\DOC EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV \TYPE {EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV : conv} \SYNOPSIS Expands with the definition of unique existence. \KEYWORDS conversion, quantifier, existential, unique. \DESCRIBE Given a term of the form {"?!x.P[x]"}, the conversion {EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV} proves that this assertion is equivalent to the conjunction of two statements, namely that there exists at least one value {x} such that {P[x]}, and that there is at most one value {x} for which {P[x]} holds. The theorem returned is: { |- (?! x. P[x]) = (?x. P[x]) /\ (!x x'. P[x] /\ P[x'] ==> (x = x')) } where {x'} is a primed variant of {x} that does not appear free in the input term. Note that the quantified variable {x} need not in fact appear free in the body of the input term. For example, {EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV "?!x.T"} returns the theorem: { |- (?! x. T) = (?x. T) /\ (!x x'. T /\ T ==> (x = x')) } \FAILURE {EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV tm} fails if {tm} does not have the form {"?!x.P"}. \SEEALSO Conv.EXISTENCE. \ENDDOC