Regional Stakeholder Workshop Dublin, Dublin 07/02/2013 Investing in our common future T sett the To th context t t .......... Overarching objective of Marnet Overarching objective of Marnet Creation of an Atlantic Marine Socio Economic Network Development of a Framework to create D l t f F kt t and collate comparable d ll t bl Marine Socio‐Economic data across Atlantic Regions Support Marine Socio‐Economic Development initiatives in the Atlantic Area using the data collected Marnet Partnership Eligible areas BMW Regional Assembly (Lead Partner) IRELAND NUI Galway Socio Economic Marine Research Unit ( (SEMRU) ) IRELAND Fundacion AZTI Spain University of Basque Country Spain CIIMAR Portugal Ifremer France Region Bretagne France University of Stirling, Scotland. INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE MARNET ‐ Key deliverables MARNET ‐ Key deliverables • Formal Network Charter Formal Network Charter • Data base of comprehensive, comparable and p Marine Socio‐ Economic data for Atlantic re‐producible regions. • Atlas of Marine Socio Economic Indicators publicly available. available • Practical Initiatives in partner regions utilising the database and atlas. Marnet €1.3m investment in 5 Atlantic Regions ERDF Support - €851,464 €851 464 2.5 years duration Marnet kick off meeting, Galway , Ireland, July 2012 Atlantic Strategy Forum Conference Bilbao, Spain. November 12th 2012 Launch of Marnet Project by Mr. Matthew King, DG Mare, EU Commission Strategic Policy importance of Marnet to Europe’s Atlantic Strategy • EU Integrated Maritime Policy d l • Marine Strategy Framework Directive Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Socio‐Economic Data Requirement (Art. 24) • Europe 2020 • Marine Knowledge 2020 • National Marine/Ocean Frameworks, e.g. Ireland’s ‘Ocean Wealth’ Value Added of Marnet Value Added of Marnet • No known precedent for Atlantic socio economic network. p • Valuable asset to marine stakeholders to measure all Atlantic maritime resources • Will form a firm basis for Economic & Strategic Planning • Impact analysis tool of specific marine sub sectors Impact analysis tool of specific marine sub sectors • Regional and Local Authority engagement • Strengthened Strategy Development across the sector St th d St t D l t th t • Formal Network of marine socio economic players. Regional Stakeholder Consultation Regional Stakeholder Consultation • Necessary to formulate the Indicator Framework • One workshop in each partner region. • Input required on the three core elements: • Proposed coverage of maritime sectors • Optimal Geographical coverage & spatial levels for data p g p g p compilation. • The categories of relevant & useful indicators to be used. EU Atlantic Area Maritime strategy EU Atlantic Area Maritime strategy Realising the potential of our Atlantic Marine Resources Key areas Maritime Transport Maritime Safety Safety Marine Renewable Energies Marine Spatial Planning Seafood sector and Aquaculture Climate change & the Environment Marine Biotechnology Marine Research Marine Tourism Tourism ATLANTIC AREA Conference 2012 The Marine Economy & the EU Atlantic Strategy Key Targets of the Atlantic Strategy Action Plan Key Targets of the Atlantic Strategy Action Plan 1. Develop and implement an ecosystem management approach in the l d l h h Atlantic area, supported by the development of a multi‐resolution, contiguous seabed map of European Atlantic waters; 2. Reduce the carbon footprint of the blue economy in the Atlantic area; 3. Develop sustainable means of utilisation of the Atlantic's seabed and biological resources; g ; 4. Improve response and asset‐sharing mechanisms to tackle threats and emergencies; i 5 Create 5. Create socially inclusive growth in the blue economy of Atlantic Member socially inclusive growth in the blue economy of Atlantic Member States. Thank You! y Contact: Kieran Moylan BMW Regional Assembly e mail: kmoylan@bmwassembly e-mail:, ie Tel: + 353 94 9862970 INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE