Communication (6 hrs.) ENGL 101¹ Composition & Rhetoric COMS 101* Speech Communication Math, Science & Technology (9 hrs.) INFT 101 Instructional Tech. for Online Learning MATH 115² Mathematics for Liberal Arts BIOL 101* Principles of Biology Information Literacy (6 hrs.) ENGL 102 Composition & Literature HIEU 201* History of Western Civilization I Critical Thinking (3 hrs.) CSTU 101* Western Culture CHRISTIAN LIFE & THOUGHT (9 hrs.) APOL 104 Contemporary Worldviews BIBL 104 Survey of Biblical Literature THEO 104 Introduction to Christian Thought SKILLS & KNOWLDEGE (9 hrs.) GOVT 200 Constitutional Govt. & Free Enterprise GOVT 220 American Government SOCI 200 Introduction to Sociology MAJOR - Criminal Justice Core Courses (36 hrs.) CJUS 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJUS 230 Criminal Justice Research & Writing CJUS 300 Admin. Of Justice Organizations CJUS 310 Juvenile Justice CJUS 320 Corrections CJUS 330 Judicial Process CJUS 340 Criminology CJUS 350 Criminal Justice Ethics CJUS 400 Criminal Law CJUS 410 Constitutional Criminal Procedure CJUS 420 Criminal Investigations GOVT 480 Terrorism MAJOR - Crime Scene Investigation Cognate (12 hrs.) CJUS 360 Introduction to Forensics CJUS 361 Crime Scene Photography CJUS 362 Crime Scene Management CJUS 363 Computer & Cyber Forensics ELECTIVES (30 hrs.) MATH 110² Intermediate Algebra MATH 100³ Fundamentals of Mathematics ENGL 100¹ Basic Composition ELEC Elective ELEC Elective ELEC Elective ELEC Elective ELEC Elective ELEC Elective ELEC Elective Effective Date: 2015-40 Catalog Year 0 3 3 3 Institution Transfer #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Mltry. CLEP DSST ECE CERT. Other Total Transfer Other Left See note under "Other Requirements" section 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TRM/GRADE 3 3 3 3 formerly PHIL 104 3 3 3 or SOCI 201 - Social Problems 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 0 120 Hrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Graduation Requirements: -120 total hours -30 hours must be taken through Liberty -30 hours of upper-level courses -2.0 grade point average -1 course in major taken through Liberty -Grades of C or higher for all courses in the major -Submission of Graduation Application at the beginning of final semester Date Completed: Date Revised: NOTE: SOC may not reflect total hours transferred, only credit applicable to the degree. SOC # CM005B MH051B EN203B 3 3 3 (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for MATH 115³ 3 (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for MATH 110 3 (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for ENGL 101 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Totals: 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *A list of alternate courses that meet this requirement are found at: Completed with Liberty University: Semester hours left to complete: CERT. CLEP MOS CRS #6 #5 Other Prior Learning Assessment ECE Daniel L. Espenscheid #4 #3 REQ #2 CORE COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS (24 hrs.) Bachelor's ARMY Credit Hours Awarded Resident / College Transfer Credit Military #1 Degree Requirements Course Title RES Course Number SOCAD Branch of Service Rank: MOS/Rating: Mil. Installation: Name of College Official: Signature of College Official: Open Network B.S. / Criminal Justice - Crime Scene Investigation 120 Sem.Hrs. Yes DSST SOC DNS Student Agreement SOC Network: Degree Title: Degree Length: Semester Hours: Student Name: SS#: L.U. ID.#: City, State: Other Requirements: -All prerequisites for a course must be completed before the course can be taken. -ENGL 100, MATH 100 and MATH 110 are required prerequisites. They can also be met with passing scores on the English and Math Assessment Tests. -INFT 101 cannot be transferred from another school and should be taken in the first semester of classes. SO002B