•y Journal BEHAVIOR of Pavement Engineering, OF ASPHALT-RUBBER DIFFERENT RUBBER VOL.10, 2005 BINDERS PARTICLES December•z FOR SIZE Ricardo SOUZA1, Kenji HIMENO2 and Akinori KOBAYASHI3 1 Doctoral Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chuo University (Kasuga 1-13-27, Bunkyo —ku,Tokyo 112-8551) 2Member of JSCE , Dr. Eng., Department of Civil Engineering, Chuo University (Kasuga 1-13-27, Bunkyo —ku,Tokyo 112-8551) 3Member of JSCE, Eng., Taisei Rotec Corporation (1456 Oaza-Kamiya, Konosu-shi, Saitama 365-0027) The addition of polymers and by product waste materials to straight asphalt has shown improvement of binder's properties. In this research, the rubber powder by which the waste tire of the passenger motorcar smashed with the freezing-method is added to the straight asphalt 60/80. Rubber 0.2mm, 0.4mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm and 1.2mm, respectively, was mixed with asphalt at a rate of 15% by total weight. The viscosities measured with a rotation viscometer, Complex Shear Modulus (|G*|), phase angle (8) and softening point temperatures evaluated the behavior at high temperatures. The flexural creep stiffness and slope of response evaluated the behavior at low temperatures. The improvements on binder properties after rubber addition showed the same magnitude despite the difference of rubber size. Key Words: asphalt-rubber, rubber, rutting, fatigue cracking, elasticity 1. INTRODUCTION surface texture asphalt cements The increasing amount of scrap tires has become a serious environmental problem. In Japan, the amount of discarded tires reached 103 million in 20041). These tires when disposed at inadequate places are in danger of fire and if this occurs, the air and the underground water can be polluted. A literature review shows that scrap tires can be used in whole form, in small pieces or as ground grinding particles. Their use in whole form takes place at power plants to produce energy, whereas, the small pieces can be used for vehicles mudguards or padding. The finer/ground particles of rubber may be mixed with asphalt, acting as an asphalt modifier 2,3). Japanese an rubber smashed produces a ambient with grinding paper sizes evaluate the uses This is process obtained from a rough a very a slurry This that retains way presents an surface thorough analysis reaction of rubber particles. of 0.2mm, mixed 0.4mm, grinding. The ambient grinding method is performed at ambient temperatures using grinders and screens to size the material and remove any residual steel and fiber. The material resultant from this process (grade of Phase angle presents a very rough surface texture, what improves the reaction with asphalt cements. The cryogenic with a rotation high temperatures. with penetration) asphalt-rubber at weight. temperatures, and ƒÂ Shear as well as viscometer At were stiffness and behavior at low temperatures. 1.2mm 60/80 by response (|G*|) and measured the behavior temperatures the total point viscosity whereas of 15% Modulus the evaluated slope and softening intermediate studied, the Rubber asphalt of The Complex (ƒÂ), use. 0.8mm rate to (straight to straight a aimed modified materials available 0.6mm, separately study rubber local powder) for considering The Japanese the rubber performed binders behavior and powder 241 this considering asphalt G*| it still ambient method stone. than with the slurry. asphalt-rubber binders grinding consists to cool the tires with liquid nitrogen and then these cooled tires can be quite easily seized in a similar way used for ambient grinding. The rubber powder resultant presents a very smooth wet material but reactive with grinding between in less cements4). different was wet in showing This Scrap tires can be smashed in small particles using ambient grinding, cryogenic grinding or wet The finer asphalt it compared powder grinding, texture, makes when process. coarse then what flexural analyzed at the creep | the 2. ASPHALT-RUBBER Two rubber BINDERS methods have powder. The process", consists aggregate for straight known as rubber for "wet process" a longer during the asphalt Arizona, of recommends blending minutes at 175•Ž, temperature 45 State Highway ranging swell, the interparticles of between to since softens. The absorption rubber The aromatic rubber chains, natural and sponge swelling of asphalt which increased, as the is binder viscosity the amount of addition to when size. The the addition other using results properties 163•Ž was and of the the particles is hand, 15% viscosities rubber tests time and a steel ball of produced of 30 the binder's presented to best On MATERIALS AND for in This evaluation penetration), used whose straight physical a of the of 60/80 characteristics hours modified at binders (grade are 242 asphalt cement9). metal previously bigger to the after it can temperatures magnitude, before Viscosity a binder, 25.4 mm powder temperatures increase of considering after is through rubber binder's the that presented and change displacing point seen possible asphalt mixing be of temperature after an is passes with Further, at weight way, The softening proving rutting. size, for the effect all same sizes order aging. test viscosity can 1, the the a phase ball plate, Fig. this which filled reference asphalt, rubber In at standard temperature support flowing. temperature illustrates the cannot a a straight The starts ring, analyzed, PROCESS asphalt Thin-Film five aforementioned. the touches 10) material of and resistance workability. MIXING the after test cement the became the (2) 3. the binder for determines asphalt when As showed 180-C, minutes and particles 5, 6, 7, 8) during little these using 1.2mm, bottles way, inconvenience point establish read rubber accomplished. temperature mixing of different elsewhere of almost the an occurs several rate this oxidize experiment which to lubricate previously the Softening This binder best and running to respectively, 0.8mm a The oxidized binders of the short. Modified left In machine, overcome (1) properties. to oxidation. used for machine out being in mention the improves oils respectively, published of for mechanical the provides reacted of (TFO) into rubber period blown process, place services 0.4mm, 163•Ž. aged aging takes will "aging", 0.6mm, were that (RTFO) rubber at 0.2mm, Oven particles asphalt-rubber the digestion. compaction as and minutes and to components performed one short-term oxidation Oven asphalt standard determine for short-term sections just Film aging and and following aging RTFO reduced3). as After oven binder The binder mixing The 85 the original the respectively, a a water binder aromatic mechanical in the a 250RPM. 660RPM. kept binders. plant field. straight into due evaluated simulate the rubber to in is to during it swells adhesive of was to using of the at perform modified Rolling-Thin the melt placed The develop the not similar rubber properties. investigation so key asphalt powder FINDINGS study short-term to a chemical do Natural synthetic and Furthermore, the mix speed minutes resultant to to rubber finished, 30 3. 180•Ž+1•Ž, rotation addition LABORATORY the and is asphalt 180•Ž+1•Ž during tend not water, at tries minutes. Rubber the are 45 powder rubber. while tacky rubber from synthetic stability being the hour This increased2). is components. oils become is a for binder (oxidized) Florida reduced particles absorbs thermal is reaction sponge properties This dry the to rubber continued of at for particles Table used addition accomplished the 60 190•Ž particles powder these of absorb 10 binder binder. hard, the for the was described rubber in method The mixer that, 4. temperatures rubber rubber for to hand, distance of asphalt As 175-C reaction, In blending 175•Ž blending asphalt-rubber compressed, best range of swelling reaction tests the 150•Ž time elastic rubber advises from bath. and other process was for Highway California the analysis presented powder. passenger straight State in On the viscosity Arizona asphalt minutes. Along to sieve from components USA, temperatures. whereas may during the the high wet powder chemical gradation rubber mixing and in the When mixtures. powder at the 1. Rubber the A mechanical of especially rubber instance, mixing asphalt 2. The and measured of Table and properties be developed, accomplished for before the in asphalt asphalt Table showed with method, mix in tires showed mixing second time, production "dry before to can addition is The of and particles The way, the asphalt called time consists binder researches show them. this asphalt-rubber Several of period In mix rubber period with to method, blend short asphalt controlled used first to a aggregates. been presented car be requirement pumped and aims mixed to with insure aggregate. that the The Table 1. Physical characteristics of straight asphalt Table 2. Rubber powder chemical components Table 3. Rubber gradation for passenger car tires (PS) Fig. 1 Softening before apparent viscosity determined rotate is measured a spindle rotational This original registered and that determined binders The (Figure considering hot at torque asphalt viscosities the 2), their the 175•Ž required at at 30, average as the swelling viscosities and after 60 and calculated12). size of particles after mixing when to only 90 seconds It was increase with for hour rubber powder to asphalt maximum value for binders using particles 0.6mm, decreasing from this point on. The authors performed further studies13' 14) and observed that rubber particles bigger than 0.4mm require bigger times of digestion so as to absorb the aromatic oils from asphalt and then, swell and increase the viscosity. Despite this, after one hour of digestion, all rubber modified binders presented acceptable viscosities and good workability. a constant one adding they develop higher friction contact and the viscosity tends to become higher, improving the consistency of modified binders. Such enhancement presented a be The 11). study digestion. the into can viscometer. through plunged speed binders rotation 2 The viscosity the straight aging asphalt a Fig. temperatures and after of using viscosity point of were found and asphalt, 243 Fig. 3 |G*| values at high temperatures before Fig. 5 Phase angle temperatures (3) Dynamic test is Rheometer short-term be determined Modulus (|G*|) the desired The and binder to lag strain it material the so When viscous tested, the high lag 90 degrees. and times the 5•Ž is a were performed asphalt and of the the difference the 4), The way, to straight susceptibility is Figs. angle 3 are presented (ƒÂ) This components behavior to these plate of of The same DSR rubber a the gap particles. 12% constant rubber The as All of Considering 2.5 bigger tests showed strain presenting 1.59Hz. 244 the despite this analyzing modified and binders after aging. antioxidant compounds. presented magnitude, this, In temperature the tire of rutting. Besides, before binders a result to that the higher values the In with the difference of size. the temperature between determined modified order as from in showed a higher resultant present addition, considering values. and was considering was configuration. diameter size binders 65•Ž, plate upper of and resistance values be aging increasing oxidation. similar |G*| may values bindcrs showed seen straight Further, After However, be the became the |G*| unmodified it could when change. size, presented after 4, | to magnitude. the |G*| asphalt and rubber it's the among not asphalt on increased resistance values did 45•Ž. reduce reduction applied zero. and at binders Even magnitude of straight tendency higher of of modified the the |G*| order values powder So, binders same temperature, the binder phase despite similar elastic (ƒÂ) modified modified improved. difference and (Fig. strain resulting an the rubber and asphalt showed of the to hot the 25mm a frequency ratio perfectly angle large parallel the A phase like is the sheared9). response between respective at or 45•Ž measured lower ran instant temperatures, used (ƒÂ). binders loading. and smaller; and aging. grow resistance stress of deformation aging asphalt before temperature Shear (ƒÂ) at high after addition permanent shear repeatedly angle from machine and when the values binders of maximum total applied time of to the the lag increments the (rmax) represents time evaluated plates stress liquids approaches asphalt (|G*|) phase the (ƒÂ) of Modulus present stress, angle Complex 3), G*| service the Shear deformation will At phase aging angle straight binders. intermediate frequency between is at measures (Fig. unaged, asphalt and shear (ƒÁmax), time and the of and Shear asphalt temperature Complex maximum high Dynamic aged behavior DSR at high temperatures temperatures evaluates long-term at The the and elastic values 6 Phase Comparing and and temperatures. at Fig. aging by machine aged viscous can (ƒÂ) at high before performed (DSR) 4 |G*| after Shearing This The Fig. aging phase increased, for both higher angle the ƒÂ types of susceptibility a higher decrease (ƒÂ) (Fig. values binder. to of 5), tended Modified temperature phase angles when to the become binders change, as the Fig. 7 |G*| values temperatures Fig. 9 Phase angle aging (ƒÂ) at intermediate temperature for grew. binders other However, using hand, binders straight at presented lower individually, a higher aging lower ƒÂ In despite the the the binders. and the order binders At intermediate took 10•Ž 40•Ž, these parallel plate and upper plate was the size performed considering a frequency oxidation, of of for as rubber the as constant and shows unmodified 5•Ž a 2.5 and times binder. and ran 7, before binders, 7 and 8, the |G*| after oxidation, were similar or the (Fig. temperature for 245 as the temperature bigger for addition of compared both rubber with asphalt, that enhancing cracking. This using fact bigger straight values effect of increased modified smaller |G*| more Comparing asphalt whereas, the was particles respectively). oxidative Considering the behavior was a binders after aging. reduced after addition. binders at cracking. size. the for to decreased, fatigue became 1.2mm, a resistance similar 8), binders and little rubber strain Fig. for Figs. the tests rubber as presented the to the |G*| fatigue and binders showed straight for the place, binders However, for measured took resistance of reduced Therefore, that way, binders (Fig. the All the (0.8mm than lower. binders decreasing this values showed measured lower asphalt-rubber the |G*| rubber used plates between As of In of remarkable of machine values. to modified modified oxidation measured between 10•Ž After of became for tendency difference powder evaluation increments particles. 1% the types a result values decreased, it's of varying The gap 1.59Hz. modified 6, lower ƒÂ compounds. the determined respective modified and at modified despite aging However, improving Further, resistance DSR configuration. diameter thus angles for 5 this, intermediate temperature values higher deformation reduced. The (ƒÂ) at the a reverse of aging after asphalt. lower |G*| susceptibility considering 8mm phase probably temperatures values. the when little result asphalt. showed temperatures, at intermediate after angle the |G*| temperature, Further, in rubber also for straight Figs. stiffening, was Phase increased 40•Ž, straight presented magnitude temperature place and between size, antioxidants the modified for binders lower of addition, binders of 10 presented ones temperature. enhanced. comparing then last G*| At modified binders rubber | the showing at every measured modified presence and values properties lower On the modified of same that values In that Moreover, observed of 6), difference presented asphalt elasticity elastic was 0.8mm. temperature, absolute than way, every (Fig. values this and values temperatures growth 0.6mm comparing Fig. aging such rubber separately After before 8 |G*| temperatures before temperatures Fig. at intermediate both the 9), became types of phase it angle was smaller, binder. (ƒÂ), observed the ƒÂ So, the for that unaged as values decreased elastic properties the improved. for Such modified lower In improvement binders values compared addition, the showed the tendency with seen phase that to After for aging both of Therefore, the at straight 10•Ž, presented higher elasticity. of order size. Again, The stiffness the Besides, The with the of same order rubber size. presented of to the Flexural The Creep thermal of cracking determined at the (BBR) the machine. concrete rapidly cold stresses pavement layers. rapidly, the If stresses As of the to result this, relieve from where the always remains to the the thermal encountered, caused by limiting the pavement stiffness the a occurs. stiffness and at reached at after a but is is is defined which as temperature as slope a certain Bending prismatic test fluid seconds. deflection load beam bath Rheometer deflection beam constant A Beam midpoint of and The of asphalt applied is loaded the load beam the in with (BBR) a binder to placed test of that a controlled a monitored to the the and Further, load for the midpoint versus thermal 240 slopes time 246 despite of response binders present presented of lower response decreasing Further, at dropping the temperature, observed and binders as absolute are probably will fast enough difference modified for not to the the straight a reverse of this, little values so as -10•Ž, a result showed temperature before values higher for to temperature change. little the Further, respectively the was stress improved tended when slopes the decreased asphalt. 1.2mm aged before binders mixing smaller. However, at this aforementioned a beam. be of cracking values showed modified response temperature constant (980+50mN) are of could , m-values. supported is subjected midpoint however, rubber lower behavior straight and response tendency measures simply 13) modified of observed binders became asphalt, loading to of (Fig. of the temperature analysis to temperature of modified modified to The oxidation -30•Ž The 0.8mm Again, at time9). the powder stiffness resistance showed thermal modified lower dropped. related of 0.4mm, this seemed the tendency to rubber susceptibility called specified stiffness oxidation, slightly temperature and temperature is rubber temperature. temperature temperature, low cycling cycle the after the the difference 12), same resistance mixing can down, low thermal This service value up stiffness as critically thermal critical single binder cracking the cycles above a from So, the the for In change. (Fig. showed aging. and cracking when or stress cracking Thermal cycle binders the asphalt. binders temperature oxidation between lowest benefit the modified to After very the Besides, 5•Ž the performance despite of measured as the similar susceptibility the pavement. develops stresses. is asphalt which pavement temperature Cracking exceed concrete was slope performed of straight significant Moreover, binders size. within occurs more be the stiffness 11, such the "m-value")11). enhanced and the to and stiffness rubber the this should was Fig. to time. According increments compared of of creep the The of sample, (called to cracking decreased. asphalt at log seconds point lowest addition thermal become pavement up contraction asphalt be temperature the build eventually the one temperature of the the to Rheometer As to develop can cracking when the can of way Beam temperatures. ability a Bending begin relaxation a result temperatures results at contracts, to service Thermal pavements drops binders the result binders -10•Ž, quotient strain. a flexural According binders way, asphalt low using to temperature, Stiffness tendency 60 times the parameters at this the loading the time. unmodified values. modified (4) at study, -30•Ž these (S) loading deflection. on as two stiffness and from aging. with maximum maximum left decreases line this modified that is times same the versus and tangent for the load span The the through plotted of loading respective beam and midpoint for seconds. and the the dimensions, for increases, the In whereas similar 240 specification analyzed, higher change, behavior (S) beam calculated then the Superpave for of is stress longer its the dimensions is deformation stiffness and at from to calculated (S) (S) little 120 is above stiffness a 60, its between so applied strain dropped. angles difference showed before and temperature binders from binders phase asphalt 30, times modified values, values 15, it's decreased However, the 8, stress calculated load bending acquisition11). bending is and the higher modified the showed beam of 10•Ž, enhanced. lower ƒÂ to modified to angles and Further, susceptibility magnitude temperature behavior. straight length, data maximum specified phase the properties despite the binders Analyzing 40•Ž a computerized The asphalt. showed the as asphalt binders of using change. 10), little magnitude, observed from binder similar proved modified same rubber elastic binders modified asphalt (Fig. types for temperature important presented straight of angles more angles for the straight susceptibility that angles difference of phase with phase values despite was whose at higher of slopes that the gain contribute to relax prevent cracking. small of binders rubber size, showed of the Fig. 11 Stiffness at low temperatures before Fig. 13 Slope temperatures Fig. 12 Stiffness at low temperatures after aging aging of response before at low Fig. aging values with the same order of magnitude. After aging (Fig. 14), for modified and unmodified binders, the slopes of response became smaller when the temperature dropped. So, the ability to relieve the thermal stresses by asphalt flow decreased, raising the propensity of thermal cracking. Moreover, comparing both types of binder, as the temperature became smaller, straight asphalt tended to produce lower m-values at lower temperatures. Even though the m-values for modified binders at lower temperatures are higher than that measured for straight asphalt, probably they are not big enough to relieve the thermal stresses. On the other hand, despite the difference of rubber size, the slopes of response for modified binders showed values with the same order of magnitude. Once more, modified binders proved better behavior to temperature susceptibility change. 14 Slope of response temperatures after asphalt-rubber weight. tests the behavior and at evaluated at intermediate at low aging Conventional and of low such Superpave binders temperatures. at It high, was found that: •@ At high temperatures, addition of increased G*| the oxidation, to •@ and the asphalt and measured the showed | for to temperatures, straight permanent before binders phase fatigue and presented angles, after lower |G*| improving the resistance cracking. and •@ after temperature, modified the the resistance to seemed to aging, lowest binders Therefore, This paper presented a comparative analysis among straight asphalt and asphalt-rubber binders mixing respectively rubber particles with different size. Rubber powder 0.2mm, 0.4mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm and 1.2mm were mixed separately to straight asphalt 60/80 (grade of penetration) at a rate of 15% of total aging, angles resistance modified Before 5. CONCLUSIONS straight improved. intermediate values after to phase that the and temperatures the than Thus, deformation At point whereas values asphalt. powder softening values, lower before rubber the compared of more the measured straight rubber cracking become lowest stiffness with addition thermal the for asphalt. enhanced and the such significant benefit at lower temperatures. •@The addition of improvements of enhancement magnitude particles 247 of rubber asphalt presented despite used. the powder properties, the different showed but same size such kind order of rubber of •@ The influence of remarkable size when rotation of rubber particles measuring the 7) more with a viscometer. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: supported This by the aid of Group. 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Transportation York, USA, 2004. ゴ ム 粉 の サ イ ズ の 違 い に よ る ア ス フ デル リカ ル ド ソ ウザ ・ トラ バ ー バ イ ン ダ の 特 性 に 関 す る 検 討 姫 野 賢治 ・ 小 林 昭 則 ス トレー トア ス フ ァル トにポ リマ ー や 他 産 業廃 棄物 を加 え る こ とに よ りバ イ ン ダ の特 性 が改 良 され る こ とが 分 か っ て い る.本 研 究 は,ス トレー トア ス フ ァル トに 一般 車 用 の廃 タイ ヤ の ゴ ム粉 を混 合 した際 の ア ス フ ァル トバ イ ン ダ の挙 動 に関 す る検討 で あ る.ア ス フ ァル トの 全 重 量 に 対 し15%の 割 合 で0.2mm,0.4mm, 0.6mm,0.8mm,1.2mmの サ イ ズ の ゴム粉 を それ ぞれ 混 入 した.高 温 時 にお い て,回 転 粘 度 計 で測 定 した粘 性,複 素せ ん断 係 数│G*│),位 相 角(δ),軟 化 点 の挙 動 を検 討 し,さ らに,低 温 時 にお け るた わ み ク リー プ ステ ィ フネ スや 応 力 リラ クゼ ー シ ョ ンの挙 動 も検 討 した.ゴ ム粉 のサ イ ズ に よ る違 い は あ る も の の,ゴ ム粉 を混 入 す る こ と よ りバ イ ンダ の 特性 は 改 良 され る こ とを示 した. 248