vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLERATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF APPENDICES xi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background of Problem 5 1.2.1 Connectivity between Nodes in Interval Time of Hello Packet in Geographic Routing Protocol 5 1.2.2 Route Recovery and Forwarding Method in Geographic Routing Protocols 10 1.3 Problem Statement 11 1.4 Purpose of Study 12 1.5 Objectives 13 1.6 Scope of study 13 1.7 Significance of the Study 14 1.8 Summary and Organization of the Thesis 15 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Characteristics 17 2.2.1 Highly Mobility and dynamic topology 17 2.2.2 Frequently Disconnected Network (Intermittent connectivity) 17 2.2.3 Network topology and connectivity 18 2.2.4 Unlimited transmission power 18 2.2.5 Predictable mobility 18 2.3 VANET Applications 19 2.4 Vehicular Communication 20 2.4.1 Inter-Vehicle Communication 21 2.4.2 Vehicle-to-Roadside Communication 21 DSRC Spectrum for VANET 22 2.5.1 Vehicular Ad hoc Network Architecture 24 2.6 Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network 26 2.7 Specific Protocols in VANET Routing 27 2.7.1 Topology-based Routing Protocols 28 2.5 2.8 Proactive (table-driven) Routing 28 Reactive (On Demand): 29 Geographic (Position-based) Routing: 29 2.8.1 Non-DTN Routing Protocols in VANET 30 Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) 30 GPCR – Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing 31 VCLCR- VANET Cross Link Corrected Routing Protocol 33 CAR- Connectivity-Aware Routing 34 GSR – Geographic Source Routing 35 ix 2.9 3 Anchor-based Street- and TrafficAware Routing Protocol (A-STAR) 37 Predictive Directional Greedy Routing Protocol (PDGR) 39 2.8.2 DTN- Routing Protocols in VANET 39 VADD – Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery 40 Geographical Opportunistic Routing Protocol (GeOpps) 41 GeoDTN+Nav- GeographicDTN Routing with Navigator 41 A Comparison of Geographic Routing Protocols in VANETS 42 2.10 HELLO Message in VANET 45 2.11 Geographic Routing Protocol Mechanisms 45 2.12 Vehicular Ad hoc Network Simulators 51 2.12.1 Mobility model generator for Vehicular networks (MOVE) 51 2.12.2 Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) 51 2.12.3 Network Simulator (NS-2) 52 2.13 Chapter Summary 53 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Research Framework 56 3.2.1 Problem Analysis and Literature Review 56 3.2.2 Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol (PGRP) 61 3.2.3 Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol with Delay-Tolerant Network (PGRP+DTN) 62 Simulation Setup 63 3.3.1 Realistic Highway Scenario 63 3.3 Realistic Urban scenario for PGRP+DTN 65 x 3.4 4 67 PREDICTIVE GEOGRAPHIC ROUTING PROTOCOL 68 4.1 Introduction 68 4.2 Relationship between Greedy Prediction and Perimeter Prediction Strategy in PGRP 69 4.2.1 Greedy Predictive Forwarding Strategy 71 4.2.2 Perimeter Predictive Forwarding Strategy 72 Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol (PGRP) 74 4.3.1 Hello Packet Structure in PGRP 76 4.3.2 Calculate Weight for Current node 77 4.3.3 Calculate Weight for Neighbors 78 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 Chapter Summary Calculating the Location of Every Neighbor 80 Calculating the Direction of a Neighbor in Relation to the Destination 83 4.3.4 Checking For Out of Bounds (CFO) 84 4.3.5 Checking Connectivity in Perimeter Mode 87 Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol with Delay-Tolerant Network 91 4.4.1 Relationship between Greedy Prediction Strategy, Perimeter Prediction Strategy and DTN 91 4.4.2 Packet Format for PGRP+DTN 93 4.4.3 DTN Mechanism for PGRP 94 Chapter Summary 99 SIMULATION AND RESULTS 100 5.1 Introduction 100 5.2 Traffic Simulator Scenario for PGRP 101 5.2.1 Performance Evaluation for PGRP 102 xi 5.3 5.4 6 5.2.2 Simulation Setup for PGRP 104 5.2.3 Simulation Results in Highway and Urban Environment in PGRP 104 Simulation Scenario for PGRP+DTN 109 5.3.1 Performance Evaluation for PGRP+DTN 109 5.3.2 Simulation Setup for PGRP+DTN 110 5.3.3 Simulation Results in Realistic Highway and Urban Environment in Malaysia for PGRP+DTN 112 Chapter Summary 117 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 119 6.1 Introduction 119 6.2 Discussion 120 6.3 Contribution of the Thesis 122 6.4 Future Work 124 REFERENCES 125 Appendices A 130 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Table Example of VANETs applications 20 .2.2 Comparison of DSRC and other forms of mobile communication 23 A Comparison of Geographic Routing Protocols in VANETs 44 3.1 The overall research plan 59 3.2 Sumo Parameters for E2 highway scenario 64 3.3 Sumo Parameters City of Kuala lumpur scenario 66 5.1 Sumo Parameters for city scenario 102 5.2 Sumo Parameters for highway scenario 102 5.3 Simulation setting for proposed PGRP 104 5.4 Simulation setting for proposed PGRP+DTN 111 2.3 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Different velocities more than zero at time (t1) 8 1.2 Different velocities more than zero at time (t2) 8 1.3 Out of boundary problem at time (t1) 9 1.4 Out of boundary problem at time (t2) 9 2.1 communication between Vehicle to-vehicle 21 2.2 Vehicle-to-roadside communication 22 2.3 Cellular/WLAN VANET Architecture 24 2.4 Ad-Hoc VANET Architecture 25 2.5 Hybrid VANET Architecture 25 2.6 Taxonomy of Routing Protocols in VANET 28 2.7 Coordinator Nodes in GPCR 32 2.8 Applying Coordinator Nodes in GPCR 32 2.9 List of intersections that determine the path of the packet 36 2.10 Greedy forwarding 36 2.11(a) A-STAR recovery strategy 38 2.11(b) A-STAR recovery strategy 38 2.12 Geographic routing protocol mechanisms 46 2.13 Face traversal by right-hand rule 47 2.14 Face change mechanism 47 2.15 The RNG graph 48 2.16 The GG graph 49 2.17 Comparison of GG and RNG. 50 2.18 FlowChart of MOVE 53 3.1 Research Framework 58 3.2 E2 highway of Malaysia chosen for Simulation 63 xiv 3.3 The part of the E2 Highway map converted into Sumo Format 64 3.4 City of Kuala Lumpur - region considered for simulation 65 3.5 The Map converted into Sumo Format 66 4.1 Relationship between Greedy Prediction and Perimeter Prediction in PGRP 70 4.2(a) greedy predictive forwarding strategy in current time 72 4.2(b) greedy predictive forwarding strategy in next time 72 4.3(a) Perimeter predictive forwarding strategy in current time 73 4.3(b) Perimeter predictive forwarding strategy in next time 74 4.4 Flow chart describing the operation of the PGRP 75 4.5 Hello Packet structure 77 4.6 New coordinates for Nodes a and b 80 4.7 Direction of every Vehicle in relation to the destination 83 4.8(a) Checking for out of bounds at time t1 85 4.8(b) checking for out of bounds at time t2 85 4.9(a) CFO less than one 86 4.9(b) CFO equal to one 86 4.9(c) CFO of more than one (CFO>1) 87 4.10 Local maximum scenario 88 4.11(a) Relationship between checking connectivity in perimeter predictive mode and hop count in highway scenarios 90 Relationship between checking connectivity in the perimeter predictive mode and hop count in urban scenarios 90 Relationship between Greedy prediction, perimeter prediction and DTN 92 4.13 Data packet format for PGRP+DTN 93 4.14 Disconnect network in perimeter predictive strategy 95 4.15 Disconnect network in greedy predictive strategy 95 4.16 Predictive DTN mode in time t1 96 4.17 Predictive DTN mode in time t2 96 4.18 Flow chart describing the operation of the PGRP+DTN 98 5.1 urban simulation scenarios 101 5.2 (a) Packet Delivery Ratio in Highway scenarios 105 5.2 (b) Packet Delivery Ratio in Urban scenarios 106 5.3 (a) End-to-End Delay in Highway scenarios 107 4.11(b) 4.12 xv 5.3 (b) End-to-End Delay in Urban scenarios 107 5.4 (a) Average Hops in Highway scenarios 108 5.4 (b) Average Hops in Urban scenarios 109 5.5 (a) Packet Delivery Ratio in E2 Highway scenarios in Malaysia 113 Packet Delivery Ratio in City of kuala lumpur - region scenarios in Malaysia 113 5.6(a) End-to-End Delay in E2 Highway scenarios in Malaysia 114 5.6(b) End-to-End Delay in City of kuala lumpur - region scenarios in Malaysia 115 5.7(a) Average Hops in in E2 Highway scenarios in Malaysia 116 5.7(b) Average Hops in City of kuala lumpur - region scenarios in Malaysia 117 5.5(b) xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A-STAR – Anchor- Based Street and Traffic Aware Routing CAR – Connectivity Aware Routing CBF – Contention Based Forwarding CFO – Checking For Out of Bounding DSRC – Dedicated Short Range Communications DTN – Delay-Tolerant Network GG – Gabriel Graph GeoDTN+Nav – Geographical Delay-Tolerant Network +Navigation GeOpps – Geographical Opportunistic Routing GPSR – Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing GPS – Global Positioning System GPCR – Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing GSR – Geographical Source Routing SUMO – Simulation of Urban Mobility ITS – Intelligent Transportation System MANETs – Mobile Ad hoc NETworks MOVE – Mobility Model Generator for Vehicular Networks MOT – Maximum Of Transmission Range NS2 – Network Simulator PDGR – Predictive Directional Greedy Routing PDF – Packet Delivery Ratio RNG – Relative Neighborhood Graph TTL – Time-to-Live V2V – Vehicle-to-Vehicle V2I – Vehicle-to-Infrastructure V2x – Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure xvii VADD – Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery VANETs – Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks VCLCR – VANET Cross Link Corrected Routing Protocol WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network PGRP – Predictive Geographic Routing Protocol xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS Loccur – the location for current node Locdest – the location for destination Loccur,dest – location vector between current node and destination Dk – Distance between neighbor k and destination Dcur – Distance between current node and destination Weight k – Total Weight for neighbor k Vcur – Velocity vector for current node PDk – Prediction of distance between neighbor k and destination PDcur – Prediction of distance between current node and destination PDk/PDcur – prediction of closeness next candidate hop for next time Vvehicle c – Velocity for vehicle C Vvehicle B – Velocity for vehicle B CFO – Checking For Out of bound DIS – Distance between every two node in next time Dest – destination for the packet hcmax – the maximum hops hcmin – the minimum hop count chc – current hop count