Communication (6 hrs.) ENGL 101¹ Composition & Rhetoric 3 COMS 101* Speech Communication 3 Math, Science & Technology (9 hrs.) INFT 101 Instructional Tech. for Online Learning 3 MATH 115² Mathematics for Liberal Arts 3 BIOL 101* Principles of Biology 3 Information Literacy (6 hrs.) ENGL 102 Composition & Literature 3 HIEU 201* History of Western Civilization I 3 Critical Thinking (3 hrs.) CSTU 101* Western Culture 3 CHRISTIAN LIFE & THOUGHT (9 hrs.) APOL 104 Contemporary Worldviews 3 BIBL 104 Survey of Biblical Literature 3 THEO 104 Introduction to Christian Thought 3 SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE (9 hrs.) GOVT 200 Constitutional Govt. & Free Enterprise 3 GOVT 220 American Government 3 SOCI 200 Introduction to Sociology 3 MAJOR - Criminal Justice Core Courses (36 hrs.) CJUS 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 CJUS 230 Criminal Justice Research & Writing 3 CJUS 300 Admin. Of Justice Organizations 3 CJUS 310 Juvenile Justice 3 CJUS 320 Corrections 3 CJUS 330 Judicial Process 3 CJUS 340 Criminology 3 CJUS 350 Criminal Justice Ethics 3 CJUS 400 Criminal Law 3 CJUS 410 Constitutional Criminal Procedure 3 CJUS 420 Criminal Investigations 3 GOVT 480 Terrorism 3 MAJOR - Business Administration & Management Cognate (15 hrs.) ACCT 211 Principles of Accounting I 3 BUSI 301 Business Law 3 BUSI 310 Principles of Management 3 BUSI 340 Organizational Behavior 3 BUSI 342 Human Resources Management 3 ELECTIVES (27 hrs.) MATH 110² Intermediate Algebra 3 MATH 100³ Fundamentals of Mathematics 3 ENGL 100¹ Basic Composition 3 ELEC Elective 3 ELEC Elective 3 ELEC Elective 3 ELEC Elective 3 ELEC Elective 3 ELEC Elective 3 Totals: 120 0 0 0 0 *A list of alternate courses that meet this requirement are found at: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Mltry. CLEP DSST ECE CERT. Other Total Transfer Completed with Liberty University: Semester hours left to complete: 0 120 Institution Transfer Hrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Effective Date: 2015-40 Catalog Year 0 Other CERT. CLEP MOS CRS #6 #5 Other Prior Learning Assessment ECE Daniel L. Espenscheid #4 #3 REQ #2 CORE COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS (24 hrs.) Bachelor's ARMY Credit Hours Awarded Resident / College Transfer Credit Military #1 Degree Requirements Course Title RES Course Number SOCAD Branch of Service Rank: MOS/Rating: Mil. Installation: Name of College Official: Signature of College Official: Open Network B.S. / Criminal Justice - Business Administration and Mgmt. 120 Sem.Hrs. Yes DSST SOC DNS Student Agreement SOC Network: Degree Title: Degree Length: Semester Hours: Student Name: SS#: L.U. ID.#: City, State: Left TRM/GRADE 3 3 See note under "Other Requirements" section 3 3 3 3 3 SOC # CM005B MH051B EN203B 3 formerly PHIL 104 3 3 3 3 3 3 or SOCI 201 - Social Problems SO001B 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for MATH 115³ (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for MATH 110 (Minimum grade of "C") is a prerequisite for ENGL 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 Graduation Requirements: -120 total hours -30 hours must be taken through Liberty -30 hours of upper-level courses -2.0 grade point average -1 course in major taken through Liberty -Grades of C or higher for all courses in the major -Submission of Graduation Application at the beginning of final semester Date Completed: Date Revised: NOTE: SOC may not reflect total hours transferred, only credit applicable to the degree. 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 120 Other Requirements: -All prerequisites for a course must be completed before the course can be taken. -ENGL 100, MATH 100 and MATH 110 are required prerequisites. They can also be met with passing scores on the English and Math Assessment Tests. -INFT 101 cannot be transferred from another school and should be taken in the first semester of classes. AC102B BU123B MG101B MG302B MG201B