STATIC STRENGTH OF TUBULAR DT JOINTS USING LUSAS FINITE ELEMENT SOFTWARE NORASHIDAH BINTI ABD RAHMAN A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Structure) Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2005 PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: STATIC STRENGTH OF TUBULAR DT JOINTS USING LUSAS FINITE ELEMENT SOFTWARE SESI PENGAJIAN: Saya 2 0 0 4 /2 0 0 5 NORASHIDAH BINTI ABD RAHMAN (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan ( √ ) SULIT TERHAD √ (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh __________________________________ _____________________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap: 456, RUMAH KOS RENDAH SUNGAI PROF. MADYA DR.SARIFFUDDIN BIN PETAI, 21700 KUALA BERANG, HULU SAAD Nama Penyelia TERENGGANU, TERENGGANU. Tarikh: CATATAN: 15 APRIL 2005 * ** ♦ Tarikh: 15 APRIL 2005 Potong yang tidak berkenaan. Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I declare that this project report entitled “ Static Strength of Tubular DT Joints Using LUSAS Finite Element Software” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree” Singnature : .............................................................. Name : NORASHIDAH BINTI ABD RAHMAN Date : 15 APRIL 2005 “I declare that I have read through this project report and to my opinion this project report is adequate in term of scope and quality for the purpose of awarding the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Structure)”. Signature : Name of Supervisor : .................................................... ASSOC. PROF. DR. SARIFFUDDIN BIN SAAD Date : 15 APRIL 2005 iii DEDICATION To father and mother Thank you for your support & To sisters and brothers thank you for eveything iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhmadulilah, Praise to Almighty Allah for the blessing and His permission, I am able to complete my master project. I wish to extent my greatest thank you and gratefulness to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sariffuddin Bin Saad for his valuable guidance, advice and suggestions throughout this project. With his effort and concern, I am able to complete my project. Thank you also to Mr. Koh Heng Boon of the Department of Civil Engineering at KUiTTHO, for his help and advise. I am also grateful to my most beloved parents for their love and kindness towards me and for their strong support during my study period. I wish to thank KUiTTHO and the Public Service Deparment for the financial support during my stay at UTM. Finally, a lot of thank you to all staff of Faculty of Civil Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor and also for all my friends, student of postgraduate of Structural and Material Department for their support and cooperation throughtout my study. Thank you very much. v ABSTRACT Structural tubular are widely used in the construction of offshore structures. As these structures are located in hostile environment, these joints represent structural weak spots and so it is desirable to develop reliable methods of determining their static collapse loads. This studies focus on the analysis of static strength of tubular DT joints under brace compression loading by using LUSAS finite element software. The numerical static strength result is compared with an experimental test result obtained from the literature. The value of the static strength obtained in this work is 56% lower than that of the experimental test. A parameter study was performed to study the effect of the geometric parameters α, β, γ and τ as well as the effect of the yield strength σy on the static strength of DT joint model. Finally, a simple equation relating the static strength to the above parameters is proposed. vi ABSTRAK Struktur sambungan tubular lazimnya digunakan untuk pembinaan struktur lepas pantai. Oleh kerana struktur ini terletak di persekitaran yang agresif, ia akan menyebabkan sambungan tubular struktur tersebut menjadi lemah. Oleh itu, satu kaedah yang baik adalah perlu untuk menentukan beban kegagalan statik bagi sambungan tersebut. Oleh itu kajian ini tertumpu kepada analisis kekuatan statik bagi sambungan DT bila brace dikenakan beban mampatan dengan menggunakan perisian LUSAS. Nilai kekuatan statik ini kemudiannya telah dibandingkan dengan keputusan ujian makmal yang diperolehi daripada literatur. Dalam kajian ini, nilai kekuatan statik yang diperolehi adalah 56% lebih rendah daripada nilai ujian makmal. Kajian parameter telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan parameter geometri α, β, γ dan τ serta juga kesan kekuatan alah σy kepada kekuatan statik sambungan model DT tersebut. Akhirnya, satu formula mudah yang menghubungkan kekuatan statik sambungan DT dengan parameter-parameter di atas telah dicadangkan. vii CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 PAGE TITTLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLE x LIST OF FIGURE xi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction to the tubular structure 1 1.2 Problem of study 2 1.3 Objective of study 3 1.4 Scope of study 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Tubular Structure 5 2.3 Tubular Joint 6 2.4 Development of Static Strength Design Guidance 7 2.5 Previous Study of DT Tubular Joint 8 2.6 Finite Element Method (FEM) 12 2.6.1 14 2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of FEM BackGround of LUSAS 15 viii 2.7.1 LUSAS Software Characteristic 15 2.7.2 Procedure Analysis According to LUSAS 16 software 3 MODELLING DT TUBULAR JOINT USING THE 17 LUSAS SOFTWARE 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Dimensions and Geometric Parameter 17 3.3 Modelling Step for One eighth Model 19 3.3.1 New file 19 3.3.2 To Generate One eighth of The DT Joint 20 Model 3.4 4 Nonlinear Model 35 3.4.1 Meshing 35 3.4.2 Geometric Definition 37 3.4.3 Material Definition 38 3.4.4 Loading Definition 39 3.4.5 Support Definition 41 3.4.6 Nonlinear Control 43 ANALYSIS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 46 4.1 Introduction 49 4.2 One eighth Model Vs. Full Model 52 4.3 Type of supportt 67 4.4 Type of nonlinearity 68 4.5 Mesh Convergence studies 69 4.6 Parametric study 55 4.6.1 Relationship between failure load F and α 55 4.6.2 Relationship between failure load F and β 56 4.6.3 Relationship between failure load F and γ 57 4.6.4 Relationship between failure load F and τ) 58 4.6.5 Relationship between failure load F and σy 59 ix 5 CONCLUSION 63 5.1 Conclusion 63 5.2 Suggestion 64 REFERENCES 65 APPENDIX A ( The loading calculation) x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Dimensions (in mm) of the DT joint 18 3.2 Support condition for one eight model 42 4.1 Summary of Maximum Load with a Difference Type of Nonlinearities 51 4.2 Result of Mesh Convergence Study 53 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE. NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 A typical jacket structure 2 1.2 An elastic plastic response of the joint 4 2.1 Various type of tubular joint 6 2.2 A typical DT joint 7 2.3 DT joint test setup 11 2.4 Experimental load-displacement curves for DT joints under brace/chord compression 11 2.5 A finite element model representing a real engineering problem 12 2.6 A tubular joint finite element model 13 3.1 Model geometric 18 3.2 One eighth of the DT joint model 19 3.3 New Model start up 20 3.4 The dialogue box “Enter coordinates” 21 3.5 L1 Line 21 3.6 The sweep (rotate) dialogue box 22 3.7 Surface S1, line L2 and L3 22 3.8 Curve L3 23 3.9 Sweeping (translate) dialogue box 23 3.10 The overall chord view 24 xii 3.11 Dialogue box to divide the chord section 25 3.12 The two new chord surface (S2 and S3) 25 3.13 Line L12 26 3.14 The dialogue box used to rotate line L12 27 3.15 New surface, S4, for the top brace section 27 3.16 The sweep dialogue box 28 3.17 Surface S4 was created 28 3.18 The surface Splitting In Equal Divisions dialogue box 29 3.19 Two new surfaces of the brace member after the splitting process 29 3.20 Model after intersection process 30 3.21 The new group command 31 3.22 The DT joint model after the deletion process 31 3.23 Line L34 was create after manifolding process 32 3.24 Line L4 and L10 must be separated at points P24 and P27 respectively 33 3.25 New surfaces S12 and S13 34 3.26 One-eighth of DT model joint 34 3.27 The dialogue box to define surface meshing 36 3.28 Model with the surface meshing definition 36 3.29 Surface Geometry dialogue box 37 3.30 Isotropic material dialogue box 38 3.31 Elastic plastic dialogue box 39 3.32 The structural loading Dataset dialogue box 40 3.33 Model with the loading at the brace end 40 3.34 Structural support dialogue box 41 xiii 3.35 Model with full support for the linear model 42 3.36 Model with the full support for non-linear model 43 3.37 Load Case properties dialogue box 44 3.38 The Nonlinear & Transient dialogue box 44 3.39 The advance nonlinear incrementation parameter dialogue box 45 4.1 One eighth of DT joint Model A 47 4.2 An elastic perfectly plastic material model 48 4.3 Load-displacement graphs for Model A & 48 4.4 Full DT joint Model B 49 4.5 Load-displacement graph for both types of support 50 4.6 Load-displacement graph response for both nonlinearity types 52 4.7 Load-displacement graphs of DT joint with various number of element division 53 4.8 Failure mode of FE model 54 4.9 Failure mode of model tested by Kang (1998) 54 4.10 Relationship between F and α 56 4.11 Relationship between F and β 57 4.12 Relationship between F and γ 58 4.13 Relationship between F and τ 59 4.14 Relationship between F and σy 60 xiv NOTATION LIST D = Chord outer diameter d = Brace outer diameter T = Chord thickness T = Brace thickness L = Total chord length l = Total brace length σy = Yield strength N = Newton α = Length parameter (2L/D) β = Diameter ratio (d/D) γ = Chord radius to thickness ratio (D/2T) τ = Wall thickness ratio (t/T) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introducing to The Tubular Structure Tubular members are widely used in both onshore and offshore structures. Their attributes such as the high strength-to-weight ratio, low drag coefficient, and the ability to use their internal space have made them particularly useful in the offshore industry over many years. A typical example of the use of tubular members in an offshore situation is the fixed offshore platform (see Figure 1.1), where tubular members form a space frame to support the topside structure. Tubular connection design is a major factor in the design of a structure and can even be the limiting factor in terms of the strength of the structure. Circular hollow sections are widely used in the construction of offshore structures in Malaysia. These sections offer many advantages over other sections. The sections have the ability to distribute load consistently. From the architect point of view, it has a minimum amount of surface area to unclean matter effect, rust and other spoil. With a circular form, it has an advantage in reducing the effect of wind, wave and blast loadings. 2 Figure 1.1: A typical jacket structure [1] 1.2. Problem of Study Structural tubular joints are widely used in the construction of offshore structures. As these structures are located in hostile environment, these joints represent structural weak spots and so it is desirable to develop reliable methods of determining their static collapse loads. It is impractical to test actual joints due to their massive sizes and also in view of the associated testing costs. Testing small-scale steel joint models of various 3 shapes was widely carried out in the past. However, the manufacture of these joint models needs highly skilled welders and the exact shape of fillet welds is not repeatable. An attractive alternative is to carry out finite element analysis using a suitable software to obtain the static strength results. If the results are good, this method can be used to performed a parameter study to investigate the effect various geometric parameters on a joint static strength. 1.3. Objectives of Study The static strength of tubular DT joints will be studied using LUSAS finite element software [2]. Objectives of the study are: a) to create a good finite element DT joint model. b) to carry out a mesh convergence study. c) to define the maximum load attained during the elastic plastic response of the joint. d) to compare the static strength results of tubular DT joint between finite element software and previous experimental test. e) to performed parameter study to investigate the effect of the various geometric parameters on the static strength of DT joints. f) to develop a simple formula to calculate the static strength of DT joints. 4 1.4. Scope of Study The LUSAS finite element software will be used to determine the static strength of tubular DT joint. In this study, the static strength of a tubular DT joint is defined as the maximum load attained during the elastic plastic response of the joint and this is shown in Figure 1.2. Data for the analysis are taken from a previous experimental testing on a similar DT joint performed by Kang et al.[3]. Load Static strength Displacement Figure 1.2: An elastic plastic response of the joint To obtain the static strength by using LUSAS software, the dimensions of the DT joint finite element model had been based on the dimensions and data of the actual joint test performed by Kang et al.[3]. Before the comparison of the static strength result predicted by the LUSAS software and that of the actual test, a mesh refinement was conducted by performing non-linear analysis of the DT joint model under brace compression loading using different element density applied to the chord area near the brace wall. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1. Introduction Tubular joint constitute one of the main problems and high cost areas in the design, construction and maintenance of steel structures and have been the subject of considerable research effort. The Department of Energy commissioned a study in 1980 of the various design documents, with particular emphasis on the static strength of tubular joints [4]. 2.2. Tubular Structure A tubular structure consists of a framework of hollow pipes made from steel. There are two types of hollow section used, circular and rectangular. However, circular hollow sections are more generally used in offshore structure construction. It is because these sections have a small surface area, can minimise the wind and wave load and also have a high ecstatic value. 6 2.3. Tubular Joint A tubular joint is a joint between the brace and the chord. Figure 2.1 shows the various types of joint widely used for offshore construction work. Figure 2.1: Various types of tubular joint [5] 7 Figure 2.2 shows a typical tubular DT joint showing the definition of the various geometric factors α = 2L/D β = d/D γ = D/2T τ = t/T Figure 2.2: A typical DT joint [3] 2.4. Development of Static Strength Design Guidance Early development of offshore technology was on a trial and error basis. Brace were welded to the jacket legs, which served as the chord member without any reinforcement. The first attempts at tubular joint design in the late 1950s were based on elastic analysis of the tubular shells. It quickly became apparent from a few tests in the early 1960s that there was little correlation between ultimate strength and elastic shell analysis. 8 This led to a series of tests in the mid 1960s and covered a limited range of joint types and geometries. These tests were recognised as mainly to investigate the relative importance of factors such as β (ratio of brace diameter to chord diameter) and γ (ratio of chord radius to chord wall thickness). 2.5. Previous Study of DT Tubular Joint The earliest investigation on chord stress effects on DT joints were carried out by Togo [6] and Washio et al. [7][8]. A series of small-scale joints (D = 101.6 mm, β = 0.47 and γ = 16) were subjected to brace axial compression with various levels of chord axial stresses in DT joints which was found to generally reduce the joint capacity, whereas tension chord stresses have a minor effect on joint strength. Following their work, a semi empirical formula was developed and a chord stress factor Qf was introduced to account for the presence of chord stresses. The Washio Qf expression was adopted by the API RP 2A code from 1975 to 1983 and also by other design codes. The work on chord stress effect conducted by Boone et al. [9], Weinstein and Yura [10] and Sanders [11] at Texas University is the most complete. Boone et al. carried out 10 tests (including three tests without chord load used as base test) on large scale DT specimens (D = 407.7 mm), α = 17.5, β = 0.67, γ = 25.6 and τ = 0.8) to study the influence of chord axial compression, in plane bending (IPB) and out plane bending (OPB) on the joint strength. The test results showed that chord stress effects were most significant for brace IPB followed by axial loading and OPB. 9 Weinstein and Yura [10] carried out 10 DT joint tests to assess the influence of β on the chord stress effect. Seven specimens (with β = 1) were tested with either brace axial compression, IPB or OPB and three specimens (β = 0.35) were tested with brace axial compression. The chord geometry was identical to that used by Boone et al. [2], i.e. with γ = 25.4. Again, chord axial compression and bending stress were considered. For specimens with β = 1, the results showed that the chord stress has similar strength reduction effects compared to IPB loaded smaller β joints. However, for axially loaded or OPB loaded joints, the results showed that the chord stress had no effect on the ultimate strength as only small deformations of the chord wall occurred at the saddle regions. However, the ultimate strength for β =1 axially loaded joints with or without chord stress increased significantly compared to smaller β joints since most of the load was transferred through the short lengths of chord wall between the weld toes at the saddle locations. For specimens subjected to brace OPB and chord axial compression, the joint failed by instability. It was also shown by Sanders [11] that the axial chord compression stress has no effect on β =1 tension loaded DT joints. Results from test on β = 0.34 brace axially loaded specimens indicated that the strength reduction due to chord stresses is higher than that for specimens with β = 0.67. In 1998, Kang et al.[3] carried out tubular DT joint tests. The objective was to assess the ultimate strength of DT joints under combined brace compression and chord compression. The work was carried out both experimentally and numerically. Two methods were used in the numerical work to apply the chord and brace loading: (1) proportional loading and (2) nonproportional loading. The former method was adopted in the experimental work. The numerical calculations were done using the finite element analysis. The models were created using the P3/PATRAN 10 mesh generation program and the static strength of the models was assessed using ABAQUS 5.4 finite element program. Generally the results showed a significant and increasing reduction in the strength, from both FE and test result, as the applied nominal chord stress was increased. The FE models achieved higher ultimate loads than the corresponding experimental models. From the preceding data, the experimental and numerical results have confirmed that the ultimate strength of DT joints under brace compressive loading could be reduced significantly when chord axial stress is present. They also found that, FE analysis could significantly over predicted the ultimate strength of such joints. The discrepancy may be caused by an instability in the joints that was accentuated at higher chord loads. Figure 2.3 shows the DT joint test set up. The test of the DT joints was conducted in a 250-kN servohyraulic test machine. The joint specimens were mounted in the test facilities with the brace members in the vertical position and the chord in horizontal position. This arrangement allowed the brace members to be loaded in compression by test machine such that both the upper and lower brace were pushed into the chord member. The load-displacement graph for the brace compression test (without chord stresses) is shown in Figure 2.4 (Test A1). 11 Figure 2.3: DT joint test setup [3] Figure 2.4: Experimental load-Displacement Curves for DT joints Under Brace/Chord Compression [3] 12 2.6. Finite Element Method Basic ideas of the finite element method originated from advances in aircraft structure analysis. In 1941, Hrenikoff presented a solution of elasticity problems using the “frame work method.” Courant’s paper, which used piecewise polynomial interpolation over triangular sub regions to model torsion problems, appeared in 1943 [12]. Turner, et al. derived stiffness matrices for truss, beam and other elements and presented their findings in 1956 [12]. The term finite element was first coined and used by Clough in 1960 [12]. In the early 1960s, engineers used the method for approximate solution of problems in stress analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer and other areas. Figure 2.5: A finite element model representing a real engineering problem [2] In 1970s, the finite element method was further consolidated by Zainkiewicz and Cheung, when they used this method to solve the general problems using Laplace and Poisson equation.[12]. Mathematicians developed the algorithm solution until Rayleigh-Ritz method became a main solution in certain general problem. Hinton and Crisfield give a big contribution in modelling and solution of non-linear 13 problem according to FEM. Figure 2.5 shows a finite element model of a real engineering problem. Solution of finite element can be summarised as involving the combination of several nodes to produce a small total unit that balance each other. The combination of many such units then form a model. Figure 2.6 shows a tubular joint finite element model. Figure 2.6: A tubular joint finite element model [5]. 14 2.6.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of the FEM The finite element method has several advantages; a) it can model complicated geometry b) it can be programmed into a computer software and this may avoid the need to perform laboratory test. c) it can analyse difference element characteristics in a matrix system d) it can handle non-linear behaviour involving high deformation and non-linear material. e) it can take the boundary conditions into account. But the finite element method has several disadvantages, i.e: a) it needs a professional to model an exact situation. b) it needs a computer with a high processor to run the analysis smoothly. c) The method is mesh sensitive so that it is necessary to try various element densities at critical areas before the results can be accepted. 15 2.7. Background of LUSAS LUSAS is computer software for structural analysis based on the finite element method; it was built by FEA Limited at United Kingdom. This software can be combined with the CAD function to show the modelling shapes, stress distribution sand post-processing shape changes. LUSAS is an associative feature-based modeller. The model geometry is entered in terms of features which are sub-divided (discretised) into finite elements in order to perform the analysis. Increasing the discretisation of the features will usually result in an increase in accuracy of the solution, but with a corresponding increase in solution time and disk space required. The features in LUSAS form a hierarchy that is volumes are comprised of surfaces, which in turn are made up of lines or combined lines, which are defined by points. 2.7.1. LUSAS Software Characteristic LUSAS software can analysis and organise complex structure problems and shapes including 3 dimensional structures. This software also can be used in dynamic structural analyses with temperature changes. LUSAS software can solve problems up to 5000 number of elements. 16 2.7.2. Procedure Analysis According to LUSAS Software There are 3 steps in the finite element analysis using the LUSAS software, which are as follows: a) Pre-processing phase Pre-processing involves creating a geometric representation of the structure, then assigning properties, then outputting the information as a formatted data file (.dat) suitable for processing by LUSAS. b) Finite Element Solver Sets of linear or nonlinear algebra equations are solved simultaneously to obtain nodal results, such as displacement values at different nodes or temperature values at different nodes in heat transfer problems. c) Result-Processing In this process, the results can be processed to show the contour of displacements, stresses, strains, reactions and other important information. Graphs as well as the deformed shapes of a model can be plotted. CHAPTER III MODELLING DT TUBULAR JOINT USING THE LUSAS SOFTWARE 3.1. Introduction This section explains the process to build the model and the process to run an elastic plastic analysis using LUSAS software. 3.2. Dimensions and Geometric Parameters The actual model is shown in the Figure 4.1. The symbols used for the DT joint in Figure 3.1 are defined as follows: a) D = Chord diameter b) d = brace diameter c) L = chord length d) l = brace length 18 Brace T=7.30 mm chord I = 749.5 mm D = 169.2 mm d = 88.5 mm L = 1400mm Figure 3.1: Model Geometric The dimensions of the DT joint tested by Kang et al. [3] are shown in Table 3.1. Joint DT D d L l (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 169.5 88.5 1400 749.5 Table 3.1: Dimensions (in mm) of the DT joint 19 3.3. Modelling Step for One eighth Model 3.3.1 New File The units used to generate the tubular DT joint model were Newton (N) and Meter (m). This section will described in detail the way to produce a one eighth of the overall DT joint as shown in Figure 3.2. Y X Z Figure 3.2: A one eighth surface of the DT joint model First, a new file was created to model the joint. The command file > new was chosen to create a new file as shown in Figure 3.3. 20 Figure 3.3: New model start up 3.3.2. To Generate One Eighth of The DT Joint Model The Command Geometry > Line > coordinates was used to create a straight line, L1. The dialogue box as shown in Figure 3.4 was displayed. Only two points were needed to create a straight line, which were P1 (0,0,0) and P2 (0.0846,0,0). These coordinates were entered into the coordinates dialogue box and line L1 was created as shown in Figure 3.5. 21 Figure 3.4: The dialogue box “Enter coordinates” Figure 3.5: Line L1 Next, line L1 was used to create a curve for the chord end. L1 was selected by clicking the left button of the mouse at L1 and then, the command Geometry > surface > by sweeping was used. 22 Figure 3.6: The sweep (rotate) dialogue box In the sweep dialogue box (see Figure 3.6), the option “rotate” was chosen. An angle of rotation of 90o in the XY plane was keyed in. A new surface, S1 was produced along with lines L2 and L3 (Figure 3.7). Figure 3.7: Surface S1, line L2 and L3 23 Surface S1, lines L1 and L2 must be deleted to create a hollow chord section. The command Delete was used to delete these entities only. Curve L3 remained as shown in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.8: Curve L3 The next step is to produce part of the chord of length 0.7 m by using the translation method. This was done by first selecting the Geometry > Surface > By sweeping command. The sweep dialogue box appeared as shown in Figure 3.9 and the translate option then chosen. Figure 3.9: The sweeping (translate) dialogue box 24 A value of 0.7 m was filled in the box associated with a translation in the Z direction. This represented part of the chord length. This is shown in Figure 3.10. The right button of the mouse was clicked and the Labels command was selected to label the lines and surface. Figure 3.10: The overall chord view The surface S1 need to be divided into two sections with a ratio of 0.75. The process started by selecting the surface S1 and then the command Geometry > Surface > By splitting > at parametric Distance was used. A dialogue box as shown in Figure 3.11 was displayed. Figure 3.12 shows the two new surfaces for the chord section, i.e surfaces S2 and S3. 25 Figure 3.11: The dialogue box to divide the chord surface L3 L9 L10 Y L11 L4 S2 Z X S3 L7 L8 Figure 3.12: The two new chord surface (S2 and S3) The next step is to create the brace surface. This surface was created to intersect the surface S3 with a length of 0.37475 m measured from the longitudinal axis of the chord. 26 The upper surface of the brace was created first. The command used to create the chord section was again used to create the upper brace section using a different set of coordinates. The coordinates (0,0.37475,0.7) and (0.04425,0.7) were used to form line L12 (see Figure 3.13). The command Dynamic Rotation can be used to view the model from various angles. Figure 3.13: Line L12 Then, the command Geometry > Surface > By sweeping was chosen to create curve to form the top part of the brace. The rotation option in the dialogue box was selected. A 90o rotation of line L12 were made in the XZ plane with the point (0,0.37475,0.7) acting as origin (Figure 3.14). The new surface , S4, was displayed as shown in Figure 3.15. 27 Figure 3.14: The dialogue box used to rotate line L12 L12 S4 L13 L14 L10 L9 L4 L11 L3 S3 S2 Y Z L8 L7 X Figure 3.15: New surface, S4, for the top brace section The surface S4 was no longer needed to form the overall brace surface. Line L14 need to be translated downward along the Y-axis to produce the brace surface. First, surface S4 was deleted by using the command Delete. Next, the command 28 Geometry > Surface > By Sweeping was selected. In the dialogue box, the option “Translate” was selected as shown in Figure 3.16. Line L14 was translate a distance of 0.34 m downward (hence –0.35 in Figure 4.16) along the y-axis. The new brace surface S4 was fully created after the translation process as shown in Figure 3.17. Figure 3.16: The sweep dialogue box S4 Y S3 S2 Z X Figure 3.17: Surface S4 was created 29 The chord member and the brace member must be joined together to form the connection. These process only involved surfaces S3 and S4 only. First, the brace surface, S4, was divided into two smaller surfaces along the brace length by selecting the command Geometry > Surface > By splitting > At equal Distance (Figure 3.18). Two new surfaces (S5 and S6) were created as shown in Figure 3.19. Figure 3.18: The Surface Splitting In Equal Distance dialogue box S5 S6 Y S3 S2 Z X Figure 3.19: Two new surfaces of the brace member after the splitting process. 30 The joining process was done by selecting all three surfaces involved i.e S3, S5 and S6. Then the command Geometry > Line > By Intersection was chosen and the option “Split intersecting Features” and “Delete Features On Splitting” were clicked. Figure 3.20 shows the model after the intersection process. S7 S11 S9 S6 S5 S8 S12 S10 S3 Y S2 Z X Figure 3.20: The model after the intersection process Surfaces S13 and S14 were no longer needed. To delete these surfaces, surfaces S2, S3, S7, S9, S13 and S15 were selected to make them invisible. Then the commands Geometry > Group > New Group were used. The command invisible was selected under the new group icon by clicking the right button of the mouse (Figure 3.21). 31 Figure 3.21: The new Group command After that, all items on display that needed to be deleted were selected, then the right button was clicked to delete these items. The right button was clicked once again at the New Group icon to view the remaining features of the model after the deletion process. The command visible was then selected. Figure 3.22 shows the model after the deletion process. Y Z X Figure 3.22: The DT joint model after the deletion process. 32 The surface S3 was selected and then the right button of the mouse was clicked to create a on the chord surface joining point P8 and P26. Then, the command Selection Memory > Set was selected. After that, points P8 and point P26 were selected and the command Geometry Line > By > Manifolding taken from the menu was chosen. Line L34 was created to connect these two points (Figure 3.23). The surface S3 must be made inactive for other steps of the modelling process by using the command Selection Memory > clear. Figure 3.23: Line L34 was created after the manifolding process Next the surface S3 must be separated into two sections. One surface was bounded by points P5, P24, P26 and P8, while the other surface was bounded by points P8, P9, P27 and P26. Surface S3 was deleted by clicking on it and, then the Delete button was pressed at the keyboard. Line L4 must be divided into 2 lines i.e lines L36 and L37 at point P24 (see Figure 3.24). To do this, the command Geometry > Line > by splitting > At A point was used. The same step was used to divide the line L10 into two i.e L38 and L39 at point P27 (see Figure 3.24). Then both lines L4 and L10 were deleted. 33 Figure 3.24: Line L4 and L10 must be separated at points P24 and P27 respectively For defining the new surface with the boundaries defined by points P5, P24, P26 and P8, lines L36, L24, L35, and L8 were selected by using Geometry > surface > Line > General Surface command. The new surface, which is S12, was obtained a result from the process. Once again, the same step was used to define the other new surface with the boundaries defined by points P26, P27, P9 and P8. Figure 3.25 shows the new surface S13 that had been created. 34 Figure 3.25: New surface S12 and S13 Finally, the unused lines which were L42 and L44 were deleted. Figure 3.26 shows the geometry of one eighth of DT joint model that use for the analysis. S7 S11 S12S13 S2 Y Z X Figure 3.26: One eighth of DT model joint 35 3.4. Nonlinear Model 3.4.1. Meshing There were two stages to define the meshing. The first stage was to define the surface meshing and then followed by defining the line meshing. Surface meshing gave a basic mesh to the model. For the analysis, line meshing was used for modification purpose to obtain an optimum mesh. The command Attributes > Mesh > surface was selected to define the surface meshing and a dialogue box appeared as shown in Figure 3.27. (In the “Generic element” Type box, “Thin Shell” was set and a “Regular mesh with Automatic Division” was selected). Quadrilateral was set into the Element shape box and Quadratic was set into the Interpolation order box to run non-linear analysis (for linear analysis, linear must be used instead). The name of the dataset was given as meshing and this was displayed in the treeview . The model was then selected by pressing the Ctrl-A button, then the surface mesh file (i.e “meshing”) at the treeview was clicked and dragged to the worksheet area. The DT joint model was now given with a basic mesh containing 4 divisions for each line (see Figure 3.28). 36 Figure 3.27:The dialogue box to define surface meshing Y Z X Figure 3.28: Model with the surface meshing definition The next stage was to define the line meshing where the aim was to indicate the size of the element at any line. First, the command Attributes > Mesh > Line was used. The “Feature Mesh definition” dialogue box was displayed. To set different sizes of element, the option of uniform transition ratio of last to first element was 37 selected. The value represent the ratio between size of the element at the end of a line to the size of element at the beginning of the line. 3.4.2. Geometric Definition The thickness of model which is 0.0075 m for the chord and 0.00545 m for brace can be defined by using the command Attributes > Geometric > Surface. Figure 3.29 shows the way to define the chord thickness in LUSAS. Figure 3.29: Surface Geometry dialogue box 38 3.4.3. Material Definition The model material can be defined by using the command Attributes > material > Isotropic. For this material, the value of Young modulus is 210 GN/m2 and a of poison’s Ratio of 0.3 was used (see Figure 3.30). Figure 3.30: Isotropic material dialogue box For the plastic material property, a value of uniaxial yield stress of 345 MN/m2 was used in all analysis. Figure 3.31 shows the way to set this value in LUSAS. Since the material is considered to be elastic perfectly plastic, therefore the hardening gradient was set to “0” and the ductility of the material was assumed as 1 (or at 100% plastic strain). Figure 3.31 shows the way to set these values into the LUSAS software. 39 Figure 3.31: The Isotropic material dialogue box to define the nonlinear material stress strain curve 3.4.4. Loading Definition The command Attributes > Loading > structural > global distribution was used to define the load while the option Unit length was clicked. A compression pressure of load -899180 N/m (see Figure 3.32) was placed at brace end (L19 and L20) as shown in Figure 3.33. However, LUSAS would apply this load in incremental manner until the analysis stopped. The detail calculation to establish this loading is given in Appendix A. 40 Figure 3.32: The structural Loading Dataset dialogue box Y Z X Figure 3.33: Model with the loading at the brace end. 41 3.4.5. Support Definition The command menu Attributes > Support > structural was used to defined the support condition of the model. A dialogue box Structural support appeared as shown in Figure 3.34. Figure 3.34: The Structural Support dialogue box The support conditions set in the dialogue box were meant for all nodes lying on lines L7 and L8 (see Figure 3.35). These nodes were prevented from moving along the y-axis and at the same time they are also prevented from rotating about the z-axis. A dataset name was given as shown in Figure 3.34 and this was placed by LUSAS in the treeview. To apply the above restraint conditions to all nodes on lines L7 and L8, lines L7 and L8 were selected using the left hand button of the mouse. Then the button was clicked, all the datasets in the treeview would appear on the screen. Using the mouse, the dataset fix y rotation z was selected by clicking the left hand button, dragged and “let lose” on the model. For all other nodes on the lines shown in Table 3.2, a similar procedure was adopted to apply the relevant restraint conditions on those nodes. 42 If an elastic analysis was run, the restraints conditions as shown in Figure 3.35 would appear in the computer screen. However, if an elastic plastic analysis was performed, the restraint conditions will be a little different and these are shown in Figure 3.36. Node at Line Prevented from Prevented from Dataset translating in the rotation about at L7, L8 Y- axis Z – axis Fix Y, rotation Z L9, L38 X – axis Z – axis Fix X, rotation Z L32 X – axis Y – axis Fix X, rotation y L25 Z - axis Y – axis Fix Z, rotation Y L3 X, Y – axis Free Fix XY L19, L20 Free Free Free L36 Z – axis XY – axis Fix Z, rotation XY Table 3.2 Support condition for one-eighth model L20 L19 L25L27 L32 L24 L34 L38 L11 L36 L8 L9 L3 L35 Y L7 Z X Figure 3.35: Model with restraint conditions after elastic analysis 43 L20L19 L25L27 L32 L24 L36 L8 L34L38 L11 L9 L3 L35 Y L7 Z X Figure 3.36: Model with restrain conditions after elastic plastic analysis 3.4.6. Nonlinear Control Nonlinear analysis control properties were defined as properties of a loadcase. The nonlinear analysis help to determine the load at which the tubular joint failed. In the treeview the name load case 1 was given and the option “nonlinear & transient” was selected as shown in Figure 3.37. 44 Figure 3.37: The properties dialogue box Figure 3.38: The Nonlinear & Transient dialogue box Figure 3.38 shows the next dialogue box which is “Nonlinear & Transient”. In this dialogue box, the option nonlinear under the heading of “Incrementation” was selected and automatic was set into the “incrementation” box. A starting load factor of 0.05 was set. The “max change in load factor” of 0.1 was added to restrict the second and subsequent load increment sizes to ensure sufficient points were obtained 45 in the load deflection behaviour of the joint. “Max total load factor” was set to 0 meaning no limit on the maximum load factor was imposed. The number of desired “Iterations per increment” was changed to 4. Then, the advance button in the “Incrementation” section was clicked and the dialogue box as shown in Figure 3.39 appeared. Under the termination criteria section, the “Terminate on value of limiting variable” option was selected and in the point number option box, node 12 was selected from list of nodes. The “Variable type” was set as V which represented the deflection of the selected node in the Y direction and the analysis would be terminated when the deflection reached a value of 10 m in the opposite direction of y. Figure 3.39:The advance nonlinear incrementation parameters dialogue box For geometric nonlinear analysis, option button under the “Incrementation” heading of Figure 3.38 was clicked. The option geometric with Total Lagragian was selected. The model now was now ready to undergo analysis. Run icon was clicked to run the analysis using LUSAS solver. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS, RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Introduction A number of preliminary investigations were performed to get a good finite element model similar to the model tested by Kang et al. [3]. 4.2. One eight Model vs. Full Model. Since there was symmetry in terms of joint geometry and loading, to take the advantage of this aspect, only one eighth of the actual joint was generated and this is shown in Figure 5.1. This model is called Model A. 47 Y Z X Figure 4.1: One eighth of DT joint (Model A) The use of Model A would not only same effort in generating the model but also would save running time and disk space during elastic plastic analysis. All nodes at the support were not allowed to move in x and y directions but they were allowed to move in the z direction. Thin shells elements were used through out. The value of Young’s Modulus E=210 GN/m2 and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 were used. An elastic plastic analysis was run using Model A. Material nonlinearity was included where the elastic perfectly plastic material stress strain curve as shown in Figure 4.2 was used, where σy = 340 MN/m2 and a ductility at failure of 100% was assumed. 48 σ σy = 340 100% ε Figure 4.2: An elastic perfectly plastic material model A axial compression pressure load was applied incrementally at the brace end by LUSAS until a limit load was reached. The results (for Model A) of this analysis is shown in Figure 4.3 with a limit load of 126 kN Load displacement graph test failure load =221.2 kN 250 Load (kN) 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 Displacement (mm) Figure 4.3: Load displacement graphs for Model A. Next, another analysis was carried out but using a full model (model B) (see Figure 4.4). Model B produced a limit load of 138 kN. 49 Y X Z Figure 5.4: Full DT joint model B Clearly, the limit load of model A is 9% lower when comparison is made the limit load of Model B. This shows that the one eighth DT joint can predict the failure load sufficiently accurately and therefore it can be used for all subsequent investigations. The use model A helped to reduce the running time for subsequent investigations as well as it help to reduce the use of disk space during each analysis. 4.3. Type of Support Conditions In his paper, Kang et al. [3] did not mention clearly the type of support he used for the ends of chord. Therefore further investigation was necessary to choose which was the most effective between a simply supported chord and fully fixed chord ends. Elastic-plastic analyses were performed to get the failure loads for both cases. Only material nonlinearitiy was included. 50 The simply supported chord give a failure load of about 43% lower then the test failure load. The chord with fixed supports, on the other hand, gave a failure load, which is about 30% lower than the test value. Figure 4.5 show the loaddisplacement results for both type of supports. Clearly, the chord with fixed support give a better comparison. This support type were used for subsequent investigations. Load- displacement graph test failure load =221.2 kN 250 Load (kN) 200 simply supported 150 100 fixed 50 0 0 50 100 150 Displacement (mm) Figure 4.5: Load-displacement graphs for both types of support 4.4. Type of Nonlinearity Two types of non-linearities were investigated a) material nonlinearities b) material plus geometric nonlinearities 51 The effect of these two types of nonlinearities on the failure load of DT joint was investigated. In both cases, the chord was fixed at all nodes at its ends in terms of translation and rotation. The model with material nonlinearity only give a failure load of 156 kN i.e. about 30% lower than the test failure load. However, when material and geometric nonlinearity were included, the failure load is 102 kN which is about 54% lower compared with the test failure load. Table 4.1 show the summary of the finite element prediction loads compared with the test failure load. Type of support Maximum load with Maximum load with material material nonlinearity plus geometric nonlinearity (kN) (kN) 156 Fixed (30% lower than test value) 102 (54% lower than test value) Table 4.1: Summary of maximum load with a different type of nonlinearities On the basis of the above findings, both material and geometric nonlinearities were included in subsequent analyses. Figure 4.6 shows the load displacement response for both nonlinearity types. 52 Load vs.displacement graph test failure load = 221.2 kN 250 Load (kN) 200 150 material nonlinearity material plus geometric 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 Displacement (mm) Figure 4.6: Load-displacement graph response for both nonlinearities type 5.5. Mesh Convergence Study A mesh convergence study was carried out by performing nonlinear analysis of the DT joint model under brace compression pressure loading by increasing the row of elements applied on the chord wall around the brace. Table 4.2 shows the static strength results of the study. The load displacement curve for each analysis is plotted in Figure 4.7. It can be seen that the results are very close with a maximum difference of about 5% between 4 divisions of elements on the chord wall adjacent to the brace and that of 10 divisions. Even though a mesh with 4 divisions was adequate for use in the subsequence parameter study, a mesh with 9 divisions was used instead. Running with 9 divisions of element on the chord wall around the brace produced a failure load of 97 kN. 53 The experimental failure load result of a similar joint was 221.2 kN as reported by Kang et al. [3] So, the difference between the LUSAS results (with 9 divisions) and the test results is only about 56%. The failure mode of the finite element model (9 divisions) is shown in Figure 4.8. The failure mode of the model tested by Kang et al. [3] is shown in Figure 4.9. From both of these figures, it can be seen that both failure modes resemble each other quite well Mesh division Maximum load (kN) 4 102 5 100 6 99 7 98 8 98 9 97 10 97 Table 4.2: Result of mesh convergence study Mesh convergence studies test failure load = 221.2 kN 250 Load (kN) 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 div=4 div=5 div=6 div=7 div=8 div=9 div=10 60 Displacement (mm) Figure 4.7: Load displacement graphs of DT joint with various number of finite element division. 54 Figure 4.8: Failure mode of FE model. Figure 4.9:Failure mode of DT joint model tested by Kang et al. [3] 55 4.6. Parametric Study In this section, the results of a parameter study are presented. The effects of the geometric parameter α, β, γ and τ on the failure load F (i.e the static strength) of the DT joint model were investigated where α, β, γ, τ are defined in Figure 2.2 on page 7. Also, the effect of changing the yield stress σy of the material on the failure load F of the DT joint model was studied. Finally, a simple equation for the failure load F in terms of α, β, γ, τ and σy is proposed. In all analysis, the mesh with 9 divisions of elements on the chord arranged around the brace was used. 4.6.1 Relationship Between Failure Load, F and α (=2L/D) Figure 4.10 shows the results of the failure load when α was varied. It can be seen that as α increases, the failure load, F, decreases. This is to be expected that as the length of the chord increases, the effect of overall (global) chord bending become more and more significant which causes F to decrease. A straight line can be drawn passing through most of the points. An equation connecting F and α can be proposed as follows; F = -2.7 α + 197.4 (4.1) Equation (4.1) is valid within the following range of α i.e 11.8≤ α ≤23.5. 56 F (kN) F vs α 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 F= -2.6873α + 197.4 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 α Figure 4.10: Relationship between F and α 4.6.2 Relationship Between Failure Load, F and β (=d/D) Figure 4.11 shows the failure load results when β (= d/D) was varied. An increase in β means the chord diameter decreases. Hence, the moment of inertia of the chord will decrease and this will lower the capacity of the chord to carry load. Therefore, the trend of results as given in Figure 4.11 is to be expected. An equation relating F and β can be proposed as follows, F = -277.3 β + 292.4 (4.2) Equation (4.2) is valid within the following range of β i.e 0.3 ≤ β ≤ 0.6. 57 F vs β 150 F (kN) 130 y = -277.28β + 292.35 110 90 70 50 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 β Figure 4.11:Relationship between F and β 4.6.3 Relationship Between Failure Load, F and γ (=D/2T) Figure 4.12 shows data involving the values of the failure load, F, at different values of γ (=D/2T). As expected , a thicker chord (with a lower γ) have a bigger failure load compared to a thinner chord (with a bigger γ).The best straight line can be drawn connecting the points and an equation relating F and γ is proposed an follows; F = -12.3γ + 353 (4.3) Equation (4.3) is valid within the following range of γ i.e 11 ≤ γ ≤ 30 58 F vs γ 120 F (kN) 100 80 F = -12.335γ + 352.99 60 40 20 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 γ Figure 4.12: Relationship between F and γ 4.6.4 Relationship Between Failure Load, F and τ (=t/T) The results of the failure load, F of the DT joint model when τ (=t/T) are varied are shown in Figure 4.13. A thicker chord (with a low τ) will have a bigger failure F than a thinner chord (with a bigger τ). However the results of F shown in Figure 4.13 give the opposite trend. At present, it is difficult to explain the relation between F and τ produced by LUSAS here. The best straight line is drawn through the points and an equation relating F and τ ισproposed i.e F = 66.3τ + 102 (4.4) Equation (4.4) is valid within the following range of τ i.e 0.2 ≤ τ ≤ 0.6. 59 F (kN) F vs τ 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 F = 66.314τ + 102.07 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 τ Figure 4.13: Relationship between F and τ 4.6.5 Relationship Between Failure Load, F and σy Figure 4.14 shows the effect of increasing the yield stress of the material on the failure F of the DT joint model. As expected as the chord yield stress increases, the failure load F will also increase as confirmed by the trend of results. An equation relating F and σy is proposed as follows; F = 0.19σy + 32.2 (4.5) Equation (4.5) is valid within the following range of σ i.e 250 ≤ σy ≤ 650 60 F vs. σy 160 F = 0.1878σy+ 32.198 F (kN) 140 120 100 80 60 200 300 400 500 600 700 2 σy (MN/m ) Figure 5.14: Relationship between F vs. σy Combining the first the four equations below together i.e F = -2.7 α + 197.4 (4.1) F = -277.3 β + 292.4 (4.2) F = -12.3γ + 353 (4.3) F = 66.3t + 102 (4.4) F = 0.19σy + 32.2 (4.5) The following equation will be obtained, 4F = (- 2.6873α -277.28β -12.335γ + 66.314τ + ) + (197.4+292.35+352.99+102.07) F =- 0.672α -69.32β -3.08γ + 16.58τ + 236.2 (4.6) 61 Then Equation 4.6 is added to Equation 4.5 2F =(- 0.672α -69.32β -3.08γ + 16.58τ + 236.2) + (0.1878σy + 32.198) F = - 0.336α -34.66β -1.54γ + 8.29τ + 0.09σy + 134.2 (4.7) Equation 4.7 represents a simple equation relating the static strength of DT joints with the geometric parameters α, β, γ, and τ and yield stress σy. Equation 4.7 is valid within the following range of geometric parameter ratio i.e. 11.8 ≤ α ≤ 23.5 0.3 ≤ β ≤ 0.6 11 ≤ γ ≤ 30 0.2 ≤ τ ≤ 0.6 250 ≤ σy ≤ 650 Finally, it is necessary to compare the static strength of DT joint model obtained by using Equation 4.7 with the test static strength obtained by Kang et al.[3] and the static strength obtained using LUSAS. The data of the DT joint model are listed again. t = 5.45mm d = 88.5mm T = 7.3mm D = 169.5mm L = 1400mm 62 α = 2L/D = 16.5192 β = d/D 0.5221 γ = D/2T = 11.6096 τ = t/T = 0.7466 σy = 340 MN/m2 = From Equation 4.7 the failure load was obtained was 129.9 kN which is 41.3% less than the test failure load (i.e 221.2 kN) and 27.5% higher than that predicted by LUSAS finite element software (i.e 98 kN). CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 5.1. Conclusion A finite element elastic plastic analysis was carried out using LUSAS software to obtain the static strength of a tubular DT joint. From this study, it can be conclude that: i) One-eighth model is considered suitable to predict the static strength of tubular DT joint. ii) From the mesh convergence study, by comparing the static strength results with difference divisions of element on the chord wall arranged around the brace, the mesh with 9 divisions was chosen as the optimum mesh. iii) From the analysis the failure load (i.e the static strength) of the DT joint obtained by LUSAS was 98 kN compared to the 64 experimental value, which is 221.2 kN. The difference is about 56%. iv) A simple equation is proposed to calculate the static strength of a tubular DT joint model as follows: F = - 0.336α -34.66β -1.54γ + 8.29τ + 0.09σy + 134.2 This equation is valid within the following range of geometric parameter ratios i.e; 11.8 ≤ α ≤ 23.5 0.3 ≤ β ≤ 0.6 11 ≤ γ ≤ 30 0.2 ≤ τ ≤ 0.6 250 ≤ σy ≤ 650 5.2. Suggestion There are several suggestion for future studies; i) Other softwares such as ABAQUS or COSMOS-M can be used to obtain the static strength result of a DT joint. ii) The analysis can be extended by having axial compression loading on the chord and brace to compare with the experimental results obtained by Kang et al. [3] REFERENCES 1. Lecture Note MAB 1093, “ Analysis, design and construction of marine structure,” 2004-2005. 2. LUSAS modeller User Manual (1999), LUSAS FEA Version 13 3. Kang, C.T., Moffat, D. G. and Mistry, J., “Strength of DT Tubular Joints With Brace and Chord Compression”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 7, 1998. 4. Wimpey Laboratories Limited, “Report on UEG Project definition study on design guidance on tubular joints in steel offshore structure,’ Volumes I and II, 1980. 5. 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