International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 Author : 31 Sharma, Prakash Research Scholar: Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Bhattacharya, Kunal Professor Research and Collaboration, Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Title : Strategic Dimensions of Corporate Incubators and Accelerators for Intrapreneur Success - PASSION FRAMEWORK MODEL Affiliation : Dr. D. Y. PATIL VIDYAPEETH'S, Global Business School & Research Centre , Mumbai-Bangalore Highway, Tathawade, Pune-411 033 India. Email address :, IJOART Mobile No : +918390234456 : Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 32 Paper Title* Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author), Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) 1(1st Affiliation) Department Name of Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country; 2(2nd Affiliation) Department Name of Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country. Email: address desired (without hyperlink in E-mail) ABSTRACT This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. (Abstract) Keywords : Component; Formatting; Style; Styling; insert (keywords) 1 Abstract: 3 Introduction This paper explores the strategic dimensions of Corporate Incubators for Intrapreneur Success which will facilitate in retention of key resources who decide to become entrepreneur in mid path of their career to pursue their creative instincts and also foster entrepreneurship spirit within corporates for curbing competition and value adding the business growth through focused decentralization. This also helps to generate job opportunities and impact national economy. 3.1. Definition Corporate Entrepreneurship is the buzz word in days where there are incubators set within a corporate to identify leaders within organization who can create profit centers and execute their business unit independently. This results in bringing innovation culture and also help in retention strategies by chalking growth plan to the highly ambitious staff who could be wishing to evolve independently. It has been argued that new and small ventures typically fail due to the lack of managerial skills and/or access to high-risk capital —particularly in the case of high-tech ventures (Yadollah Mehralizadeh n.d.) Intrapreneur is a person within a corporates who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation. The organization needs to take calculated risk in investing to an Intrapreneur’s idea which may or may not fit into organization strategy. IJOART The research paper through an analysis of over 25 international samples will acquaint industries and government with business incubation trends within organizations and relevant services; processes and outcomes and will also analyze factors which effect corporate incubator, venture capitalists and incubates success and will demonstrate a framework (Vanderstraeten, Matthyssens and Paul n.d.) for corporate incubators to measure and control their delivery performances. ( (Cornelius and Bhabhra 2003) (Chirgui 2012) (Duff 2011) 2 Keywords: Entrepreneur, Academic Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Investors, Corporate Venture, PASSION Framework Entrepreneur is a person who regardless of risks decides to venture a new business and who may use friends, relatives, social network, angel network, venture network, banks, institutions, government schemes to raise funds for the venture. To simplify understanding for this paper we term Entrepreneur as a person who has already established a Corporate for a certain period. Strategic Dimensions are the parameters which are needed for Intrapreneurs be successful in their ventures. Incubator is a space where a startup can execute business. Corporate Incubator is an office space provided by the company to Intrepreneurs to convert their ideas to a product or service which can be used for business growth. Social Capital is the funds raised through network beyond corporate investments Likert Scale is a psychometric scale involved in research that employs questionnaire Factor Analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of potentially lower number of unobserved variables called factors. 3.2. Significance of Study Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 H2 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Incubator Involvement. Corporate Intrapreneurship needs to be globally promoted in organizations for following reasons: a. b. An organization which gets listed in stock exchange becomes answerable to the investors which include key promoters, financial institutions, bankers and above all the common man who invests in stocks or in mutual funds which re-invest in corporates. If the managerial staff compositions get upset, there is a direct impact on the stock which depletes the investor wealth. Hence there is a need to cultivate entrepreneur spirit within few potential employees who can start a venture and grow the same independently there by growing the business. (D V R Seshadri 2008)) Industry interfaces are of utmost important to groom students for job opportunities. This is possible only through academic entrepreneurship (Levine 2009) it provides a platform for academicians, students and industry to research on innovations in existing product or create new products for society benefits. Intrapreneurs can be identified to tie up with academic entrepreneurs and carve a roadmap for the chosen product development or manufacturing in niche technology which could have global impact (Lewis, Anderson and Molnar 2011) (Maital, et al. 2008) 4 Objectives ii. iii. To acquaint industries and government with business incubation trends; services; processes and outcomes. To do analysis of factors which effect incubator, venture capitalists and incubates success? Venture Capitalists in Corporate World are the company promoters and Board of Directors. To provide a framework for incubators to measure and control their delivery performances. Hypothesis H1 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Academic Involvement. Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. H3 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Venture Capital funding H4 Venture Capital funding independent of Incubators being set 5 Conceptual Framework PASSION Model for Implementing Incubation Programs PASSION – A strong desire and zeal to achieve an object, mold it and seek security from the object. As an entrepreneur, a resource needs to have passion and zeal to convert dream to an idea and be involved in process of converting the idea to a business entity and grow the same. In this quest, entrepreneur hires competent people; seeks stakeholders and mold the entity to fulfil the vision and mission laid for the organization. Stability and Security come when cash flows get stable and assured revenue comes in. Admist this there could be employees who begin getting insecure and don’t foresee themselves growing and decide to venture out of the organization to build products and services complimenting / supplementing the corporate product or service or may venture into a new arena altogether. This results in eco system of recruitment, hiring and again needing cycle time to bring the department to focus. Retaining the talented resource can emerge from intrapreneurship model imbibed within corporates. (Akçomak 2012) IJOART The research will provide an initiative roadmap i. 33 Setting up Incubator Corporate Incubators or Angel Network Incubators can be setup by implementing PASSION processes in a span of two years and at same time identify potential Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs who get nurtured to be groomed on all the processes in parallel to assisting them in making business plan and assisting them in pilot testing to grow their venture. The model refers to some of best practices already implemented in corporates focusing on intrapreneurship programs like ISO 9001, 27001, 20000 and SEI CMMi Maturity Model. PASSION Model aligns to COBIT to facilitate technology roadmaps for innovative product and services emerging out of intrapreneurship program. Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 process areas can be implemented in incubator in year 1. Level 5, 6 and 7 process areas be implemented in year 2 IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 34 PASSION FRAMEWORK as shown in table 1 considers all dimensions which are vital for Intrapreneur / Entrepreneur success. Maturi ty Level Process Areas Accelerat orStartup Perspecti ve Incubat orCorpor ate Perspec tive Knowle dge Manage ment Incubato rAcademi c Perspecti ve Research Managem ent Entrepreneur Management Incubator-Venture Capitalist Perspective 1 P robing Idea Managem ent 2 A cting Contract Managem ent Delivery Manage ment Support Managem ent Social Responsibility Management 3 S copng Finance Manage ment Project Managem ent Integration Management 4 S etting Scope Managem ent Operation s Managem ent HR Manage ment Security Managem ent Process Management 5 I nnovati ng Innovatio n Managem ent Complia nce Manage ment Governan ce Managem ent Marketin g Managem ent Capacit y Manage ment Perform ance Manage ment 6 O wning 7 N urturin g Corporates who understand the product life cycle well understand that what rises will always tend to fall and to ensure the product or service revenue stream keeps growing, it is time to introduce new add-ons, new features, new complimentary and supplementary products and service and increase the net worth of the product or service offering. IJOART Technolo gy Transfer Managem ent Infrastruc ture Managem ent Partnershi p Managem ent Risk Management Mergers and Acquisition Management IPO Management The incubators can use different perspectives to prepare their training curriculum as illustrated in Table 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Corporate Intrapreneurship is in existence since over two decades and has been imbibed in many international organizations to a large extent. In 1985 Pinchot coined the term ‘intrapreneurship’, short for intra-corporate ( (Hill 2003)). Innovation is necessary to keep organizations moving in the competitive world where there is a continuous requirement to optimize cost and maximize profit. (Bhide, The Venturesome Economy: How Innovation Sustains Prosperity in a More Connected World 2009) (Bhide, What holds back Bangalore Business 2004) Senior Resources in company may tend to get stagnated and may not challenge themselves to think, act and react to market demands and an organization may get saddled with their core management team not thinking beyond their present scope of roles and responsibilities. (Noor Hazlina Ahmad n.d.) The owners face potential competitors who come and penetrate into client companies thereby leading the corporate down fall over a period of time. (Bridg and Missouri 2003). Accelerator – Startup for Entrepreneurs Incubator – Corporates for Intrapreneurs Incubator – Academics for Academic Entrepreneurs Incubator – Venture Capitalist for Finance Entrepreneurs For a corporate intrapreneurship program both Accelerator and Incubator-Corporate processes need to be implemented. For an Academic entrepreneurship program both Accelerator and Incubator-Academic processes need to be implemented The potential to groom corporate managers to be Intrapreneur is huge and the dimensions would also be useful to entrepreneurs who emerge either from corporate world or social charity institutes or Non Government Organization or Academics to hawn their skillsets and understand the right combinator needed for entrepreneur or intrapreneur success. (Bridg and Missouri 2003). This would facilitate growth in employment opportunities boosting national economy. (Mubarak and AlMubaraki 2011) There is a trend for highly paid salaried employees to join angel networks and fund entrepreneurs which may be because there is not enough intrapreneurship opportunities within their companies The study includes twenty five international intrapreneurs and corporate culture and their approach to incubating ventures (Akçomak 2012) within the boundaries of corporate vision, mission and strategy. The study further links those parameters to PASSION MODEL – a seven stage model for CORPORATES. PASSION Model is evolved through dedicated research on entrepreneurship for over decade. 7 For Incubator – VC program specialized processes related to merger and acquisitions, IPO, corporate social responsibilities, risk management and entrepreneur management needs to be covered as this is where a deal can get executed with help of experienced advisors 6 Research Methodology The research focuses on studying Maslow Theory of Motivation – Table 2, Adam’s Equity Theory – Table 3 and Leon Walras’s General Equilibrium Theory. Wikipedia links mentioned in Reference Section of this paper. There is a need to have some mediating principles between Discovery and Creation Theory (Sharon Alvarez n.d.) and intuitive principles of owning and nurturing business. Literature Review Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 Table 2 Maslow Motivation Theory Table 3 - John Adam’s Equity Theory PASSION Framework is evolved from the above theories to create a synergetic-reflexive-equilibrium model as shown in Table 4 where the dreams, motivation and ideas of an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur is nurtured either in incubators or corporates to generate innovative products and services.. (Luke 2005) Table 4 - PASSIONIT MODEL PASSION FRAMEWORK 35 Sony Mondragon Ericson 3M TNT Express ICICI Sun Micro Systems Minolta Al fatah Kodak Mahindra IT Google W L Gore and Associates Godrej Toyata Microsoft TATA Shell Reliance Martins Group IBM Glaxo SAMSUNG Alkatel Lucent Menainc All statistical tests have been performed using free online web tools IJOART 8 Research Model Two main streams of entrepreneurship programs emerge a) for entrepreneurs and b) for academic entrepreneurs and both these programs align to corporate intrapreneurship program for successful exits to investors as explained in table 5 Table 5 Road Map for Entrepreneurs through Accelerators and Academic Institute for assured success Reflective Equilibrium– John Rawl Theory of Justice Entrepren eur Accelerat or Analysis of PASSIONIT Model Factor analysis has been performed by pilot survey using questionnaire to identify correlation between various processes within PASSION model. Questionnaire is available for view in the link Entrepren eur – Academic Institute Questionnaire is designed using five point Likert Scale with following ranking 1 – Least Important, 2 – Important, 3 - Very Important, 4 Critical 5 - Don’t Know Corporate Intrapren eurship Corporat e Intrapren eurship Venture Capital Incubatio n Program Factor Analysis between various processes within PASSION model is accomplished using Presently only exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is used to identify complex interrelationship among process areas which are part of unified dimensions in PASSION Model. Corporate-Intrapreneurship Case Studies Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. 9 Results Factor Analysis of PASSION Model suggests that there is strong correlationship of process areas which need to be understood and implemented by entrepreneurs, corporates, academic institutes and venture capitalist for successful incubation programs. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 36 T – Tests have been conducted to analyze the data of 25 intrapreneur success stories or intrapreneur initiatives within organization and H1 H2 H3 null hypothesis is rejected and for H4 null hypothesis is accepted who have got investments by Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists. Results are attached as annexures and table 6 provides the research analysis and results. There is a recognized need for researchers to have entrepreneurial skills and the confidence to contribute to organizational innovation and growth. The PASSION Model can be used in Academic Institutes and further nurtured in Corporates for fostering spirit of entrepreneurship within organization and build a strong Idea and Knowledge Management process to develop products or services aligning to Corporate Strategy. Intrapreneur Assessment Parameters Following parameters emerged from studying various Intrapreneurs in companies as shown in Table 7. Table 7 Ownership Finance Knowledge Network Innovation 20% work time available Can identify need Innovation Natural leadership Experimentation 10 Discussions 12 Conclusions 13 Further Research Empowerment Patience Corporate responsibility Seeks External Advisory Technology transfer know how Patenting knowhow Research Aptitude Academic involvement Quality Corporate Social Responsibility For the model to be proven further will need more research on various dimensions of framework or the total framework can be used by organizations to evaluate intrapreneurship initiatives. Cluster wise focus studies can also be taken by researchers to evaluate the framework efficiency in various industry verticals. 14 Managerial Implications PASSION Framework can be used by incubators and accelerators to evolve more successful entrepreneurs and give return on investments to the investors. IJOART It is observed that majority of Intrapreneurs don’t become Angel Investors or traces of those records not available and this brings a clear distinction between INTRAPRENEURS and ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurs are individuals who take risks and decide to do something of own without bothering of consequences and need to rely on their product or services and funds from investors for accelerated growth and may need active support from accelerator and incubator programs. Intrapreneurs are individuals who take calculated risks and decide to do something of own within boundaries of company rules and regulations and get ready social capital support for the same becuse of company reputation built over decades. It is also observed that the equity participation of such Intrapreneur ventures may vary between 5 to 20% and maybe lesser too depending on organization strategy to Intrapreneur initiatives and hence many of the potential leaders who don’t become Intrapreneurs end up being Entrepreneurs. A future study is being conducted on entrepreneurs who are part of incubation programs to evaluate their success considering PASSION Dimensions. It would also be good if some incubators begin setting up processes using the PASSION MODEL and come up with their findings to fine tune the model for usage. 11 Limitations 15 Bibliography Akçomak, Semih. Incubators as tool for entrepreneurship promotion. Netherland: Department of Economics and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & CPB Netherland Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis, 2012. Bhide, Amar. "The Venturesome Economy: How Innovation Sustains Prosperity in a More Connected World." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance • Volume 21 Number 1 (Morgan Stanley Publication), 2009: 16. Bhide, Amar. "What holds back Bangalore Business." Coulombia Business School, 2004: 4-5. Bridg, Gwen Richtermeyer, and University of Missouri. Problems Entrepreneur Face . BRIDG Researching Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2003. Chirgui, Zouhaier. "Assessing the Performance of Business Incubators: Recent France Evidence." Business and Management Research, 2012: 15. Cornelius, B, and R.K. Bhabhra. "Cracks in the Egg:improving performance measures in business incubator research." Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand 16th annual Conference, Ballarat, 28 Sept-1 Oct, 2003. Wollongong: University of Ballarat, 2003. 19. The present research is limited to study of only 25 Intrapreneur samples though there has been a study of over 100 entrepreneurs Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 D V R Seshadri, Arbind Tripathy. "Innovation through Intrapreneurship:." 2008. Duff, Andrew. Best Practices in Business Incubation Management. Booragoon, Australia: AUSTEP Strategic Partnering Pty Ltd, 2011. Hill, Marguerite Elizabeth. The Development of Instrument to Measure Intrapreneurship. PHD Thesis, South Africa: Rhodes University, 2003. Levine, Mark. The False Promise of the Entrepreneurial University Selling Academic Commercialism as an “Engine” of Economic Development. Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee, 2009. Lewis, David A, Elsie Harper Anderson, and Lawrence A Molnar. Incubating Success.Incubation Best Practices That Lead to Successful New Ventures. 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The incubators economic indicators: Mixed approaches. Kuwait: Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics, 2011. ix. x. xi. xii. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Aizzat Mohd Nasurdin and Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal. Nurturing Intrapreneurship to Enhance Job Performance. University Sains Malaysia, n.d. xiii. Sharon Alvarez, Jay Barnley. Discovery and creation: alternative theories of entrepreneurial action. 2007, n.d. xiv. xv. Vanderstraeten, Johanna, Matthyssens, and Paul. Measuring the performance of business incubators A critical analysis of effectiveness approaches and performance measurement systems. Belgium: University of Antwerp, n.d. Yadollah Mehralizadeh, Hossain Sajady,Ahmad Zandavanian,Yaser Timoury. A study of factors related to Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 Table 6 Research Analysis Annex Annex 1 Factor Analysis Factor Analysis for PASSION Model for Probing-Acting-Scoping Dimensions Focus Area Accelerator Selective Inferences Entrepreneur and Scope Management becomes critical success factors Annex 2 Factor Analysis for PASSION Model for Setting-Innovating-OwningNurturing Dimensions Incubator Annex 3 Factor Analysis for PASSION MODEL - Probing-Innovation-OwningNurturing Dimensions Venture Capitalist Annex 4 Factor Analysis for PASSION MODEL – Probing and Innovation Dimensions Academic Institute Annex 5 For Accelerators and Academic Institutes interface with Corporates Annex 6 Factor Analysis For Corporate interfacing Incubators, Academic Institutes and Venture Capitalists Corporate-Intrapreneurship Initiatives Annex 7 H1 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Academic Involvement. Academic Entrepreneurship opportunities for Corporate Intrapreneurship programs H2 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Incubator Involvement. Independent Accelerator and Incubator opportunities for Corporate Intrapreneurship programs H3 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Venture Capital funding Venture Capital focused incubation opportunities for successful Corporate Intrapreneurship programs H4 Venture Capital funding independent of Incubators being set Venture Capital funding inferences with respect to incubators being set. Governance Management, Partner Management and Innovation Management becomes critical success factors Innovation, Infrastructure, Performance, Risk Management and Entrepreneur Management become critical success factors Innovation Management, Technology Transfer and Risk Management becomes important factor Innovation Management, Technology Transfer Management, Performance Management, Security Management, Risk Management, Communication Management, Marketing Management become important factors Idea Management, Technology Transfer Management, Operations Management Project Management Infrastructure Management Security Management Risk Management become important factor There is a definite involvement of researcher’s, academicians within Corporate Framework leading to Corporate Intrapreneurship success programs There is a need for more incubators and accelerator programs to tie up with corporate ventures to help entrepreneurs succeed by involving social network / other networks already established by corporate (Social Capital) There is a need for specialized incubation programs for successful entrepreneurs / intrapreneurs who wish to succeed further to give better ROI to VCs for successful exits, merger and acquisition Venture capital funding is irrespective of entrepreneurs being incubated within companies or external so any successful entrepreneur can get VC funded if growth visible. 38 IJOART Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 39 Globsl Intapreneur Distribution is shown in table 8 Intrapreneur distribution 15% 31% 8% 4% 42% South East Asian Countries North America South America MENA Europe 17 Online Only Appendix Annex 1 Factor Analysis for PASSION Model Annex 2 Factor Analysis for PASSION Model for For Probing-Acting-Scoping Dimensions Setting-Innovating-Owning-Nurturing Dimensions For Accelerator Programs For Incubators IJOART Rotated Factor Loadings Variables Factor1 IM 0.008 KM RM EM 0.115 0.004 -0.087 Factor2 Factor3 -0.054 -0.339 -0.785 0.813 -0.172 0.503 DM 0.684 -0.016 0.532 SM 0.267 0.191 0.625 SCM FM 0.804 0.523 -0.303 -0.106 0.572 COMM -0.208 0.446 -0.09 0.681 TTM 0.73 0.233 -0.066 0.491 RSM 0.187 -0.161 0.222 0.869 GM 0.743 0.032 0.071 0.024 CAPM 0.098 0.611 0.203 0.135 INFM 0.27 0.602 0.17 0.016 MAM 0.846 0.281 -0.035 -0.142 MRM 0.598 -0.255 0.429 0.162 PERFM 0.038 0.02 0.883 0.041 PARTM 0.643 0.479 0.146 -0.066 IPOM 0.159 0.6 -0.112 -0.142 0.121 -0.068 -0.473 PM 0.663 0.542 -0.069 INTM 0.671 0.371 -0.062 Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. 0.171 0.546 -0.085 0.465 -0.009 -0.165 0.636 0.514 0.597 -0.322 CM SRM INVM IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 Annex 3 Factor Analysis for PASSION MODEL - ProbingInnovation-Owning-Nurturing Dimensions 40 Annex 4 Factor Analysis for PASSION MODEL – Probing and Innovation Dimensions For Venture Capitalist For Academic Institutes Rotated Factor Loadings Brow ser Blue - Charts White Variables Rotated Factor Loadings Factor1 Factor2 Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 IM 0.444 0.538 IM 0.218 0.014 KM 0.023 0.694 KM 0.04 -0.334 -0.624 -0.219 RM 0.37 -0.329 RM 0.559 0.337 0.398 -0.12 EM -0.137 0.422 EM 0.011 0.227 0.006 -0.718 INVM 0.894 -0.078 INVM 0.878 0.071 -0.009 0.234 COMM -0.086 0.343 0.049 COMM 0.248 -0.683 TTM 0.662 0.457 -0.292 0.193 TTM 0.819 0.027 RSM 0.6 -0.06 0.079 RSM 0.72 -0.377 GM 0.547 0.456 -0.135 -0.12 CAPM -0.035 0.654 0.266 0.133 INFM 0.063 0.777 0.064 0.062 MAM 0.512 0.578 -0.096 -0.402 MRM 0.827 -0.141 0.084 -0.261 PERFM 0.286 -0.025 0.862 0.026 PARTM 0.323 0.703 0.252 -0.254 IPOM 0.022 0.412 -0.04 -0.011 Variables -0.733 0.074 0.812 IJOART Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. 0.619 IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 41 Annex 5 Factor Analysis of PASSION MODEL (ProbingInnovation-Setting- Ownership-Nurturing) Annex 6 Factor Analysis of PASSION MODEL (Includes all Strategic Dimensions) For Accelerators and Academic Institutes interface with Corporates For Corporate interfacing Incubators, Academic Institutes and Venture Capitalists Rotated Factor Loadings Rotated Factor Loadings Factor’ Variables Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor5 4 Factor Factor’ Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IM 0.14 -0.379 0.107 0.078 0.085 0.174 -0.762 KM 0.041 -0.261 -0.27 -0.337 -0.126 0.669 -0.024 0.055 IM 0.255 -0.125 0.074 0.649 0.006 KM 0.05 -0.246 -0.214 0.536 -0.596 RM 0.553 0.219 -0.035 -0.266 0.541 RM 0.534 0.355 0.35 EM 0.039 0.18 -0.733 0.033 0.004 EM 0.339 -0.146 -0.225 0.286 INVM 0.844 0.087 0.332 0.059 0.136 INVM 0.614 0.207 0.348 -0.179 0.402 0.138 COMM -0.222 0.42 0.764 0.081 0.086 COMM -0.059 -0.122 0.071 0.259 0.795 -0.158 0.389 TTM 0.602 0.495 0.192 0.402 -0.038 TTM 0.76 -0.029 0.089 0.126 0.402 0.283 0.087 RSM 0.491 0.05 0.655 -0.026 -0.051 RSM 0.251 0.181 -0.065 0.033 0.772 0.106 -0.152 SCM 0.022 0.365 0.691 0.249 FM 0.59 0.208 PM 0.355 0.555 INTM 0.209 0.705 GM 0.545 0.352 CAPM -0.062 0.766 INFM 0.048 MAM MRM IJOART 0.014 -0.408 -0.222 -0.598 0.072 0.163 -0.225 0.382 0.204 -0.659 SCM -0.042 -0.128 0.268 0.146 0.41 -0.314 -0.086 -0.534 FM 0.326 0.482 0.042 0.075 -0.231 0.619 -0.213 0.204 -0.281 -0.046 PM 0.17 0.345 0.608 0.419 0.114 0.134 -0.088 0.393 -0.208 -0.103 INTM 0.164 0.393 0.326 0.49 0.449 0.09 0.171 -0.145 0.238 0.2 GM 0.71 0.103 -0.17 0.232 0.093 -0.074 -0.35 CAPM 0.114 0.218 0.095 0.683 0.126 -0.039 0.184 0.029 -0.212 -0.004 INFM 0.265 0.077 0.118 0.821 0.023 -0.139 -0.134 0.743 -0.052 0.019 0.198 MAM 0.878 -0.02 0.096 0.097 -0.21 -0.117 0.138 0.506 0.427 -0.382 0.251 0.385 MRM 0.534 0.452 0.104 -0.204 -0.031 0.338 0.84 -0.044 -0.148 -0.117 -0.129 PERFM 0.028 0.886 0.027 0.094 0.024 PARTM 0.691 0.133 0.111 0.344 -0.117 -0.024 0.455 PERFM 0.323 0.163 0.044 -0.864 -0.009 IPOM 0.287 -0.053 0.501 -0.209 -0.058 -0.439 0.187 PARTM 0.292 0.719 -0.281 -0.061 0.16 CM 0.125 -0.01 0.261 0.308 0.194 0.296 0.717 IPOM 0.192 0.028 0.155 0.59 DM -0.149 0.097 0.326 0.672 -0.17 0.395 0.324 SM 0.006 -0.555 0.423 0.486 -0.106 -0.002 -0.053 SRM 0.041 -0.072 0.799 0.09 0.029 0.131 OM -0.056 0.724 0.141 0.221 0.053 -0.119 0.089 HM 0.116 0.44 0.64 0.196 -0.095 -0.048 0.237 SECM -0.02 -0.029 0.708 0.199 0.236 -0.199 0.108 0.758 -0.026 0.153 0.195 0.116 0.038 PROCM 0.381 Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. -0.224 -0.107 0.152 -0.063 -0.002 IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, December -2014 ISSN 2278-7763 42 Annex 7 H1 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Academic Involvement. The results of an unpaired t-test performed at 00:30 on 22SEP-2013 t=2.45 sdev=0.289 degrees of freedom = 48 The probability of this result, assuming the null hypothesis, is 0.018 H2 Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Incubator Involvement. The results of an unpaired t-test performed at 00:34 on 22SEP-2013 t=2.75 sdev=0.308 degrees of freedom = 48 The probability of this result, assuming the null hypothesis, is 0.0083 H3 IJOART Corporate Intrapreneur Programs independent of Venture Capital funding The results of an unpaired t-test performed at 00:37 on 22SEP-2013 t=2.14 sdev=0.265 degrees of freedom = 48 The probability of this result, assuming the null hypothesis, is 0.038 H4 Venture Capital funding independent of Incubators being set The T-value is 0.699544. The P-Value is 0.487735. The result is not significant at p < 0.05. Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART