\DOC mk_anylet \SYNOPSIS

\DOC mk_anylet
\TYPE {mk_anylet : (term * term) list * term -> term}
Constructs arbitrary {let} terms.
The invocation {mk_anylet ([(a1,b1),...,(an,bn)],N)} returns a term of
form {`LET P Q`}, which will prettyprint as {let a1 = b1 and ... and an =
bn in N}.
The internal representation is equal to
LET (...(LET (\an ...\a1. N) bn) ...) b1
Each {ai} can be a varstruct (a single variable or a tuple of variables),
or a function variable applied to a sequence of varstructs. In the usual
only a single binding is made, i.e., {mk_anylet ([(a,b)],N)}, and the
is equal to {LET (\a. N) b}.
Fails if the type of any {ai} is not equal to the type of the
corresponding {bi}.
- strip_comb (mk_anylet ([(Term`x`, Term`M`)], Term`N x`));
> val it = (`LET`, [`\x. N x`, `M`]) : term * term list
- mk_anylet ([(``f (x:'a,y:'b):'c``, ``M:'c``), (``g (z:'c) :'d``,
``g (f (a:'a,b:'b):'c):'d`);
> val it = ``let f (x,y) = M and g z = N in g (f (a,b))`` : term
Programming that involves manipulation of term syntax.
boolSyntax.mk_let, boolSyntax.dest_let, boolSyntax.is_let,
pairSyntax.list_mk_anylet, pairSyntax.dest_anylet, pairLib.