THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATURAL VENTILATION DESIGN IN LOW COST HOUSING MD HANAFIAH AMIN B. ABDULLAH @ ABU BAKAR UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA 2005 PSZ 19 : 16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL : THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATURAL VENTILATION DESIGN IN LOW COST HOUSING SESI PENGAJIAN : 2004/ 2005 Saya MD HANAFIAH AMIN B. ABDULLAH @ ABU BAKAR mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/ Sarjana/ Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di perpustakaan universiti teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan sperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hak milik universiti teknologi Malaysia Perpustakaan universiti teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. *Sila tandakan (!) ! SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/ badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD __________________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) ________________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap : 141-C Kampung Sura Tengah, 23000 Dungun Terengganu Dr. Shaiful Amri b. Mansur Tarikh : 14 Mac 2005 Tarikh : _________________________ CATATAN : * ** " Potong yang tidak berkenaan Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada surat daripada pihak berkuasa/ organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau serasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau laporan projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION “I/ We * hereby declare that I/ We have read this thesis and in my/ our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the Master of Engineering (Construction Management)” Signature : …………………………………. Name of Supervisor I : Dr. Shaiful Amri B. Mansur Date : …………………………………. * Delete as necessary BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _______________dengan ____________________. Disahkan oleh : Tandatangan : ……………………………… Nama : ……………………………… Jawatan (Cop rasmi) : ……………………………… * Tarikh : ………………... Jika penyertaan tesis/ projek melibatkan kerjasama BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : ……………………………….. : ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam I : Dr. Shaiful Amri B. Mansur : Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam UTM, Skudai Pemeriksa Dalam II : Nama Penyelian Lain : (Jika ada) Disahkan oleh Penolong Pendaftar di Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah: Tandatangan : ……………………………… Nama : ……………………………… Tarikh : ………………... THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATURAL VENTILATION DESIGN IN LOW COST HOUSING MD. HANAFIAH AMIN B. ABDULLAH A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Engineering (Construction Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2005 ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled ‘The Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation Design in Low Cost Housing’ is the result of my own research except as cited in reference. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : …………………………………. Name of Candidate : Md. Hanafiah Amin B. Abdullah @ Abu Bakar Date : March, 2005 iii DEDICATION To my beloved wife and family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this project, I was contact with many people, researchers, acedemians and practioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main project supervisor, Dr. Shaiful Amri Mansur, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. Also, I wish to thank the following individuals who are En. Razaman bin Udin and Puan Norizan from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government for their valuable information, En. Shukri B. Shuib from Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) and Assc. Prof. Seti Mariam Bt. Ayop from Universiti Teknologi Mara. I am grateful for their cooperation and willingness to assist me in this matter. My thanks also go to the residents of Section 18, 20 and 24, who took part in the study especially, Mohd. Najib, Norzila, Haslinda and Nurul Huda for their assistance. Last but not least, I wish to thank my beloved parents, Tuan Haji Abdullah @ Abu Bakar B. Che’ Min and Hajjah Wan Meriam Binti Wan Sulaiman, my wife Nurhasyimah Ishak and not forgetting friends, Nur Azfahani Ahmad and Mukram Idris who gave me their undivided attention and support throughout this research. v ABSTRACT Housing low-income families is one of the greatest problems that ail humanity. With the ever increasing awareness and concerns in building low cost houses for the low-income earners the government had set up in the 7th Malaysia Plan (1996 – 2000) a target to reach 200,000 units of low cost houses to accommodate this group. This was announced by the former Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Datuk Ting Chew Peh. Despite the steps that have been taken has it really given these people a healthy and comfortable living environment? From what has been observed most flats and low cost terraces are poorly built. This includes the materials used and also the design of the building such as openings for ventilation. Ventilation design in particular has not been taken into great consideration where problems such as window openings that do not follow the standard size requirement and rooms not having any openings at all still exist to this day. The purpose of this research was to identify the effectiveness and occupant’s satisfaction level of the design of natural ventilation for low cost terrace houses. A study will be done on single and double storey houses as well as renovated single and double. The effectiveness of these designs will be assessed from the type of occupants, the time heat is most felt and the frequency of mechanical equipment used. In order to identify the level of satisfaction among occupants, a test is conducted by using a comfy meter. From the surveys and findings being carried out, it was found that the UBBL requirements that are applied to the low cost houses are no longer viable or effective. The results achieved are only in theoretical forms and can be applied for further study in order to obtain a more accurate and suitable multi design component. The results can also be applied to other problems. vi ABSTRAK Pembinaan rumah untuk golongan berpendapatan rendah adalah satu masalah yang telah lama menghantui manusia. Dengan kesedaran yang semakin meningkat untuk menyediakan dan membina rumah kos rendah untuk golongan tersebut, kerajaan telah mengatur strategi dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-7 (RM7) Ini telah dimaklumkan oleh bekas Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Dato’ Tin Chew Peh. Walaupun demikian, persekitaran yang diwujudkan dalam rumah tersebut tidak menyumbang kepada persekitaran yang sihat dan selesa. Dari kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh pelbagai pihak, kebanyakan rumah-rumah kos rendah yang dibina kurangkan memuaskan. Ini termasuklah pengunaan bahan binaan serta rekabentuk bangunan yang digunakan seperti bukaan dan pengudaraan. Rekabentuk pengudaraan ini kurang diberi perhatian dimana masalah seperti bukaan tingkap yang tidak mengikut keperluan saiz piawai. Terdapat juga bilik dan ruang yang tidak mempunyai sebarang bukaan pada dinding yang masih wujud sehingga hari ini. Tujuan penyelidikan ini dijalankan ialah untuk mengenalpasti keberkesanan dan kepuasan penduduk terhadap pengudaraan semula jadi bagi rumah teres kos rendah. Penyelidikan juga akan dilakukan pada rumah satu dan dua tingkatdan juga rumah yang telah diubahsuai. Keberkesanan rekabentuk akan dinilai melalui jenis-jenis penduduk, waktu kepanasan atau keadaan paling tidak selasa yang paling kerap dirasai, dan kekerapan penggunaan peralatan mekanikal. Untuk mengenalpasti tahap kepuasan penduduk, sebuah alat yang dinamakan sebagai ‘Comfy Meter’ digunakan untuk tujuan pengukuran dan mengambil data. Daripada penyelidikan dan penemuan yang diperolehi menunjukkan keperluan yang digunapakai di dalam Uniform Building By Law (UBBL) untuk rekabentuk sudah tidak relevan. Ini kerana banyak faktor lain yang mempengaruhi keadaan persekitaran yang menjadikan ia tidak vii relevan. Keputusan yang diperolehi adalah dalam bentuk teori dan dan hanya dapat digunakan untuk kajian selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan kajian pelbagai bagi mendapatkan suatu keputusan yang lebih tepat dan keputusan ini boleh digunakan untuk tujuan kajian dari aspek lain. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENT viii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xvii INTRODUCTION 1.1. General 1 1.2. Sources of Data 2 1.2.1. Primary data 2 1.2.2. Secondary data 3 1.3. Aim 3 1.4. Objective of Study 3 1.5. Scope of Limitation 4 1.6. Problem Statement 5 1.7. Methodology 5 1.7.1. 7 Literature Review ix CHAPTER 2. TITLE PAGE 1.7.2. Site Survey 7 1.7.3. Interviews 8 1.7.4. Site measurement 9 1.8. Organization of thesis 15 1.9. Conclusion 18 LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION 2.1. General 19 2.2. Definition 20 2.3. The Purpose of Ventilation 21 2.4. Effects of Ventilation 22 2.4.1. Air Quality 22 2.4.2. Energy 24 2.4.3. Comfort 24 2.5. 2.6 Types of Ventilation Openings 2.5.1. Introduction 25 2.5.2. Natural Ventilation 26 2.5.3. Mechanical Ventilation 28 Natural and Mechanical Ventilation 29 2.6.1. Natural Ventilation 30 2.6.2. Mechanical Ventilation 32 2.8 Mechanical Ventilation 32 2.9. Volume of Air Required 34 2.10. Ventilation Problems in Buildings 2.10.1. Factors that Influence the Increase of 35 35 Temperature in Buildings 2.10.2. Factors That Increase The Temperature 36 In Terms of Design 2.11. Thermal comfort 37 2.12. Principles of thermal Comfort 38 2.13. Conclusion 41 x CHAPTER 3. TITLE PAGE LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION IN LOW COST HOUSES 3.1. General 42 3.2. The Concept of Low Cost Housing 43 3.3. Low Cost Housing in Selangor 44 3.3.1. 44 The Aim For Squatter-free City By 2005 3.4. Malaysian Environment and Climate 46 3.5. Existing Low Cost Housing System 47 3.5.1. Timber Houses 47 3.5.2. Concrete Blocks 48 3.5.3. Bricks 49 3.6. Current Design Condition 49 3.7. Design Requirement 50 3.7.1. The Building 50 3.7.2. Infrastructure 50 3.7.3. Landscape 51 3.8. Building Plan Approval 51 3.9. Design Guidelines for Low Cost Housing (Single 51 and Double Storey Terraced Houses) 3.9.1. Layout and Design of Buildings 52 3.9.2. Floor Area 52 3.9.3. Area of Kitchen 52 3.9.4. Bathroom and Toilet 53 3.9.5. Living and Dining Room 53 3.9.6. Storage Room 53 3.9.7. Number of Rooms 54 3.9.8. Floor Area 54 3.9.9. Finishes and Cladding 55 3.10. The Requirement in the Ventilation Design of Low 58 Cost Houses 3.10.1. Direction of Wind, Sun and Rain 58 3.10.2. Heat Stress and Ventilation 59 xi CHAPTER TITLE 3.11. Natural Lighting and Ventilation 59 3.11.1. Room height 60 3.11.2. Party wall 60 3.11.3. Other structural elements 60 3.11.4. Staircase 61 3.11.5. Safety bars for windows 61 3.12. Conclusion 4 PAGE 61 CASE STUDIES 4.1. Introduction 63 4.2. History of Shah Alam 64 4.3. Field Study 64 4.4. Objectives 65 4.5. Introduction To The Case Study 65 4.6. Background Of Case Study 66 4.7. Case Study No.1 – Single And Double Storey 68 Terraced Houses at Section 18 4.8. 4.9.1. Respondents 69 4.9.2. General Description 69 4.9.3. Building Design 72 4.9.4. Dimensions Of Windows And Doors 72 4.9.5. Testing 73 4.9.6. Conclusion 88 Case Study No. 2 - Single Storey Terraced Houses 89 at Section 20 4.10.1. Respondents 90 4.10.2. General Description 90 4.10.3. Building Design 91 4.10.4. Dimensions Of Windows And Doors 93 4.10.5. Testing 94 4.10.6. Conclusion 108 xii CHAPTER TITLE 4.9. Case Study No. 2-Single Storey Terraced Houses PAGE 109 at Section 24 5 4.9.1. Respondents 110 4.9.2. General Description 110 4.9.3. Dimensions Of Windows And Doors 112 4.9.4. Testing 113 4.9.5. Conclusion 123 ANALYSIS AND FINDING 5.1. Analysis of Question 1 to 4 129 5.2. Type of Low Cost Terrace 130 5.3. Type of Occupant 132 5.4. The Time Heat Is Most Felt 133 5.5. Provision of Mechanical Ventilation 135 5.6. The Frequency Of Mechanical Ventilation Being 136 Turned On During The Day 5.7. The Main Causes Of Heat 137 5.8. Satisfaction In The Number And Size Of 139 Openings 5.9. Recommendation and Suggestion To Improve 141 The Quality of Ventilation 6 5.10. Thermal Comfort 146 5.11. Conclusion 148 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1. Recommendation 149 6.2. Conclusion 152 6.3. Recommendation for Further Study 154 REFERENCES xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE NO. PAGE 1.1 Predicted Mean Value 15 2.1 Typical fresh Air Supply Rates 35 3.1 Mechanical Properties of Hollow Blocks 49 3.2 Minimum requirement of type of floor finishes 55 3.3 Minimum requirement of type of wall finishes 56 3.4 Minimum requirement of type of cladding 57 4.1 Details of Low Cost Housing in Shah Alam 67 4.2 Details of Low Cost Housing in Shah Alam 67 4.3 Number of Houses Surveyed 69 4.4 Specification of materials for low cost houses in Section 18 70 4.5 General built up area for single storey low cost houses at 71 Section 18 4.6 General built up area for double storey low cost houses at 71 Section 18 4.8 Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low 72 cost houses (2 bedroom) at Section 18 4.9 Dimension of windows and doors for double storey low 73 cost houses at Section 18 4.10 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 74 sample 1 4.11 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 76 sample 1 4.12 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 1 77 xiv TABLE TITLE PAGE Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 79 NO. 4.13 sample 2 4.14 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 80 sample 2 4.15 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 82 2 4.16 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 85 3 4.17 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 86 3 4.18 Number of Houses Surveyed 90 4.19 Specification of materials for low cost houses in Section 20 92 4.20 General description of built up area for single storey low 93 cost houses at Section 20 4.21 Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low 94 cost houses at Section 20 4.22 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 95 sample 4 4.23 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 96 sample 4 4.24 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 98 4 4.25 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 99 sample 5 4.26 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 101 sample 5 4.27 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 102 5 4.28 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 6 104 xv TABLE TITLE PAGE Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 105 NO. 4.29 sample 6 4.30 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 107 6 4.31 Number of Houses Surveyed 110 4.32 Specification of materials for low cost houses in Section 24 111 4.33 General description of built up area for single storey low 112 cost houses at Section 24 4.34 Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low 113 cost houses at Section 24 4.35 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 114 sample 7 4.36 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 115 sample 7 4.37 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 117 7 4.38 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 118 sample 8 4.39 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 120 sample 8 4.40 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 121 8 4.41 Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – 123 sample 9 4.42 Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – 124 sample 9 4.43 Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 126 9 5.1 Type of low cost terrace 130 5.2 Type of occupant 132 5.3 The time heat is most felt 133 xvi TABLE TITLE NO. PAGE 5.4 Provision of mechanical ventilation 135 5.5 frequency of mechanical ventilation being turned on during 136 the day 5.6 The main causes of heat 138 5.7 Satisfaction in the number and size of openings 140 5.8 Recommendation and suggestion to improve the quality of 141 ventilation xvii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE NO. PAGE 1.1 Methodology 6 1.2 Compartment of Comfy Meter 10 1.3 Connection of the Comfy Meter Compartment 11 1.4 Port Bar 12 4.1 Double storey low cost terraced houses at Section 68 18 4.2 PPD against PPD 72 4.3 PPD against PPD 76 4.4 PPD against PPD 78 4.5 PPD against PPD 80 4.6 PPD against PPD 81 4.7 PPD against PPD 83 4.8 PPD against PPD 84 4.9 PPD against PPD 86 4.10 PPD against PPD 87 4.11 89 4.12 Single storey low cost terraced houses at Section 20 PPD against PPD 4.13 PPD against PPD 97 4.14 PPD against PPD 99 4.15 PPD against PPD 100 4.16 PPD against PPD 102 4.17 PPD against PPD 103 4.18 PPD against PPD 105 96 xviii FIGURE TITLE NO. PAGE 4.19 PPD against PPD 106 4.20 PPD against PPD 108 4.21 Single storey low cost houses at Section 24 109 4.22 PPD against PPD 115 4.23 PPD against PPD 116 4.24 PPD against PPD 118 4.25 PPD against PPD 119 4.26 PPD against PPD 121 4.27 PPD against PPD 122 4.28 PPD against PPD 124 4.29 PPD against PPD 125 4.30 PPD against PPD 127 5.1 Type of low cost terrace 131 5.2 Type of occupant 132 5.4 The heat is most felt 134 5.5 Provision of mechanical ventilation provided 135 5.7 frequency of mechanical ventilation being turned 137 on during the day 5.8 The main causes of heat 138 5.9 Satisfaction in the number and size of openings 140 5.10 Recommendation and suggestion to improve the 142 quality of ventilation CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. GENERAL The effectiveness of thermal performance depends on natural atmospheric conditions, microclimate and the operating of windows or other opening in the building being ventilated, in which the occupants control the operation of the openings. These indoor quality problems have been associated with poor plan maintenance, high concentration of internally generated pollutants and low indoor air supply rates. A good flow of air movement can provide comfortable natural ventilation and thermal conditions and healthy environment besides reducing the requirement for mechanical ventilation. Careful design of the internal spaces and openings allows airflows driven by the buoyancy of warmer air to draw cooler fresh air into building. Removing the need for ventilation equipments can save money and space and also reduces health risks associated with highly serviced ‘sick building syndrome’. 2 This project is important because the conditions of the environment in low cost housing are not up to standard. This is because the various problems that arise are not well understood. The main problems found on the natural ventilation of low cost housing are to fulfil the demand of occupants and followed by the limitation of land, design, which influences the thermal performance of the building. As mentioned above, there are no specified rules or regulations in order to eradicate the problems for the relevant parties to follow the standard procedure. 1.2. SOURCES OF DATA Sources of data are vitally important in order to obtain information necessary for this research. The sources of data will support the facts that have been gathered and as a means to make certain decisions and obtaining results. Many of the information will come from the various government agencies including Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) and MBSA along with the feedback from the occupants themselves. These sources of data will come in two forms:- 1.2.1. Primary Data Primary data will be obtained orally from interviews on the occupants and officers, case studies and so forth which rely on individuals and their cooperation. This will be the first stage of getting primary data. 3 1.2.2. Secondary Data Secondary data will be obtained from written and officially and unofficially published sources such as journals, books related articles and extracts from past research. 1.3. AIM The aim of the study is to improved the natural ventilation design for low cost housing in Malaysia. The improvement will facilitate the government bodies and agencies in term of assisting them in making their development planning on low cost housing. 1.4. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY Generally, an objective is a means of achieving a required target by undergoing a research on the related topic. Among the objectives that will be reached are the following: - 1.4.1. To identify the effectiveness and thermal sensation level of the design of ventilation openings in low cost houses. 1.4.2. To determine whether these houses are built according to the Uniform Building By Laws (UBBL). 4 1.4.3. To proposed recommendation to improved the aspects of natural ventilation design in these houses. 1.5. SCOPE OF LIMITATION The study will be on the concerns of the design of ventilation openings and layout principally in low cost houses in Seksyen 18, 20 and 24 at Shah Alam, which is the related case study. The research will be concentrated on the single and double storey terrace as well as renovated houses. To obtain direct facts interviews visits will be carried out was distributed to the occupants and others who are concerned with the research. There will be no study made on outdoor climate and air exchange rate. To measure thermal sensation level, the tests are conducted in the morning, afternoon and night on residential low cost houses. These houses will be chosen based on the similarity in design principle, opening and material. The reasons for conducting these tests are: - 1.5.1. To collect various data related to indoor thermal condition that emphasize on air temperature, relative humidity, air speed, mean radiant temperature, and operative temperature. 1.5.2. To determine the natural ventilation present in each houses which highlight on the thermal sensation level, i.e. cold, cool, slightly warm, warm and hot. Also the level of dissatisfaction can be determined once the sensation level has been identified. 5 1.6. PROBLEM STATEMENT As we are all aware, low cost houses and flats are built to accommodate those who have low and medium income with prices as low as RM 25,000 and over. Therefore the qualities of these houses are not always up to the standard. In terms of ventilation these houses do not even have proper windows and some do not even have any openings for air. The spaces provided are often too small. Improper ventilation can result in poor air circulation which means poor air quality, a built up of excessive heat inside the house, and excessive use of electricity because fans are turned on most of the time as well as other contributing factors. Throughout the years this has been an ongoing problem that needs to be improved if not solved. These occupants should not be neglected as they have equal rights as the others. Malaysia, as a developing country should play a greater role in housing its people in better living condition. 1.7. METHODOLOGY A methodology is a method of how such information should be gathered, analyzed and maintained. This information comes from various sources either from primary or secondary data. The information gathering starts from the third semester and with the guide of the set objectives it will be ensured that it will go according to plan. The following are the stages of preparing this dissertation: - 6 Proposed title Objectives and scope of study Identify the problem/ Issues Identify the method of study . Theory, principles, previous research Literature survey Case study Survey and Measurement Finding and analysis Decision making Conclusion and recommendation Figure 1.1 : Methodology Books, magazine, journal and articles 7 1.7.1. Literature Review In this section, the theory of thermal environment and ventilation system are briefly discussed. Information was obtained from reference such as books, articles and journals. The purpose of this is to get a general overview of the topic on the effectiveness of ventilation design and thermal environment comfort in low cost houses. 1.7.2. Site Survey Survey forms were distributed to occupants of single and double storey terrace houses. 50 sets of survey forms were distributed randomly around houses in Shah Alam. The survey form is based on the research from books, articles and journal. Its will be on how the design and layout of ventilation openings effect their everyday living and problems that occur. This is another way of getting direct information from the occupants. Survey forms are prepared and distributed based on the detail of property, the effectiveness of the surrounding environment and other related aspects. A number of 50 houses are surveyed for the purpose of the study. The survey include are as follows:- details on types of openings; and 8 the floor area and the area of opening; During this exercise also, the measurements of the case studies are carried out by the surveyor and is compiled in a table which is contained in the survey form. A letter of identification is prepared in order for the surveyor to carry out the work as well as to gain permission from the occupant and to inform the surveyor’s presence. The survey forms are filled up by the occupants with the assistance of the surveyor. The survey covers original and renovated houses. All complete forms are collected and analyzed. Basically, the survey forms are divided into 2 parts i.e (1) detail of property and (2) detail of ventilation effectiveness. 1.7.3. Interviews Interviews will be held between the writer and occupants as well as the management such as Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA), the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). This method will allow better insight towards the issue and at the same time supports the facts given in the research. 9 1.7.4. Site measurement The measurement of thermal sensation level will be carried out at the above mentioned houses. The thermal conditions that will take into considerations are air temperature; globe temperature; relative humidity; air speed and operative temperature. The measurement will be made in three different sites. The purpose of these measurements is to determine the actual parameters of thermal conditions of these houses. The following are the method for testing procedure:- Introduction A Comfy meter CM-015 is designed to evaluate of indoor thermal environment. Its function is to measure, record and playback the 4 contents which consist of room temperature, humidity, air velocity and radiant temperature of indoor thermal environment. As index of indoor thermal comfort, a comfy meter calculates and display metabolism and clothing by using from PPD/ PPV of ISO 7730 as measurement value. Measured data can be read or edited using a spread sheet software. Also it has a simple simulation function for each index. Content and compartment For the purposed of the research, an instrument to measure thermal comfort will be used. The instrument is known as ‘Comfy Meter CM – 015’ that consist of the following items: - 10 i. Room Temperature and Humidity Thermometer ii. Air Velocity Sensor iii. Connecter Base – Connecter each sensor iv. Tripod v. Converter – Interface between personal laptop and Comfy Meter vi. Connecting Cable vii. Storage Case viii. Floppy Disk – Measuring/ Analysis software ix. Manual of Comfy Meter x. Personal Laptop – NEC PC series. MS DOS 3.3 or higher is not acceptable xi. RS-232C Cable – Straight (normal). The connecting side for converter is DSub25 pin male Figure 1.2 : Compartment of Comfy Meter 11 Assembling and Connecting Firstly, extend the tripod to an appropriate height and fix on site. Then, screw the connector base to the tripod (height 1.10m from stand high). Secondly, connect each of the sensors and connection cables to the connector base. Making sure the screws of the connectors are fastened tightly. The other side of the connector cable is connected to ‘sensor in’ of the converter. Next, connect the converter and personal laptop with RS-232C straight normal cable. Lastly, connect the power cable of the converter to AC 100V and turn the switch ‘ON’. At the same time, one to be aware of the high temperature of the top part of their velocity meter. Figure 1.3 : Connection of the Comfy Meter components 12 Installation of Comfy Meter CM-15 Software The procedure below describes the setting up of Comfy Meter CM-15, personal laptop NEC PC9821 La13/S14R and how to start the software. First, attach the port bar to personal laptop. Then attach the FDD to personal laptop and connect the RS-232C cable. For the laptop, connect a small RS-232C connector to RS-232C port to the back side of personal laptop port bar. Next, connect a large RS-232C port to the comfy meter and switch ‘ON’ the laptop (the same way apply when shutting down). Then, switch on the comfy meter by pressing the red button. In order to start the software, type ‘COMFY’ and then press ‘ENTER’. Figure 1.4 : Port bar 13 i. Measurement Preparation Assemble sensor parts and connect to converter before selecting ‘measurement in main menu’. ii. Setting Condition Screen To set up the condition screen, a data file is initially set to year/ month/ date at the beginning of the measurement process; the date will change accordingly. Upon the completion of the measurement process the data file is saved automatically on daily basis. Only selected period of time will be saved on the data file. The instrument will continue taking data until it is switch off but data collected half an hour before it is switch of will not be safe. The measurement was setting and recorded at 5 min intervals iii. Monitor The monitor can be changed from ‘value screen’ to the ‘graphic screen’ by pressing ‘display value’ or ‘display graph’ buttons. iv. Auto-Continue Measurement In the following situation, the measurement will automatically continue the next time a program is started. Conditions of the measurement 14 will be recorded. In case of electricity shutdown during measurement, only starting up program process is included in AUTOEXEC.BAT, will recontinue the measurement after the electricity supply recovers. v. Data transfer All the measurement collected will be transferred to Microsoft windows manually. This is because the data saved in the laptop cannot be transferred automatically. vi. Analysis Data transferred will be analyzed manually based on PMV against PPD. i. Theoretical Information Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) The PMV is an index that predicts the mean value of the vote of a large group of persons on the following 7 point thermal sensation scale. The PMV often called as a statement of PMV or a statement of Predicted Sense Temperature Mean Vote (PSTMV). 15 Table 1.1 : Predicted Mean Value Scale ii. PMV Scale Thermal Sensation +3 Hot +2 Warm +1 Slightly Warm 0 Neutral -1 Slightly Cool -2 Cool -3 Cold Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfaction (PPD) The PPD index establishes and quantitative prediction of the of thermally dissatisfied persons. It is also called the percentage of Predicted Dissatisfied Persons. 1.8. ORGANISATION OF THE THESIS The thesis contains a total of 7 chapters. A brief of the following chapters is described as follows: - 16 1.8.1. Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 1 is an introduction of the topic of research together with the objectives and methods of how this research should be carried out. Roughly, Chapter 1 is a guideline on how the research should be done. 1.8.2. Chapter 2 – Literature Review On Ventilation This chapter will be concentrated on ventilation and the importance of ventilation in residential buildings. The main concern is the influence of the design of ventilation openings in residential buildings. This chapter also explains the types and application of natural ventilation. This chapter also discussed on thermal comfort level and their principle. 1.8.3. Chapter 3 - Ventilation In Low Cost Houses The following chapter will be on the aspects of ventilation in low cost houses in Malaysia. This chapter also explains ventilation problems and design requirement for low cost houses. 17 1.8.4. Chapter 4 - Case Studies Chapter 4 will be the case study of the low cost terraced houses in Shah Alam. To gather specific information, references to certain bodies and organizations will be carried out. Survey form, interviews and testing method are applied and distributed to the residents as part of the study. To measure sensation level of thermal condition, a testing method was conducted. 1.8.5. Chapter 5 - Analysis Of Results The analysis is carried out on this chapter regarding the findings from the research. The results from the analysis are based on the information gathered from the residents themselves through surveys and testing. 1.8.6. Chapter 6 – Recommendation And Conclusion In the final chapter the conclusion and necessary recommendation will be made based on the findings as a summary for the whole study. 18 1.9. CONCLUSION As a conclusion, Chapter 1 gives an insight of what the project is about and how it is carried out. An introduction of the problems of ventilation and its affect on low cost houses is discussed briefly. Among others are the objective of the study, problem statement, scope of study and sources of data. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION 2.1. GENERAL It may seem odd but years ago in Malaysia a light woolen blanket was required to keep us warm at night. Most buildings were eco-friendly; older houses had ceilings that reached the rafters, and through-ventilation was common (Chong and Seck Chim, 2000). Today, more and more buildings are built of concrete with false ceilings, reduced living spaces and multi-storey flats. People are constantly cooped up in these cramped little houses and are forced to tolerate the heat. Those who live in low cost flats suffer the most. Poorly designed terrace houses are not much better. Temperatures inside them sometimes go higher than in livestock pens; it was reported recently in the papers. 20 In a hot and humid country like ours, air movement is needed to speed up the evaporation process in order to lessen the discomfort and sticky feeling that we get on our skin. This has to be effective if we depend on natural ventilation. The minimum condition for ventilation openings and lighting is stated in the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 (UBBL), Clause 39 (1) to (4), 40 (1) and (2), 41 (1) to (4). These by-laws are enforced by the local authority as one of the conditions for plan approval. This chapter will discuss on the definition, types of ventilation, ventilation opening thermal principles and how it is affected. 2.2. DEFINITION According to the Oxford Dictionary, ventilation means the process of causing air to circulate (in a room etc.) Basically, ventilation is the process of supplying conditioned air to and removing it from a given space by any method. For example, when wind enters a bedroom, it becomes ventilation but it is always air movement. Ventilation is classified by the force acting on air. Natural ventilation depends on natural forces; induced ventilation depends on influencing natural forces to perform specific tasks as in a thermal chimney; forced ventilation depends on mechanical methods (Boutet, Terry S., 1987). 21 2.3. THE PURPOSE OF VENTILATION Ventilation is important for the comfort of the occupants and to ensure a healthier living environment. Below are the factors for the purpose of ventilation in a building: - 2.3.1. To fulfil health needs which are to maintain air quality in a building to a minimum level which is to replace used air with fresh, clean air. 2.3.2. To create thermal comfort which is to by encouraging evaporation of moisture and increasing heat loss and lessen the discomfort caused by moist and sticky skin. 2.3.3. To cool the building structure whenever the temperature inside a building is higher than the temperature outside the building. 2.3.4. To cool the body by encouraging evaporation of moisture from the skin and increasing heat loss from the skin by forced convection For tropical climate, which is hot and humid, natural ventilation is the best approach that can be provided at a lower cost compared mechanical ventilation. A majority of residential buildings in Malaysia were constructed based on the natural ventilation system (Smith Peter R. and Tamakloe Patrick K., 1963). 22 2.4. EFFECTS OF VENTILATION Air movement, which influences air purity, temperature and moisture, has a direct effect on human health, comfort and well being. In residences there are three separate functions which are air quality, energy and comfort. They may be called health ventilation which refers to maintaining air quality by replacing indoor air with fresh outdoor air. Not all health problems are caused by lack of air purity. Exterior and interior spaces must be taken in consideration. Ventilation starts when air enters the building, but its source of energy is the air movement of larger and more surrounding systems (Boutet, Terry S., 1987). Energy involves both avoidance of heat gain and acceleration of heat loss. Comfort encompasses both the physical and psychological aspects of human well being. 2.4.1. Air Quality Pollution arising from fuels used in homes to cook or create comfort and for human respiratory processes has always been a problem in households. Air pollution in residences remains an important issue and it is becoming more involved as the technology advances. Air pollution should be stopped at its sources or to dilute pollutants so that the air can be cleansed naturally. Residential air pollution can be controlled at its source within the home. Control must begin before the occupation of the building. Many materials used in residential construction introduce pollutants. In sufficient quantities, formaldehyde can cause lung irritation, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sore throat, headaches and fatigue. The problem with the building materials may last for as long as 20 to 30 23 years. Formaldehyde comes in a variety of products; plastic appliances, towels soaps, plastic rubbish bags, newspapers, cosmetics, clothing, disinfectants, shampoo and toothpaste. Nonetheless, providing adequate ventilation can reduce the problem (Boutet, Terry S., 1987). Household products introduce other interior pollutants. By running a research in the home reveals a large number of products that may cause pollution. A scented product adds substances to the air that may or may not be desirable. There are two types of problems from household products: - Pollution from the product’s chemical content may be harmful; and two or more products can have an unpredictable chemical reaction. Household products can be lessened by proper selection of the products and by adequate ventilation. People are the final major source of interior air pollution; metabolism produces by products discharged by respiration. Compared to outdoors they can be removed by air movement but indoors they become concentrated. These are caused by respiratory by products that include carbon dioxide discharged from lungs, bacteria expelled from the breath and odour given off by the body. Exterior air pollution is not easily controlled. A simple way to eliminate exterior air pollution is to remove it by avoiding locations where there are known source of pollution such as factories and move to an area known as pollution free. Air can be filtered if pollution cannot be avoided. 24 2.4.2. Energy Proper air movement control lessens the demand for energy, therefore reducing the expense of providing a comfortable home. To cool the home environment the direct heat loads can be reduced. Heat gain from the sun can be avoided by using shading techniques. Avoiding reflective surfaces around the building prevents retransmission of solar heat into the home. Mechanical cooling systems protected from direct sunlight function with less stress and greater efficiency. The cooling of air and the environment can be done by exposing more of the building to air movement by increasing the surface area and getting greater surface air contact that may provide more structural cooling. 2.4.3. Comfort Comfort and health has always been influenced by climate. In about 400 B.C Hippocrates wrote that: Whoever would study medicine aright must learn of the following subjects. First he must consider the effects of each seasons of the year and the difference between them. Secondly, he must study the warm and the cold winds, both those which are common to every country and those peculiar to a particular locality. Lastly, the effect of water on the health must not be forgotten. Thus he would know what changes to expect in the weather and not only would he enjoy good health himself but for the most part, he would be very successful in the practice of medicine. It should be thought that this is more of the business of the meteorologist, then learn that astronomy 25 plays a very important part in medicine since the changes of the seasons produce changes in the mechanism of the body. Climate and health are still vital issues and influences health and well being and sets a foundation on which to establish human comfort. Comfort results from many psychological and physical factors that provide convenience or make life easier. 2.5. TYPES OF VENTILATION OPENINGS 2.5.1 Introduction Openings should permit maximum airflow into interior spaces for cooling. The air should be directed downwards into the living zones. The basic ventilation functions of properly designed openings are windows, doors, skylights, dormers, vents, ventilators and others of special design. The Uniform Building By-Laws require every space in the residential home to provide one or more windows to promote natural ventilation and lighting. It is stated in Clause 39 (1), that the window(s) must have a total area of not less than 10% from the total gross floor area and the windows shall have openings capable of allowing a free uninterrupted passage of air not less than 5% of the total space area (Legal research board, 1984). 26 This chapter will illustrate that some opening types are limited in their ability to facilitate maximum air movement conditions while others actually encourage and enhance air movement. 2.5.2 Natural Ventilation Windows The important aspects of window designs include proper day lighting, good weatherproofing, structural strength, suitable solar heat rejection or absorption, easy operation, durable construction and parts, excellent air tightness, good insulation, trouble free clean ability and serviceability, and finally, valuable air movement control. However, most window manufacturers have all the characteristics above except for air movement control. Windows that are well designed are a net gain for energy conservation while poor designed ones are an energy burden. Even though there are many varieties of windows in the market the styles and sizes can be classified into a combination of three primary window types which are: - i. simple opening; ii. vertical vane opening; and iii. horizontal vane opening 27 The simple opening includes the single hung, double hung, and horizontal vane opening, and horizontal sliding windows. The vertical vane opening includes styles such as the hinged casement, folding casement and vertical pivot which opens by pivoting on a vertical axis. The horizontal vane opening consists of the projected sash, awning, basement, hopper and jalousie windows which open by pivoting on a horizontal axis. Doors Other than functioning as entrances and exits, doors also permit light and air to enter rooms from adjacent spaces. Exterior door designs also include aspects such as good weatherproofing, proper solar heat resistance, structural strength, excellent air tightness, good insulation, easy operation, durable construction and parts and good air movement control. Doors for residential use are defined as six basic types. The single door is a one panel unit which opens by pivoting on a vertical axis along one side. It may be in swinging or out swinging. The double door is a two panel unit each panel of which pivots on an individual vertical axis. It too may either be inswingging or out swinging. Doors for residences are available in a wide selection of types, styles and modes of operation. One type of door even has numerous positional variations which can alter air movement in a different manner with each new position. Consequently, no one type door is suited for all types of situations. 28 Roof Monitors The use of skylights, dormers, clerestories and other roof monitors as air movement control devices has relatively been insignificant. In hot climates such as Malaysia, they are used to lessen the heat load in a house. When air is heated, it raises and collects under the ceilings in most houses. An opening in the roof or upper portions of the walls permits the heated air to escape and allows cool air to replace it. 2.5.3 Mechanical Ventilation Ventilators There are basically three types of ventilators which are stationary ventilators, rotary ventilators and mechanical ventilators. Stationary ventilators are non mechanical and non moving devices that allow heat to escape from the attic space. Some are often used in conjunction with fans for more effective heat removal from either the attic or the living spaces. Some lists of stationary ventilators include pipes. Rotary ventilators are similar to non mechanical stationary ventilators except that they usually move in a circular motion. The roof turbine is the common type used for residential buildings. The revolving ventilator and free flow ventilator are other popular types but they are usually found in commercial buildings. The revolving action of these ventilators is created by the passing of exterior airflow over the roof; in other words rotary ventilators are wind powered. The mechanical ventilator that is frequently used is a fan. The two common types are attic fans and power ventilators. The attic fan is a combination of a large 29 fan and louvers while a power ventilator is a stationary ventilator with a fan added. Both provide cooler air. 2.6. NATURAL AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION A good ventilation system provides comfort to the occupant. Ventilation is the process of supplying or removing air to or from any building space. Such air may or may not have been conditioned. Ventilation results in the following effects: - 2.6.1. Reduces the accumulation of hazardous gases and odour 2.6.2. Reduces the accumulation of dust and smoke 2.6.3. Reduces the increase in temperature 2.6.4. Reduces humidity Air ventilation is divided into two categories:- 2.6.5. Natural ventilation 2.6.6. Mechanical ventilation 30 2.7. NATURAL VENTILATION Natural ventilation is a form of ventilation that surrounds the environment such as direction, velocity and pressure applied by the wind. There are 3 natural forces for moving air through and out of buildings, mainly:- 2.7.1. Wind forces The conditions for producing ventilation in natural forces are as follows: - Average wind velocity Prevailing wind direction Seasonal and daily variations in wind directions and velocity. When the wind blows without encountering any obstructions to change its direction, the movement of the air stream as well as the pressure remains constant. On the other hand, if the wind encounters any obstruction such as a house or a ventilator, the air stream will be pushed aside. Another example is in a case of a simple ventilator. The closed end forms of an obstruction which changes the direction of the wind, expanding at the closed end 31 and converging at the open, therefore produces a vacuum inside the head which induces an upward flow of air through the flue and through the head. 2.7.2. Stack Effect A stack effect is produced by a difference in weight of the warm column of air within the building and the cooler air inside. In this case the outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature. Warm air rises and escapes out of any opening in the upper portion of the house. The escaping air must be replaced with outdoor air, which will enter through openings in the lower part of the home. A neutral pressure plane develops in the house where air above the neutral pressure plane is under slightly positive pressure and the air below the neutral pressure plane is slightly negative. The neutral pressure plane rises and falls because of atmospheric conditions such as wind and temperature 2.7.3. Combination of Wind and Stack Effect The actual flow in building results are from the combination effect of thermal and wind forces. The two forces may either reinforce or oppose each other, depending on the direction of the wind and on whether the external or internal temperature is higher (Hafidi Abu Hassan, 2001). Even though natural ventilation is cheaper it cannot guarantee complete ventilation. Factors that influence natural ventilation are temperature, air and wind. The wind carries dust and other particles therefore the air needs to be filtered 32 beforehand. Natural ventilation alone cannot do this and adequate supply of air cannot reach hidden buildings or buildings that are obstructed by walls and so on. 2.8. MECHANICAL VENTILATION Mechanical ventilation is another form of ventilation that uses electrical power to achieve air movement. This system has many benefits because it is able to supply air at all times. However, the use of this system requires high cost that is needed for the installation of equipment, electricity consumption and maintenance (Enderson, Edwin P., 1980). 2.8.1. The Use of Mechanical Ventilation The basic reasons for mechanical ventilation are as follows:- When natural ventilation is not available such as in the basement; In crowded spaces where natural ventilation alone is not adequate such as cinemas, assembly halls and so on; In spaces that undergoes a certain process and emits contaminated air such as laboratories and factories; 33 In high rise buildings and complexes; In areas experiencing high air pollution as in the middle of the city; and In places that requires a certain temperature such as silk factories. 2.8.2. Types of Mechanical Ventilation Systems There are three types of mechanical systems, namely: Natural Inlet and Mechanical Extract (Exhaust System) - These systems is the most common and are often found in kitchens, assembly halls etc. a negative pressure is created from the fan’s inlet side, and this causes the air inside the room to move towards the fan, and the fresh air from outside the room displaces the room air. Mechanical Inlets and Natural Extract - This system is used for boiler rooms, offices and certain types of factories. The air may be heated in a central plant and ducted to the various rooms, or a unit fan convector may be used. Mechanical Inlets And Extract - This type offers the best in ventilation but it also very costly and is used for many types of buildings, such as cinemas, theatres, offices, etc. the system is necessary for operating theatres and sterilizing rooms. 34 2.8.3. Types of Mechanical Ventilation Equipment Basically mechanical ventilation involves electrical power support in order to promote air movement. There are several types of mechanical ventilation used. Below are the following types of mechanical ventilation: Fixed ceiling fan Air conditioner Roof ventilator Propeller fan 2.9. VOLUME OF AIR REQUIRED The volume of air required is determined by the size of the space to be ventilated and the number of times per hour that the air in the space is to be changed. In many cases, existing regulations or codes will regulate the ventilating requirements (Etheridge, David and Sandberg, 1965). A number of statutory regulations specify minimum rates of air supply in occupied spaces. Recommended rates of ventilation depend upon the volume of a room, the number of occupants, and the types of activity and whether smoking is expected. It is difficult therefore to summarise figures for air supply but Table 2.6.1. quotes some typical values. 35 Table 2.1 : Typical fresh air supply rates Type of Space Recommended Air Supply Residences, office, shops 8 litres/s per person Restaurants, bars 18 litres/s per person Kitchens, domestics, toilets 10 litres/s per person 2.10. VENTILATION PROBLEMS IN BUILDINGS The lack of comfort in our climate is chiefly caused by the increase in internal temperature that is not only too high but also the addition of high humidity rate. The body will gradually get hot and sticky and make it feel very uncomfortable and irritated. 2.10.1. Factors that Influence the Increase of Temperature in Buildings Normally, the temperature inside the building is slightly higher than outside temperature. Below are the factors that influence the increase in temperature in our buildings. They are:-The emission of body heat from occupants;- The emission of heat from lamps and electrical and mechanical appliances; Heat conducted from the outside through the wall and roof of building; 36 Heat from the sun penetrated through the window and other openings; and The convection of heat by hot air from outside. In Malaysia, the temperature rises up to 2 to 4 degrees Celsius. To cope with the rise in temperature, natural ventilation or the use of electrical fans offer the best way to reduce heat. The flow of air in a building at 0.1 m/s to 1.5 m/s will be able to provide the necessary comfort if the air humidity is below 78% (relativity of humidity) and the maximum temperature is around 28ºC to 32ºC. Natural and mechanical ventilation will accelerate the condensation process to attain the required level of comfort even though the decrease in temperature cannot be achieved. 2.10.2. Factors That Increase The Temperature In Terms of Design In terms of design, there are two factors that cause the increase of temperature in a building. They are as follows:- Selection of Building Materials The temperature inside a building during the night will probably remain high even though the sun is no longer there. This happens because the heat that is trapped in the material of the wall and roof during the day will be reflected back inside the building during the night. This in turn causes discomfort and the heat will remain in the building from the day all through the night. 37 Materials such as concrete blocks for the wall and concrete roof tiles for the roof will trap more heat compared to bricks and roof tiles that are made from clay. Steel that is used for the roof is a good conductor of heat and is able to transfer heat into a building at a fast rate. Thus, a good insulator is required to stop the conduction of heat through the roof. Orientation of Building Today, many buildings are deliberately built facing the west and east with a large area of glass built into them. In this country, the buildings are required to face north-south and the façade should face east-west. The main reason for this is to reduce direct sun exposure. Other than the walls and roof being exposed to the sun, green house effect will also occur to the building that has the glass area exposed directly to the sun’s rays as this causes the sun’s long wave to be trapped inside the building and remain there. This in turn causes a rise in temperature inside the building (Dr. Ismail, Abd. Majid, 2000). 2.11. THERMAL COMFORT The thermal comfort of human being is governed by many physiological mechanisms of the body and these vary from one person to another. In any particular thermal environment it is difficult to get more than 50% of the people affected to agree that the conditions are comfortable. The body constantly produces heat energy from the food it consumes. This heat needs to dissipate at an appropriate rate to keep the body at constant 38 temperature. The transfer of the heat from the body is mainly by the process of convection, radiation and evaporation. Evaporation transfers the latent heat we give to the water vapour, which is given on the skin and in the breath. 2.12. PRINCIPLES OF THERMAL COMFORT The six factors that influence to the sensation of comfort. There are as follows: - 2.12.1. Activity The greater activity of the body the more heat it gives off. The rate of heat emission depends upon the individual metabolic rate of a person and upon their surface area. People who seem similar in all other expect can vary by 10 to 20% in their heat output. The average of heat emission decreases with age. The heat outputs from the adult females more than 85% from the adult males. 2.12.2. Clothing Clothes act as the thermal insulator for the body and help to maintain the skin at a comfortable temperature. Variations in clothing have a significant effect on the surrounding temperatures that are required for comfort. To enable heating needs to 39 be predicted a scale of clothing has been developed which is called the do value. 1 do represents 0.155 m2 °C/W of insulation and values range from the 0 do to 4 do. Table 4.1 shows the value of different types of clothing and indicates how the room temperature required for comfort varies with clothing. On average, women prefer slightly higher temperatures. 2.12.3. Room temperature The temperature of the surrounding surfaces can affect the thermal comfort of people as much as the temperature of the surrounding air. This is because the rate at which heat is radiated from a person is affected by the radiant properties of the surroundings. For example, when sitting near the cold surface of a window, the radiated from the body increases and cause discomfort. A satisfactory design temperature for achieving thermal comfort need to take into account of both air and surfaces temperature. 2.12.4. Air movement Previous research experiments indicate that the optimum value for air movement can be taken as about 0.17m/s. Speed in excess of 0.5 m/s are considered very draughty and below 0.1 m/s are consider airless. The effects of air movement are complex and differ with circumstances. The air movement of air in room helps to increase heat loss from the body by convection and cause the sensations of draught. The back of the neck, the forehead 40 and the ankles are the most sensitive areas for chilling. As the speed of air movement in a room increases above 0.1 m/s, then the higher one air temperature is required to give the same degree of comfort. For example, if the air temperature is at 18°C and the air movement increased from 0.1 m/s; the air temperature should rise to 21 °C to avoid discomfort. The air movement rate is not the same thing as the air change rate and is not always caused by ventilation. Uncomfortable air movement may be due to natural convection currents, especially near windows or in rooms with high ceilings. 2.12.5. Humidity Humidity is caused by moisture in the air. For achieving comfortable condition relative humidity should be kept within the range of 40 -70%. High humidity and high temperatures feel oppressive and natural cooling by perspiration is decreased. High humidity and low temperatures cause the air to chill. Low humidity can cause dryness to throats and skin. Static electricity can accumulate with low humidity, especially in modern offices with synthetic carpet and cause mild but uncomfortable electric shocks. 2.12.6. Ventilation In any occupied space, ventilation is necessary to provide oxygen and to remove contaminated air. Fresh air contains about 16 per cent oxygen and 0.04 per cent carbon dioxide. The body requires a constant supply of oxygen. 41 A number of statutory regulations specify minimum rates of air supply in occupied spaces. Recommended rates of ventilation depend upon the volume of a room, the number of occupants, and the type of activity and whether smoking is expected. It is difficult therefore to summarise figures for air supply but Table 4.4 quotes some typical values. 2.13. CONCLUSION Chapter 2 is a literature review on ventilation. Here, the types of ventilation are explained. From the types of openings to the types mechanical systems used are described. This is to give an understanding of what ventilation is all about as well as to recognize how ventilation is influenced. This chapter also described the thermal comfort and their principles. CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION IN LOW COST HOUSING CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW ON VENTILATION IN LOW COST HOUSES 3.1. GENERAL The Malaysian Government started providing low-cost houses for lowincome groups from 1971 (Tengku, 1979). However, as from Second Malaysian Plan the construction of low-cost houses has always been below target. As from Second to Seventh MP, there was a shortage of 747,761 units of low-cost houses. Only 55.2 % of the targeted units were completed (Khor, K. P, 1989). These shortages of low cost houses are due to: - 3.1.1. Both the private and public sectors were unable to build enough low cost houses. 43 3.1.2. Some of the low cost houses were constructed in remote areas having no demand. 3.1.3. The selling price is too low for developers to make any profit. Thus developers are not willing to build low cost houses. 3.1.4. Every year there is an increase in demand of low cost houses. In Malaysia, a low cost house has become a big issue. It gets more than its fair share of attention from the mass media reporting on the deficiencies, achievements and exhortation of the political leaders for greater efforts towards the construction of low cost housing by both the public and private sectors. 3.2. THE CONCEPT OF LOW COST HOUSING Basically, low cost housing is defined according to its selling price of RM 25,000.00 per unit or less. Below are the following guidelines laid down by The Ministry of Housing and Local Government for this category of housing: - 3.2.1. The target group consists of households with monthly incomes not more than RM750.00 3.2.2. The type of house may include terrace, flats or detached houses. 44 3.2.3. The minimum design standard specifies a built up are of 560-600 square feet, 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Low cost houses are built in order to ensure that Malaysians particularly of the low income group have greater access to adequate and affordable home and related facilities thus gradually reducing poverty. 3.3 LOW COST HOUSING IN SELANGOR The purpose of building low cost houses is to ensure that not a single person in Selangor is left out in owning an affordable house by 2005. In Selangor, there are two fixed rates for low cost houses which is RM35,000.00 for squatters in which its sole purpose is to lessen the burden of its people and RM42,000 for non squatters. 3.3.1. The Aim for Squatter-Free City by 2005 In order to overcome the problem of squatter houses, the government has set up a target of zero –slums by the year 2005. This is to ensure squatters settling on government land or those belonging to the low-income groups to be relocated to a new house. The National Housing Department has advanced a few low cost housing programmes to cater for the housing needs of these groups and they are:- 45 Perumahan Awam Kos Rendah (PAKR) This programme is set to provide a satisfying housing service including basic amenities for the low income groups in the urban and rural area. Rationally, this is to improve the standard of living and at the same wipe out poverty altogether. The features are a five storey flat and terrace or timber houses in the suburbs with 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and bathroom as well as a separate toilet. The targeted income is below RM1,500 per month. Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Bersepadu This programme relocates those who are involved in the government development projects around Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley in Selangor. The features include flats of 11 to 14 or 16 to 18 storeys in large cities and flat of up to 5 storeys in small cities with 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and bathroom as well as a separate toilet. The targeted income is RM1,500 a month. Skim Pertapakan dan Kemudahan (SPK) SPK is part of the public low cost housing programme for the rural folks who cannot afford a house even under the low cost housing programme. This program is especially for those with an income of RM300 and RM400 a month in West Malaysia while in Sabah and Sarawak. it is RM400 to RM600.00 46 Program Skim Pinjaman Perumahan This programme is set up to manage the accounts administered by the Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pinjaman Perumahan to the low income groups. The objective of this programme is to award loans to those who do not have a source of loan to purchase or to build a low cost house in the manner of improving their standard of living. The maximum loan rate is RM20,000 and the targeted income is less than RM1,200 a year. 3.4. MALAYSIAN ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE The climatic condition in Malaysia can be classified as warm-humid equatorial characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The air temperature ranges from 22Cº to 32ºC with small annual and diurnal ranges. Sometimes it seldom exceeds normal skin temperature, which could cause skin disease or sunburn (Hafidi Abu Hassan, 2001). Throughout the year humidity is high averaging from 75% or more to create a high water vapour content in the air. The function of the water vapour is to act as filters from direct solar radiation, yet it can still cause painful sky glare. The humidity also causes rotting, rusting and the growth of alga and mould. The speed of the wind is of low variable speed. Often, it occurs with the rain. They will be come the northeast and southwest directions. The rainfall averages from 250 cm to 300 cm annually. 47 Because of the moist air, moderate heat and high rainfall, the growth of vegetation are sometimes difficult to control. There are pros and cons to thick vegetation. On one hand thick plant cover reduces reflected radiation and lessens the heating on the ground’s surface while on the other hand the thick plant cover increases unfavourable climatic conditions. By understanding the Malaysian climate and environment, houses can be designed better taking in considerations of climate to suit the designs and therefore taking an advantage of the factors that effect ventilation. 3.5. EXISTING LOW COST HOUSING SYSTEM In Malaysia, there are several types low cost housing system. The existing low cost housing systems are listed below. They are: - 3.5.1. Timber Houses Other than concrete, steel and brickwork, timber is a popular material for use in housing construction. The technologies of timber have been improved over the years and therefore are used for more complicated housing structures. The prefabricated houses designed and constructed recently have proven to be one of the cheaper materials in construction. The secret of its success lies entirely on the effectiveness of the design and the method of construction, which in turn minimizes the cost. It performs just as well as other conventional building materials such as concrete and steel. 48 In Malaysian forests, timber can be found in abundant quantities making it is a relatively cheap material for housing construction. This seems true at that time because of the availability of construction technology, which is purely labour intensive. Nowadays however, timber is not a cheap material anymore. Good species of timber is very expensive and would only be used for more buildings that are expensive, structural components or decorative purposes. Until today, timber technology has advanced. The material is more suitable for prefabricated housing construction, which is more economical as it is cheap to build and also saves time and labour. Much thought is given to construction of joints between structural components, methods of construction and quality of the timber used. All timbers are chemically treated before being used in construction to maintain its durability. The choice of timber houses with the appropriate technology is restrained to rural houses, while for urban housing, timber houses are still not permitted by the Uniform Building By Laws (Mahyudin Ramli , 1990). 3.5.2 Concrete Blocks Concrete blocks are by far the mostly used building materials for low cost housing. Apart from ease of fabrication on site, the materials can be incorporated in construction to serve as load bearing structures such as for columns, floor slabs, walls etc. The blocks are also applicable to precast concrete construction where the materials are economically used as retaining walls. Research has been conducted on concrete blocks mixed with some industrial waste materials such as rice husk ash, saw dust, sugar cane, etc. to study its mechanical and physical properties. Results are presented below in Table 3.5.2 49 Table 3.1 : Mechanical Properties of Hollow Blocks Mix Composition Nominal size of Age of test Age of test Absorption cement: block (mm) (days) (days) (%) 203x203x216 28 3.074 15.7 460x115x216 28 2.640 13.3 203x203x216 28 3.806 14.9 460x115x216 28 2.866 13.0 sand by weight 1:25 1:30 3.5.3. Bricks Cement bricks are among the most popular materials used for low cost housing constructions. Although the materials are reasonably cheap and can be easily constructed on site, the materials would require conventional skill and more use of labour and can hardly be adopted in prefabricated systems of building. The high porosity of the bricks would also enable penetration of dampness into the building unless good plaster finish is emphasized. This would then become costly. 3.6. CURRENT DESIGN CONDITIONS Currently, most homes in Malaysia are constructed with materials that absorb heat that come from the sun during the day time. At night, the air outside cools rapidly, but the building fabric behaves differently where heat is released from the building mass to the surrounding air indoor and outdoor. This thermal behaviour is typical of houses that are built of mostly high dense materials such as clay and 50 cement bricks; concrete and also lightweight concrete aggregate (Dr. Abdul Malik Abdul Rahman , 1995). 3.7. DESIGN REQUIREMENT The standardization in design is emphasized and must be obeyed to ensure all houses are functional and comfortable to live in. The following are the main factors that have to be considered (National Housing Department, 2001) : 3.7.1 The Building In the design of housing units the occupant’s comfort has to be prioritized in order for them to carry out their daily activities. Minimum standards are set for the designer such as the number of bedrooms, the floor area for internal spaces such as bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, toilet and living room. Electrical installations, fire prevention, lighting and ventilation are also standardized. 3.7.2 Infrastructure An effectively planned environment will assist in the socioeconomic growth of the occupants. The road network, water supply system, and drainage and sewerage system has to be well planned for a more efficient infrastructure network. 51 3.7.3 Landscape Special attention is given to the layout of landscape for the physical planning of each housing scheme to create a comfortable and peaceful environment. Landscaping for low cost houses for public places such as along main roads, recreational grounds, car parks and retention ponds/rivers are given top priority. 3.8. BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL All building plans for low cost houses that are sent for approval are verified according to the minimum standards and guidelines to enable the plans to be approved automatically. This will speed up the process of plan approval. 3.9. DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR LOW COST HOUSING (SINGLE AND DOUBLE STOREY TERRACED HOUSES) A housing unit should have at least three bedrooms, a living and dining room, a bathroom and toilet and a storage room. All building dimensions must be in accordance to the MS 1064 - Guide To Modular Coordination in Building (Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, 1996). Any material or product used in the construction of low cost houses must be in accordance to the Malaysian Standard especially for the safety and quality features. 52 3.9.1 Layout and Building Design The layout and use of space has to contain 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, bathroom and toilet and also store. All design is according to the specification MS 1064 – Guide to Modular Coordination in Building . 3.9.2 Floor Area Each housing unit has to have a total floor area between 48 square meters to 60 square meters excluding the non habitable areas. Areas for bedroom floors are as follows:- Bedroom 1 - not less than 11.7 square meters Bedroom2 - not less than 9.9 square meters Bedroom 3 - not less than 7.2 square meters 3.9.3 Area of Kitchen The area of the kitchen should not be less than 4.5 square meters. 53 3.9.4 Bathroom and toilet Bathroom and toilet is to be provided separately Bathroom-not less than 1.8 square meters Toilet- not less than 1.8 square meters Minimum width of bathroom- not less than 1.2 square meters Minimum width of toilet- not less than 0.9 square meters 3.9.5 Living and Dining Room 3.9.6 Living and dining room is to be provided separately or together. Storage Room Adequate storage room should be provided for the comfort 54 3.9.7 Number of Rooms 3.9.8 All houses must have not less than 3 bedrooms. Floor Area Adequate floor area should be provided for the needs and comfort of the occupants. The net floor has to be between 48 square meters to 60 square meters excluding non - habitable areas such as terrace and balcony. Area for Bedroom 1 is not less than 11.7 square meters Area for Bedroom2 is not less 9.9 square meters Area for Bedroom 3 is not less than 7.2 square meters Area for Kitchen is not less than 4.5 square meters Bathroom and toilet should be providing separately. The area of bathroom must be not less than 1.8 square meters. The area of toilet shall be not less than 1.8 square meters. Then, the minimum width of bathroom shall not less than 1.2 meters and toilet not less than 0.9 meters. 55 Living room and dining room shall be provided either separately or together. Adequate space has to be provided for stores for the comfort of the occupants 3.9.9. Finishes and Cladding The tables below show types of finishes and cladding for each room. Table 3.2 : Minimum requirement of type of floor finishes Item Area 1. Living room 2. Dining 3. Bedroom 4. Store 5. Balcony 6. Corridor 7. Staircase 8. Apron 9. Kitchen 10. Bathroom/Toilet Floor Finish Cement screed Cement screed Ceramic tiles/equivalent 56 Table 3.3 : Minimum requirement of type of wall finishes Item Area Wall Finishes 1. Internal walls Emulsion paint 2. External walls Weather proof paint (Minimum: 1 layer of undercoat and layers of finish coat) 3. Kitchen 4. Bathroom/Toilet 5. Timber wall and Varnish building components Ceramic tiles 1.5 m high 57 Table 3.4 : Minimum requirement of type of cladding Item 1. Area Finish/Cladding Window Casement Adjustable louvers Permanent louvers 2. 3. Door 1. Living room Plywood 2. Bedroom Plywood 3. Others Plywood Bathroom/Toilet PVC door Plywood door internally lined with aluminium sheets 4. Ceiling 1. Cement cladding 2. Cement sheets without asbestos 5. Roof 1. Roof tiles 2. Corrugated tiles 6. Kitchen 1 unit tap 1 unit metal sink 7. Bathroom 1 unit wash basin with a tap 1 unit 300 mm x 450mm face mirror 1 unit shower 1 unit towel hanger 8. Toilet 1 unit PVC cistern 1 unit squatting WC 1 unit stand pipe 9. Drainage 225 mm diameter drainage with concrete cover 10. House yard 1 unit vertical pipe 58 3.10 THE REQUIREMENT IN THE VENTILATION DESIGN OF LOW COST HOUSES A good ventilated house requires good ventilation design. This is to ensure a healthy and comfortable living and in return save cost and energy. Unfortunately, low cost houses are not usually design in such a way. It is because the importances of ventilation design are not much considered in these types of houses. They often face hot and uncomfortable conditions not to mention the low level of health. These conditions often occur in cramped and not so well ventilated houses such as flats and terraced houses. Each housing unit must offer adequate natural lighting and ventilation for the rooms provided. This can be done by having one or more windows that have an area of not less than 10% of the floor area of a room. An opening has to give way to let fresh air in without obstruction. The opening has to be less than 5% of floor area in order to encourage cross ventilation to all rooms in the house and has to be able to flow from one end of the house to another. Below are a few guidelines to improve the condition. 3.10.1. Direction of Wind, Sun and Rain Since Malaysia is in the equatorial region, the buildings should be oriented according to the direction of the existing wind and not in the direction of the sunrays, etc. The buildings should be oriented towards the South or the Southeast because it is uncomfortably hot if the room is facing the sun. Most of the units should have sunshades over the window. This is a very common feature in most low cost houses. The use of sunshade helps to lower room temperature. 59 3.10.2. Heat Stress and Ventilation A good design will provide necessary sunshade and ventilation to reduce heat stress inside the building (Evans M, 1980). This also helps residents to save costs to maintain thermal comfort. But, this is not so in the existing low cost houses, for instance the cross ventilation is very poor due to the bad design of building blocks, windows and doors are too close to each other or sometimes not there at all or the windows of the opposite sides are more than 30 feet, the ceiling height is too low, the floor area does not coincide with the size of the openings, etc. What is more appalling, to cut costs; houses are built with minimum ceiling height which in turn results in hot air being accumulated near the ceiling. To overcome the problem, airconditioning, fan or mechanical ventilation is used in order to bring the temperature to a comfortable level. These will surely add to the running costs. 3.11. NATURAL LIGHTING AND VENTILATION According to the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 (UBBL), the rooms/areas provided in each housing unit has to receive adequate lighting and ventilation through one or more windows that have an area of not less than 10% of the room floor area and an opening is to be provided to enable the air flowing freely and unobstructed which is not less 5% of the floor area. This is to encourage cross ventilation to all rooms from one end of the house to another. 60 3.11.1. Room height According to the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984, Clause 44 (1), each room requires the following height:- Living/dining area and bedroom – not less than 3.0 meters Kitchen – not less than 2.7 meters Bathroom/toilet – not less than 2.4 meters 3.11.2. Party wall Party walls are to be built between each unit and built all the way up to roof level and have fire resistance of up to two (2) hours. 3.11.3. Other structural elements All other structural elements as stated in the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 are to be made of building materials that have a minimum fire resistance of half (1/2) an hour. 61 3.11.4. Staircase A staircase, if any is disallowed in the kitchen. The staircase provided has to have adequate width and coincides with the requirements of the latest Uniform Building By-Laws to accommodate in the user’s mobility particularly during emergencies. 3.11.5. Safety bars for windows If safety bars are to be installed, basic requirements of Fire Protection and Safety Division of the Fire and Safety Department of Malaysia are to be followed which are as stated below:- The bars installed should have safety features that enables it to be opened from the inside; Priority for bar installation is given to the bedroom because of panic risk and sleeping risk factors; and Other alternatives should be provided to aid the fire department in rescuing and fire extinguishing purposes 3.12. CONCLUSION Low cost houses are often built with minimum quality of materials and minimum design without taking in account neither the effect of the climate towards the building nor the ventilation aspects. Chapter 3 explains the importance of these 62 factors besides giving a guideline in the design and requirement of ventilation. It also tells about the current types of low cost houses available in Malaysia and how the lack of natural ventilation affects them. Low cost houses need improvement in a lot of aspects especially in terms of ventilation. CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDIES CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDY - SECTION 18, 20 AND 24, SHAH ALAM 4.1. INTRODUCTION The case study is conducted in Shah Alam around Section 18, 20, and 24. The types of houses in which to be studied are single, double storey and renovated single and double storey low cost houses. From here, questionnaires will be distributed to the occupants in order to determine the level of ventilation effectiveness. A few other things will be observed to support the study such as the size and number of openings, whether they co-relate with the Uniform Building By Laws (UBBL) or otherwise. 64 4.2. HISTORY OF SHAH ALAM Shah Alam is the state capital of Selangor. It came a long way since it was only palm tree plantation area that was then known as Sungai Renggam and later had been developed into a city. The purpose of the opening of the city was to replace Kuala Lumpur which was turned into Federal Territory on 1st February 1974. On 7th December 1978, Shah Alam was officially announced as the capital of Selangor Darul Ehsan by the DYMM Sultan Selangor with an area of 41.69 square kilometer. In conjunction to that, Majlis Perbandaran Shah Alam (MPSA) was set up under Act 171, the Local Authority Act. Prior to that, Shah Alam was administrated by the Lembaga Bandaran Shah Alam under the authority of Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). 4.3. FIELD STUDY For the purpose of the study, single and double storey terraced houses in Sections 18, 20 and 24 has been chosen. The terraced houses in Section 19 comprise of 500 units, while Section 20 comprise of 560 units and Section 24 comprise of 620 units. 65 4.4. OBJECTIVES The objectives are as follows: - 4.4.1. To identify what types of ventilation equipment used; 4.4.2. To find out the effectiveness of natural ventilation in these houses; 4.4.3. To determine whether the size of openings coincide with the floor area and in accordance to the UBBL; 4.4.4. To identify the types of openings used; 4.4.5. To identify whether there any addition of openings to the existing openings; and 4.4.6. To identify level of thermal environment. 4.5. INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY The low cost houses in Shah Alam was developed by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). PKNS plays a major role in providing residential houses 66 for the public. One of the major housing programmes is to build affordable and quality houses with basic and social facilities for the low-income groups. There are 110,445 housing units that comprises of 45% of low cost houses in 1999, which in that year alone 3,431 housing units were completed of which 78% were low cost houses. 4.6. BACKGROUND OF CASE STUDY There are two types of low cost houses built in Shah Alam. They consist of flats and terraced housing. A number of 1,158 units of walked-up flat type were built in 1987 in Section 16. By 1995 almost 2000 units were built in Sections 19, 20, 24. The study will be conducted on low cost houses of Shah Alam, Selangor. The type of dwellings consists of single and double storey-terraced houses. There are 3 case studies selected in Shah Alam which are: - 4.6.1. Single and Double Storey Terraced Houses - Section 18 4.6.2. Single-Storey Terraced Houses - Section 20 4.6.3. Double-Storey Terraced Houses - Section 24 67 The study will be carried out on these sections of low cost houses with prices ranging from RM 25,000 to RM 42,000. The houses consist of the same materials and almost the same built up area. Below are details of low cost housing developed by PKNS in Shah Alam shown in Table below: - Table 4.1 : Details of Low Cost Housing in Shah Alam TYPE A : LOW COST FLATS Type of Date of Housing Occupancy Section 16 Flat 31/12/1987 1,158 Conventional 2. Section 19 Flat 27/10/1998 200 Pre-fabricated 3. Section 24 Flat 17/10/2000 480 Pre-fabricated/ No. Location 1. Units Type of construction Conventional 4. Section 20 Flat 17/05/1985 1,235 Pre-fabricated/ Conventional TOTAL 3,073 Table 4.2 : Details of Low Cost Housing in Shah Alam TYPE B : LOW COST TERRACE (3 ROOMS) Type of Date of Housing Occupancy Section 20 Terraced 06/04/1998 560 Conventional 2. Section 24 Terraced 15/09/1989 75 Conventional 3. Section 24 Terraced 20/01/1993 234 Conventional 4. Section 24 Terraced 28/06/1990 290 Conventional 5. Section 24 Terraced 01/06/1990 298 Conventional No. Location 1. TOTAL Units 1,457 Type of construction 68 4.7. CASE STUDY NO.1 – SINGLE AND DOUBLE STOREY TERRACED HOUSES AT SECTION 18 Figure 4.1 : Double storey low cost terraced houses at Section 18 Section 18 is located in the industrial part of Shah Alam. Its surrounding area consists of two primary and secondary schools, shop lots, and a supermarket. It is completed with basic amenities. The area was developed by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). The construction was completed in the 1980’s and cost RM 25,000 per unit. The area consists of single and double storey houses. Location : Section 18, Shah Alam Total number of houses : 460 Year built/Developer : 1980’s/ PKNS Date of occupancy : Late 1980’s 69 Table 4.3 : Number of Houses Surveyed No. Name Of Street Number Of Houses Surveyed 1 Jalan Kepau, 18/4 5 2 Jalan Gebang Satu, 18/6A 8 3 Jalan 18/18 4 4.7.1. Respondents Most occupants consist of factory workers and government servants. It is estimated that the total monthly income for husband and wife is RM 1,200.00. 4.7.2. General Description Price : RM 25,000 Area : 51.74 m2 No. of bedrooms :2 No. of bathrooms :1 Water supply : Direct; for kitchen and water tank Air conditioning : Not provided Rubbish compartment: : Provided The single and double storey houses are basically constructed of reinforced concrete framework. To suit the climate, they are built with pitched roofs. The specifications for the materials are shown in Table 4.4 while the built up area for the houses are shown in Table 4.5. 70 Table 4.4 : Specification of materials for low cost houses in Section 18. Item 1. Element Specification Work Below Lowest Floor Reinforced concrete pad footing, ground Finish beams, column stump and ground floor slabs, on and including hardcore, reinforcement and formwork. 2. Frame Reinforced concrete column and beams 3. Roof Corrugated asbestos sheet roof at 22° pitch 4. External and internal walls 60 mm thick precasted concrete wall 5. Doors and windows Single leaf plywood flush door with standard and approved ironmongery. Louvred windows in timber frames completed with glass and mild steel security bar 6. External and internal wall Cement, sand and lime plastering and painted finishes 7. Floor Finishes Cement and sand rendering trowelled smooth 8. Ceiling finishes Asbestos ceiling panel 9. Plumbing installation and Concealed PVC piping for cold water sanitary installation plumbing, UPVC piping for all sanitary piping and standard and approved sanitary fittings 10. Electrical installation Concealed wiring for all light points, power points and fan points including telephone trunking and other necessary items 71 Table 4.5 : General built up area for single storey low cost houses at Section 18 Item Description Area (m2) Ground Floor 1. Living and Dining 17.13 2. Kitchen 9.35 3. Bathroom 3.26 4. Toilet 3.26 5. Master Bedroom 20.08 6. Bedroom 2 14.97 7. Bedroom 3 - TOTAL 62.20 Table 4.5 shows the general built up area of single storey low cost houses at Section 18. Areas are taken for the living and dining, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and bedrooms. Table 4.6 : General built up area for double storey low cost houses at Section 18 Item Description Area (m2) Ground Floor 1. Living and Dining 15.94 2. Kitchen 2.78 3. Bathroom 1.62 4. Toilet 1.62 First Floor 5. Bedroom 1 9.87 6. Bedroom 2 13.25 7. Hall 6.66 TOTAL 51.74 Table 46 shows the general built up area of double storey low cost houses at Section 18. Areas are taken for the living and dining, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and bedrooms from the ground floor to the upper floor. 72 4.7.3. Building Design Basically, these residential houses are built with two or three bedrooms, a bathroom and toilet, a living room, a kitchen, and dining. Based on the microclimate, the roof is pitched 20° to allow rainwater to pass through. 4.7.4. Dimensions Of Windows And Doors Below are tables showing the typical dimensions of doors and windows for single and double storey low cost houses at Section 18. Table 4.8 : Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low cost houses (2 bedroom) at Section 18 Item Descriptions Windows (m2) Doors (m2) Area Of Room (m2) 1. Bedroom 1 1.08 1.89 20.08 2. Bedroom 2 0.54 1.89 14.97 3. Bathroom 0.19 0.19 3.26 4. Toilet 0.19 0.19 3.26 5. Living/Dining 1.08 1.89 17.13 6. Kitchen 0.48 1.89 9.35 TOTAL 3.56 10.08 62.20 From table 4.8 above, it is found that the total area of window openings is less than 10 % of the total floor area. This shows that it does not coincide with the requirement of the Uniform Building By Law. 10 % of the total floor area of rooms is 6.2 meter squared while the total area of windows is 3.56 meter squared. This 73 means that the total area of window openings is less than 10 % of the total of floor area of rooms. Table 4.9 : Dimension of windows and doors for double storey low cost houses at Section 18 Item Descriptions Windows (m2) Doors (m2) Area of Room (m2) GROUND FLOOR 1. Bathroom 0.19 1.47 3.26 2. Toilet 0.19 1.47 3.26 3. Living/Dining 1.08 1.89 17.13 Kitchen 0.48 1.47 9.35 FIRST FLOOR 4. Bedroom 1 1.08 1.89 20.08 5. Bedroom 2 0.54 1.89 14.97 6. Hall 1.08 - 6.66 TOTAL 4.64 8.61 74.71 Table 4.9 shows the dimensions of windows for double storey low cost houses at Section 18. The total area of the window opening is 4.64m2 while the total floor area is 74.71 in which 10 % of the total floor area is 7.47 meter squared. This means that the total area of window openings is less than the total area of the floor. 4.7.5. Testing There are 3 samples houses selected from this section. 2 unit are intermediate lots and one unit in a corner lot. As mentioned before, the parameter of thermal 74 conditions are using a ‘Comfy Meter’. The thermal parameters measured and the values are shown in the table shown. The measurement was divided into 3 categories, i.e morning, evening and night. The following are the result of the testing:- Table 4.10 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 1 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.9 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.6 76 0.2 2916 1.8 75 28.3 28.5 27.9 28.6 76 0.2 2996 1.8 70 28.3 28.6 0840 27.9 28.7 76 0.4 2841 1.7 64 28.3 28.6 0845 27.9 28.8 74 0.2 2567 1.8 64 28.4 28.8 0850 27.8 28.6 75 0.2 2548 1.7 62 28.2 28.6 0855 27.8 28.8 73 0.3 2457 1.6 59 28.3 28.8 0900 28.4 28.9 72 0.2 2869 1.6 61 28.7 28.8 0905 28.8 29.0 71 0.2 2896 1.7 58 28.9 29.0 0910 29.0 29.1 76 0.3 2789 1.5 53 29.1 29.1 0915 29.0 29.2 78 0.2 2564 1.5 57 29.1 29.2 0920 29.1 29.2 80 0.2 2897 1.6 57 29.2 29.0 0925 29.1 29.4 82 0.2 2458 1.6 57 29.3 29.0 0930 29.2 29.4 84 0.2 2985 1.7 58 29.3 29.2 0935 29.1 29.2 84 0.2 2487 1.7 62 29.2 29.2 0940 29.0 29.0 84 0.2 2654 1.7 60 29.0 29.0 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 61% are shown in figure 4.10. 75 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.2 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 61% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 76 Table 4.11 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 1 Air Time Globe Relative Air Temp. Humidity Speed (Degree C) (%) (m/s) Temp. (Degree C) Pressure (Pa) PMV Operative MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) 1530 29.9 29.8 81 0.2 3418 1.5 73 28.9 29.8 1505 29.6 29.6 81 0.2 3360 1.6 69 29.0 29.6 1540 29.5 29.5 82 0.4 3382 1.7 63 28.9 29.5 1545 29.2 29.2 86 0.2 3486 1.8 65 29.0 29.2 1550 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3526 1.8 63 29.1 29.0 1555 29.0 29.0 89 0.3 3546 1.8 60 29.0 29.0 1600 28.9 28.9 90 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.9 28.9 1605 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3406 1.7 59 28.8 28.8 1610 28.7 28.7 87 0.3 3445 1.5 53 28.8 28.7 1615 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.5 58 28.9 28.7 1620 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.5 59 28.9 28.8 1625 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.6 59 29.0 28.8 1630 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.6 61 29.0 28.9 1635 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 28.8 28.9 1640 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.9 28.8 Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.6, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.11. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 77 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.3 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.6 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.12 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 1 Air Time Temp. (Degree C) Globe Relative Air Temp. Humidity Speed (Degree C) (%) (m/s) Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Operative Temp. (Degree C) 2015 29.9 29.8 81 0.2 3418 1.6 73 28.9 29.8 2020 29.6 29.6 81 0.2 3360 1.6 69 29.0 29.5 2025 29.5 29.5 82 0.4 3382 1.6 63 28.9 29.5 2030 29.2 29.2 86 0.2 3486 1.7 65 29.0 29.0 2035 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3526 1.7 63 29.1 29.0 2040 29.0 29.0 89 0.3 3546 1.7 60 29.0 29.0 2045 28.9 28.9 90 0.2 3456 1.7 62 28.9 28.9 2050 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3406 1.7 59 28.8 28.8 2055 28.7 28.7 87 0.3 3445 1.5 53 28.8 28.7 2100 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.6 58 28.9 28.8 2105 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.7 59 28.9 28.6 2110 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.6 59 29.0 28.8 2115 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.6 61 29.0 28.7 2120 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3485 1.6 61 28.8 28.9 2125 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.9 28.8 Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.6, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.12. 78 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.4 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.6 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 79 Table 4.13 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 2 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.6 0835 Relative Air Humidity Speed MRT Operative (Degree Temp. (%) (m/s) C) (Degree C) 28.6 80 0.1 3410 1.8 72 28.1 28.6 28.6 28.8 80 0.1 3358 1.7 68 28.7 28.8 0840 28.8 29.0 81 0.3 3380 1.6 62 28.9 28.8 0845 28.8 29.2 85 0.1 3484 1.7 64 29.0 29.0 0850 28.8 29.0 87 0.1 3524 1.6 62 28.9 29.0 0855 28.8 29.0 88 0.2 3544 1.6 59 28.9 28.8 0900 28.8 29.2 89 0.1 3463 1.6 61 29.0 29.0 0905 28.8 29.0 87 0.1 3404 1.6 58 28.9 28.8 0910 28.8 29.0 88 0.2 3443 1.4 52 28.9 29.0 0915 29.0 29.2 87 0.1 3463 1.5 57 29.1 29.0 0920 29.2 29.4 87 0.1 3463 1.6 58 29.3 29.2 0925 29.4 29.9 87 0.1 3482 1.6 58 29.7 29.8 0930 29.4 29.8 87 0.1 3482 1.6 60 29.6 29.7 0935 29.4 29.6 87 0.1 3482 1.6 60 29.5 29.6 0940 28.8 29.2 87 0.1 3482 1.6 59 29.0 29.1 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.6, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 61% are shown in figure 4.13. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 80 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.5 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.6 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 61% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.14 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 2 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 30.1 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 30.4 74 0.3 3159 2.0 75 29.3 30.4 29.7 29..9 75 0.4 3129 1.8 66 29.4 29.9 1540 29.5 29.7 76 0.2 3135 1.8 68 29.3 29.7 1545 29.4 29.6 77 0.3 3157 1.7 64 29.2 29.6 1550 29.1 29.3 76 0.6 3081 1.5 52 28.9 29.3 1555 29.2 29.2 77 0.1 3103 1.8 66 28.8 29.2 1600 28.9 29.0 77 0.2 3067 1.6 57 28.6 29.0 1605 28.8 28.9 78 0.1 3089 1.7 62 28.5 28.9 1610 28.7 28.9 79 0.2 3111 1.6 56 28.6 28.9 1615 28.8 28.9 79 0.1 3129 1.7 62 28.8 28.9 1620 28.8 28.9 79 0.1 3129 1.7 62 28.7 28.9 1625 28.7 28.9 79 0.2 3111 1.6 56 29.3 28.9 1630 28.8 29.0 80 0.2 3168 1.6 58 29.4 29.0 1635 29.0 29.3 80 0.2 3206 1.7 63 29.3 29.3 1640 29.1 29.3 80 0.3 3224 1.7 60 29.2 29.3 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.14. 81 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.6 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 82 Table 4.15 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 2 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.9 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 81 0.2 3418 1.9 73 28.9 29.8 29.6 29.6 81 0.2 3360 1.8 69 29.0 29.6 2025 29.5 29.5 82 0.4 3382 1.7 63 28.9 29.5 2030 29.2 29.2 86 0.2 3486 1.8 65 29.0 29.2 2035 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3526 1.7 63 29.1 29.0 2040 29.0 29.0 89 0.3 3546 1.7 60 29.0 29.0 2045 28.9 28.9 90 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.9 28.9 2050 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3406 1.7 59 28.8 28.8 2055 28.7 28.7 87 0.3 3445 1.5 53 28.8 28.7 2100 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.6 58 28.9 28.7 2105 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.7 59 28.9 28.8 2110 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.7 59 29.0 28.8 2115 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 29.0 28.9 2120 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 28.8 28.9 2125 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.9 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.15. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 83 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.7 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.16 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 3 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 28.0 0835 Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.2 84 0.0 2918 1.4 28.0 28.2 84 0.0 2860 0840 28.0 28.2 85 0.0 0845 28.2 28.4 89 0850 28.4 28.6 0855 28.6 0900 MRT Operative (Degree Temp. C) (Degree C) 70 28.1 29.8 1.3 64 29.0 29.6 2882 1.2 58 28.9 29.5 0.0 2986 1.3 60 29.0 29.2 91 0.1 3026 1.5 58 29.1 29.0 28.6 91 0.1 3046 1.5 55 29.0 29.0 28.6 28.8 93 0.1 2965 1.5 57 28.9 28.9 0905 28.4 28.8 91 0.2 2906 1.5 54 28.8 28.8 0910 28.2 28.7 90 0.2 2945 1.0 48 28.8 28.7 0915 28.6 28.6 91 0.1 2965 1.1 53 28.9 28.7 0920 28.6 28.6 91 0.1 2965 1.2 54 28.9 28.8 0925 28.8 29.0 91 0.1 2985 1.2 54 29.0 28.8 0930 29.0 29.0 91 0.2 2985 1.2 56 29.0 28.9 0935 29.0 29.2 91 0.2 2985 1.2 56 28.8 28.9 0940 29.2 29.4 91 0.2 2965 1.2 55 28.9 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.3, which means it is SLIGHTLY WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 57% are shown in figure 4.16. 84 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.8 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.3 the thermal sensation scale is SLIGHTLY WARM Average PPD index - 57% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 85 Table 4.16 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 3 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 29.5 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.5 69 0.2 2846 1.7 62 29.5 29.5 28.8 28.8 72 0.6 2851 1.3 42 28.8 28.8 1540 28.2 28.2 80 0.1 3060 1.5 52 28.2 28.2 1545 28.0 28.1 82 0.1 3101 1.5 51 28.2 28.1 1550 27.7 27.9 86 0.1 3195 1.5 49 28.0 27.9 1555 27.5 27.6 87 0.2 3195 1.3 39 27.7 27.6 1600 27.2 27.5 88 0.2 3175 1.2 37 27.8 27.5 1605 27.1 27.4 88 0.2 3156 1.2 36 27.7 27.4 1610 27.1 27.4 89 0.2 3192 1.2 36 27.7 27.4 1615 27.1 27.4 90 0.1 328 1.4 43 27.6 27.4 1620 27.0 27.3 89 0.2 3174 1.2 35 27.6 27.3 1625 26.8 27.2 90 0.2 3172 1.2 33 27.7 27..2 1630 27.2 27.5 89 0.0 3211 1.4 37 27.6 27.5 1635 27..5 27.7 88 0.1 3232 1.4 47 28.0 27.7 1640 27.6 27.7 88 0.1 3185 1.4 47 27.6 27.7 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.4, which means it is SLIGHTLY WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 43% are shown in figure 4.7 (h). PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 PMV 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 86 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.9 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.4 the thermal sensation scale is SLIGHTLY WARM Average PPD index - 43% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.17 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 3 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.7 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.6 81 0.2 3418 1.9 73 29.7 29.8 29.4 29.4 81 0.2 3360 1.8 69 29.4 29.6 2025 29.3 29.3 82 0.4 3382 1.7 63 29.3 29.5 2030 29.0 29.0 86 0.2 3486 1.8 65 29.0 29.2 2035 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3526 1.7 63 28.8 29.0 2040 28.8 28.8 89 0.3 3546 1.7 60 28.8 29.0 2045 28.7 28.7 90 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.7 28.9 2050 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3406 1.7 59 28.6 28.8 2055 28.5 28.5 87 0.3 3445 1.5 53 28.5 28.7 2100 28.4 28.4 88 0.2 3465 1.6 58 28.4 28.7 2105 28.4 28.4 88 0.2 3465 1.7 59 28.4 28.8 2110 28.5 28.5 88 0.2 3485 1.7 59 28.5 28.8 2115 28.5 28.5 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 28.5 28.9 2120 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 28.6 28.9 2125 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.7 (i). 87 PMV against PPD 70 60 PPD (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.10 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 88 7.6. Conclusion In terms of ventilation, the terraced houses at Section 18 lacked a few things. Firstly, the size of openings are not adequate. Furthermore, they do not coincide with the Uniform Building By Laws. It was found that both types of low cost houses have an area of openings of less than 10 % of the floor area. Secondly, from 17 units of houses, all of them have low pitched roofs. This reduces the effectiveness of ventilation creating an increase in temperature and difficulty in extracting air. Some houses took the initiative to install additional mechanical ventilation. The houses are built facing direct sunlight. Based on testing conducted, we can conclude that most of the time the thermal sensation level for samples houses are at level almost warm. 89 4.8. CASE STUDY NO. 2 – SINGLE STOREY TERRACED HOUSES AT SECTION 20 Figure 4.11 : Single storey low cost terraced houses at Section 20 Section 20 is located in the industrial part of Shah Alam. The area was developed by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). Each unit cost RM 42,000. The area consist of single and double storey houses as well as flats. Location : Section 20, Shah Alam Total number of houses : 560 Year built/Developer : 1996/PKNS Date of occupancy : 1997-2001 90 Table 4.18 : Number of Houses Surveyed No. Name Of Street Number Of Houses Surveyed 1. Jalan Kunang-kunang, 20/8 6 2. Jalan Belalang Dua, 20/7B 4 3. Jalan Rusa, 20/9 2 4. Jalan Belalang Satu, 20/7A 4 4.8.1. Respondents The respondents consist of students, industrial workers and government servants. It is estimated that the total monthly income for husband and wife is RM 1,200.00. 4.8.2. General Description Price : RM 25,000 Area : 58.94 m2 No. of bedrooms :3 No. of bathrooms :1 Water supply : Direct; for kitchen and water tank Air conditioning : Not provided Rubbish compartment: : Provided 91 The single and double storey houses are basically constructed of reinforced concrete framework. To suit the climate, they are covered with pitched roofs. The specification for the materials is shown in Table 4.19 while the built up area for the houses are shown in Table 4.20. Some houses stay in their original design while some are renovated to accommodate a bigger space. 92 Table 4.19 : Specification of materials for low cost houses in Section 20 Item 1. Element Work Below Lowest Finish Specification Floor Reinforced concrete pad footing, ground beams, column stump and ground floor slabs, on and including hardcore, reinforcement and formwork. 2. Frame Reinforced concrete column and beams 3. Roof Concrete roof tiles including timber roof construction and reinforced concrete 4. External and internal walls 120 mm thick precast concrete wall where necessary to both internal and external wall 5. Doors and windows Single leaf plywood flush door with standard and approved ironmongery. Louvred windows in timber frames completed with glass and mild steel security bar 6. 7. External and internal wall Cement, sand and lime plastering and finishes painted Floor Finishes Cement and sand rendering trowelled smooth 8. Plumbing installation sanitary installation and Concealed PVC piping for cold water plumbing, UPVC piping for all sanitary piping and standard and approved sanitary fittings 9. Electrical installation Concealed wiring for all light points, power points and fan points including telephone trunking and other necessary items 93 Table 4.20 : General description of built up area for single storey low cost houses at Section 20. Item Description Area (m2) 1. Master Bedroom 11.50 2. Bedroom 2 9.35 3. Bedroom 3 6.55 4. Bathroom 1.05 5. Toilet 1.95 6. Living/Dining 19.68 7. Kitchen 7.80 TOTAL 57.88 The table above shows the general description of built up area for double storey low cost houses at Section 20. The areas are taken for a three bedroom house. 4.8.3. Dimension of Windows and Doors The table below shows the dimension of windows and doors for single storey low cost houses at Section 20. 94 Table 4.21 : Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low cost houses at Section 20 Item Descriptions Windows Doors Area of Room (m2) (m2) (m2) 1. Master Bedroom 1.44 1.89 11.50 2. Bedroom 2 0.25 1.89 9.35 3. Bedroom 3 - 1.89 6.55 4. Bathroom 0.19 1.47 1.05 5. Toilet 0.19 1.47 1.95 6. Living/ Dining 1.08 1.89 19.68 7. Kitchen 1.24 1.89 7.80 TOTAL 4.39 12.39 57.88 From the information gathered, the table shows that total area of window openings are less than 10 % of the total floor area. 10 % of floor area is 5.78 meter squared which more than the total area of window opening which is 4.39 meter squared. This is inadequate in terms of ventilation and this does not coincide with the Uniform Building By Laws. 4.8.4. Testing There are 3 samples houses selected from this section. 2 units are intermediate lots and one unit in a corner lot. As mentioned before, the parameter of thermal conditions are using a ‘Comfy Meter’. The thermal parameters measured and the values are shown in the table shown. The measurement was divided into 3 categories, i.e morning, evening and night. The following are the result of the testing:- 95 Table 4.22 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 4 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 29.9 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 70 0.2 3048 2.1 82 29.1 29.8 29.6 29.6 71 0.2 3030 1.9 72 29.0 29.6 0840 29.5 29.5 71 0.2 3030 1.8 69 29.3 29.5 0845 29.2 29.2 74 0.2 3058 1.8 68 29.5 29.2 0850 29.0 29.0 76 0.2 3257 1.8 66 29.2 29.0 0855 29.0 29.0 77 0.2 3145 1.7 63 28.8 29.0 0900 28.9 28.9 78 0.4 3589 1.6 26 28.5 28.9 0905 28.8 28.8 79 0.7 3332 1.5 52 28.0 28.8 0910 28.7 28.7 84 0.5 3552 1.6 59 28.7 28.7 0915 28.6 28.6 83 0.2 3352 1.7 62 28.4 28.6 0920 28.6 28.6 83 0.3 3362 1.6 58 28.4 28.6 0925 28.7 28.7 81 0.3 6364 1.6 56 28.6 28.7 0930 28.7 28.7 81 0.2 6364 1.6 59 28.4 28.7 0935 28.8 28.8 83 0.3 3352 1.6 57 28.7 28.8 0940 28.8 28.8 88 0.3 3527 1.6 58 28.5 28.8 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 60% are shown in figure 4.22. PMV against PPD 90 80 PPD (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6 PMV 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 96 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.12 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 62% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.23 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 4 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 32.3 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 30.8 63 0.2 3048 2.1 82 29.1 30.8 30.9 30.0 68 0.2 3039 1.9 72 29.0 30.0 1540 30.2 29.8 71 0.2 3049 1.8 69 29.3 29.8 1545 29.9 29.7 73 0.2 3081 1.8 68 29.5 29.7 1550 29.8 29.5 75 0.2 3147 1.8 66 29.2 29.5 1555 29.7 29.3 76 0.2 3171 1.7 63 28.8 29.3 1600 29.6 29.2 77 0.4 3194 1.6 26 28.5 29.2 1605 29.7 29.2 80 0.7 3338 1.5 52 28.0 29.2 1610 29.6 29.3 83 0.5 3443 1.6 59 28.7 29.3 1615 29.5 29.0 82 0.2 3382 1.7 62 28.4 29.0 1620 29.4 29.0 82 0.3 3362 1.6 58 28.4 29.0 1625 29.3 29.0 80 0.3 3261 1.6 56 28.6 29.0 1630 29.3 28.9 80 0.2 3261 1.6 59 28.4 28.9 1635 29.2 29.0 82 0.3 3324 1.6 57 28.7 29.0 1640 29.2 28.9 87 0.3 3527 1.6 58 28.5 28.9 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 60% are shown in figure 4.23. 97 PMV against PPD 90 80 PPD (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.13 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV Average PPD index - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM - 60% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 98 Table 4.24 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 4 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.9 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 81 0.2 3418 1.9 73 28.9 29.8 29.6 29.6 81 0.2 3360 1.8 69 29.0 29.6 2025 29.5 29.5 82 0.4 3382 1.7 63 28.9 29.5 2030 29.2 29.2 86 0.2 3486 1.8 65 29.0 29.2 2035 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3526 1.7 63 29.1 29.0 2040 29.0 29.0 89 0.3 3546 1.7 60 29.0 29.0 2045 28.9 28.9 90 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.9 28.9 2050 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3406 1.7 59 28.8 28.8 2055 28.7 28.7 87 0.3 3445 1.5 53 28.8 28.7 2100 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.6 58 28.9 28.7 2105 28.6 28.6 88 0.2 3465 1.7 59 28.9 28.8 2110 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.7 59 29.0 28.8 2115 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 29.0 28.9 2120 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3485 1.7 61 28.8 28.9 2125 28.8 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.9 28.8 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 62% are shown in figure 4.24. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 99 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.14 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 63% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.25 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 5 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.9 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.0 81 0.1 3418 1.9 74 29.0 29.8 28.0 28.6 81 0.1 3340 1.8 70 28.3 29.6 0840 28.2 29.5 82 0.1 3362 1.7 64 28.9 29.5 0845 28.2 29.2 86 0.2 3466 1.8 66 28.7 29.2 0850 28.2 29.0 88 0.2 3506 1.7 64 28.6 29.0 0855 28.2 29.0 89 0.2 3526 1.7 61 28.6 29.0 0900 28.4 28.9 90 0.2 3446 1.7 63 28.7 28.9 0905 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3384 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0910 28.7 28.8 87 0.3 3425 1.5 54 28.8 28.7 0915 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3425 1.6 59 28.7 28.7 0920 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3245 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0925 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0930 28.7 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.8 28.9 0935 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3465 1.7 62 29.0 28.9 0940 29.0 29.2 88 0.2 3465 1.7 61 29.1 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 63% are shown in figure 4.25. 100 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.15 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV Average PPD index - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM - 63% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 101 Table 4.26 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 5 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 29.4 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 79 0.2 3363 1.9 72 29.6 29.8 29.1 29.6 79 0.2 3305 1.8 68 29.4 29.6 1540 29.1 29.5 80 0.4 3327 1.7 62 29.3 29.5 1545 28.7 29.2 84 0.2 3461 1.8 64 29.0 29.2 1550 28.5 29.0 86 0.2 3471 1.7 62 28.8 29.0 1555 28.5 29.0 878 0.3 3491 1.7 59 28.8 29.0 1600 28.4 28.9 88 0.2 3410 1.7 61 28.7 28.9 1605 28.3 28.8 86 0.2 3351 1.7 58 28.6 28.8 1610 28.2 28.7 85 0.3 3390 1.5 52 28.5 28.7 1615 28.1 28.6 86 0.2 3410 1.6 57 28.4 28.7 1620 28.1 28.6 86 0.2 3410 1.7 58 28.4 28.8 1625 28.2 28.7 86 0.2 3430 1.7 58 28.5 28.8 1630 28.2 28.7 86 0.2 3430 1.7 60 28.5 28.9 1635 28.3 28.8 86 0.2 3430 1.7 60 28.6 28.9 1640 28.3 28.8 86 0.2 3410 1.7 59 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 61% are shown in figure 4.26. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 102 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.16 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 61% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.27 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 5 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.3 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 78 0.2 3353 1.9 71 29.6 29.8 29.0 29.6 78 0.2 3295 1.8 67 29.3 29.6 2025 28.9 29.5 79 0.4 3317 1.7 61 29.2 29.5 2030 28.6 29.2 83 0.2 3421 1.8 63 28.9 29.2 2035 28.4 29.0 85 0.2 3461 1.7 61 28.7 29.0 2040 28.4 29.0 86 0.3 3481 1.7 58 28.7 29.0 2045 28.3 28.9 87 0.2 3400 1.7 60 28.6 28.9 2050 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3341 1.7 57 28.5 28.8 2055 28.1 28.7 84 0.3 3380 1.5 51 28.4 28.7 2100 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3400 1.6 56 28.3 28.7 2105 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3400 1.7 57 28.3 28.8 2110 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3420 1.7 57 28.4 28.8 2115 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3420 1.7 59 28.4 8.9 2120 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3420 1.7 59 28.5 28.9 2125 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3400 1.7 58 28.5 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 60% are shown in figure 4.27. 103 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.17 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV Average PPD index - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM - 60% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 104 Table 4.28 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 6 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.9 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.0 81 0.1 3418 1.9 74 29.0 29.8 28.0 28.6 81 0.1 3340 1.8 70 28.3 29.6 0840 28.2 29.5 82 0.1 3362 1.7 64 28.9 29.5 0845 28.2 29.2 86 0.2 3466 1.8 66 28.7 29.2 0850 28.2 29.0 88 0.2 3506 1.7 64 28.6 29.0 0855 28.2 29.0 89 0.2 3526 1.7 61 28.6 29.0 0900 28.4 28.9 90 0.2 3446 1.7 63 28.7 28.9 0905 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3384 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0910 28.7 28.8 87 0.3 3425 1.5 54 28.8 28.7 0915 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3425 1.6 59 28.7 28.7 0920 28.6 28.8 88 0.2 3245 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0925 28.7 28.7 88 0.2 3465 1.7 60 28.7 28.8 0930 28.7 28.8 88 0.2 3465 1.7 62 28.8 28.9 0935 29.0 29.0 88 0.2 3465 1.7 62 29.0 28.9 0940 29.0 29.2 88 0.2 3465 1.7 61 29.1 28.8 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 63% are shown in figure 4.28. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 105 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.18 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 63% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.29 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 6 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 29.5 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 78 0.2 3365 1.9 71 29.7 29.8 29.2 29.6 78 0.2 3307 1.8 67 29.4 29.6 1540 29.1 29.5 79 0.4 3329 1.7 61 29.3 29.5 1545 28.8 29.2 83 0.2 3463 1.8 63 29.0 29.2 1550 28.6 29.0 85 0.2 3473 1.7 61 28.8 29.0 1555 28.6 29.0 86 0.3 3493 1.7 58 28.8 29.0 1600 28.5 28.9 87 0.2 3412 1.7 60 28.7 28.9 1605 28.4 28.8 85 0.2 3353 1.7 57 28.6 28.8 1610 28.3 28.7 84 0.3 3392 1.5 51 28.5 28.7 1615 28.2 28.6 85 0.2 3412 1.6 56 28.4 28.7 1620 28.2 28.6 85 0.2 3412 1.7 57 28.4 28.8 1625 28.3 28.7 85 0.2 3432 1.7 57 28.5 28.8 1630 28.3 28.7 85 0.2 3432 1.7 59 28.5 28.9 1635 28.4 28.8 85 0.2 3432 1.7 59 28.6 28.9 1640 28.4 28.8 85 0.2 3412 1.7 58 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 60% are shown in figure 4.29. 106 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.19 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV Average PPD index - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM - 60% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 107 Table 4.30 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 6 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.2 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 80 0.2 3356 1.9 72 29.5 29.8 28.9 29.6 80 0.2 3299 1.8 68 29.3 29.6 2025 28.8 29.5 81 0.4 3320 1.7 62 29.2 29.5 2030 28.5 29.2 85 0.2 3424 1.8 64 28.9 29.2 2035 28.3 29.0 87 0.2 3464 1.7 62 28.7 29.0 2040 28.3 29.0 88 0.3 3484 1.7 59 28.7 29.0 2045 28.2 28.9 89 0.2 3403 1.7 61 28.6 28.9 2050 28.1 28.8 87 0.2 3344 1.7 58 28.5 28.8 2055 28.0 28.7 86 0.3 3383 1.5 52 28.4 28.7 2100 27.9 28.6 87 0.2 3403 1.6 57 28.3 28.7 2105 27.9 28.6 87 0.2 3403 1.7 58 28.3 28.8 2110 28.0 28.7 87 0.2 3423 1.7 58 28.4 28.8 2115 28.0 28.7 87 0.2 3423 1.7 60 28.4 8.9 2120 28.1 28.8 87 0.2 3423 1.7 60 28.5 28.9 2125 28.1 28.8 87 0.2 3403 1.7 59 28.5 28.8 Time Pressure PMV (Pa) MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 61% are shown in figure 4.30. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 108 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.20 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 60% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 4.8.5. Conclusion Section 20 has just been recently developed by PKNS. Therefore, the areas still lack trees for protection against direct sunlight. Most low cost houses have low pitched roofs besides having an area opening of less than 10 % of floor area. Some houses surveyed did not have windows in all bedrooms. This is not good for the health as there is no air flow and no replacement of fresh air. In addition, the roof pitch is too low. Based on testing conducted, we can conclude that most of the time the thermal sensation level for samples houses are at level almost warm. 109 4.9. CASE STUDY NO.3 – SINGLE AND DOUBLE STOREY TERRACED HOUSES AT SECTION 24 Figure 4.21 : Single storey low cost houses at Section 24 Section 24 is located in the industrial part of Shah Alam near the Giant Supermarket. The area has two primary and secondary schools, churches, a Hindu temple, a market and shop lots. Half of Section 24 is surrounded by Sungai Kelang. The area was developed by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS). The construction was completed in 1984 and cost RM 25,000 per unit. The area consists of single storey houses as well as flats. Location : Section 24, Shah Alam Total number of houses : 897 Year built/Developer : 1984/PKNS Date of occupancy : 1989 110 Table 4.31 : Number of Houses Surveyed No. Name Of Street Number Of Houses Surveyed 1. Jalan Kobis, 24/30 4 2. Jalan ,24/33C 6 3. Jalan 24/31 3 4. Jalan Pegaga, 24/3 4 4.9.1. Respondents Most respondents consist of students, industrial workers and government servants. It is estimated that the total monthly income for husband and wife is RM 1,200.00. 4.9.2. General description Price : RM 42,000 Area : 61.50 m2/661.74 sq.ft No. of bedrooms :3 No. of bathrooms :1 Water supply : Direct; for kitchen and water tank Air conditioning : Not provided Rubbish compartment: : Provided The single and double storey houses are basically constructed of reinforced concrete framework. To suit the climate, they are covered with pitched roofs. The specifications for the materials are shown in Table 4.32 while the built up area for the houses are shown in Table 33. 111 Table 4.32 : Specification of materials used for low cost houses in Section 24 Shah Alam Item Element 1. Work Specification Below Lowest Finish Floor Reinforced concrete pad footing, ground beams, column stump and ground floor slabs, on and including hardcore, reinforcement and formwork. 2. Frame Reinforced concrete column and beams 3. Roof Concrete roof tiles including timber roof construction and reinforced concrete 4. External and internal walls Precast concrete (100 mm. thick) and plywood for living area 5. Doors and windows Single leaf plywood flush door with standard and approved ironmongery Louvred windows in timber frames completed with glass louvres and mild steel security bar 6. External and internal wall Cement, sand and lime plastering finishes 7. Floor Finishes Cement and sand rendering trowelled smooth 8. Ceiling finishes 9. Plumbing installation sanitary installation Asbestos and Concealed PVC piping for cold water plumbing, UPVC piping for all sanitary piping and standard and approved sanitary fittings 10. Electrical installation Concealed wiring for all light points, power points and fan points including telephone trunking and other necessary items 112 The table above show the specification of materials used for low cost houses at Section 24, Shah Alam. The materials used here are basic materials of minimum cost such as concrete tiles for the roof and plywood flush door. Table 4.33 : General description of built up area for double storey low cost houses at Section 24. Item Description Area (m2) 1 Living and Dining 16.39 2 Kitchen 5.80 3 Bathroom 1.00 4 Toilet 1.80 5 Master Bedroom 11.10 6 Bedroom 2 9.45 7 Bedroom 3 6.50 TOTAL 52.04 The total built up floor area for the double storey low cost terraced house is 52.04 meter squared. 4.9.3 Dimensions of Windows and Doors Below is a table showing the dimensions of window and doors for low cost houses in Section 18. 113 Table 4.34 : Dimension of windows and doors for single storey low cost houses at Section 24 Windows Doors Area of Room (m2) (m2) (m2) Master Bedroom 1.44 1.89 11.10 2. Bedroom 2 0.25 1.89 9.45 3. Bedroom 3 1.44 1.89 6.50 4. Bathroom 1.00 1.47 1.00 5. Toilet 0.18 1.47 1.80 6. Living/dining 2.15 1.89 16.39 7. Kitchen 1.24 1.89 2.14 TOTAL 7.7 12.39 52.04 Item Descriptions 1. From the information in the table above, it is found that the area of window openings for the low cost houses in Section 24 are not less than 10 % of the floor area of each room. This means that it fulfils the requirements of the Uniform Building By Laws. 4.9.4. Testing There are 3 samples houses selected from this section. 2 unit are intermediate lots and one unit in a corner lot. As mentioned before, the parameter of thermal conditions are using a ‘Comfy Meter’. The thermal parameters measured and the values are shown in the table shown. The measurement was divided into 3 categories, i.e morning, evening and night. The following are the result of the testing:- 114 Table 4.35 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 7 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.6 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.0 28.0 0.1 3383 1.9 69 27.8 29.8 27.7 28.6 28.6 0.1 3305 1.8 65 28.2 29.6 0840 27.9 29.5 29.5 0.1 3327 1.7 59 28.7 29.5 0845 27.9 29.2 29.2 0.2 3431 1.8 61 28.6 29.2 0850 27.9 29.0 29.0 0.2 3471 1.7 59 28.5 29.0 0855 27.9 29.0 29.0 0.2 3491 1.7 56 28.5 29.0 0900 28.1 28.9 28.9 0.2 3411 1.7 58 28.5 28.9 0905 28.3 28.8 28.8 0.2 3349 1.7 55 28.6 28.8 0910 28.4 28.8 28.8 0.3 3390 1.5 49 28.6 28.7 0915 28.3 28.8 28.8 0.2 3390 1.6 54 28.6 28.7 0920 28.3 28.8 28.8 0.2 3210 1.7 55 28.6 28.8 0925 28.4 28.7 28.7 0.2 3430 1.7 55 28.6 28.8 0930 28.4 28.8 28.8 0.2 3430 1.7 57 28.6 28.9 0935 28.7 29.0 29.0 0.2 3430 1.7 57 28.9 28.9 0940 28.7 29.2 29.2 0.2 3430 1.7 56 29.0 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 58% are shown in figure 4.35. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 115 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.22 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 58% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.36 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 7 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 29.7 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 77 0.2 3346 1.9 72 59.8 29.8 29.4 29.6 77 0.2 3288 1.8 68 29.5 29.6 1540 29.3 29.5 78 0.4 3310 1.7 62 29.4 29.5 1545 29.0 29.2 82 0.2 3414 1.8 64 29.1 29.2 1550 28.8 29.0 84 0.2 3454 1.7 62 28.9 29.0 1555 28.8 29.0 85 0.3 3474 1.7 59 28.9 29.0 1600 28.7 28.9 86 0.2 3393 1.7 61 28.8 28.9 1605 28.6 28.8 84 0.2 3334 1.7 58 28.7 28.8 1610 28.5 28.7 83 0.3 3373 1.5 52 28.6 28.7 1615 28.4 28.6 84 0.2 3393 1.6 57 28.5 28.7 1620 28.4 28.6 84 0.2 3393 1.7 58 28.5 28.8 1625 28.5 28.7 84 0.2 3413 1.7 58 28.6 28.8 1630 28.5 28.7 84 0.2 3413 1.7 60 28.6 28.9 1635 28.6 28.8 84 0.2 3413 1.7 60 28.7 28.9 1640 28.6 28.8 84 0.2 3393 1.7 59 28.7 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 61% are shown in figure 4.36. 116 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.23 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 61% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 117 Table 4.37 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 7 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.4 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 76 0.2 3375 1.9 70 29.6 29.8 29.1 29.6 76 0.2 3317 1.8 66 29.4 29.6 2025 29.0 29.5 77 0.4 3339 1.7 60 29.3 29.5 2030 28.7 29.2 81 0.2 3443 1.8 62 29.0 29.2 2035 28.5 29.0 83 0.2 3483 1.7 60 28.8 29.0 2040 28.5 29.0 84 0.3 3503 1.7 57 28.8 29.0 2045 28.4 28.9 85 0.2 3422 1.7 59 28.7 28.9 2050 28.3 28.8 83 0.2 3363 1.7 56 28.6 28.8 2055 28.2 28.7 82 0.3 3402 1.5 50 28.5 28.7 2100 28.1 28.6 83 0.2 3422 1.6 55 28.4 28.7 2105 28.1 28.6 83 0.2 3422 1.7 56 28.4 28.8 2110 28.2 28.7 83 0.2 3442 1.7 56 28.5 28.8 2115 28.2 28.7 83 0.2 3442 1.7 58 28.5 28.9 2120 28.3 28.8 83 0.2 3442 1.7 58 28.6 28.9 2125 28.3 28.8 83 0.2 3442 1.7 57 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 59% are shown in figure 4.37. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 118 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.24 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 59% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.38 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 8 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 27.8 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.0 75 0.1 3370 1.8 73 27.9 29.8 27.9 28.6 75 0.1 3292 1.9 69 28.3 29.6 0840 28.1 29.5 76 0.1 3314 1.7 63 28.8 29.5 0845 28.1 29.2 80 0.2 3418 1.8 65 28.7 29.2 0850 28.1 29.0 82 0.2 3458 1.7 63 28.6 29.0 0855 28.1 29.0 83 0.2 3478 1.7 60 28.6 29.0 0900 28.3 28.9 84 0.2 3398 1.7 62 28.6 28.9 0905 28.5 28.8 82 0.2 3336 1.7 59 28.7 28.8 0910 28.6 28.8 81 0.3 3377 1.5 53 28.7 28.7 0915 28.5 28.8 82 0.2 3377 1.6 58 28.7 28.7 0920 28.5 28.8 82 0.2 3197 1.7 59 28.7 28.8 0925 28.6 28.7 82 0.2 3417 1.7 59 28.7 28.8 0930 28.6 28.8 82 0.2 3417 1.7 61 28.7 28.9 0935 28.9 29.0 82 0.2 3417 1.7 61 29.0 28.9 0940 28.9 29.2 82 0.2 3417 1.7 60 29.1 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 58% are shown in figure 4.38. 119 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.25 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 58% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 120 Table 4.39 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 8 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 28.9 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 76 0.2 3373 1.9 70 29.4 29.8 28.6 29.6 76 0.2 3315 1.8 66 29.1 29.6 1540 28.5 29.5 77 0.4 3337 1.7 60 29.0 29.5 1545 28.2 29.2 81 0.2 3441 1.8 62 28.7 29.2 1550 28.0 29.0 83 0.2 3481 1.7 60 28.5 29.0 1555 28.0 29.0 84 0.3 3501 1.7 57 28.5 29.0 1600 27.9 28.9 85 0.2 3420 1.7 59 28.4 28.9 1605 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3361 1.7 56 28.3 28.8 1610 27.7 28.7 82 0.3 3400 1.5 50 28.2 28.7 1615 27.6 28.6 83 0.2 3420 1.6 55 28.1 28.7 1620 27.6 28.6 83 0.2 3420 1.7 56 28.1 28.8 1625 27.7 28.7 83 0.2 3440 1.7 56 28.2 28.8 1630 27.7 28.7 83 0.2 3440 1.7 58 28.2 28.9 1635 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3400 1.7 58 28.3 28.9 1640 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3420 1.7 57 28.3 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 59% are shown in figure 4.39. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 121 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.26 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 58% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.40 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 8 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.3 2020 Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 78 0.2 3378 1.9 29.0 29.6 78 0.2 3320 2025 28.9 29.5 79 0.4 2030 28.6 29.2 83 2035 28.4 29.0 2040 28.4 2045 MRT Operative (Degree Temp. C) (Degree C) 75 29.6 29.8 1.8 71 29.3 29.6 3342 1.7 65 29.2 29.5 0.2 3446 1.8 67 28.9 29.2 85 0.2 3486 1.7 65 28.7 29.0 29.0 86 0.3 3506 1.7 62 28.7 29.0 28.3 28.9 87 0.2 3425 1.7 64 28.6 28.9 2050 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3366 1.7 61 28.5 28.8 2055 28.1 28.7 84 0.3 3405 1.5 55 28.4 28.7 2100 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3425 1.6 60 28.3 28.7 2105 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3425 1.7 61 28.3 28.8 2110 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3445 1.7 61 28.4 28.8 2115 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3445 1.7 63 28.4 28.9 2120 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3445 1.7 63 28.5 28.9 2125 28.3 28.8 85 0.2 3425 1.7 62 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 64% are shown in figure 4.40. 122 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.27 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 64% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 123 Table 4.41 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (morning) – sample 9 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 0830 28.0 0835 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 28.0 87 0.1 3466 1.9 75 28.0 29.8 28.1 28.6 87 0.1 3388 1.8 71 28.4 29.6 0840 28.3 29.5 88 0.1 3410 1.7 65 28.9 29.5 0845 28.3 29.2 92 0.2 3514 1.8 67 28.8 29.2 0850 28.3 29.0 94 0.2 3554 1.7 65 28.7 29.0 0855 28.3 29.0 95 0.2 3574 1.7 67 28.7 29.0 0900 28.5 28.9 96 0.2 3494 1.7 68 28.7 28.9 0905 28.7 28.8 94 0.2 3432 1.7 69 28.8 28.8 0910 28.8 28.8 93 0.3 3473 1.5 71 28.8 28.7 0915 28.7 28.8 94 0.2 3473 1.6 73 28.8 28.7 0920 28.7 28.8 94 0.2 3293 1.7 77 28.8 28.8 0925 28.8 28.7 94 0.2 3513 1.7 69 28.8 28.8 0930 28.8 28.8 94 0.2 3513 1.7 65 28.8 28.9 0935 29.0 29.0 94 0.2 3513 1.7 63 29.1 28.9 0940 29.0 29.2 94 0.2 3513 1.7 67 29.2 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 69% are shown in figure 4.41. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 124 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.28 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 69% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied Table 4.42 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (afternoon) – sample 9 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 1530 28.9 1505 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 76 0.2 3373 1.9 70 29.4 29.8 28.6 29.6 76 0.2 3315 1.8 66 29.1 29.6 1540 28.5 29.5 77 0.4 3337 1.7 60 29.0 29.5 1545 28.2 29.2 81 0.2 3441 1.8 62 28.7 29.2 1550 28.0 29.0 83 0.2 3481 1.7 60 28.5 29.0 1555 28.0 29.0 84 0.3 3501 1.7 57 28.5 29.0 1600 27.9 28.9 85 0.2 3420 1.7 59 28.4 28.9 1605 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3361 1.7 56 28.3 28.8 1610 27.7 28.7 82 0.3 3400 1.5 50 28.2 28.7 1615 27.6 28.6 83 0.2 3420 1.6 55 28.1 28.7 1620 27.6 28.6 83 0.2 3420 1.7 56 28.1 28.8 1625 27.7 28.7 83 0.2 3440 1.7 56 28.2 28.8 1630 27.7 28.7 83 0.2 3440 1.7 58 28.2 28.9 1635 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3400 1.7 58 28.3 28.9 1640 27.8 28.8 83 0.2 3420 1.7 57 28.3 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV PPD (%) MRT (Degree C) Temp. (Degree C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 59% are shown in figure 4.42. 125 PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 PMV PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.29 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 59% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 126 Table 4.43 : Result testing for thermal sensation level (night) – sample 9 Air Globe Temp. Temp. (Degree (Degree C) C) 2015 29.3 2020 Operative Relative Air Humidity Speed (%) (m/s) 29.8 78 0.2 3458 1.9 75 29.6 29.8 29.0 29.6 78 0.2 3400 1.8 71 29.3 29.6 2025 28.9 29.5 79 0.4 3422 1.7 65 29.2 29.5 2030 28.6 29.2 83 0.2 3526 1.8 67 28.9 29.2 2035 28.4 29.0 85 0.2 3566 1.7 65 28.7 29.0 2040 28.4 29.0 86 0.3 3586 1.7 62 28.7 29.0 2045 28.3 28.9 87 0.2 3505 1.7 64 28.6 28.9 2050 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3446 1.7 61 28.5 28.8 2055 28.1 28.7 84 0.3 3485 1.5 55 28.4 28.7 2100 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3505 1.6 60 28.3 28.7 2105 28.0 28.6 85 0.2 3505 1.7 61 28.3 28.8 2110 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3525 1.7 61 28.4 28.8 2115 28.1 28.7 85 0.2 3525 1.7 63 28.4 28.9 2120 28.2 28.8 85 0.2 3525 1.7 63 28.5 28.9 2125 28.3 28.8 85 0.2 3505 1.7 62 28.6 28.8 Time Pressure (Pa) PMV MRT PPD Temp. (Degree (%) (Degree C) C) Table above shown the average value of thermal sensation scale based on Predicted Mean Value (PMV) is 1.7, which means it is ALMOST WARM and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) is 59% are shown in figure 4.43. PMV against PPD 80 70 PPD (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 PMV 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 127 PMV Scale The scale of thermal sensation is : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Cold Cool Slightly Cool Neutral Slightly Warm Warm Hot Figure 4.30 : PMV against PPD Result: Average PMV - 1.7 the thermal sensation scale is ALMOST WARM Average PPD index - 64% the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied 4.9.5. Conclusion The area of Shah Alam consist of single and double storey low cost houses which are built from the 1980’s through to the late 1990’s. Basic amenities are provided for the benefit of the neighborhoods. These are so far at a satisfying level. Low cost houses are usually built with a minimum amount of space. Because of the limited space, these houses normally undergo extension or alteration in order to increase the area of the existing space. Owners who live in corner lots have an advantage in extending and renovating their houses as there are more free space available. They can extend the back and the side of their houses. However, it is not easy for the intermediate houses as the space available are only at the back. This gives them a chance to at least extend the space for the kitchen. This action actually distracts the flow of wind as the houses are extended back and almost touch the houses opposite them. Therefore this is not good for ventilation. Besides that, adequate provision of windows and other openings should be provided to allow maximum ventilation. The layouts of the building also play a vital role in influencing the flow of ventilation. 128 It improve when the test were conducted. The result of the testing, we can conclude that most of the time the thermal sensation level for samples houses are at level almost warm. CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 5.0 ANALYSIS OF SURVEY The survey form contains 11 questions and is divided into two parts, which include the details of the property and the ventilation effectiveness of the house. The purpose of the first part is to find out about the details of the property and occupants while the second part is to determine the level of effectiveness of ventilation in each house in terms of openings, the use of mechanical ventilation and comfort. 130 5.1 ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 1 AND 4 Question 1 to 4 refers to the detail of property of each house surveyed and information on the occupants. These include the type of low cost terrace, the year it was built and moved in, address and type of occupant. 5.2 TYPE OF LOW COST TERRACE Table 5.1 : Type of low cost terrace Item Type of House Unit No. 1. Single Storey 24 2. Double Storey 16 3. Renovated Single Storey 6 4. Renovated Double Storey 4 Total 50 The table above shows the type of low cost terrace in Sections 18, 20 and 24. Out of all the houses surveyed 24 (48%) of them consisted of single storey, 16 (32%) are double storey while 6 (12%) consisted of renovated single storey and (8%) 4 consisted of renovated double storey. Corner lots tend to be renovated most. Mainly, renovated houses had their kitchens extended to increase the size of the already tiny kitchen 131 Single storey 8% 12% 48% Double storey Renovated single storey 32% Renovated double storey Figure 5.1: Type of low cost terrace Figure 5.1 shows that there is a high number of single storey terraced houses. The area of the houses is not adequate and comfortable enough to accommodate the entire family especially large ones. The cramped space makes it uncomfortable for the family to live in, especially large families, therefore a much bigger space is required. Most of the houses surveyed are single storey terrace because most low cost houses are single storey. From the three sections, double storey terraced houses are found in Section 18. 132 5.3 TYPE OF OCCUPANT Table 5.2 : Types of occupant Item Type of House Unit No. 1. Family (Bought) 24 2. Non-Family (Bought) 0 3. Family (Rented) 11 4. Non-family (Rented) 15 Total 50 From Figure 5.2, it was found that 48% of respondents who live with their family bought their own property while a number of 8 respondents or 16% of them rented the house with their family. For non-family groups 30% of respondents rented the house while none of the respondents of non-family groups bought property. Family (bought) 30% 48% Non-family (bought) Family (rented) Non-family (rented) 22% 0% Figure 5.2: Type of occupant From the figure above, there is a high incidence of rented houses which is 52% altogether. This means that those who could afford to purchase the houses took 133 this opportunity to buy low cost houses for their own profit by renting rather than giving a chance for the low income groups 5.4 THE TIME HEAT IS MOST FELT IN THE HOUSE Table 5.3 : The time heat is most felt Item Time Heat Unit No. 1. Morning 29 2. Afternoon 2 3. Night 6 4. Most of the time 13 Total 50 The table shows the times heat is most significantly felt in the house. Heat is mostly felt in the afternoon which is 58% or 29 respondents. This is due to the hot weather which trap heat and lack of air circulation in the house. The following is felt most of the time which is 26% or 13 respondents. 12% or 6 respondents said heat is most felt in the night and finally 4% or 2 respondents felt heat mostly in the evening. 134 26% 0% Morning Afternoon Evening 58% 12% Night Most of the time 4% Figure 5.4: The time heat is most felt The heat was mostly felt in the afternoon. Figure 5.4 shows that percentage is which 58%. This is because it is the time when the sun is at its peak which is from 12 p.m to 3 p.m. Furthermore, the houses faced direct sunlight. Meanwhile, 26 % felt the heat most of the time. The fans had to keep running almost all day. The reasons why heat was felt is because the houses were constructed without any forms of roof insulation such as heat reflective foil lining. Furthermore, a porch was not provided at all for protection against direct sunlight. The heat continues to be felt in the night time as the heat is not able to escape. 135 5.5 PROVISION OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION Table 5.4 : Provision of mechanical ventilation Item Type of Mechanical Ventilation Unit No. 1. Ceiling 50 2. Roof 2 3. Air-Conditioning 4 4. Exhaust Fan 4 5. Propeller Fan 2 6. Others 0 Total 62 There are various types mechanical ventilation used. All houses use basic ceiling fans but there are others who put their own initiative to install additional mechanical ventilation. From the table 5.4, all houses surveyed were provided with ceiling fans which is 50 (82 %), followed by air conditioning and exhaust fan 4 (8 %), while roof ventilator and propeller fan each with 2 (4 %) respondents. 3% 6% 6% 0% Ceiling fan 3% Roof ventilator Air conditioning Exhaust fan Propeller fan 82% Others Figure 5.5: Provision of mechanical ventilation provided 136 Figure 5.5 shows the ceiling fan having the highest percentage. The fixed ceiling fan is the most widely used form of mechanical ventilation because it is the most efficient and cheapest way to cool the surrounding. Air conditioning and exhaust fans are the second mostly used form of mechanical ventilation. Air conditioning is more costly than the ceiling fan but able to provide cool air and comfort while fans are much widely used than roof ventilator and propeller fan because of the high cost and unfamiliarity to use them. 5.6 THE FREQUENCY OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION BEING TURNED ON DURING THE DAY Table 5.5: The frequency of mechanical ventilation being turned on during the day Item Descriptions Frequency 1. Very Often 26 2. Often 24 3. Seldom 0 4. Never 0 Total 50 Mechanical ventilation includes ceiling fans and others stated above (refer Table 5.5). The highest frequency is very often, which is 26 (52%) respondents. This shows that the level of humidity in the house is high due to the heat coming from various sources. The following is often which came from 24 (48%) respondents. 137 0% Very often 48% Often 52% Seldom Never Figure 5.7 : The frequency of mechanical ventilation being turned on during the day Figure 5.7 shows that besides natural ventilation, other means of mechanical ventilation is required to keep the temperature to a comfortable level. This is so as mechanical ventilation is required most of the time. In this case mechanical ventilation refers to mainly ceiling fans. Natural ventilation alone is not very adequate in getting rid of excessive heat; therefore they have to rely on mechanical ventilation as well. Mechanical ventilation is much needed particularly during the day and not excluding the night. Neither of the respondents marked seldom nor never because they will always require the aid of mechanical ventilation. 5.7 THE MAIN CAUSES OF HEAT What is the main cause of heat? 138 Table 5.6 : The main causes of heat Item Descriptions Frequency 1. Heat from the sun 28 2. Materials used to construct the house 8 3. Not enough openings/openings not fully 12 utilized 4. Lack of air circulation 2 Total 50 Table 5.6 shows the main causes of heat which are heat from the sun, 28 (56%) respondents, materials used to construct the house 8 (16%) respondents, not enough openings/openings not fully utilized 12 (24%) respondents and lack of air circulation 2 (4%) respondents. 4% Heat from the sun Materials 24% 56% 16% Not enough openings Lack of air circulation Figure 5.8: The main causes of heat Figure 5.8 show that 56% of respondents found the heat from the sun to be the main cause of heat. This is because every item is associated with the heat from the sun. Materials such as concrete blocks trap heat from the sun and also inadequate number of openings add in the accumulation of heat. Some houses do not open all 139 windows due to various reasons which include avoiding dust from coming into the house. Because of this, effective air movement cannot occur. The second cause of heat is the materials that are used to construct the house which comes to 16%. Materials used to construct the houses include concrete blocks and concrete roof tiles. These materials have heat conducting properties which have a tendency in increasing the temperature in a building. Next is the lack of openings or openings not fully utilized which comes down to 24% of respondents. It was found that there were not enough openings provided in these houses. Besides that, the occupants did not make full use of the windows provided. To achieve maximum ventilation, all windows should be opened to let fresh air in. Also, the ceiling height was very low and these prevent heat and warm air to escape from the building. 4% of respondents thought the main cause of heat is lack of air circulation. This is due to the layout of the house itself, either from the layout of the openings or due to the insufficient layout of the space itself. Another reason is stagnant air that is due to the low ceiling height which comes to an average of 2.7 meters high. These are some of the factors that prevent air from flowing effectively. Other than that air needs to be replaced to keep the cycle going. Again, this process cannot occur due to the above reasons. 5.8 SATISFACTION IN THE NUMBER AND SIZE OF OPENINGS Are you satisfied with the number and size of openings in the house? 140 Table 5.7: Satisfaction in the number and size of openings Item Result No. 1. YES 10 2. NO 40 TOTAL 50 20% YE S NO 80% Figure 5.9 : Satisfaction in the number of openings Figure 5.8 shows that 20% of respondents are satisfied with the number of openings while a huge 80% of respondents are not satisfied. This shows that there an inadequate provision of openings in the house. The types of openings provided were only windows which were fixed into solid concrete walls. It was also found that the openings were not fully utilized by the occupants. Not all windows were opened to allow fresh air in. This was probably to avoid dust and other pollutants from entering the house. 141 5.9 RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF VENTILATION Table 5.8: Recommendation and suggestion to improve the quality of ventilation Item Recommendation and Suggestion No. 1. Change the materials used 10 2. Increase size and number of openings 14 3. Provide basic mechanical ventilation 11 4. Change the orientation/design to promote air movement the 12 house 5. Plant trees before the construction of houses 10 6. Provide window designs that deflect wind more effectively 15 7. Other recommendation 2 TOTAL 74 Table 5.8 above shows the recommendation and suggestions by the respondents to improve the ventilation in their houses. 10 (14%) of respondents suggested in changing the present materials used for the construction of the house while 14 (19%) of respondents suggested in increasing the size and number of openings, 8 (16%) of respondents suggested in providing basic mechanical ventilation. 11 (15%) suggested in changing the orientation/ design of the house, also, 10 (14%) suggested to plant trees before the construction of the house, 15 (19%) suggested in providing window design that can deflect wind more effectively, while 2 (3 %) suggested other recommendations. 142 Change the materials used Increase size and openings 3% 19% 14% 19% Provide basic mechanical ventilation Change the orientation Plant trees 14% 16% 15% Provide window designs Other recommendation Figure 5.10 : Recommendation and suggestion to improve the quality of ventilation Figure 5.8 shows an even distribution of suggestions. The highest number of suggestion is to provide window designs that deflect wind more effectively. This was a concern as the design of windows is able to influence the way the wind enters the house. Most houses were fixed with adjustable louvred windows. This type of window can be used to control the amount of air that enters the house but is quite limited. Next, is followed by the suggestion of increasing the size of openings and changing the orientation of the house each with 19 % of respondents respectively. 5.9.1. Change the materials used 14 % or 10 respondents suggested changing the materials used for the construction of the house. Normally, for low cost houses, concrete blocks are used to 143 build walls and concrete roof tiles. Steel used for the roof is a good conductor of heat and is able to transfer heat at a relatively fast rate. These materials trap heat during the day and in turn the heat is reflected back in the house until night time and tends to remain inside the house. This causes discomfort to the occupants. Using bricks and roof tiles that are made from clay can reduce heat compared to using concrete as a building material. 5.9.2. Increase size and number of openings Effective natural ventilation depends on good design of openings which includes the right size and adequate number of openings. 19 % of respondents suggested in increasing the size and number of openings in order to promote air circulation and movement. It was found that most houses were not equipped with enough number of windows as not all bedrooms have a window. Besides natural lighting it also lacked fresh air. This is not good for the health and may cause some psychological problems such as lack of concentration in studying. The opening in the kitchen is also a main concern as cooking activities are done here. 5.9.3. Provide basic mechanical ventilation 19 % of respondents wanted basic mechanical ventilation provided. This goes mainly for ceiling fans, which is not included in other rooms except the living room. Additional fans should be provided so that the environment would not be too hot and the occupants do not have to rely on table fans. By providing ceiling fans in other 144 bedrooms, time is saved by not having to fix the ceiling fans by the occupants themselves. Besides ceiling fans, other means of mechanical ventilation should be readily provided. Propeller fans, exhaust fans and roof ventilators provide additional ventilation each in their appropriate places according to their individual function. 5.9.4. Change the layout/orientation/design to promote air movement in the house As observed, most low cost houses are not suitably designed in terms of openings and its layout. Not all rooms have a window provided and this does not promote good air circulation in the room, thus prevent natural ventilation from occurring. Often, heat is accumulated which in turn causes excessive heat. Another problem is that windows are not provided opposite each other, therefore cross ventilation cannot occur. The windows are built only on one side of each room. Of course there is not much to be done about it as this is the standard design of low cost houses and it would be difficult to have windows on opposite sides as these houses are linked. 145 5.9.5. Plant trees before the construction of houses Normally, in housing construction, houses are built first until they are completed and only then trees are planted. Trees play a vital role in the housing environment. They not only beautify the surrounding but also provide shade to avoid or reduce heat. 14 % of respondent wanted trees to be planted beforehand so that by the time the construction is completed the trees would have matured enough to provide the necessary shade besides being able to deflect wind into the house. From what was observed, the recently built houses, such as those in Section 20, have trees that are not matured enough to provide shade. Heat could easily penetrate through the walls which in turn absorb heat. 5.9.6. Provide window designs that deflect wind more effectively 19 % of respondents suggested in providing better window designs that can provide a better flow of wind. Most houses tend to have the typical adjustable louvred type windows. Renovated houses have a wider choice of windows to be fixed. As a result these houses chose to fix casement windows. Casement type windows provide a greater chance of wind flow as it is directed into a certain angle in which wind can flow easily into the house. Louvred windows provide less wind as the flow of wind is usually obstructed by the blades of the windows. 146 5.9.7. Other recommendation/ suggestion 3 % suggested other recommendation such as increasing the floor area of the house and increasing the ceiling height in order to lessen the heat. The ceiling heights in low cost houses built in the early 1980’s were found to be less than 3 meters, which is below the normal standard. This causes stagnant air and no room for air movement. Another suggestion was to change the orientation of the building in order to receive adequate sunlight and ventilation. But in this case the orientation is not too important because the houses are not high rise buildings. But it would be best if they faced the direction the wind instead of away from it. This would distract the wind from entering the house or to be more precise, the windows and other openings of the house. 5.10 THERMAL COMFORT Thermal comfort in building may be broadly divided, for convience, into humidity, room temperature, air velocity and radiant temperature. Thermal problems are those that arise in a unit of accommodation in connection with comfort, that is, the way in which the building design and their orientation, and climatic conditions affect our sensation level in house. Comfort is something e\which we cannot describe in exact words but its may cause many problems to human life. Such as humidity and moisture of we are exposed continuously. 147 The following are the finding from research and investigation: - 5.10.1. The parameters of thermal comfort are similar from one house to another even if the houses are situated in the different housing area. 5.10.2. The differences of construction will give the different in quality of thermal environment, due to differ on type of construction, workmanship, the device that used during construction and the age of building, including its location. 5.10.3. Between thermal environments identify, which may affect to the thermal comfort, the selection of material, building design and their orientation and climatic conditions are the major factors that the designers should consider during design stage. 5.10.4. Surrounding activities also can cause of thermal problem and so natural ventilation to the occupants. The construction activity, which contributes to warm air to houses area. 5.10.5. Overall climatic condition of the sections that had been surveyed are average. It because the warm air beside the area of study may affect to the thermal condition of the houses. The average temperature of the area of study is 32 0C, which it could be considered as regular temperature in Malaysia climate. 5.10.6. Based on result of testing, the overall house in area of study is almost warm. The air circulations in the houses are most probably not well 148 function. The material used for wall cause the warm air cannot move out from the house. 5.11 CONCLUSION The analyses of results are carried out on units of houses. The results are obtained through the distribution of survey and testing which are filled in by the respondents with the assistance of the surveyor. Most houses use the same type of windows except when renovated. From the interviews and testing, it was found that the level of satisfaction in terms of ventilation is low. The low cost houses in all sections have low pitched roofs of about 20 degrees. The houses are not provided with air wells either in order to let hot air out. Most houses rely on mechanical ventilation especially ceiling fans. The UBBL requires a total area of window opening to be not less than 10 % of the total floor area. It was found that not all of the houses coincide with the minimum requirements of the UBBL. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION CHAPTER 6 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 6.1. RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings, the following recommendations to improve the natural ventilation in low cost houses were made: 6.1.1. Prior to construction, proper orientation of the buildings with respect to wind directions, sunshine and rainfall must be done. Appropriate designs of windows, doors, etc. for cross-ventilation, maximum use of natural lighting, window hoods to prevent rain splashing in, and other factors must be considered for the comfort of the occupants. A good design will provide necessary sun shade and ventilation to reduce heat stress inside the building. 150 6.1.2. Low ceilings tend to increase heat radiation. However, it is cheaper to build houses with minimum ceiling height which allows hot air to stagnate near the ceiling To lower the heat radiation, the ceiling height should be higher than the existing in order to reduce heat radiation and at the same time allow warm air to escape from the building with the provision of air wells for stack effect. Roof ventilators also aid in ventilation. The roof should also be installed with heat reflective foil to resist heat transmission. The external part of the house should also be taken in account. A porch is useful in providing shade and preventing direct sunlight. 6.1.3. In the existing low cost houses, the cross ventilation is very poor due to the bad design of building blocks, windows and doors were too close to each other or not present or the windows of the opposite side are more than 30 feet, the ceiling height is too low, etc. To overcome the problem, the house needs to be altered in order to add more windows of different designs and other openings. A casement window with additional steel grille is a better option compared to the glass louvred windows. They not only look more attractive but also let more air in. This is not a problem for corner lots but it would be difficult for intermediates. For maximum ventilation, air blocks can be used to replace solid walls for some parts of the house. A higher roof pitch can also help to reduce the amount of heat radiated through the ceiling. 6.1.4. It was found that the buildings were mostly faced in the direction of the sun’s rays. Since Malaysia is in an equatorial region, the buildings should be oriented according to the direction of the wind and not in the direction of the sun’s rays. Ideally, the buildings should be oriented towards the south or the southeast. It would be uncomfortably hot if the room is facing the sun. However, most of the units have sunshades over the window. This is a very common feature in most all 151 low cost houses in order to lessen the heat. Sunshade helps to lower room temperature. 6.1.5. The layout and positions of openings should be according to prevalent wind directions. The openings should be opposite of each other rather than just side by side in order to promote cross ventilation. Apart from that, the size of openings is of equal importance. If a particular room has a good cross ventilation opening, the speed of wind can be controlled by increasing the size of the window. By doing this, the speed of wind can be increased. 6.1.6. The Government had also campaigned to plant 100,000 trees in the country. Developers should take this opportunity to green up the environment as well create a cooler surrounding. Before the construction of the housing units, trees should be planted, not the other way round. This provides a chance for the trees to mature and later provide shade once the construction has completed. This condition should be made compulsory to all developers. Other than providing shade, plants and trees also deflect wind to a desired direction. Besides that, the speed of wind can be increased if planned properly. For example, wind speed can be increased by directing the wind between two lines of trees before entering a building. 6.1.7. Most homes are constructed with materials which absorbs heat readily from the sun during daytime. At night, the air outside cools rapidly, but the building fabric behaves differently where heat is released from the building mass to the surrounding air indoor and outdoor. This thermal behaviour is typical of houses mostly built of high dense materials such as clay and cement bricks, concrete and also lightweight concrete aggregate. It is recommended that these houses be built 152 of materials that do not trap heat so easily and at the same time be able to release heat rapidly from the building fabric. The extension of houses should be considered carefully as most extensions are not properly built. The extension of houses without the approval of the authority is a grave matter. Improper extensions pose many problems including blocking natural ventilation from entering the house. Prior to extension, the owner should refer to the local authority for standard extension design concepts. 6.2. CONCLUSION Natural ventilation depends on natural forces for moving air through and out the building. Ventilation is required to ensure a healthy living environment. Not only that, it helps to cool the building to maintain a comfortable temperature or thermal comfort as well as keeping the environment away from dust particles and odour. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that: 6.2.1. The level of ventilation is similar from one house to the other even if they are situated in different areas, which mean that they are not receiving adequate fresh air. Heat is felt throughout the day especially when the sun is high. There are still many improvements to be made in order to improve the condition. Besides natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation is still required in order to ventilate the building effectively. 153 6.2.2. The requirement in the Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) has been given on openings for lighting and ventilation as a guide. The understanding towards the use of openings (windows, doors and other fixed openings) in buildings especially in providing natural ventilation and its relation to health and comfort as well as the cooling of interior environment is important as an awareness to always follow according to the requirement of the UBBL and the local government. 6.2.3. As early as the design stage, planners, designers and developers alike should consider the selection of materials, building design; referring to the orientation of building, their climatic conditions and other factors concerning the environment. Also, factors like the size and position of openings should be taken in account. 6.2.4. Other external aspects in town planning such as the layout, zoning and open area, etc., should be considered in the early stage so that the flow of wind can be fully utilised. The overall elements of landscaping should be integrated to assist in providing natural comfort. 6.2.5. Extension of houses should be controlled by the local authority. When extended, especially the rear extension, the houses tend to meet end to end which limits air movement. 154 6.3 RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER STUDY Besides the study that has been done, the continuation of further studies in other aspects should be carried out to further improve the effectiveness of natural ventilation in low cost houses. Below are some of the recommendations for further study. 6.3.1. Specific air tests should be carried out to determine the actual level of ventilation effectiveness. This is to obtain accurate reading of air movement in the house. 6.3.2. Measure the effectiveness of natural ventilation in other housing schemes such as the high and medium cost housing. This is because not all types of houses have effective natural ventilation. 6.3.3. Carry out specific tests on the materials used for the construction of low and medium terraced houses. This is because each type of materials influences the behaviour of heat in the house. 6.3.4. Study the effectiveness of natural ventilation in buildings other than domestic buildings such as government buildings that include institution of higher learning, schools, hospitals, etc. 6.3.5. Study the comparison between natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation in terms of cost and how it can be reduced. 155 It is hoped that these recommendations will provide for others an on going study of the effectiveness of ventilation especially in domestic buildings as well as finding ways to improve them. 156 REFERENCES 1. Thomas H. Kuehn, James W Kamsey, James L. Threkeld Thermal Environmental Engineering (3rd Edition) Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1998 2. Jan F. Kreider, Frank Keith Thermal Heating and Cooling Hemisphere Publishing Corporations, Washington D.C 1977 3. Oscar Faber. J.R Kell Heating And Conditioning Of Building (6th Edition) 1979, 1984 4. Neville S. 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