Have you ever attended a musical event and wondered where all the different sounds and harmonies came from? Discover the answers to questions you’ve always wondered about. •Why do different instruments sound unique? •What is resonance? •What are overtones? •Why do concert halls have a given shape? Find out by attending “The Science of Music”, a SCIMAX science teacher workshop, 9 am to 3 pm March 24. Jointly presented by Professor Dilip Kondepudi (Wake Forest Professor of Chemistry), Peter Perret (former conductor of the W-S SYmphony) and Shelley Olson (musician and composer), the content, demonstrations and experiments covered in The Science of Music will enrich your appreciation of music as well as your science classroom! •How do acoustic panels work? Where: Salem Hall Wake Forest University When: March 24, 9 am to 3 pm Why: new knowledge, activities, and materials to use in your classroom, $75 stipend, 0.5 renewal credits How: Complete the attached registration form and fax it to Angela King, WFU Dept. of Chemistry, fax 758-4656