MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8/E Raymond McLeod, Jr. and George Schell Chapter 13 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan 13-1 Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Jenis Keputusan (Simon’s) Keputusan terprogram – repetitive and routine – Aturan/procedure terdefinisi Keputusan tak terprogram – Uraian dan tak terstruktur – Tak ada metode langsung menanganinya Berada pada ujung suatu kesatuan 13-2 Simon’s Problem Solving Phases Intelligence – Design – Menemukan, mengembangkan dan analisis alternatif Choice – Amati lingkungan, cari kondisi yg perlu diperbaiki Seleksi rangkaian tindakan dari beberapa alternatif yg tersdia Review – Menilai pilihan yang lalu 13-3 Definitions of a Decision Support System (DSS) General definition - a system providing both problem-solving and communications capabilities for semistructured problems Specific definition - a system that supports a single manager or a relatively small group of managers working as a problem-solving team in the solution of a semistructured problem by providing information or making suggestions concerning specific decisions. 13-4 The DSS Concept Gorry and Scott Morton memakai istilah ‘DSS’ pada 1971, 10 tahun setelah MIS dipopulerkan Dasarnya adalah struktur masalah – Masalah terstruktur adalah yang dapat ditangani dengan algorithms and decision rules – Masalah tidak terstruktur sama sekali tidak memiliki struktur 3 tahap Simon – Semistructured mengandung terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur 13-5 The Gorry and Scott Morton Grid Management levels Operational control Structured Degree of problem structure Semistructured Unstructured Management control Strategic planning Accounts receivable Budget analysis-engineered costs Tanker fleet mix Order entry Short-term forecasting Warehouse and factory location Inventory control Production scheduling Variance analysis-overall budget Mergers and acquisitions Cash management Budget preparation New product planning PERT/COST systems Sales and production R&D planning 13-6 Alter’s DSS Types Kerangka DSS Steven Alter(1976) – Taksonomi 6 jenis DSS – Berdasarkan survai pada 56 DSS Pengklasifikasian DSS berdasar “tingkat dukungan terhadap pengambilan keputusan” 13-7 Levels of Alter’s DSSs Level of problem-solving support from lowest to highest – – – – – – Mengambil elemen-2 informasi Menganalisa emua file Menyiapkan report dari berbagai file Memperkirakan akibat keputusan Mengusulkan keputusan Membuat keputusan 13-8 Importance of Alter’s Study Didukung oleh konsep mengembangkan sistem utk menangani keputusan tertentu Menjelaskan bahwa DSS tidak terbatas pada pendekatan yang lebih eksotik daripada query database. 13-9 Alter’s DSS Types Retrieve information elements Little Analyze entire files Prepare reports from multiple files Estimate decision consequences Degree of complexity of the problem-solving system Propose decisions Make decisions Degree of problem solving support Much 13-10 Three DSS Objectives 1. Membantu manajer membuat keputusan untuk masalah semiterstruktur 2. Mendukung penilaian oleh manajer bukan mengganti tugas mereka 3. Meningkatkan efektifitas keputusan Based on studies of Keen and Scott-Morton 13-11 A DSS Model Environment Individual problem solvers Report writing software Other group members GDSS GDSS software software Mathematical Models Database Decision support system Environment Legend: Data Communication Information 13-12 Database Contents Memakai tiga jenis software – S/W report writer » Special reports » Periodic reports » DBMS – Model matematika » Simulasi » Bahasa pemodelan khusus – Groupware atau GDSS 13-13 Group Decision Support Systems Sistem berbasis komputer mendukung kelompokdalam tugas-2 nya dan membantu menghubungkan dengan lingkungannya. Dipakai dalam problem solving Bidang-2 yang berhubungan : – – – – Electronic meeting system (EMS) Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) Group support system (GSS) Groupware 13-14 How GDSS Contributes to Problem Solving Meningkatkan komunikasi Memungkinkan diskusi Mengurangi waktu 13-15 User Interface User entri : – Instructions – Information } Menus, commands, natural language, GUI Sistem menyediakan: – Solutions – Explanations of » Questions » Problem solutions 13-16 Knowledge Base Description of problem domain Rules – Knowledge representation technique – ‘IF:THEN’ logic – Networks of rules » Lowest levels provide evidence » Top levels produce 1 or more conclusions » Conclusion is called a Goal variable. 13-17 A Rule Set That Produces One Final Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Evidence Evidence Conclusion Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence 13-18 Rule Selection Pemilihan aturan yang paling efisien untuk memecahkan masalah yang paling sulit Bebrapa goal dapat dicapai dengan hanya sejumlah aturan; 13-19 Inference Engine Memakai knowledge based dengan suatu urutan Dua pendekatan menggunakan rules – 1. Forward reasoning (data driven) – 2. Reverse reasoning (goal driven) 13-20 Forward Reasoning (Forward Chaining) Rule is evaluated as: – (1) true, (2) false, (3) unknown Rule evaluation is an iterative process When no more rules can fire, the reasoning process stops even if a goal has not been reached Start with inputs and work to solution 13-21 Rule 1 IF A THEN B Rule 2 T Rule 7 F IF B OR D THEN K IF C THEN D Rule 3 T Rule 10 IF K AND L THEN N The Forward Reasoning Process T T IF M THEN E Rule 8 Rule 12 T IF N OR O THEN P IF E THEN L T Rule 4 IF K THEN F T Legend: Rule 9 Rule 5 IF G THEN H T IF (F AND H) OR J THEN M T First pass Rule 11 IF M THEN O T Second pass Rule 6 IF I THEN J Third pass F 13-22 Reverse Reasoning Steps (Backward Chaining) Divide problem into subproblems Try to solve one subproblem Then try another Start with solution and work back to inputs 13-23 Step 4 Rule 1 IF A THEN B T Rule 2 Step 3 Rule 7 IF B OR D THEN K T IF C THEN D The First Five Problems Are Identified Step 2 Rule 10 IF K AND L THEN N Step 5 Rule 3 IF N OR O THEN P Rule 8 IF M THEN E IF E THEN L Rule 11 Rule 9 13-24 Step 1 Rule 12 IF (F AND H) OR J THEN M IF M M IF THEN O THEN O Legend: Problems to be solved The Next Four Problems Are Identified Step 8 If N Or O Then P T Rule 4 If K Then F Rule 5 Rule 12 T Step 7 Step 6 IF (F And H) Or J Then M T If M Then O Step 9 If G Then H T Rule 6 If I Then J Rule 9 T Rule 11 Legend: Problems to be solved 13-25 Forward Versus Reverse Reasoning Reverse reasoning lebih cepat Reverse reasoning lebih cocok untuk beberapa kondisi – Jika variabel sasarannya banyak – Jika banyak rules – Semua rules tidak memerlukan penjelasan prosesnya dalam mencapai sebuah solusi 13-26 Development Engine Programming languages – Lisp – Prolog Expert system shells – Ready made processor that can be tailored to a particular problem domain Case-based reasoning (CBR) Decision tree 13-27 Expert System Disadvantages Can’t handle inconsistent knowledge Can’t apply judgment or intuition 13-28 Keys to Successful ES Development Coordinate ES development with strategic planning Clearly define problem to be solved and understand problem domain Pay particular attention to ethical and legal feasibility of proposed system Understand users’ concerns and expectations concerning system Employ management techniques designed to retain developers 13-29 The Human Brain Neuron -- the information processor – Input -- dendrites – Processing -- soma – Output -- axon Neurons are connected by the synapse 13-30 Simple Biological Neurons Soma (processor) Axonal Paths (output) Synapse Axon Dendrites (input) 13-31