80 d WEIGHT - gm Saturated IN surface dry AIR 2.645 6 6 2.80 6 6 7.6 0 6 6 7.30 6 76 .40 6 6 4.00 6 72.90 6 70.6 0 6 76 .80 6 6 6 .6 0 6 77.50 6 6 9.20 6 72.80 6 74.10 6 6 3.00 6 74.80 e IN WATER d f g 2.39 2.41 2.43 2.45 2.47 h SPEC GRAV MAX B ULK THEOR. 2.345 2.347 2.382 2.358 477.20 2.398 484.10 2.36 6 485.20 2.36 5 2.376 513.20 2.273 478.80 2.46 0 506 .50 2.297 2.343 492.10 2.401 515.50 2.238 494.40 2.371 2.337 511.70 2.258 487.10 2.392 505.50 2.308 2.320 500.10 491.6 0 487.70 c-e f B ULK VOL cc. ACW20 with 75blows compactive effort 14.93 13.88 12.76 11.76 10.51 bx g SGbit i B IT 82.00 83.04 83.72 85.35 85.15 (100-b)g SGag j AGG. 3.08 3.08 3.52 2.89 4.35 100-i-j k VOIDS VOLUME - % TOTAL MARSHALL TEST RESULT 18.00 16.96 16.28 14.65 14.85 100-j l AGG. 82.91 81.84 78.37 80.29 70.74 100(i/l) m n TOTAL MIX 3.08 3.08 3.52 2.89 4.35 100-(100g/h) VOIDS - % FILLED (B IT) 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.00 1.08 1.00 1.12 1.04 1.00 1.08 1.04 CORR FACTOR o 1174.6 3 1151.37 1214.17 1221.15 1146 .72 1395.6 0 1407.23 1256 .04 1058.33 1572.38 1442.12 1404.9 126 3.02 1232.78 1509.57 p MEAS 126 3 1331 1570 1388 1572 16 15 146 1 1550 1520 1256 1143 1306 1270 1238 1451 1320 126 9 1243 1311 1274 px o q CORR STAB ILITY - kg 4.53 1.77 2.42 2.91 3.09 1.57 3.52 2.73 3.09 3.13 3.52 3.25 4.84 5.12 5.71 5.22 4.14 4.22 2.87 3.74 r mm FLOW 340 253 402 568 478 q r s STIFFNESS 84 APPENDIX F Aggregates Gradation After OB C DESIGN FOR TEST ACW14 FOR 50 COMPACTIONS OBC = 6.1% (73.2 g) SIEVE SIZE 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 FILLER OPC DESIGN AGGREGATE(g) 101.4 101.4 180.3 180.3 169.0 157.8 123.9 45.1 25.8 22.5 DESIGN FOR TEST ACW14 FOR 75 COMPACTIONS OBC =5.25% (63.0 g) SIEVE SIZE 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 FILLER OPC DESIGN AGGREGATE(g) 102.3 102.3 181.9 181.9 170.6 159.2 125.1 45.5 26.2 22.7 DESIGN FOR TEST ACW20 FOR 50 COMPACTIONS OBC = 4.65% (55.8 g) SIEVE SIZE 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 FILLER OPC DESIGN AGGREGATE(g) 22.9 137.3 137.3 217.4 148.7 206.0 80.1 80.1 45.8 26.5 22.9 DESIGN FOR TEST ACW20 FOR 75 COMPACTIONS OBC = 4.6% (55.2 g) SIEVE SIZE 20 14 10 5 3.35 1.18 0.425 0.15 0.075 FILLER OPC DESIGN AGGREGATE(g) 22.9 137.4 137.4 217.5 148.8 206.1 80.1 80.1 45.8 26.5 22.9 87 APPENDIX G Results and calculations for AASTHO T283 7ensile 6trength Formula 6t = 2 F ʌ/D Where 6t = tensile strength (NPa) / = the specimen length (mm) D = the specimen Giameter (mm) F = applieG force (1) 81C21D,7,21(D 68B6(7 F25 ACW20 W,7+ 0 C20PAC7,216 (6t1) a) (6ample A) 6t1 = 2 ( 83.27 1) ʌ [ 7mm [ 102mm = 7.7 NPa b) (6ample B) 6t1 = 2 ( 82.7 1) ʌ [ 8mm [ 102mm = 7.8 NPa c) (6ample C) 6t1 = 2 ( 83.04 1) ʌ [ 7mm [ 102mm = 7.74 NPa AYerage 6t1 for 0 bloZs = 7.9 NPa. 7ensile 6trength Formula 6t = 2 F ʌ/D Where 6t = tensile strength (NPa) / = the specimen length (mm) D = the specimen Giameter (mm) F = applieG force (1) C21D,7,21(D 68B6(7 F25 ACW20 W,7+ 0 C20PAC7,216 (6t2) a) (6ample A¶) 6t2 = 2( .91) ʌ [ mm [ 102mm = .2 NPa b) (6ample B¶) 6t2 = 2( 7.921) ʌ [ 4mm [ 102mm = . NPa c) (6ample C¶) 6t2 = 2( .991) ʌ [ mm [ 102mm = .39 NPa AYerage 6t2 for 0 bloZs = .43 NPa. 7ensile 6trength 5atio (765) for 0 bloZs compactiYe effort 765 = 6t2 6t1 = .43 NPa 7.9 NPa = 0.71 7ensile 6trength Formula 6t = 2 F ʌ/D Where 6t = tensile strength (NPa) / = the specimen length (mm) D = the specimen Giameter (mm) F = applieG force (1) 81C21D,7,21(D 68B6(7 F25 ACW20 W,7+ 7 C20PAC7,216 (671) a) (6ample A) 6t1 = = 2 ( 9.831) ʌ [ 7mm [ 102mm 8.93NPa b) (6ample B) 6t1 = = 2 ( 9.371) ʌ [ 7mm [ 102mm 8.88NPa c) (6ample C) 6t1 = = 2 ( 9.371) ʌ [ 7mm [ 102mm 8.88NPa AYerage 6t1 for 7 bloZs = 8.90 NPa. 7ensile 6trength Formula 6t = 2 F ʌ/D Where 6t = tensile strength (NPa) / = the specimen length (mm) D = the specimen Giameter (mm) F = applieG force (1) C21D,7,21(D 68B6(7 F25 ACW20 W,7+ 7 C20PAC7,216 (672) a) (6ample A¶) 6t2 = = 2( 3.271) ʌ [ mm [ 102mm .11 NPa b) (6ample B¶) 6t2 = = 2( 3.4981) ʌ [ mm [ 102mm .0 NPa c) (6ample C¶) 6t2 = = 2( 3.271) ʌ [ mm [ 102mm .04 NPa AYerage 6t2 for 7 bloZs = .07 NPa. 7ensile 6trength 5atio (765) for 7 bloZs compactiYe effort 765 = 6t2 6t1 = .07 NPa 8.90 NPa = 0.7 92 APPENDIX H Results and calculations for ASTM D4123 5esilient 0oGulus Data Calculations. 6t = 2 F ʌ/D ( = F(5+0.27)/+ ȯr = +D Where 6t = tensile strength (NPa) ( = total resilient moGulus of elasticit\ (0Pa) / = the specimen length (mm) D = the specimen Giameter (mm) F = ma[imum peaN applieG force (repeateG loaG) (1) 5 = assumeG resilient Poisson¶s ratio + = total recoYerable hori]ontal Geformation (mm) ȯr= total recoYerable strain a) ACW20 Zith 0 compactions. 6t ( ȯr = 2(430.8 1) ʌ [ 100 [ 4 = 0.043 NPa = 430.8 ( 0.4 + 0.27) 4 (0.0214) = 210.7 0pa = 0.0214 100 = 2.14 [ 10 -4 b) ACW20 Zith 7 compactions 6t ( ȯr = 2( 44.7 1) ʌ [ 100 [ 4 = 0.04 NPa = 44.7 ( 0.4 + 0.27) 4 (0.02443) = 27.27 0pa = 0.02443 100 = 2.443 [ 10 -4 95 APPENDIX I Software results for ASTM D4123