vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Problem Background 2 1.3 Problem Statement 6 1.4 Research Objectives 7 1.5 Scope of Research 9 1.6 Significance of Research 10 1.7 Contribution of Research 10 1.8 Thesis Organization 11 1.9 Summary 13 LITERATURE REVIEW 14 2.1 14 Introduction viii 2.2 2.3 Cloud Deployment Models 16 2.2.1 Public Cloud 16 2.2.2 Private Cloud 17 2.2.3 Hybrid Cloud 18 2.2.4 Community Cloud 19 Cloud Service Delivery Models 20 2.3.1 Software as a Service 20 2.3.2 Platform as a Service 21 2.3.3 Infrastructure as a Service 21 2.4 Cloud Storage Services 22 2.5 Cloud Storage Data Security Concerns 23 2.5.1 Data Confidentiality 23 2.5.2 Data Integrity 24 2.6 2.7 2.8 Data Protection Mechanisms for Cloud Storages 25 2.6.1 Cryptography and Key Management 25 2.6.2 Trusted Computing 26 2.6.3 Access Control Mechanisms 27 2.6.4 Service Level Agreement 27 2.6.5 Data Auditing Services 28 Industry Based Implementations of Cloud Storage Services 29 2.7.1 Amazon Simple Storage Service 29 2.7.2 Google Cloud Storage 33 Limitations of Industry Implemented Cloud Storage Services 37 2.8.1 Vulnerable Key Management Approach 39 2.8.2 Inadequate Cryptographic Support 40 2.8.3 Exclusion of Security Assurance in Service Level Agreements 2.8.4 Untrustworthy Data Integrity Verification Services 2.9 40 41 Confidentiality and Integrity Preserving Cloud Storage Models 42 ix 2.9.1 Secure Cloud Storage Integrator for Enterprises 2.9.2 43 Data Confidentiality and Integrity Verification Using User Authenticator Scheme in Cloud 45 2.9.3 Secure Storage Services in Cloud 47 2.9.4 Data Confidentiality in Storage-Intensive Cloud Applications 2.9.5 Cloud Storage Integrity Checking Using Encryption Algorithm 3 4 49 51 2.10 Critical Analysis on Related Work Solutions 52 2.11 Contribution and Road Map of Research 56 2.12 Summary 59 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 60 3.1 Introduction 60 3.2 Research Methodology 62 3.2.1 Literature Review 62 3.2.2 Analysis 64 3.2.3 Design 65 3.2.4 Implementation 66 3.2.5 Evaluation 67 3.3 Research Activities and Outcomes 68 3.4 Summary 71 SECURE CLOUD STORAGE MODEL 72 4.1 Introduction 72 4.2 Building Blocks of SCSM 73 4.3 Description and Architecture of SCSM 74 4.3.1 76 4.4 Roles and Responsibilities Components of SCSM 4.4.1 77 Multi-factor Authentication and Authorization Process 78 x Role Based Access Control Complex Random Security Code Generator 5 6 79 81 4.4.2 Partial Homomorphic Cryptography 82 4.4.3 256-bit Secure Socket Layer 86 4.4.4 Service Level Agreement 87 4.4.5 Trusted Third Party Services 96 Key Management Approach 96 Data Auditing Process 98 4.5 Process of SCSM 101 4.6 Summary 103 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SECURE CLOUD STORAGE MODEL 104 5.1 Introduction 104 5.2 Software Development Process of SCSM 106 5.3 Systematic Workflow of SCSM 112 5.3.1 Data Transfer and Retrieval 113 5.3.2 Encrypted Data Processing 115 5.3.3 Verification Metadata Generation and Secure Transfer of Parameters 117 5.3.4 Data Integrity Verification 118 5.3.5 Data Recovery 122 5.3.6 Private Key Retrieval and Data Downloading 123 5.4 Deployment of SCSM 125 5.5 Summary 127 EVALUATION AND RESULTS 128 6.1 Introduction 128 6.2 Evaluation Strategy of Research 129 6.3 Evaluation and Results of SCSM Components 130 6.3.1 131 Qualys Web-based Evaluation Methodology xi SSL Certificate Inspection 131 Server Configuration Inspection 133 Final Score and Grade Assignment 138 6.3.2 Mathematical Evaluation 140 6.3.3 Compliance Evaluation 144 6.3.4 Security Analysis 146 6.3.5 Survey Based Evaluation 147 Structure of Survey 148 Survey Analysis for Multi-factor Authentication and Authorization Process Survey Analysis for Service Level Agreement 6.4 Evaluation of SCSM using Survey and Skipfish 6.5 Benchmarking of SCSM with Industry and Academia Best Practices 6.5.1 7 167 168 170 Extremely Secure Multi-factor Authentication and Authorization Process 6.6 165 Trusted and Secure Key Management Approach 6.5.5 161 Trusted, Secure and Efficient Data Auditing Service 6.5.4 156 Security and Privacy Guaranteeing Service Level Agreement 6.5.3 152 Secure and Flexible Partial Homomorphic Cryptography 6.5.2 150 Summary 171 173 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 174 7.1 Introduction 174 7.2 Contributions and Significance 175 7.3 Potential Applications of SCSM 178 7.4 Limitations and Future Directions of Research 179 xii 7.5 7.4.1 Fully Homomorphic Encryption 179 7.4.2 Heterogeneous Data 180 7.4.3 Performance 180 7.4.4 Multi-user Computing Environment 181 Summary REFERENCES Appendices A - C 181 182 197 - 201 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Analysis of Research Problem Area 4 3.1 Research Activities and Outcomes 69 4.1 Service Level Agreement 89 6.1 Protocol Support Rating Guide 134 6.2 Key Exchange Rating Guide 135 6.3 Cipher Strength Rating Guide 137 6.4 Evaluation Criteria 138 6.5 Letter Grading Translation 139 6.6 Keys of Alice and Bob 141 6.7 Key Management Compliance and Auditing 144 6.8 Participation of the Industry Experts in Survey 149 6.9 Analysis of Multi-factor Authentication and Authorization Process 151 6.10 Analysis of Service Level Agreement 155 6.11 Analysis of SCSM 157 6.12 SCSM Benchmarking with Industry and Academia Implemented Solutions 163 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Survey for Research Problem Area 4 1.2 Thesis Organization 12 2.1 Server Side Encryption 30 2.2 Encryption with Client’s Key 31 2.3 Client Side Encryption 32 2.4 Data Migration Process 34 2.5 Authentication Process 36 2.6 Limitations of Amazon S3 and GCS 38 2.7 Cloud Storage Integrator 44 2.8 Preserving Data Confidentiality 45 2.9 Data Integrity Verification 46 2.10 Data Updating 46 2.11 TrustStore Hybrid Cloud Service 48 2.12 Key Management and Data Confidentiality 50 2.13 Cloud Storage Security using Broker 51 2.14 Academia Implemented Cloud Storage Models 53 2.15 Research Road Map 58 3.1 Research Methodology 61 4.1 Architecture of SCSM 74 4.2 Components of SCSM 78 4.3 RBAC Privileges 80 4.4 Access Logs Report 100 4.5 Process of SCSM 102 5.1 HTTP based Authentication 106 5.2 Role Mapping 107 xv 5.3 Roles and Security Annotations 108 5.4 RSA Partial Homomorphic Cryptography 109 5.5 Metadata Generation 110 5.6 Metadata Verification 110 5.7 Sound Steganography 111 5.8 Operations of SCSM 113 5.9 Encryption Process 114 5.10 Decryption Process 115 5.11 Data Processing 116 5.12 VMD Generation and Transfer Process 117 5.13 VMD Decoding Process 119 5.14 Data Auditing Process 119 5.15 Auditing Report 120 5.16 Data Integrity Violation 121 5.17 Auditing Report After Violation 121 5.18 Data Recovery Process 122 5.19 Auditing Report after Data Recovery Process 123 5.20 Private Key Decoding Process 124 5.21 Data Retrieval Process 124 5.22 Module based Deployment Using Glassfish Server 126 6.1 Evaluation Strategy 130 6.2 Implemented SSL Certificate Details 132 6.3 SSL Certificate Inspection 133 6.4 Protocol Support 135 6.5 Key Exchange 136 6.6 Cipher Strength 138 6.7 SSL Evaluation Results 140 6.8 Results for Multi-factor Authentication and Authorization Process 151 6.9 Results for SLA 154 6.10 Results for SCSM 158 6.11 Skipfish Security Scanning Report 159 6.12 Skipfish Interactive Report 160 xvi 6.13 Performance Analysis of Encryption Process 166 6.14 Performance Analysis of Decryption Process 166 6.15 Performance Analysis of Data Integrity Verification Process 169 6.16 Security Experiment on CRSCG 172 7.1 Contributions, Publications and Certificates 177 xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACL - Access Control List ACM - Access Control Mechanism ACP - Access Control Policy AES - Advanced Encryption Standard API - Application Programming Interface AWS - Amazon Web Services CA - Client’s Admin CAT - Computer Associates Technologies CentOS - Community Enterprise Operating System CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check CRSCG - Complex Random Security Code Generator CSA - Cloud Security Alliance CSP - Cloud Service Provider CSPA - Cloud Service Provider’s Admin CSSP - Cloud Storage Service Provider DAC - Discretionary Access Control DBAN - Darik’s Boot and Nuke DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm ECC - Elliptic Curve Cryptography EJBs - Enterprise Java Beans FHE - Fully Homomorphic Encryption GCS - Google Cloud Storage GFIS - German Federal Office of Information Security HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HMAC - Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code HTML - Hypertext Markup Language HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure xviii IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service IM - Integrity Management JSF - Java Server Faces JSP - Java Server Pages KM - Key Management MAC - Mandatory Access Control MITM - Man-in-the-Middle NAS - Network Attached Storage NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology NSA - National Security Agency OS - Operating System PaaS - Platform as a Service PCI - Payment Card Industry PCIDSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard RBAC - Role-based Access Control RSA - Rivest, Shamir and Adleman S3 - Simple Storage Service SaaS - Software as a Service SCSM - Secure Cloud Storage Model SDK - Software Development Kit SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle SE - Software Engineering SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm SLA - Service Level Agreement SMBs - Small and Medium Businesses SMS - Short Message Service SQL - Structured Query Language SSE - Server Side Encryption SSE-C - Server Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Key SSL - Secure Socket Layer SSO - Single Sign-On TCG - Trusted Computing Group TDEA - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm xix TED - Trusted Extension Device TLS - Transport Layer Security TPM - Trusted Platform Module TTP - Trusted Third Party TTPA - Trusted Third Party’s Admin TVD - Trusted Virtual Domain UML - Unified Modelling Language VF - Virtual Firewall VM - Virtual Machine VMD - Verification Metadata VPC - Virtual Private Cloud VPS - Virtual Private Server vTPM - Virtual Trusted Platform Module XHTML - Extensible Hypertext Markup Language XML - Extensible Markup Language XSS - Cross-site Scripting xx LIST OF SYMBOLS | - Such That d - Private Key Exponent e - Public Key Exponent n - Modulus for Private and Public Key ⱷ(n) - Phi Euler’s Function R - Random Factor xxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Papers published during the author’s candidature B C PAGE 197 Certificates obtained during the author’s candidature 200 Survey design and delivery 201