A MINIATURE ACTIVITY PLUNGE-DIVING RECORDER FOR SEABIRDS DAVID J. ANDERSON,l'• PAUL R. $IEVERT,1 JOHN ANDREWS-LABENSKI, 2 AND ROBERTE. RICKLEFS • aDepartment of Biology, LeidyLaboratory, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6018USA, and 2Department of Psychology, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19104-6196USA A•STRACr.--Wepresentdesignspecifications for a self-containedactivity recorder,developed for use on plunge-diving seabirds.Compressedintegrated circuitry and miniature componentsallow constructionof recorderssmall enough(28 g) to be mountedon the tails of boobies and other seabirds. The cost is moderate. Field tests of the recorder on Brown Boobies(Sulaleucogaster) demonstratedits ability to measureforagingbehaviorat seathat typically cannotbe observeddirectly. Received17 January1990,accepted 25 September 1990. M•N¾ seabird speciesforage far from land, and studiesof their activity away from terrestrial breeding coloniesare difficult. Although seabirdscan be observed from ships, one usually doesnot know the individual's age,breeding status, and colony location. In addition, tracking individuals from boats is difficult or impossible.The ability of remote sensingde- matically by the use of surface-mountcomponents, which lack most of the mass and volume of conventional integrated circuits. We describea 28-g battery-poweredCMOS memory data recorder,that usessurface-mount componentsand is designedto study foraging activity of seabirds.We present initial results of its use in the field. The basic concept of the vices to record behavior of seabirds has been design was inspired, in part, by Mohus (1987). used to overcometheseproblems.Radio trans- The recorder can store 8 kilobytes (kb) of data mitters (Trivelpiece et al. 1986, Anderson and on a SRAM memory chip in 8-bit data bins in Ricklefs 1987), time-activity recorders(Prince time intervals that range from 8 to 512 s for and Francis 1984; Wilson et al. 1986; Cairns et total collection periods of 1-48 days.The type al. 1987a, b; Birt-Friesen et al. 1989), and inteof data collected depends on the sensor. We grated circuit boards(Kooymanet al. 1983,Mo- recorded output from a miniature acceleromehus 1987, Croxall et al. 1988) have produced ter designed to detect plunge dives of boobies information on activity at seathat complements (Sulidae). studies of the same individuals and their off- spring at the breeding site. GENERAL FEATURES OF OPERATION The quality of informationgeneratedby these deviceshasbeen limited primarily by their size. The recorder'spresent configuration(Figs. 1 Large transmitters or recording devices may causeflying birdsto alter their behavioror sub- and 2) detectsand recordsnumber of events (in ject them to risk of injury (Perry 1981, Cacca- our application,plunge dives) per 64-sinterval. mise and Hedin 1985, Wilson et al. 1986). Be- When the bird enters the water, the bird and cause smaller attachedrecorder deceleratefaster than a slug suspendedon a spring (Fig. 3). If the difference units have either fewer or smaller componentsor both, they permit less sophisticated applications. This constraint may account for the underutilization of available in- tegrated circuit technology in ornithology. However, the size of such units can be cut dra- between these two rates of deceleration the bin starts a data collection 3Present address:Department of Avian Sciences, University of California, Davis,California 95616-0690 USA. 257 is suf- ficient, the suspended slug compressesthe spring, strikes a contactpoint, and closesthe recorder'scircuit. The resulting signal causes the number in a data bin to increaseby 1; and The number accumulated after interval at zero. 64 s is written to a memory location.The slug may bounceand strike the contact more than once per dive, but The Auk 108:257-263. April 1991 258 ANVmSONETAL. NOR: VDD6 VSS CONNECTZDNS ADDRESS [Auk, Vol. 108 COUNTERS A 8Kx8 SRAM CLOCK U3E 470K T / A¸ SENSOR DATA COUNTER ACTZVZTY FZGURE RECORDER I Fig. 1. Schematicof recorder'scircuit. Seetext for details. the circuitry recordsno additional signalswithin a 2-sinterval after the first. The springsused in this model require < 1 s to equilibrate after on5 •EZ• u /ol o•*• • lull Io% •o•OlL o1-• Data are uploaded from recordersto MS/PC DOS-based portablecomputerswith a field-usable, battery-powered, RS-232 interface and customsoftware.The resulting data setis a column of numbers, each of which is the number •o1•1o• • compression. Io e F_• o IOL+ of signalssent by the sensorper 64-speriod, in chronological order. Part of the recorder'swaterproof coating can be removed with a knife to accessI/O pins, and the coating (we used marine epoxy) can be restoredin the field. Recorders can thus be reused for the life of their batteries, which can be replaced in the field with a portable soldering iron. Fig. 2. Circuit boardconfiguration,shown actual size. Circular batteries are on the back side of the board;other componentsare on the front side. Large rectangular SRAM chip is mounted over some components on the front side. TECHNICAL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A schematicof the recorder'scircuit is given in Figure 1; the actual layout chosenfor a par- April1991] Seabird Activity Recorder 259 ticular application will depend on the shape desired. A full-sized illustration of the configuration that we used is shown in Figure 2. The circuit is powered by two 3-V lithium cells BT1 pulse. Other time constantscan be chosen by appropriateselectionsof R3 and C3, where T = and BT2 connectedin series.Operatingcurrent is lessthan 100/•A, and nominal battery life is longer than 1,000 h at 100 /•A using 2,325 or Each sensorinput advancesU5, a 12-bit binary counterwith its first 8 outputsconnected 2,032 cells (Panasonic1989).Jumper w1 is used to power on the circuit and may be a 0.1" x 0.1" shorting jumper, twisted leads, or a magnetic reed switch. Schottky diode D1 prevents a chargingvoltagefrom being applied to the lithium cells when the recorder is connected to remote power (as during uploading of SRAM contents).CapacitorC1 is for power supply bypassingand is mounted near chip U4 to minimize clocknoise.ResistorR19 and capacitorC8 filter current surgesduring memory writes and are mounted near the Vccpin of the SRAM. On power-up, the resetsof addresscounters U1 and U2B are momentarilyheld high to zero counters.Reset time is determined by resistor R4, capacitor C2, and Schmitt inverter U3A. When the charging voltage acrossC2 reaches the trip level of U3A, the outputgoeslow, which 0.8RC. times The time maximum constant bounce should be at least 3 time. to the data I/O of the memory. The data value accumulatedin U5 is read into memory and momentarily reset once per clock period. Data input rate should not exceed255 countswithin a single clockperiod. At count256,datacounter U5 rolls over, returning the first 8 outputs to zero. This processof binning data continues once per clock period until memory is full at address8,191. (Note: a clock of 64 s/pulse with 8,192 data bins equalsapproximately 145 data collection hours.) At addresscount 8,192, Q1 of U2B goeshigh, transferringthe memoryfrom write to read mode and simultaneouslyturning off the clock. The circuit is then quiescentwith the SRAM held in data retention mode. Data will remain valid until battery supply drops below 2-2.5 volts. COMPONENTS enables the address counters, ca. 30 ms after power is applied. Reset places the memory in write mode by holding the write enable (WE) All componentsexcept the sensor,batteries, clockcrystal,and the memorychipare surfacemountdevices.All logicdevicesare CMOS.The of the SRAM low through resistorR7 from the Q1 output of addresscounterU2B. Data outputs are disabledby pull-up resistorR8, which holds the output enable (OE) high. The circuit clockis a crystal-controlledPierce oscillatorthat consistsof crystalX1, resistorsR1 memory chip is a low-power static random accessmemory (SRAM), organized 8K x 8-bits in a standard28-pin plasticpackageand mounted over the top of the surfacemount components. The batteries, provided with solder tabs, are and R2, and capacitorsC6 and C7. X1 is a stan- mounted on the solder side of the board. I/O dard 32768 Hz crystal driving U4 (a 24-stage frequency divider with decoded2•8 to 224outputs), while resistorsR17 and R18 provide for low-power operation of U4 (Motorola 1988). Output is decodedat 22•,soa pulseis generated every 64 seconds.When Q21 of U4 goeslow, the falling edge--differentiated by capacitorC4 and resistor R5 and buffered by Schmitt inverters U3F and U3E--drives the chip enable (CE1) low with a 2-3 /•s pulse to write to the memory. This pulse is in turn differentiated by connectionsare through a 16-pin edge connector plated directly on the board. The data recorder was fabricated on a 0.062" (0.157 cm) glass epoxy printed circuit board by Precision Graphics,Raritan, New Jersey,and coatedwith a 2-mm layer of marine epoxy, which can be removed with a knife for battery replacement. The fully assembledand coatedunit weighed 28 g in our application,and 18 g beforecoating. SENSOR capacitor C5, resistor R6, and Schmitt inverter U3D, giving a 1-2/•s pulse to resetdata counter U5 and advance address counters U1/U2B. Data input occursby mechanicalcontactclosure of sensor S1. The time constant (T) of re- sistor R3 and capacitor C3 forms a 2 s/0.5 Hz debounce/low-passfilter. Schmitt invertersU3C and U3D speedup and buffer the input closure We used an accelerometer(Fig. 3) designed to detect deceleration experienced by a plunge- diving seabird as it enters the water. The recorder's circuit is closed momentarily when a 87-mgslug suspendedon a spring strikesa contact inside the cylinder of the spring. The contact can be screwedthrough the base of the 260 A•aDm•So•a •r AL. [Auk,Vol. 108 UPLOADING INTERFACE UNIT To retrieve data stored in the recorder, we built a battery-poweredRS-232interfaceutilizing a CY232, Parallel/Serial Interface device (CyberneticMicro Systems1984).This interface and associatedsoftwarewere designedspecif- ically for usewith MS/PC DOS-basedcomputersasthe destination;designspecifications can be obtained by contactingAndrews-Labenski. The recorder is connected to the interface through the 16-pin PC edge connector.Power to the recorderis provided by the interfaceunit. To avoidplacinga 50-#Aburden currenton the lithium cells,jumperW1 mustbe removedafter power is supplied by the interface. The interface transferred data at 2,400 baud, 7 data bits, even parity, and 1 stopbit in ASCII Hex format. A completeuploadingto a ToshibaT1000computer took approximately 13 minutes. FIELD RESULTS We field-tested30 recorderson Midway Island, Northwest Hawaiian Islands, and John- stonAtoll in Juneand July, 1989.Eachrecorder wasmountedon a breedingBrownBooby(Sula leucogaster). We used heavy thread and cyanoacrylate glue to tie each corner of the unit to the ventral surface of one of four rectrices, which Fig. 3. Accelerometerto detect plunge dives. were positionedascloseaspossibleto the bird's body.Andersonand Ricklefs(1987)give details and photographsof the mounting method.All of the birdswere feedingchicksand soreturned to the nest site approximately daily, which allowed retrieval of recorders. Our first field trial producedno databecause the recorderswere coatedwith acrylic conforaccelerometerto narrow or widen the gap be- mal coatingfor electronics(Humisealtype 1B73) tween it and the suspendedslug,sothat a lesser and salt water penetrated the circuit. Subseor greaterdeceleration,respectively,is required quent use of marine epoxy solvedthe problem, to causecontact.The accelerometeris aligned but many recorderswere destroyedduring this with its long axisparallel to the long axisof the initial trial. bird, sothat the slugwill movetowardthe conFive recorders produced data on Johnston tactonly during head-firstor tail-firstdives,and Atoll birdsfrom 14to 17July 1989(Fig.4). Three not during side-to-sidemotion of tail during of the five recordersregistered"events" (acflight or preening.During testswith a wooden celerometertriggers)during spotcheckswhen model of a diving booby entering a swimming we observedthe birds in the colony. This inpool, an accelerometerset to fire only after a dicated that the accelerometer detected some drop of 2 m or more fired on 10/10 of drops other activities (possibly jumping and brief from 2 m and 0/10 of drops from 1 m. We set flights)in addition to plunge dives.Thesenonall accelerometersat this sensitivity to avoid feedingeventswere infrequent,whereasevents recording low-velocity landing dives. away from the breedingcolony,which presum- April 1991] Seabird ActivityRecorder 40 261 Brown Booby #2 ©ooo 3O 2O 10 0 4O Brown Booby #12 3O 2O -+• 10 ¸ 0 (D 4O ¸ 3O b 2O _C• 10 E Z Brown Booby #17 o 4o o• • ßßOD 0 • O0 Brown Booby #20 3o 2o 10 0 ._1, .Ilid.,.. ß, . .I .., ,,,*• fil•ed 4o Brown Booby #29 3o 2o 10 0 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 Fig.4. Activity ofbreeding Brown Boobies. Triangles indicate whentheactivity recorder wasattached (V)andremoved (V).Circles indicate absence (O)orpresence (0)ofthebirdduring spotchecks ofitsnest site.Therecorder attached toBird20wasremoved on20July, buttheSRAM chiphadfilledtocapacity on 17 July. ably indicatedplunge dives,occurredat rates foragedonceperdayon 6 complete and8 parbetween10 and 40 divesper hour. tial bird-dayswhen we collecteddata. 2. Two birds showed clear evidence of nocWemadeseveral observations fromthesepreliminary data: turnalforagingonthenightof 14-15July1989. 1. Birdsforagedat leastonceper day.One Several workers have suspectedthat Brown bird clearlymadetwo tripson oneday(Bird Boobiesforageat night (Nelson1978:501),and 29,Fig.4), butthe otherfourbirdsapparently bright moonlight(the lunar phasewasfull on 262 AuDisou œt^t,. [Auk, Vol. 108 BrownBooby#17, JohnstonAtoll, July 15, 1989 u• 5 20 Hour of doy Fig. 5. Fine-scaleactivitypatternof BrownBooby17, a breedingbird, recordedon 15 July 1989.The bird was absentfrom its nest site during the 5-h period. Number of eventsare displayedper 64-s interval. 3. On an hourly basis,events during fishing trips appearedgrouped in periods of 1- to 9-h havior of free-ranging birds and other animals. With appropriate sensors,these units could record such actionsas vocalizations,approaches to electromagneticallymarked locations, and duration (•' = 3.90 h, SD = 2.17, n = 20). Most movement trips appeared to contain only one group of dives. In two instancesthat might contain two groups,we cannotbe sure that the bird did not return briefly to the colony between groups. ties(light / dark, water / air, horizontal/ vertical). 18 July) may have facilitated round-the-clock foraging. 4. Three birds were known across environmental discontinui- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to be absent from Developmentand fabricationof theserecordersand fieldwork were supportedby a grant from the Na29, 15-16 July; Fig. 4). None of these birds tional GeographicSociety.We are indebted to Fred showed evidence of foraging, and we suspect Letterio and Walter Suplick for production of the acthat they roostedaway from their nest sitesall celerometer;to BobWeissmanand colleaguesat Prenight. If so, estimatesof foraging effort based cision Graphics,Raritan, New Jersey,for board proon presence or absenceat the nest site must duction; and to Steve Heard for assistanceduring testing of accelerometerprototypes.Andrew Olson accountfor this possibility. wrote the down-loading software. W. Montevecchi 5. The temporal pattern of plunge dives was made helpful commentson the manuscript. Fieldconsistentwith that observedvisually in Masked work wasconductedunder permit from the U.S. Navy (Sula dactylatra) and Blue-footed (S. nebouxii) (Midway Atoll), U.S. DefenseNuclear Agency (Johnboobies (Anderson and Ricklefs 1987), in which ston Atoll), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Midbirds at fishing areasspent much of their time way and Johnston atolls). We thank Betty Anne sitting on the water and watching for other Schreiber and Gary Schenk for field assistance. the nest site during at least one night (e.g. Bird plunge-diving birds. Feeding events were clumped in setsinterspersedthroughout periodsof relative inactivity. Brown Boobiesexhibited this samepattern (e.g. Fig. 5), although we do not know whether birdswere flying or floating when they were not diving. These two possibilities neous could data be differentiated from water-immersion with simultadetectors (Cairns et al. 1987a). This activity recorder combines small size, ease of use in the field, and reasonable cost (approximately$80.00 each),and it providesa new tool to study frequency and timing of be- ANDERSON,D. J., & R. E. PUCKLInuS. 1987. Radio-track- ing Masked and Blue-footedboobies(Sulaspp.) in the Gal•pagosIslands.Natl. Geogr.Res.3: 152163. BIR?-FRIESEN,V. L., W. A. MONTEVœCCHI,D. K. C.•aRNS, & S. A. MACleo. 1989. Activity-specificmetabolic rates of free-living Northern Gannetsand other seabirds.Ecology70: 357-367. CACCAM•Sœ, D. F., & R. S. HœDIN. 1985. An aerodynamicbasisfor selectingtransmitterloadsin birds. Wilson Bull. 97: 306-318. 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