Document 14681210

International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
Resident Surgeon, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Silchar Medical College And Hospital, Silchar, Assam,India;
Post-Graduation trainee,Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Silchar Medical College And Hospital, Silchar, Assam, India.
Fibrous dysplasia is a developmental tumor like condition in which normal bone is replaced by excessive proliferation of cellular fibrous connective tissue intermixed with irregular bony trabeculae. May involve one or several bones and consists of one or
more foci of fibro osseous tissue within the matrix of the affected bone. Patient presents with bone pain, deformities & pathologic fractures. a case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia of maxillary
bone has been reported in a 22 year old female . A review of the literature and management comprising of imaging and surgery for the patient are discussed.
Keywords : Maxilla, Fibrous dysplasia, Monostotic form.
Histologically it’s a fibro-osseous lesion characterised by
the replacement of normal bone with a variable amount of
fibrous tissue and woven bone which causes progressive expansion and deformity of bones.It comprises 2.5% of all osseous & 7% of all benign bone tumours. In general they affect 1
in 4000 to 10,000 individuals. It has a genetic basis i.e,- GNAS1
gene, fibrous dysplasia is the result of mutation of this gene.
S.calcium level : 8.6 mg/dl.
Phosphorus level : 4.2 mg/dl.
4.2Radiological :
4.2.1 Skiagram of PNS shows dense opacity in left maxillary
4.2.2CT-SCAN of PNS shows -A large lobulated mass lesion
measuring approx. 6.3x 5.4 cm with internal bony & soft tissue
densities , is noted expanding the left maxillary antrum.
Superiorly pressure erosion of inf. Wall of orbit , inferiorly
erosion of alveolar process of maxilla and laterally demineralization of posterolateral wall of left maxilla.
Case history: A 22 yrs female presented with swelling
of left facial region for the last 5yrs with nasal obstruction
for the last 2yrs.Pain left cheek for about a
month.Watering of left eye with swelling of lower lid for
the same duration.
2.1.Local Examination :
Post contrast study :- mild enhancement of the soft tissue contents of the mass lesion is noted.
2.1.1Inspection: swelling of left cheek including lower eyelid
and lateral side of nose. -redness of left lower eye region asymmetrical eccentric position of diplopia.
4.2.3FNAC of the left maxillary
swelling under USG guidance : The smear shows scattered
adipocytes , occasional fibroblasts like cells , osteoblasts and
RBCs in the background.
The above cytomorphological features suggestive of Benign
bony lesion
2.1.2Palpation: -smooth , irregular swelling of left maxilla. mild tenderness of the swelling.-consistency of the swelling
was bony hard.
5.SURGERY:Incision : Weber Ferguson incision.Exposure
and elevation of flap.Osteotomy done of Zygomatico orbital
fissure Supraalveolar region. Frontal process of maxilla Intraoperative findings:
2.1.3Anterior rhinoscopic examination : marked narrowing of
the left nasal cavity with gross deviation of septum to right
2.1.4Posterior rhinoscopic examination: irregular narrowing of
the nasopharynx
3.PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: Ossifying fibroma.Paget’s disease.Giant cell tumour.Acute maxillary sinusitis with cellulitis.Aneurysmal bone cyst
4.1 Routine blood investigation.
4.2 Biochemical tests :
1. S.alkaline phosphatase level: 280IU/ml.
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-Large mass destroying the floor of orbit , lateral nasal
wall, filling the nasopharynx , destroying the sphenoid bone ,
involving the infratemporal fossa was seen.
-Erosion of the alveolar process and posterolateral wall
of left maxilla seen. Excision of fibrous dysplastic bone along
with reconstruction of floor of orbit by prolene sling was
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
done.The mass was resected and sent for HPE.
Fig7: postoperative photo after 1 year of follow up
6.HISTOLOGY : showing fibrous dysplasia with the characteristics thin, irregular (chinese character like) bony trabeculae
and fibrotic marrow space.
7.1.Head and neck region constitute about 25% cases of fibrous dysplasia. Maxilla is the most commonly involved
Fibrous dysplasia is of 3 types:
Monostotic(involve one bone)
Polyostotic( involve multiple bone).
McCune-Albright syndrome, presents as a combination of polyostotic FD, skin hyperpigmentation and
endocrine dysfunction.
7.2.Treatment plan :
Depends on the extent of involvement , functional
disability , danger to function , neurologic symptoms
and asthetic consideration.
Differentiation should be made between monostotic
and polyostotic form of the lesion.
The treatment ranges from observation for minor lesions to radical resection.
The type of surgery performed varies from shaving
and contouring of the bone to radical surgery.
& shoulder girdle. Initial symptoms are bone pain and spontaneous fracture of the involved bone. Femur shows
shephered’s crook deformity [4]. Polyostotic form is again subclassified into Jaffe’s type & Albright syndrome. Both type
consists of variable bony involvement with café-au-lait spot.
Albright syndrome has additional feature of endocrine disturbances of varying type [4,5]. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
with soft tissue called mazabraud syndrome. Monostotic Form:
If mutation occurs during postnatal life the progeny of that
mutated cells are essentially confined to one site resulting in
fibrous dysplasia affecting a single bone. About 70% cases are
of monostotic form and they involve mainly ribs, femur, tibia
& craniofacial bones [1-2, 4]. Any bone may be affected,
but monostotic forms are never reported as becoming polyostotic [4]. The lesion is asymptomatic and usually discovered
incidentally. It causes enlargement & distortion of bone.
Craniofacial Form: 50%-100% of patient with polyostotic disease
& 10% patient with monostotic disease have craniofacial involvement [1,5]. Maxilla is more commonly involved than
mandible [1]. When maxilla is affected it may involve
zygomatic & sphenoid bone. Involvement of frontal, sphenoid,
naso-ethmoid & maxillary bone may lead to nasal obstruction, sinus obstruction & sinusitis [1]. Hypertelorism, cranial asymmetry,
facial deformity, visual impairment, exophthalmos and blindness
may occur due to involvement of orbital and parietal bone [4]. Malignant changes with fibrous dysplasia include Osteosarcoma, Fibrosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Malignant fibrous histiocytoma &
Ewings sarcoma [1]. Association of Amelobastoma[1], Cystic degeneration[2], Angiosarcoma, Frontal sinus mucocele have also reported. Treatment is primarily surgery. When the only tooth bearing
area is involved conservative treatment is bone shaving. Use
of Calcitonin & Pamindronate is also reported for its treatment. Biopsy can be taken to rule out the lesion. Fibrous dysplasia usually get
stabilized after puberty [1].
For large cosmetic deformities recontouring and repositioning of bone may be required.
Biopsy : for confirmation and follow up
Radition therapy is contraindicated because of reported incidence of malignant transformation
Orbital involvement with loss of vision is one of the
most severe but relatively uncommon complication of
fibrous dysplasia.
Fibrous dysplasia is a bone disorder of unknown origin characterized by slow
progressive replacement of medullary bone by abnormal proliferative isomorphic
fibrous tissue which appears radiolucent on radiographs with
classic ground glass
appearance [1]. Fibrous dysplasia has 4 different disease patterns Monostotic (70%),
Polyostotic (30%), Craniofacial form and Cherubism(rare)
[3,4]. The range of
skeletal involvement varies from an asymptomatic monostotic
lesion to polyostotic
involvement resulting in progressive functional deficit & aesthetic problems. The
clinical severity depends on time when the mutation of
GNAS-1 occurs.
Polyostotic Form: It is seen if mutation occurs during 6th week
of intrauterine life. Multiple bones may get involved. This
form commonly involves the skull & facial bones, pelvis, spine
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
Our case is a monostotic type of fibrous dysplasia involving
left maxilla, managed by surgery in which the fibrous dysplastic bone was removed by osteotomy. Reconstruction of floor of
orbit was done by prolene sling.On follow-up after 3 months
of surgery:
-Facial asymmetry corrected.
-There is no diplopia.
-no watering of left eye
- and relieved of nasal obstruction.
HPE revealed benign fibro-osseous lesion.
The patient and family felt that the surgical procedure resulted in significant improvement of her cosmetic appearance
But each patient may present with variable symptoms and clinical
findings, thus the care of these patients must be customized to their
needs and sites of involvement. Fibrous dysplasia may manifests as
monostotic or polyostotic form. Diagnosis of
polyostotic form is easier due to extra-skeletal involvement. Monostotic form is
common in the jaw. Fibrous dysplasia is a tumor like developmental
disorder with
minimal chances of malignancies. Aesthetic correction is done by
 Aggressively screen for and manage
Fibrous dysplasia is a developmental condition with
a genetic basis i.e. point mutation of GNAS1 gene.
Patients mostly females presents as chronic diffuse
unilateral enlargement or asymmetry of face usually
in the 1st and 2nd decade of life.
Diagnosis is made by its clinical presentation , characteristic radiological and histological features.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
Surgical intervention should be reserved to correct
functional impairments or significant cosmetic deformities.
HPE is necessary to rule out malignancy though its
very rare.
[1] Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology,Head @ Neck
Surgery. 7th edition , vol 2 , pg 1522-1523.
[2] Stell and Maran’s Textbook Of Head @ Neck Surgery And Oncology. 5th edition, pg 250-251.
Neck Surgery; fourth edition ; 189 – 191.
Surgery; fourth edition 2895-2897.
[5] SMITH AG’ ZAVALETAA. Osteoma ossifying fibroma , fibrous dysplasia of facial @ cranial bones.
AMA Arch Pathol . 1952 Dec;54 (6): 507-527.
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.