Appendix C: Questionnaire NOTE: The following variables are used during survey administration to control programming logic.] xYoung 1=completed Young Adults survey; 2=Did not complete Young Adults survey xJPARENT 1=Two Jews; 2=A Jew and a non-Jew; 3=Two non-Jews; 4=A Jew; 5=A non-Jew; 6=Missing/refused xRAISE 1=Secular/Culturally Jewish; 2=Just Jewish; 3=Reform; 4=Conservative; 5=Reconstructionist; 6=Orthodox; 7=No religion; 8=Other, please specify; 9=In another religion; 10=Missing/refused xNow 1=Secular/Culturally Jewish; 2=Just Jewish; 3=Reform; 4=Conservative; 5=Reconstructionist; 6=Orthodox; 7=No religion; 8=Other, please specify; 9=In another religion; 10=Missing/refused xSParent 1=Two Jews; 2=A Jew and a non-Jew; 3=Two non-Jews; 4=A Jew; 5=A non-Jew; 6=Missing/refused xSRaise 1=Jewish; 2=Protestant; 3=Catholic; 4=No religion; 5=Other religion; 6=Missing/refused xSPOUSE 1=Jewish; 2=Protestant; 3=Catholic; 4=No religion; 5=Other religion; 6=Missing/refused xSupSchl 1=Indicated # of years attended supplementary Jewish school; 2=Did not indicate # of years attended supplementary Jewish school; 3=missing/refused xDaySchl 1=Indicated # of years attended Jewish day school; 2=Did not indicate # of years attended Jewish day school; 3=missing/refused xHSRit 1=Had rituals in HS; 2=Did not have rituals in HS; 3=missing/refused xJDenom 1=Answered question on Jewish denomination; 2= Did not answers question on Jewish denomination; 3=missing/refused xSeder 1=Yes; 2=No; 3=missing/refused xppa0070 1=Baptist-any denomination; 2=Protestant (e.g., Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal); 3=Catholic; 4=Mormon; 5=Jewish; 6=Muslim [DISPLAY] This survey, sponsored by the Steinhardt Social Research Institute at Brandeis University, will ask you about social and cultural issues. Participants have been selected by indicating they are Jewish by religion or background to earlier KnowledgePanel profile surveys. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. This survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete. [GRID, SP ACROSS] In what country were you and your parents born? United States Canada Israel Former Soviet Union 1 2 3 4 Q22. Mother Q23. Father Q24. You Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX, FOR EACH ROW] 5 [IF Q24=1] [SP, DROP-DOWN] Q25. In what state were you born? 01 Alabama 03 Arizona 05 California 07 Connecticut 09 District of Columbia 11 Georgia 13 Idaho 15 Indiana 17 Kansas 19 Louisiana 21 Maryland 23 Michigan 25 Mississippi 27 Montana 29 Nevada 31 New Jersey 33 New York 35 North Dakota 37 Oklahoma 39 Pennsylvania 41 South Carolina 43 Tennessee 45 Utah 47 Virginia 49 West Virginia 51 Wyoming 02 Alaska 04 Arkansas 06 Colorado 08 Delaware 10 Florida 12 Hawaii 14 Illinois 16 Iowa 18 Kentucky 20 Maine 22 Massachusetts 24 Minnesota 26 Missouri 28 Nebraska 30 New Hampshire 32 New Mexico 34 North Carolina 36 Ohio 38 Oregon 40 Rhode Island 42 South Dakota 44 Texas 46 Vermont 48 Washington 50 Wisconsin 52 Other U.S. Territory [IF Q24=2-5] [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010] Q26. In what year did you first come to the United States to live? [IF xJParent=6] [SP] Q1. Were you raised by… Two Jews? ................................................................. 1 A Jew and a non-Jew? .............................................. 2 Two non-Jews? .......................................................... 3 A Jew? ....................................................................... 4 A non-Jew? ................................................................ 5 [IF Q1=2 OR 4 or xJPARENT=2 or 4] [SP] Q2. [INSERT IF xJParent=2 or 4: You previously indicated that were raised by one Jewish person.] Is the Jewish person that raised you…? Male ........................................................................... 1 Female ....................................................................... 2 [IF xRAISE=10] [SP] Q3. Were you raised…? Secular/Culturally Jewish ........................................... 1 Just Jewish ................................................................ 2 Reform ....................................................................... 3 Conservative .............................................................. 4 Reconstructionist ....................................................... 5 Orthodox .................................................................... 6 No religion .................................................................. 7 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 8 In another religion ...................................................... 9 [IF xNow=10] [SP] Q4. Are you CURRENTLY…? Secular/Culturally Jewish ........................................... 1 Just Jewish ................................................................ 2 Reform ....................................................................... 3 Conservative .............................................................. 4 Reconstructionist ....................................................... 5 Orthodox .................................................................... 6 No religion .................................................................. 7 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 8 In another religion ...................................................... 9 [IF xppa0070=5 AND (Q1=3 OR 5 OR xJParent=3 or 5)] [SP] Q5. [INSERT IF xJParent=3 or 5: You previously indicated that you were raised by non-Jews and currently identify as Jewish.] Did you have a formal conversion to Judaism? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No ............................................................................. 2 [IF Q5=1] [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010] Q6. In what year did you convert to Judaism? [IF xRAISE=1-6 OR Q3=1-6] [SP] Q38. Did you have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony? Yes, as a child ............................................................ 1 Yes, as an adult ......................................................... 2 No .............................................................................. 3 [IF xSupSchl=2 or 3 and (Q3=1-6 OR xRAISE=1-6)] [SP] Q39. During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a supplementary Jewish school, like Hebrew or Sunday school? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q39=1] [SP] Q40. For how many years did you attend such a school? 1 or less ..................................................................... 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more................................................................. 12 Don’t remember ........................................................ 13 [IF Q40=13] [SP] Q40a. You indicated that you do not remember the exact number of years you attended supplementary Hebrew school. Was it… 1-3 years .................................................................... 1 4-8 years .................................................................... 2 9 years or more .......................................................... 3 [IF xDaySchl=2 or 3 AND (Q3=1-6 OR xRAISE=1-6)] [SP] Q41. During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a full time Jewish day school? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No 2 [Q41=1] [SP] Q42. For how many years did you attend such a school? 1 or less ..................................................................... 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more................................................................. 12 Don’t remember ........................................................ 13 [IF Q42=13] [SP] Q42a. You indicated that you do not remember the exact number of years you attended a full time Jewish day school. Was it… 1-3 years .................................................................... 1 4-8 years .................................................................... 2 9 years or more .......................................................... 3 [IF xRaise=1-6 OR Q3=1-6] [SP] Q43. While growing up, did you attend an overnight camp that had Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No ............................................................................. 2 [Q43=1] [SP] Q44. For how many years did you attend such a camp? 1 or less ..................................................................... 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 or more.................................................................... 8 [IF xRaise=1-6 OR Q3=1-6] [SP] Q44a. During your high school years, how frequently did you participate in a Jewish youth group, if at all? Never ......................................................................... 1 Rarely ......................................................................... 2 Sometimes ................................................................. 3 Often .......................................................................... 4 [IF Q44a=2-4] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q45. Did you participate in any of the following groups? Yes 1 No 2 BBYO (formerly the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization) NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) USY (United Synagogue Youth) NCSY (formerly the National Conference of Synagogue Youth) Young Judaea Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [IF xHSRIT=3 AND (Q3=1-6 or xRAISE=1-6)] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q46. During your high school years, did… Yes No 1 2 Someone in your home regularly light Shabbat candles? Your family hold or attend a seder? Your family keep kosher at home? [SP] Q47. During your high school years, how many of the people you considered to be your closest friends were Jewish? None .......................................................................... 1 Some .......................................................................... 2 About half ................................................................... 3 Most ........................................................................... 4 All .............................................................................. 5 [ASK IF xJDENOM=3 UNLESS Q6>2000] [SP] Q48. Thinking back 10 years ago, what Jewish denomination did you consider yourself to be? Conservative ......................................................... 1 Orthodox ............................................................... 2 Reform .................................................................. 3 Reconstructionist .................................................. 4 Just Jewish ........................................................... 5 Something else ..................................................... 6 Not Jewish ............................................................ 7 [IF Q48=6] [TEXTBOX] Q48a. You indicated that thinking back 10 years ago, you considered yourself to be of some other Jewish religious denomination not listed in the previous question. Please indicate your denomination here. [IF PPMARIT=1] [SP] Q48b. The following questions are about marriage. How many times have you been married? Once .......................................................................... 1 Twice .......................................................................... 2 Three times ................................................................ 3 Four times .................................................................. 4 Five times or more ..................................................... 5 [IF PPMARIT=1] [SP] Q8. [INSERT IF Q48b=2-5: Please answer all of the following questions about your CURRENT marriage.] In what year and month did your marriage begin? Month [DROP-DOWN, January to December]: Year [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010]: [IF PPMARIT=1 AND xSPARENT=6] [SP] Q10. Was your spouse raised by… Two Jews? ................................................................. 1 A Jew and a non-Jew? .............................................. 2 Two non-Jews? .......................................................... 3 A Jew? ....................................................................... 4 A non-Jew? ................................................................ 5 [IF xSPARENT=2 or 4 OR Q10=2 OR 4] [SP] Q11. [INSERT IF xSPARENT=2 OR 4: You previously indicated that your spouse was raised by one Jewish person.] Is the Jewish person who raised your spouse…? Male ........................................................................... 1 Female ....................................................................... 2 [IF PPMARIT=1 and xSRaise=6] [SP] Q12. Was your spouse raised… Jewish ........................................................................ 1 Protestant ................................................................... 2 Catholic ...................................................................... 3 No Religion ................................................................ 4 Other religion, please specify: [TEXTBOX] ........................................................... 5 [IF PPMARIT=1 and xSPOUSE=6] [SP] Q12a. Is your spouse currently… Jewish ........................................................................ 1 Protestant ................................................................... 2 Catholic ...................................................................... 3 No Religion ................................................................ 4 Other religion, please specify: [TEXTBOX] ........................................................... 5 [IF Q12a=1 OR xSPOUSE=1] [SP] Q13. Is your spouse currently… Secular/Culturally Jewish ........................................... 1 Just Jewish ................................................................ 2 Reform ....................................................................... 3 Conservative .............................................................. 4 Reconstructionist ....................................................... 5 Orthodox .................................................................... 6 No religion .................................................................. 7 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 8 [IF (xSPARENT=3 or 5 OR Q10=3 OR 5) AND (Q12a=1 OR xSPOUSE=1)] [SP] Q14. [INSERT IF (xSPARENT=3 or 5) OR xSPOUSE=1: You previously indicated that your spouse was raised by non-Jews and is currently Jewish.] Did your spouse have a formal conversion to Judaism? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q14=1] [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010] [PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE A SP “Don’t know” button below the number box. Can only be selected if no number is entered in the number box.] Q15. In what year did your spouse convert to Judaism? [IF Q15 “Don’t know” IS SELECTED] [SP] Q16. Did your spouse convert before you were married? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF PPMARIT=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q17. Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony? Yes 1 No 2 a. A rabbi or cantor b. A non-Jewish clergy member c. A non-religious officiant, such as a justice of the peace or a friend d. Another type of officiant, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [IF PPMARIT=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q18. Did your wedding ceremony include any of the following Jewish elements? Yes 1 No 2 a. Breaking a glass b. Signing a ketubah (Jewish marriage contract) c. A chuppah (Jewish wedding canopy) [SP] Q27. Think about where you were ONE year ago, in [INSERT INTERVIEW MONTH, E.G. “November”] of 2009. At that time, were you living…? In the same house or apartment in which you now live ................................................ 1 In a different house or apartment, but in the same city or town ............................................ 2 In a different city or town, but in the same state ............................................................ 3 In a different state ...................................................... 4 In a different country .................................................. 5 [IF Q27=4] [SP, DROP-DOWN] Q28. What state was that? 01 Alabama 02 Alaska 03 Arizona 05 California 07 Connecticut 09 District of Columbia 11 Georgia 13 Idaho 15 Indiana 17 Kansas 19 Louisiana 21 Maryland 23 Michigan 25 Mississippi 27 Montana 29 Nevada 31 New Jersey 33 New York 35 North Dakota 37 Oklahoma 39 Pennsylvania 41 South Carolina 43 Tennessee 45 Utah 47 Virginia 49 West Virginia 51 Wyoming 04 Arkansas 06 Colorado 08 Delaware 10 Florida 12 Hawaii 14 Illinois 16 Iowa 18 Kentucky 20 Maine 22 Massachusetts 24 Minnesota 26 Missouri 28 Nebraska 30 New Hampshire 32 New Mexico 34 North Carolina 36 Ohio 38 Oregon 40 Rhode Island 42 South Dakota 44 Texas 46 Vermont 48 Washington 50 Wisconsin 52 Other U.S. Territory [IF Q27=2-4] [NUMBER BOX, 5 DIGITS] Q29. If you remember, what was your 5-digit ZIP code? [IF Q27=5] [SP] Q30. What country was that? Canada ...................................................................... 2 Israel .......................................................................... 3 Former Soviet Union .................................................. 4 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 5 [SP] Q31. Think about where you were FIVE years ago, in [INSERT INTERVIEW MONTH, E.G. “November”] of 2005. At that time, were you living…? In the same house or apartment in which you now live ................................................ 1 In a different house or apartment, but in the same city or town ............................................ 2 In a different city or town, but in the same state ............................................................ 3 In a different state ...................................................... 4 In a different country .................................................. 5 [IF Q31=4] [SP, DROP-DOWN] Q32. What state was that? 01 Alabama 03 Arizona 05 California 07 Connecticut 09 District of Columbia 11 Georgia 13 Idaho 15 Indiana 17 Kansas 19 Louisiana 21 Maryland 23 Michigan 25 Mississippi 27 Montana 29 Nevada 31 New Jersey 33 New York 35 North Dakota 37 Oklahoma 39 Pennsylvania 41 South Carolina 43 Tennessee 45 Utah 47 Virginia 49 West Virginia 51 Wyoming 02 Alaska 04 Arkansas 06 Colorado 08 Delaware 10 Florida 12 Hawaii 14 Illinois 16 Iowa 18 Kentucky 20 Maine 22 Massachusetts 24 Minnesota 26 Missouri 28 Nebraska 30 New Hampshire 32 New Mexico 34 North Carolina 36 Ohio 38 Oregon 40 Rhode Island 42 South Dakota 44 Texas 46 Vermont 48 Washington 50 Wisconsin 52 Other U.S. Territory [IF Q31=2-4] [NUMBER BOX, 5 DIGITS] Q33. If you remember, what was your 5-digit ZIP code? [IF Q31=5] [SP] Q34. What country was that? Canada ...................................................................... 2 Israel .......................................................................... 3 Former Soviet Union .................................................. 4 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 5 [SP] Q35. Do you have a secondary place of residence, like a vacation home? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No 2 [IF Q35=1] [SP] Q36. Is your secondary place of residence in…? United States ............................................................. 1 Canada ...................................................................... 2 Israel .......................................................................... 3 Former Soviet Union .................................................. 4 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX]............................ 5 [IF Q36=1] [SP, DROP-DOWN] Q37. In what state is your secondary residence? 01 Alabama 03 Arizona 05 California 07 Connecticut 09 District of Columbia 11 Georgia 13 Idaho 15 Indiana 17 Kansas 19 Louisiana 21 Maryland 23 Michigan 25 Mississippi 27 Montana 29 Nevada 31 New Jersey 33 New York 35 North Dakota 37 Oklahoma 39 Pennsylvania 41 South Carolina 43 Tennessee 45 Utah 47 Virginia 49 West Virginia 51 Wyoming 02 Alaska 04 Arkansas 06 Colorado 08 Delaware 10 Florida 12 Hawaii 14 Illinois 16 Iowa 18 Kentucky 20 Maine 22 Massachusetts 24 Minnesota 26 Missouri 28 Nebraska 30 New Hampshire 32 New Mexico 34 North Carolina 36 Ohio 38 Oregon 40 Rhode Island 42 South Dakota 44 Texas 46 Vermont 48 Washington 50 Wisconsin 52 Other U.S. Territory [IF Q35=1] [SP] Q37a. In the past 12 months, how much time did you spend in your secondary place of residence? Fewer than 30 days ................................................... 1 1 to less than 3 months .............................................. 2 3 to less than 6 months .............................................. 3 6 months or more ....................................................... 4 [NUMBER BOXES] Q37c. How many children have you had in your lifetime? (If you had no children please enter 0 in each of the boxes.) Biological children: [NUMBER BOX, 0-10] Adopted children: [NUMBER BOX, 0-10] Other children: [NUMBER BOX, 0-10] [NUMBER BOX, 0-10] Q49. How many children ages 17 or younger CURRENTLY live in your household? [PROGRAMMER NOTE: CREATE GRID, FOR THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN INDICATED IN Q49. PLEASE SEE EXAMPLE BELOW] [IF Q49=1] Now we’d like to ask you some questions about this child age 17 or younger who lives in your household. [IF Q49>1] Now we’d like to ask you some questions about these children ages 17 or younger who live in your household. Please note that your child’s name will not be used for any purpose other than to reference him/her in this survey. [PROMPT ONCE] CINIT. Child’s name [TEXTBOX] CMOB. Month of Birth [DROPDOWN, JanDec] CYOB. Year of Birth [DROPDOWN, 19922010] Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 Child 6 Child 7 Child 8 Child 9 Child 10 [PROGRAMMER NOTE: CREATE DOV “KIDAGE” BY COMPUTING CHILD’S AGE FROM MONTH/YEAR COMBINATION. IF ONLY MONTH PROVIDED, DO NO COMPUTE. IF YEAR IS PROVIDED, COMPUTE. FOR TESTING PURPOSES, PLEASE SHOW DOV VARIABLE] [PROGRAMMER NOTE: POPULATE CHILD 1 TO CHILD 10 WITH INITIALS ENTERED IN Q49. IF nd rd INITIALS NOT ENTERED, REFER TO CHILD(REN) AS “1st child”, “2 child”, “3 child”, etc. IF ONLY ONE CHILD AND NO NAME IS PROVIDED, NO NEED TO INCLUDE REFERENCE TO CHILD. INSTEAD, USE SP ] [IF Q49>=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] [PROMPT ONCE] Q50. [IF Q49=1 “Is CHILD’S INITIAL your…”; IF Q49=1 AND IF MISSING NAME, “Is the child who lives in your household your…”; IF Q49>1 “Are the children who live in your household your…” st [IF MORE THAN 1 CHILD AND MISSING INITIALS, INSERT “1 child”, “2 nd child”, etc.] Biological child Adopted child Step-child 1 2 3 Other, please specify [TEXTBOX] 4 Child 1 initials Child 2 initials Child 3 initials Child 4 initials Child 5 initials Child 6 initials Child 7 initials Child 8 initials Child 9 initials Child 10 initials [IF Q49>=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] [PROMPT ONCE] Q52. [IF Q49=1, “Is CHILD’S INITIAL”; IF MISSING, INSERT “Is the child” / IF Q49>1 Are the children]… st [IF MORE THAN 1 CHILD AND MISSING INITIALS, INSERT “1 child”, “2 Male Female 1 2 nd child”, etc.] Child 1 initials Child 2 initials Child 3 initials Child 4 initials Child 5 initials Child 6 initials Child 7 initials Child 8 initials Child 9 initials Child 10 initials [IF Q49>=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] [PROMPT ONCE] Q53. [IF Q49=1] In what religion is [ CHILD’S INITIAL; IF MISSING, INSERT “the child”] being raised? [IF Q49>1] In what religion are these children being raised? st [IF MORE THAN 1 CHILD AND MISSING INITIALS, INSERT “1 child”, “2 nd child”, etc.] Jewish Jewish and another religion Protestant 1 2 3 Catholic No religion Have not decided yet 4 5 6 Something else, please specify: [TEXTBOX; SHOW FOR EACH ROW] 7 Child 1 initials Child 2 initials Child 3 initials Child 4 initials Child 5 initials Child 6 initials Child 7 initials Child 8 initials Child 9 initials Child 10 initials [PROGRAMMER NOTE: SHOW FOLLOWING DISPLAY IF TWO OR MORE CHILDREN. IF TWO OR MORE CHILDREN, RANDOMLY SELECT FROM BIOLOGICAL (Q50=1) AND ADOPTED CHILDREN (Q50=2). IF NO BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTED CHILDREN, RANDOMLY SELECT FROM OTHER CHILD (Q50=3 OR 4). We will be asking some questions about children in this survey. To save time, we will ask just about one of the children living in your household (randomly selected). For this survey, the child we will ask about is [SHOW INITIALS; IF MISSING, INSERT “your first child”, “your second child”, “your third child”], age [KIDAGE]. [IF KIDAGE IS MISSING, THEN PUT PERIOD AFTER INITIAL/CHILD. FOR Q54 TO Q77, CREATE DOV “SELECTCHILD” AND FILL IN WITH INITIALS FOR SELECTED CHILD, EVEN IF ONLY CHILD. IF INITALS ARE MISSING/REFUSED, FILL WITH “this child”] [DISPLAY] [IF Q52=1 FOR SELECTED CHILD] Q54. Did SELECTCHILD have a circumcision with a Jewish ceremony, that is, did he have a brit? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q52=2 FOR SELECTED CHILD] Q55. Was SELECTCHILD named at a Jewish ceremony, either in or out of a synagogue? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF SELECTCHILD IS NOT MISSING AND (xJParent=2,3,5 OR xSParent=2,3,5 OR Q1=2,3,5 OR Q10=2,3,5] [SP] Q56. Did SELECTCHILD have a birth or naming ceremony in a non-Jewish religious tradition, such as an infant baptism? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF CYOB=2005 to 2010 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q57. Does SELECTCHILD currently attend any school, preschool, nursery school or daycare? Yes ............................................................................. 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q57=1 AND KIDAGE=0-4 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [NUMBER BOX, 1-168] Q58. How many hours per week does SELECTCHILD attend school, preschool, nursery school or daycare? [IF Q57=1 AND KIDAGE=0-4 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [[NUMBER BOX, 0-168] Q59. How many hours does SELECTCHILD attend a school, preschool, nursery school or daycare under Jewish sponsorship? [IF Q59>0] [TEXTBOX] Q60. Who sponsors the program (e.g. synagogue, JCC, etc.)? [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q61. Has SELECTCHILD attended any type of school since September 2010? Yes ............................................................................. 1 Yes, home school ...................................................... 2 No .............................................................................. 3 [IF Q61=1 AND KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] Q62. Is SELECTCHILD in a… Public school or charter school .................................. 1 Jewish day school or yeshiva .................................... 2 Secular private school ............................................... 3 Non-Jewish religious private school .......................... 4 Some other form of schooling, please specify: [TEXTBOX] ............................................. 5 [IF Q61=1 or 2] [SP] Q63. In what grade or year is SELECTCHILD enrolled? 1st grade .................................................................... 1 2nd grade ................................................................... 2 3rd grade .................................................................... 3 4th grade .................................................................... 4 5th grade .................................................................... 5 6th grade .................................................................... 6 7th grade .................................................................... 7 8th grade .................................................................... 8 9th grade .................................................................... 9 10th grade ................................................................. 10 11th grade ................................................................. 11 12th grade ................................................................. 12 [IF Q62=2] [SP] Q64. For how many years has SELECTCHILD attended Jewish day school? 1 or fewer ................................................................... 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more................................................................. 12 [IF Q62=1,3,4,5] [SP] Q65. Did SELECTCHILD ever attend a Jewish day school or Yeshiva? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q65=1] [SP] Q66. For how many years did SELECTCHILD attend a Jewish day school or Yeshiva? 1 or fewer .................................................................. 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more ................................................................ 12 [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTCHILD] [SP] Q67. Did SELECTCHILD ever attend a supplementary Jewish school that met once a week, like a Sunday school? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q67=1] [SP] Q68. For how many years did SELECTCHILD attend a supplementary Jewish school that met once a week? 1 or fewer .................................................................. 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more ................................................................ 12 [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTCHILD] [SP] 18 Q69. Did SELECTCHILD ever attend a supplementary Jewish school that met several times a week, like Hebrew school? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q69=1] [SP] Q70. For how many years did SELECTCHILD attend a supplementary Jewish school that met several times a week? 1 or fewer .................................................................. 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more ................................................................ 12 [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTCHILD] [SP] Q71. Has SELECTCHILD ever had any religious education in a religion other than Judaism? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q71=1] [TEXTBOX] Q71a. Please describe the nature and duration of that religious education: [IF KIDAGE=12-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q72. In the past 12 months, how frequently did SELECTCHILD participate in a Jewish youth group, if at all? Never ......................................................................... 1 Rarely ........................................................................ 2 Occasionally .............................................................. 3 Often .......................................................................... 4 [IF Q72=2-4] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q73. In the past 12 months, did SELECTCHILD participate in any of the following groups? Yes No 19 1 2 BBYO (formerly the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization) NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) USY (United Synagogue Youth) NCSY (formerly the National Conference of Synagogue Youth) Young Judaea Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [IF KIDAGE=13-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q74a. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend or work at a summer SLEEP-AWAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF KIDAGE=8-12 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q74b. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend a summer SLEEP-AWAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q74a or Q74b=1] [SP] Q75. Did this sleep-away camp have Jewish religious services or other Jewish content? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF KIDAGE=13-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q76a. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend or work at a summer DAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF KIDAGE=3-12 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q76b. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend a summer DAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q76a or Q76b=1] [SP] Q77. Did this summer day camp have Jewish religious services or other Jewish content? 20 Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [GRID, SP ACROSS; RANDOMIZE AND RECORD] Q78. For you personally, to what extent does being Jewish mean being a member of ... Not at all A little Somewhat Very much 1 2 3 4 A nationality? A cultural group? An ethnic group? A lifestyle? A religious group? A people? [GRID, SP ACROSS] [RANDOMIZE AND RECORD] Q79. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 I have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people. I have a special responsibility to take care of Jews in need around the world. Overall, the fact that I am a Jew has very little to do with how I see myself. It’s important for me to have friends who share my way of being Jewish. When faced with an important life decision, I look to Judaism for guidance. I feel comfortable entering a Jewish place of worship. I feel confident that I can follow along in almost any Jewish religious service. [SP] Q80. The following questions ask about spirituality. Are you…? Very spiritual .............................................................. 1 Moderately spiritual ................................................... 2 Slightly spiritual ......................................................... 3 Not spiritual ............................................................... 4 [GRID,SP ACROSS] Q81. Do you experience a divine presence or God on occasions associated with…? No 1 Yes, rarely 2 Yes, sometimes 3 21 Yes, often 4 a. Organized Jewish religious services b. Jewish home rituals such as candle lighting c. Other Jewish religious context, please specify: [TEXTBOX] d. Other contexts, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [SP] Q84. The following questions are about Israel. How emotionally attached are you to Israel? Very ........................................................................... 1 Somewhat ................................................................. 2 Not very ..................................................................... 3 Not at all .................................................................... 4 [GRID, SP ACROSS] [3 TEXTBOXES] Q85. In the past 12 months, what are the 3 primary news sources (e.g., The New York Times) in which you have followed events about Israel? 1. 2. 3. [IF (Q24 NE 3 AND Q30 NE 3 AND Q34 NE3 AND Q36 NE 3)] [SP] Q86. Have you ever been to Israel? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q86=1] [SP] Q87. How many times have you been to Israel? Once .......................................................................... 1 Twice ......................................................................... 2 Three times ............................................................... 3 Four times ................................................................. 4 Five times or more..................................................... 5 [IF Q87=1] [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010] Q87a. In what year did you visit Israel? [IF PPAGE<=36] [SP] Q88. Did you ever apply to go on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip? Yes ............................................................................ 1 22 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q88=1 AND (Q86=1 or Q24=3 or Q30=3 or Q34=3 or Q36=3)] [SP] Q89. Did you ever go on a Birthright Israel trip? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q87=1 AND Q89=2] Q92. Was your visit with an organized Jewish group such as a synagogue, a youth group, or a federation? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q87=1] [SP] Q93. How long was that visit? Less than two weeks ................................................. 1 2 to 4 weeks .............................................................. 2 5 to 7 weeks .............................................................. 3 2 months to 8 months ................................................ 4 9 to 11 months ........................................................... 5 About a year .............................................................. 6 More than one year ................................................... 7 [SP] [IF Q87=2-5] Q97. How long was your longest visit to Israel? Less than two weeks ................................................. 1 2 to 4 weeks .............................................................. 2 5 to 7 weeks .............................................................. 3 2 months to 8 months ................................................ 4 9 to 11 months ........................................................... 5 About a year .............................................................. 6 More than one year ................................................... 7 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q98. Do you have contact with any of the following living in Israel? Yes No Not Applicable 1 2 3 23 First-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) Other relatives Close friends Business associates [SP] Q100. Do you have an Israeli passport? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q101. During the past 12 months, how often did you personally attend any type of synagogue, temple or organized Jewish religious service? Never ......................................................................... 1 Only for special occasions (e.g., weddings, bar/bat mitzvah celebrations) ......................................................... 2 Only on the High Holidays ......................................... 3 A few times ................................................................ 4 About once a month .................................................. 5 2 or 3 times a month .................................................. 6 About once a week .................................................... 7 Several times a week ................................................ 8 Every day .................................................................. 9 [IF Q101=2-9] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q102. At a Jewish religious service during the past 12 months, have you ... Yes No 1 2 Been called to the Torah for an aliyah Read Torah Chanted Haftarah Had another synagogue honor: [TEXTBOX] [SP] Q103. How often did you personally attend any event or religious service sponsored by ChabadLubavitch during the past 12 months? Never ......................................................................... 1 Once .......................................................................... 2 Two or three times..................................................... 3 Every few months ...................................................... 4 About once a month .................................................. 5 24 Two or three times a month....................................... 6 Once a week or more ................................................ 7 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q104. How often, if at all, does anyone in your household… Never Sometimes Usually Always 1 2 3 4 Light Shabbat candles on Friday night? Do anything else special to celebrate Shabbat? [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q108. Do you personally refrain from the following on Shabbat? Yes No 1 2 Handling or spending money Cooking Using electricity Driving [IF xSEDER=3] [SP] Q105. Last Passover, did you hold or attend a seder? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q107. Which of the following best describes your current practices regarding keeping kosher? Don't follow kosher rules at all ................................... 1 Follow some kosher rules (e.g. avoid pork, shellfish) ............................................. 2 Keep kosher only at home......................................... 3 Keep kosher all the time ............................................ 4 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q109. In the past 12 months did you … Yes No 1 2 Attend a brit or a Jewish baby naming ceremony? 25 Attend a bar/bat mitzvah celebration? Attend a Jewish wedding? Make a shivah call? [SP] Q110. If you were asked to read a text in Hebrew, how much would you understand? Don’t know Hebrew alphabet at all .......................................................................... 1 Can read the letters but not understand the words ........................................... 2 Some of what I read .................................................. 3 Most of what I read .................................................... 4 Everything I read ....................................................... 5 [SP] Q111. In the past 12 months, have you read or studied Tanach (the Hebrew bible) or Rabbinic texts? Never ................................................................ 1 Rarely ............................................................... 2 Occasionally ..................................................... 3 Often ................................................................. 4 [SP] Q112. In the past 12 months, have you read or studied other Jewish literature, such as Jewish philosophy, poetry, essays and novels? Never ..................................................................... 1 Rarely .................................................................. 2 Occasionally ........................................................ 3 Often .................................................................... 4 [SP] Q113. How many of the people you consider to be your closest friends are Jewish? None .......................................................................... 1 Some ......................................................................... 2 About half .................................................................. 3 Most ........................................................................... 4 All .............................................................................. 5 [MP] Q114. Do you, or does anyone in your household, belong to a synagogue, temple, minyan, or high holiday congregation? Yes, me ..................................................................... 1 Yes, someone else in my household ............................................................. 2 No .......................................................................... 3 [SP] 26 [IF Q114=1] [SP] Q115. Is that congregation…? Conservative ............................................................. 1 Orthodox .................................................................... 2 Reform ....................................................................... 3 Reconstructionist ....................................................... 4 Something else, please specify: [TEXTBOX] .......................................................... 5 [IF Q114=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116. Thinking about that congregation, how often do you… Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Often 4 Have contact with other members of the congregation away from the building? Participate in congregational activities apart from religious services? Engage in Jewish learning with the rabbi/cantor or others in the congregation? [IF Q114=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116a. Thinking about that congregation, to what extent… Not at all 1 A little 2 Somewhat 3 Very much 4 Are you warmly welcomed when you attend services at the congregation? Do you feel connected to the other members of the congregation? Do you feel connected to the rabbi/cantor or other leaders of the congregation? [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116b. In the past 12 months, have you asked a rabbi or cantor for guidance about… Yes 1 No 2 A lifecycle event (e.g., a birth, wedding or death)? A personal matter? A matter of Jewish law or guidance? [SP] Q117. During the past 12 months have you been a dues-paying member of a Jewish Community Center (JCC) or a YM / YWHA? Yes ............................................................................ 1 27 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q118. During the past 12 months, did you pay membership dues to any Jewish organization OTHER than a synagogue or a Jewish Community Center or YM/YWHA? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q119. Are you a member of a Jewish social club, such as a Jewish Men's/Women's Club or B'nai B'rith? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF xYOUNG=2] [SP] Q120. In the past 12 months, how often have you engaged in any volunteer activities? That is, actually working in any way to help others for no pay like tutoring, coaching, or working in a soup kitchen? Never ......................................................................... 1 Once .......................................................................... 2 2-3 times .................................................................... 3 Every few months ...................................................... 4 Once a month ............................................................ 5 More than once a month ........................................... 6 [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTCHILD] [SP] Q69. Did SELECTCHILD ever attend a supplementary Jewish school that met several times a week, like Hebrew school? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q69=1] [SP] Q70. For how many years did SELECTCHILD attend a supplementary Jewish school that met several times a week? 1 or fewer .................................................................. 1 2 .............................................................................. 2 3 .............................................................................. 3 4 .............................................................................. 4 5 .............................................................................. 5 6 .............................................................................. 6 7 .............................................................................. 7 8 .............................................................................. 8 28 9 .............................................................................. 9 10 ............................................................................. 10 11 ............................................................................. 11 12 or more ................................................................ 12 [IF KIDAGE=5-17 FOR SELECTCHILD] [SP] Q71. Has SELECTCHILD ever had any religious education in a religion other than Judaism? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q71=1] [TEXTBOX] Q71a. Please describe the nature and duration of that religious education: [IF KIDAGE=12-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q72. In the past 12 months, how frequently did SELECTCHILD participate in a Jewish youth group, if at all? Never ......................................................................... 1 Rarely ........................................................................ 2 Occasionally .............................................................. 3 Often .......................................................................... 4 [IF Q72=2-4] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q73. In the past 12 months, did SELECTCHILD participate in any of the following groups? Yes 1 No 2 BBYO (formerly the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization) NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) USY (United Synagogue Youth) NCSY (formerly the National Conference of Synagogue Youth) Young Judaea Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [IF KIDAGE=13-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q74a. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend or work at a summer SLEEP-AWAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 29 [IF KIDAGE=8-12 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q74b. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend a summer SLEEP-AWAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q74a or Q74b=1] [SP] Q75. Did this sleep-away camp have Jewish religious services or other Jewish content? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF KIDAGE=13-17 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q76a. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend or work at a summer DAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF KIDAGE=3-12 FOR SELECTED CHILD] [SP] Q76b. During the past year, did SELECTCHILD attend a summer DAY camp? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q76a or Q76b=1] [SP] Q77. Did this summer day camp have Jewish religious services or other Jewish content? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [GRID, SP ACROSS; RANDOMIZE AND RECORD] Q78. For you personally, to what extent does being Jewish mean being a member of ... Not at all A little Somewhat Very much 1 2 3 4 A nationality? A cultural group? An ethnic group? A lifestyle? A religious group? A people? 30 [GRID, SP ACROSS] [RANDOMIZE AND RECORD] Q79. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 I have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people. I have a special responsibility to take care of Jews in need around the world. Overall, the fact that I am a Jew has very little to do with how I see myself. It’s important for me to have friends who share my way of being Jewish. When faced with an important life decision, I look to Judaism for guidance. I feel comfortable entering a Jewish place of worship. I feel confident that I can follow along in almost any Jewish religious service. [SP] Q80. The following questions ask about spirituality. Are you…? Very spiritual .............................................................. 1 Moderately spiritual ................................................... 2 Slightly spiritual ......................................................... 3 Not spiritual ............................................................... 4 [GRID,SP ACROSS] Q81. Do you experience a divine presence or God on occasions associated with…? No 1 Yes, rarely 2 Yes, sometimes 3 Yes, often 4 a. Organized Jewish religious services b. Jewish home rituals such as candle lighting c. Other Jewish religious context, please specify: [TEXTBOX] d. Other contexts, please specify: [TEXTBOX] [SP] Q84. The following questions are about Israel. How emotionally attached are you to Israel? Very ........................................................................... 1 Somewhat ................................................................. 2 Not very ..................................................................... 3 Not at all .................................................................... 4 [GRID, SP ACROSS] [3 TEXTBOXES] 31 Q85. In the past 12 months, what are the 3 primary news sources (e.g., The New York Times) in which you have followed events about Israel? 1. 2. 3. [IF (Q24 NE 3 AND Q30 NE 3 AND Q34 NE3 AND Q36 NE 3)] [SP] Q86. Have you ever been to Israel? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q86=1] [SP] Q87. How many times have you been to Israel? Once .......................................................................... 1 Twice ......................................................................... 2 Three times ............................................................... 3 Four times ................................................................. 4 Five times or more..................................................... 5 [IF Q87=1] [NUMBER BOX, 1900-2010] Q87a. In what year did you visit Israel? [IF PPAGE<=36] [SP] Q88. Did you ever apply to go on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q88=1 AND (Q86=1 or Q24=3 or Q30=3 or Q34=3 or Q36=3)] [SP] Q89. Did you ever go on a Birthright Israel trip? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q87=1 AND Q89=2] Q92. Was your visit with an organized Jewish group such as a synagogue, a youth group, or a federation? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 32 [IF Q87=1] [SP] Q93. How long was that visit? Less than two weeks ................................................. 1 2 to 4 weeks .............................................................. 2 5 to 7 weeks .............................................................. 3 2 months to 8 months ................................................ 4 9 to 11 months ........................................................... 5 About a year .............................................................. 6 More than one year ................................................... 7 [SP] [IF Q87=2-5] Q97. How long was your longest visit to Israel? Less than two weeks ................................................. 1 2 to 4 weeks .............................................................. 2 5 to 7 weeks .............................................................. 3 2 months to 8 months ................................................ 4 9 to 11 months ........................................................... 5 About a year .............................................................. 6 More than one year ................................................... 7 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q98. Do you have contact with any of the following living in Israel? Yes No Not Applicable 1 2 3 First-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) Other relatives Close friends Business associates [SP] Q100. Do you have an Israeli passport? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q101. During the past 12 months, how often did you personally attend any type of synagogue, temple or organized Jewish religious service? Never ......................................................................... 1 33 Only for special occasions (e.g., weddings, bar/bat mitzvah celebrations) ......................................................... 2 Only on the High Holidays ......................................... 3 A few times ................................................................ 4 About once a month .................................................. 5 2 or 3 times a month .................................................. 6 About once a week .................................................... 7 Several times a week ................................................ 8 Every day .................................................................. 9 [IF Q101=2-9] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q102. At a Jewish religious service during the past 12 months, have you ... Yes No 1 2 Been called to the Torah for an aliyah Read Torah Chanted Haftarah Had another synagogue honor: [TEXTBOX] [SP] Q103. How often did you personally attend any event or religious service sponsored by ChabadLubavitch during the past 12 months? Never ......................................................................... 1 Once .......................................................................... 2 Two or three times..................................................... 3 Every few months ...................................................... 4 About once a month .................................................. 5 Two or three times a month....................................... 6 Once a week or more ................................................ 7 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q104. How often, if at all, does anyone in your household… Never Sometimes Usually Always 1 2 3 4 Light Shabbat candles on Friday night? Do anything else special to celebrate Shabbat? [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q108. Do you personally refrain from the following on Shabbat? 34 Yes No 1 2 Handling or spending money Cooking Using electricity Driving [IF xSEDER=3] [SP] Q105. Last Passover, did you hold or attend a seder? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q107. Which of the following best describes your current practices regarding keeping kosher? Don't follow kosher rules at all ................................... 1 Follow some kosher rules (e.g. avoid pork, shellfish) ............................................. 2 Keep kosher only at home......................................... 3 Keep kosher all the time ............................................ 4 [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q109. In the past 12 months did you … Yes No 1 2 Attend a brit or a Jewish baby naming ceremony? Attend a bar/bat mitzvah celebration? Attend a Jewish wedding? Make a shivah call? [SP] Q110. If you were asked to read a text in Hebrew, how much would you understand? Don’t know Hebrew alphabet at all .......................................................................... 1 Can read the letters but not understand the words ........................................... 2 Some of what I read .................................................. 3 Most of what I read .................................................... 4 Everything I read ....................................................... 5 [SP] 35 Q111. In the past 12 months, have you read or studied Tanach (the Hebrew bible) or Rabbinic texts? Never ................................................................ 1 Rarely ............................................................... 2 Occasionally ..................................................... 3 Often ................................................................. 4 [SP] Q112. In the past 12 months, have you read or studied other Jewish literature, such as Jewish philosophy, poetry, essays and novels? Never ..................................................................... 1 Rarely .................................................................. 2 Occasionally ........................................................ 3 Often .................................................................... 4 [SP] Q113. How many of the people you consider to be your closest friends are Jewish? None .......................................................................... 1 Some ......................................................................... 2 About half .................................................................. 3 Most ........................................................................... 4 All .............................................................................. 5 [MP] Q114. Do you, or does anyone in your household, belong to a synagogue, temple, minyan, or high holiday congregation? Yes, me ..................................................................... 1 Yes, someone else in my household ............................................................. 2 No .......................................................................... 3 [SP] [IF Q114=1] [SP] Q115. Is that congregation…? Conservative ............................................................. 1 Orthodox .................................................................... 2 Reform ....................................................................... 3 Reconstructionist ....................................................... 4 Something else, please specify: [TEXTBOX] .......................................................... 5 [IF Q114=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116. Thinking about that congregation, how often do you… Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 36 Often 4 Have contact with other members of the congregation away from the building? Participate in congregational activities apart from religious services? Engage in Jewish learning with the rabbi/cantor or others in the congregation? [IF Q114=1] [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116a. Thinking about that congregation, to what extent… Not at all 1 A little 2 Somewhat 3 Very much 4 Are you warmly welcomed when you attend services at the congregation? Do you feel connected to the other members of the congregation? Do you feel connected to the rabbi/cantor or other leaders of the congregation? [GRID, SP ACROSS] Q116b. In the past 12 months, have you asked a rabbi or cantor for guidance about… Yes 1 No 2 A lifecycle event (e.g., a birth, wedding or death)? A personal matter? A matter of Jewish law or guidance? [SP] Q117. During the past 12 months have you been a dues-paying member of a Jewish Community Center (JCC) or a YM / YWHA? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q118. During the past 12 months, did you pay membership dues to any Jewish organization OTHER than a synagogue or a Jewish Community Center or YM/YWHA? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [SP] Q119. Are you a member of a Jewish social club, such as a Jewish Men's/Women's Club or B'nai B'rith? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 37 [IF xYOUNG=2] [SP] Q120. In the past 12 months, how often have you engaged in any volunteer activities? That is, actually working in any way to help others for no pay like tutoring, coaching, or working in a soup kitchen? Never ......................................................................... 1 Once .......................................................................... 2 2-3 times .................................................................... 3 Every few months ...................................................... 4 Once a month ............................................................ 5 More than once a month ........................................... 6 IF Q120=2-6] [SP] Q122. In the past 12 months, what portion of your volunteer work was under Jewish sponsorship? None .......................................................................... 1 A little ......................................................................... 2 About half .................................................................. 3 Most ........................................................................... 4 All .............................................................................. 5 [SP] Q123. In the past 12 months, did you make any charitable contributions to any cause or organization (other than membership dues)? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q123=1] [SP] Q124. In the past 12 months, what portion of your charitable giving was to Jewish or Israeli organizations or causes? None .......................................................................... 1 Less than half ............................................................ 2 About half .................................................................. 3 Most ........................................................................... 4 All .............................................................................. 5 [IF Q124=2-5] [SP] Q125. In 2010, did you or anyone in your household make a monetary contribution to a Jewish Federations of North America campaign? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 38 [SP] Q19. Are you currently attending any type of school? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No 2 [IF Q19=1] [SP] Q20. What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in? High school or less .................................................... 1 Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.) ....................................................................... 2 Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.) ............................... 3 Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.) ............................................................ 4 Professional degree (JD, MD, etc) ........................................................................ 5 Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)....................................... 6 Other, please specify: [TEXTBOX] .......................................................... 7 [IF Q19=1] [SP] Q21. Do you attend school…? Full-time ..................................................................... 1 Part-time .................................................................... 2 [SP] Q126. Are you currently… Employed either full- or parttime ....................................................................... 1 Retired ....................................................................... 2 A homemaker ............................................................ 3 A student ................................................................... 4 Unemployed and looking for work ...................................................................... 5 Unemployed and not looking for work ...................................................................... 6 Disabled and unable to work ..................................... 7 Something else, please specify: [TEXTBOX] .......................................................... 8 [Q126=1] [NUMBER BOX, 1-168] Q127. How many hours do you work for pay in a typical work week? [Q126=1] [SP] Q128. Do you work for pay in or on behalf of the Jewish community or Israel? 39 Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 [IF Q128=1] [TEXTBOX] Q129. What do you do? [SP] Q129a. Which one of these statements best describes your household’s financial situation? Can’t make ends meet .............................................. 1 Just managing ........................................................... 2 Comfortable ............................................................... 3 Very comfortable ....................................................... 4 Wealthy...................................................................... 5 [CLOSE STATEMENT] Thinking about your Jewish identity, do you have any comments you would like to share? 40