An Aeronautics Supplier’s viewpoint INTERTECHNIQUE INTERTECHNIQUE within the quality aerospace environment I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 0.1 Summary Intertechnique Company brief presentation Quality system requirements • By Official Authorities • By Customers • Types of scoring Audits • By Customers and Official Authorities • Internal audits (quality system, product audits) Other fields • Quality questionnaires and surveys • Quality tools • Accompanying documents Conclusion I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin INTERTECHNIQUE G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 0.2 INTERTECHNIQUE Presentation of Intertechnique I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.1 ZODIAC Group : Presentation of Intertechnique AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Fuel systems, oxygen systems, hydraulic systems. Electrical systems. Systems management. Lighting, flight deck controls and displays. 5 business segments AERO SAFETY SYSTEMS AIRLINE EQUIPMENT Emergency evacuation systems. Passenger seats. Cabine equipment (trash-compactors systems, galleys). TECHNOLOGY Deceleration systems. De-icing cells systems. MARINE – LEISURE Marine. Telemetry. Computer-Aided Telephony. Swimming pools. Leisure. Airbags. INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.2 Presentation of Intertechnique ZODIAC in 2000 Sales breakdown Aircraft systems 27 % Airline equipment 25 % Aero safety systems 15 % Derived technologies 9% 24 % Marine – Leisure Financial highlights Zodiac Group Manpower INTERTECHNIQUE 1 400 M$ 9 615 people I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.3 Presentation of Intertechnique Presentation of Intertechnique INTERTECHNIQUE Core Businesses I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.4 Presentation of Intertechnique Fuel Systems On ground refuelling equipment and systems Formula I race cars refuelling systems Systèmes de gestion de carburant In-flight refuelling equipment and systems On board fuel circulation systems In-flight refuelling pods Man-machine interfaces Couplings and control equipment for aircraft-fuelling systems indicators, control units and panels Fuel boost and transfer pumps, fuel jet pumps Equipment for fuel, air and hydraulic circuits : Refuelling ports, valves . . . Refuelling units Aircraft Fuel System Test Bench Locations Intertechnique at Plaisir and Roche-La-Molière - (France) IDC Aerospace at Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA) INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.5 Presentation of Intertechnique Systems Monitoring and Management Fuel management systems Air management systems Gauging Bleed air monitoring Hydraulic systems Level sensing Air temperature control Circuit breakers Flowmetering Cabin pressure control Window heat controllers Monitoring and control Monitoring and Measurement sensors level sensing : thermistors, float Flowmeters control Man-machine interfaces Actuators electrovalves ram air door actuators computers Indicators, control units and panels Location Intertechnique at Plaisir INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.6 Presentation of Intertechnique Oxygen and Life Support ERGONOMICS, PHYSIOLOGY Respiratory protection for pilots, passengers and crew members Storage, regulation and oxygen instrumentation Pilot protection (accelerations, hypoxia, NBC, noise ...) quick donning masks Liquid and gaseous oxygen tanks anti-smoke protective breathing hood Regulators Passenger oxygen drop out module anti-g Valves NBC hood Location Intertechnique at Plaisir INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.7 Presentation of Intertechnique General information Locations PLAISIR (France) ROCHE-LA-MOLIERE Activities Fuel systems (France) INTERTECHNIQUE (Aerospace) Ltd (Great Britain) Systems management IDC Aerospace (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) Fuel, air, hydraulics, electrical distribution, optronics IN-EROS (Fullerton, California, USA) IN-ASIA (Hong Kong, China) Oxygen and life support Manpower : 890 people Turnover : 1 100 MF (150 M$) Chairman and CEO : E. MARCHEGAY Deputy CEO : J.P. BRILLANT References Airbus family, Agusta, Alenia, ATR, Bell, Boeing, Bombardier Canadair, Casa, Dornier, Eurocopter, Falcon, Gulfstream, Jetstream, Mirage, Rafale, Saab, Sikorsky. Quality Vice President : Guy DION Department Vice-Presidents : J.F. HIGOUNET J.P. LIBIS J.M. MATHEY Marketing and sales, Vice-President : M. KNAFO INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 1.8 INTERTECHNIQUE Quality System requirements Acronyms Certifications timetable From Official Authorities From Customers Types of scoring I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2. Quality system requirements Acronyms AECMA-EASE (European Aerospace Supplier Evaluation) ð Association affiliated with AECMA (European Association of Aerospace Industries), composed of members from 5 "Regions" : North (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden), East (Germany, The Netherlands), South (Italy, Spain, Portugal), Centre (Belgium, France), West (United Kingdom, Ireland) BVQI (Bureau Veritas Quality International) ð Certification body. ð Chinese civil aviation authority. CAA ð French military official authority. DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement) DGAC / GSAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile / ð French civil official authority. Groupement pour la Sécurité Aviation Civile) FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) ð US official authority. JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) ð European official authority. QUALIFAS (Qualité des Approvisionnements pour les Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales) ð Central Region of AECMA-EASE. TCCA (Transport Canada Civil Aviation) ð Canadian civil official authority. INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.0 Quality system requirements Certifications timetable Certification Bodies BVQI ISO 9001 AQAP-110 BVQI ISO 9001 (issue 2000) Plaisir & RLM Plaisir & RLM Customers QUALIFAS QUALIFAS RG Aéro 000 83 RG Aéro 000 83 RLM* Plaisir Military Official AECMA-EASE EN 9000-1 AECMA-EASE EN 9100 Plaisir & RLM Plaisir & RLM Authorities DGA AQAP-110 Plaisir & RLM Civil DGAC JAR 145 FAA FAR 145 Repair Station Repair Station 1993 1994 1995 Official Authorities 1996 DGAC JAR 21 CAA CCAR 145 Production Certification Repair Station Certification 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 (*) RLM = Intertechnique Roche-la-Molière site INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.1 Quality requirements from Official Authorities Company Quality Certifications (by Quality System Quality System Civil Equipment All activities Military activities Production BVQI ISO ISO9001 9001 n° 62642 n° 62642 of 12/1999 of 12/1999 (Expiry : 12/2002) (Expiry : 12/2002) Quality Manual & Procedures • Audits performed every 6 months by BVQI Renewal every 3 years DGA/BVQI AQAP 110 AQAP 110 n° 62642 n° 62642 of 12/1999 of 12/1999 (Expiry : 12/2002) (Expiry : 12/2002) Quality Manual & Procedures • Audits performed every 6 months by BVQI Renewal every 3 years INTERTECHNIQUE JAA/DGAC JAR JAR21 21 n° F.G.005 n° F.G.005 of 12/1997 of 12/1997 (Expiry : 12/2001) (Expiry : 12/2001) Production Organization Exposition (POE) & Procedures • Audits performed by GSAC (6 per year) Renewal every 2 years Official Authorities or Certification Bodies) Civil Equipment - Maintenance JAA/DGAC FAA (Europe) (USA) JAR 145 JAR 145 n° F060 n° F060 of 12/1993 of 12/1993 (Expiry : 12/2001) (Expiry : 12/2001) Maintenance Organization Exposition (MOE) • Annual audit performed by GSAC in Plaisir, Orly & Roche-la-Molière Renewal every 2 years FAR FAR145 145 n° I6QY965J n° I6QY965J (Plaisir) (Plaisir) n° I4QY966J n° I4QY966J (Roche-la-Molière) (Roche-la-Molière) of 07/1995 of 07/1995 (Expiry : 07/2001) (Expiry : 07/2001) MOE + US supplement • Annual audit performed by FAA in Plaisir & Roche-la-Molière Renewal every year TCCA (Canada) CAA (China) Recognition of Recognition of JAR JAR145 145 n° TCAC 897-30 n° TCAC 897-30 of 12/1997 of 12/1997 (Expiry : 02/2002) (Expiry : 02/2002) CCAR 145 CCAR 145 n° F.3516 n° F.3516 de 07/1998 de 07/1998 (Expiry : 12/2001) (Expiry : 12/2001) MOE + Canadian & Chinese supplements • Annual self-evaluation report to be provided to Chinese Authorities Renewal : Canada : every 2 years China : every 3 years I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.2.1 Quality requirements from Official Authorities Company Quality Certifications (by Official Authorities or Certification Bodies) Military Aviation Authorities : Requirements based on ISO 9001 J Civil Aviation Authorities : Specific requirements L JAR 21 Production certification : Mutual recognition from FAA and DGAC J Product certifications : JTSO, TSO J Maintenance certification : FAA / DGAC : turnover FAR145 J (FAR 145 survey by DGAC) CAA (China) and TCCA (Canada) certifications (audits and supplemental costs) L Certification Body (BVQI) Today : ISO 9001 & AQAP-110 certifications Next future : AS/EN 9100 assessment ? INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.2.2 Quality requirements from Customers Customers’ audits, results and approvals AUDIT FIELD CUSTOMER QUALIFAS AECMA-EASE BOEING QUALITY AIRBUS UK MAINTENANCE • EN 9000-1 * • D1-9000 rev. A * • EFQM model Result Comments 19,2 / 20 New standard EN 9100 * 7,8 / 10 New standard BQMS (AS 9100) * "Silver" level • BAe/AG/QC/SC1 * No scoring BOMBARDIER CANADAIR • QD4.6-40 * No scoring LIEBHERRAEROSPACE • LTS-AQ-INS-06-0032 * 18,9 / 20 SAAB • 80-V-10.1E 89 / 100 GULFSTREAM • SQAR 0001 No scoring SYSTEM AUDITS Standard AIRBUS INDUSTRIE • EN-9110 * New : AUK/SA/001-3 * New : LTS-AQINS-06-0276 * 16,4/20 QUALITY SYSTEM FEDEX, DHL, SAS • CASE (North America) No scoring * : documents based on the ISO 9001 standard INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.3.1 Quality requirements from Customers Customers’ audits, results and approvals Quality System : Harmonized requirements J in France : through QUALIFAS in Europe : through AECMA-EASE At the international level : through IAQG ð RG.Aéro 000 83 in 1994 ð EN 9000-1 in Feb. 1999 ð AS/EN 9100 in Feb. 2001 Maintenance activities : Requirements to be harmonized L EN 9110 (every 3 years) (applicable in Europe since 2001) CASE (every 2 years) Scoring : Quality System scorings to be harmonized L Several quality system scoring methods (6 for Intertechnique) Scoring is an incentive element for improvement : it enables to rate the progress achieved INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.3.2 Types of Scoring Several levels of scoring with various calculation methods Quality System Examples : ../20, ../10, ../100, Approved / Not approved Delivery indicators New products or repairs % delivered on time, delayed deliveries, TAT, … Product quality Examples : Rejection rates, QN, R1, R2, IF, IE Overall scoring Examples : E NCC, IP, Q100, quartiles, Gold/Silver/bronze Expected objectives A simple calculation method Indicators to be easily understood by the General Management of companies Indicators jointly checked by the customer and the supplier INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 2.4 INTERTECHNIQUE Audits I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 3.1 Quality system audits performed by Customers / Authorities at Intertechnique’s Audits (Products audits not included) JAR 21 25 23 AQAP 100 19 20 18 15 15 14 13 13 13 12 13 10 12 11 11 8 12 Civil Authorities 11 Customers 10 10 10 8 5 5 BVQI 1 1 0 1993 1994 70 1995 1996 64 1997 51 50 40 2000 2001 55 47 44 Total duration (days) 41 49 44 40 30 1999 Substantial quantities of audits 61 60 40 1998 0 Military Authorities 35 29 Total quantity of audits 31 20 10 22 25 1999 2000 Audit periodicities linked to the certifications Decrease trend 0 1993 1994 1995 INTERTECHNIQUE 1996 1997 1998 2001 I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 3.2 Audits Quality system audits performed by Customers / Authorities at Intertechnique’s (Products audits not included) Expected objective : 1 quality system audit every 3 years based on the international aerospace standard, performed either by customer association or certification body What may allow customers to concentrate their efforts on other audits : Logistics (management or customer orders, follow-up of delivery dates; purchase control ; cost management ; leadtime control, …) Product audits (FAI, Source Inspections, …) Process audits (EMPI, EMPF, …) Design reviews (PDR, CDR, …) To give a greater importance to internal audits : Self-assessment : more motivating Best conditions to set up improvement actions INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 3.3 Audits Internal quality system audits 140 115 120 92,5 100 85 82,5 100 Total duration (days) 104 80 50 60 Total quantity of audits 37,5 40 46 33 20 15 20 1993 1994 37 34 1997 1998 50 52 1999 2000 0 1995 1996 2001 Quantity of audits : increase trend Audit duration : shorter (since 1999) : using check-sheets, (41 audit check-sheets for « system » and « process » audits) standardising the minutes, improving the corrective action follow-up INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 3.4 Audits Internal products audits Products Audits Quantity FAI Quantity 250 200 200 150 139 150 41 46 38 100 154 98 50 112 0 1998 1999 2000 FAI (First Article Inspection) performed at the beginning of serial production or for equipment changes (the quantity depends on the quantity of new products) Products audits Performed on equipment in production (the quantity depends on the quantity of product families) INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 3.5 INTERTECHNIQUE Other fields INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.1 Other fields Answers to customers quality questionnaires and surveys Answers to quality questionnaires + certificates Quality certificates only dispatching 106 120 100 70 47 80 60 41 18 40 20 8 10 59 29 0 1998 1999 2000 Necessary standardisation of the answer process INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.2 Other fields Quality Tools Tools often recommended by the customers, sometimes mandatory : Self assessment (EFQM model) E 6 Sigma Lean Manufacturing Key characteristics Fracas HALT, HASS Do not require, but promote their implementation INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.3 Accompanying Documents Other fields or F A JA n O m e orm F A FA /DC ote L B yN er tion v i l De clara ance De mpli Co of in e h C se INTERTECHNIQUE 3 ag T llow e Y ag T w o l l Ye ic a f i t r Ce 03 1 8 te Lo ard C g I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.4 Quality tools : E.F.Q.M. Model Self-assessment 1999 Reminder - Schedule BAe BAe 1998 CIP 4th issue Nov. CIP 3rd issue May BAe BAe's review Filton Nov. 30 BAe's review Plaisir May 6 1997 Internal training Sept./ Oct. CIP 2nd issue Feb. BAe CIP 1st issue Sept. E External ASSESSMENT Dec. 1-4 On site training (E.F.Q.M. General trainers) Management Oct. 16-17 Committee Sept. GREEN BOOK (Self(decision) assessment book) 1st issue : Nov. Plenary Meeting June 22 General Management Committee July BAe's review Filton Sept. 4 CIP 1st and 2nd drafts March/April IMPROVING OURSELVES PREPARING THE ASSESSMENT INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.5.1 Quality tools : E.F.Q.M. Model Self-assessment Reminder - Schedule Self Assessment Business Units Seminaries 2000 Airbus UK AIRBUS UK's review Plaisir Aug. 30 Airbus UK CIP Assessor 5th Training issue (Brussels) Feb. Jan. 1112 CIP 6th issue May AIRBUS UK ’s review Plaisir Mar. 6 CIP 7th issue Aug. Airbus UK 2001 EFQM Booklet issue Oct. EFQM Internet Site Sept. D7 Feb. 26-27 Self Assessment GM Committee Seminary Nov. 20-21 D4 Feb. 6-7 AIRBUS UK's Review Filton May 22 IN-S March 29-30 D2 March 12-13 IN CIP issue April Revised Green Book issue May IN CIP Review Nov. Self Assessment Launching Meeting Oct IMPROVING OURSELVES ORGANIZING SELF ASSESSMENTS PREPARING SELF ASSESSMENT IMPROVING OURSELVES INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 4.5.2 INTERTECHNIQUE Conclusion I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 5.1 Conclusion Consequences to the Intertechnique Quality Organization Quality System staff 0,5 person in 1995 ð Today : 3 people General documents and Standards Complexicity of the document management (Quality Manual, Production Organization Exposition, Maintenance Organization Exposition, Inspection Procedure Manual, …) Procedures (Quality Intranet) High quantity of external audits Repetition of the same audits (some departments are audited several times per year) INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 5.2 Conclusion Our reflections Quality System May be unique and can cover 90 % of the requirements from : Civil Authorities / Military Authorities / Certification Body / Aerospace Customers ISO 9001 and international standard AS/EN/SJAC 9100 must be fully deployed Scoring is a progress factor Simplification Concensus Self-assessment is the basis of the continuous improvement To be promoted, but not be imposed by customers Focus on products and processes Any new requirement setting-up should be done only after consultation of the supply chain INTERTECHNIQUE I.A.Q.G., 26th-29th June 2001 in Berlin G. Dion/IAQG - 11/06/01 – 5.3