University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Arch & Design,Hines College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Architecture (INTERDEPT) Architectural Studies, MA Architecture, BARCH 1 82 79 84 188 Architecture, BARCH PB 1 433 2 2 Architecture, MARCH 74 74 Architecture, MS 9 9 Architecture, NDO UN 6 Environmental Design, BS 1 Industrial Design, BS 12 6 18 33 6 7 32 95 Industrial Design, BS PB 3 Industrial Design, MS Interior Architecture, BS Subtotal Total Masters Total 3 3 3 5 15 16 20 56 106 112 133 246 5 87 689 106 112 133 246 5 87 689 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Business, Bauer College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Accountancy& Taxation, Dept of Accountancy, CERT1 PB 1 227 Accountancy, MSACY Business, Bauer (INTERDEPT) Masters Doctoral Total 228 280 Accounting, BBA 21 167 497 Subtotal 21 167 498 685 227 280 1,193 727 727 Bus Admn, MBA Bus Admn, NDO DR 1 1 Bus Admn, NDO MS 2 2 Bus Admn, PHD Finance, Department of 80 Pre-Bus Adm, DEG UN 352 Pre-Bus Adm, NDO UN 2 Subtotal Dec & Information Sci, Dept of 354 853 775 203 1 3 853 776 203 3 Total 727 80 2,996 5 76 218 299 Supply Chain Management, BBA 1 131 424 556 Subtotal 6 207 642 855 Finance, BBA 7 109 313 429 Mgt Info Systems, BBA Subtotal Marketing & Entrepen, Dept of 80 2,183 Finance, MS Management, Department of 280 7 45 45 45 474 109 313 Management, BBA 34 141 175 Subtotal 34 141 175 5 29 34 Marketing, BBA 44 181 225 Subtotal 49 210 259 1,342 2,007 Entrepreneurship, BBA 354 887 230 1,052 80 5,952 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Education, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Curriculum & Instruction, Dept Curr & Instruct, EDD 115 Curr & Instruct, MED Interdiscip Studies, DEG UN 151 25 85 75 203 12 12 Interdiscip Studies, NDO UN PB 3 3 Subtotal 71 84 175 336 666 17 96 169 250 354 32 17 151 1 1 1 1 16 16 18 18 Professional Leadership, EDD Subtotal 34 138 138 138 172 Diagnostician, CERTGRAD 4 4 Distance Educ, CERTGRAD 1 1 Education Unspecif, NDO UN PB 1 1 Integrate Innov Tech, CERTGRAD 2 2 Principal, CERTGRAD 1 1 Subtotal 9 9 Adm & Spv-H Educ, MED Allied Hlth Ed& Admn, MED 18 18 2 2 Counseling Psych, PHD 40 Counseling, MED Counseling, NDO MS Educ Psy/Special Ed, MED 78 40 78 1 1 13 Educ Psych & Indiv Dif, PHD (Continued) 1,167 Adm & Supervision, MED Higher Education, MED Psyc, Health,Learning Sci Dept 115 Adm & Supervision, EDD Subtotal Education (INTERDEPT) 151 18 Teaching and Learning, BS PB Educ Leadrshp & Pol Std, Dept. 115 Interdiscip Studies, DEG UN PB Teaching and Learning, BS Educ Ldrshp & Cultural St, Dpt Masters Doctoral Total 13 34 34 Educational Psych, MED 8 8 Health Education, MED 5 5 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Education, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Psyc, Health,Learning Sci Dept Masters Doctoral Total Health, BS 23 64 146 228 Health, BS PB 14 Health, DEG UN 12 Health, NDO UN 1 37 29 14 17 95 1 Health, NDO UN PB 4 Hum Dev & Fam Stds, BA Hum Dev & Fam Stds, BS 461 9 4 2 8 10 20 19 35 88 151 Hum Dev & Fam Stds, BS PB 2 2 Hum Dev & Fam Stds, NDO UN PB 2 2 Hum Dev Family Studies, DEG UN 9 50 25 13 97 School Psychology, PHD Subtotal Total 32 32 54 172 243 356 23 124 106 1,078 150 341 493 710 64 309 360 2,427 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Engineering, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Biomedical Engineering, Dept Biomedical Engineering, BSBE 49 41 59 Masters Doctoral Total 57 Biomedical Engineering, BSBEPB 206 3 Biomedical Engineering, MSBE 3 13 Biomedical Engineering, PHD Subtotal Chem& Biomolecular Eng, Dpt of 49 41 59 57 79 102 151 147 3 13 1 40 262 479 34 35 32 32 Chem Engr, MSCHE 2 2 Chem Engr, NDO UN 1 6 1 2 8 Chem Engr, PHD 103 Petroleum Engineering, MPETE Petroleum Engr, BSPETE 106 130 132 192 726 92 Petroleum Engr, MSPETE Subtotal 92 8 215 234 343 422 24 32 48 118 103 106 272 Petroleum Engr, BSPETE PB 127 148 8 103 1,592 Civil Engineering, BSCE Civil Engineering, BSCE PB 1 222 9 10 Civil Engineering, MCE 4 4 Civil Engineering, MSCE 76 76 Civil Engineering, NDO UN 2 2 Civil Engineering, PHD Subtotal 26 32 48 119 36 32 30 36 9 80 70 70 70 384 Computer Engr, BSCPE Computer Engr, BSCPE PB Electrical Engr, BSEE 134 1 43 Electrical Engr, BSEE PB 51 90 1 148 1 332 20 21 Electrical Engr, MEE 48 48 Electrical Engr, MSEE 106 106 Electrical Engr, NDO DR Electrical Engr, NDO UN Electrical Engr, NDO UN PB Electrical Engr, PHD (Continued) 40 Chem Engr, MCHE Chem Engr, NDO MS Electr & Comp Engineering, Dpt 40 Chem Engr, BSCHE Chem Engr, BSCHE PB Civil & Env Engineering, Dept 13 4 4 1 1 1 1 93 93 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Engineering, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Electr & Comp Engineering, Dpt Subtotal Engineering (INTERDEPT) Advanced Subsea Engr, CERTGRAD 80 83 120 185 26 154 4 40 47 30 121 5 1 1 Engr-Cmp&Sys, MS 43 43 Engr-Environmental, MS 15 15 Engr-Environmental, PHD 16 1 1 Materials Science & Engr, MS 9 9 33 33 Preparation for Grad Studies 3 3 Process Engr & Model, CERTGRAD 1 1 Subsea Engineering, CERTGRAD 66 1 77 75 Subtotal 4 41 47 30 12 15 22 51 67 49 323 Industrial Engr, BSIE Industrial Engr, BSIE PB 100 4 4 Industrial Engr, MIE 75 75 Industrial Engr, MSIE 61 61 Industrial Engr, NDO UN 1 1 Industrial Engr, PHD 20 Industrial Engr-Egr Mgt, MIE Subtotal 1 13 15 22 51 124 109 193 241 4 137 20 1 20 262 Mechanical Engr, BSME Mechanical Engr, BSME PB 667 34 Mechanical Engr, MSME Mechanical Engr, NDO UN 34 97 Mechanical Engr, NDO MS 1 2 2 65 Subsea Engineering, MS Subtotal 97 1 Mechanical Engr, PHD Total 16 Geosensing Syst Engr & Sci, MS Materials Science & Engr, PHD Mechanical Engineering, Dept 6 5 Engr Unspec, NDO UN 741 2 6 Engr Unspec, DEG UN PB Industrial Engineering, Dept 93 2 Aerosp Engineering, MS Engr Unspec, DEG UN Masters Doctoral Total 62 65 62 126 109 193 241 35 159 65 928 513 555 832 1,105 281 766 440 4,492 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Exploratory Studies Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Exploratory Studie (INTERDEPT) Adult Admission Opt, NDO UN 9 Exploratory Studies, DEG UN 1,547 Exploratory Studies, NDO UN 4 9 254 33 6 1 3 4 Visiting Student, NDO UN Total 1 1 1 9 2 1 3 Visiting Student, NDO UN PB Subtotal 1,840 4 Exploratory Studies, NDO UN PB Undeclared Major, DEG UN Total 1 1 1,563 258 36 8 2 1,867 1,563 258 36 8 2 1,867 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Hotel & Restaurant Mgt, Col of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Hotel & Rest Mgt (INTERDEPT) Hospitality Management, MS Hotel & Rest Mgt, BS 85 137 160 285 456 85 1,038 Hotel & Rest Mgt, BS PB 7 7 Hotel & Rest Mgt, DEG UN PB 1 1 Hotel & Rest Mgt, NDO UN 3 1 1 5 Hotel & Rest Mgt, NDO UN PB Subtotal Total Masters Total 3 3 140 161 286 456 11 85 1,139 140 161 286 456 11 85 1,139 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Law, College of Masters Law Total Law (INTERDEPT) Law - Health Law, LLM Law - Tax Law, LLM 11 11 20 20 Law, JD Law, LLM 709 20 Law, NDO LA Total 709 20 13 13 Law-En,Env&Nat Res, LLM 48 48 Law-Intel Prop & Info, LLM 9 9 Law-International, LLM 19 19 Subtotal 127 722 849 127 722 849 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Art, School of Art - Art History, NDO UN 1 Art - Art History, NDO UN PB Art History, BA 1 1 1 6 16 Art History, BA PB 1 44 1 16 46 55 114 2 57 85 58 Graphic Design, BFA PB 4 6 13 38 61 3 3 Photography/Digital Me, BFA PB 2 2 Photography/Digital Media, BFA 8 28 36 34 106 Sculpture, BFA 1 1 5 13 20 1 1 1 1 21 Studio Art, BFA 9 5 5 2 Subtotal 55 149 215 283 12 50 764 Amer Sign Lang Interpre, BA PB 5 5 Amer Sign Lang Interpreting,BA 11 18 21 28 78 Comm Disorders, BA 3 26 50 37 116 Comm Disorders, BA PB Comm Disorders, BS 1 13 28 53 Comm Disorders, BS PB 10 1 149 11 12 83 Comm Disorders, NDO UN 2 Comm Disorders, NDO UN PB Subtotal 11 55 Comm Disorders, MA 2 29 27 72 124 124 11 25 21 4 83 55 29 83 485 Comm Unspecified, DEG UN 61 Comm Unspecified, DEG UN PB 2 2 Comm Unspecified, NDO UN PB 6 6 Comm-Advertising, BA PB 1 1 Comm-Health Comm, BA (Continued) 2 Painting, BFA PB St Art-Graph Comm, NDO UN Communication, Department of 41 216 2 Sculpture, BFA PB Com Sciences & Disorders, Dept 2 41 16 9 231 Art, MFA Painting, BFA 2 9 Art, BA PB Graphic Design, BFA 1 21 Art History, MA Art, BA Masters Doctoral Total 4 7 12 16 39 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Communication, Department of Comm-Health Comm, BA PB 1 Comm-Health Comm, MA Comm-Interper Comm, BA 4 17 16 18 1 5 55 1 Comm-Interper Comm, DEG UN 1 1 2 Comm-Interper Comm, NDO UN PB 1 1 Comm-Journalism, BA 52 73 99 96 320 Comm-MP/Media Stds, BA 3 9 3 9 24 Comm-Mass Comm St, MA Comm-Media Prod, BA 18 36 51 104 150 Comm-Media Prod, BA PB Comm-Org/Corp Comm, BA 29 3 53 78 Comm-Org/Corp Comm, BA PB 164 1 Comm-PR Stds, MA 1 27 Comm-PR/Adver, BA 1 Comm-PR/Adver, DEG UN 1 4 7 12 1 25 27 1 Comm-PR/Adver, NDO UN PB Comm-Public Relations, BA 1 3 4 18 341 1 Comm-Media Prod, DEG UN 83 127 1 134 Comm-Public Relations, BA PB 369 1 Comm-Spch Comm, MA 1 8 8 Communication-Advertising, BA 16 39 69 96 220 Integrated Communication, BA 3 23 42 36 104 160 360 551 644 4 15 26 28 Subtotal 16 58 1,789 Anthropology, BA Anthropology, BA PB Anthropology, BS 73 1 6 21 28 Anthropology, BS PB 1 94 2 3 25 Anthropology, NDO UN PB Liberal Studies, BA 1 39 Anthropology, MA 2 76 71 107 343 6 Religious Studies, BA 1 2 1 2 Subtotal 87 109 162 159 25 2 89 Liberal Studies, BA PB (Continued) 1 5 Comm-Interper Comm, BA PB Comp Cultural Studies, Dept Masters Doctoral Total 6 6 11 25 553 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Economics, Department of Applied Economics, MA Economics, BA 19 27 45 41 139 5 20 62 112 5 163 Economics, BS PB 357 14 Economics, NDO UN 14 1 1 Economics, PHD Subtotal English, Department of 47 107 153 190 19 Creative Writing, MFA 19 24 68 94 24 314 5 5 24 24 1 English, NDO UN 1 1 English, NDO UN PB 1 4 4 English, PHD 47 30 56 69 95 English-Creative Writing, BA P 6 1 54 124 163 226 47 250 6 English-Creative Writing, NDO 40 128 English, NDO DR 1 16 48 87 718 Athletic Training, MAT Exercise Science, MS Human Nutr & Foods, BA Human Nutr & Foods, BS 1 49 127 191 Human Nutr & Foods, BS PB Human Nutr & Foods, NDO UN 1 13 13 3 3 1 2 331 698 1 59 60 1 Human Nutr & Foods, NDO UN PB 2 1 12 13 Human Nutrition, MS 3 3 Human Space Exploratn Sci, MS 5 5 Kin-Exer Science, BS 59 156 231 370 Kin-Exer Science, BS PB Kin-Exer Science, NDO UN (Continued) 577 1 English, MA Health & Human Perform, Dept 42 1 English, BA PB Subtotal 42 40 English - Linguistics, BA English-Creative Writing, BA 42 24 Engl-Creative Writing&Lit, PH English, BA 19 26 Economics, BA PB Economics, BS Masters Doctoral Total 816 6 1 6 1 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Health & Human Perform, Dept Kin-Exer Science, NDO UN PB Kin-Fitness & Sports, BS 3 22 30 29 128 2 14 41 66 2 93 Kin-Sports Admn, BS PB Kinesiology, BS 3 47 Kin-Fitness & Sports, BS PB Kin-Sports Admn, BS Masters Doctoral Total 214 1 44 40 30 1 8 122 Kinesiology, BS PB 2 2 Kinesiology, NDO UN PB 2 2 Kinesiology, PHD 15 15 Sport & Fitness Admin, MA 19 19 Spanish, BA 189 395 548 853 6 26 24 46 Spanish, BA PB 87 58 6 6 Subtotal 6 26 24 46 History, BA 26 72 104 158 History, BA PB 6 6 43 157 11 11 4 26 72 104 158 African American Stu, CERTGRAD 11 4 11 2 Arts Leadership, MA 2 8 34 59 59 59 441 2 14 37 14 81 LASS-Unspec, DEG UN PB 5 5 LASS-Unspec, NDO DR 1 1 LASS-Unspec, NDO UN 2 1 3 LASS-Unspec, NDO UN PB 16 16 Music Performance, CERTGRAD 6 6 Subtotal (Continued) 43 7 History, PHD LASS-Unspec, DEG UN 43 360 History, MA Lib Arts & Soc Sci (INTERDEPT) 6 7 History, NDO UN PB 2,170 6 Spanish, PHD Subtotal 40 102 Spanish, MA History, Department of 40 Physical Education, MED Subtotal Hispanic Studies, Dept 40 2 8 36 38 30 14 128 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Mod & Classical Languages, Dpt 2 French, BA 3 9 16 5 11 5 2 8 29 6 German, BA Italian Studies, BA 30 2 French, BA PB 1 2 2 6 2 2 4 9 Spanish, NDO UN PB 2 2 World Cult & Literature, BA PB 2 2 World Culture & Literature, BA 4 8 1 2 15 World Culture & Literature, MA 2 2 99 12 24 17 32 Applied Music, BM 20 14 33 28 95 Composition, BM 3 1 2 2 8 Music, BA 1 4 23 28 Music, BM 12 2 Subtotal Music, BA PB 1 46 60 32 Music, BM PB 1 87 1 225 7 8 Music, DMA 61 Music, MM Philosophy, Department of 70 Subtotal 70 75 71 141 Philosophy, BA 13 28 29 28 Philosophy, BA PB 8 13 28 29 28 Political Science, BA 56 88 104 109 Political Science, BA PB 4 30 50 53 4 20 20 20 122 2 103 236 2 2 10 Political Science, NDO UN PB 10 1 1 Political Science, PHD 54 Public Administration, MPA 23 Public Admn, NDO MS 138 157 212 6 54 23 1 86 496 357 Political Science, MA (Continued) 61 2 Political Science, BS PB Subtotal 70 4 Subtotal Political Science, BS 70 61 98 Philosophy, MA Political Science, Dept of Total Chinese Studies, BA Chinese Studies, BA PB Music, Department of Masters Doctoral 1 33 54 686 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Lib Arts & Soc Sci, Coll of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Psychology, Department of Masters Doctoral Clin Psych, PHD 57 57 Developmental Psychology, PHD 23 23 Ind/Org Psychology, PHD 29 29 Pre-Psychology, DEG UN 196 405 416 220 Pre-Psychology, DEG UN PB 1,237 17 Psychology, BA 31 17 118 Psychology, BA PB 149 2 Psychology, BS 4 67 2 304 Psychology, BS PB 375 1 Psychology, NDO UN 1 1 1 Psychology, NDO UN PB 14 14 Social Psychology, PHD Sociology, Department of Subtotal 196 410 514 642 Sociology, BA 10 35 49 36 Sociology, BA PB Sociology, BS 34 5 8 29 125 1,921 3 53 95 5 5 23 Sociology, NDO UN PB 23 1 15 43 78 89 3 4 14 9 1 23 257 Dance, BA Dance, NDO UN PB Theatre, BFA 21 1 Theatre, BA 28 21 28 1 3 3 23 100 Theatre, MA 4 4 Theatre, MFA 25 25 154 Subtotal Total 16 130 Sociology, MA Subtotal 16 3 Sociology, BS PB Theatre and Dance, School of Total 28 24 32 40 1 29 1,073 2,164 2,978 3,905 337 549 511 11,517 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Nat Sciences & Math, Col of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Biology & Biochemistry, Dpt of Bchs/Bphy Sci, BA 1 Bchs/Bphy Sci, BS 86 80 Masters Doctoral Total 1 1 3 112 151 429 Bchs/Bphy Sci, BS PB 16 Bchs/Bphy Sci, NDO UN 16 1 Bchs/Bphy Sci, NDO UN PB 1 2 Biochemistry, MS 2 2 Biochemistry, PHD 35 Biology, BA 1 Biology, BS 314 311 388 3 529 1,542 42 Biology, MS 42 2 Biology, NDO UN 2 Biology, NDO UN PB 1 Chemistry, BA 402 391 501 687 1 1 4 13 Chemistry, BA PB Chemistry, BS 13 14 73 4 39 38 54 2 219 7 10 1 4 4 123 Honors Biomedical Sciences, BS 29 20 3 Subtotal 69 59 62 101 Cmp Sci-Bus, BS 14 9 21 28 13 10 123 16 45 3 75 Cmp Sci-Systems, BS PB 162 7 61 44 79 7 113 Computer Science, BS PB 297 22 Computer Science, MS 22 117 117 1 1 Computer Science, NDO UN PB 1 1 Computer Science, PHD 102 437 72 3 26 123 52 Cmp Sci-Bus, BS PB (Continued) 10 1 Chemistry, PHD Subtotal 2,174 88 Chemistry, NDO UN PB Computer Science, NDO UN 116 7 Chemistry, NDO UN Computer Science, BS 81 19 Chemistry, MS Cmp Sci-Systems, BS 81 2 Chemistry, BS PB Computer Science, Dept of 2 2 Biology, PHD Chemistry, Department of 35 2 Biology, BS PB Subtotal 2 69 145 216 33 117 110 110 110 792 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Nat Sciences & Math, Col of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Earth &Atmospheric Sci,Dept of Masters Doctoral Total Atmospheric Science, MS 2 Atmospheric Sciences, PHD 14 Earth Science, BA 5 Earth Science, NDO UN Environmental Sciences, BS 12 13 19 14 1 1 50 94 2 9 32 62 2 90 Geology, BS PB 193 17 Geology, MS 17 68 Geology, NDO MS 1 47 12 17 29 60 Geophysics, BS PB 14 14 74 Mathematics, Department of 1 34 62 115 210 Applied Math, MS Mathematics, BA 2 2 7 34 144 1 35 119 718 36 22 24 31 73 1 156 284 6 6 Mathematics, MA 33 33 Mathematics, MS 6 6 Mathematics, NDO DR 1 1 Mathematics, NDO MS 7 7 Mathematics, PHD Subtotal 26 33 80 167 16 74 90 90 90 486 Geograph Info Syst, CERTGRAD 3 3 Hydrogeology, CERTGRAD 1 1 Mathematical Biology, BS 1 6 22 30 59 NSM Unspecified, DEG UN 75 12 15 4 106 NSM Unspecified, DEG UN PB (Continued) 58 1 Mathematics, BS PB Nat Sciences & Math (INTERDEPT 58 11 Mathematics, BA PB Mathematics, BS 74 1 Geophysics, PHD Subtotal 47 118 Geophysics, MS Geophysics, NDO UN 68 1 Geology, PHD Geophysics, BS 14 9 Environmental Sciences, BS PB Geology, BS 2 42 42 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Nat Sciences & Math, Col of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Nat Sciences & Math (INTERDEPT NSM Unspecified, NDO UN 1 2 NSM Unspecified, NDO UN PB 20 20 Preparation for Grad Studies 5 5 71 238 Subtotal Physics, Department of 1 Masters Doctoral Total 77 18 Phys-Geoph, BS 37 35 1 1 2 1 1 Physics, BA Physics, BA PB Physics, BS 1 30 21 18 1 30 Physics, BS PB 99 12 Physics, MS 12 4 Physics, NDO UN PB 1 1 Physics, PHD Subtotal Total 4 109 109 30 21 19 32 14 4 109 229 740 653 959 1,448 254 353 667 5,074 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Optometry, College of Masters Doctoral Optometry Total Optometry (INTERDEPT) Optometry, OD 396 Physiological Opt, PHD Total 26 396 26 Physiological Optics, MS 4 4 Subtotal 4 26 396 426 4 26 396 426 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Pharmacy, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Pharm Pract & Trans Rsch, Dept Pharmacol & Pharmaceut Sci,Dpt Masters Doctoral Pharmacy Total Pharmacy Administration, PHD 18 Phrm-Phrm Adm, MSPHR 9 Subtotal 9 Pharmaceutics, PHD Pharmacology, NDO MS Subtotal 27 25 25 3 3 18 18 43 46 459 356 177 118 10 Pre-Pharmacy, DEG UN PB Subtotal 10 356 177 118 10 10 10 Pharm Hlth Outcomes & Pol, MS 459 6 Subtotal 356 177 118 10 459 661 Pharm Hlth Outcomes & Pol, PHD Total 18 Doctor of Pharmacy, PHRD Pre-Pharmacy, DEG UN Phrm Hlth Outcomes & Pol Dept 9 3 Pharmacology, PHD Pharmacy (INTERDEPT) 18 13 1,130 6 3 3 6 3 9 15 64 459 1,212 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Social Work, College of Masters Doctoral Total Social Work Social Work, MSW 356 Social Work, PHD Subtotal Total 356 31 31 356 31 387 356 31 387 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Technology, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Construction Management, Dept Construction Management, BS 22 108 151 Construction Management, BS PB 207 2 488 7 Construction Management, MS Engineering Technology, Dept Subtotal 22 108 151 209 Biotechnology, BS 36 85 119 102 Biotechnology, BS PB Comp Engr Tech, BS 1 91 123 126 7 65 65 562 19 20 120 460 15 15 Electrical Power Engr T, BS PB 5 5 Electrical Power Engr Tech, BS 6 Electrical Power Engr Tech,NDU 2 29 40 89 164 2 55 56 144 212 Mechanical Engineer Tech, BS P Subtotal 191 381 497 287 55 699 1 28 600 67 29 55 1,791 Foresight, MS 30 30 Global Retailing, MS 22 22 Human Resource Devel, BS PB Human Resource Development, BS 2 9 68 106 302 70 Retailing & Consum Scie, BS PB 1 Retailing & Consumer Scien, BS 5 48 99 96 Subtotal 14 116 205 215 Computer Infor Systems, BS 52 94 158 225 Computer Infor Systems, BS PB Digital Media, BS 2 119 Human Resource Development, MS 1 52 83 96 248 3 122 12 13 335 2 1 1 Informatn System Security, MS 49 Org Leadership & Superv, BS PB 675 529 2 Info Systems Tech, NDO UN 70 1 104 Digital Media, BS PB 4 49 4 Org Leadership & Supervisn, BS 7 47 66 121 241 Supply Chain & Logist T, BS 14 79 156 229 478 Supply Chain & Logist T, BS PB 1 16 17 Supply Chain & Logist Tech, MS 60 60 Tech Pr Mgt, MS 57 57 166 1,786 Subtotal (Continued) 65 Comp Engr Tech, BS PB Mechanical Engineer Tech, BS Info & Logistics Tech, Dept 9 342 Engineering Technology, MS Hum Dev & Consumer Sci, Dept Masters Total 125 303 476 682 34 University of Houston Headcount by Program Major and Classification Fall 2014 Technology, College of Post Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Baccalaureate Technology (INTERDEPT) Preparation for Grad Studies 8 8 Strategic Foresight, CERTGRAD 1 1 Tech-Unspec, DEG UN 2 18 16 11 Tech-Unspec, DEG UN PB Tech-Unspec, NDO UN Subtotal 47 4 4 4 1 Tech-Unspec, NDO UN PB Total Masters Total 5 4 4 69 6 18 16 12 17 358 926 1,345 1,718 128 408 4,883