Publications Books and proceedings

Books and proceedings
1. Compton Scattering: The Investigation of Electron Momentum Densities. Williams, B. G.,
(editor), (McGraw-Hill, London, 1977) 366 pp.
2. Biostatistics: A Guide to the Concepts and Applications for Biologists Williams, B. G.
(Chapman-Hall, London, 1993) 200 pp.
3. Priorities for the Management of HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Mining Industry.
Proceedings of a Workshop held in Johannesburg, October 1995. Williams, B. G. and
Campbell, C. M. (editors), (ERU, Johannesburg, 1996) 186 pp.
4. Managing HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Lessons from Industrial Settings Proceedings of a
Workshop held in Johannesburg, November 1997. Williams, B. G., Campbell, C. M. and
MacPhail, C. (editors), (CSIR, Johannesburg, 1999) 214 pp.
5. Doing Research in Business and Management: An Introduction to Process and Method
Remenyi, D. J., Williams, B. G., Money, A. and Swartz, E. (Sage, London, 1998) 309 pp.
6. The Natural History of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A biomedical and social survey in
Carletonville Williams, B.G., Gilgen, D., Campbell, C.M., Taljaard, D. and MacPhail, C.
(CSIR, Johannesburg, 2000).
1. Mines, migrancy and HIV in South Africa—managing the epidemic. Williams, B. G. and
Campbell, C. M. (1996) South African Medical Journal 86 1249-1251.
2. Thinking positively. Williams, B.G. and Makgoba M.W. (2000) South African Journal of
Science 96 261.
1. Occupational lung disease in ex-mineworkers—sound a further alarm! Trapido, A. S. M.,
Mqoqi, N. P., Macheke, C. M., Williams, B. G., Davies, J. C. A. and Panter, C. (1996)
South African Medical Journal 86 559.
2. Response to Ronald Gray, Male circumcision and HIV acquisition and transmission:
cohort studies in Rakai, Uganda ( 2000, 14:2371-2381) Halperin, D.T., Weiss, H. A.,
Hayes, R., Auvert, B., Bailey, R. C., Caldwell, J., Coates, T., Padian, N., Potts, M.,
Ronald, A., Short, R., Williams, B., Klausner, J. AIDS 16 810-2; discussion 809-10
Papers in refereed journals
1. Academic research and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Campbell, C. and Williams, B.G.
(1996) South African Medical Journal 86 55-60.
2. A model of HIV transmission on South African mines: implications for control. Williams,
B.G. and Campbell, C.M. (1996) Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection
11 51-55.
3. Understanding the Epidemic of HIV in South Africa: Analysis of the Antenatal Clinic
Survey Data. Williams, B.G. and Campbell, C.M. (1998) South African Medical Journal
88 247-251.
4. High incidence of HIV infection among young women in rural South Africa: developing a
cohort for intervention trials. Wilkinson, D., Abdool Karim, S.S., Williams, B. and
Gouws, E. (2000) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 23 405-409.
5. Estimating HIV Incidence Rates From Age Prevalence Data in Epidemic Situations
Williams, B.G., Gouws, E., Wilkinson, D. and Abdool Karim, S.S. (2001) Statistics in
Medicine 20 2003-2016
6. Beyond the biomedical and behavioural: Towards an integrated approach to HIV
prevention in the Southern African mining industry. Campbell, C.M. and Williams, B.G.
(1999) Social Science and Medicine 48 1625-1639.
7. Evaluating HIV prevention programmes: conceptual challenges. Campbell C.M. and
Williams, B.G. Psychology in Society (1998 ) 24 57-68.
8. Gender as an obstacle to condom use: HIV prevention amongt commercial sex workers in
a mining community. Campbell, C. M., Mzaidume, Y. and Williams, B. G. Agenda (1998)
39 50-57.
9. Understanding the impact of a community-led HIV prevention programme in South
Africa: context, conceptual framework and methodology. Campbell, C.M and Williams,
B.G. (1999) Australian Journal of Primary Health Interchange 15 9-22.
10. Sexual behaviour, heterosexual transmission, and the spread of HIV in sub-Saharan
Africa: a simulation study. Auvert, B., Buonamico, G., Lagarde, E. and Williams, B.G.
Computers and Biomedical Research (2000) 33 84-96.
11. Is social capital a useful conceptual tool for exploring community level influences on HIV
infection? An exploratory case study from South Africa. Campbell, C., Williams, B. and
Gilgen, D. (2000) AIDS Care 14, 41-54.
12. The Carletonville-Mothusimpilo Project: limiting transmission of HIV through
community based interventions. Williams, B.G., MacPhail, C., Campbell, C., Taljaard, D.,
Gouws, E., Moema, S., Mzaidume, Y., Rasego, B. (2000) South African Journal of
Science 96 351-359
13. Patterns of infection: using age prevalence data to understand the epidemic of HIV in
South Africa. Williams, B.G., Gouws, E., Colvin M., Sitas, F., Ramjee, G., Abdool
Karim, S.S. (2000) South African Journal of Science 96 305-312
14. Where are we now? Where are we going? The demographic impact of HIV/AIDS in
South Africa. Williams, B.G., Gouws, E., and Abdool Karim, S.S. (2000) South African
Journal of Science 96 297-304.
15. Science and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: a review of the literature. Gouws, E. and
Williams, B.G. (2000) South African Journal of Science 96 274-276.
16. HIV infection and silicosis: the impact of two potent risk factors on the incidence of
mycobacterial disease in South African miners (2000) Corbett, E.L., Churchyard, G.J.,
Clayton, T.C., Williams, B.G., Mulder, D., Hayes, R.J., De Cock, K.M. AIDS 14 27592768.
17. Riding the tiger: Contextualizing HIV prevention in South Africa. Campbell, C. and
Williams, B.G. (2001) African Affairs 100 135-140.
18. HIV infection among youth in a South African mining town is associated with herpes
simplex virus-2 seropositivity and sexual behaviour. Auvert, B., Ballard, R., Campbell,
C., Caraël, M., Carton, M., Fehler, G., Gouws, E., MacPhail, C., Taljaard, D., van Dam, J.
and Williams, B. (2001) AIDS 15 885-898.
19. The Epidemiology of HIV in South Africa. Williams BG and Gouws E. (2001)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 356 1077-1086.
20. The natural history of HIV/AIDS in a major goldmining centre in South Africa: results of
a biomedical and social survey D. Gilgen , B.G. Williams , C. MacPhail , C.J. van Dam ,
C. Campbell , R.C. Ballard and D. Taljaard. South African Journal of Science (2001) 97
21. Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene promoter may predispose to
severe silicosis in black South African miners. Corbett EL, Mozzato-Chamay N,
Butterworth AE, De Cock KM, Williams BG, Churchyard GJ and Conway DJ. American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. (2002) 165 690-693.
22. High Incidence of HIV-1 in South Africa Using a Standardized Algorithm for Recent HIV
Seroconversion. Gouws E, Williams BG, Sheppard HW, Enge B, Abdool Karim S. (2002)
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 29 531-535
23. Relative risk of HIV infection among young men and women in a South African
township. MacPhail C, Williams BG, Campbell C. (2002) International Journal of STD &
AIDS 13 331-342.
24. The Impact of Migration on HIV-1 Transmission in South Africa: A Study of Migrant
Men and their Partners and Non-Migrant Men and their Partners. Lurie M, Williams BG,
Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D, Garnett GP, Sturm AW, Sweat MD, Gittelsohn J, Abdool
Karim S S. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003 30 149-156
25. Who Infects Whom? HIV-1 Concordance and Discordance Among Migrant and NonMigrant Couples in South Africa. Lurie M, Williams BG, Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D,
Garnett GP, Sweat MD, Gittelsohn, J. and Abdool Karim SS (2003) AIDS 17 2245–2252
26. Risk factors for HIV infection among women in Carletonville, South Africa: migration,
demography and sexually transmitted diseases. Zuma, K, Gouws E, Williams B, Lurie M.
(2003). International Journal of STD and AIDS 14 814-817.
27. Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on Recurrence of Tuberculosis after
Receipt of Rifampin-Based Treatment: An Analytical Review (2003) Korenromp, E. L.,
Scano, F., Williams, B. G., Dye, C. & Nunn, P. Clinical Infectious Diseases 37.
28. Antiretroviral Drugs for Tuberculosis Control in the Era of HIV/AIDS. (2003) Williams,
B. G. and Dye, C. Science 301, 1535-1537.
29. Transmission of HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa and effect of elimination of unsafe
injections. Schmid, G. P., Buve, A., Mugyenyi, P., Garnett, G. P., Hayes, R. J., Williams,
B. G., Calleja, J. G., De Cock, K. M., Whitworth, J. A., Kapiga, S. H., Ghys, P. D.,
Hankins, C., Zaba, B., Heimer, R. & Boerma, J. T. (2004) Lancet 363 482-8
30. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Prevalence of Undiagnosed Tuberculosis in
African Gold Miners. Corbett, E. L., Charalambous, S., Moloi, V. M., Fielding, K., Grant,
A. D., Dye, C., De Cock, K. M., Hayes, R. J., Williams, B. G. & Churchyard, G. J. (2005)
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 170 673-679.
31. Risk factors of sexually transmitted infections among migrant and non-migrant sexual
partnerships from rural South Africa. (2005) Zuma K., Lurie M.N., Williams B.G.,
Mkaya-Mwamburi D., Garnett G.P., Sturm A.W. Epidemiology and Infection 133 421428.
32. Reply to Eisenhut: Malnutrition and Variability in CD4+ Cell Counts in African
Populations (2007) B. G. Williams, E. L. Korenromp, E. Gouws, G. P. Schmid, B. Auvert
and C. Dye Journal of Infectious Diseases 195 1550-1551.
33. Reply to Lawn and Wood. (2007) B. G. Williams, E. L. Korenromp, E. Gouws, G. P.
Schmid, B. Auvert and C. Dye Journal of Infectious Diseases 195 1079
34. Tuberculosis Fueled by HIV: Putting Out the Flames. (2007) B. Williams and D. Maher
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 175 6-8.
35. The Potential Impact of Male Circumcision on HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2006) B. G.
Williams, J. O. Lloyd-Smith, E. Gouws, C. Hankins, W. M. Getz, J. Hargrove, I. de
Zoysa, C. Dye and B. Auvert PLoS Medicine 3
36. HIV Infection, Antiretroviral Therapy, and CD4+ Cell Count Distributions in African
Populations. (2006) B. G. Williams, E. L. Korenromp, E. Gouws, G. P. Schmid, B. Auvert
and C. Dye Journal of Infectious Diseases 194 1450-1458
1. Attendance versus compliance with TB treatment in an occupational setting: a pilot study
Mqoqi, N., Churchyard, G., Kleinschmidt, I. and Williams, B.G. (1996) South African
Medical Journal (1997) 87 1517-1521.
2. Prospects for global tuberculosis control under the WHO DOTS strategy. Dye, C.,
Garnett, G.P., Sleeman, K. and Williams, B.G. (1998) Lancet 353 1886-1891.
3. Risk factors for pulmonary mycobacterial disease in South African gold miners: a casecontrol study. Corbett, E.L., Churchyard, G.J., Clayton, T., Herselman, P., Williams, B.G.,
Hayes, R., Mulder, D. and De Cock, K.M. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine (1999) 159 94-99.
4. Nontuberculous mycobacteria: defining disease in a prospective cohort of South African
miners. Corbett, E.L., Blumberg, L., Churchyard, G.J., Moloi, N., Mallory, K., Clayton,
T., Williams, B.G., Chaisson, R.E., Hayes, R.J. and De Cock, K.M. American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (1999) 160 15-21
5. Mycobacterium kansasii and Mycobacterium scrofulaceum isolates from HIV-negative
South African gold miners: incidence, clinical significance and radiology. Corbett, E.L.,
Hay, M., Churchyard, G.J., Herselman, P., Clayton, T., Williams, B.G., Hayes, R.,
Mulder, D., and De Cock, K.M. International Journal of Tubercle and Lung Disease
(1999) 3 501-507.
6. The impact of HIV infection on Mycobacterium kansasii disease in South African gold
miners. Corbett, E.L., Churchyard, G.J., Hay, M., Herselman, P., Clayton, T., Williams,
B.G., Hayes, R., Mulder, D. and De Cock, K.M. American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care Medicine (1999) 160 10-14.
7. Criteria for the control of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Dye, C. and Williams, B.G. (2000)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2000) 97 8180-8185.
8. Evaluating the impact of tuberculosis control: number of deaths prevented by short-course
chemotherapy in China. Dye, C., Zhao, F., Scheele, S., Williams, B.G. (2000).
International Journal of Epidemiology 29 558-564.
9. HIV infection and silicosis: the impact of two potent risk factors on mycobacterial disease
incidence in South African miners. (2000) Corbett, E.L., Churchyard, G.J., Clayton, T.C.,
Herselman, P.G., Williams, B.G., Mulder, D., Hayes, R.J. and De Cock, K.M. AIDS 14
10. Worldwide incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Dye, C., Espinal, M.A., Watt,
C.J., Mbiaga, C., Williams, B.G. (2002) Journal of Infectious Diseases 185 1197-1202
11. Erasing the World’s Slow Stain: Strategies to Beat Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.
Dye, C., Williams, B.G. Espinal, M. SA., and Raviglione, M. C. (2002) Science 295 20422046.
12. What is the limit to case detection under the DOTS strategy for tuberculosis control? Dye,
C., Watt, C. J., Bleed, D. and Brian G. Williams (2003) Tuberculosis 83 35-43
13. Tuberculosis deaths in countries with high HIV-prevalence: what is their use as an
indicator in tuberculosis programme monitoring and epidemiological surveillance. Maher
D., Watt C.J., Williams B.G., Raviglione M., Dye C. (2005) International Journal of
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 9 123-127.
14. Global incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. (2006) M. Zignol, M. S. Hosseini, A.
Wright, C. L. Weezenbeek, P. Nunn, C. J. Watt, B. G. Williams and C. Dye Journal of
Infectious Diseases 194 479-485
15. Towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support: the role of
tuberculosis/HIV collaboration. (2006) A. Reid, F. Scano, H. Getahun, B. G. Williams, C.
Dye, P. Nunn, K. De Cock, C. Hankins, B. Miller, K. G. Castro and M. C. Raviglione
Lancet Infectious Diseases 6 483-495
16. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the control of tuberculosis in India. (2005) B. G. Williams,
R. Granich, L. S. Chauhan, N. S. Dharmshaktu and C. Dye Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102 9619-9624
1. Prevalence of Occupational Lung Disease in a Random Sample of Former Mineworkers,
Libode District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Trapido A, Mqoqi N, Williams B,
White N, Solomon A, Goode R, Macheke C, Davies J, Panter C. (1998) American
Journal of Industrial Medicine 34 305-313.
Asbestos related lung diseases among women in the Northern Province of South Africa.
(2001) Davies, J.C.A., Williams, B.G., Debeila, M.A., Davies, D.A South African Journal of
Science 97 87-92.
1. Measles vaccination policy. Williams BG, Cutts FT and Dye C (1995) Epidemiology and
Infection 115 603-621
Infectious diseases
1. Infectious Disease Persistence when Transmission Varies Seasonally. Williams, B. G. and
Dye, C. (1997) Mathematical Biosciences 145 77-88.
1. Multigenic drug resistance among inbred malaria parasites. Dye, C. and Williams, B.G.
(1997) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 264 61-67.
2. Monitoring trends in under-5 mortality rates through national birth history surveys.
Korenromp, E.L., Arnold, F., Williams, B.G., Nahlen, B.L., Snow, R.W. (2004)
International Journal of Epidemiology. 33 1-9.
3. Measurement of trends in childhood malaria mortality in Africa: an assessment of
progress toward targets based on verbal autopsy. Korenromp, E.L., Williams, B.G.,
Gouws, E., Dye, C., Snow, R.W. (2003) Lancet Infect Diseases 3 349-358.
4. Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on Recurrence of Tuberculosis after
Receipt of Rifampin-Based Treatment: An Analytical Review. Korenromp, E.L., Scano,
.F, Williams, B.G., Dye, C., Nunn, P. (2003) Clinical Infectious Diseases 37
5. Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa - a quantitative review.
Korenromp E.L., Armstrong-Schellenberg J.R., Williams B.G., Nahlen B.L., Snow R.W.
(2004) Tropical Medicine and International Health 9 1050-1065.
Acute respiratory infections
1. Estimates of world-wide distribution of child deaths from acute respiratory infections.
Williams, B.G., Gouws, E., Boschi-Pinto, C., Bryce, J., Dye C. Lancet Infectious Diseases
(2002) 2 25-32.
Diabetes and tuberculosis: the impact of the diabetes epidemic on tuberculosis incidence.
(2007) C. R. Stevenson, N. G. Forouhi, G. Roglic, B. G. Williams, J. A. Lauer, C. Dye and N.
Unwin BMC Public Health 7 234
Public Health
1. Managing disease on the goldmines: ‘work-related’ and ‘non-work-related’ diseases on
the South African gold mines. Campbell, C.M. and Williams, B.G. South African Journal
of Public Health (1988) 88 785-795.
2. Creating alliances for disease management in industrial settings: A case study of
HIV/AIDS in workers in South African gold mines. Williams, B.G. and Campbell C.M.
(1998) International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 4 257-264.
3. A comparison of occupational lung diseases among ex-gold mineworkers in two labour
sending areas. White NW, Steen TW, Trapido ASM, Davies JCA, Mabongo NM, Monare
N, Mqoqi NP, Williams BG (2000) South African Medical Journal 91 599-604.
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing
1. Univariate analysis of tsetse habitat in the common fly belt of Southern Africa using
climate and remotely sensed vegetation data. Robinson, T., Rogers, D. and Williams, B.G.
(1997) Medical and Veterinary Entomology 11 223-234.
2. Mapping tsetse habitat suitability in the common fly belt of Southern Africa using
multivariate analysis of climate and remotely sensed vegetation data. Robinson, T.,
Rogers, D. and Williams, B.G. (1997) Medical and Veterinary Entomology 11 235-245.
3. An example of decision support for trypanosomiasis control using a geographical
information system in eastern Zambia. Robinson, T.P., Harris, R.S., Hopkins, J.S.,
Williams, B.G. (2002) International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16
Tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis
1. Monitoring tsetse fly populations. I. Estimation of the intrinsic variability of the data for
G. pallidipes. Williams, B. G., Brightwell, R. and Dransfield, R. (1990) Medical and
Veterinary Entomology 4 167-179.
2. Monitoring tsetse fly populations. II. The influence of climate on trap catches of G. pallidipes. Williams, B. G., Dransfield, R. and Brightwell, R. (1990) Medical and Veterinary
Entomology 4 181-193.
3. Tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) population dynamics and the estimation of mortality
rates from life-table data. Williams, B. G., Dransfield, R. D. and Brightwell, R. (1990)
Bulletin of Entomological Research 80 479-485
4. Control of tsetse populations using traps at Nguruman, south west Kenya. Dransfield, R.
D., Brightwell, R., Kyorku, C. and Williams, B. G. (1990) Bulletin of Entomological
Research 80 265-276.
5. The control of tsetse flies in relation to fly movement and trapping efficiency. Williams,
B. G., Dransfield, R. D. and Brightwell, R. (1992) Journal of Applied Ecology 29 163-179
6. Control of tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis - Myth or reality? Dransfield, R. D., Williams,
B. G. and Brightwell, R. (1992) Parasitology Today 7 287-291.
7. Factors affecting seasonal dispersal of the tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes and G.
longipennis (Diptera: Glossinidae) at Nguruman, south-west Kenya. Brightwell, R.,
Dransfield, R. D. and Williams, B. G. (1992) Bulletin of Entomological Research 82 167182.
8. Modelling the effect of feeding related mortality on the feeding-strategy of tsetse flies
(Diptera: Glossinidae). Randolph, S. E., Williams, B. G., Rogers, D. J. and Connor, H.
(1992) Medical and Veterinary Entomology 6 231-240.
9. Models of trap seeking by tsetse flies: anemotaxis, kinesis and edge detection. Williams,
B. G. (1994) Journal of Theoretical Biology 168 105-115.
10. Monitoring trypanosomiasis in space and time. Rogers, D.J. and Williams, B.G. (1993)
Parasitology 106 S77-S92.
11. A cost-benefit analysis of feeding in female tsetse. Hargrove, J. and Williams, B.G.
(1995) Medical and Veterinary Entomology 9 109-119.
12. Modelling movement and mortality: killing tsetse flies in the field. Williams, B.G. (1995)
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 13 155-175.
13. Changes over twelve years in populations of Glossina pallidipes and Glossina longipennis
subject to varying trapping pressure at Nguruman, south-west Kenya. Brightwell, R.,
Dransfield, R.D., Stevenson, P. and Williams, B.G. (1997) Bulletin of Entomological
Research 87 349-370.
14. Optimized simulation as an aid to modelling, with an application to the study of a
population of tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae).
Hargrove, J. W. & Williams, B. G. (1998) Bulletin of Entomological Research, 88, 425435.
1. Malnutrition, age and the risk of parasitic disease: visceral leishmaniasis revisited. Dye, C.
and Williams, B.G. (1993) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 254 33-39.
Science policy
1. Science for Development. Williams, B.G. and Williams, G.P. (1992) Perspectives in
Biology and Medicine 36 64-78.
2. Trypanosomiasis: Where are we now? Williams, B.G., Dransfield, R.D., Brightwell, R.
and Rogers, D.J. (1993) Health Policy and Planning 8 85-93.
3. Ten best readings in trypanosomiasis. Williams, B.G., Dransfield, R.D., Brightwell, R.
and Rogers, D.J. (1993) Health Policy and Planning 8 82-84.
4. Broken Houses: Science and development in the African savannah. Williams, B.G.,
Campbell, C. and Williams, R. (1995) Agriculture and Human Values 12 29-38.
General Ecology
1. Comments on Abrams’ test of Pianka’s niche overlap hypothesis. Williams, B. G. and
Banyikwa, F. (1981) American Naturalist 117 774.
2. Climate and plant distribution at global and local scales. Woodward, F. I. and Williams,
B. G. (1987) Vegetatio 69 189-197.
3. The measurement of ‘sinuosity’ in correlated random walks. Williams, B. G. (1992)
Journal of Theoretical Biology 155 437-442.
1. Some aspects of methodology for research in information systems. Remenyi, D.S.J. and
Williams, B.G. (1993) Journal of Information Technology (1995) 10 191-201.
2. Maximum likelihood for parasitologists. Williams, B.G. and Dye, C. Parasitology Today
(1994) 10 489-493
3. The nature of research: Qualitative or quantitative, narrative or paradigm? (1996)
Remenyi, D.S.J and Williams, B.G. Journal of Information Technology 6 131-146.
4. Some aspects of ethics and research into the silicon brain. Remenyi, D.S.J and Williams,
B.G. (1993) International Journal of Information Management (1996) 16 401-411.
1. Sociology and historical explanation. Williams, G. P., Williams, B. G. and Williams, R. T.
(1995) African Sociological Review 1,2 79-95.
1. The uncertainty principle applied to the deuteron. Williams, B. G. (1981) American
Journal of Physics 49 185.
2. The pedagogy of spin in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Williams, B. G. and
Robinson, T. (1981) American Journal of Physics 49 645.
3. Compton scattering and Heisenberg’s microscope revisited. Williams, B. G. (1984)
American Journal of Physics 52 425.
1. Experimental determination of electron momentum densities. Williams, B. G. (1977)
Physica Scripta 15 92.
2. Compton scattering as a technique for the study of solids. Williams, B. G. and Thomas, J.
M. (1983) International Reviews of Physical Chemistry 3 3982.
3. Chemical analysis and studies of electronic structure of solids by electron energy-loss
spectroscopy (EELS) using an electron microscope. Thomas, J. M., Sparrow, T. G.,
Uppal, M. K. and Williams, B. G. (1985) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London A 318 259-281.
4. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and the study of solids. Thomas, J. M., Williams, B. G.
and Sparrow, T. G. (1985) Accounts of Chemical Research 18 324-330.
5. The determination of momentum densities from Compton scattering experimentsrecent
developments. Williams, B. G. (1984) Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics (India)
27A 40-61.
6. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Williams, B. G. (1987) Progress in Solid State
Chemistry 17 87-143.
7. Compton scattering and the MacKenzie spectrometer. Williams, B. G. (1989) Canadian
Journal of Physics 67 798-805.
Electron Near-Edge Structure (ELNES)
1. L3/L2 white-line intensity ratios in the electron energy-loss spectra of 3-d transition metal
oxides. Sparrow, T. G., Williams, B. G., Rao, C. N. R. and Thomas, J. M. (1984)
Chemical Physics Letters 108 547-550.
2. Electronic structures of solids by electron-energy-loss spectroscopy carried out using an
electron microscope: oxygen-K and metal-L edges of transition metal oxides. Rao, C. N.
R., Sparrow, T. G., Williams, B. G. and Thomas, J. M. (1984) Chemical Communications
3. Determination of the number of d-electron states in transition metal compounds. Thomas,
J. M., Rao, C. N. R., Williams, B. G. and Sparrow, T. G. (1984) Journal of Physical
Chemistry 88 5770-5772.
4. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and the electronic structure of titanium dioxide.
Brydson, R., Williams, B. G., Engel, W., Sauer, H., Zeitler, E. and Thomas, J. M. (1987)
Solid State Communications 64 609.
5. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and the crystal chemistry of rhodizite. I. Chemical
analysis. Engel, W., Sauer, H., Brydson, R., Williams, B. G., Zeitler, E. and Thomas, J.
M. (1988) Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions 1 84 617-629.
6. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and the crystal chemistry of rhodizite. II. Near-edge
structures. Brydson, R., Williams, B. G., Engel, W., Sauer, H., Zeitler, E. and Thomas, J.
M. (1988) Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions 1 84 631-646.
7. Chemical information from electron energy loss near-edge structure. Core hole effects in
the beryllium and boron K-edges in rhodizite. Brydson, R., Vvedensky, D. D., Engel, W.,
Sauer, H., Williams, B. G., Zeitler, E. and Thomas, J. M. (1988) Journal of Physical
Chemistry 92 962.
Plasmon Scattering
1. Plasmon scattering as a micro-chemical probe. Sparrow, T. G., Williams, B. G., Herley,
P., Jones, W., Jefferson, D. and Thomas, J. M. (1983) Chemical Communications 1432.
2. Evidence for the formation of single crystals of sodium metal during decomposition of
sodium aluminium hydride: An electron microscopic study. Jones, W., Sparrow, T. G.,
Williams, B. G. and Herley, P. J. (1984) Materials Letters 2 377-379.
3. Plasmon spectra of Ti and TiH2. Alexandropolous, N. G., Bambakidis, G., Sparrow, T. G.
and Williams, B. G. (1986) Journal of Physics F 16 L245-L247.
Electron Compton Scattering from Solids
1. A new approach to the measurement of the momentum densities in solids using an
electron microscope. Williams, B. G., Parkinson, G. M., Eckhardt, C. J., Thomas, J. M.
and Sparrow, T. G. (1981) Chemical Physics Letters 78 434-438.
2. Localized Compton scattering using energy-loss spectroscopy. Williams, B. G. and
Bourdillon, A. J. (1982) Journal of Physics C 15 6881-6890.
3. Electron energy loss spectroscopy used for localized Compton scattering. Bourdillon, A.
J. and Williams, B. G. 40th Annual Proceedings of the Electron Microscopy Society of
America ed. G. W. Bailey (Claitors Publishing, Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (1982) pp. 506507.
Electron Compton scattering from solids. Williams, B. G., Sparrow, T. G. and Egerton, R.
F. (1984) Proceedings of the Royal Society A 393 409-422.
Probing the structure of an amorphous solid: Proof from Compton scattering
measurements that amorphous carbon is predominantly graphitic. Williams, B. G.,
Sparrow, T. G. and Thomas, J. M. (1983) Chemical Communications 1434.
The electronic structure of graphite from Compton profile measurements. Vasudevan, S.,
Rayment T., Williams, B. G. and Holt, R. (1984) Proceedings of the Royal Society A 391
Electron Compton scattering from beryllium and graphite using parallel detection.
Bourdillon, A. J., Brydson, R. D. and Williams, B. G. (1987) Journal of Microscopy 145
Reciprocal Form Factors
1. Fermi surface parameters from the Fourier analysis of Compton profiles. Pattison, P. and
Williams, B. G. (1976) Solid State Communications 20 585.
2. Observations of ionic deformation and bonding from Compton profiles. Pattison, P.,
Weyrich, W. and Williams, B. G., (1977) Solid State Communications 21 967.
3. Fourier analysis of the Compton profile: atoms and molecules. Weyrich, W., Pattison, P.
and Williams, B. G. Chemical Physics 41 271-284.
4. Fourier transformed Compton profiles of organic molecules. Williams, B. G., Vasudevan,
S. and Rayment, T. (1983) Proceedings of the Royal Society A 388 219.
Dynamical Scattering
1. Dynamical scattering effects in electron scattering measurements of the Compton profiles
of solids. Williams, B. G., Uppal, M. K. and Brydson, R. D. (1987) Proceedings of the
Royal Society A 409 161.
2. Dynamical scattering and the quantification of electron energy-loss spectra of solids.
Brydson, R. D., Thomas, J. M. and Williams, B. G. (1987) Journal of the Chemical
Society: Faraday Transactions 2 83 747.
Scattering Theory
1. Derivation of the Compton effect for a non-stationary electron. Cooper, M. J. and
Williams, B. G. (1972) Philosophical Magazine 25 1499.
2. Corrections to the impulse approximation for use in electron Compton scattering experiments. Williams, B. G. and Egerton, R. F. (1982) Chemical Physics Letters 15 95-97.
Multiple Scattering
1. The spectral distribution of multiple Compton scattering. Williams, B. G., Pattison, P. and
Cooper, M. J. (1974) Philosophical Magazine 30 307.
2. Multiple scattering in the Compton effect. Part I. The total intensity of double scattering.
Williams, B. G. and Halonen, V. (1975) Physica Fennica 10 5-20.
3. Multiple scattering in the Compton effect. Part II. The spectral distribution of double scattering. Halonen, V., Williams, B. G. and Paakkari, T. (1975) Physica Fennica 10 107.
4. Multiple scattering in the Compton effect. Relativistic cross-section for double scattering.
Halonen, V. and Williams, B. G. (1979) Physical Review B 19 1990.
Design of Apparatus
1. A new design for a γ-ray Compton scattering spectrometer. MacKenzie, I., Williams, B.
G., Sparrow, T. G. and Stone, R. (1985) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A
398 405-414.
Data Analysis
1. The treatment of errors in the deconvolution of line profile measurements. Cheng, R. C.
H., Williams, B. G. and Cooper, M. J. (1971) Philosophical Magazine 23 115.
2. Studies in molecular Compton scattering. I. A statistical test for the Comparison of line
profiles. Epstein, I. R. and Williams, B. G. (1973) Philosophical Magazine 27 311.
3. The separation of X-ray doublets. Cooper, M. J., Williams, B. G. and Pattison, P. (1974)
Journal of Physics E 7 516.
4. Standardization of Compton profile measurements - The Compton profile of water.
Williams, B. G. (1976) Acta Crystallographica A 32 513.
5. A new sum rule for directional Compton profiles. Nyanda, A. M. and Williams, B. G.
(1974) Philosophical Magazine B 40 97.
6. Fourier deconvolution of electron energy-loss spectra. Egerton, R. F., Williams, B. G. and
Sparrow, T. G. (1985) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 398 395-404.
Compton Scattering
1. The Compton profile of iron. Cooper M. J. and Williams, B. G. (1968) Philosophical
Magazine 17 1079.
2. Compton scattering and electron momenta in lithium. Cooper, M. J., Williams, B. G.,
Borland, R. E. and Cooper, J. R. A. (1970) Philosophical Magazine 22 441.
3. The Compton profile of nitrogen. Cooper, M. J. and Williams B. G. (1970) Philosophical
Magazine 22 543.
4. Studies in molecular Compton scattering II. The Compton profile of C4H8O2 - dioxane,
iso-butyric and n-butyric acids. Epstein, I. R., Williams, B. G. and Cooper, M. J. (1973)
Journal of Chemical Physics 58 4098.
5. The Compton profile of aluminium, Cooper, M. J., Pattison, P., Williams, B. G. and
Pandey, K. C. (1974) Philosophical Magazine 29 1237.
6. Localized orbital wave-functions for argon and aluminium - A comparison between
theory and experiment. Cooper, M. J. and Williams, B. G. (1972) Philosophical Magazine
26 1441.
Book chapters
Occupational Health
1. Occupational health, occupational illness: tuberculosis, silicosis and HIV on the South
African Mines. Williams, B. G., Campbell, C.M., Mqoqi, N. P., Kleinschmidt, I. (1998) in
Occupational Lung Disease: An International Perspective Daniel E. Banks and John E.
Parker (editors) (Chapman and Hall Medical, London) pp. 95-103.
Geographical information systems and remote sensing
1. Tsetse distribution in Africa: seeing the wood and the trees. Rogers, D.J. and Williams,
B.G. (1994) In Large Scale Ecology and Conservation Biology P.J. Edwards, R.M. May
and N.R. Webb (editors) Symposium XXXV (British Ecological Society, London)
Vector borne and non-vector borne diseases
1. Non-linearities in the dynamics of indirectly-transmitted infections (or, does having a
vector make a difference?) Dye, C. and Williams, B.G. (1993) In Ecology of Infectious
Diseases in Natural Populations Edited by B.T. Grenfell and A.P. Dobson (Cambridge
University Press, 1995) pp. 260-279.
1. Population dynamics and control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Dye C, Williams
BG. (2000) In: Portaels F & Bastien I (eds) MDR Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.)
Compton Scattering
1. Multiple scattering. Halonen, V., Tanner, A., Epstein, I. R. and Williams, B. G. (1997) in
Compton Scattering (ed. B. G. Williams) (McGraw-Hill)
Papers in Conference Proceedings
1. A new position sensitive detector for EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy).
MacMullin, D., Williams, B. G. and Sparrow, T. (1985) in Developments in Electron
Microscopy and Analysis: Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 78, 169-172.
2. Measurement of electron momentum densities using an electron microscope - a new approach to Compton scattering. Williams, B. G. and Bourdillon, A. J. in Developments in
Electron Microscopy and Analysis: Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 61 (1981)
pp. 205-208.
3. Changes in tsetse species composition after suppression of G. pallidipes and G.
longipennis populations at Nguruman, south-west Kenya. Dransfield, R. D., Brightwell,
R., Kyorku, C. and Williams, B. G. (1991) Twentieth Meeting of the International
Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Mombasa, Kenya (10-14
April) 1989 Nairobi OAU/STRC Publication no. 115. pp 175-85.
4. Statistical modelling of georeferenced data: mapping tsetse distributions in Zimbabwe
using climate and vegetation data. Williams, B. G., Rogers, D. J., Statton, G., Ripley, B.
and Booth, T. H. (1994) in Modelling Vector-borne and other Parasitic Diseases (editors:
B. D. Perry and J. W. Hansen) Proceedings of a workshop organized by ILRAD in
collaboration with FAO 23 - 27 November 1992 (ILRAD: Nairobi).
5. A case study of the mining industry. Williams, B. G. and Campbell, C. M. (1997) in
Conference on HIV/AIDS: Proceedings and Background Papers on Regional Action
European Union and the Southern African Development Community, Malawi 4-6
December 1996. pp. 59-78.
6. Developing a regional response to AIDS: Mining sector approaches. Williams, B. G. and
Campbell, C. M. (1997) In Proceedings of conference on regional action on HIV/AIDS:
European Union and Southern African Development Community. Brussels: EU AIDS
Task Force. pp. 17-21.
Incidental Publications
1. Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing at ICIPE. Kruska, R., Akiwumi, J.,
Williams, B. G., Okello, O. and Akello, M. 15 pp.
2. Sharpening the question: what mathematics can do for biology. Williams, B. G. (1988)
Dudu No. 36 ICIPE: Nairobi.
3. It has been said that—. Williams, B. G. (1993) Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36
4. HIV/AIDS in the Mining Industry: Current Status, Future Prospects. Williams, B. G. and
Campbell, C. M. Newsletter of the Mine Medical Officers Association of South Africa
1996 pp. 13-16.
5. The Epidemiology Research Unit of South Africa: Current status, future plans for research
in the mining industry. Williams, B.G. Newsletter of the Mine Medical Officers
Association of South Africa 1997 pp. 2-4.
6. HIV/AIDS: policy and practice in the South African mining sector. Williams, B. G. and
Campbell, C. M. (1997) AIDS Bulletin 6 45-46
7. How to control the AIDS epidemic. Williams, B. G. and Campbell, C.M. (1997) Focus
April 1998 12-13.
8. Carletonville: working together for health. Williams, B. G. and Campbell, C.M. (1997)
Focus April 1998 14-15.
9. Community mobilisation as an HIV prevention strategy: challenges and obstacles (South
Africa). Campbell, C. M. and Williams, B. G. Sexual Health Exchange 1999 2 4-6.
10. Community-led HIV prevention by South African sex workers. Mzaidume, Y., Williams,
B.G. and Campbell, C.M. Research for Sex Work 3 June 2000 6-7.
11. What’s to be done? Report on a bosberaad to discuss the HIV epidemic in South Africa
Williams, B.G. (2000) South African Journal of Science 96 360.
12. This Is No Way to Fight AIDS in Africa. Halperin, D. and Williams, B.G. Washington
Post Sunday, August 26, 2001; Page B01.
13. Spaces of vulnerability: Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Williams, B.G.,
Gouws, E., Lurie, M., Crush, J. Southern African Migration Project (SAMP) Policy Series
No. 24, 2002, Cape Town: IDASA; Kinston: SAMP
1. Mapping tsetse distributions in Zimbabwe using climate and vegetation data. Williams, B.
G. (1992) Consultants Report for the Natural Resources Institute of the Overseas
Development Administration, London. 21 pp.
2. The use of remote sensing and geographical information systems in the planning,
execution and evaluation of tsetse control within a farming systems context. Williams, B.
G. (1992) Consultants Report on the Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control
Programme for the
Natural Resources Institute of the Overseas Development
Administration, London. 15 pp.
3. The application of remote sensing and geographical information systems to the planning
of tsetse fly control operations in Zambia. Williams, B. G. (1993) Consultants Report on
the Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Programme for the Natural Resources
Institute of the Overseas Development Administration, London.
4. Assistance to tsetse control in northern KwaZulu/Natal: Joint report of the international
experts in data analysis and synthesis and GIS and information system development.
Williams, B.G. and Robinson, T.M. (1996) Consultants Report for the Forestry and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/SAF/4551 (A).
5. HIV/AIDS and the productivity sectors in the SADC region: a case study of the mining
industry. Campbell, C.M. and Williams, B.G. (1996) Report commissioned by the
European Union
6. Prospects for global tuberculosis control under the WHO DOTS strategy. Dye, C.,
Garnett, G.P., Sleeman, K. and Williams, B.G. (1999) WHO/TB/98.251 Global
Tuberculosis Programme, WHO, Geneva
Computer Software
MiniStat: A package for plotting, fitting, transforming and analyzing data on the BBC microcomputer. (1986) Public domain software.
Report Series
1. Measles vaccination policy after local elimination. Williams BG, Cutts F and Dye C. ERU
Report Series No. 1, 1994.
2. Biomedicine in the field: Academic research and the control of HIV in Africa. Campbell,
C. M. and Williams, B. G. Epidemiology Research Unit Report Series No. 24: 1995.
3. Reflections on the nature of science. Williams, B. G. Epidemiology Research Unit Report
Series No. 26: 1995.
4. Modelling the immune response to infections by trypanosomes Part I: Single VATs.
Williams, B. G., Rogers, D., Turner, M. and Barry, D. Epidemiology Research Unit
Report Series No. 27: 1995.
5. Modelling the Immune Response to Infections by Trypanosomes Part II: Two VATs.
Williams, B. G., Rogers, D., Turner, M. and Barry, D. Epidemiology Research Unit
Report Series No. 28: 1995.
6. Biomedicine, social science and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Williams BG and Campbell
CM Epidemiology Research Unit Report Series No. 29: 1995.
7. Epidemiologists and social scientists in HIV research in South Africa: working together or
working apart? Campbell, C.M. and Williams, B.G. Epidemiology Research Unit Report
Series No. 32: 1995.
8. A model of HIV transmission on South African mines: implications for control. Williams,
B. G. and Campbell, C. M. Epidemiology Research Unit Report Series No. 33: 1995.
9. Sound the trumpet, beat the drum. Davies, C. J. A. and Williams, B. G. Epidemiology
Research Unit Report Series No. 40: 1998.
10. Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Public Health Interventions: Epidemiological
Considerations. Williams, B. G. and Campbell, C. M. Epidemiology Research Unit Report
Series No. 41: 1998.
Web publications
Community-led HIV prevention by southern African sex workers. Extracted from an article
'Community-led HIV prevention by southern African sex workers', by Zodwa Mzaidume,
Catherine Campbell and Brian Williams (e-mail: in Research for Sex
Work 3, June 2000.