AbstractID: 9461 Title: Fully Automated Planning for 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy We have developed a fully automated treatment planning tool for 3D conformal radiation therapy that simultaneously optimizes the beam angles, wedge angles, wedge orientations, and beam weights for each treatment plan. The user specifies the number of allowed beam angles, the minimum and maximum dose for the target, and dose volume constraints for sensitive structures. Binary variables are used to constrain the number of beams assigned nonzero values. The optimization is performed using a mixed integer programming technique. This tool has been applied for three treatment sites: breast, pancreas, and prostate. In each case, the optimizer was required to choose from 36 initial candidate beams. The 3D dose distribution for each beam was determined using a point kernel superposition based dose engine. The results demonstrate the ability of the tool to match the quality of the treatment plan produced by an experienced dosimetrist with an optimization time of less than 30 minutes.