SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 1. 4. 5. The purpose of this document is to define the process by which tooling is maintained and repaired. SCOPE 2.1. 3. DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 PURPOSE 1.1. 2. PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 This procedure applies to the repair and maintenance of all production tooling, including the controls for the identification and utilization of perishable tooling. RESPONSIBILITY 3.1. The V.P./G.M. of Fabrication Division, and the Stamping Operations Manager have the primary responsibility for ensuring compliance of this procedure and to ensure the necessary resources for successful implementation are provided. 3.2. Tool Room, Quality Control, and Production personnel are responsible for complying with this procedure. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 4.1. Quality System Manual 4.2. Control of (COMPANY) Part Master (PDE003) 4.3. Fabrication Division System Controls (PFD001) 4.4. Information Services (PIS001) 4.5. Production Planning & Scheduling (PMF003) 4.6. Purchasing (PPR002) 4.7. Advanced Product Quality Planning (PQC004) 4.8. Document & Data Control (PQC008) 4.9. First Article Inspection (PQC007) 4.10. First Piece Inspection (PQC012) 4.11. In-Process & Last Piece Inspection (PQC013) 4.12. Control of Quality Records (PQC020) 4.13. Tooling Management (PTR001) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS/MATERIAL Page 1 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 6. PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 Tooling Release – green tag (FTR007) Tooling Inspection Request – red tag (FTR006) Die Maintenance Log (FTR001) Die Repair Ticket (FTR002) Perishable Tool Log Die Repair Codes List (FTR008) PROCEDURE 6.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6.1.1. Production Supervision in conjunction with Set Up Personnel shall be primarily responsible for identifying maintenance needs for all production tooling utilized during (COMPANY)’s Stamping and Fabrication Operations. In the case of Stamping Operations this responsibility shall be extended to the Tool Room personnel who are responsible for performing the tooling maintenance and repair activities. In the case of Fabrication Operations a procedure shall be established for the maintenance and repair of (COMPANY)’s Fabrication Tooling. 6.1.2. There shall be four primary ways to determine the maintenance & repair requirements for tooling utilized during (COMPANY)’s Stamping Operations. The preventive maintenance requirements (if any) established by the Production Planning Team shall be established via the Set-Up Instructions on the Job Router for those tools required for that operation. Typically the instruction is to have the tool room perform some action either before set up or after so many cycles of the press during production. Production Supervision or Set-Up Personnel shall identify routine maintenance requirements during the teardown of a production run (see The Red & Green Tag – Tool Maintenance System below). QC Personnel shall identify maintenance and/or repair issues during First Piece, In-Process, & Last Piece Inspection by generating and processing a Die Repair Ticket (see applicable section below). Page 2 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 Tool Room Personnel shall identify maintenance and/or repair issues while performing maintenance and/or repair per the above methods. 6.2. The Red & Green Tag - Tool Maintenance System NOTE: This System shall primarily be utilized for Dies used in the Stamping Operations. It shall also be utilized in the maintenance of Tooling and Inspection Fixtures when scheduling the maintenance and repair is crucial to meeting production requirements. 6.2.1. Production Supervision and Set-Up Personnel shall use the Red & Green Tag - Tool Maintenance System during the teardown of production jobs. The Red Tag, Tooling Inspection Requested, shall be generated when a maintenance concern is identified during the teardown of the Production Job. Maintenance items are typically determined either by a visual examination of the tooling and/or a visual examination of the last production part (strip in the case of progressive stamping dies). The last production part shall be submitted to QC for Last Piece Inspection (see PQC013). In the case of progressive stamping dies the last production strip shall be kept with the die until pulled for the next production run. The Red Tag shall be placed on the specified tool as a visual maintenance status of the tool, to remind Production Supervision that the tool needs to be evaluated and/or worked on by the Tool Room prior to setting up for the next production run. The Green Tag, Tooling Release, shall be generated by Production Supervision and/or Set-Up Personnel when the visual examination of the tooling and last production piece do not show any maintenance needs during the teardown of the production job. The Green Tag shall be placed on the specified tool as a visual maintenance status of the tool, indicating that the tool does not need to be evaluated by the Tool Room for maintenance and/or repairs prior to the next Set-Up for production. Page 3 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 6.2.2. DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 Tool Room Personnel shall use the Red & Green Tag – Tool Maintenance System during their routine maintenance and repair activities. In the case where the tool is being inspected per the Red Tag generated by Production Supervision and/or the Set-Up Personnel, the Tool Room Personnel shall generate a Green Tag indicating that the maintenance items have been evaluated and the appropriate actions have been taken to allow the tool to be utilized in production. The Green Tag shall be placed on the specified tool as a visual status of the tool’s readiness for production. If there are further maintenance issues identified and they do not need to be performed during this maintenance and/or repair activity, then the Tool Room Personnel shall make note of the maintenance items to be worked on after the production run. 6.3. The Die Repair Ticket – Tool Maintenance & Repair System 6.3.1. The Tool Room receives a Die Repair Ticket from Quality Control or Production when either function determines that repair or maintenance of the tool is required. 6.3.2. Die Repair Tickets are routed as follows: White Copy Inspector (QC) Yellow Copy Tool Room ((COMPANY) Die Repair Data when completed) Pink Copy Production Tan (Manila) Copy With Last Piece or Sample, 6.3.3. When complete, all repair and maintenance work is recorded on the Die Repair Ticket and in the Die Maintenance Log. 6.3.4. The Tool Maker shall complete the Die Repair Ticket by entering: 6.3.5. A description of the Work Performed on Tool Die Repair Code #’s (Die Repair Codes List) Initial and complete a Die Maintenance Log Record by entering: Date Work Done Reject Tag # (Die Repair Ticket #) Page 4 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 6.4. DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 Reason Code (Die Repair Code) Initials Hours required for repair REPAIR OF TOOLING/DIES IN PRODUCTION 6.4.1. The Tool Room shall receive a copy of the Die Repair Ticket. NOTE: A part sample to illustrate the problem being experienced with the die may accompany the ticket. 6.4.2. The Tool Maker shall decide whether to pull the die from the press for repair, or to attempt to adjust the die in the press. 6.4.3. If the die will remain in the press: Make adjustments to the die. Run sample parts with the Set-Up Person under normal operating conditions of the press. Verify acceptability of the parts using the standard inspection procedure. Make further adjustments until acceptable parts are obtained, or pull the die. 6.4.4. If the die is to be pulled from the press, alert a Production Supervisor and/or Die Setter to bring the die to the Tool Room. Repair and/or maintain the die as necessary. Alert the Production Supervisor, or Die Setter. They will alert a Jeep Driver to deliver the die to the appropriate press. The Die Setter will reset the die in the press. Run sample parts under normal operating conditions of the press. Determine acceptability of the parts using the standard inspection procedures. NOTE: If necessary, the die may be removed again for further repair, or may be adjusted while in the press, until acceptable parts are obtained. 6.4.5. Complete the Die Repair Ticket and enter into the Die Maintenance Log. Page 5 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 6.4.6. 6.5. 6.6. DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 Place the Die Repair Ticket in the designated location in the Tool Room, for the assigned person and/or function to collect and enter into the (COMPANY) Die Repair Menu. NOTE: Any sample part accompanying the repair ticket shall be scrapped. REPAIR OF TOOLING/DIES OUT OF PRODUCTION (Backlog) 6.5.1. The Tool Room Supervisor and/or Lead Person shall coordinate with the Production Control Manager and/or Stamping Operations Manager the maintenance and repair activities for tooling/dies not in production (also known as Backlog) 6.5.2. The Tool Room Supervisor and/or Lead Person shall assign the backlog items to the appropriate Tool Maker and ensure that the Jeep Driver retrieves the tooling from its designated location. 6.5.3. The Tool Maker shall perform the necessary repair and/or maintenance work on the tooling/die (see Die Repair Ticket or Tool Maker’s notes on die maintenance needed). 6.5.4. Completes the Die Repair Ticket and enters the activity in the Die Maintenance Log, including the Tool Maker’s initials. 6.5.5. Places the Die Repair Ticket (yellow copy) in the designated location in the Tool Room for the assigned person and/or function to collect and enter into the (COMPANY) Die Repair Menu. 6.5.6. Have the die returned to its regular storage location, depending on the scheduling of its next production run. PERISHABLE TOOLING 6.6.1. The Tool Room Supervisor and/or Lead Person shall establish in the Perishable Tool Log those Tools (e.g. punches, inserts, springs, etc.) requiring unique control. This unique control shall be based on those tooling items that cannot be purchased or made in a timely manner in order to meet production requirements. 6.6.2. The Tool Room Supervisor and/or Lead Person shall also determine what levels of perishable tooling is necessary (if any) to meet current production schedules. 6.6.3. Tool Room Personnel shall notify the Supervisor and/or Lead Person when the levels of perishable tooling are low so they may be reordered or made, as determined necessary. Page 6 of 7 SSYYSSTTEEM M PPR RO OC CEED DU UR REE Tooling Repair & Perishable Tooling REVISION: 00 7. 8. PROCEDURE NO.: PTR003 DATE EFFECTIVE: 02/26/01 RECORDS 7.1. (COMPANY) Die Repair Menu (Data/Tickets) 7.2. Die Maintenance Log 7.3. Perishable Tool Log REVISION HISTORY REVISION LEVEL DATE OF REVISION SECTIONS DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Re-Issued Procedure to comply with Restructured Quality System (Baseline with QS-9000 Registration) and PQC008 – Document & Data Control. 00 9. 02/26/01 All Added more detail on the Red & Green Tag – Tooling Maintenance System for clarification. Also gave further clarification as to Perishable Tooling (versus the spare tooling storage and retrieval system). AUTHORIZATION POSITION HELD BY Page 7 of 7 AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE OR INITIALS