How to use the CD-ROM Arrangement of Data Each semiconductor is labelled by a number "x.y", where x gives the number of the substance group ("Elements of the IVth group", "III-V compounds" etc.) and y the number of the substance ("C", "Si", "Ge" etc.) within the group. For each substance the individual data are listed in six property groups: − Crystal structure (lattice structure / space group / modifications / high temperature and high pressure phases). − Electronic properties (band structure / energies at symmetry points of the band structure / energy gaps (direct energy gap, indirect energy gap) / exciton energies / intra conduction band energies / intra valence band energies / critical point energies / spin-orbit splitting energies / camel's back structure of the conduction band edge / structure of the top of the valence band / effective masses (electrons, holes) / g-factor of electrons / valence band parameters). − Lattice properties (lattice parameters / linear thermal expansion coefficient / density / melting point / Debye temperature / heat capacity / phonon dispersion relations / phonon frequencies (wavenumbers) / sound velocities / second and third order elastic moduli / bulk modulus / Poisson ratio / internal strain parameter). − Transport properties (electrical conductivity or resistivity (intrinsic conductivity) / (intrinsic) carrier concentration / carrier mobilities (electron mobility, hole mobility) / drift velocities and diffusion constants / thermal conductivity (resistivity) / Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) / piezo- and elastoresistance coefficients). − Optical properties (optical constants / absorption coefficient / reflectance / extinction coefficient / refractive index / dielectric function / dielectric constants / piezo- and elastooptic coefficients). − Impurities and defects (binding energies of impurities / energy levels of impurities, defects and complexes or of deep centers). If only few data are available some of the property groups are omitted or put together. Location of substances To locate a substance you can open directly the bookmark "Data" and navigate via the bookmarks for the substance groups to the substances and from these to the property groups, references and figures. Two bookmarks in the start program can help you to locate a substance you are interested in: A. Navigation via substance groups If you open the bookmark "Navigation via substance groups" a list of all semiconductors dealt with in this handbook is shown on the desktop ordered by 38 substance groups: 1 Elements of the IVth group and IV-IV compounds 1.1 C (Diamond) 1.2 Si 1.3 Ge 1.4 Sn (grey Sn) 1.6 SixGe1-x 1.5 SiC 2.6 AlP 2.7 AlAs 2.8 AlSb 2.9 GaN 2.10 GaP 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 ................ .................... 2 III-V compounds 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 BN BP BAs BSb AlN GaAs GaSb InN InP InAs 2.16 InSb 2.17 Al0.48In0.52As 2.17 Al0.49In0.51P 2.17 AlAs0.96P0.04 ................................... 3 II-VI compounds .................. ................................ By clicking on the substance number the first data page of the respective substance is opened. In the bookmark list on the left side of the desktop the respective bookmark is marked, and you can easily open the sub-bookmarks for the property groups, references and figures. B. Navigation via element systems If you open the bookmark "Navigation via element systems" a list of all semiconductors dealt with in this handbook is shown on the desktop ordered alphabetically by the elements the substances are consisting of: Ag−As−S AgAsS2 28.1 Ag−As−Se Ag−As−Te .................. Ag3AsS3 AgAsSe2 AgAsTe2 ............... 28.14 28.2 28.3 ........ By clicking on the substance number the first data page of the respective substance is opened. In the bookmark list on the left side of the desktop the respective bookmark is marked, and you can easily open the sub-bookmarks for the property groups, references and figures. Properties and symbols Data on the following physical quantities occur in the tables and figures of this CD-ROM: Electronic properties Brillouin zones Brillouin zones for individual semiconductors are shown in the "0"-sections at the beginning of a chapter or section dealing with a group of semiconducting materials. Symmetry lines and points within a Brillouin zone are designed by letters (Γ, X, L, Σ ...). Subscripts to these letters designate the irreducible representation of the respective energy state (1, 1', 2, 12, 25'...). band structure The function E(k) gives the energies of a band state at a wave vector k in the Brillouin zone. Instead of the value of k often the respective symmetry designation in the Brillouin zone is given (E(Γ25') ...). Figures on band structure show the values of E(k) along axes and at points of high symmetry. band structure and exciton parameters band energies (unit eV): energies of the edges of conduction and valence bands, respectively. Ec, Ev Eg energy gap between conduction and valence band. Further subscripts refer to: dir: direct gap, ind: indirect gap, opt: optical gap (threshold energy for optical transitions), th: thermal gap (energy gap extrapolated to 0 K from transport measurements), ||, ⊥ electric field parallel or perpendicular to a crystal axis. ∆ mostly spin-orbit splittings of energy levels (subscripts 0, so, 1, 2 and dashes (') refer to the location of the level as explained in the tables), also other splittings of energy levels (cf: crystal-field splitting, ex: exciton exchange interaction energy), camel's back parameters (see below). the letter E with other subscripts refers to intra- and interband transitions (critical points) as explained in the tables (E0, E1, E2 ...). E0 ... exciton energies (unit eV): Eb binding energy of an exciton Egx energy of the excitonic gap (defined as energy gap minus exciton binding energy) E(1S) energy of the exciton 1S state; excited states are designated by E(2S), E(2P) .... EL(T) longitudinal (transverse) exciton energies EL-T longitudinal-transverse exciton splitting energy effective masses (in units of the electron mass m0): mn, mp effective mass of electrons (holes) defined by E(k) = E(Γ) + ħ2k2/2mn at the bottom of the conduction band or E(k) = E(Γ) − ħ2k2/2mp at the top of the valence band mc ... where Γ designates the center of the Brillouin zone. For very small effective electron masses the parabolic approximation E ∝ k2 becomes invalid (occurence of k-linear terms). other subscripts refer to: c: conductivity effective mass, cr: cyclotron resonance effective mass, ds: density of states mass, p,h: heavy holes, p,l: light holes, so: effective mass in the spin-orbit split band, (X ...): effective mass at symmetry point X ... g-factor: gc g-factor of electrons special band structure parameters (mostly for tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors, see also the "0"sections of the respective chapters): A, B, C anisotropy parameters of warped energy surfaces at the top of the valence band (symmetry Γ8) of semiconductors with diamond or zincblende structure, defined by the equation E(k) = E(Γ) + (ħ2k2/2m0)(A ± (B2 + sC2)1/2), s = (kx2ky2 + ky2kz2 + kz2kx2)k4 The ±-sign refers to the two bands into which E(Γ8) splits for k ≠ 0. By spin-orbit splitting a third valence band of Γ6,Γ7-symmetry is situated below the degenerate Γ8-valence bands. m||, m⊥ longitudinal and transverse effective masses defined by the equation E(k) = E(k0) + ħ2κx2/2m|| + ħ2(κy2 + κz2)/2m⊥ where κ = k − k0 and κx || k0, κy, κz ⊥ k0 if the band minima are situated at k ≠ 0 along a symmetry axis (∆ or Λ) (ellipsoidal energy surfaces). k||, k⊥ ... parameters of the camel's back structure at the bottom of the conduction band in several zincblende-type semiconductors defined by the equation E(k) = ħ2k||2/2ml +ħ2k⊥2/2mt – ((∆/2)2 + + ∆0ħ2k2/2ml)1/2 with k|| and k⊥: components of the wave vector parallel and perpendicular to the [100 ]direction, respectively, mt: effective mass perpendicular to the [ 100 ]-direction; ∆0 : parameter describing the non- parabolicity; all other parameters are explained in the figure (right). k||, k⊥ also components of the k-vector near the top of the valence band in semiconductors with wurtzite lattice, defined by E1(k) = E(Γ6) + ak||2 + bk⊥2, E2,3(k) = E(Γ6) ± ∆/2 + ck||2+ dk⊥2 ± ((∆/2 + c'k||2 + d'k⊥2)2 + (c"k||2 + d"k⊥2)2)1/2. E1(0) and E2,3(0) are separated by the crystal-field splitting energy ∆ (∆cf). Lattice properties static lattice parameters a, b, c lattice parameters (unit Å or nm) α, β, γ angles α linear thermal expansion coefficient (unit K−1) d Tm Tdec ΘD density (unit g cm−3) melting temperature (unit K) decomposition temperature (unit K) Cp, Cv heat capacities (unit J mol−1K−1) Debye temperature (unit K) dynamic lattice parameters phonon dispersion relation (dependence of phonon frequency on wave vector), instead of k ν(k) often the reduced wave vector ζ = k/kmax is used ν phonon frequency (unit s−1) hν photon energy (unit eV) ν wavenumber (unit cm−1) Subscripts to the frequencies (wavenumbers) refer to transverse and longitudinal optical and acoustic branches (TO, LO, TA, LA) and to the symmetry points in the Brillouin zone as for the band structure energies. Further subscripts refer to Raman active (R) and infrared active (ir) modes. υi sound velocities (unit cm s−1) clm, clmn second order and third order elastic moduli (unit dyn cm−2) B bulk modulus (dyn cm−2) (Subscript S: adiabatic bulk modulus) G shear modulus (unit GPa) E Young's modulus (unit GPa) ν Poissons ratio (dimensionless) ζ internal strain parameter (dimensionless) Transport properties R resistance (unit Ω) RH Hall coefficient (unit cm3 C−1) σ, (σi) (intrinsic) electrical conductivity (unit Ω−1 cm−1) ρ electrical resistivity (unit Ωcm) κ EA thermal conductivity (subscript L: lattice contribution) (unit W cm−1 K−1) activation energy (mostly for temperature dependence of conductivity) (unit eV) n, p, ni electron and hole concentration, intrinsic carrier concentration (unit cm−3) µn, µp electron and hole mobilities, respectively (unit cm2 V−1s−1). Further subscripts refer to: dr: drift mobility, c: conductivity mobility, H: Hall mobility, ||, ⊥: parallel (perpendicular) to a principal axis υn, υp drift velocities of electrons and holes (unit cm s−1) S Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) (unit V/K) πik piezoresistance coefficients (unit cm2 dyn−1) mik elastoresistance coefficients (dimensionless) eik, dik, gik, hik piezoelectric coefficients Optical properties K R n k absorption coefficient (unit cm−1) reflectance (dimensionless) (real) refractive index (dimensionless) extinction coefficient (dimensionless) ε, εik dielectric constant (component of the dielectric tensor); subscripts and brackets refer to: 1: real part of the complex dielectric constant, 2: imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant, 0: low frequency limit, ∞: high frequency limit, ||, ⊥: parallel or perpendicular to a crystal axis πik piezooptic coefficients (unit cm2 dyn−1) pik elastooptic coefficients (dimensionless) rik linear electrooptic constant (unit m/V) Rik quadratic electrooptic coefficient (unit m2/V2) d(SHG) second order nonliear dielectric susceptibility (unit m/V) (SHG = second harmonic generation) χijkl(3) third order susceptibility (unit esu) Impurities and defects Eb binding energy of donors (Ec − Ed) or acceptors (Ea - Ev) E for deep levels the type (d, a) is given; positive values refer to the valence band edge, negative values to the conduction band edge. Navigation via substance groups In this Index 38 groups of semiconductors and the substances belonging to these group are listed. By clicking on the substance number you will be lead to the first data page for the substance. 1 Elements of the IVth group and IV-IV compounds 1.1 1.2 C (Diamond) Si 2 III-V compounds 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 BN BP BAs BSb AlN AlP AlAs 3 II-VI compounds 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 BeO BeS BeSe BeTe MgO MgS 4 I-VII compounds 4.1 4.2 CuF γ-CuCl 5 III2-VI3 compounds 5.1 5.2 Ga2S3 Ga2Se3 6 I-III-VI2 compounds 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 CuAlS2 CuAlSe2 CuAlTe2 CuGaS2 CuGaSe2 CuGaTe2 CuInS2 7 II-IV-V2 compounds 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 MgSiP2 ZnSiP2 ZnSiAs2 ZnGeN2 1.3 1.4 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4.3 4.4 5.3 5.4 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Ge Sn (grey Sn) 1.5 1.6 SiC SixGe1-x AlSb GaN GaP GaAs GaSb InN InP 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 InAs InSb Al0.48In0.52As Al0.49In0.51P AlAs0.96P0.04 Ga0.47In0.53As Ga0.51In0.49P 2.17 GaAs0.5Sb0.5 2.18 GaxIn1−xAsyP1−y 2.18 GaxIn1−xAsySb1−y 2.18 In1−x−yAlxGayAs 2.18 In1−x−yAlxGayP MgSe MgTe CaO SrO BaO ZnO 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 ZnS ZnSe ZnTe CdO CdS CdSe 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 CdTe HgO HgS HgSe HgTe γ-CuBr γ-CuI 4.5 4.6 AgF AgCl 4.7 4.8 AgBr AgI Ga2Te3 In2S3 5.5 5.6 In2Se3 In2Te3 CuInSe2 CuInTe2 AgGaS2 AgGaSe2 AgGaTe2 AgInS2 AgInSe2 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 AgInTe2 CuTlS2 CuTlSe2 CuTlTe2 AgTlSe2 AgTlTe2 CuFeS2 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 CuFeSe2 CuFeTe2 AgFeSe2 AgFeTe2 ZnGeP2 ZnGeAs2 ZnSnP2 ZnSnAs2 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 ZnSnSb2 CdSiP2 CdSiAs2 CdGeP2 7.13 7.14 7.15 CdGeAs2 CdSnP2 CdSnAs2 8 I2-IV-V3 compounds 8.1 8.2 8.3 Cu2GeS3 Cu2GeSe3 Cu2GeTe3 9 I2-V-VI4 compounds 9.1 9.2 Cu3PS4 Cu3AsS4 10 II-III2-VI4 compounds 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 ZnAl2S4 ZnGa2S4 ZnGa2Se4 ZnIn2S4 ZnIn2Se4 ZnIn2Te4 CdAl2S4 11 Group III elements 11.1 B 12 Group V elements 12.1 P 13 Group VI elements 13.1 S 14 IA-IB compounds 14.1 CsAu 15 Ix-Vy compounds 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.2.2 CsSb KSb NaSb RbSb Li3Bi 16 I-VI compounds 16.1 16.2 16.3 CuO Cu2O Cu2S 17 IIx-IVy compounds 17.1 17.2 17.3 Mg2Si Mg2Ge Mg2Sn 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.3 9.4 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 12.2 13.2 14.2 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 16.3 16.4 16.4 17.4 17.5 17.5 Cu2SnS3 Cu2SnSe3 Cu2SnTe3 8.7 8.8 8.9 Ag2GeSe3 Ag2GeTe3 Ag2SnS3 8.10 8.11 Ag2SnSe3 Ag2SnTe3 Cu3AsSe4 Cu3SbS4 9.5 9.6 Cu3SbSe4 Cu3AsTe4 9.7 Cu3SbTe4 CdGa2S4 CdGa2Se4 CdGa2Te4 CdIn2S4 CdIn2Se4 CdIn2Te4 CdTl2Se4 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 HgGa2S4 HgGa2Se4 HgIn2Te4 Hg3In2Te6 Hg5In2Te8 HgIn2Se4 HgIn2Te4 10.19 CaIn2Se4 10.19 MgGa2S4 10.19 MgGa2Se4 As 12.3 Sb 12.4 Se 13.3 Te Li3Sb Na3Sb K3Sb Rb3Sb Cs3Sb 15.2.7 15.2.7 15.3.1 15.3.2 15.3.3 Cs3Bi Rb3Bi Na2KSb K2CsSb K2RbSb 15.3.3 Na2CsSb 15.3.3 Na2RbSb 15.3.3 Rb2CsSb Cu2–xS Cu2Se Cu2–xSe 16.5 16.5 16.6 16.7 Cu2Te Cu2–xTe AgxOy Ag2S 16.8 16.9 Ag2Se Ag2Te Mg2Pb Ca2Pb Ca2Si 17.5 17.6 17.6 Ca2Sn BaGe2 BaSi2 17.6 SrGe2 Bi RbAu 18 IIx-Vy compounds 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Mg3As2 Zn3P2 Zn3As2 Cd3P2 19 II-VII2 compounds 19.1 CdCl2 20 IIIx-VIy compounds 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 GaS GaSe GaTe InS InSe InTe 21 III-VII compounds 21.1 TlF 22 IVx-Vy compounds 22.1 22.1 GeP SiP 23 IVx-VIy compounds 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 GeS GeSe GeTe SnS SnSe SnTe 24 IV-VII2 compounds 24.1 PbF2 25 Vx-VIy compounds 25.1 25.2 25.3 As2O3 As2S3 As2Se3 26 V-VII3 compounds 26.1 AsI3 27 Ix-IVy-VIz compounds 27.1 27.2 27.3 Ag8GeS6 Ag8SnS6 Ag8SiSe6 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 19.2 20.7 20.8 20.9 20.10 20.11 20.12 21.2 22.2 22.3 23.7 23.8 23.9 23.10 23.11 23.12 24.2 25.4 25.5 25.6 26.2 27.4 27.5 27.6 Cd3As2 ZnP2 ZnAs2 CdP2 18.9 18.10 18.11 18.12 CdAs2 CdP4 ZnSb CdSb 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 Zn4Sb3 Cd4Sb3 Cd7P10 Cd6P7 CdBr2 19.3 CdI2 19.4 HgI2 TlS TlSe TlTe In6S7 In4Se3 In6Se7 20.13 20.14 20.15 20.16 20.17 20.18 In60Se40 In50Se50 In40 Se60 In5Se6 In4Te3 Tl5Te3 20.19 20.20 20.21 20.22 20.23 20.24 TlGaS2 TlGaSe2 TlGaTe2 TlInS2 TlInSe2 TlInTe2 TlCl 21.3 TlBr 21.4 TlI SiAs GeAs 22.4 22.4 SiAs2 SiP2 22.5 GeAs2 PbO PbS PbSe PbTe GeO2 GeS2 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 23.18 GeSe2 SnO2 SnS2 SnSe2 Si2Te3 PbGeS3 23.18 PbSnS3 23.18 Sn2S3 23.18 SnGeS3 PbCl2 24.3 PbBr2 24.4 As2Te3 Sb2S3 Sb2Se3 25.7 25.8 25.9 Sb2Te3 Bi2O3 Bi2S3 25.10 Bi2Se3 SbI3 26.3 BiI3 27.7 27.8 27.9 Cu8GeS6 Cu8GeSe6 Cu4Ge3S5 Ag8GeSe6 Ag8SnSe6 Ag8GeTe6 PbI2 25.11 Bi2Te3 25.12 As4S4 27.9 Cu4Ge3Se5 27.9 Cu4Sn3Se 27.10 Cu4SnS4 28 Ix-Vy-VIz compounds 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 AgAsS2 AgAsSe2 AgAsTe2 AgSbS2 29 IIx-IIIy-VIz compounds 29.1 29.2 CdInS2 CdInSe2 30 IIIx-Vy-VIz compounds 30.1 30.2 TlAsS2 TlSbS2 31 IVx-Vy-VIz compounds 31.1 31.2 31.3 Bi12SiO20 Bi12GeO20 GeBi2Te4 32 V-VI-VII compounds 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 AsSBr SbSI SbSBr SbSeBr 33 Other ternary compounds 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 Cu3In5Se9 Cu3Ga5Se9 Ag3In5Se9 Ag3Ga5Se9 Cu2Ga4Te7 Cu2In4Te7 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 29.3 29.4 30.3 30.4 31.3 31.3 31.3 32.5 32.6 32.7 32.8 33.7 33.8 33.9 33.10 33.10 33.11 AgSbSe2 AgSbTe2 AgBiS2 AgBiSe2 CdInTe2 CdTlS2 TlBiS2 TlBiSe2 GeSb2Te4 PbSb2S4 SnBi2Te4 SbSeI SbTeI BiOCl BiOBr CuIn3Te5 AgIn3Te5 AgIn5S8 Ag2Ga20S29 AgIn9Te14 Cd2SnO4 28.9 28.10 28.11 28.12 AgBiTe2 CuSbSe2 CuSbTe2 CuBiSe2 28.13 CuBiTe2 28.14 Ag3AsS3 28.15 Ag3SbS3 29.5 29.6 CdTlSe2 CdTlTe2 29.7 HgTlS2 30.5 30.6 TlBiTe2 Ga6Sb5Te 30.7 In6Sb5Te 30.8 In7SbTe6 31.4 31.4 31.4 GeBi4Te7 GeSb4Te7 PbBi4Te7 31.4 SnBi4Te7 32.9 32.10 32.11 32.12 BiOI BiSCl BiSBr BiSI 32.13 32.14 32.15 32.16 BiSeBr BiSeI BiTeBr BiTeI 33.12 33.13 33.14 33.14 33.15 33.15 CdSnO3 Li3CuO3 Hg3PS3 Hg3PS4 Cd4As2Br3 Cd4As2Cl3 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 Cd4As2I3 Cd4P2Br3 Cd4P2Cl3 Cd4P2I3 34 Boron compompounds 34.1 Boron-hydrogen alloys 34.1.1 BHx 34.2 Binary boron-lithium compounds 34.2.1 Li3B14 34.2.2 LiB6 34.2.3 Li6B19 34.3 Ternary boron-lithium compounds 34.3.1 LiAlB14 34.3.2 LiBC 34.4 Boron-sodium compounds 34.4.1 NaB6 34.4.2 NaB15 34.5 Boron-potassium compounds 34.5.1 KB6 34.6 Beryllium-aluminumboron compounds 34.6.1 Al~(1±x)Be~(1±y)B22 34.7 Boron-aluminummagnesium compounds 34.7.1 MgAlB14 34.7.2 Al1.44Mg0.65B22 35 34.8 34.8 Boron-alkaline earth compounds 34.8.1 CaB6 34.8.2 SrB6 34.8.3 BaB6 34.9 Aluminum-boron compounds 34.9.1 AlB10 34.9.2 α-AlB12 34.9.3 β-AlB12 34.9.4 γ-AlB12 34.10 Boron-yttrium compounds 34.10.1 YB66 34.11 Lanthanide hexaborides 34.11.1 LaB6 34.11.2 CeB6 34.11.3 SmB6 34.11.4 EuB6 34.11.5 YbB6 34.12 Lanthanide hexaborides of the type LaB66 34.12.1 SmB66 34.12.2 GdB66 34.12.3 DyB66 34.12.4 YbB66 34.13 MgAlB14 type orthorhombic borides with lanthanides 34.13.1 ErAlB14 34.14 Boron compounds with group IV elements: boron carbide 34.14.1 boron carbide 34.15 Boron-silicon compounds 34.15.1 SiB14 34.16 Boron-zirconium compounds 34.16.1 ZrB2 34.17 Boron-nitrogen compounds 34.17.1 B36N24 34.18 Boron-phosphorus compounds 34.18.1 B6P; B13P2 34.19 Boron-arsenic compounds 34.19.1 B6As; B13As2 Binary transition metal compounds 35.1 Compounds with elements of the IVth group 35.1.1 35.1.2 Mn11Si19, Mn26Si45 Mn15Si26 35.1.3 35.1.4 CrSi2 ReSi2, Re1–xMxSi2 35.1.5 35.1.6 35.1.7 Ru2Si3 Ru2Ge3 FeSi2 35.1.8 OsSi2 IrAs2 IrAsSb NiP2 NiAs2 PdP2 PdPAs PtP2 PtPAs PtAs2 35.2.28 35.2.29 35.2.30 35.2.31 35.2.32 35.2.33 PtSb2 FeP4 RuP4 (r) RuP4 (h) OsP4 (r) OsP4 (h) 35.2 Compounds with elements of the Vth group 35.2.1 35.2.2 35.2.3 35.2.4 35.2.5 35.2.6 35.2.7 35.2.8 35.2.9 MnP4 FeP2 FeAs2 FeSb2 RuP2 RuPAs RuAs2 RuSb2 OsP2 35.2.10 35.2.11 35.2.12 35.2.13 35.2.14 35.2.15 35.2.16 35.2.17 35.2.18 OsAs2 OsSb2 CoP2 CoAs2 CoSb2 RhP2 RhAs2 RhAsSb IrP2 35.2.19 35.2.20 35.2.21 35.2.22 35.2.23 35.2.24 35.2.25 35.2.26 35.2.27 35.3 Chalcogenides 35.3.1 35.3.2 35.3.3 35.3.4 35.3.5 35.3.6 35.3.7 35.3.8 35.3.9 35.3.10 35.3.11 35.3.12 35.3.13 35.3.14 35.3.15 35.3.16 35.3.17 36 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 36.10 36.11 36.12 37 Ti1+xS2 TiS3–x Ti1+xSe2 Zr2S3 ZrS2 ZrS3–x Zr2Se3 Zr1+xSe2 ZrSe3 Hf2S3 HfS21d01 HfS32d01 HfSe2 1T-TaS2 TaS31d01 CrS Cr2S3 35.3.18 35.3.19 35.3.20 35.3.21 35.3.22 35.3.23 35.3.24 35.3.25 35.3.26 35.3.27 35.3.28 35.3.29 35.3.30 35.3.31 35.3.32 35.3.33 35.3.34 Cr2+xSe3 Cr3Se4 Cr1–xTe 2H-MoS2 3R-MoS2 MoS2 2H-MoSe2 2H-MoTe2–x 3R-WS2 2H-WSe2 WTe2 α-MnS β-MnS γ-MnS α-MnSe MnTe MnTe2 35.3.35 35.3.36 35.3.37 35.3.38 35.3.39 35.3.40 35.3.41 35.3.42 35.3.43 35.3.44 35.3.45 35.3.46 35.3.47 35.3.48 35.3.49 35.3.50 35.3.51 TcS20d01 TcSe2 ReS23d01 ReSe2 Fe1–xS FeS2 Fe1–xSe FeSe2–x FeSe2 FeTe2 RuS25d01 RuSe2 RuTe2 OsS28d01 OsTe2 Rh2/3S201 Rh2S3 35.3.52 35.3.53 35.3.54 35.3.55 35.3.56 35.3.57 35.3.58 35.3.59 35.3.60 35.3.61 35.3.62 35.3.63 35.3.64 35.3.65 35.3.66 35.3.67 RhS≈3 Rh2Se2(Se2) RhSe≈3 Ir2S2(S2) IrS≈37d01 Ir2Se2(Se2) Ir2/3Se2 Ni1–xS NiS21d01 PdS2d01 PdS23d01 PdSe4d01 PdSe2 PtS36d01 Pt0.97S2 PtSe2 36.25 36.26 36.27 36.28 36.29 36.30 36.31 36.32 36.33 36.34 36.35 36.36 Sm2O3 Eu2O3 Tb2O3 Dy2O3 Ho2O3 Er2O3 Tm2O3 Yb2O3 β-La2S3 γ-La2S3 β-La10S14O La2Te3 36.37 36.38 36.39 36.40 36.41 36.42 36.43 36.44 36.45 36.46 36.47 γ-Ce2S3 γ-Nd2S3 γ-Sm2S3 γ-Gd2S3 γ-Dy2S3 δ-Ho2S3 γ-Ho2S3 γ-Yb2S3 ε-Yb2S3 Gd2Cl3 Tb2Cl3 37.1.11 37.1.12 37.1.13 37.1.14 37.1.15 OsSbSe OsSbTe CoAsS CoSbS CoAsSe 37.1.16 PdPS 37.1.17 PdPSe CdCr2S4 FeCr2S4 CoCr2S4 37.2.7 37.2.8 37.2.9 HgCr2S4 BaCr2S4 CdCr2Se4 37.2.10 CuCr2S4–xSex 37.2.11 HgCr2Se4 37.2.12 ZnCr2Se4 CoxNbS2 NixNbS2 37.3.3 37.3.4 Tl3VS4 Cu3VS4 Binary rare earth compounds LaHx LaDx CeHx EuH2 YP LaP SmP ErP LuP SmS SmSe SmTe 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 36.23 36.24 EuO EuS EuSe EuTe TmTe YbS YbSe YbTe Sm3S4 Eu3S4 La2O3 Nd2O3 Ternary transition metal compounds 37.1 Pnigochalcogenides 37.1.1 37.1.2 37.1.3 37.1.4 37.1.5 FePS FeAsS FeAsSe RuPS RuAsS 37.1.6 37.1.7 37.1.8 37.1.9 37.1.10 RuSbTe OsPS OsAsS OsSbS OsPSe 37.2 Spinels and related compounds 37.2.1 37.2.2 37.2.3 MnGa2S4 MnSb2S4 Fe(FeRh)S4 37.2.4 37.2.5 37.2.6 37.3 Further chalcogenides 37.3.1 37.3.2 MnxNbS2 FexNbS2 37.3.2 37.3.2 38 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 38.5 38.6 38.7 38.8 38.9 38.10 38.11 38.12 38.13 38.14 38.15 38.16 38.17 38.18 38.19 38.20 38.21 38.22 38.23 38.24 38.25 38.26 38.27 38.28 38.29 38.30 38.31 38.32 38.33 38.34 38.35 38.36 38.37 38.38 38.39 38.40 38.41 38.42 38.43 38.44 38.45 38.46 38.47 38.48 38.49 38.50 38.51 38.52 Ternary rare earth compounds NdTiO3 SmTiO3 GdTiO3 TbTiO3 HoTiO3 ErTiO3 YbTiO3 CeVO3 PrVO3 NdVO3 SmVO3 EuVO3 GdVO3 TbVO3 DyVO3 HoVO3 ErVO3 TmVO3 YbVO3 LuVO3 LaCrO3 NdCrO3 SmCrO3 DyCrO3 HoCrO3 YbCrO3 LaMn0.75Mo0.25O3 HoMnO3 YbMnO3 LaFeO3 LaFe0.75Mo0.25O3 PrFe0.75Mo0.25O3 NdFe0.75Mo0.25O3 SmFe0.75Mo0.25O3 EuFe0.75Mo0.25O3 GdFeO3 GdFe0.75Mo0.25O3 TbFe0.75Mo0.25O3 DyFe0.75Mo0.25O3 HoFeO3 HoFe0.75Mo0.25O3 ErFe0.75Mo0.25O3 TmFe0.75Mo0.25O3 YbFeO3 YbFe0.75Mo0.25O3 LuFe0.75Mo0.25O3 LaCo0.75Mo0.25O3 LaCo0.75W0.25O3 LaNi0.75Mo0.25O3 LaNi0.75W0.25O3 La2(WO4)3 Ce2(WO4)3 38.53 38.54 38.55 38.56 38.57 38.58 38.59 38.60 38.61 38.62 38.63 38.64 38.65 38.66 38.67 38.68 38.69 38.70 38.71 38.72 38.73 38.74 38.75 38.76 38.77 38.78 38.79 38.80 38.81 38.82 38.83 38.84 38.85 38.86 38.87 38.88 38.89 38.90 38.91 38.92 38.93 38.94 38.95 38.96 38.97 38.98 38.99 38.100 38.101 38.102 38.103 38.104 Pr2(WO4)3 Nd2(WO4)3 Sm2(WO4)3 EuWO4 Eu2(WO4)3 Cu3ErS3 Cu3TmS3 Gd2CuO4 Gd2(WO4)3 Tb2(WO4)3 Dy2(WO4)3 Ho2(WO4)3 Er2(WO4)3 Tm2(WO4)3 Yb2(WO4)3 Gd2(MoO4)3 Tb2(MoO4)3 Dy2(MoO4)3 Ho2(MoO4)3 Er2(MoO4)3 Tm2(MoO4)3 Yb2(MoO4)3 La2Te3O9 Sm2Mo2O7 Eu2Mo2O7 Gd2Mo2O7 Dy2Mo2O7 Er2Mo2O7 Pr2Te3O9 Nd2Te3O9 Sm2Te3O9 Eu2Te3O9 Gd2Te3O9 Tb2Te3O9 Dy2Te3O9 Ho2Te3O9 Er2Te3O9 Tm2Te3O9 Yb2Te3O9 Lu2Te3O9 La2Mo3O9 Ce2Mo3O9 Pr2Mo3O9 Nd2Mo3O9 Sm2Mo3O9 Gd2Mo3O9 Dy2Mo3O9 TbCrS3 HoCrS3 ErCrS3 TmCrS3 YbCrS3 38.105 38.106 38.107 38.108 38.109 38.110 38.111 38.112 38.113 38.114 38.115 38.116 38.117 38.118 38.119 38.120 38.121 38.122 38.123 38.124 38.125 38.126 38.127 38.128 38.129 38.130 38.131 38.132 38.133 38.134 38.135 38.136 38.137 38.138 38.139 38.140 38.141 38.142 38.143 38.144 38.145 38.146 38.147 38.148 38.149 38.150 38.151 38.152 38.153 38.154 38.155 38.156 LuCrS3 YCrS3 GdCrSe3 TbCrSe3 DyCrSe3 HoCrSe3 ErCrSe3 TmCrSe3 YbCrSe3 LuCrSe3 Pr2CrS4 Nd2CrS4 Sm2CrS4 Pr2CrSe4 Nd2CrSe4 Sm2CrSe4 Gd2CrSe4 Tb2CrSe4 Dy2CrSe4 Yb2CrSe4 Y2CrSe4 EuCr2Te4 YbCr2S4 YbCr2Se4 Tb2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Dy2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Ho2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Er2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Tm2V2O7 Tm2V4/3W2/3O7 Yb2V2O7 Yb2V4/3W2/3O7 Lu2V2O7 La2Pb2O7 Gd2Ti2O7 Dy2Mn2O7 Ho2Mn2O7 Er2Mn2O7 Tm2Mn2O7 Lu2Mn2O7 Y2Mn2O7 Pr2Ru2O7 Nd2Ru2O7 Eu2Ru2O7 Gd2Ru2O7 Yb2Ru2O7 Y2Ru2O7 Nd2Ir2O7 Sm2Ir2O7 Eu2Ir2O7 Dy2Ir2O7 Y2Ir2O7 38.157 38.158 38.159 38.160 38.161 38.162 38.163 38.164 38.165 38.166 38.167 38.168 38.169 38.170 38.171 38.172 38.173 38.174 38.175 38.176 38.177 38.178 38.179 38.180 38.181 38.182 38.183 38.184 38.185 38.186 38.187 38.188 38.189 38.190 38.191 38.192 38.193 38.194 Gd2Os2O7 Nd2Pt2O7 Gd2Pt2O7 LaSbSe3 CeSbSe3 PrSbSe3 NdSbSe3 SmSbSe3 GdSbSe3 SmBiTe3 TbBiTe3 HoBiTe3 TmBiTe3 LuBiTe3 YBiTe3 EuSb2S4 EuSb2Se4 EuSb2Te4 EuBi2Te4 Cu3SmS3 Cu3GdS3 Cu3TbS3 Cu3DyS3 Cu3YS3 Cu3HoS3 Cu3LuS3 Cu3ScS3 Cu3SmSe3 Cu3GdSe3 Cu3TbSe3 Cu3DySe3 Cu3YSe3 Cu3HoSe3 Cu3YbSe3 Cu3ScSe3 Cu3SmTe3 Cu3TbTe3 Cu3DyTe3 38.195 38.196 38.197 38.198 38.199 38.200 38.201 38.202 38.203 38.204 38.205 38.206 38.207 38.208 38.209 38.210 38.211 38.212 38.213 38.214 38.215 38.216 38.217 38.218 38.219 38.220 38.221 38.222 38.223 38.224 38.225 38.226 38.227 38.228 38.229 38.230 38.231 38.232 Cu3YTe3 Cu3HoTe3 Cu3ErTe3 Cu3TmTe3 Cu5HoS4 Cu5LuS4 Cu5GdSe4 Cu5TbSe4 Cu5YbSe4 Cu5LuSe4 GdBrH2 TbBrD2 ZnTm2S4 ZnYb2S4 ZnLu2S4 ZnSc2S4 CdLa2S4 CdCe2S4 CdPr2S4 CdNd2S4 CdSm2S4 CdGd2S4 CdTb2S4 CdDy2S4 CdEr2S4 CdTm2S4 CdYb2S4 CdSc2S4 LaGaSe3 CeGaSe3 PrGaSe3 NdGaSe3 SmGaSe3 EuGa2S4 EuGa2Se4 EuGa2Te4 EuIn2S4 EuIn2Se4 38.233 38.234 38.235 38.236 38.237 38.238 38.239 38.240 38.241 38.242 38.243 38.244 38.245 38.246 38.247 38.248 38.249 38.250 38.251 38.252 38.253 38.254 38.255 38.256 38.257 38.258 38.259 38.260 38.261 38.262 38.263 38.264 38.265 38.266 38.267 38.268 38.269 EuIn2Te4 LaIn3S6 CeIn3S6 PrIn3S6 NdIn3S6 SmIn3S6 GdIn3S6 TbIn3S6 DyIn3S6 YIn3S6 HoIn3S6 ErIn3S6 LaTlS2 CeTlS2 PrTlS2 NdTlS2 LaTlSe2 CeTlSe2 PrTlSe2 NdTlSe2 EuTlSe2 LaTlTe2 CeTlTe2 PrTlTe2 NdTlTe2 La2GeSe5 La2SnSe5 Ce2GeSe5 Ce2SnSe5 Pr2GeSe5 Pr2SnSe5 Nd2GeSe5 Nd2SnSe5 Sm2GeSe5 Sm2SnSe5 Gd2GeSe5 Gd2SnSe5 Navigation via element systems In this Index systems of elements and the semiconductors belonging to each system are listed alphabetically. By clicking on the substance number you will be lead to the first data page for the substance. Ag−As−S Ag−As−Se Ag−As−Te Ag−Bi−S Ag−Bi−Se Ag−Bi−Te Ag−Br Ag−Cl Ag−F Ag−Fe−Se Ag−Fe−Te Ag−Ga−S Ag−Ga−Se Ag−Ga−Te Ag−Ge−S Ag−Ge−Se Ag−Ge−Te Ag−I Ag−In−S Ag−In−Se Ag−In−Te Ag−O Ag−S Ag−S−Sb Ag−S−Sn Ag−Sb−Se Ag−Sb−Te Ag−Se Ag−Se−Si Ag−Se−Sn Ag−Se−Tl Ag−Sn−Te Ag−Te Ag−Te−Tl Al−As AgAsS2 Ag3AsS3 AgAsSe2 AgAsTe2 AgBiS2 AgBiSe2 AgBiTe2 AgBr AgCl AgF AgFeSe2 AgFeTe2 AgGaS2 Ag2Ga20S29 AgGaSe2 Ag3Ga5Se9 AgGaTe2 Ag8GeS6 Ag2GeSe3 Ag8GeSe6 Ag2GeTe3 Ag8GeTe6 AgI AgInS2 AgIn5S8 AgInSe2 Ag3In5Se9 AgInTe2 AgIn3Te5 AgIn9Te14 AgxOy Ag2S AgSbS2 Ag3SbS3 Ag2SnS3 Ag8SnS6 AgSbSe2 AgSbTe2 Ag2Se Ag8SiSe6 Ag2SnSe3 Ag8SnSe6 AgTlSe2 Ag2SnTe3 Ag2Te AgTlTe2 AlAs 28.1 28.14 28.2 28.3 28.7 28.8 28.9 4.7 4.6 4.5 6.24 6.25 6.10 33.10 6.11 33.4 6.12 27.1 8.7 27.4 8.8 27.6 4.8 6.13 33.9 6.14 33.3 6.15 33.8 33.10 16.6 16.7 28.4 28.15 8.9 27.2 28.5 28.6 16.8 27.3 8.10 27.5 6.19 8.11 16.9 6.20 2.7 Al−As−Ga−In Al−As−In Al−As−P Al−B Al−B−Be Al−B−Er Al−B−Li Al−B−Mg Al−Cd Al−Cu−S Al−Cu−Se Al−Cu−Te Al−Ga−In−P Al−In−P Al−N Al−P Al−S−Zn Al−Sb As As−B As−Br−Cd As−Br−S As−Cd As−Cd−Cl As−Cd−Ge As−Cd−I As−Cd−Si As−Cd−Sn As−Co As−Co−S As−Co−Se As−Cu−S As−Cu−Se As−Cu−Te As−Fe As−Fe−S As−Fe−Se As−Ga As−Ga−In As−Ga−In−P In1−x−yAlxGayAs Al0.48In0.52As AlAs0.96P0.04 AlB10 α-AlB12 β-AlB12 γ-AlB12 Al~(1±x)Be~(1±y)B22 ErAlB14 LiAlB14 Mg0.65Al1.44 B22 MgAlB14 CdAl2S4 CuAlS2 CuAlSe2 CuAlTe2 In1−x−yAlxGayP Al0.49In0.51P AlN AlP ZnAl2S4 AlSb As BAs B6As B13As2 Cd4As2Br3 AsSBr CdAs2 Cd3As2 Cd4As2Cl3 CdGeAs2 Cd4As2I3 CdSiAs2 CdSnAs2 CoAs2 CoAsS CoAsSe Cu3AsS4 Cu3AsSe4 Cu3AsTe4 FeAs2 FeAsS FeAsSe GaAs Ga0.47In0.53As GaxIn1−xAsyP1−y 2.18 2.17 2.17 34.9.1 34.9.2 34.9.3 34.9.4 34.6.1 34.13.1 34.3.1 34.6.2 34.6.1 10.7 6.1 6.2 6.3 2.18 2.17 2.5 2.6 10.1 2.8 12.2 2.3 34.19.1 34.19.1 33.15 32.1 18.9 18.5 33.15 7.13 33.15 7.11 7.15 35.2.13 37.1.13 37.1.15 9.2 9.3 9.6 35.2.3 37.1.2 37.1.3 2.11 2.17 2.18 As−Ga−In−Sb GaxIn1−xAsySb1−y As−Ga−Sb GaAs0.5Sb0.5 As−Ge GeAs GeAs2 As−Ge−Zn ZnGeAs2 As−I AsI3 As−In InAs As−Ir IrAs2 IrAsSb As−Ir−Sb As−Mg Mg3As2 NiAs2 As−Ni As−O As2O3 OsAs2 As−Os As−Os−S OsAsS PdPAs As−P−Pd As−P−Pt PtPAs As−P−Ru RuPAs As−Pt PtAs2 RhAs2 As−Rh RhAsSb As−Rh−Sb As−Ru RuAs2 As−S As2S3 As4S4 As−S−Tl TlAsS2 As−Se As2Se3 As−Si SiAs SiAs2 As−Si−Zn ZnSiAs2 As−Sn−Zn ZnSnAs2 As−Te As2Te3 As−Zn ZnAs2 Zn3As2 Au−Cs CsAu Au−Rb RbAu B B B−Ba BaB6 B−C BC LiBC B−C−Li B−Ca CaB6 DyB66 B−Dy EuB6 B−Eu GdB66 B−Gd B−H BHx B−K KB6 LaB6 B−La LiB6 B−Li Li3B14 Li6B19 B−N BN B36N24 B−N NaB6 B−Na NaB15 B−P BP 2.18 2.17 22.3 22.5 7.6 26.1 2.15 35.2.19 35.2.20 18.1 35.2.22 25.1 35.2.10 37.1.8 35.2.24 35.2.26 35.2.6 35.2.27 35.2.16 35.2.17 35.2.7 25.2 25.12 30.1 25.3 22.2 22.4 7.3 7.8 25.4 18.7 18.3 14.1 14.2 11.1 34.8.3 34.14.1 34.3.2 34.8.1 34.12.3 34.11.4 34.12.2 34.1.1 34.5.1 34.11.1 34.2.2 34.2.1 34.2.3 2.1 34.16 34.4.1 34.4,2 2.2 B−Sb B−Si B−Sm B−Sr B−Y B−Yb B−Zr Ba−Cr−S Ba−Ge Ba−O Ba−Si Be−O Be−S Be−Se Be−Te Bi Bi−Br−O Bi−Br−S Bi−Br−Se Bi−Br−Te Bi−Cl−O Bi−Cl−S Bi−Cs Bi−Cu−Se Bi−Cu−Te Bi−Eu−Te Bi−Ge−Te Bi−Ho−Te Bi−I Bi−I−O Bi−I−S Bi−I−Te Bi−Li Bi−Lu−Te Bi−O Bi−O−Ge Bi−O−Si Bi−Pb−Te Bi−Rb Bi−S Bi−S−Tl Bi−Se Bi−Se−I Bi−Se−Tl Bi−Sm−Te Bi−Sn−Te Bi-Tb-Te Bi−Te B13P2 BSb SiB14 SmB6 SmB66 SrB6 YB66 YbB6 YbB66 ZrB2 BaCr2S4 BaGe2 BaO BaSi2 BeO BeS BeSe BeTe Bi BiOBr BiSBr BiSeBr BiTeBr BiOCl BiSCl Cs3Bi CuBiSe2 CuBiTe2 EuBi2Te4 GeBi2Te4 GeBi4Te7 HoBiTe3 BiI3 BiOI BiSI BiTeI Li3Bi LuBiTe3 Bi2O3 Bi12GeO20 Bi12SiO20 PbBi4Te7 Rb3Bi Bi2S3 TlBiS2 Bi2Se3 BiSeI TlBiSe2 SmBiTe3 SnBi2Te4 SnBi4Te7 34.17.1 2.4 34.15.1 34.11.3 34.12.1 34.8.2 34.10.1 34.11.5 34.12.4 34.16.1 37.2.8 17.6 3.11 17.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 12.4 32.8 32.11 32.13 32.15 32.7 32.10 15.2.7 28.12 28.13 38.175 31.3 31.4 38.168 26.3 32.9 32.12 32.16 15.2.2 38.170 25.8 31.2 31.1 31.4 15.2.7 25.9 30.3 25.10 32.14 30.4 38.166 31.3 31.4 TbBiTe3 Bi2Te3 38.167 25.11 Bi−Te−Tl Bi−Te−Tm Bi−Te−Y Br−Cd Br−Cd−P Br−Cu Br−D−Tb Br−Gd−H Br−Pb Br−Sb−S Br−Sb−Se Br−Tl C C−Si Ca−In−Se Ca−O Ca−Pb Ca−Si Ca−Sn Cd−Ce−S Cd−Cl−P Cd−Cr−S Cd−Cr−Se Cd−Dy−S Cd−Er−S Cd−Ga−S Cd−Ga−Se Cd−Ga−Te Cd−Gd−S Cd−Ge−P Cd−I Cd−I−P Cd−In−S Cd−In−Se Cd−In−Te Cd−La−S Cd−Nd−S Cd−O Cd−O−Sn Cd−P Cd−P−Si Cd−P−Sn Cd−Pr−S Cd−S Cd−S−Sc TlBiTe2 TmBiTe3 YBiTe3 CdBr2 Cd4P2Br3 γ-CuBr TbBrD2 GdBrH2 PbBr2 SbSBr SbSeBr TlBr C (Diamond) SiC CaIn2Se4 CaO Ca2Pb Ca2Si Ca2Sn CdCe2S4 Cd4P2Cl3 CdCr2S4 CdCr2Se4 CdDy2S4 CdEr2S4 CdGa2S4 CdGa2Se4 CdGa2Te4 CdGd2S4 CdGeP2 CdI2 Cd4P2I3 CdInS2 CdIn2S4 CdInSe2 CdIn2Se4 CdInTe2 CdIn2Te4 CdLa2S4 CdNd2S4 CdO CdSnO3 Cd2SnO4 CdP2 CdP4 Cd3P2 Cd6P7 Cd7P10 CdSiP2 CdSnP2 CdPr2S4 CdS CdSc2S4 30.5 38.169 38.171 19.2 33.15 4.3 38.206 38.205 24.3 32.3 32.4 21.3 1.1 1.5 10.19 3.9 17.5 17.5 17.5 38.212 33.15 37.2.4 37.2.9 38.218 38.219 10.8 10.9 10.10 38.216 7.12 19.3 33.15 29.1 10.11 29.2 10.12 29.3 10.13 38.211 38.214 3.16 33.12 33.11 18.8 18.10 18.4 18.16 18.15 7.10 7.14 38.213 3.17 38.222 CdSm2S4 CdTb2S4 CdTlS2 CdTm2S4 CdYb2S4 CdSb Cd4Sb3 Cd−Se CdSe Cd−Se−Tl CdTlSe2 Cd−Te CdTe Cd−Te−Tl CdTlTe2 Cd−Tl−Se CdTl2Se4 CeB6 Ce−B CeGaSe3 Ce−Ga−Se Ce2GeSe5 Ce−Ge−Se CeHx Ce−H CeIn3S6 Ce−In−S Ce2Mo3O9 Ce−Mo−O CeVO3 Ce−O−V Ce2(WO4)3 Ce−O−W Ce2S3 Ce−S CeTlS2 Ce−S−Tl CeSbSe3 Ce−Sb−Se Ce2SnSe5 Ce−Se−Sn CeTlSe2 Ce−Se−Tl CeTlTe2 Ce−Te−Tl Cl−Cd CdCl2 Cl−Cu γ-CuCl Cl−Gd Gd2Cl3 Cl−Pb PbCl2 Cl−Tb Tb2Cl3 Cl−Tl TlCl Co−La−Mo−O LaCo0.75Mo0.25O3 Co−La−O−W LaCo0.75W0.25O3 Co−Nb-S CoxNbS2 Co−P CoP2 Co−S−Sb CoSbS CoSb2 Co−Sb CoCr2S4 Cr−Co−S DyCrO3 Cr−Dy−O DyCrSe3 Cr−Dy−Se Dy2CrSe4 ErCrS3 Cr−Er−S ErCrSe3 Cr−Er−Se EuCr2Te4 Cr−Eu−Te FeCr2S4 Cr−Fe−S GdCrSe3 Cr−Gd−Se Gd2CrSe4 HgCr2S4 Cr−Hg−S HgCr2Se4 Cr−Hg−Se HoCrO3 Cr−Ho−O HoCrS3 Cr−Ho−S HoCrSe3 Cr−Ho−Se Cd−S−Sm Cd−S−Tb Cd−S−Tl Cd−S−Tm Cd−S−Yb Cd−Sb 38.215 38.217 29.4 38.220 38.221 18.12 18.14 3.18 29.5 3.19 29.6 10.14 34.11.2 38.224 38.260 36.3 38.235 38.94 38.8 38.52 36.37 38.246 38.161 38.261 38.250 38.255 19.1 4.2 36.46 24.2 36.47 21.2 38.47 38.48 37.3.2 35.2.12 37.1.14 35.2.14 37.2.6 38.24 38.109 38.123 38.102 38.111 38.126 37.2.5 38.107 38.121 37.2.7 37.2.11 38.25 38.101 38.110 Cr−La−O Cr−Lu−S Cr−Lu−Se Cr−Nd−O Cr−Nd−S Cr−Nd−Se Cr−O−Sm Cr−O−Yb Cr−Pr−S Cr−Pr−Se Cr−S Cr−S−Sm Cr−S−Tb Cr−S−Tm Cr−S−Y Cr−S−Yb Cr−Se Cr−Se−Sm Cr−Se−Tb Cr−Se−Tm Cr−Se−Y Cr−Se−Yb Cr−Se−Yb Cr−Se−Zn Cr−Si Cr−Te Cs−K−Sb Cs−Na−Sb Cs−Rb−Sb Cs−Sb Cu−Cr−S−Se Cu−Dy−S Cu−Dy−Se Cu−Dy−Te Cu−Er−S Cu−Er−Te Cu−F Cu−Fe−S Cu−Fe−Se Cu−Fe−Te Cu−Ga−S Cu−Ga−Se Cu−Ga−Te Cu−Gd−O Cu−Gd−S LaCrO3 LuCrS3 LuCrSe3 NdCrO3 Nd2CrS4 Nd2CrSe4 SmCrO3 YbCrO3 Pr2CrS4 Pr2CrSe4 CrS Cr2S3 Sm2CrS4 TbCrS3 TmCrS3 YCrS3 YbCrS3 YbCr2S4 Cr2+xSe3 Cr3Se4 Sm2CrSe4 Tb2CrSe4 TbCrSe3 TmCrSe3 Y2CrSe4 Yb2CrSe4 YbCrSe3 YbCr2Se4 ZnCr2Se4 CrSi2 Cr1–xTe K2CsSb Na2CsSb Rb2CsSb CsSb Cs3Sb CuCr2S4–xSex Cu3DyS3 Cu3DySe3 Cu3DyTe3 Cu3ErS3 Cu3ErTe3 CuF CuFeS2 CuFeSe2 CuFeTe2 CuGaS2 CuGaSe2 Cu3Ga5Se9 CuGaTe2 Cu2Ga4Te7 Gd2CuO4 Cu3GdS3 38.21 38.105 38.114 38.22 38.116 38.119 38.117 38.26 38.115 38.118 35.3.16 35.3.17 38.117 38.100 38.103 38.106 38.104 38.127 35.3.18 35.3.19 38.120 38.122 38.108 38.112 38.125 38.124 38.127 38.128 37.2.12 35.1.3 35.3.20 15.3.2 15.3.3 15.3.3 15.1 15.2.6 37.2.10 38.179 38.187 38.194 38.58 38.197 4.1 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.4 6.5 33.2 6.6 33.5 38.60 38.177 Cu−Gd−Se Cu−Ge−S Cu−Ge−Se Cu−Ge−Te Cu−Ho−S Cu−Ho−Se Cu−Ho−Te Cu−I Cu−In−S Cu−In−Se Cu−In−Te Cu−Li−O Cu−Lu−S Cu−Lu−Se Cu−O Cu−P−S Cu−S Cu−S−Sb Cu−S−Sc Cu−S−Sm Cu−S−Sn Cu−S−Tb Cu−S−Tl Cu−S−Tm Cu−S−V Cu−S−Y Cu−Sb−Se Cu−Sb−Te Cu−Se Cu−Se−Sc Cu−Se−Sm Cu−Se−Sn Cu−Se−Tb Cu−Se−Tl Cu−Se−Y Cu3GdSe3 Cu5GdSe4 Cu2GeS3 Cu4Ge3S5 Cu8GeS6 Cu2GeSe3 Cu4Ge3Se5 Cu8GeSe6 Cu2GeTe3 Cu3HoS3 Cu5HoS4 Cu3HoSe3 Cu3HoTe3 γ-CuI CuInS2 CuInSe2 Cu3In5Se9 CuInTe2 CuIn3Te5 Cu2In4Te7 Li3CuO3 Cu3LuS3 Cu5LuS4 Cu5LuSe4 CuO Cu2O Cu3PS4 Cu2–xS Cu2S Cu3SbS4 Cu3ScS3 Cu3SmS3 Cu2SnS3 Cu4SnS4 Cu3TbS3 CuTlS2 Cu3TmS3 Cu3VS4 Cu3YS3 CuSbSe2 Cu3SbSe4 CuSbTe2 Cu3SbTe4 Cu2–xSe Cu2Se Cu3ScSe3 Cu3SmSe3 Cu2SnSe3 Cu4Sn3Se Cu3TbSe3 Cu5TbSe4 CuTlSe2 Cu3YSe3 38.185 38.199 8.1 27.9 27.7 8.2 27.9 27.8 8.3 38.181 38.199 38.189 38.196 4.4 6.7 6.8 33.1 6.9 33.7 33.6 33.13 38.182 38.200 38.204 16.1 16.2 9.1 16.3 16.3 9.4 38.183 38.176 8.4 27.10 38.178 6.16 38.59 37.3.4 38.180 28.10 9.5 28.11 9.7 16.4 16.4 38.191 38.184 8.5 27.9 38.186 38.202 6.17 38.188 Cu3YbSe3 Cu5YbSe4 Cu3SmTe3 Cu−Sm−Te Cu−Sn−Te Cu2SnTe3 Cu−Tb−Te Cu3TbTe3 Cu−Te Cu2–xTe Cu2Te Cu−Te−Tl CuTlTe2 Cu−Te−Tm Cu3TmTe3 Cu3YTe3 Cu−Te−Y LaDx D−La Dy−Fe−Mo−O DyFe0.75Mo0.25O3 DyIn3S6 Dy−In−S Dy2Ir2O7 Dy−Ir−O Dy2Mn2O7 Dy−Mn−O Dy2Mo3O9 Dy−Mo−O Dy2O3 Dy−O Dy2(MoO4)3 Dy−O−Mo Dy2Te3O9 Dy−O−Te DyVO3 Dy−O−V Dy2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Dy−O−V−W Dy2(WO4)3 Dy−O−W Dy2S3 Dy−S Er−Fe−Mo−O ErFe0.75Mo0.25O3 ErIn3S6 Er−In−S Er2Mn2O7 Er−Mn−O Er2(MoO4)3 Er2O3 Er−O Er2Te3O9 Er−O−Te ErTiO3 Er−O−Ti ErVO3 Er−O−V Er2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Er−O−V−W Er2(WO4)3 Er−O−W ErP Er−P Eu−Fe−Mo−O EuFe0.75Mo0.25O3 EuGa2S4 Eu−Ga−S EuGa2Se4 Eu−Ga−Se EuGa2Te4 Eu−Ga−Te EuH2 Eu−H EuIn2S4 Eu−In−S EuIn2Se4 Eu−In−Se EuIn2Te4 Eu−In−Te Eu2Ir2O7 Eu−Ir−O Eu2Mo2O7 Eu−Mo−O EuO Eu−O Eu2O3 Eu2Ru2O7 Eu−O−Ru Eu2Te3O9 Eu−O−Te EuVO3 Eu−O−V EuWO4 Eu−O−W Eu2(WO4)3 EuS Eu−S Eu3S4 Cu−Se−Yb 38.190 38.203 38.192 8.6 38.193 16.5 16.5 6.18 38.198 38.195 36.2 38.39 38.241 38.155 38.140 38.79 36.28 38.70 38.87 38.15 38.130 38.63 36.41 38.42 38.244 38.142 38.72 36.30 38.89 38.6 38.17 38.132 38.65 36.8 38.35 38.228 38.229 38.230 36.4 38.231 38.232 38.233 38.154 38.77 36.13 36.26 38.148 38.84 38.12 38.56 38.57 36.14 36.22 Eu−S−Sb Eu−Sb−Se Eu−Sb−Te Eu−Se Eu−Se−Tl Eu−Te F−Pb F−Tl Fe−Ho−Mo−O Fe−Ho−O Fe−La−Mo−O Fe−La−O Fe−Lu−Mo−O Fe−Mo−Nd−O Fe−Mo−O−Pr Fe−Mo−O−Sm Fe−Mo−O−Tb Fe−Mo−O−Tm Fe−Mo−O−Yb Fe−Nb−S Fe−O−Yb Fe−P Fe−P−S Fe−Rh−S Fe−S Fe−Sb Fe−Se Fe−Si Fe−Te Ga−Hg−S Ga−Hg−Se Ga−In−P Ga−La−Se Ga−Mg−S Ga−Mg−Se Ga−Mn−S Ga−N Ga−Nd−Se Ga−P Ga−Pr−Se Ga−S Ga−S−Tl Ga−S−Zn Ga−Sb Ga−Sb−Te Ga−Se Ga−Se−Sm EuSb2S4 EuSb2Se4 EuSb2Te4 EuSe EuTlSe2 EuTe PbF2 TlF HoFe0.75Mo0.25O3 HoFeO3 LaFe0.75Mo0.25O3 LaFeO3 LuFe0.75Mo0.25O3 NdFe0.75Mo0.25O3 PrFe0.75Mo0.25O3 SmFe0.75Mo0.25O3 TbFe0.75Mo0.25O3 TmFe0.75Mo0.25O3 YbFe0.75Mo0.25O3 FexNbS2 YbFeO3 FeP2 FeP4 FePS Fe(FeRh)S4 Fe1–xS FeS2 FeSb2 Fe1–xSe FeSe2–x FeSe2 FeSi2 FeTe2 HgGa2S4 HgGa2Se4 Ga0.51In0.49P LaGaSe3 MgGa2S4 MgGa2Se4 MnGa2S4 GaN NdGaSe3 GaP PrGaSe3 GaS Ga2S3 TlGaS2 ZnGa2S4 GaSb Ga6Sb5Te GaSe Ga2Se3 SmGaSe3 38.172 38.173 38.174 36.15 38.253 36.16 24.1 21.1 38.41 38.40 38.31 38.30 38.46 38.33 38.32 38.34 38.38 38.43 38.45 37.3.2 38.44 35.2.2 35.2.29 37.1.1 37.2.3 35.3.39 35.3.40 35.2.4 35.3.41 35.3.42 35.3.43 35.1.7 35.3.44 10.15 10.16 2.17 38.223 10.19 10.19 37.2.1 2.9 38.226 2.10 38.225 20.1 5.1 20.19 10.2 2.12 30.6 20.2 5.2 38.227 Ga−Se−Tl Ga−Se−Zn Ga−Te TlGaSe2 ZnGa2Se4 GaTe Ga2Te3 Ga−Te−Tl TlGaTe2 Gd−Fe−Mo−O GdFe0.75Mo0.25O3 GdFeO3 Gd−Fe−O GdIn3S6 Gd−In−S Gd2(MoO4)3 Gd−Mo−O Gd2Mo2O7 Gd2Mo3O9 Gd2Os2O7 Gd−O−Os Gd2Pt2O7 Gd−O−Pt Gd2Te3O9 Gd−O−Te GdTiO3 Gd−O−Ti Gd2Ti2O7 GdVO3 Gd−O−V Gd2(WO4)3 Gd−O−W Gd2Ru2O7 Gd−Ru−O Gd2S3 Gd−S GdSbSe3 Gd−Sb−Se Gd2SnSe5 Gd−Se−Sn Ge Ge Gd2GeSe5 Ge−Gd−Se Ge−Mg Mg2Ge Ge−N−Zn ZnGeN2 Ge−Nd−Se Nd2GeSe5 Ge−O GeO2 Ge−P GeP Ge−P−Zn ZnGeP2 Ge−Pb−S PbGeS3 Ge−Pr−Se Pr2GeSe5 Ru2Ge3 Ge−Ru Ge−S GeS GeS2 Ge−S−Sn SnGeS3 Ge−Sb−Te GeSb2Te4 Ge−Sb−Te GeSb4Te7 Ge−Se GeSe GeSe2 Ge−Se−Sm Sm2GeSe5 Ge−Si SixGe1-x Ge−Sr SrGe2 Ge−Te GeTe H−La LaHx HfS2 Hf−S HfS3 HfSe2 Hf−Se Hg−I HgI2 Hg−In−Se HgIn2Se4 Hg−In−Te HgIn2Te4 Hg3In2Te6 Hg5In2Te8 20.20 10.3 20.3 5.3 20.21 38.37 38.36 38.239 38.68 38.78 38.98 38.157 38.159 38.85 38.3 38.139 38.13 38.61 38.149 36.40 38.165 38.269 1.3 38.268 17.2 7.4 38.264 23.11 22.1 7.5 23.18 38.262 35.1.6 23.1 23.12 23.18 31.3 31.4 23.2 23.13 38.266 1.6 17.6 23.3 36.1 35.3.11 35.3.12 35.3.13 19.4 10.18 10.17 10.18 10.18 Hg−O Hg−P−S Hg−S Hg−S−Tl Hg−Se Hg−Te Ho−In−S Ho−Mn−O Ho−O Ho−O−Te Ho−O−Ti Ho−O−V Ho−O−V−W Ho−O−W Ho−S I−Pb I−Sb I−Sb−S I−Sb−Se I−Sb−Te I−Tl In−La−S In−N In−P In−Pr−S In−S In−S−Sm In−S−Tb In−S−Tl In−S−Y In−S−Zn In−Sb In−Sb−Te In−Sb−Te In−Se In−Se−Zn In−Se–Tl In−Te HgO Hg3PS3 Hg3PS4 HgS HgTlS2 HgSe HgTe HoIn3S6 HoMnO3 Ho2Mn2O7 Ho2(MoO4)3 Ho2O3 Ho2Te3O9 HoTiO3 HoVO3 Ho2(W2/3V4/3)O7 Ho2(WO4)3 Ho2S3 PbI2 SbI3 3.20 33.14 33.14 3.21 29.7 3.22 3.23 38.243 38.28 38.141 38.71 36.29 38.88 38.5 38.16 38.131 38.64 36.43 24.4 26.2 SbSI SbSeI SbTeI TlI LaIn3S6 InN InP PrIn3S6 InS In2S3 In6S7 SmIn3S6 TbIn3S6 TlInS2 YIn3S6 ZnIn2S4 InSb In6Sb5Te In7SbTe6 InSe In2Se3 In4Se3 In5Se6 In6Se7 In40 Se60 In50Se50 In60Se40 ZnIn2Se4 TlInSe2 InTe In2Te3 In4Te3 32.2 32.5 32.6 21.4 38.234 2.13 2.14 38.236 20.4 5.4 20.10 38.238 38.240 20.22 38.242 10.4 2.16 30.7 30.8 20.5 5.5 20.11 20.16 20.12 20.15 20.14 20.13 10.5 20.23 20.6 5.6 20.17 In−Te−Tl In−Te−Zn Ir−Nd−O Ir−O−Sm Ir−O−Y Ir−P Ir−S TlInTe2 ZnIn2Te4 Nd2Ir2O7 Sm2Ir2O7 Y2Ir2O7 IrP2 IrS≈3 Ir2S2(S2) Ir−Se Ir2/3Se2 Ir2Se2(Se2) K−Na−Sb Na2KSb K−Rb−Sb K2RbSb K−Sb KSb K3Sb La−Ge−Se La2GeSe5 La−Mn−Mo−O LaMn0.75Mo0.25O3 La−Mo−Ni−O LaNi0.75Mo0.25O3 La2Mo3O9 La−Mo−O La−Ni−O−W LaNi0.75W0.25O3 La2O3 La−O La2Pb2O7 La−O−Pb La10S14O La−O−S La−O−Te La2Te3O9 La2(WO4)3 La−O−W LaP La−P La−S La2S3 LaTlS2 La−S−Tl LaSbSe3 La−Sb−Se La2SnSe5 La−Se−Sn LaTlSe2 La−Se−Tl La2Te3 La−Te LaTlTe2 La−Te−Tl Li−Sb Li3Sb Lu−Mn−O Lu2Mn2O7 Lu2Te3O9 Lu−O−Te LuVO3 Lu−O−V Lu2V2O7 LuP Lu−P Lu−S−Zn ZnLu2S4 Mg−O MgO Mg−P−Si MgSiP2 Mg−Pb Mg2Pb Mg−S MgS Mg−Se MgSe Mg−Si Mg2Si Mg−Sn Mg2Sn Mg−Te MgTe Mn−Nb−S MnxNbS2 Tm2Mn2O7 Mn−O−Tm Y2Mn2O7 Mn−O−Y YbMnO3 Mn−O−Yb MnP4 Mn−P α-MnS Mn−S 20.24 10.6 38.152 38.153 38.156 35.2.18 35.3.56 35.3.55 35.3.58 35.3.57 15.3.1 15.3.3 15.1 15.2.4 38.258 38.27 38.49 38.93 38.50 36.23 38.138 36.35 38.75 38.51 36.6 36.34 38.245 38.160 38.259 38.249 36.36 38.254 15.2.2 38.144 38.92 38.20 38.137 36.9 38.209 3.5 7.1 17.4 3.6 3.7 17.1 17.3 3.8 37.3.1 38.143 38.145 38.29 35.2.1 35.3.29 Mn−S Mn−S Mn−S−Sb Mn−Se Mn−Si Mn−Te Mo−Nd−O Mo−O−Pr Mo−O−Sm Mo−O−Tb Mo−S Mo−Te Na−Rb−Sb Na−Sb Ni−Nb−S Nd−In−S Nd−O Nd−O−Pt Nd−O−Ru Nd−O−Te Nd−O−Ti Nd−O−V Nd−O−W Nd−S Nd−S−Tl Nd−Sb−Se Nd−Se−Sn Nd−Se−Tl Nd−Te−Tl Ni−P Ni−S O−Mo−Tm O−Mo−Yb O−Pb O−Pr−Ru O−Ru−Y O−Sm O−Sm−Te O−Sm−Ti O−Sm−V O−Sn O−Sr O−Tb O−Tb−Te O−Tb−Ti O−Tb−V O−Te−Tm β-MnS γ-MnS MnSb2S4 α-MnSe Mn11Si19 Mn15Si26 Mn26Si45 MnTe MnTe2 Nd2Mo3O9 Pr2Mo3O9 Sm2Mo2O7 Sm2Mo3O9 Tb2(MoO4)3 MoS2 MoTe2–x Na2RbSb NaSb Na3Sb NbxNiS2 NdIn3S6 Nd2O3 Nd2Pt2O7 Nd2Ru2O7 Nd2Te3O9 NdTiO3 NdVO3 Nd2(WO4)3 Nd2S3 NdTlS2 NdSbSe3 Nd2SnSe5 NdTlSe2 NdTlTe2 NiP2 Ni1–xS NiS2 Tm2(MoO4)3 Yb2(MoO4)3 PbO Pr2Ru2O7 Y2Ru2O7 Sm2O3 Sm2Te3O9 SmTiO3 SmVO3 SnO2 SrO Tb2O3 Tb2Te3O9 TbTiO3 TbVO3 Tm2Te3O9 35.3.30 35.3.31 37.2.2 35.3.32 35.1.1 35.1.2 35.1.1 35.3.33 35.3.34 38.96 38.95 38.76 38.97 38.73 35.3.32 35.3.21 15.3.3 15.1 15.2.3 37.3.2 38.237 36.24 38.158 38.147 38.82 38.1 38.10 38.54 36.38 38.248 38.163 38.265 38.252 38.257 35.2.21 35.3.59 35.3.60 38.73 38.74 23.7 38.146 38.151 36.25 38.83 38.2 38.11 23.14 3.10 36.27 38.86 38.4 38.14 38.90 O−Te−Yb O−Ti−Yb O−Tm O−Tm−V O−Tm−V−W O−V−W−Tb O−V−W−Yb O−V−Yb O−W−Sm O−W−Tb O−W−Tm O−W−Yb O−Yb O−Yb−Ru O−Zn Os−P Os−P−S Os−P−Se Os−S Os−Sb Os−Sb−S Os−Sb−Se Os−Sb−Te Os−Si Os−Te P P−Pd P−Pd−S P−Pd−Se P−Pt P−Ru P−Ru−S P−Si P−Si−Zn P−Sm P−Sn−Zn P−Y P−Zn Pb−S Pb−S−Sb Pb−S−Sn Pb−Se Pb−Te Pd−S Pd−Se Yb2Te3O9 YbTiO3 Tm2O3 TmVO3 Tm2V2O7 Tm2V4/3W2/3O7 Tb2V4/3W2/3O7 Yb2V4/3W2/3O7 YbVO3 Yb2V2O7 Sm2(WO4)3 Tb2(WO4)3 Tm2(WO4)3 Yb2(WO4)3 Yb2O3 Yb2Ru2O7 ZnO OsP2 OsP4 OsPS OsPSe OsS2 OsSb2 OsSbS OsSbSe OsSbTe OsSi2 OsTe2 P PdP2 PdPS PdPSe PtP2 RuP2 RuP4 RuPS SiP SiP2 ZnSiP2 SmP ZnSnP2 YP ZnP2 Zn3P2 PbS PbSb2S4 PbSnS3 PbSe PbTe PdS PdS2 PdSe PdSe2 38.91 38.7 36.31 38.18 38.133 38.134 38.129 38.136 38.19 38.135 38.55 38.62 38.66 38.67 36.32 38.150 3.12 35.2.9 35.2.32 37.1.7 37.1.10 35.3.48 35.2.11 37.1.9 37.1.11 37.1.12 35.1.8 35.3.49 12.1 35.2.23 37.1.16 37.1.17 35.2.25 35.2.5 35.2.31 37.1.4 22.1 22.4 7.2 36.7 7.7 36.5 18.6 18.2 23.8 31.3 23.18 23.9 23.10 35.3.61 35.3.62 35.3.63 35.3.64 Pr−O−Te Pr−O−V Pr−O−W Pr−S−Tl Pr−Sb−Se Pr−Se−Sn Pr−Se−Tl Pr−Te−Tl Pt−S Pt−Sb Pt−Se Rb−Sb Re−S Re−Se Re−Si Rh−P Rh−S Rh−Se Ru−As−S Ru−S Ru−Sb Ru−Sb−Te Ru−Se Ru−Si Ru−Te S S−Sb S−Sb−Tl S−Sc−Zn S−Sm S−Sn S−Ta S−Tc S−Ti S−Tl S−Tl−V S−Tm−Zn S−W S−Yb S−Yb−Zn Pr2Te3O9 PrVO3 Pr2(WO4)3 PrTlS2 PrSbSe3 Pr2SnSe5 PrTlSe2 PrTlTe2 Pt0.97S2 PtS PtSb2 PtSe2 RbSb Rb3Sb ReS2 ReSe2 ReSi2 RhP2 Rh2/3S2 RhS≈3 Rh2S3 RhSe≈3 Rh2Se2(Se2) RuAsS RuS2 RuSb2 RuSbTe RuSe2 Ru2Si3 RuTe2 S Sb2S3 TlSbS2 ZnSc2S4 SmS Sm2S3 Sm3S4 SnS SnS2 Sn2S3 TaS2 TaS3 TcS2 TiS3–x Ti1+xS2 TlS Tl3VS4 ZnTm2S4 WS2 38.81 38.9 38.53 38.247 38.162 38.263 38.251 38.256 35.3.66 35.3.65 35.2.28 35.3.67 15.1 15.2.5 35.3.37 35.3.38 35.1.4 35.2.15 35.3.50 35.3.52 35.3.51 35.3.54 35.3.53 37.1.5 35.3.45 35.2.8 37.1.6 35.3.46 35.1.5 35.3.47 13.1 25.5 30.2 38.210 36.10 36.39 36.21 23.4 23.15 23.18 35.3.14 35.3.15 35.3.35 35.3.2 35.3.1 20.7 37.3.3 38.207 35.3.26 Yb2S3 YbS ZnYb2S4 36.44 36.18 38.208 S−Zn S−Zr Sb Sb−Se Sb−Se−Sm Sb−Sn−Zn Sb−Te Sb−Zn Se Se−Sm Se−Sn Se−Tc Se−Ti Se−Tl Se−W ZnS ZrS2 ZrS3–x Zr2S3 Sb Sb2Se3 SmSbSe3 ZnSnSb2 Sb2Te3 ZnSb Zn4Sb3 Se SmSe SnSe SnSe2 TcSe2 Ti1+xSe2 TlSe WSe2 3.13 35.3.5 35.3.6 35.3.4 12.3 25.6 38.164 7.9 25.7 18.11 18.13 13.2 36.11 23.5 23.16 35.3.36 35.3.3 20.8 35.3.27 Se−Yb Se−Zn Se−Zr Si Si−Te Sm−Te Sn Sn−Te Te Te−Tl Te−Tm Te−W Te−Yb Te−Zn YbSe ZnSe ZrSe3 Zr1+xSe2 Zr2Se3 Si Si2Te3 SmTe α-Sn SnTe Te TlTe Tl5Te3 TmTe WTe2 YbTe ZnTe 36.19 3.14 35.3.9 35.3.8 35.3.7 1.2 23.17 36.12 1.4 23.6 13.3 20.9 20.18 36.17 35.3.28 36.20 3.15 Survey: Semiconductors Contents of Subvolumes III/17a...i; 22a,b; 41A...D, for more information visit Physical data of semiconductors: Chapter Subvolume Update in Vol. group IV elements and IV−IV compounds III−V compounds II−VI compounds I−VII compounds semimagnetic compounds non-tetrahedrally bonded elements group III elements group V elements group VI elements non-tetrahedrally bonded binary compounds IA−IB compounds IxVy compounds IxVIy compounds IIxIVy compounds IIxVy compounds IIxVIIy compounds IIIxVIy compounds IIIxVIIy compounds IVxVy compounds IVxVIy compounds IVxVIIy compounds VxVIy compounds VxVIIy compounds boron compounds binary transition metal compounds binary rare earth compounds ternary compounds tetrahedrally bonded ternary and quasi-binary compounds ternary transition metal compounds ternary rare earth compounds further ternary compounds 1 2 3 4 5 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 10 10.1 17a; 22a,b 17a; 22a,b 17b; 22a 17b; 22a 17b 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17e 17f 17f 17f 17f 17f 17f 17f 17g 17g 17g 17h 17h 41A1,A2 41A1,A2 41B 41B 41B 41C 41C 41C 41C 41C 41C 10.2 10.3 10.4 17h 17h 17h Technology of semiconductors: tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors Si and Ge SiC III−V compounds II−VI compounds (wide-gap) II−VI compounds (narrow-gap) non-tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors IV−VI compounds HgI2 Se 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 17c Special systems and topics: amorphous semiconductors organic semiconductors space charge layers at surfaces and interfaces hot electrons electron-hole liquids 11 12 13 14 15 41C 41C 41C 41C 41C 41D 41D 41E 41E 41E 17d 17i 17i 17i 17i 17i 41E Use and Registration Art. 1 Copyright and License 1. 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