“Creating a Sustainable Financial System” Guest Speaker Nick Robins of UNEP

The Doughty Centre presents
A Guest Evening Speaker Event
You are invited to attend an evening presentation
On 7th March 2016, Venue LR29 Building 122
The presentation will start at 18:15
“Creating a Sustainable Financial System”
Guest Speaker Nick Robins of UNEP
Nick Robins is co-director of the UNEP sponsored Inquiry into the Design of a
Sustainable Financial System, a two-year initiative to advance financial policy
options that more effectively mobilise capital for an inclusive, green economy .
Nick Robins
Co-Director, Inquiry
into Design Options for
a Sustainable Financial
System, UNEP
The UNEP report “The Financial System We Need: Aligning the Financial System to
Sustainable Development” (http://web.unep.org/inquiry )was launched at the
World Bank/IMF autumn meetings in Lima Peru at the beginning of October
Nick will be sharing his expertise and insight gained from over 20 years’
experience in the policy, research and financial dimensions of sustainable
All Cranfield University students, staff and faculty welcome, book
your free place in advance by email to Lynne.Lewis@cranfield.ac.uk
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